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← 2016-06-28 | 2016-06-30 →
00:01 asciilifeform unsurprisingly the cheap boxes are in the free-fire zone
00:04 mircea_popescu rather than a bs "here's some colors because we're from the special needs kindergarten", could "the baltimore expert guy" instead provide a heatmap with all the murders, stabbings, whatnot ? could have a little card, date, people involved, etc.
00:04 mircea_popescu police still publishes these i imagine. day and half worth of intern's time.
00:06 mircea_popescu (yes, /me suspects he's ~mostly eating shit. baltimore homicide rate still the same 30ish / 100k it's anywhere else ; rape with violence the same 40, robbery the same 500, assault the same 500, etc.)
00:07 mircea_popescu now, it's true that baltimore was scoring ~400 homicides / 100k, which IS notable, though perhaps a tad short for what he's depicting. nevertheless - that was in the early 90s.
00:07 asciilifeform these are elsewhere
00:07 asciilifeform b00lcrap had one
00:07 trinque asciilifeform │ wtf does it mean to 'cost' the folks with the printing press something. << same as it cost whatever fake "elite" zimbabwe had, but more spectacularly?
00:09 mircea_popescu ftr, new york is also at ~30 homicides / 100k.
00:11 mircea_popescu trinque nah, zimbabwe borrows in dollars.
00:13 trinque his $turkeys are all assets that aren't
00:15 trinque they own the same number of lockheed martins and johnson and johnson's, and this is separate and untouchable, meanwhile the currency that flows through their veins evaporates?
00:16 trinque this is nonsense
00:16 asciilifeform the numbers are not so interesting
00:16 asciilifeform low on account of meat depletion.
00:17 trinque some of the people at the "top" of the US economy might survive just like some in the USSR did
00:17 trinque most wont
00:18 trinque or does some consumer products company somehow "pivot" to surviving a situation where consumers don't have money
00:18 trinque and if not, then the "wealth" of most of those lizards vanishes
00:18 asciilifeform trinque: you'd be surprised
00:19 asciilifeform ~somebody~ always has money.
00:21 trinque gotta have trade volume to sustain a market
00:21 trinque you can't just have infinite turkeys and nothing moving
00:24 trinque wealth has both to do with what you have and also what you can get for it
00:24 trinque you've observed some things can't be had for any price depending on the configuration of the world at that time
00:24 trinque or at all, if the ask is a poorly formed question
00:26 asciilifeform http://crimebaltimore.com << but scam. the 'shootings' in particular -- they have these automated detectors, one cannot infer that ~somebody~ caught the bullet
00:26 trinque as their ability to wield economic activity in the world declines, they grow smaller and less powerful
00:27 trinque this is the fucking definition of power
~ 19 minutes ~
00:46 * adlai waves
00:46 trinque ohey, you're alive
00:46 trinque how goes?
00:46 adlai live but krazy!
00:47 adlai it's worth taking antipsychotics for the amazing clarity you get once you stop taking them
00:48 mats i'm sorry to hear that
00:48 adlai i'm glad to have stopped! and have found again the motivation to bitcoin
00:49 trinque https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDdzPzk-e-U << I've never heard a worse bunch of dickless cucks.
00:49 adlai it also helps that bitcoin has found the motivation to do the dance again, timed well with my asylum exit
00:50 trinque now try not frying yourself with acid or whatever
00:50 trinque or do, and explain to asciilifeform what can happen when you over-leverage yourself
00:50 trinque "but my true worth is denominated in the love of god!"
00:54 adlai my true worth, unlike my net worth, is denominated in TruCoin (tm) (c,) (r) (coming soon to an altcoin daemon near you!)
00:56 * adlai studies https://online-go.com/puzzle/2907 (HTML5 turd containing the first third of Cho Chikun's "Encyclopedia of Life & Death")
00:57 adlai if you're new at this - the whole point is to do the trial and error in your head. if the computer move surprises you, you have to hit reset and stare at the setup for another fifteen seconds
00:57 trinque this "EU parliament" room is terrible, looks like a shitty state college lecture hall
00:58 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492578 << not so much nonsense. currency has a major future-looking function.
00:58 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 04:16 trinque: this is nonsense
00:59 mircea_popescu this was true even in the old days of gold coins. consider the case of two neighbouring countries, each with the same exact mirror arrangements, same pop count, same 100 tons of gold total, circulating as 100mn 1gram pieces.
00:59 trinque if I had 40 billion turkey dollars and suddenly had to divest from USD denominated assets and companies that relied on consumer spending, where would I go?
01:00 mircea_popescu the half to the left gets attacked by the huns ; the half to the right has some derp discover the indies and goes into trade mode, florence style.
01:00 mircea_popescu now, the average coin piece in the left changes hands once a year. for safety. this means the circulation (ie, notional market, in the primitive sense this works then) is ~100mn pcs/year.
01:01 mircea_popescu meanwhile on the right, each coin piece changes hands once a week. for trade! thismeans the circulation is about 5bn pcs/year
01:01 mircea_popescu suddenly you can appreciate the macrofinance problems.
01:02 mircea_popescu when people get excited the "monetary mass" (which is not directly equivalent to the pedestrian notion of money) expands. when people flee to safety, it contracts.
01:02 mircea_popescu and all this happens without any sort of cheating needed or implied.
01:03 trinque yep. what I question is how a massive contraction, in a situation where it's *all* notional and wtf is actually valuable, would *not* harm lizard whoever.
01:03 mircea_popescu well, that's problematic, in no small part because of the traditional villain "ha-ha! it was my plan all along!"
01:06 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492583 << actually that happened in the 90s. all the jam tomorrow "web as a business" "venture capital" bs is exactly that - pivoting to try and survive the situation where consumers don't have money. pretend data is valuable and someone cares, pretend advertising is a business, get people to "invest" in this nonsense, it's a thing.
01:06 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 04:18 trinque: or does some consumer products company somehow "pivot" to surviving a situation where consumers don't have money
01:06 trinque yeah, pivoting towards death, not out of the way of it
01:06 mircea_popescu myeah. it's a thing looking just about ready to deflate worth a trn or two.
01:15 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492599 << - >> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-05-15#1132722
01:15 a111 Logged on 2015-05-15 04:41 mircea_popescu: there is that rabi and goats story, but no.
01:15 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 04:47 adlai: it's worth taking antipsychotics for the amazing clarity you get once you stop taking them
01:21 adlai exactly this. the neuroleptic goat has its place alongside the tolerance break and other shirts of assorted hairyness
01:25 mircea_popescu "One cannot imagine Ethereum community doing nothing in response to an existential hack. Doing nothing would say we lack courage and we let thieves walk away with their loot. HF is a must now. The community is reaching a new consensus."
01:25 mircea_popescu ethereum community reads more and more like paycoin community.
01:25 mircea_popescu anyone remember paycoin ?
01:25 mircea_popescu anyway. existential hacks!
01:25 adlai honestly, why even bother with a fork at this point. just reset the testnet, call it "The Next Frontier"
01:26 mircea_popescu adlai forced mistakes ; long string thereof.
01:26 adlai this is the cheapest fix: reset the chain
01:26 adlai it's what testnet does whenever it gets too fucked
01:26 adlai and ethereum is a billion dollar testnet
01:27 mircea_popescu lol. "billion" dollar. currently usg self-trading on poloniex just about 99.999%
01:28 adlai sure. but this "usg" is still a bunch of smart muppets scamming the stupid muppets, money is changing hands
01:28 mircea_popescu nope, not really. pretty much one single party wash-trading.
01:28 adlai but i agree with you in the sense of "coin moves from stupid pocket to smart"
01:29 mircea_popescu the stupid consist of cents and dimes, sum to a thousand dollars if that.
01:29 adlai the truly stupid suddenly remember last week to forget their presale password. true story (not mine)
01:30 adlai but it reminded me of "anton_osika"! remember anton, kids?
01:30 adlai don't be anton.
~ 15 minutes ~
01:46 BingoBoingo Nah anton forgot his contract with mp signing key
~ 2 hours 28 minutes ~
04:14 adlai misplacing a key and misremembering a password are the same class of fuckup
04:19 * adlai told his shrink, as an example of "delusions", about ''meta-#ba''
04:19 * adlai told his #t, as an example of "truth" (Schemers Hate Him!), about ''shrink''
~ 59 minutes ~
05:18 * ben_vulpes went to procure a server today (8 cores! 3.33 ghz! 32 gb of ram! probably the heaviest individual slice of computronium i've ever hefted) to find that it was previously operated by a local company of some amount of repute.
05:19 ben_vulpes while picking delicately through the trash in the 2br housing lord only knows how many ops monkeys it came up that the machine was in no way deprovisioned.
05:20 ben_vulpes i am torn - on one hand, this is a marvelously spiffy box. on the other - what treasures might lie on those hdds?!
~ 2 hours 48 minutes ~
08:09 thestringpuller https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0075.mediawiki << The first of many AML/KYC improvements proposed by derps to add to bitcoin.
~ 1 hours 52 minutes ~
10:01 asciilifeform ;;later tell ben_vulpes http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492654 >> << http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/cff36f92-0107-4529-95d2-89ba47848a3a/?raw=true
10:01 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 09:20 ben_vulpes: i am torn - on one hand, this is a marvelously spiffy box. on the other - what treasures might lie on those hdds?!
10:01 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:05 shinohai https://github.com/ethcore/parity/pull/1483/files The dao is still down -12.19 %. Here's a provisional hard fork to make it all better.
~ 43 minutes ~
10:49 asciilifeform assert_eq!(a.code_hash().hex(), "af231e631776a517ca23125370d542873eca1fb4d613ed9b5d5335a46ae5b7eb"); << l0l!
10:54 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492655 << gold!11 'permissioned payment'
10:54 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 12:09 thestringpuller: https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0075.mediawiki << The first of many AML/KYC improvements proposed by derps to add to bitcoin.
10:54 asciilifeform 'slow paypal'
11:03 deedbot [Qntra] Microsoft Withdraws Paid Fitness App, Existing Users To Lose Access - http://qntra.net/2016/06/microsoft-withdraws-paid-fitness-app-existing-users-to-lose-access/
11:17 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1492472 << to truly round up yesterday's derp list, one has to mention the dejavu "security" team (aptly named, seriously, we've seen this nonsense more than enough times before from the sort of posturing idiots without a wot presence) : akshay aggarwal, "a passionate entrepreneur", adam cecchetti, "ceo", michael eddington, "cto", see https://archive.is/JqJos
11:17 a111 Logged on 2016-06-28 22:19 mircea_popescu: and to round the lolz farm, " The code was open-sourced on March 3rd, so experts had almost two months to find vulnerabilities before it was deployed. It was also audited (at an alleged cost of $250k) by the same firm that audited geth before the frontier launch." (you remember, by the "dejavu" derps, that proud scion of bitcoin security of bitcoinica days. https://archive.is/yZ0ke )
11:18 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: typically this 'audit for hire' crapolade is simply meat-powered 'lint'
11:18 asciilifeform (if that.)
11:20 asciilifeform strangely enough, afaik the only folks who can afford the Real Deal are - usg. but in this case they skimped ? go figure.
11:20 mircea_popescu meanwhile, ethereum itself is brought to you by ming chan, "an mit alumna", vitalik buterin, which you no doubt remember as an obscure bitcoin punk, jeffrey wilcke, bernd lapp ("bern lapp's background and experience in management experience spawns many years"), stefano bertolo, yessin schiegg, willioam mougayar, thomas greco (omise), and vladislav martynov. see https://archive.is/Se89j
11:22 asciilifeform 'Stefano Bertolo is a civil servant advising the Foundation in a strictly personal capacity with the formal permission of his employer. ' << holy shit, srs?
11:22 asciilifeform right in the bio?
11:22 mircea_popescu and to not forget the various other usg tools with a more remote, disavowed involvement : gavin andresen, emin gun sirer, and a whole list of various derps who unilaterally claim involvement : amir chetrit, anthony di iorio, gavin woon, joseph lubin etc,
11:24 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'Всіх панів до 'дної ями, Буржуїв за буржуями. Будем, будем бить! Будем, будем бить!' (tm) (r) (Павло Тичина)
11:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the minj chick is the equivalent of the akshay aggarwal doofus. recall the fabulous case of the famous mr chowdhry http://btcbase.org/log/2015-11-15#1324477 ? or the fascinating case of mr bharara http://qntra.net/2015/04/judge-preet-bhararas-brinkmanship-endangers-fair-trials/ ? or the betrayer shkreli ?
11:25 a111 Logged on 2015-11-15 00:40 mircea_popescu: http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/faculty/finance/faculty/chowdhry << in case you're wondering what the vermin usg has created looks like.
11:25 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/pastes/88eaf4d7-8a7b-4eb5-9864-7d07c84267d0/?raw=true
11:25 mircea_popescu it's an underclass of capons the empire is promoting, the equivalent of the roman libertus.
11:26 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: ah, snore.
11:26 mircea_popescu they're usually central/east asians for a good reason : the "government is all things" mentality is not commonly found outside of that shithole. there, it's part of the culture.
11:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i worked with these folks for many years.
11:27 asciilifeform it is precisely as mircea_popescu describes.
11:27 mircea_popescu aha. usually they start as http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-28#1491735 and advance from there.
11:27 a111 Logged on 2016-06-28 00:29 asciilifeform: (politruk)
11:27 asciilifeform though not this
11:27 asciilifeform at least in asciilifeform's experience, these folks are entirely disjoint with the 'sexism politruk' etc. business
11:27 asciilifeform strictly technical
11:28 asciilifeform tunnel vision to the max
11:28 mircea_popescu eh, the ones that start in engineering / actual work roles usually end up "managing" a project/team, not really selected for chen minjness.
11:28 asciilifeform aha them
11:28 mircea_popescu still the same substance. i entertain no distinction.
11:29 mircea_popescu so drone wants to be ant rather than bee. whoopee. still drone.
11:31 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492644 << amusingly, judging by the comment count on the official announcement of the latest blunder ("for best results running our fix for the attack - please don't run it at all!"), even 1k total seems exaggerated. ethereum is dead as disco, will take at least 6 months to re-inflate. prolly more like 18. and i somehow doubt the "many years spanned by experience in experience" people have t
11:31 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 05:29 mircea_popescu: the stupid consist of cents and dimes, sum to a thousand dollars if that.
11:31 mircea_popescu he attention span.
11:31 mircea_popescu so we'll be hit by a new raft of faces with bios and empty heads.
11:32 asciilifeform not as if there is any shortage of these.
11:32 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-27#1491353 << can be had by the 100s for 100s.
11:32 a111 Logged on 2016-06-27 18:17 phf: you get a balmore workshop not because it's a conan thing to do, but because you're insane and need to paint astral vaginas whether or not there's market for it, and you can afford to pay $90/mo (sometimes late) for your apartment and $100/mo (mostly late) for your studio
11:34 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: where ?
11:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform same place you get the young whores. hipster part of town.
11:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: free-standing box ? nope
11:35 mircea_popescu hm ?
11:35 asciilifeform or is this a 'seekrit evidence', 'your prices are not the real prices!1111' thing
11:35 mircea_popescu i think the convo might have spliced. what do you mean ?
11:35 asciilifeform the 'baltimore workshops' thread
11:36 asciilifeform a couple days ago i did experiment, 'what is the cheapest box one can buy title to in bmore, where the roof is intact and inside is not full of vermin and rubble'
11:36 asciilifeform it ended in a very interesting place, btw
11:36 mircea_popescu this is not what was contemplated at all, is it now.
11:36 asciilifeform a few dozen folks promising to return call, and 0 did.
11:36 mircea_popescu title ? none of these people ever had or wish to ever have title to anything.
11:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i thought you were getting merged visits and stuff ?
11:37 asciilifeform was ~promised~
11:37 asciilifeform see, difference.
11:37 mircea_popescu problem is they might have figured you're not in the demo.
11:37 asciilifeform five tonnes of promise, 0 gram of goodz.
11:37 asciilifeform aha!!!
11:37 asciilifeform was my thought.
11:37 asciilifeform and pet's
11:37 mircea_popescu which really, you aren't.
11:37 asciilifeform noshit.jpg
11:38 mircea_popescu so then what's all this to do with what we were discussing.
11:38 asciilifeform well real estate is supposedly this thing that you can buy with money
11:38 asciilifeform like so many tonnes of bauxite
11:38 mircea_popescu for some values of you and money.
11:38 mircea_popescu if the log scatters of discussions of my buys hasn't illuminated the matter yet lol.
11:38 mircea_popescu and you can't buy bauxite, either.
11:39 asciilifeform i beg to differ.
11:39 asciilifeform but yes some items are prolly only available by the megatonne.
11:39 asciilifeform (si fab etc.)
11:39 mircea_popescu not so : they'll ask where you want it delivered, you'll give a residential address, they'll drop the inquiry.
11:39 mircea_popescu no warehouse, no bauxite.
11:39 asciilifeform so i get them in my corp addr.
11:39 asciilifeform sop.
11:40 mircea_popescu people who do shipping know where proper loading docks are. you don't give them one of those, you don't trade.
11:40 mircea_popescu and forget stuff like bauxite. you can't have as much as a truckload of books delivered by printer.
11:40 asciilifeform i beg to differ.
11:40 asciilifeform but i see the general point.
11:40 asciilifeform can't take delivery of plutonium here, no.
11:41 mircea_popescu well, what can i tell you. if he uses proper truck is likely unionized, and if he is, he can't do it even if he wants to.
11:41 asciilifeform but to briefly return to thread, who the hell ARE they for
11:41 mircea_popescu they what ?
11:42 asciilifeform lafond's 'big mama' sure as fuck isn't buying 25k houses
11:42 asciilifeform she rents 'section 8'-compatible flat
11:42 mircea_popescu ah, the demo ? usually, russian immigrants, old white guys with a history of dealing with criminals for whatever reason (pond shop owner, public defender, etc)
11:42 mircea_popescu they buy the stuff, run the rookery, usually make a thin profit.
11:42 shinohai http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/jun/29/misty-snow-and-misty-plowright-two-transgender-can/ <<< If they win, which restroom will they use?
11:43 asciilifeform and how did the banks know that i ain't sufficiently many of these things ?
11:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform think of it as the equivalent of mining for street power blockchain
11:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform because you called them.
11:44 mircea_popescu if the question "who is this guy" forms, and the answer is not on a post-it on monitor, you're not in the demo.
11:44 asciilifeform so as i suspected, the front door is a sham
11:44 mircea_popescu what front door isn't ever a sham ?
11:44 asciilifeform and exists to satisfy some obscure bureaucratic tickbox
11:44 mircea_popescu no, it exists because walled off storefronts don't look good.
11:44 asciilifeform ~=
11:45 mircea_popescu anyway. if you run one of these you run it because you want a steady supply of whores and thugs, not because you expect roi on the rents.
11:45 mircea_popescu and if you end up buying for the wrong reasons on the wrong expectations you'll have to be killed.
11:45 mircea_popescu so basically... thank the bank. saved your life, and saved the city a grease spot removal bill.
11:46 mircea_popescu banks never get any credit.
11:46 asciilifeform mircea_popescu might have a somewhat distorted picture of bmore. most of these boxes aren't mega-profitable dens of vice, but empty and full of rubble.
11:46 mircea_popescu so ?
11:46 mircea_popescu what, most hashes don't produce anything either.
11:46 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: dead as disco << hey. hey. disco is kinda cool. daft punk's newest album is straight disco.
11:46 mircea_popescu thestringpuller everything comes back, it's the law of the zombie : it pops.
11:47 thestringpuller "A wise man once said that nothing really dies. It just comes back in a new form. Then he died. So, next time you see a lowly salamander, think twice before you step on it; it might be you."
11:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform empty and full of rubble does wonders to keep hopes down (and hope, expectation of future, TRULY is the mind eater for usians. be hopeless, you win.) and officious intermeddlers at a distance sufficient to breed actual people with some frequency.
11:48 deedbot [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] From the scammer files: Anthony Di Iorio. - http://www.contravex.com/2016/06/29/from-the-scammer-files-anthony-di-iorio/
11:48 asciilifeform this bizarro world where ghetto rats are 'actual people' is an interesting place.
11:49 mircea_popescu asciilifeform the rats themselves, no. but actual people, you'll find there rather than in office parking lot, or at nsa building, or working the cubical.
11:49 asciilifeform this may be.
11:50 mircea_popescu usually easier to educate a willful person than trying to insuflate will into an educated person.
11:52 asciilifeform at any rate i'm still convinced that the electric fence must have a hole in it somewhere.
11:53 asciilifeform and if not - can carve one.
11:53 mircea_popescu well - this is not true generally, thinking about it. but for me, it is way the fuck easier. and i'd expect it'd be the same for everyone who a) is familiar with the environment, and by familiar we mean that, feels at home in the ghetto and is respected in prison ; b) is familiar with the categories of education. which is different from being educated, it requires mastership of the gnosis, that position where you wrote the bo
11:53 mircea_popescu ok.
11:53 mircea_popescu altogether a tall bar.
11:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform methinks you're using the wrong tools for an ill defined purpose.
11:53 asciilifeform well all i got is the wrong tool
11:53 mircea_popescu start at the purpose. what are you trying to do again ?
11:53 asciilifeform 0 rent.
11:54 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-23#1382256 <<
11:54 a111 Logged on 2016-01-23 03:40 mircea_popescu: the people who don't care if they life or die either live or die. the people who do care - end up paying rent to the ones that live.
11:55 asciilifeform well yes
11:55 mircea_popescu there's exactly 1 way to 0 rent.
11:55 asciilifeform so experimented with upping them millimorts
11:55 mircea_popescu there isn't a "upping the milimorts". you gotta NOT CARE.
11:55 mircea_popescu what, you're gonna hedge it ?
11:55 mircea_popescu nuts.
11:56 thestringpuller so isn't it a bit odd that Slock.It is refusing to release the security audit of The DAO? It really looks as if this is straight up MtGox 2.0. Pretty sure someone inside slock.it hacked the DAO and got a huge payoff.
11:56 thestringpuller scammers never die. just return in different forms.
11:57 mircea_popescu certainly possible. class action suit ? :D
11:57 mircea_popescu ask teh reddit.
11:57 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the 'not care' thing is a pretense - the folks who properly, full throttle 'not care' , ate nagant.
11:57 mircea_popescu not true, no.
11:57 asciilifeform or snackbar.
11:57 mircea_popescu or just you know, impregnate guard-strippers in "penitentiary"
11:57 mircea_popescu or whatever else. but in any case - collect all rents.
11:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu's picture is a thermodynamic equilibrium. where we lived in perhaps 17th c.
11:58 asciilifeform where i live is more of a wheat field
11:59 asciilifeform where quite a few unnatural things abound, on account of various technogenic disasters
11:59 asciilifeform it will eventually return to mircea_popescu's model, yes.
11:59 mircea_popescu the correct model is the correct model. before you may claim exception you must master the model.
11:59 mircea_popescu otherwise you're in the position of a schoolyard lout who seeks to absolve his ungrammatical "poetry" on the grounds that shakespeare.
11:59 asciilifeform did mircea_popescu train his army men on spartan bronze sword and 'testudo' ?
12:00 asciilifeform ^ these ~are~ the 'ecologically sustainable' war, no?
12:00 mircea_popescu the model is not a matter of random implementation thereof.
12:00 mircea_popescu not particularly. there isn't any form that's perpetual. ideas are ; forms change.
12:00 mircea_popescu attempting formal immortality is a good definition of ustardism.
12:00 mircea_popescu their fundamental idea that "if i don't swear i'll go to heaven" is entirely built of this stupidium
12:09 mircea_popescu in practical terms, asciilifeform i'd say you'd be a lot more benefited by somehow retaining the loyalty and services of an old whore that knows how to negotiate rents ; than by trying to become warlord.
12:10 asciilifeform i want mechanism
12:10 asciilifeform not meat.
12:10 mircea_popescu then build my pdf ocr trained thing.
12:10 mircea_popescu there can never be mechanism here.
12:10 asciilifeform my profession is to mechanize the 'unmechanizable'
12:11 asciilifeform recall the cutting-apart thread
12:11 mircea_popescu the doctor's profession is to cure the curable, not the incurable, and not "the sick".
12:11 mircea_popescu understanding this first point is what even allows the doctor to be A DOCTOR, ie, professional. as opposed to amateur, ie, quack.
12:12 asciilifeform who gets to define 'curable'
12:12 mircea_popescu as long as you expect your profession to be what you say, you're necessarily an amateur, looking at magazine depictions of fthe profession in question
12:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform curable is defined ex post facto.
12:14 mircea_popescu ie, if you manage to cure it, it was curable. otherwise, no. but note that the people who invent cures aren't PROPER doctors.
12:14 asciilifeform correct
12:15 mircea_popescu oft they manage to imbibe the professional trappings, but oft this also kills them\
12:15 asciilifeform i have no aspirations to proper-doctoritude.
12:15 mircea_popescu if you're looking to invent cures, quacks are pretty good at it too.
12:15 mircea_popescu so then it's not your profession.
12:15 asciilifeform strictly speaking, mircea_popescu is right.
12:16 asciilifeform in related nyooz, i have Luby Transform working.
12:17 asciilifeform $s fountain code
12:17 a111 6 results for "fountain code", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=fountain%20code
12:21 mats i got around to sanitizing and interpreting the csv in http://www.fjc.gov/history/home.nsf/page/export.html
12:21 mats Wilson, Charles born 1954, U.S. Magistrate Judge, U.S. District Court, Middle District of Florida, 1990-1994
12:22 mats is the only eligible fella missing from my list
12:23 mircea_popescu o really ?! wow.
12:23 mircea_popescu what about the california guy hanbot found ?
12:23 mircea_popescu what was his name
12:24 mircea_popescu 1 qualifies and is not on list (Clinton Averitte)
12:26 mats Clinton Averitte born 1948, U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Texas 1987 - present
12:26 mats he'd have been 45 in 93
12:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re the bmore thread, it appears to be a continuation of my childhood education, where i saw silver ruble coinz on occasion, but strictly glued to the asphalt with the recently imported cyanoacrylate
12:39 asciilifeform 'if it were detachable, the last you passing by would have carried it off'
12:47 mircea_popescu mats oh i c! interesting how that came out then.
12:47 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how's this relate you mean ?
12:47 asciilifeform related to quackery
12:47 mircea_popescu yeah but ?
12:48 asciilifeform nm
12:48 asciilifeform (it was crucial missing piece for gossipd)
12:48 mircea_popescu hm ?
12:50 asciilifeform transform arbitrary byte array B into generator of datagrams, where you can collect N in any order, and N weights <= 2B, to re-create B
12:51 asciilifeform satellite tv outfits use a somewhat more efficient - but ~considerably~ more complex - version of luby
12:53 asciilifeform alert reader will realize that this abolishes tcp.
12:54 asciilifeform (tcp, that massive barrel of liquishit, was designed before the discovery of luby code - or any of the subsequent 'fountain' algos)
12:55 mircea_popescu ah ah, luby
12:55 asciilifeform (and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before)
~ 23 minutes ~
13:18 mircea_popescu so it pains me to admit that i just invented the world's first vodka cocktail.
13:19 mircea_popescu "take a shot of every vodka in the house, pour in glass, stir. add twist of gin. serve."
13:30 thestringpuller hearn sold at $400 / btc >> http://i.imgur.com/Y2n6gbN.jpeg
13:32 mircea_popescu you know the various trollboxes are full of redditards with things to say. what's so special about this one.
13:34 shinohai http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492856 <<< this greatly interests shinohai
13:34 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 16:55 asciilifeform: (and yes you can do blockchain over shortwave. after learning this algo, and not before)
13:44 phf there's two spooks discussing "good old times" couple of tables away from me at some empty diner in maryland
13:46 trinque phf: write something incomprehensible on a napkin and drop it in front of them as you leave
~ 1 hours 38 minutes ~
15:25 deedbot [Trilema] Alexa.com or the "measurable web" delusion. - http://trilema.com/2016/alexacom-or-the-measurable-web-delusion/
15:34 phf there you go again, applying maths and stuff. graph! number! how hard is it to get??
15:34 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2016/alexacom-or-the-measurable-web-delusion/#comment-117862
15:40 mircea_popescu asciilifeform answer't.
15:41 mircea_popescu but since the answer's not that readily translatable, let's delve. "x de y" is a very common pattern of early childhoold romanian construction, so much so that it's a byword for infantilism.
15:41 mircea_popescu so blog de internet, "blog of internet", there's that.
15:41 mircea_popescu and "care este" is a typical form of uneducated ro usage, particularly favoured in the mudplains around bucharest. a sort of pop-philosophy turned verbal automatism.
15:42 mircea_popescu so therefore! yes i will! because yes i can!
15:42 mircea_popescu phf ikr! i lack the background and experience in management experience, is the problem.
15:44 phf the fact that you run shell scripts on your data basically disqualifies you from participating in management. you're supposed to leverage, that shell script is $500k initial investment ruby on rails project
15:44 asciilifeform l0l
15:45 mircea_popescu oh damn
15:45 asciilifeform 'we do what we must, because we can!' (tm) (r) ('portal')
~ 25 minutes ~
16:10 mircea_popescu anyway, the only possible conclusion is that ~nobody went to school.
16:12 mircea_popescu in somewhat other lulz, http://www.blockalerts.com/all/why-ethereum-needs-dumb-contracts/
16:13 ben_vulpes phf: triggered
~ 16 minutes ~
16:30 mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492851 << for any size b ?
16:30 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 16:50 asciilifeform: transform arbitrary byte array B into generator of datagrams, where you can collect N in any order, and N weights <= 2B, to re-create B
16:30 mircea_popescu ie can we finally get rid of the concept of "packet" altogether ?
16:32 mircea_popescu and in news along the same lines, i give you the happy fucktoy! http://67.media.tumblr.com/beba5f40e4fd5dffb4ac36af1a322a74/tumblr_o1e33y8C5w1uc36mco1_500.gif
16:35 shinohai yummy
16:44 shinohai https://pbs.twimg.com/media/CmI0i9dWYAIPwSy.jpg
16:54 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492883 << very nearly.
16:54 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 20:30 mircea_popescu: ie can we finally get rid of the concept of "packet" altogether ?
16:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: or at least make it as relevant and interesting as ethernet frame is
16:56 asciilifeform (how many people can remember off the top of their head, how much ethernet frame weighs)
~ 21 minutes ~
17:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: and yes for whatever size b
17:19 asciilifeform http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/425456/Your-Digital-Fountain << pictoral explanation, for kindergarten children
~ 28 minutes ~
17:47 phf oooh oooh ooh 26! with 1500 or under payload
17:50 hanbot so in eulora marketing research i find colorado is a desert for cs --but plenty of "peace studies" majors, and even a "creativity engineering"
17:51 asciilifeform lel piss studies
17:55 hanbot offered online too, 'cause no doubt it's moar peaceful to do nothing in your pjs than to threaten others with the horrid visage of your presence.
17:59 phf asciilifeform: what's your luby transform code written in?
18:11 mircea_popescu lol peace studies
18:11 mircea_popescu $up rdponticelli
18:11 deedbot rdponticelli voiced for 30 minutes.
18:12 mircea_popescu shinohai lol nb. who made it ?
18:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform win.
18:12 shinohai Some buttcoiner lol
18:15 asciilifeform phf: ada.
18:15 * asciilifeform brb
~ 16 minutes ~
18:31 deedbot [Daniel P. Barron] The Power of Women - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/the-power-of-women/
18:31 deedbot [Daniel P. Barron] The Last Thing I Needed - http://danielpbarron.com/2016/the-last-thing-i-needed/
18:34 mircea_popescu "I found myself with a girl under each arm, a scotch in hand, dead center in the front of a crowd observing the fire dancing show taking place during the big Friday night finale of PorcFest XIII. Having ingested both MDMA and LSD1 earlier that evening, I imagined the scene took on a particularly mystical quality."
18:35 mircea_popescu while you're all dicking about, the trishop's doin' all the partying.
18:35 danielpbarron l0l
18:36 trinque check out buddy christ
18:37 mircea_popescu then he wonders what is porcfest about anymore. gee whiz, i dunno.
18:45 mircea_popescu in other cargo cunt lulz, http://insidemydirtyfilthymind.tumblr.com/post/113320480712/sex-doll-latex-lucy
18:45 mircea_popescu especially the part where he auscultates the pubis.
18:50 pete_dushenski $rated shinohai
18:50 deedbot pete_dushenski rated shinohai 1 at 3656830618 << retired, not a retard https://youtu.be/DDW4hTWbRYs?t=19m25s
18:51 shinohai There are many job opportunities in the US and of A. For men, construction worker, taxi driver or accountant. For woman, prostitute.
18:51 pete_dushenski $rate shinohai 2 trb tester+navigator
18:51 deedbot Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/1d9bc2ea-3571-4f41-b072-c3a4b9c26baa/
18:51 pete_dushenski $v 3D5A596FBCBADA508CAE71C480CC1DCB0BE91708467ACD28C6B3F11717459A81
18:51 deedbot pete_dushenski updated rating of shinohai from 1 to 2 << trb tester+navigator
18:51 shinohai ty pete_dushenski and congrats on getting that patched ;)
18:53 pete_dushenski twas well overdue
18:54 pete_dushenski $rated funkenstein_
18:54 deedbot pete_dushenski has not rated funkenstein_.
18:54 pete_dushenski $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy
18:54 deedbot Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/41cdfdfa-d3ee-4489-bdfc-00016cc3afe4/
18:54 pete_dushenski $v 1EF81341390F5BC1FAB1FF9FBF402422AD064B6C89A8525447DD95AF82455016
18:54 deedbot pete_dushenski rated funkenstein_ 2 << trb privkey patch guy
19:01 shinohai http://www.coinfox.info/news/5817-croatian-crypto-enthusiast-creates-ethereum-based-computer-game <<< It's like Civilization, but with ETHEREUM!!!
19:02 pete_dushenski it's like eulora but with no management
19:03 pete_dushenski https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonk/wp/2016/06/28/researchers-have-found-that-war-has-a-remarkable-and-miraculous-effect/ << from the 'let's gear up for another bloodbath' files
19:03 mircea_popescu heh
19:03 pete_dushenski 'violence is interested in you' (tm) (r)
19:06 pete_dushenski https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y60FUvYArHQ/V3NKW6Xcf0I/AAAAAAAAmlA/7RzX6L0Tvt8tkXkTkpVK1tgizTxfWsrZgCLcB/s1600/IMG_1483.JPG << fdr = 'apostle of lasting peace for all mankind' ? lol how could he be remembered as anything other than a wrecker ? a bank robber ? stalin's villainous left hand ?
19:09 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492869 << lel. 'uber of molotov cocktails', 'apple of shingles vaccines', etc.
19:09 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 19:41 mircea_popescu: but since the answer's not that readily translatable, let's delve. "x de y" is a very common pattern of early childhoold romanian construction, so much so that it's a byword for infantilism.
19:09 pete_dushenski how well the glove fits.
19:10 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492670 << ofc i just had to mentioned that mougayar was never in the logs in last contravex. except now he is..
19:10 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 15:20 mircea_popescu: meanwhile, ethereum itself is brought to you by ming chan, "an mit alumna", vitalik buterin, which you no doubt remember as an obscure bitcoin punk, jeffrey wilcke, bernd lapp ("bern lapp's background and experience in management experience spawns many years"), stefano bertolo, yessin schiegg, willioam mougayar, thomas greco (omise), and vladislav martynov. see https://archive.is/Se89j
19:11 pete_dushenski mention*
19:11 trinque about time I updated ratings as well
19:11 trinque $v B9932C444FE727825F0F9CFF57E1C2BC611249B2FE007D7F6E9070A80F375B12
19:11 deedbot trinque updated rating of ben_vulpes from 3 to 4
19:11 trinque $v E460BA438FB164D60C9ADB4FF90FAEE2EC1620BE0A439460298B22B579600AF4
19:11 deedbot trinque updated rating of asciilifeform from 2 to 3
19:11 trinque $v BCB85C95E8DA4C1228931F516883AF0608661BEE36568880A6E8F01EC3D33AF4
19:11 deedbot trinque rated mircea_popescu 3
19:12 trinque $v C6BAB542E1BE1FFEA4911F70EA78E88EF062399D96BBC76038057C0CDF07BF34
19:12 deedbot trinque unrated gabriel_laddel.
19:12 pete_dushenski http://emiguel.econ.berkeley.edu/assets/miguel_research/76/Can-War-Foster-Cooperation_for_NBER.pdf << full paper from wapo link. from ' Journal of Economic Perspectives'
19:13 trinque $v 513A27BB2CB2497137BC6F625BF773585DAB79C8954AE40626ECC1861E02D19A
19:13 deedbot trinque rated shinohai 2
19:14 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492527 << up there with burning music cds for kids w/o napster or cd burner for $20(!) when cd cost $1
19:14 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 02:09 mircea_popescu: buy thermotransfer crap in turkey, for like 10 bux a pile of 100, sell them for like ten bucks a pop. "advanced!"
19:14 pete_dushenski circa 1999
19:15 pete_dushenski pretty much paid for my g3 tower
19:15 trinque $v 06F0495711D93A823310A408CEB7398420EABAC294A8351FABCC398F6B037C54
19:15 deedbot trinque rated mod6 2
19:17 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492480 <--> http://btcbase.org/log/2015-10-12#1297004
19:17 a111 Logged on 2015-10-12 15:02 mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=12-10-2015#1296856 << china likes us start-up culture and its effects. "never interrupt enemy when making a mistake". traditionally you wouldn't have the gall to pointedly help him, either, but i think mr xi correctly inferred ustardian head too far up ass to even notice.
19:17 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 00:34 asciilifeform: what was it mircea_popescu said, 'never interrupt an enemy who is in the middle of fellating his nagant'
19:22 pete_dushenski https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2iYjI265rk << in other "we've made a huge tiny mistake", volkswagen "tdi settlement program" gears up. message from na ceo hinrich woebcken to dealers in video. what a putz. transparent scam to 'sell' new vw units through 'buybacks'.
19:23 pete_dushenski "we've made a huge tiny mistake" news*
19:24 shinohai What's with this eth/dao surge in price, did butterin float more usd into the mess?
19:25 pete_dushenski same fed bucks went into nyse as eth today
19:25 pete_dushenski ethexit fears ? what ethexit fears ?
19:25 shinohai >.<
19:28 pete_dushenski http://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2016/06/social-security-administration/486410/ << my feefees! y u no make phree monzeez eeeezy peeezzy ??!
19:34 mircea_popescu should have social media administration also btw.
~ 36 minutes ~
20:11 asciilifeform ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492926 << realize that he's gone full bore kako since ?
20:11 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 22:54 pete_dushenski: $rate funkenstein_ 2 trb privkey patch guy
20:11 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:15 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die.
20:15 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 23:06 pete_dushenski: https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-y60FUvYArHQ/V3NKW6Xcf0I/AAAAAAAAmlA/7RzX6L0Tvt8tkXkTkpVK1tgizTxfWsrZgCLcB/s1600/IMG_1483.JPG << fdr = 'apostle of lasting peace for all mankind' ? lol how could he be remembered as anything other than a wrecker ? a bank robber ? stalin's villainous left hand ?
20:17 asciilifeform ;;later tell trinque do we have any means for ~viewing~ ratings? btcalpha is ~dead (kakotronic)
20:17 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:18 trinque gave psql access to phf to that end
20:18 asciilifeform ah so in progress.
20:18 trinque afaik. phf, if not, lemme know and I'll whip something up
20:19 * shinohai misses btcalpha
20:20 trinque also btw, chars mangled to " in wot are fixed.
20:20 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492482 << l0l! the 'battleships' (now 'galaxies') were for sale a few yrs back, even, when i sold mine
20:20 a111 Logged on 2016-06-29 01:08 phf: "You can buy one or more Urbit stars for $256 - or, TODAY ONLY, only $205."
20:20 asciilifeform 'star' is 1/256th of 'galaxy'
20:21 asciilifeform but yes, even then mr mold was quite explicit about making the thing a 'usg-hypoallergenic' altcoin.
20:21 asciilifeform which is when i quit.
20:21 asciilifeform (my 'ship' didn't cost me anything, it was a prize for solving the original puzzle he posted)
~ 28 minutes ~
20:49 trinque anyone happen to know the message rate limit on freenode?
21:04 mod6 quick search doesn't show anything definitive. but you could always check in #freenode, trinque
21:04 trinque yeh I'll do that
~ 24 minutes ~
21:28 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492974 << this is actually true, as impolitic as it may seem today.
21:28 a111 Logged on 2016-06-30 00:15 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die.
21:30 mircea_popescu trinque iirc it was 1/s
21:34 shinohai ;;later tell BingoBoingo http://ix.io/YA2
21:34 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 39 minutes ~
22:13 BingoBoingo Adventures in Pipe wrench ownership milestone #3 Disassembling everything to the wall, and debating whether or not to wake up reciprocating saw to open wall.
22:14 deedbot [Qntra] US Customs Seeks To Control Social Media Imports - http://qntra.net/2016/06/us-customs-seeks-to-control-social-media-imports/
22:17 shinohai Did your vinegar bath help fix the yardsale wrench btw?
22:17 BingoBoingo shinohai: Amazingly.
22:17 BingoBoingo Wrench's bath has been interupted periodically though to work.
22:18 BingoBoingo Has nice African finish now
22:19 shinohai Nice.
22:19 shinohai I used to do the homebrew electrolysis thing to remove rust.
22:20 BingoBoingo Seriously though the power of this thing. With the occasional squirt of PB Blaster no fitting has failed to yeild to patience and pipe wrench.
22:21 BingoBoingo Wrench also has wood on handle wrapped in electrical tape
22:21 BingoBoingo bargain at any price
22:24 shinohai I rather like older tools, don't mod the maintenance. Most tools sold in stores locally are garbage.
22:24 shinohai *mind
22:30 BingoBoingo More seriously though fuck whoever though galvanized iron ought to be used for drains
22:33 BingoBoingo What would have been wrong with 1950's folk using nylon drain pipe while they waited for PVC to arrive?
22:45 BingoBoingo Oh, that's where danielpbarron was. He rediscovered girls.
22:54 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
22:54 gribble Current Blocks: 418595 | Current Difficulty: 2.0945315859538098E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 419327 | Next Difficulty In: 732 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 23 hours, 30 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
22:57 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492971 << for all the times i've heard the exclusively alfian term of art 'kakotronic', it's never quite registered. care to explain like i'm 5 ?
22:57 a111 Logged on 2016-06-30 00:11 asciilifeform: ;;later tell pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492926 << realize that he's gone full bore kako since ?
22:57 pete_dushenski though it's no mega-mystery that funkestein_ has always been an odd duck
22:57 pete_dushenski reading his blog for 2 seconds will tell you that much
22:58 pete_dushenski i'm also assuming that 'full bore kako' and 'kakotronic' are interchangeable here
22:59 pete_dushenski http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492974 << that's definitely a consideration. worked for japan, germany, russia, us at least. maybe not italy and uk as much.
22:59 a111 Logged on 2016-06-30 00:15 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-29#1492935 << '40s was the time when agrarian shitholes had the choice - the ones that had a choice - of conversion to fascist industrial power, or to die.
23:00 pete_dushenski $unrate kakobrekla
23:00 deedbot Get your OTP: http://wotpaste.cascadianhacker.com/r/322f3ab0-4ae2-4de4-a5a1-272b3ae6d35c/
23:01 pete_dushenski $v 97C4062F0E8DD46BAB1F32DD8EC73EEEF793458BA8FFE03DC91A46828490AA4B
23:01 deedbot pete_dushenski unrated kakobrekla.
23:05 pete_dushenski http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-06-29/-tesla-solar-wants-to-be-the-apple-store-for-electricity << speaking of the infantile mindset.
23:05 pete_dushenski also, it would appear that musk's scammy usg-funded acquisition of one of his failed enterprises by his other failing enterprise missed the logs.
23:06 pete_dushenski tesla laid out plans to 'acquire' solarcity for $2.86 bn last week
23:15 BingoBoingo Eh, he's just trying to rockefeller the sun
23:15 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski didn't work for italy because, in spite of rural shithole, nevertheless delusions of grandeur, and unwarranted impressions that "we've already smoked this joint".
23:15 mircea_popescu uk got ruined by bad money, spanish empire style.
23:16 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: 'the verticals and the horizontals'!!1
23:17 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: spanish empire style ? i'm ignorant of this style
23:18 mircea_popescu it's a style where you import gold by the galleon only to see rents go up and not much else.
23:19 pete_dushenski aha. san fran style
23:19 pete_dushenski arguably nyc idem
23:19 mircea_popescu money is a terrible curse.
23:20 mircea_popescu ("if money's a curse, let god strike me down with it! and may i never recover.")
23:20 pete_dushenski seriously wtf is wrong with broadway atm. 'hamilton' ? really ??!
23:20 pete_dushenski tevye!
23:20 BingoBoingo Money's perfectly harmless until it gets spent
23:28 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1493015 << sitting in kako's chan and derping every day re 'mp is sc4mz0r!111' to anyone who'll listen
23:28 a111 Logged on 2016-06-30 02:57 pete_dushenski: http://btcbase.org/log/2016-06-30#1492971 << for all the times i've heard the exclusively alfian term of art 'kakotronic', it's never quite registered. care to explain like i'm 5 ?
23:28 asciilifeform see for yerself..
23:29 pete_dushenski 'hamilton', for those blissfully unaware, is this 'hip' new play written by some mexican queer about founding father alexander hamilton's rise to glory complete with more break dancing and rapped lyrics than you can throw a harlem globetrotter at
23:29 pete_dushenski it's won however many tonies
23:30 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: right. i guess that pankakke and tat fit in similarly.
23:30 * asciilifeform is very aware. pet is a fan.
23:31 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: tat didn't reappear again after creaming his pants initially
23:31 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: pet has seen ? tix are running $1k per last i heard
23:31 asciilifeform pete_dushenski: has seen, i sent her
23:31 asciilifeform (in the last week of original actors, 12-15k)
23:31 pete_dushenski well there's your dirigible money right there ;)
23:31 asciilifeform dun ask me why.
23:31 asciilifeform well no i didn't send her in last week, l0l
23:32 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: does pet not have income for such frivolities ?
23:32 asciilifeform pet has 0 income
23:32 asciilifeform hence why it is called...
23:32 asciilifeform a pet.
23:32 asciilifeform like your cat and dog.
23:32 pete_dushenski legit pet.
23:32 asciilifeform aha.
23:33 pete_dushenski though dog, like child, can 'perform' in 'shows' for prizes
23:33 pete_dushenski if so desired
23:33 asciilifeform theoretically.
23:35 asciilifeform anyway iirc h was by a straight dude from puerto rico. fwiw.
23:36 asciilifeform and was perfectly fine broadway play, and hilarious, washington et al 'rapping' like hood ratz etc.
23:36 mircea_popescu break dancing ? seriously ?
23:36 mircea_popescu next they're gonna wear bell bottoms.
23:37 asciilifeform http://www.pbfcomics.com/209 << obligatory.
23:38 mircea_popescu wow i've never seen wget at 15.x gb of ram before.
23:38 asciilifeform waiwat?!
23:38 mircea_popescu yeah.
23:38 asciilifeform whatcha wgettin'
23:38 mircea_popescu reddit
23:40 mircea_popescu is it actually efficient re memory usage ? anyone know specifically ?
23:41 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: so you saw the play with her ? 'sent' sounded like a solo recon mission
23:42 asciilifeform i only heard it.
23:46 pete_dushenski https://mobile.twitter.com/Lin_Manuel/status/724103242200821761 << 'straight' eh. miranda looks pretty queer to me.
23:47 pete_dushenski why mobile why ?
23:51 mircea_popescu lol you got gaydar installed ?
23:52 pete_dushenski it came standard with my arts school diploma
23:53 trinque $b 2
23:54 trinque gave it the old college try?
23:56 pete_dushenski try ? more like twink.
23:58 pete_dushenski though this was back in mittelschule
23:59 pete_dushenski ie. where i first took classes in english and was marked wrong on a geography test where i answered 'ouest'
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