Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-08-16 | 2014-08-18 →
00:00 decimation ;;rate asciilifeform 2 engineer
00:00 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user asciilifeform has changed from 2 to 2.
00:02 ben_vulpes
00:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15200 @ 0.00071946 = 10.9358 BTC [-] {2}
00:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.29499999 = 0.59 BTC [+]
00:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.295 = 0.59 BTC [+]
00:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11058 @ 0.00071861 = 7.9464 BTC [-] {2}
~ 29 minutes ~
00:55 ben_vulpes ;;isitdown
00:55 gribble is down
00:59 mircea_popescu mod6 but in the %p ?
00:59 mircea_popescu %p
01:00 atcbot No data returned from
01:00 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.70 TH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.23 TH/s
01:01 mircea_popescu a cool.
01:01 mircea_popescu %d
01:01 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 148413.25 in 1956 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -92.10
01:03 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
01:03 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 516.36, Best ask: 516.4, Bid-ask spread: 0.04000, Last trade: 516.4, 24 hour volume: 12075.74130533, 24 hour low: 485.0, 24 hour high: 529.8, 24 hour vwap: 509.517568638
01:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31550 @ 0.00071815 = 22.6576 BTC [-] {3}
~ 50 minutes ~
01:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6327 @ 0.0007198 = 4.5542 BTC [+]
02:03 ben_vulpes
02:03 assbot Silicon Valley Dick Scene - YouTube
02:11 RagnarDanneskjol classic - pee your pants funny. the series totally redeemed itself with that one scene
~ 20 minutes ~
02:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25150 @ 0.00072193 = 18.1565 BTC [+] {3}
~ 45 minutes ~
03:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 25 @ 0.2846411 = 7.116 BTC [-] {4}
03:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12100 @ 0.00072011 = 8.7133 BTC [-]
03:27 punkman hmm one of my monitors seems to have acquired a blue tint overnight
03:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21091 @ 0.00072138 = 15.2146 BTC [+] {2}
03:37 RagnarDanneskjol happened to me before - think I had to reset colors on graphx card. first try unplugging or wiggling around cables
03:40 punkman Ragnar, tried that, nothing. itonly one one side of the monitor though.
03:41 punkman feels like the backlight is fucked there
03:43 xmj fluffypony: ping?
03:43 fluffypony I'm here
03:43 RagnarDanneskjol ahh if its just one side, you may have hardware issue
03:51 RagnarDanneskjol
03:51 assbot John Ratcliff's Code Suppository: Work in progress on Bitcoin blockchain parser
03:55 punkman hitting it didnt't work :/
03:58 jurov no lawgs?
03:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 11 @ 0.2850008 = 3.135 BTC [+] {3}
~ 21 minutes ~
04:20 RagnarDanneskjol
04:20 assbot Against Intellectual Property? | The Last Bastille
04:28 punkman ok so I power cycle the thing repeatedly, blue tint goes away, then I move the mouse and it comes back
04:28 punkman I got no fuckin clue here
04:29 RagnarDanneskjol oh thats unusual
04:29 RagnarDanneskjol what computer/card?
04:31 punkman I miss that degauss button
04:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.283 = 0.849 BTC [-]
04:37 kdomanski punkman: ever seen the speakers on a computer give a creaking noise when you move the mouse? that's my weird PC problem
04:38 punkman kdomanski: I've had mouse/wifi/etc be audible. Had to move the speakers to different outlet.
04:38 kdomanski outlet as in power outlet? that helped?
04:39 punkman kdomanski: yep
04:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14258 @ 0.00072011 = 10.2673 BTC [-]
04:48 Bet placed: 2.43267 BTC for Yes on "Difficulty over 21Bn by Summer's end 2014" Odds: 90(Y):10(N) by coin, 89(Y):11(N) by weight. Total bet: 24.14355674 BTC. Current weight: 9,398.
04:56 RagnarDanneskjol
04:56 assbot The Gell-Mann Amnesia Effect
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
05:58 ben_vulpes RagnarDanneskjol: to the death of IP
05:59 RagnarDanneskjol i'll drink to that
06:01 ben_vulpes RagnarDanneskjol: "My machine parses this entire data set in roughly 95 seconds." i took a crack at a big-boy-pants parser one time, made all the wrong decisions, hated life. good to see some progress made on the front.
06:02 ben_vulpes "All I did was load the blocks from disk into memory; which wasn't really accomplishing much."
06:03 RagnarDanneskjol yes, i've been following that one for a while, seems to be the most useful implementation
06:03 RagnarDanneskjol that guy's a character
06:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17106 @ 0.00071766 = 12.2763 BTC [-] {2}
06:04 ben_vulpes lol oh a whole year ago
06:09 ben_vulpes << and on the topic of scavenger hunts
06:09 assbot John Ratcliff's Code Suppository: How to Play a Bitcoin BrainWallet Scavenger Game
06:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00071952 = 2.7342 BTC [+]
06:14 ben_vulpes << dead
06:14 assbot The place for all Bitcoin related puzzles!
06:15 RagnarDanneskjol yea, I thought I posted that and a bunch of related content earlier today when they were discussing, then come to realize I had no voice, was talking to myself. Carried on chatting with myself for about 45 mins until I realized noone could hear me
06:15 ben_vulpes << and this is not terribly inspired
06:15 assbot Trivia Question Scavenger Hunt Design Document - Google Docs
06:15 ben_vulpes bahaha
06:15 ben_vulpes ;;gettrust assbot RagnarDanneskjol
06:15 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask RagnarDanneskjol! Trust relationship from user assbot to user RagnarDanneskjol: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 2 via 2 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Thu Jun 26 20:35:44 2014
06:15 ben_vulpes your client doesn't tell you when you're muted?
06:16 RagnarDanneskjol it does, but I'm blind
06:16 RagnarDanneskjol mostly
06:19 ben_vulpes literally?
06:19 RagnarDanneskjol yes
06:19 ben_vulpes << such moon
06:19 RagnarDanneskjol I drive, but prolly shouldn't
06:19 ben_vulpes o.O
06:20 RagnarDanneskjol I've been getting Bandwidth Limit Exceeded when I try to read your blog lately fyi
06:20 ben_vulpes yeah, been working on other stuff.
06:20 RagnarDanneskjol k
06:20 ben_vulpes i honestly dont even know what that domain's pointed at.
06:20 RagnarDanneskjol ha
06:21 ben_vulpes stupid ipxcore dns mgmt
06:23 ben_vulpes maybe i'll get to it this week
06:23 ben_vulpes maybe not
06:23 ben_vulpes but thanks for the heads up
06:23 RagnarDanneskjol sure
06:35 Bet placed: 1.11111111 BTC for No on "Bitcoin difficulty to fall in 2014" Odds: 34(Y):66(N) by coin, 37(Y):63(N) by weight. Total bet: 5.35780981 BTC. Current weight: 60,964.
06:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00071703 = 10.0384 BTC [-]
~ 1 hours 3 minutes ~
07:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19607 @ 0.00071589 = 14.0365 BTC [-] {4}
~ 31 minutes ~
08:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7250 @ 0.00071448 = 5.18 BTC [-] {2}
~ 20 minutes ~
08:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11336 @ 0.00071853 = 8.1453 BTC [+]
08:50 assbot xanthyos +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
08:51 RagnarDanneskjol !up xanthyos
~ 15 minutes ~
09:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00071433 = 7.429 BTC [-] {2}
~ 1 hours 27 minutes ~
10:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.28099991 = 0.843 BTC [+]
10:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.28099996 = 0.562 BTC [+] {2}
10:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 200 @ 0.00279775 = 0.5596 BTC [+]
~ 17 minutes ~
11:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1200 @ 0.0014 = 1.68 BTC [-]
11:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 750 @ 0.00071409 = 0.5356 BTC [-]
~ 25 minutes ~
11:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6400 @ 0.00071286 = 4.5623 BTC [-]
~ 27 minutes ~
11:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SCRYPT] 271 @ 0.00600303 = 1.6268 BTC [-] {6}
11:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 6 @ 0.2820001 = 1.692 BTC [+]
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 8.61341012 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 749 satoshi per share
12:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.76810256 BTC to 13`874 shares, 12744 satoshi per share
~ 31 minutes ~
12:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47303 @ 0.00071331 = 33.7417 BTC [+]
12:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 38 @ 0.02523161 = 0.9588 BTC [-]
~ 28 minutes ~
13:16 punkman "Whereas Socialism, and even capitalism in a more grudging way, have said to people "I offer you a good time," Hitler has said to them “I offer you struggle, danger and death,” and flings itself at his feet. Perhaps later on they will get sick of it and change their minds, as at the end of the last war."
13:16 punkman "After a few years of slaughter and starvation "Greatest happiness of the greatest number" is a good slogan, but at this moment “Better an end with horror than a horror without end” is a winner."
13:17 punkman
13:17 assbot Review Of "Mein Kampf" by Adolf Hitler [March 1940] George Orwell - Google Drive
13:17 ben_vulpes Imagine reading about a Russian element on Wikipedia, and at the end there’s this paragraph saying “By the way, this element inverts gravity and has to be tied to the ground to prevent it from falling upwards”. An anxiolytic stimulant is really really cool. But somehow generations of American psychopharmacologists must have read about bromantane and thought “No, I don’t think I’ll pay any more attention to that.” <<
13:17 ben_vulpes
13:17 assbot An Iron Curtain Has Descended Upon Psychopharmacology | Slate Star Codex
13:18 ben_vulpes errybody reading hacker news
13:20 ben_vulpes
13:20 assbot Nootropic Cognitive & Performance Enhancement Products
13:20 ben_vulpes a veritable cornucopia of mysterious russian brain chemical!
~ 24 minutes ~
13:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.2985981 = 2.986 BTC [+] {2}
~ 37 minutes ~
14:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.283 = 0.566 BTC [-]
~ 26 minutes ~
14:48 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo ah, i see. ask the guy to come over ?
14:48 mircea_popescu we gotta sort this pool thing somehows.
14:48 BingoBoingo I sent an email yesterday, suppose I might send another
14:49 mircea_popescu nah
14:50 mircea_popescu !up putler
14:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform re gpg clunk (not to be confused with pgp issues) : "MolokoDeck : for some reason gpg returns the useful info about the status of a signature verify via the error channel."
14:54 mircea_popescu that "some reason" being rms being a fucktard.
14:56 BingoBoingo %d
14:56 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 163016.03 in 1942 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -91.32
14:58 BingoBoingo %p
14:58 atcbot No data returned from
14:59 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.56 TH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.39 TH/s
14:59 BingoBoingo This is an amazing thing about -assets, you raise awareness to a problem with one of the pet jokes, and things get done
14:59 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
15:03 mircea_popescu gotta keep the pets fed.
15:03 thestringpuller it is kinda weird how GPG returns useful information via stderr
15:04 thestringpuller even the return code...
15:04 mircea_popescu but it's more spyful that way!!!
15:08 mircea_popescu !up nagzter
15:08 nagzter hey mircea_popescu
15:08 mircea_popescu hey there.
15:08 nagzter 'sup
15:09 mircea_popescu i have nfi yet.
15:10 mircea_popescu how's the what was it...
15:10 mircea_popescu some altcoin ?
15:15 BingoBoingo %t
15:15 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 172 Ask: 221 Last Price: 170 24h-Vol: 133k High: 188 Low: 170 VWAP: 180
15:17 mircea_popescu computer bedtime.
15:21 mircea_popescu !up OX3
15:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 64 @ 0.01371 = 0.8774 BTC [-]
15:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 38 @ 0.02523161 = 0.9588 BTC [-]
~ 19 minutes ~
15:52 chetty;_ylt=AwrBJR48zfBTV3MA0hXQtDMD
15:52 assbot Lashes for Saudi woman who called morality police liars: newspaper - Yahoo News
16:04 BingoBoingo %p
16:05 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 0.10 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 5.13 TH/s
16:06 BingoBoingo %tslb
16:06 atcbot 4 hours 4 minutes and 57 seconds
16:07 kakobrekla lolk
16:08 mircea_popescu anyone care to suggest a typically black female name ?
16:11 mthreat laquisha
16:12 mthreat the previous owner of my black 350z told me he had named the car laquisha, "his black mistress"
16:13 * mthreat guesses this is for a blog post
16:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21341 @ 0.00071269 = 15.2095 BTC [-] {2}
16:27 oglafbot
16:27 assbot Perfect buttocks now!
16:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20476 @ 0.00071331 = 14.6057 BTC [+]
~ 42 minutes ~
17:10 mircea_popescu ;;tslb
17:10 gribble Time since last block: 1 minute and 38 seconds
~ 18 minutes ~
17:28 TheNewDeal any audio electronics experts in the crowd?
~ 32 minutes ~
18:00 mircea_popescu 7k words and not yet done, jesus god this article hates me.
18:02 ben_vulpes
18:02 assbot X-Rob +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
18:03 mircea_popescu !up X-Rob
18:03 mircea_popescu now how the hell does that work.
18:03 TheNewDeal the one you're writing now?
18:03 mircea_popescu ;;gettrust assbot x-rob
18:03 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user assbot to user x-rob: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon May 16 20:47:55 2011
18:03 X-Rob I'm xrobau
18:03 X-Rob ;;ident
18:03 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'X-Rob', with hostmask 'X-Rob!sid14615@gateway/web/', is identified as user 'xrobau', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1F1pPNy6X86rUSKLqZAdsa7dSMoRy4KobG
18:04 mircea_popescu ;;rated x-rob
18:04 gribble You rated user x-rob on Sat Aug 16 18:49:40 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: splendid work on that derpcoin. so much lol..
18:04 mircea_popescu ;;rated xrobau
18:04 gribble You have not yet rated user xrobau
18:04 mircea_popescu kakobrekla whay did assbot just record a fail ?
18:04 X-Rob Anyway, all I was sayin was what I messaged you - I saw you mention GPG, and I wrote an abstraction layer for it.
18:04 X-Rob
18:05 assbot Source of GPG.class.php - framework - FreePBX GIT
18:05 X-Rob It's stupid, but it's stupid in well defined ways
18:05 mircea_popescu by now we're two in the hole
18:05 mircea_popescu gpg started life as exactly this.
18:05 mircea_popescu hey BingoBoingo you here ?
18:06 X-Rob specifically, line 282 is the function that captures that information
18:07 X-Rob There /are/ reasons for it being stupid - and the reasons as ALWAYS 'backwards compatibility'.
18:07 mircea_popescu i c.
18:07 X-Rob s/as/are/
18:07 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal yeah
18:08 X-Rob re x-rob/xrobau in gribble - I lost the GPG key for 'x-rob', and haven't really had the enthusiasm to try to get the account deleted so I can recreate it.
18:08 X-Rob and I'm xrobau everywhere APART from IRC, so it hasn't bothered me that much
18:08 mircea_popescu oh so you're not logged as x-rob ?
18:08 X-Rob ;;ident
18:08 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'X-Rob', with hostmask 'X-Rob!sid14615@gateway/web/', is identified as user 'xrobau', with GPG key id None, key fingerprint None, and bitcoin address 1F1pPNy6X86rUSKLqZAdsa7dSMoRy4KobG
18:09 X-Rob ^^^ xrobau
18:09 mircea_popescu o i c.
18:09 mircea_popescu ;;rated x-rob
18:09 gribble You rated user x-rob on Sat Aug 16 18:49:40 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: splendid work on that derpcoin. so much lol..
18:09 mircea_popescu ;;unrate x-rob
18:09 gribble Successfully removed your rating for x-rob.
18:09 mircea_popescu ;;rate xrobau 1 splendid work on that derpcoin. so much lol...
18:09 assbot Unattanium: Broken by design. |
18:09 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user xrobau has been recorded.
18:09 mircea_popescu NOW it'll work.
18:09 X-Rob Thanks 8)
18:09 mircea_popescu nm kakobrekla, problem was between user and CHAIR
18:10 mircea_popescu from #eulora : "chetty> so all these people pounding on server for days and 1 crash (mod6 tried to beat up a rock and combat is not something we have done anythng with)."
18:10 mircea_popescu WHY SO VIOLENT MOD6!
18:11 X-Rob mircea_popescu: anyway, tl;dr: GPG is broken at first look, but it's not really.
18:11 mircea_popescu i agree.
18:12 mircea_popescu but if you want to write a piece about how bad it is, why not make it plausible at least was the question.
18:12 X-Rob heh
18:13 X-Rob Anyway, that code I pasted is AGPL3, but I'm thinking I may re-publish it as MIT or something, as it's hard for people to do GPG correctly without knowing a pile of behind the scenes stuff
18:14 mircea_popescu i don't even recall what afero says
18:18 X-Rob mircea_popescu: AGPL is just GPL, with the addition of 'if you provide ACCESS to the code, you have to release it.'
18:18 mircea_popescu ah
18:19 mircea_popescu ah i recall, the thing they did to ruin the possibility of os game servers.
18:19 mircea_popescu stupidest idea ever.
18:20 X-Rob I use it because people take our open source webapp, make piles of modifications, and then don't give the changes back
18:20 mircea_popescu which webapp is that ?
18:23 X-Rob
18:23 assbot Source of GPG.class.php - framework - FreePBX GIT
18:23 X-Rob I'll give you one guess 8)
18:28 mircea_popescu ?
18:28 X-Rob Well, yes, FreePBX
18:31 mircea_popescu this is pretty cool and something long entertained here. i suspect decimation's gonna be all over you, among others :D
18:31 mircea_popescu the current thinking is more like "if we need freepbx we'll go to ham radio!!!"
18:32 mircea_popescu !s ham radio
18:32 assbot 10 results for 'ham radio' :
18:37 X-Rob I used to be an amateur radio operator, a long time ago. VK2JGY. Often hanging aroud on 6 meters (50MHz) and 2 meters (144MHz)
18:38 TheNewDeal what does that mean
18:38 TheNewDeal just the channels to tune in to?
18:39 X-Rob TheNewDeal: it's a range, yeah.
18:39 TheNewDeal and the 6 meters refers to signal amplitude?
18:40 X-Rob TheNewDeal: It's actually the wavelength. 50mhz has 6 meters between peaks
18:40 TheNewDeal bah, couldn't think of the word
18:40 X-Rob All good
18:40 X-Rob it's not something we expect muggles to know
18:40 X-Rob to steal another word
18:41 TheNewDeal i'm only half muggle
18:42 TheNewDeal did mech engineering schooling at the university, added in some computer science and robotics
18:42 X-Rob cool
18:53 mircea_popescu no, i expect anyone to know what wavelength is.
18:58 RagnarDanneskjol
18:58 assbot FreePBX GitHub
19:02 TheNewDeal i just couldn't think of the word
19:03 TheNewDeal or perhaps I just didn't understand what wavelength was
19:05 mircea_popescu FEELBAD.GIF!
19:07 X-Rob RagnarDanneskjol: we clone our internal stash to github, because we're nice.
19:07 danielpbarron mircea_popescu, updated
19:07 assbot Derp Report
19:08 RagnarDanneskjol cool
19:08 mircea_popescu danielpbarron gimme a moment to finish this monster and be right with you.
19:08 danielpbarron i've also been keeping track of it on twitter
19:09 assbot Twitter / Suche - #DerpReport
19:13 cazalla mircea_popescu, here are mine apologies for dropbox link, i was going to setup my own site but apache2 has changed since last time i used it and i haven't figured it out yet
19:13 assbot Dropbox - cazalla_forum_posts.html
19:14 cazalla danielpbarron, i borrowed your html, hope that's ok
19:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00071254 = 4.774 BTC [-]
19:16 danielpbarron i think it's too simple for me to lay any claim
19:17 assbot xanthyos +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
19:17 ThickAsThieves sup folks
19:17 mircea_popescu
19:17 assbot Fountain of Girl
19:17 mircea_popescu !up xanthyos
19:17 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves alt nearly died!
19:17 xanthyos also danielpbarron you don't believe in intellectual property
19:19 ThickAsThieves how?!
19:19 ThickAsThieves i leave for one week!
19:20 ThickAsThieves Cryptsy not processing my withdrawals for 8+hrs, what is this, MPEx?
19:21 TheNewDeal lol
19:21 ThickAsThieves is it a good or bad thing that you can now threaten customer service "If you don't fix this, I'll start a Reddit riot."
19:21 thestringpuller !s
19:21 assbot 3 results for '' :
19:21 TheNewDeal Tat any response yet from the gubbermint on usms sale?
19:21 ThickAsThieves nope, they said early Aug
19:21 ThickAsThieves ides hath passed
19:22 TheNewDeal bastids
19:22 ThickAsThieves btcusd is a big short party now
19:22 mircea_popescu %d
19:22 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 168336.15 in 1935 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -91.04
19:23 mircea_popescu !up bitmia
19:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 23 @ 0.02523161 = 0.5803 BTC [-]
19:23 TheNewDeal why do you say that tat?
19:23 mircea_popescu <ThickAsThieves> btcusd is a big short party now << and yet it stilkl stays this side of 500.
19:23 bitmia heya everyone! what does it take to get listed on mpex?
19:23 mircea_popescu must suck to be the most powrful country in the world, can't even blend a strawberry.
19:23 mircea_popescu ;;google how does one get listed on mpex
19:23 gribble How does one list on MPEx ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea ...: <>; By definition the rightful owner of any coins is "he who can ... - MPEx: <>; Why List On MPEx? | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski: <>
19:24 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker
19:24 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 493.55, Best ask: 494.4, Bid-ask spread: 0.85000, Last trade: 494.4, 24 hour volume: 10395.88635699, 24 hour low: 485.39, 24 hour high: 524.8, 24 hour vwap: 502.83360296
19:24 ThickAsThieves 500 having a hard time tho
19:26 TheNewDeal blend a stawberry?
19:27 bitmia mircea_popescu: thanks, I've actually read your post. however it still isn't clear if it'd get listed if you personally don't like the idea or consider the business venture to be pointless
19:27 RagnarDanneskjol whats the business plan?
19:27 mircea_popescu ;;gettrust bitmia
19:27 ThickAsThieves lol
19:27 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user bitmia: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: never
19:27 mircea_popescu seems to me you're not there yet.
19:27 bitmia I'm not, it's for the future :)
19:27 TheNewDeal his identity is secret, like his business plan
19:28 mircea_popescu well okay, so in the future when you'll be you won't be able to have a bad idea anymore.
19:28 ThickAsThieves if the owner of a business doesnt like you and finds you pointless, how can you expect to do business?
19:28 mircea_popescu it's how this wot thing works and why it's so painful
19:28 mircea_popescu also why idiots stay away : they'd rather nurse a bevy of retarded ideas than actually do some work.
19:29 ThickAsThieves bitmia, is that like bitcoin for veterans nonprofit or something
19:29 bitmia perfectly clear, thanks
19:29 ThickAsThieves ;;google powmia
19:29 gribble POW/MIA flag - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; The National League of POW/MIA Families — The National League ...: <>; Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office: <>
19:30 TheNewDeal can you update the trilema listing article to include 1) be less retarded.
19:30 ThickAsThieves less?
19:30 TheNewDeal well what do you expect, all the retardation to just up and disappear?
19:30 ThickAsThieves silly me
19:31 TheNewDeal i'd think a slight reduction is the most one could ask
19:31 TheNewDeal perhaps "be minimally less retarded" could do
19:32 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal well the wot part is there.
19:32 mircea_popescu it stands pars pro toto.
19:33 TheNewDeal true true
19:34 ThickAsThieves coinbase has had Buying disabled for days, bitfinex is fixing large market orders, usms isnt revealing auction details... hmm
19:36 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves final push is final.
19:36 mircea_popescu did diddly squat to boot.
19:36 mircea_popescu
19:37 assbot Pushing the soft tender flesh of a friend against the sharp rotating blades of the immutable machine. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
19:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform jurov ^ :D
19:37 thestringpuller whoa coinbase has disabled buying?
19:37 thestringpuller HAHA
19:37 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'm back
19:37 dignork right now coinbase buy works, when did this happen?
19:38 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo so what's the atc pool situation ? where's X-Rob to point his miner ?
19:39 ThickAsThieves dignork last i heard coinbase said all buys will be Fri market buys
19:39 thestringpuller yea 501
19:39 BingoBoingo To coinminer would probably be great actually now
19:40 RagnarDanneskjol coinbase has been playing that game for a long time - anytime market shifts >15% in either direction. fukin bozos
19:41 BingoBoingo Coinminer's actually paying us roughly proportionally to our power nao
19:42 dignork i have multiple pending buys, all scheduled for +6 days from the time of purchase, never followed if they actually keep the schedule though.
19:42 BingoBoingo And the username it wants is the address it pays to in the coinbase transaction, so super verifiable
19:42 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo give the guy the details pls ?
19:43 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol you don't understand "professional" and "wall street" like teh media vcs do.
19:43 RagnarDanneskjol diginork - beware, those orders might go through anytime - and never leave those pending orders with them - they resume trading as soon as their books level off, just keep refreshing if you must use them
19:43 RagnarDanneskjol right
19:44 BingoBoingo X-Rob: Check your PM's
19:46 dignork Oh, you probably mean express/immediate whatever they call it buy, i nerver managed to set it up, so it always was few days for me.
19:46 RagnarDanneskjol ok
19:46 ThickAsThieves i just mean knowing what price youre paying is important
19:46 RagnarDanneskjol yes, that help
19:46 RagnarDanneskjol s
19:47 dignork oh, the price is defined when you give the order
19:47 TheNewDeal what's the coinbase situation?
19:47 RagnarDanneskjol right, the delivery time is variable/inconsistent
19:48 ThickAsThieves sure, but they did/do have it to where people can't buy whenever price is low
19:48 dignork it's not a proper exchange with hi/lo order limits anyway
19:48 RagnarDanneskjol right
19:49 ThickAsThieves wonder if it's an issue on the way up
19:50 RagnarDanneskjol yes, they suspend normal service anytime price momentum shifts by x% either direction
19:51 TheNewDeal i've heard of them doing that approx 1 year ago, have they been caught doing it again recently?
19:52 ThickAsThieves i dunno, they are going in the wrong direction if they wanna live though
19:52 RagnarDanneskjol yep, still doin it on the regular or so I've been told by 'inside sources'
19:52 ThickAsThieves 1% fee, increasing info requests, market unpredictability
19:53 TheNewDeal most definitely
19:53 TheNewDeal and they rely on bitstamp
19:54 RagnarDanneskjol they are literally a proxy for bitstamp
19:55 mircea_popescu a badly managed proxy.
19:56 mircea_popescu i dunno why the surpriose, it was never the case that coinbase was respected or respectable.
19:56 penguirker New blog post:
19:57 RagnarDanneskjol yep. i stopped using them over a year ago, am just fine paying street xchange fees whenever I ned usd now. Fortunately, in SoCal, I can spend btc all over the place, rarely need to convert anymore
19:58 ThickAsThieves no surprise, only topical i guess
20:00 decimation X-Rob, that's pretty neat to have a freepbx dev here. There needs to be some method to move some of this onto shortwave
20:06 TheNewDeal ragnar, do you buy any btc at all? The localbitcoin prices around here are like 105% bitstamp minimum, more like 110% for anyone with some feedback
20:07 RagnarDanneskjol sure, I'm always buyin too
20:07 ThickAsThieves too bad i live in fl, sounds like a good living
20:07 assbot weex +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
20:08 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal that's the situation universally. i keep getting offered in excess of 110% by ppl looking to buy.
20:08 mircea_popescu !up weex
20:08 weex thanks mircea_popescu
20:08 ThickAsThieves is that new? assbot reporting failed auth?
20:08 mircea_popescu so what's all this stuff on the forum ?
20:08 weex been a while since i was rated for anything
20:08 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves nah.
20:09 RagnarDanneskjol I have a good relationship with these guys, they tend to offer me descent rayes to buy or sell:
20:09 assbot galimi on
20:09 TheNewDeal I'm confused though, I would figure there would be a discount on cash
20:10 RagnarDanneskjol nope, is the time and service you're payin for
20:10 ThickAsThieves and the tax avoidance prolly
20:10 RagnarDanneskjol yea that too
20:10 dignork TheNewDeal: also for potential somewhat anonymity
20:10 TheNewDeal they're avoiding tax with the sale though as well
20:11 mircea_popescu cash is generally a liability when compared to bitcoin.
20:12 mircea_popescu the thing with it is that it's a minor liability, when compared to major liabilities such as banking pseudobux.
20:12 BingoBoingo lulzy convo
20:12 assbot BitcoinStats
20:12 mircea_popescu however, the only people who accept the latter are people who also have some sort of insulation in place, so they don't actually care.
20:12 mircea_popescu which is how cash ends up paradoxically undiscounted.
20:13 ThickAsThieves i was thinking about how bitcoin exchange scam stories will never end really
20:13 ThickAsThieves the power to make bitcoins will only get more and more tempting
20:14 ThickAsThieves by exchange, i mean websites, not localb
20:14 ben_vulpes "when they do work for it they roughly feel so used." << oh god its so rough
20:15 mircea_popescu lol check out my aznenglish
20:19 ben_vulpes the usage...
20:19 ThickAsThieves lol bitfinex just increased leverage from 2.5 to 3
20:20 ThickAsThieves just after the longs got shook down a day ago
20:20 mircea_popescu that thing looks shaky as fuck.
20:20 mircea_popescu they just mostly failed a round of looking for moneyz i hear.
20:20 ThickAsThieves interesting
20:21 ThickAsThieves they also hired mjr
20:21 mircea_popescu that was a while ago apparently.
20:21 BingoBoingo Oh, that's in the lawgz
20:21 mircea_popescu anyway, lots of "failed to close financing" stories begin to pop up.
20:21 ThickAsThieves i have sinned, not read logs for like 5 days
20:21 mircea_popescu past few weeks or so.
20:21 mircea_popescu stop living a normal human life ThickAsThieves
20:22 ben_vulpes cannot be normal and deep in bitcoin
20:22 ThickAsThieves it wasnt even a normal human life, i just kinda needed to shut out even more of the world for a bit
20:23 RagnarDanneskjol these long annotations exceeding blogged content are rather marvelous
20:23 RagnarDanneskjol "Sure the super-heroine that cooks very well, enjoys her bukkake work and is a F1 pilot by day could exist, just like the sharpshooter specialist in classical Greek literature with a side of stockbrokering could exist. The odds however are too one in ten trillion for the mere ten billion population of the planet to provide. We have enough trouble getting eleven people together that can w
20:23 RagnarDanneskjol ell chase a leather ball, let alone these sorts of SF works."
20:23 BingoBoingo ;;ud NORP
20:23 gribble | NORP. Acronym for "Normal Ordinary Respectable Person." Used as a pejorative by those who consider themselves part of the counterculture. "This party ...
20:23 mircea_popescu X-Rob 20 months is roughly 8 weeks and 2/3rds so how about nine weeks!
20:23 RagnarDanneskjol re - univ jammer:
20:24 assbot Analyzing Active Cancellation Stealth | Systems content from Microwaves & RF
20:24 mircea_popescu 2 months*
20:25 X-Rob mircea_popescu: 9 wedeks.
20:25 X-Rob Sure
20:25 X-Rob mircea_popescu: sure, sorry
20:25 X-Rob (was just asked to make it public)(
20:25 mircea_popescu ok, so start tomorrow or w/e it expires, BingoBoingo gives you details, i'll pay you in advance for first week
20:25 mircea_popescu addy ?
20:25 X-Rob mircea_popescu: ok, 9 weeks, 2BTC for AusMiner-3
20:27 ThickAsThieves is this payment to mine ATC or ?
20:27 mircea_popescu ys.
20:27 ThickAsThieves for WoL, or?
20:27 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves this is for you.
20:27 ThickAsThieves the motherland?
20:28 mircea_popescu well you made a broken scamcoin i'm stuck rescuing >.<
20:28 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:28 BingoBoingo !b 2
20:28 ThickAsThieves i'll chip in if the ATC end up somewhere agreeable
20:28 X-Rob mircea_popescu:1xrobauEmhLwVnTmLbs6M92n1xGFAFbgq is my address, and you're comitting to pay to that address .22BTC per week for 9 weeks, for a total of 1.98BTC. First payment will be within 24 hours, and then every 7 days after that. If you miss a payment, the deal is void, and I'll feel really annoyed, as I'm leasing below cost now, to average the price.
20:28 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves also relevant to your interests.
20:28 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
20:29 BingoBoingo They end up in MPIF ThickAsThieves
20:29 mircea_popescu ill make it .24 for the first one so it comes out to an even 2 btc.
20:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7250 @ 0.00071254 = 5.1659 BTC [-]
20:29 ThickAsThieves ah word
20:29 ThickAsThieves once again, i'm useless
20:30 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves you can rent his other rig for a few hours to help cut through the current glut.
20:30 mircea_popescu rather than getting depressed for no reason.
20:30 ThickAsThieves lol
20:30 X-Rob Rig is currently leased for another 15 hours -
20:30 X-Rob And I need to find out why the big one is slow.
20:30 mircea_popescu ah the 12.7th hthing is idle ?
20:31 decimation X-Rob: do you generally find that you can lease your rig for more than what the forecasted average payback should be? (on a per megahash per day basis)
20:32 X-Rob decimation: yes. always. But that's because I provide a guaranteed hashrate, and I know what I'm doing.
20:32 X-Rob I normally aim for 10% above theoretical
20:32 decimation The mind reels. I guess people are willing to pay a premium for virgin coin?
20:32 X-Rob and I idle against p2pool, too, which is almost always at 105% luck
20:33 X-Rob decimation: It rarely mines btc.
20:33 decimation I guess if you rent enough solo-mine capacity it becomes a casino game
20:33 X-Rob I have found a couple of blocks for solo miners.
20:34 X-Rob I found a 101G block, for a gujy who was solo mining.
20:34 mircea_popescu X-Rob how much do you like mining anyway ?
20:34 X-Rob that was pretty damn awesome.
20:34 X-Rob mircea_popescu: I'm more of an engineer. I like setting it up and doing all the management
20:34 X-Rob Actually ending up with coins is just the end result.
20:35 X-Rob I have more fun with network design 8)
20:35 ThickAsThieves nice
20:35 mircea_popescu that's like, the one type this chan was missing, someone who actually enjoys that part.
20:35 decimation seems like a surprisingly profitable business actually
20:35 X-Rob Nah
20:35 X-Rob It's just not as MUCH of a suckers bet as mining btc
20:35 ThickAsThieves Altcoin brings new blood to the chan too
20:36 BingoBoingo ThickAsThieves: But only when it's dying
20:36 decimation X-Rob: what do you pay for electricity there in australia?
20:36 ThickAsThieves antifragility, baby!
20:37 BingoBoingo ;;rate X-Rob 1 He's going to point his hash somewhere
20:37 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user X-Rob has been recorded.
20:37 BingoBoingo ;;unrate X-Rob
20:37 gribble Successfully removed your rating for X-Rob.
20:38 X-Rob BingoBoingo: IT'S 'XROBAU'
20:38 X-Rob wups
20:38 X-Rob new keyboard
20:38 X-Rob thanks
20:38 BingoBoingo ;;rate xrobau 1 Going to point his hash, issues corrections
20:38 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user xrobau has been recorded.
20:38 X-Rob decimation: A lot, but, I happen to have a power generation station as a customer, and I have a couple of racks in their computer room that I get for free.
20:38 mircea_popescu lawl.
20:39 decimation heh that makes it good business then
20:39 mircea_popescu embedded fucking systems, a bitcoin story.
20:40 assbot Last 4 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:40 BingoBoingo !b 4
20:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21650 @ 0.0007136 = 15.4494 BTC [+]
20:43 ThickAsThieves "There’s Bitcoin and that’s it, because there can only be one. All the rest of the crap exists only inasmuch as a) it stays theoretical or b) it stays small enough nobody cares. Where a) and b) are only distinct in the derp point of view, otherwise they’re the same thing."
20:43 ThickAsThieves Then why fund mining ATC?
20:43 ben_vulpes lulz
20:44 mircea_popescu cuz i can.
20:44 ThickAsThieves i find myself saying that more often lately
20:45 decimation ThickAsThieves: because controlling the alternatives demonstrates power
20:45 mircea_popescu decimation alternatively, how would you distinguish between atc and btc ?
20:45 mircea_popescu an exact clone with a financial bridge. what is the distinction ?
20:45 decimation technically not so much. only which is first in time
20:46 ThickAsThieves and we haz no Altcoin Core Developers
20:46 mircea_popescu atc is strategically important because take for instance the link ThickAsThieves dropped from -dev earlier.
20:46 ThickAsThieves :)
20:46 ThickAsThieves i think you mean Bingo's link
20:46 mircea_popescu so here is a "witness" bitcoin, v 0.6 and there is your "improved" 0.10 (lulzy that it's not 1.0 anymoar)
20:46 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves ah yes my bad.
20:46 decimation right, so it's a parachute as well
20:47 ben_vulpes
20:47 assbot OTAKU GANGSTA
20:47 mircea_popescu decimation more a witness. "so what is the net benefit of all your monkeying ? what doom have you avoided, what riches brought on ?"
20:47 ThickAsThieves I'm the Altcoin Chief Scientist
20:47 ThickAsThieves take that Gavin
20:47 decimation indeed, memorializing Bitcoin v0.6 or whatever could serve many purposes
20:47 mircea_popescu in this sense atc appreciating against btc is quite a negative signal for the power rangers.
20:48 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves which version is it even ? do you know ?
20:48 ThickAsThieves i used to know
20:48 ThickAsThieves pankake would know
20:48 ben_vulpes %t
20:48 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 172 Ask: 221 Last Price: 170 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
20:48 ThickAsThieves it might be in logs too
20:48 ben_vulpes ;;ticker
20:48 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 506.53, Best ask: 509.89, Bid-ask spread: 3.36000, Last trade: 510.0, 24 hour volume: 10382.96421929, 24 hour low: 485.39, 24 hour high: 524.8, 24 hour vwap: 501.785089495
20:48 ThickAsThieves and source is on github
20:48 mircea_popescu decimation aren't you impressed with two idiots that don't even know wtf version they cloned
20:48 mircea_popescu eventually outperforming the "scientists" and "foundations" and whatnot ?
20:49 ThickAsThieves at least i'm not on NSA payroll!
20:49 mircea_popescu exactly.
20:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38785 @ 0.00071218 = 27.6219 BTC [-] {4}
20:50 mircea_popescu X-Rob 155b26aa0cb0f83f78dd8226bebf104a27f0f03c099f6a9ed690cd7028554822
20:50 X-Rob mircea_popescu: fyi, just running a test of the big rig against that pool
20:50 mircea_popescu and btw, if you don't get paid come and bitch, you're definitely getting paid just i may forget.
20:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13715 @ 0.00071168 = 9.7607 BTC [-]
20:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9055 @ 0.00071368 = 6.4624 BTC [+] {2}
20:52 decimation that's a depressing conversation. THey would have a point of reference if someone actually documented the protocol.
20:52 mircea_popescu derp.
20:52 mircea_popescu welcome to 2012.
20:53 ThickAsThieves i remember when they forked, and there was outcry for documentation after
20:53 ThickAsThieves that was like a year ago
20:54 ThickAsThieves more
20:54 mircea_popescu yeah, a year after i had been beating them over the head at every turn to fucking do it for like a year BEFORE that.
20:54 mircea_popescu fucktards. but anyway.
20:54 mircea_popescu the war that is with the gear you got.
20:55 BingoBoingo %p
20:55 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 8.62 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 0 TH/s
20:55 mircea_popescu %d
20:55 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 168599.82 in 1934 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -91.02
20:56 decimation what about those guys writing the altnerative implementation? did they get their version working?
20:56 decimation these guys
20:56 assbot btcd - ConformalOpenSource
20:56 mircea_popescu decimation btcd you mean ?
20:57 mircea_popescu it's moving along from what i hear.
20:57 mircea_popescu definitely useful as a counterweight to hearn & co.
20:57 decimation good, perhaps from this effort some documentation will rise
20:58 mircea_popescu not avoidable.
21:02 X-Rob mircea_popescu: ok I found a block, you should see at least one transaction against that account ID
21:02 BingoBoingo X-Rob: I see it
21:02 mircea_popescu %d
21:02 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 170331.42 in 1933 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -90.93
21:02 midnightmagic fwiw, conformal's btcd segfaults if you sprinkle a forced garbage collection in the wrong place (wtf?), it built a block which some portion of testnet rejected and built a massive fork on over a period of a week, eventually crashing bitcoind (which perhaps suggests that it was btcd's own mining code that created the fork) and they keep taking credit for other peoples' ideas with a tremendous amount of completely unnecessary
21:02 X-Rob BingoBoingo: sweet.
21:02 midnightmagic hostility. :(
21:03 mircea_popescu midnightmagic the hostility is very necessary.
21:03 mircea_popescu the rest... myeah. still got problems.
21:05 midnightmagic setting side the superior net work that cooperating small groups can produce, if they did in fact come up with those ideas their hostility for other people "stealing" them would perhaps be a tad more warranted.
21:06 midnightmagic but I'm glad they have an alternative implementation running and syncing.
21:06 midnightmagic we need more of those that can act as full nodes minus mining
21:06 mircea_popescu cooperation is the bane of small anything. the reason afghanistan is stil a state whereas the united kingdom is a us dependency has everything to do with the mutual hostility of small groups of afghans. that aside, very little creative work is required or indeed desired in this soup.
21:07 mircea_popescu losing sight of this basic concept is part of what makes the power rangers so retarded.
21:07 midnightmagic i agree at that level. :) I'm talking five-ten people.
21:08 midnightmagic creative cryptography is the only thing that will scale us. :(
21:10 * RagnarDanneskjol sighs
21:10 decimation midnightmagic: what kind of cryptographic problem must be solved?
21:11 * BingoBoingo wonders is "creative locksmithing" is a thing
21:15 mircea_popescu no noteworthy advance in cryptography has ever - in three thousand recorded years - the work of a group of five people, let alone ten
21:15 mircea_popescu two are usually plenty, just gotta find the right two.
21:18 decimation yeah, mythical man month and all that.
21:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8449 @ 0.00071372 = 6.0302 BTC [+] {2}
21:26 X-Rob mircea_popescu: ok, when this lease is over, it should automatically switch over to that pool.
21:31 mircea_popescu cool.
21:31 mircea_popescu cazalla pls to pastebin k ?
21:31 mircea_popescu talke your pick
21:32 cazalla sure, 1 sec
21:34 cazalla
21:34 assbot August 17, 2014 -
21:35 mike_c wtf, twoplustwo is talking about ethereum now??
21:35 mircea_popescu << lol i think that's what counts for major custom coding on wf, danielpbarron
21:35 assbot Get Social Bitcoin Store Theme With HUGE BONUS & DISCOUNT - Create Your Own eCommerce Store Today
21:39 midnightmagic ehh.. a brainstorming group of people can generate and then refine, an idea faster than a singular person working alone if the idea is complex. see BIP32 for example, which is the idea of one or two people, but was furthered and fleshed out by more than one.
21:39 midnightmagic decimation: how to represent changes in the blockchain reasonably securely without having the entire blockchain available, for example
21:40 mircea_popescu <midnightmagic> ehh.. a brainstorming group of people can generate and then refine, an idea faster than a singular person working alone if the idea is complex. << statement doth not equal proof.
21:41 midnightmagic working on a codebase of sufficient size is not reasonably doable for a single person, even if that person is working full-time. Temporarily divergent codebases similar to, e.g. NetBSD and OpenBSD, are an excellent example of the fruits of multiple, medium-sized groups working on partially-divergent codebases who together created more in a cohesive whole than either group did on their own.
21:41 midnightmagic mircea_popescu: That's why I gave an example. :)
21:41 mircea_popescu this is why you split codebases into things a person can handle.
21:41 mircea_popescu the original unix/linux model.
21:41 mircea_popescu not some derpy dept of microsoft inspired contraptio.
21:44 mircea_popescu cazalla "People like Vitalek who spout off at the mouth are going in the wrong direction and taking you with them, making themselves richer and you poorer in the process." what's more, the you+them sum is also poorer. but yeah.
21:45 midnightmagic wtf is up with them anyway
21:45 mircea_popescu who ?
21:45 midnightmagic ethereum
21:46 mircea_popescu i would submit they're past their prime and the what has already been heard of them is the most that'll ever be heard of them.
21:46 mircea_popescu exactly a la neobee and it's take over cypruss paper-only revolution.
21:46 mircea_popescu !up ADG_
21:46 midnightmagic sooo much money
21:46 midnightmagic (relatively)
21:49 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Nice work on the venues page
21:51 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: images?
21:51 thestringpuller ;)
21:51 ben_vulpes thestringpuller: it's coming
21:51 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: thanks
21:51 thestringpuller :D
21:52 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Payouts function coming too?
21:52 mike_c ben_vulpes: login still feels buggy.. i just logged in successfully, but am now logged out.
21:53 Bet placed: 1 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin over $600 before October" Odds: 92(Y):8(N) by coin, 92(Y):8(N) by weight. Total bet: 1.36983186 BTC. Current weight: 96,855.
21:54 copumpkin that seems poorly worded
21:57 ben_vulpes mike_c: do you recall the sequence of pages that you hit?
21:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14746 @ 0.00071113 = 10.4863 BTC [-] {2}
21:57 mike_c i was on venue page. logged in separate tab. then clicked 'purchase ads'
21:58 mike_c it said 'you're not logged in'. clicked other pages, same result.
21:58 mike_c so logged in again, then it worked.
21:59 mike_c also, i just bought ad for 8/18-8/19, and it is showing now.
22:00 BingoBoingo !mpif
22:00 assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021697 B (Total: 474.46 B). Delta: -0.06 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00022 BTC [+]
22:00 mike_c fuck, is it 8/18 already in london?
22:01 mike_c ok, that one is my fault.
22:02 ben_vulpes sorry gotta bail for a sec guys, but yeah utc. i'll add a callout, sry mike.
22:02 mike_c no problem.
22:02 mike_c 2 hour donation to vanads.
22:04 mike_c feature suggestion: given text ads, simple parameters, an api would be nice.
22:13 ben_vulpes i want to make an api as well!
22:14 mike_c step 1: make OTP like gribble so i can curl it
22:14 ben_vulpes right? :D
22:14 ben_vulpes still, i have to polish this ball of mud to the point where people besides our little cult will throw money at it, and other people are willing to put its ads on their sites first.
22:15 mike_c well isn't that what we're talking about?
22:16 ben_vulpes ofc.
22:16 ben_vulpes i still have to prioritize all the possible things to do
22:21 TheNewDeal finarry
22:22 TheNewDeal !s pgp
22:22 assbot 520 results for 'pgp' :
22:23 BingoBoingo
22:23 assbot SCOTT AIR FORCE BASE: DOD, where's my car? Transcom searches for missing vehicles | Top Stories | News Democrat
22:23 mike_c %p
22:23 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.42 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 1.49 TH/s
22:24 TheNewDeal so far what I have learned from A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering: long keys are unsightly, shrink them down to a size that can be visually verified by a human
22:28 dignork TheNewDeal: gpg has a fingerprint, relatively short string identifying a key, it can be visually verified by human.
22:28 TheNewDeal didn't even think of that. Was a joke nonetheless
22:28 TheNewDeal or more, poking fun at said article
22:31 RagnarDanneskjol dood where's my car - thats good lulz
22:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11600 @ 0.00071377 = 8.2797 BTC [+] {2}
22:42 thestringpuller dude where's my gpg key?
~ 22 minutes ~
23:04 TheNewDeal is A Wealth of Nations a good read?
23:05 BingoBoingo Sure
23:05 ben_vulpes <mike_c> step 1: make OTP like gribble so i can curl it << i'm leaning more towards a gpg-encrypted api; that is to say, curl -X POST -d file_with_signcrypted_order_blob.txt
23:06 ben_vulpes i'm not *not* making you a gribble-style endpoint, just pondering aloud
23:13 BingoBoingo %p
23:13 atcbot [CoinMiner Hashrate]: 1.45 TH/s [PityThePool Hashrate]: 0.00 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 0 TH/s
23:13 BingoBoingo %d
23:13 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 170384.84 in 1932 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -90.93
23:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10100 @ 0.0007105 = 7.1761 BTC [-]
~ 15 minutes ~
23:30 mod6 <+mircea_popescu> WHY SO VIOLENT MOD6! << haha.
23:35 mod6 that was pretty funny. i just had gotten started in eulora, and hadn't figured out how to pick anything up yet. so i tried to fight it.
23:41 mircea_popescu mod6 it is pretty funny
23:42 mircea_popescu !up rdekley
23:43 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal> is A Wealth of Nations a good read? << not bad.
23:44 TheNewDeal seems like I'm getting meh reviews. On with the HG Wells then
23:45 mircea_popescu "My trust in government is roughly 0% ... the problem is my faith in people and companies to get over their fear of government and change the status quo is also 0%. For that reason, even if the flaws in Bitcoin could be resolved, the fact that it exists outside of the government's control of the financial sector adds a huge element of risk. "
23:45 mircea_popescu these people.
23:45 mircea_popescu his faith in govt is 0% yet things not in the govt add a huge element of risk.
23:45 mircea_popescu logic, for people who can't add.
23:45 mod6 hehehe
23:46 mircea_popescu "i like saying that racism is bad to try and score chicks and i hate niggers and spics."
23:46 mircea_popescu "i have no trust in government and anything not the government is mean and bad."
23:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19900 @ 0.00071058 = 14.1405 BTC [+]
23:48 TheNewDeal I like the ring of that
23:48 mircea_popescu mad props for reducing the whole story to the familiar form of the ron paul debate tho. "the flaws in bitcoin" and "people do things"
23:48 mircea_popescu meanwhile, bitcoin is flawless and nobody needs to do anything whatsoever
23:49 TheNewDeal I wonder if someday these people will be forced into understanding, or continue to be galavanting neurosis
23:49 mircea_popescu here's an element of risk : visa misplaces something to the tune of 1k payments EACH MONTH.
23:49 mircea_popescu total btc payments that didn't go where they were supposed to or got lost to date ? 0.
23:50 mircea_popescu that's an infinity of orders of magnitude better, or as many as you can count. flaws in bitcoin my left foot.
23:50 ben_vulpes pshaw
23:50 ben_vulpes perhaps an academic distinction, but the people misfire all the time
23:50 mircea_popescu purely academic.
23:51 mircea_popescu im not discussing the millions of txn that get misfired on the ccs.
23:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11851 @ 0.0007117 = 8.4344 BTC [+] {2}
23:56 BingoBoingo ;;gettrust ben_vulpes
23:56 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask ben_vulpes!~user@unaffiliated/benkay. Trust relationship from user BingoBoingo to user ben_vulpes: Level 1: 3, Level 2: 12 via 9 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Sun Mar 10 13:57:45 2013
23:56 danielpbarron !up usagi
23:57 usagi thanks
23:57 usagi I'll be back in a second, some contractors are over here now
23:58 danielpbarron only got 30 minutes; every second counts..
23:58 TheNewDeal usagi's in the house!
23:58 TheNewDeal !s usagi
23:58 assbot 1457 results for 'usagi' :
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