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← 2014-07-23 | 2014-07-25 →
00:00 BingoBoingo TheNewDeal: That was danielpbarron
00:00 TheNewDeal ahh
00:00 danielpbarron TheNewDeal, ya, I did
00:01 TheNewDeal hahaha
00:01 BingoBoingo I tend to treat people in Bitcoin T-shirts the same way drug dealers treat people wearing I <3 crack T-shirts
00:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19253 @ 0.00079395 = 15.2859 BTC [-]
00:02 Rassah Potential customers?
00:02 Rassah Or undercover cops
00:04 BingoBoingo Well, dude and his friends obviously smelled of drugs
00:04 TheNewDeal i would hope so
00:05 TheNewDeal the skunky kind?
00:09 BingoBoingo TheNewDeal: Smelled like the more solid, you're going to get addicted kind
00:09 BingoBoingo !up Duffer1
00:10 BingoBoingo I wonder if the 5-0 has an eu de meth the can spray on to be more convincing undercover
00:10 TheNewDeal lol
00:12 Duffer1 i'm so proud of my cable management
00:12 Duffer1 i'll post pics later
00:19 dub BingoBoingo: not afaik, they go for the real deal
00:22 dub got a buddy who was basically high 24/7 on the job
00:34 Rassah dub: Lots of suiters working at Disney World are like that
00:36 BingoBoingo !up HANDSofSTEEL
00:36 BingoBoingo !up sqsqsqsqsq
00:36 BingoBoingo Welcome HANDSofSTEEL and sqsqsqsqsq
00:37 HANDSofSTEEL thanks for the warm welcome
00:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9000 @ 0.00079481 = 7.1533 BTC [+]
00:38 dub suiters?
00:38 Rassah I used to work at Disney World. People who wore suits often smoked weed, dropped acid, etc, because they could always blame the consequences on head exhaustion
00:38 Rassah sorry, term is "fur suit," but I guess technicaly costumes
00:39 dub Lawyers are teh biggest pottheads in my experience
00:39 Rassah old habits die hard XD
00:39 dub but we were talking about cops
00:39 Rassah I thought lawyers did coke, no pot?
00:40 BingoBoingo HANDSofSTEEL: Welcome here
00:40 dub I've had pleny of jobs where weed was standard issue equipment
00:41 HANDSofSTEEL ;)
00:44 BingoBoingo HANDSofSTEEL: What brings you to these parts?
00:45 HANDSofSTEEL was reading up on ethereum actually is what brought me here
00:45 HANDSofSTEEL wanted to see what the overall vibe was like but i see there are logs online to look at
00:45 kakobrekla !s ethereum
00:45 assbot 117 results for 'ethereum' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=ethereum
00:45 kakobrekla enjoy.
00:46 BingoBoingo HANDSofSTEEL: Yeah, the log are here and as kakobrekla Has blessed you with, search
00:46 HANDSofSTEEL =)
00:48 kakobrekla i guess it would be fair to note that todays mentions are not parsed in search yet.
00:48 BingoBoingo HANDSofSTEEL: If you really want to go long on ethereum, mircea_popescu wants to go short. I'd advise reading up on ethereum criticism before doing anything rash though.
00:48 Duffer1 HANDSofSTEEL http://bitcoinpete.com/2014/07/23/a-guide-to-buying-5000-ether-bitcoin-2-5x-more-than-ethereums-genesis-sale/
00:48 assbot A Guide To Buying 5000 Ether/Bitcoin, 2.5x More Than Ethereum’s Genesis Sale Offers | When Bitcoin Met Pete
00:48 HANDSofSTEEL thats what brought me here
00:48 HANDSofSTEEL nice find
00:48 dub Rassah: sorry, yes, lawyers == anything goes
00:49 Duffer1 etherum isn't going to end well
00:50 HANDSofSTEEL what i wonder is if it will start well
00:50 dub I expect that it will, at least, not start well
00:50 HANDSofSTEEL lol
00:50 Duffer1 start well for who is the question
00:50 HANDSofSTEEL good point
00:50 HANDSofSTEEL might be good to get on both sides
00:50 Duffer1 haven't they already received several thousand perfectly healthy btc?
00:50 HANDSofSTEEL the less the better
00:51 sqsqsqsqsq allegedly
00:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.13 = 0.65 BTC [-]
00:51 HANDSofSTEEL well its catch 22, the more on initial, the worse the entry price is, but there is increased interest
00:52 HANDSofSTEEL if for some reason they stop selling them now
00:52 HANDSofSTEEL then popularity explodes after offering but before genesis
00:52 HANDSofSTEEL then that will be a good start for early investors
00:53 sqsqsqsqsq you like it, the pump and dump?
00:53 HANDSofSTEEL i actually think the technology is awesome is what piques my interest
00:54 HANDSofSTEEL but yes there are alterior motives
00:55 mircea_popescu ohai
00:55 mircea_popescu it's usually spelled "ulterior"
00:55 Duffer1 http://imgur.com/zb5gXY9 front
00:55 assbot imgur: the simple image sharer
00:55 Duffer1 http://imgur.com/Oq9Q2U6 back
00:55 assbot imgur: the simple image sharer
00:56 mircea_popescu Duffer1 this s not nearly nsfw enough for here
00:56 asciilifeform Duffer1: what is remarkable in these photos ?
00:56 Duffer1 the cable management!
00:56 Duffer1 pff haters :(
00:59 HANDSofSTEEL thanks for the correction
00:59 cazalla Duffer1, i know that feel, ocd cable management
01:00 Duffer1 ya feels good having it all sorted
01:01 BingoBoingo HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that
01:02 cazalla he'll be taking it in the ass, that's about it
01:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.132 = 0.66 BTC [+]
01:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.133 = 0.665 BTC [+]
01:05 HANDSofSTEEL bitbet is a cool site
01:06 mircea_popescu copumpkin: damn! mpoe below .8 << im pretty sure it was her eb4
01:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform:
01:07 mircea_popescu mircea_popescu: conventional munitions alarm << you mean, ears ringing? or smelled the unmistakeable smell of trotyl? or actual electric alarm? << no there;s an actual alarm.
01:08 mircea_popescu tnt/trotyl/dynamite/etc have a very specific signatur
01:08 Rassah By the way, does anyone have a better (lolsier) reason for why bitcoin will never work than "Bitcoin is deflationary, and will keep going up in price as people hoard it, until it becomes wortless?"
01:08 mircea_popescu Rassah bitcoin will work.
01:10 Rassah mircea_popescu: ??? I mean stupider than the claim I said
01:10 nubbins` bitcoin is deflationary?
01:10 Rassah That's the most entertainingly dumb thing I have heard. I wonder if anyone else has any others
01:10 mircea_popescu derpflartionary amirite
01:10 Rassah mircea_popescu: Wait, why are you telling me that bitcoin will work?..........
01:11 mircea_popescu cuz you asked :D
01:11 dub that aint cable management
01:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: if your alarm picks up TATP, sell it to the americans, they'll cream their pants
01:11 mircea_popescu btw, let the permanent rtecord reflect that i am less drunken than mthreat
01:11 mircea_popescu i can type
01:11 mthreat false
01:11 mthreat ok gnite
01:12 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it's shockwave based
01:12 mthreat <mircea_popescu> rtecord <<
01:12 mircea_popescu mthreat you gettting blown too ?
01:12 BingoBoingo Huh, I'm only running a .21 according to this machine
01:12 asciilifeform lol!
01:12 Duffer1 dub it's as far as i was willing to go, not about to rebraid each wire lol
01:12 Rassah mircea_popescu: It sounded like you doubted my faith in bitcoin. Frankly I am offended. The statement I made was lolzy and derpy beause it is essentially saying that bitcoin will become so valuable that it will be valueless, which is a logical contradiction, and yet I have heard that statement countless times over the years
01:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform lulz all you want!
01:13 mircea_popescu Rassah lol simmer.
01:13 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: shockwave << what's the use if the charge is already set off and the crater smoking ?
01:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know they missed.
01:14 asciilifeform 'q: what to do if a shell lands in your trench? a: jump twenty meters and scatter yourself around!' - ww1, british.
01:15 * dub fails to quickly find pics of loomed 7*48 port fibre blades and gives up
01:15 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you know making a hit is not as trivial as it sounds.
01:16 mircea_popescu decimation: I thought it was always native << you were right, it was.
01:16 * asciilifeform is familiar with history, where the briefcase is always behind one cement column too far, the mine is always three cars away, etc.
01:17 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sad fact of life.
01:17 * asciilifeform still didn't think this required electronics. if you're in range, ear/nose ought to work
01:18 asciilifeform although i can think of one case
01:18 mircea_popescu decimation: everyone knows that eastern europeans are going to cheat and steal the carp << i can attest, carp is huge in eeu
01:18 mircea_popescu and in romanian, it's called crap
01:19 asciilifeform (dr. evil plants mine on street xxx, you left xxx ahead of schedule, mine blows. locals admit nothing, say 'gas leak.' wave velocity sensor on your desk tells truth.)
01:19 dub i've a perverse need to test newphones waterproofyness
01:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform generally such detectors are valuable to embarass.
01:20 asciilifeform incidentally, for a few years now one can buy similar apparatus for triangulating small arms fire. you can actually see these permanently installed in certain u.s. cities.
01:21 mircea_popescu decimation: web 2.0 is so poorly designed that this barely exists, instead of being a first class featue << muff said.
01:23 mircea_popescu Rassah: I thought he was? Etherium is run by a large group of people, including finance guys << none of which in the wot ? catperson, puhlease.
01:24 Rassah mircea_popescu: Most people I know are not in the wot. Sorry, but there is a whole separate "wot" out there that's not quite as... digital...
01:24 mircea_popescu of people that will either fail or be raped or both.,
01:24 mircea_popescu not in the wot = no good. period.
01:26 mircea_popescu think of it as "not being in the communist party" in moscow cca 1952.
01:26 mircea_popescu you ARE goign to siberia. on foot.
01:27 mircea_popescu to dig ditches.
01:27 Rassah like my great grandmother and many other relatives?
01:28 mircea_popescu sure.
01:28 Rassah The other "wot" is people who actually know each other in person, and can vouch for each other. It's WOT, witout a digital record
01:29 mircea_popescu you're on the thin ice of presumption. what makes you think people on the wot don';t kn ow each other in person ?
01:29 Rassah and it's just as reliable (see pirate@40) whereby some people can be nice and known and trusted, and turn out to be total douchebags
01:29 Rassah There are a lot of people in wot that have never met in person
01:29 mircea_popescu perhaps you'd be well served by reading the discussion on the topic. the wot dun work as you may imagine it do\es.
01:30 mircea_popescu but anyway, time for me to get my toes suckled. tomorro.
01:30 Rassah I'll go get my dick sucked instead. See ya!
01:33 dub a number of 'trusted' fold in and out of the wot met pirate if you'll recall
~ 55 minutes ~
02:28 fluffypony Rassah: you are spot on, in a sense - the WoT is a digital representation of the real life business networks that are often found amongst the Freemasons, the Jews, or even among an old boy's club for a particular school
02:28 fluffypony the difference is that it's completely all-encompasing and global in its reach
02:28 fluffypony so its incomparable
02:28 Rassah The people in my real life WoT are all-encompasng and global too
02:29 Rassah Except I actually know them, who they are, what they do, what kind of a person they are, etc much more than a nick on an IRC chat
02:31 Rassah Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication
02:31 Rassah *talking
02:35 cazalla so much for that blow job?
02:35 fluffypony hah hah
02:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14250 @ 0.00079416 = 11.3168 BTC [-] {2}
02:37 dub wot provides more behavioural references
02:37 dub more than
~ 16 minutes ~
02:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7434 @ 0.00079481 = 5.9086 BTC [+]
02:54 BingoBoingo %t
02:54 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 210 Ask: 238 Last Price: 210 24h-Vol: 115k High: 239 Low: 210 VWAP: 222
03:02 danielpbarron 02:28:52 <+Rassah> The people in my real life WoT .. << get them in the gribble WoT
03:09 fluffypony ;;tslb
03:09 fluffypony !tslb
03:09 gribble Time since last block: 31 minutes and 53 seconds
03:09 fluffypony wtf
03:09 fluffypony every time I need a transfer to move quickly this happens
03:10 xmj tell me about it
03:10 xmj everytime i need something done quickly i'm blocked by bureaucracy.
03:12 benkay <BingoBoingo> mike_c: Situation has been remedied. Key in question was not sold so much as held by each of us in trust of a higher powah. // this is the highest endorsement of the wot i've yet seen
03:12 benkay strongest, sorry, i'm the high one
03:13 benkay oscon is in town
03:13 benkay nobody escapes the open drinquisition
~ 28 minutes ~
03:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33960 @ 0.00079417 = 26.97 BTC [-] {2}
03:51 pankkake /r/buttcoin can't deal with bitcoin opinions that are not the standard /r/bitcoin crap; they expect to fill their bingo cards and it doesn't work
03:52 pankkake about the tslb: anyone tried greenaddress? I've only read the faq, but it seems pretty smart
03:52 pankkake certainly better that an inputs.io style solution
~ 15 minutes ~
04:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16727 @ 0.00079394 = 13.2802 BTC [-] {2}
~ 17 minutes ~
04:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.13408332 = 1.609 BTC [+] {3}
04:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25790 @ 0.0007936 = 20.4669 BTC [-] {3}
04:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27550 @ 0.0007928 = 21.8416 BTC [-]
~ 44 minutes ~
05:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35440 @ 0.00080041 = 28.3665 BTC [+]
05:33 pankkake http://bitcoinstudent.tumblr.com/post/92669241028/results-of-a-3-000-person-bitcoin-survey (keep in mind it's a survey of redditors)
05:33 assbot Bitcoin Student Results of a 3,000+ person Bitcoin survey
05:34 jurov honestly i don't think adding 100 of us would skew the results much
05:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [ROCK] 2000 @ 0.00084995 = 1.6999 BTC [-]
~ 26 minutes ~
06:13 jurov hue http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2bh2sr/mtgox_creditor_meeting_handout/cj5e9ue
06:13 assbot trixisowned comments on mtgox creditor meeting handout
06:14 jurov !up Poffertje
06:14 jurov !up windjc
06:14 jurov !up trixisowned
06:14 trixisowned ;)
06:15 jurov !up punkman
06:15 trixisowned https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
06:15 assbot Bitcoin Balance of bitcoin address: 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
06:15 trixisowned daily lol
06:16 jurov what is it?
06:16 trixisowned etherium proof of burn
06:16 trixisowned :P
06:16 trixisowned lol proof of burn
06:16 trixisowned thats what im calling it at this point
06:18 trixisowned https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLjlOw3TVc8&feature=player_detailpage#t=79
06:18 assbot An exclusive peek into the world's biggest Bitcoin exchange - YouTube
06:21 jurov ;;rate trixisowned 1 b-a voice. and luke said he's a troll.
06:21 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user trixisowned has been recorded.
06:21 trixisowned luke is a dumbass
06:21 jurov ;D
06:21 trixisowned :/
06:21 trixisowned i just wanted him to please point out what his share algorithm does on eligius
06:21 trixisowned and he was like
06:22 jurov he got you a voice here :D
06:22 trixisowned "oh i havent even looked at the code for CBBSRB"
06:22 trixisowned "I dont even know what that does"
06:24 jurov and you looked into it?
06:24 jurov found any phun?
06:36 pankkake ;;rate trixisowned 1 troll
06:36 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user trixisowned has been recorded.
06:44 trixisowned jurov CBBSRB was created to hide Luke-Jr and his crew taking from each block found by their pool
06:45 fluffypony who here gets the Bitcoin BullBear report?
06:47 trixisowned CBBSRB just made it so the blocks looked like they were paying out full blocks on each block payout
06:47 trixisowned when in reality they just added their address to the list of miners, and take a percentage of each block as if they were actually hashing
06:47 trixisowned its why you see odd payouts on eligius
06:48 trixisowned that dont match other pools
06:48 trixisowned when you have 5TH+
06:50 ThickAsThieves <+Rassah> Also, as is most important in any crptocurrency (even moreso than its "features") Etherium has a team of good developers with a specific goals, who want to work to develop it no matter the price. /// til they get bored
06:50 fluffypony oh I missed all of that
06:50 fluffypony he's punting Etherium?
06:50 fluffypony lol.
06:52 ThickAsThieves <+BingoBoingo> My current beef with Etherium is that despite all of their protests they are selling equity in a something. /// worse, they are selling a painting of a duck to dogs, they don't yet realize it can't fly or quack, but it at least fills their bellies
06:54 ThickAsThieves <+Rassah> In summary, they had an idea they thought was awesome, they wanted to spend a year working on this awesome idea of theirs, without having to worry about jobs or income, so they marketed their idea to bitcoiners who like dumping money into altcoins... Sounds like they weren't dumb at all about this :) //// So, they are about equal to every other altcoin with dream, where's
06:54 ThickAsThieves the smarts?
06:55 ThickAsThieves <+Rassah> decimation: ... you could think of ether is jet fuel needed to run it. /// gtfo
06:57 fluffypony I'm sure I heard someone say that Etherium is "blockchain 3.0 technology" the other day, I wanted to stab them in the face
07:00 ThickAsThieves <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo
07:03 pankkake the issue is that there's no exchange yet, obviously
07:03 pankkake so how can you spec the bet?
07:05 ThickAsThieves <+dub> i've a perverse need to test newphones waterproofyness /// maybe you should go to running of the bulls
07:14 ThickAsThieves <+trixisowned> https://blockchain.info/charts/balance?address=36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2 //// it;s rounding off, SELL!
07:14 assbot Bitcoin Balance of bitcoin address: 36PrZ1KHYMpqSyAQXSG8VwbUiq2EogxLo2
07:14 dub no thx
07:15 ThickAsThieves <+fluffypony> who here gets the Bitcoin BullBear report? /// is it good?
07:15 trixisowned http://www.btc798.com/article-5018-1.html
07:15 assbot |_
07:15 * trixisowned cough
07:15 trixisowned oops
07:15 trixisowned wrong chat lol
07:15 fluffypony ThickAsThieves: yeah not bad, some of it is above my pay grade and I don't quite grok the nuances, but it's still interesting
07:16 fluffypony this week they stopped their LTC analysis entirely (they will do ocassional bits of LTC analysis if necessary)
07:16 dub a friend broke his femure in pamplona (not running the bulls, trying to scale balconies the night before), hospitals there are scary
07:16 fluffypony and instead did an analysis of XMR on the back of yesterday's Poloniex announcement
07:16 ThickAsThieves trixisowned fire currency?
07:17 ThickAsThieves announcement?
07:18 dub these guys ended up in his ward http://zakireza.wordpress.com/2011/08/27/running-of-the-bulls/michael-lenahan-laurence-lenahan/
07:18 assbot Michael Lenahan, Laurence Lenahan | Zaki's Blog
07:19 ThickAsThieves ass to ass!
07:19 fluffypony ThickAsThieves: https://www.poloniex.com/press-releases/2014.07.23-Poloniex-Welcomes-New-Monero-XMR-Markets
07:19 assbot Poloniex Welcomes New Monero (XMR) Markets
07:19 ThickAsThieves oic pumping like champs
~ 31 minutes ~
07:50 ThickAsThieves a new plane is missing
07:51 ThickAsThieves http://www.cnn.com/2014/07/24/world/africa/air-algerie-flight/index.html?hpt=hp_t2
07:51 assbot Air Algerie plane with 116 on board falls off radar - CNN.com
07:53 ThickAsThieves http://money.cnn.com/2013/12/19/news/china-bitcoin-hack/
07:53 assbot China's central bank hacked - Dec. 19, 2013
07:53 ThickAsThieves "Yesterday, we had to stop accepting deposits into the exchange, because our payment processor had essentially cut us off from new deposits," BTC China CEO Bobby Lee told CNN.
07:53 ThickAsThieves ddos is a hack now
07:54 ThickAsThieves (old news)
07:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12826 @ 0.00080241 = 10.2917 BTC [+]
08:07 ThickAsThieves cheapcoinz!
08:07 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker
08:07 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 605.0, Best ask: 605.56, Bid-ask spread: 0.56000, Last trade: 605.0, 24 hour volume: 6633.77534253, 24 hour low: 603.45, 24 hour high: 623.0, 24 hour vwap: 616.38692407
08:09 Pierre_Rochard ThickAsThieves: huh. Not seeing any news
08:10 fluffypony Pierre_Rochard: the market rarely shifts on the back of news
08:11 fluffypony it's driven by supply and demand and other market forces (which can include news or market manipulation)
08:12 Pierre_Rochard fluffypony: agreed, I look for news because that can hint at the amplitude of the shift
08:13 fluffypony maybe people are pissed that Draper didn't reveal the USMS auction price on the Colbert Report yesterday
08:13 ThickAsThieves news is usually just an excuse for market to do what wanted to anyway
08:13 ThickAsThieves i charted this fall like a champ
08:13 BigBitz news is secondary.
08:13 BigBitz Bitcoin markets don't revolve around news.
08:13 BigBitz They don't care.
08:14 fluffypony ^^
08:14 BigBitz It could be something amazing and wonderful like US Scrap USD for BTC and it would tank.
08:14 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
08:14 BigBitz Then the next day it would be China bans Bitcoin (again) and it would rallllleeeeyyyythefuckmoade.
08:15 Pierre_Rochard BigBitz: Ok, in the future I will qualify it as “huh. Not seeing any news that could be having a secondary effect because while the price doesn’t revolve around the news, this could be one of the rare news-driven price shifts”. That way there won’t be any confusion.
08:15 dub ThickAsThieves: I thought you called a break up
08:16 ThickAsThieves after this fall, yes
08:16 BigBitz where do we go TAT?
08:16 BigBitz $500? $440?
08:16 ThickAsThieves http://devilsadvocate.biz/btcusd-update-bitstamp-preparing-for-700/
08:16 assbot BTCUSD Update (Bitstamp) Preparing for $700?
08:16 ThickAsThieves i have a newer chart ill share in a sec
08:16 ThickAsThieves made afte rthat one
08:17 BigBitz You have 634 for today :(
08:18 ThickAsThieves http://i.imgur.com/YqeEc6N.jpg
08:18 ThickAsThieves you dont trade by the date
08:18 ThickAsThieves you trade by the price
08:18 BigBitz I making poking fun :P
08:18 BigBitz errr... I was poking fun.
08:18 ThickAsThieves hehe
08:18 dub did you fuck that chart up?
08:19 ThickAsThieves use the imgur one
08:19 ThickAsThieves it's much better
08:19 ThickAsThieves of course i could still be wrong
08:20 ThickAsThieves could fall to 560
08:20 dub less cropping would be useful
08:21 ThickAsThieves dub here's the full interactive one then https://www.tradingview.com/e/6HNfLOlQ/
08:21 assbot BTCUSD: BTCUSD Bitstamp longterm - TradingView
08:22 ThickAsThieves it's a bull pennant with a fractal inside
08:22 ThickAsThieves white line / black line
~ 1 hours 2 minutes ~
09:25 bitcoinpete howdy
09:26 bitcoinpete * BingoBoingo has never actually been to an airport << huh… ain't that the darndest thing
09:28 bitcoinpete Spoondoolies Halts Sales of SP30, Investigating Technical Issues << that might explain the mysterious 30k TH that suddenly came and went
09:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00080113 = 19.3873 BTC [-]
09:32 bitcoinpete Rassah: I wonder if Bitcoin Pete has met an inteligent person in his life << if i had, would that make ethereum suck less?
09:32 kakobrekla ;;bc,convert eur
09:32 gribble 1 BTC = 594.99 USD = 441.839574 eur
09:32 kakobrekla is this dogecoin quote ?
09:33 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Well, pete's a jew and there are a lot of smart members of the tribe << einstein, maimonides, spinoza, natalie portman, etc.
09:33 bitcoinpete kakobrekla: too many decimals?
09:35 kakobrekla soon, there will only be decimals!
09:35 bitcoinpete Rassah: There aren't a lot of smart people in bitcoinland... I have a feeling Bitcoin Pete isn't one either, but is regurgitating things other smart people are saying in his blogs. A beneficial service I guess << hooray for stupid yet useful jooz!
09:35 bitcoinpete kakobrekla: then we'll be kings!
09:36 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Well, if pete isn't smart then he's been incredibly lucky. << and crafty! but smart and lucky need not be mutually exclusive.
09:37 pankkake natalie portman is a jew? I always knew something was off with her
09:37 cazalla c'mon, it's hollywood afterall
09:37 pankkake BingoBoingo, fear of flying? :p
09:40 bitcoinpete pankkake: natalie, scarlett johansson, mila kunis, elizabeth banks (convert), isla fisher (convert), gwenyth paltrow, and neve campbell
09:40 bitcoinpete so my research tells me
09:41 fluffypony your fro-search, you mean
09:41 pankkake wait, hollywood converts actresses to jews?!
09:41 fluffypony it's like a Jew-dar on your head
09:41 bitcoinpete well… ya
09:41 pankkake funny how I don't like any of those
09:41 pankkake maybe I'm an antisemite after all!
09:41 pankkake my jewdar is broken, despite being French
09:41 cazalla you may as well write a list of who isn't jewish, it'll be shorter
09:42 bitcoinpete pankkake: but you're pro-croissant!
09:42 pankkake eheh
09:42 pigeons natilie portman is smart?
09:42 bitcoinpete ;;google natalie portman
09:42 gribble Natalie Portman . com | The #1 fansite for Natalie Portman: <http://www.natalieportman.com/>; Natalie Portman - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000204/>; Natalie Portman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Natalie_Portman>
09:42 bitcoinpete went to harvard iirc
09:43 bitcoinpete which makes her more soviet, i suppose
09:43 bitcoinpete Rassah: That statement of his tells me he either has never met Vitalik in person, or doesn't know what an inteligent person is like << met the dude briefly at toronto expo. so what?
09:44 bitcoinpete vitalik's actions say it all
09:44 bitcoinpete kid's being played like a flute by a bunch of dopey tards
09:44 cazalla he's related to marc andresen right?
09:44 pankkake why would all scammers be dumb?
09:44 cazalla on account of their heads and shit
09:45 bitcoinpete his intentions seem innocent enough and i'm sure he's "having fun" but ethereum is still a fucking joke
09:45 bitcoinpete cazalla: same barber
09:45 fluffypony but...but...isn't it Blockchain 3.0 technology?
09:45 fluffypony meanwhile we haven't even gotten to 1.0 yet
09:46 pigeons vitalik sells lots of snake oil besides etherum: emulated quantum computer that runs faster than its von neuman host; proof of stake; "trustless" distributed fiat (schellingcoin);
09:46 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: Pascal had an application... Busses have an application... Pretty sure Doge had an application even if it wasn't a pretty one << i like this
09:46 pigeons those are all cool ideas, but pretending they actually work and can be used is pretty much deceptive
09:47 pankkake well yes, he wants to have fun at others expense
09:47 kakobrekla church going people.
09:47 ThickAsThieves guys I have this problem that only a smart contract can solve!
09:48 ThickAsThieves no one said ever
09:48 bitcoinpete fluffypony: show those derps a 5000 BTC bounty for making 1.0 work and then we might be talking
09:48 pigeons now you have 2 problems
09:48 bitcoinpete pigeons: fucking 21 yo kid thinks he can invent rounder wheel
09:49 bitcoinpete ;;rated BingoBoingo
09:49 gribble You rated user BingoBoingo on Thu May 22 17:57:19 2014, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: spinozan, blogger.
09:49 bitcoinpete eh ok
09:49 pigeons maybe he can, but build it before you sell it to me
09:50 bitcoinpete myeah
09:50 bitcoinpete well my blog post on the matter was fairly widely read.
09:51 bitcoinpete at least enough to get a phone call from ethereum fearless leader anthony di iorio
09:51 bitcoinpete he left a stern voicemail
09:51 fluffypony hah ha
09:51 fluffypony saying what?
09:51 bitcoinpete when he remembers where his pgp keys went, i'll talk to him
09:52 pankkake what the fuck?
09:52 bitcoinpete fluffypony: saying "hi peter. this is anthony di iorio. i was just looking at that blog post. call me back."
09:53 fluffypony rude
09:53 pankkake who do those people think they are
09:53 pigeons wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post?
09:54 bitcoinpete fluffypony: brusque for sure
09:54 bitcoinpete pigeons: MOAR POSEETEEV NOOZ!
09:55 bitcoinpete pankkake: i've met anthony irl twice and we've talked on the phone before. but it's been... quite a while
09:56 bitcoinpete he sold me some coins otc too
09:56 bitcoinpete bout a year ago iirc
09:56 bitcoinpete still. pgp or gtfo
09:57 bitcoinpete or hell, irc
09:57 bitcoinpete Rassah: I'm starting to suspect the things they talk about in private do not match the spin they put out in public... << trust that gut
09:58 pankkake yeah he's not on #bitcoin-conspiracy
09:58 ThickAsThieves aww ethereum didnt call me tho
09:58 ThickAsThieves so jelly
10:00 bitcoinpete ThickAsThieves: where's your super scandalous blog post?
10:00 bitcoinpete that's what i thought ;)
10:01 bitcoinpete BingoBoingo: I tend to treat people in Bitcoin T-shirts the same way drug dealers treat people wearing I <3 crack T-shirts << lol !
10:04 ThickAsThieves i just leave supertrolly comments on their PR instead
10:07 mike_c i like how therealaltcoin.org has a shopping cart button in the header :)
10:07 mike_c you should link it to x-bt
10:11 bitcoinpete fluffypony: maybe people are pissed that Draper didn't reveal the USMS auction price on the Colbert Report yesterday << this theory should have its own blog post. maybe tie it into the baltic bitcoin conference one?
10:11 fluffypony speaking of which
10:11 fluffypony I've now managed to successfully choose the photos I want for the blog post
10:12 fluffypony unfortunately I have to finalise this tender by CoB tomorrow, and there's stuff that needs changing
10:12 fluffypony so maybe over the w/e
10:13 bitcoinpete so you're saying there's a chance!
10:14 fluffypony lulz
10:18 bitcoinpete https://bitcoin23.crowdtilt.com/bitcoin23-nascar << donate $25k cuz bitcoiners have dogederp fomo
10:18 assbot Bitcoin23
10:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23372 @ 0.00080444 = 18.8014 BTC [+] {2}
10:20 mike_c duffer1 must have spent time in a datacenter. that cable routing is tight.
10:24 kakobrekla http://shrani.si/f/3Z/8U/3Mdj6vio/last-blocks.png
10:24 bitcoinpete http://www.coinsetter.com/blog/2014/07/24/coinsetter-launches-beta-platform-now-full-us-bitcoin-exchange/ << lol! cloudflare!
10:24 assbot Database Error
10:24 bitcoinpete how "full"
10:24 kakobrekla funny, atc having most txes per block.
10:24 mike_c Rassah:Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication << uh, does this guy know hom scamming works?
10:25 fluffypony hah hah
10:25 mike_c i mean, those are exactly the tools at the disposal of the scammer. misleading cues and communication.
10:25 fluffypony becase confidence tricksters don't exist, and even if they did they'd never know which non-verbal cues they should be giving off
10:27 kakobrekla <kakobrekla> funny, atc having most txes per block. < guess mike_c is to blame
10:27 bitcoinpete kakobrekla: wow. the wotcoin dominateth.
10:28 mike_c kakobrekla: i'll add quark support in winter 2014/2024
10:28 kakobrekla lol
10:28 ThickAsThieves <+mike_c> you should link it to x-bt /// i had to hack teh phpz, but it's done!
10:28 mike_c ThickAsThieves: lol. nice
10:31 bitcoinpete mike_c: if you weren't in the wot, i'd swear your quark support was a scam
10:31 mike_c it's coming, i swear. you can pay me for it now.
10:32 bitcoinpete please to provide address
10:32 ThickAsThieves booo
10:32 ThickAsThieves mike_c is selling out for the community
10:32 bitcoinpete i only trust mike_c if address starts with teh 3
10:33 ThickAsThieves ethreemeum
10:33 mike_c i am trying to figure that out right now.. i thought that was version number and we were still on 1.
10:33 bitcoinpete i only invest in teh future
10:34 bitcoinpete >3 investing policy nao in effect
10:34 bitcoinpete heya Pierre_Rochard
10:38 mike_c fuck me, that ehremum address is version 5! such futuristic
10:38 chetty mike_c: Rassah:Mainly because taking to someone on IRC does't give you nearly as much information as talking to them IRL, over beers, while watching their nonverbal cues and cmmunication << uh, does this guy know hom scamming works?//meeting pirate in person helped so many people figure that one out
10:38 mike_c i know, right? confidence men don't gain your confidence by not having a beer with you.
10:39 ThickAsThieves #b-a - We Know How Scamming Works
10:39 ThickAsThieves no no thats not right
10:39 ThickAsThieves :)
10:41 bitcoinpete lol
10:41 bitcoinpete #b-a - We Know One When We See One
10:44 thestringpuller "game recognize game and you lookin' kinda unfamiliar" translated: "we know one when we see one and you look like a scammer"
10:44 mike_c i'm probably the only idiot in here, but in case there is one other: "3 indicates a "pay-to-script-hash" address that contains a hash (one way fingerprint) of a script that can be used for multiple things including address obfuscation and multi-signature requirements."
10:46 nubbins` i was talking to another local screenprinter last night
10:47 nubbins` he did a series of prints last year depicting a map of the city cut up into different neighbourhoods, with the name of each written on top (it's a thing people do)
10:47 nubbins` he says he's made enough money off those prints so far that he was able to buy a new car :0
10:48 bitcoinpete nubbins`: did you tell him he shoulda bought $10k of bitcoin instead?
10:49 nubbins` i think if he'd done that he'd be less happy now
10:49 bitcoinpete heh his loss
10:50 nubbins` ;;calc 10000/1000
10:50 gribble 10
10:50 nubbins` ;;calc 10*[ticker --last]
10:50 gribble 6048.8
10:50 nubbins` not his loss, precisely
10:51 bitcoinpete it's a long game
10:52 bitcoinpete and i'd be shocked if his car kept more value in that year
10:52 ThickAsThieves how would he drive around in his bitcoins tho?>
10:53 bitcoinpete let's say he made $20k off the prints
10:53 bitcoinpete $10k for new car, $10k for bitcoins
10:54 bitcoinpete $20k car is worth $15k the next year
10:54 ThickAsThieves maybe his lifestyle require nicer car
10:54 ThickAsThieves requires
10:54 thestringpuller nubbins`: need more litho-printers these days
10:54 chetty <bitcoinpete> $20k car is worth $15k the next year// and all the maintence costs and insurance and and
10:54 bitcoinpete ThickAsThieves: what is this "requires" business?
10:55 ThickAsThieves he's his own man
10:55 ThickAsThieves and what he requires he decides
10:55 thestringpuller chetty: unless that car is a Tesla :P
10:55 bitcoinpete mebbe
10:55 ThickAsThieves i mean, somewhere in all this bitcoining you buy stuff, and some of that stuff aint cheap as possible
10:55 bitcoinpete mebbe he's also married and doesn'
10:55 bitcoinpete doesn't own his own cock
10:55 ThickAsThieves ok
10:55 ThickAsThieves maybe he has two cocks
10:56 chetty choices are so much fun
10:56 bitcoinpete ThickAsThieves: but dude doesn't have any bitcoin afaik
10:56 bitcoinpete not the same choice as you and i have
10:56 ThickAsThieves no no
10:56 ThickAsThieves we have a real case
10:56 nubbins` heh
10:56 ThickAsThieves he mad ethe money when bitcoin was a certain price
10:57 ThickAsThieves you cant ignore that
10:57 nubbins` he made the money when btc was > $1k
10:57 nubbins` now, to be fair, he's still making money
10:57 nubbins` i think he said he's pulled in $13k so far, hoping for $20k by the new year
10:57 nubbins` which TBH kinda floored me
10:57 ThickAsThieves so you might say, ok bro you got the car, maybe now get some btc
10:57 nubbins` meh
10:58 ThickAsThieves but maybe btc goes to 250
10:58 nubbins` what i really want him to spend his money on is stuff i can sell him ;p
10:58 bitcoinpete or borrow the money to buy the car and use the cash to buy btc
10:58 ThickAsThieves either way i'm done worrying about random canadian stranger!
10:59 nubbins` heh
10:59 nubbins` http://gigposters.com/designer/57508_Jud_Haynes.html
10:59 assbot GigPosters.com - Jud Haynes
10:59 nubbins` there's some of his work
10:59 bitcoinpete lol ya i'm just being difficult
10:59 kakobrekla its easy to speak for the past.
10:59 nubbins` talented guy
10:59 bitcoinpete quite
11:00 nubbins` we printed that "hey rosetta" one in the second row
11:00 xmj fluffypony: did i post you my business plan and pricing scheme?
11:00 fluffypony for the Cloud of Trust?
11:01 xmj nah
11:01 xmj that one is just lulz
11:02 xmj fluffypony: biz plan: https://dpaste.de/hfYX/raw pricing: https://dpaste.de/oZHJ/raw
11:03 fluffypony *clicks*
11:06 fluffypony xmj: that's decent - I'd pay that
11:06 xmj validation is good
11:07 xmj i figured it'd be a sign of (costly) honesty to put the margin % there too.
11:08 xmj you know... signalling. in order to fly my guys to conferences i need to make decent cash.
11:09 fluffypony yeah look, if I paid a competent sysadmin freelancer that'll cost me $50/hour, and I can guarantee they'll over-engineer things despite my asking for something simple
11:09 fluffypony and end up taking 3 weeks to do a 1 day job
11:10 Pierre_Rochard hey bitcoinpete
11:11 bitcoinpete how's life at bitpay Pierre_Rochard ?
11:12 Pierre_Rochard bitcoinpete: or borrow the money to buy the car and use the cash to buy btc << I like this form of indirect leverage. Who else would finance bitcoins < 5% APR (0% if you get a good deal)?
11:12 Pierre_Rochard Very nice
11:13 bitcoinpete glad to hear it!
11:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 21 @ 0.13517667 = 2.8387 BTC [-] {2}
11:15 xmj fluffypony: we're at about 75$/h
11:15 xmj and yes overengineering. config management all through.
11:16 xmj it's just that.. we're faster.
11:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 8 @ 0.13261 = 1.0609 BTC [-] {2}
11:16 xmj i've noticed there is no difference in setting up a server from scratch either a) manually or b) with salt. b) is reproducible, documented and reusable.
11:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 12 @ 0.1324875 = 1.5899 BTC [-] {3}
11:19 kakobrekla https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/10511487_10154395125595483_190465396346203020_o.jpg
11:22 xmj fluffypony: ^
11:22 fluffypony lol
11:23 xmj well, i did want to point at the log before, but the greek flag is good too
11:23 fluffypony xmj yeah - I don't have a problem with an over-engineered template that gets reused by someone competent
11:24 xmj http://www.globalnerdy.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/04/geeks-and-repetitive-tasks.jpg
11:24 xmj relevant.
11:27 xmj fluffypony: if you hear from anyone that they need such, let me know please :)
11:27 kakobrekla <Pierre_Rochard> bitcoinpete: or borrow the money to buy the car and use the cash to buy btc << I like this form of indirect leverage. Who else would finance bitcoins < 5% APR (0% if you get a good deal)? < as i was saying, if you are in position where you need to borrow to gamble/invest in btc, you should not do it.
11:28 Pierre_Rochard kakobrekla: so everyone should pay off their mortgage / student loans / credit cards / car loans before buying bitcoins? Seems a little extreme and just poor balance sheet management imho
11:29 kakobrekla put in what you can not what you cant.
11:30 * nubbins` groans
11:31 nubbins` paying off debts before putting money into high-risk investment: "a little extreme"
11:31 xmj paying off debt is always the best option.
11:31 xmj if you have them.
11:31 nubbins` pierre rochard buying up bitcoins w/ mortgage, car loan, student loans hanging over head
11:31 * nubbins` groans louder
11:32 xmj one exception is if you can do arbitrage gains -- loan against something and lend against someone with equivalent risk and still gain money.
11:32 * xmj chuckles.
11:32 nubbins` i suppose at the very least, bankruptcy would absolve you of your car loan and mortgage
11:32 nubbins` (and your car and house)
11:32 mike_c of course, you need credit default swaps for that arbitrage. and insurance on your credit default swap counterparty.
11:33 xmj no why would you?
11:33 xmj you don't need cds if they're of equivalent risk.
11:33 mike_c "with equivalent risk"
11:33 xmj that's speculation.
11:33 xmj not arbitrage.
11:34 xmj if they're of equivalent risk and differently priced that's due to market frictions.
11:34 mike_c mhm. explain this magical scenario where you avoid counterparty risk.
11:34 xmj you don't want to avoid it
11:35 xmj you're a counterparty risk to the bank and someone else is a counterparty risk to you
11:35 xmj the risks are equivalent
11:35 bitcoinpete "Mr. Schneiderman, the state’s top law enforcer, contended that Barclays favored high-frequency traders over other investors in its dark pool, known as Barclays LX. He contended Barclays falsified marketing materials, inaccurately portraying the concentration of high-frequency traders in the market, and he said the bank misrepresented a service that purported to protect investors from predatory trading behavior."
11:35 mike_c the risks aren't equivalent to *you*.
11:35 xmj well
11:35 xmj yes.
11:37 bitcoinpete "On Thursday, Mark J. Mazur, the Treasury Department’s assistant secretary for tax policy, made the case that any new laws targeting inversions – transactions that allow American companies to reincorporate abroad – should be backdated to May 2014, potentially affecting a number of multibillion-dollar deals."
11:38 nubbins` ;;bc,xau
11:38 gribble 1 XAU = 1291.700000000000 USD = 2.15606743449 BTC
11:38 nubbins` ;;bc,xag
11:38 gribble 1 XAG = 20.680000000000 USD = 0.0345184443332 BTC
11:38 nubbins` 30-day low for gld/slv
11:39 bitcoinpete i'm out. ciao!
~ 18 minutes ~
11:58 ThickAsThieves "Just a USMS auction price discovery update: I contacted the USDOJ Office of General Counsel regarding my FOIA request submitted back on the 6th of July... and they stated I should see information in early August. They also stated they had a flood of requests for information on that auction."
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.81503056 BTC to 12`514 shares, 14504 satoshi per share
12:00 Pierre_Rochard nubbins`: i suppose at the very least, bankruptcy would absolve you of your car loan and mortgage // is the assumption here that bitcoin price going to zero would make the borrower go bankrupt? Because that would be poor balance sheet management too.
12:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 24.16124788 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 2101 satoshi per share
12:01 nubbins` the assumption that blowing your savings on a speculative investment when you have large pre-existing financial committments isn't a good idea
12:03 ThickAsThieves it's at least risky
12:04 Pierre_Rochard nubbins`: meh, very simplistic layperson’s view there. DSCR > 2 and LTV < 50% is prudent
12:04 ThickAsThieves "good" seems to imply emotion or moral or somesuch
12:04 nubbins` isn't a wise idea ;D
12:05 nubbins` Pierre_Rochard sounds like you've got it all figured out
12:06 Pierre_Rochard nubbins`: a 0% LTV is not a wise idea, nor is never taking an airplane to minimize risk of death
12:08 ThickAsThieves not the best comparison
~ 18 minutes ~
12:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 1604 @ 0.00295969 = 4.7473 BTC [+] {5}
~ 28 minutes ~
12:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 20 @ 0.13232701 = 2.6465 BTC [-] {3}
13:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 33 @ 0.13230971 = 4.3662 BTC [-] {2}
13:12 mike_c !up samO
13:13 mike_c !up fats_cd03
13:14 fats_cd03 sankq
13:14 mike_c like the new nick :)
13:14 fats_cd03 ikr
13:15 fats_cd03 Pierre_Rochard: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micromort
13:15 assbot Micromort - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
13:15 asciilifeform !s micromort
13:15 assbot 11 results for 'micromort' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=micromort
13:15 fats_cd03 as long as you evaluate risk properly, everything's gravy.
13:16 fats_cd03 cool, i have the first mention
13:19 punkman asciilifeform: finally read anathem, wasn't such a backbreaker. maybe the big scrolling html made it go down easier than having to turn 900 pages by hand
13:19 mircea_popescu punkman this is a fact.
13:19 asciilifeform punkman: that's more or less the only fictional world i'd not mind moving to.
13:20 punkman now this is a backbreaker https://archive.org/details/CartesiamMeditations
13:20 assbot Cartesiam Meditations : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive
13:20 fats_cd03 anyone know where i can find a pdf of the 67-77 BRK letters?
13:21 fats_cd03 a cursory search didn't reveal anything
13:21 punkman Stephenson says Husserl's writings are the hardest stuff he's read
13:21 mike_c you could spring for the $3 http://www.amazon.com/Berkshire-Hathaway-Letters-Shareholders-2012/dp/1595910778
13:21 assbot Berkshire Hathaway Letters to Shareholders, 2012: Warren Buffett, Max Olson: 9781595910776: Amazon.com: Books
13:22 mircea_popescu fats_cd03 http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/1981.html
13:22 mircea_popescu it's html
13:24 ThickAsThieves Dell offering 10% off with bitcoin
13:24 fats_cd03 ofn
13:25 mircea_popescu ;;ud ofn
13:25 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=OFN | 2. ofn. OFN means, "Old Fucking News" meaning, GET WITH THE FUCKING TIMES! "Hhahaha, did you see t his totally l33t flash?" "OFN Loser by like a year.".
13:25 ThickAsThieves alienware only
13:25 ThickAsThieves sry!
13:25 fats_cd03 alienware sells painted pigs if i've ever seen one
13:26 ThickAsThieves never owned one but they sure are ugly
13:26 mircea_popescu http://31.media.tumblr.com/6d1304770505e05593904d9e6f741c23/tumblr_mwwn7ngjHI1s2s899o2_500.jpg << also 10% off for btc.
13:27 ThickAsThieves bitcoinpete.com down
13:27 fluffypony http://isup.me/bitcoinpete.com
13:27 assbot Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up?
13:27 fluffypony "It's just you. http://bitcoinpete.com is up."
13:28 ThickAsThieves just hangs for me
13:28 ThickAsThieves loads title tho
13:28 ThickAsThieves needs more power!
13:28 ThickAsThieves It's not just you! http://bitcoinpete.com looks down from here.
13:28 mircea_popescu canada ran out of webhosting gerbils ?
13:29 ThickAsThieves fluffyscammer
13:29 fats_cd03 robbed
13:29 fats_cd03 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UfGMj10wOzg
13:29 assbot Pharrell Williams - Come Get It Bae - YouTube
13:32 ThickAsThieves !s coinsetter
13:32 assbot 4 results for 'coinsetter' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=coinsetter
13:32 ThickAsThieves http://www.marketwatch.com/story/nyc-bitcoin-exchange-coinsetter-launches-out-of-beta-with-institutional-and-consumer-trading-2014-07-24
13:32 assbot NYC Bitcoin Exchange Coinsetter Launches Out of Beta WithInstitutional and Consumer Trading - MarketWatch
13:33 ThickAsThieves "President Barack Obama plans to go on the offensive later Thursday against companies that use cross-border mergers to avoid U.S. taxes, accusing them of essentially renouncing their American citizenship to shield profits. "
13:34 ThickAsThieves funny how that works
13:34 mike_c ;;isitdown bitcoinpete.com
13:34 gribble bitcoinpete.com is down
13:35 fluffypony lol
13:35 fats_cd03 huhuhu
13:35 fluffypony ThickAsThieves: it reported as up when I visited it, hate the game not the player
13:36 fluffypony </so_80s>
~ 20 minutes ~
13:56 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves "we made the country suck how dare you leave now" is how it works
13:57 fluffypony don't worry guys
13:57 fluffypony Amir has this
13:57 fluffypony http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2blmc0/circle_has_still_not_responded_to_peter_todd/
13:57 assbot Circle has still not responded to Peter Todd about whether they are implementing censorship or surveillance technology : Bitcoin
13:57 mircea_popescu what's circle again ?
13:58 mircea_popescu o wait, one of the shits im selling short and nobody's buying
13:58 mircea_popescu much like eth.
13:58 pankkake why would anyone reply to peter todd?
13:59 fluffypony "It's a shame because you make great points, but you express them in a manner that is all over the place bordering on incoherent. Not to mention, you unintentionally come off as a bully calling people fascists, etc, and criticizing people in such vitriolic ways just because their views don't match your own perfectly. To be honest, I agree with you, but I can't imagine you're doing anything but preaching to your own choir by expressing your
13:59 fluffypony ideas in this manner. Try to just present the facts without all of the colorful nonsense."
13:59 fluffypony great reply
13:59 mircea_popescu pankkake i kinda like todd. or used to anyway
14:00 mircea_popescu fluffypony sounds to me like someone just got told "you can't be mp, stop trying"
14:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20484 @ 0.00081804 = 16.7567 BTC [+] {2}
14:15 mircea_popescu !up Mantrid
14:15 mircea_popescu yes.
14:15 ThickAsThieves “I promise you even before this speech is over I’ll be attacked as a hater or a bigot or someone who is anti-gay,” Rubio said. “This intolerance in the name of tolerance is hypocrisy. Support for the definition of marriage as one man and one woman is not anti-gay, it is pro-traditional marriage.”
14:16 ThickAsThieves so meta
14:17 chetty ThickAsThieves, being 'pro' anything is so last century
14:17 mircea_popescu why;s the guy promise me shit other people'd do.
14:17 ThickAsThieves because he paid to have people attack him beforehand
14:18 ThickAsThieves do you even marketeer?
14:18 mircea_popescu lmao that meta ?!
14:18 ThickAsThieves lol
14:19 mircea_popescu http://37.media.tumblr.com/88ce326ea4bb7609019855a67e9c0faa/tumblr_mnxrbwyqTY1s3mryno1_1280.jpg << is this a hs ?
14:19 ThickAsThieves lol no
14:19 ThickAsThieves it's stripper locker room
14:19 mircea_popescu aok.
14:31 hanbot dub looks for the unsee button / pigeons: yeah like i shouldnt already know better than to click one of mircea_popescu's links << "omg ew this is totally different than all the things going into other things i've seen today!"
14:33 chetty http://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/Woman-in-Labor-Unable-to-Cross-Los-Angeles-Street-to-Hospital-Because-of-President-Obama-Motorcade-268427662.html?cid=sm_n_main_1_20140724_28403096
14:33 assbot Woman in Labor Unable to Cross Street to Hospital Because of Obama Motorcade | NBC Southern California
14:35 mike_c tmq often rants about gov't officials at even much lower levels with their ridiculous tax-payer funded security details fouling up things for everyone else with their special traffic treatment.
14:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12785 @ 0.00081907 = 10.4718 BTC [+] {2}
14:36 chetty well you just can't let kids see the emperors new clothes
14:37 mircea_popescu i don't get this whole "security detail" bullshit for politicians and bureaucrats.
14:37 mircea_popescu if anyone can be bothered to shoot them, they should be able to
14:37 mircea_popescu not like there's any sort of talent pool involved, or like they'd ever run out.
14:38 mircea_popescu "omg ew this is totally different than all the things going into other things i've seen today!" << lol
14:38 mike_c i lol'd at this yesterday. not that they are over-reacting: http://assets.nydailynews.com/polopoly_fs/1.1876753.1406095852!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/article_970/front2-0723.jpg?enlarged
14:41 mircea_popescu i dun get it.
14:41 mod6 is the domain mpex.co finished? I've updated the key in my script, just wondering if I should s/mpex.co/mpex.bz|mpex.ws/
14:42 mike_c mod6: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-07-2014#766094
14:42 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
14:42 mircea_popescu mod6 ideally you should seed from proxybot. if not you can hardwire whichever active domain you like.
14:42 mircea_popescu .co will be coming online later too
14:42 mod6 oh, ok. in that case, I'll probably just leave it as is. unless its like, weeks or something.
14:42 mod6 thakns mircea_popescu
14:42 mod6 & mike_c
14:42 gribble Error: "mike_c" is not a valid command.
14:42 mike_c what is proxybot?
14:43 mircea_popescu $proxies
14:43 empyex mircea_popescu: Proxies: mpex.ws mpex.bz mpex.coinbr.com MPEx-Status: 1158 milliseconds Current MPEx GPG-Key-ID: 02DD2D91
14:43 mod6 ok :]
14:44 jurov mircea_popescu when will be the the other DERPs offered?
14:45 jurov or you wait for someone to bid?
14:45 mircea_popescu jurov soon (tm). but meanwhile anyone can bid, sure.
14:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 414 @ 0.00289024 = 1.1966 BTC [+] {2}
14:54 mircea_popescu ;;seen moiety
14:54 gribble moiety was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 day, 10 hours, 15 minutes, and 30 seconds ago: <moiety> hi naphex, wb, hope you had a great holiday :]
14:58 mircea_popescu ;;isitdown szabo.best.vwh.net
14:58 gribble szabo.best.vwh.net is down
14:59 mircea_popescu fuck.
15:05 adrrr_ mircea_popescu: why do you talk in the third person?
15:06 mircea_popescu adrrr_ specifically ?
15:06 adrrr_ in general
15:06 mircea_popescu but like where
15:06 adrrr_ like here
15:06 mircea_popescu how do i talk in the 3rd person ?
15:07 adrrr_ How do you do? lol I don't know
15:07 adrrr_ just why
15:07 mircea_popescu this is going well. can you point to such an instance ?
15:08 mike_c mike_c thinks you aren't making any sense.
15:08 mircea_popescu !s i
15:08 assbot 75349 results for 'i' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=i
15:08 adrrr_ no. you have examples
15:08 mircea_popescu i bet you a third are mIne.
15:09 mike_c ;;ident adrrr_
15:09 gribble CAUTION: irc nick differs from otc registered nick. Nick 'adrrr_', with hostmask 'adrrr_!~adrrr@ip-132.net-81-220-142.rev.numericable.fr', is identified as user 'adrrr', with GPG key id DDE46066D54B5198, key fingerprint 0F56A8FD02C59E657AB3C3DDDDE46066D54B5198, and bitcoin address None
15:09 adrrr_ you divert the issue
15:09 mike_c another confused frenchman.
15:09 * chetty like this adrrr_
15:09 adrrr_ lol just askin
15:09 mircea_popescu I divert the issue ? what issue!
15:10 adrrr_ the query sorry
15:10 adrrr_ you don't answer to
15:10 mircea_popescu well cause it ain't making any sense. why do you chew the scenery ?
15:10 * jurov doesn't always talk in 3rd person. but when he does, he uses /me
15:11 * chetty yeah jurov
15:11 * mircea_popescu 's not been doing that recently.
15:11 mike_c adrrr_: you are bringing up a sore subject. we try not to discuss his tendency to talk in 3rd person.
15:11 adrrr_ just wanted to know
15:11 adrrr_ ok
15:11 mircea_popescu x.x
15:12 mircea_popescu ;;google seinfeld "but i don't wanna be a pirate"
15:12 gribble "Seinfeld" The Puffy Shirt (TV Episode 1993) - IMDb: <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0697762/>; Seinfeld Scripts - The Puffy Shirt: <http://www.seinfeldscripts.com/ThePuffyShirt.htm>; I don't wanna be a pirate - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjFjD11zOCM>
15:25 chetty http://rt.com/news/175272-iraq-genital-mutilation-militants/#.U9EBEnyM-UE.twitter
15:39 benkay decimation: http-kit and enlive are what i use
15:42 benkay <BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you really want to go long on ethereum, mircea_popescu wants to go short. I'd advise reading up on ethereum criticism before doing anything rash though. // it's magically also a bet that nothing'll be around in 9/12 mos.
15:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.13499999 = 2.025 BTC [+] {2}
15:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 213 @ 0.0029 = 0.6177 BTC [+] {2}
15:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 787 @ 0.0029 = 2.2823 BTC [+]
15:55 mircea_popescu !up mutate_
15:56 mutate_ Thank you.
15:56 mircea_popescu yw
16:04 mutate_ I'm fairly keen on being in the queue for one of the first alien blowjobs, before the novelty wears off and they start marrying humans and making them unhappy. Unfortunately I can't by any magic Ether cards because maths and computers got you fairly badly bullied at school and so I simply use a computer to have my bank details stolen from and know nothing whatsoever about Linux. What can I do?
16:05 fluffypony mutate_: easy, just get yourself taken up for some probing
16:06 mircea_popescu mutate_ well, you could start working on crumbling that pile of impactions resulting from being bulied ? learn to linux ?
16:06 mircea_popescu it's not nearly as hard as it seems.
16:07 mircea_popescu ;;later tell midnightmagic i dun see a problem in principle either, but i was trying to examine this "salt is hard to mine" theory. anyway.
16:07 gribble The operation succeeded.
16:12 jurov what makes you think aliens will be good at bjs?
16:13 jurov !up darlidada
16:14 mircea_popescu jurov all those teeth man.
16:14 jurov i guess someone preannounced they will sell for btc
16:14 penguirker New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/just-how-much-do-you-know-about-washing-diapers/
16:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8302 @ 0.00081605 = 6.7748 BTC [-]
16:16 mircea_popescu “UNDER capitalism”, ran the old Soviet-era joke, “man exploits man. Under communism it is just the opposite.” In fact new research suggests that the Soviet system inspired not just sarcasm but cheating too: in East Germany, at least, communism appears to have inculcated moral laxity. << for the record, this is older than electricity.
16:16 mircea_popescu "bolshevism is that jew-sponsored form of satanism that alters the moral fiber of good law abiding men making them beasts"
16:16 mircea_popescu there's a whole discussion of the statement of these views as put forward by franco's republic a week or two ago in the logs.
16:23 mircea_popescu Rassah: My tribe consists of Tsiolkovsky and Tozoni, so I've been surrounded by extremely intimidating levels of inteligence... < if that means konstantin, wasn't the guy dead before the war ?
16:25 mircea_popescu Rassah: p.s. I'm not saying their etherium deal is a good one. I don't think investing in ether can in any way give a better return than investing in bitcoin... I don't think vitalik is much of a finance guy, either, so I'm not sure if this "ipo" ca be blamed on him << what the fuck sense does this make ? some guy that's not a finance guy involving himself in finance things is stupid by any conceivable definition of th
16:25 mircea_popescu e term.
16:25 mircea_popescu is also to blame, by any conceivable definition of blame.
16:25 fluffypony ok HeySteve says his connection is fixed
16:25 fluffypony and we can unban him
16:25 mircea_popescu moreover, buterin in particular is very very guilty, because he knew what he should have done, and he's known it for a long fucking time.
16:25 mircea_popescu a kk
16:28 mircea_popescu as a rule of thumb, i would say it's a great idea that if one's using a bouncer, that one sets the bouncer up so if it fails three times in five minutes it stops trying and shoots the owner an email or something. join/part spam is definitely annoying in all channels, even if most won't do anything about it.
16:28 dub !up mutate_
16:30 mutate_ Thanks dub.
16:31 rithm by bouncer has some long retry delays and a list of every freenode server
16:31 mircea_popescu !up HeySteve
16:32 rithm raise the roof hobana
16:32 mircea_popescu rithm that also works.
16:32 rithm if my bouncer didn't work i'd quit bitcoin
16:32 HeySteve hello
16:32 mircea_popescu people can want to minimize delays if they're trying to log a chan, but here the logs are published anyway.
16:32 rithm screw you guys, I'm out
16:32 mircea_popescu and related, http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dailyupdates/2014/07/14/catieparker-justinejoli-31782/images/full/08.jpg
16:32 HeySteve not using a bouncer, ADSL just gets dicey occasionally
16:33 rithm use a bouncer
16:33 rithm znc is fun
16:33 fluffypony znc is the bomb diggety
16:33 rithm i was like a decade-long psyBNC user
16:33 rithm idk y in retrospect
16:33 HeySteve if I forget to disconnect before I go to sleep it can get spammy
16:33 mircea_popescu HeySteve you can prolly set your client not to auto-reconnect
16:33 dub you are nearly always spammy
16:34 dub invest in a shell
16:34 rithm yeah my shell is prepaid up to like 2017
16:34 rithm get with the times
16:34 HeySteve ok disabled the auto-reconnect
16:34 mircea_popescu should be fine then.
16:34 rithm this is like 101 stuff like using BCC
16:35 rithm or black boxes instead of blur filters to redact
16:36 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/epoch-are-idiots.jpg < this is how you redact, noob :D
16:37 rithm plain white boxes would also redact just as well
16:37 rithm nice pattern though
16:37 dub lol
16:37 rithm who signed up for porn?
16:38 jurov no porn. just alien blowjobs are IPOing somewhere
16:39 kakobrekla dun forget; http://blogs.dailyrecord.com/photojournalist/files/2009/01/swirl_1.jpg
16:39 rithm epoch.com is definitely a porn cancellation
16:39 mircea_popescu !s sexgangsters
16:39 assbot 0 results for 'sexgangsters' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=sexgangsters
16:39 mircea_popescu hm
16:39 mircea_popescu da fuck it was called
16:39 mircea_popescu !s gangsters
16:39 assbot 24 results for 'gangsters' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=gangsters
16:40 rithm it says sexgangsters.com
16:40 rithm looks like a reocurring 34.99 if I've ever seen anything like that
16:40 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-07-2014#758471 << there. some web game i played for five minutes
16:40 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
16:40 mircea_popescu and thus got like five bux.
16:40 HeySteve heh I tried that sexgangsters thing, didn't seem very interactive tho
16:41 mircea_popescu i suspect this is deliberate. if people wanted interactive they wouldn't do online porn, they'd get a gf.
16:41 mircea_popescu http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dailyupdates/2014/07/14/catieparker-justinejoli-31782/images/full/16.jpg << interactive.
16:42 HeySteve I learnt today of some guy in Romania making a Heroes of Might & Magic style browser game
16:42 HeySteve the idea is you'll be able to play against people for Bitcoin
16:43 HeySteve http://www.ancientbeast.com/ is the link but it's quite far from finished
16:43 assbot AncientBeast - Turn Based Strategy Game
16:43 mircea_popescu well there have been like 500 remakes, i recall playing a pretty good one back in 2007ish.
16:43 mircea_popescu but still, great idea. who's he ? why's he not here ?
16:43 HeySteve I will ask him to join
16:43 mircea_popescu please do. homm2/3 were like... the best games ever made.
16:43 mircea_popescu i still play em ffs.
16:44 mircea_popescu !up DreadKnight
16:44 DreadKnight bacon, ty fellow romanian
16:44 mircea_popescu o hi there. so what's this game thing ?
16:44 HeySteve hey DreadKnight
16:45 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, open source game I'm doing, will eventually allow people to battle for bitcoin, a mix of Heroes of Might and Magic 3 and trading card games, lots of units, each with unique abilities
16:45 mircea_popescu this is splendid. do you want to release under s.mg ?
16:46 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, sorry, what's s.mg? not familiar with bitcoin-assets atm
16:46 mircea_popescu http://mpex.ws/?mpsic=S.MG this thing.
16:46 assbot S.MG last 2@0.00009100
16:46 mircea_popescu basically, bitcoin electronic arts, let's say.
16:46 mircea_popescu !up nagzter
16:46 nagzter hey
16:46 mircea_popescu ello
16:47 nagzter HeySteve: mentioned this channel over in #ancientbeast and I wanted to check it out ;)
16:47 dub dude, aspiring to be EA?
16:47 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, is that a license type? trying to make sense of it :D
16:47 mircea_popescu dub yes.
16:48 mircea_popescu DreadKnight it could be, yes.
16:48 mircea_popescu ;;topic
16:48 gribble http://bitcoin-assets.com || http://log.bitcoin-assets.com || http://bash.bitcoin-assets.com || http://blogs.bitcoin-assets.com
16:48 mircea_popescu nagzter ^ best way to check it out is the log.
16:48 dub mircea_popescu: you'll want to aim higher than those fucktards
16:48 nagzter I'm over on the site now ;)
16:48 mircea_popescu dub in what sense higher ?
16:49 nagzter I read the topics ;)
16:49 dub less crack more utility
16:49 mircea_popescu cool.
16:49 HeySteve EA are quite hated, what they did to Dungeon Keeper was terrible
16:49 mircea_popescu dub they're supposed to be games not utilities man.
16:49 mircea_popescu HeySteve i did say BITCOIN ea didn't i.
16:49 mircea_popescu like you know, bitcoin is the bitcoin dollar. doesn't mean anyone's printing it.
16:49 mircea_popescu just the good parts.
16:50 mircea_popescu HeySteve you don't mean dk2 do you ?
16:50 HeySteve nope mircea_popescu, they released a DK mobile game
16:50 mircea_popescu oh. that i never saw.
16:50 HeySteve where to mine a block, you basically had to pay or wait a few hours / days
16:50 mircea_popescu ew
16:51 mircea_popescu DreadKnight anyway, get your gpg registered in the wot as a first step. we'll work something out.
16:53 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, website doesn't provide any info about what this is exactly; I did one or more transactions on bitcoin-otc thingy a while ago if that helps
16:53 HeySteve http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-26033685
16:54 assbot BBC News - EA faces criticism over mobile Dungeon Keeper game
16:54 pankkake ;;gpg info DreadKnight
16:54 gribble User 'DreadKnight', with keyid F6A23D326FDF1035, fingerprint 2011A2ADC029482B2C2A1E9EF6A23D326FDF1035, and bitcoin address None, registered on Sun Apr 7 14:39:11 2013, last authed on Sun Apr 7 12:39:11 2013. http://b-otc.com/vg?nick=DreadKnight . Currently not authenticated.
16:54 DreadKnight I'm pretty sure I have gpg key
16:55 DreadKnight !gpg info
16:55 mircea_popescu ;;ident DreadKnight
16:55 gribble Nick 'DreadKnight', with hostmask 'DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight', is not identified.
16:55 mircea_popescu well, do you still have key 2011A2ADC029482B2C2A1E9EF6A23D326FDF1035 ?
16:56 DreadKnight checking folder
16:58 mircea_popescu gpg --list-keys --fingreprint
16:58 DreadKnight was looking for that
16:59 DreadKnight gpg: Invalid option "--fingreprint"
16:59 mike_c fingerprint, not fingreprint
16:59 mircea_popescu ;/
16:59 DreadKnight seems I have that key, yey, mircea_popescu
17:00 mircea_popescu speaking of which, fun fact : notaries in argentina require you to put your thumbprint next to doc uments you sign
17:00 mircea_popescu which is really ofputting, because in many cultures, such as my own, the thumbprint is the curse of the illiterate.
17:00 mircea_popescu DreadKnight so then go ;;eauth DreadKnight
17:00 DreadKnight ;;eauth DreadKnight
17:00 gribble Request successful for user DreadKnight, hostmask DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035
17:00 mircea_popescu curl http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035|gpg
17:00 assbot 404 Not Found
17:01 thestringpuller gpg --decrypt
17:01 thestringpuller ;;ident
17:01 gribble Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None
17:01 DreadKnight that command did nothing
17:02 mircea_popescu DreadKnight well then just get the pgp blob at the url, then run gpg and paste it in
17:03 mircea_popescu !s conference
17:03 assbot 491 results for 'conference' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=conference
17:04 mircea_popescu Rassah: Any of you guys ever go to conferences? ^ a bunch of people went to all sorts of them.
17:05 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, I'm a bit noobish; running gpg in a terminal... and it's like gpg: Go ahead and type your message ... then I paste F6A23D326FDF1035 in? xD
17:05 mircea_popescu no. paste the blob you find at that url
17:05 mircea_popescu http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035
17:06 DreadKnight oh, you wanted the public key
17:06 mircea_popescu nope.
17:06 mircea_popescu the login process is that you make a claim as to who you are, gribble encodes a string to that public key
17:06 mircea_popescu to prove you actualy are that you decrypt and present the string
17:06 DreadKnight I got the string, any preferred pastebin?
17:06 mircea_popescu you go ;;everify string
17:07 DreadKnight ;;everify string
17:07 gribble Error: Incorrect one-time password. Try again.
17:07 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/271VZ4C.txt )
17:07 mircea_popescu !b 5
17:07 pankkake and press the any key :)
17:07 asciilifeform then press 'any key.'
17:07 asciilifeform damn
17:07 DreadKnight oh, I ignored gribble a while ago, was poking me daily on private
17:08 mircea_popescu now try replacing "string" with you know, the actual string.
17:08 pankkake that would explain your difficulties :D
17:08 mircea_popescu lol
17:08 DreadKnight yeah
17:08 mircea_popescu you can keep it ignored really. the otp url never changes
17:08 DreadKnight was thinking I'm not running those commands
17:09 DreadKnight well, I'm not sure where to press any key :P
17:09 mircea_popescu you don't actually need any input from it to do this. just flip its state twice.
17:09 mircea_popescu DreadKnight what's that string then ?
17:09 DreadKnight it's a few lines long
17:09 mircea_popescu nah
17:09 asciilifeform DreadKnight: it's on the back of your power supply block.
17:09 mircea_popescu this is a typical session, looky :
17:09 mircea_popescu <mircea_popescu> ;;eauth mircea_popescu
17:09 mircea_popescu <gribble> Request successful for user mircea_popescu, hostmask mircea_popescu!~Mircea@pdpc/supporter/silver/mircea-popescu. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/8A736F0E2FB7B452
17:09 mircea_popescu <mircea_popescu> ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:b754a642b13565e0bfe87f3083717c62829912335e322188a0e32d01
17:09 mircea_popescu <gribble> You are now authenticated for user mircea_popescu with key 8A736F0E2FB7B452
17:11 DreadKnight ;;everify string
17:11 gribble Error: Incorrect one-time password. Try again.
17:11 mircea_popescu >.>
17:11 DreadKnight ikr :D
17:12 DreadKnight ;;eauth DreadKnight
17:12 gribble Request successful for user DreadKnight, hostmask DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035
17:12 mircea_popescu at this rate you'll have to write things on your tits a la indiancandy girl.
17:12 asciilifeform ;;seen indiancandy
17:12 gribble indiancandy was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 weeks, 5 days, 2 hours, 37 minutes, and 21 seconds ago: <indiancandy> find nickserver
17:13 pankkake I don't know why I never noticed the URL did not change… could have saved me a step
17:13 pankkake ;;seen indiancandy1
17:13 gribble indiancandy1 was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 0 days, 5 hours, 30 minutes, and 58 seconds ago: <indiancandy1> 500*
17:13 BingoBoingo !s indiancandy1
17:13 HeySteve the URL never changes? lol
17:14 HeySteve learn something new every day
17:14 jurov yea, i only find and run from history: curl http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/ID | gpg -q --output - --decrypt
17:14 assbot 404 Not Found
17:14 mircea_popescu HeySteve the url is really your keyid
17:15 mircea_popescu pankkake this is the benefit of halping noobs.
17:15 HeySteve mircea_popescu that makes sense
17:15 mircea_popescu one never knows who the noob really is :D
17:15 BingoBoingo !up DreadKnight
17:15 DreadKnight ;;eauth DreadKnight
17:15 gribble Request successful for user DreadKnight, hostmask DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035
17:15 mircea_popescu !up efefefrbrb
17:16 mircea_popescu DreadKnight congrats.
17:16 mircea_popescu !rate DreadKnight 1 HoMM fan!
17:16 mircea_popescu ;;rate DreadKnight 1 HoMM fan!
17:16 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user DreadKnight has been recorded.
17:16 mircea_popescu DreadKnight now you can self-voice. you identify with gribble (same process as you just completed) then pm assbot !up
17:16 DreadKnight sorry it took me so long, did that stuff last time about 1 year ago perhaps xD ignoring gribble only added to the confusion
17:16 efefefrbrb still amused by the whole Ethereum scam
17:17 mircea_popescu efefefrbrb you need a better name
17:18 mircea_popescu uh.
17:18 mircea_popescu wait.
17:18 mircea_popescu ;;ident DreadKnight
17:18 gribble Nick 'DreadKnight', with hostmask 'DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight', is not identified.
17:18 mircea_popescu omg you still ain't done it!
17:18 DreadKnight strange
17:18 BingoBoingo !up GodHatesFigs
17:18 DreadKnight ;;eauth DreadKnight
17:18 gribble Request successful for user DreadKnight, hostmask DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/F6A23D326FDF1035
17:19 mircea_popescu now decrypt it.
17:19 jurov DreadKnight: if you're on linux or mac, just do the curl script i pasted
17:19 DreadKnight oh
17:19 BingoBoingo !up fats_cd03
17:19 jurov it will ask your passphrase and spit out the decrypted message
17:20 DreadKnight I might have got the passphrase wrong, tried a few times and didn't get a field anymore to write in
17:20 fats_cd03 dongs
17:20 jurov what did gpg write to console?
17:20 mircea_popescu fats_cd03 http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dailyupdates/2014/07/14/catieparker-justinejoli-31782/images/full/07.jpg
17:21 jurov ^ that should have been interracial
17:22 fats_cd03 on ma mobile and t-nazis has my traffic filtered
17:22 fats_cd03 'for the children'
17:22 BingoBoingo %ob
17:23 atcbot 30k@240 42k@239 37k@238 | 138k@210 45k@201 400k@199
17:23 mircea_popescu jurov aww why. honky tonk galz can't lick each other out no mo ?
17:23 mircea_popescu what's this bizarre hang-up with "actually knowing" people one met on skype and "kept in touch with" on facebook ?
17:24 mircea_popescu it reads to me like alfred p. doolittle confronted with a restaurant after a lifetime of mcdonalds explaining how them hamburgers were at least nourishing.
17:24 mircea_popescu why, he'd be shitting rocks after eating one of them!
17:25 DreadKnight hmm brb
17:26 mircea_popescu pankkake: /r/buttcoin can't deal with bitcoin opinions that are not the standard /r/bitcoin crap; they expect to fill their bingo cards and it doesn't work << quite.
17:26 mircea_popescu this is just about how one identifies libertards in the field. they do this paint-by-numbers thing like the soviets of yore.
17:28 GodHatesFigs at least r/buttcoin is mildy amusing
17:29 mircea_popescu gets repetitive quickly, btu sure, for a few minutes
17:30 GodHatesFigs r/bitcoin - where economic illiteracy meets teenage investment plans
17:31 GodHatesFigs let's all pester this merchant into accepting bitcoin!
17:31 mircea_popescu re http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/2bh2sr/mtgox_creditor_meeting_handout/cj5e9ue << of course, mp said mtgox is syphoning customer funds, a while back.
17:31 assbot trixisowned comments on mtgox creditor meeting handout
17:31 fluffypony GodHatesFigs: in parlance it's /r/<subreddit> - if you drop the leading forward-slash it's hard to catch programatically
17:32 mircea_popescu !s "r/"
17:32 assbot 1109 results for '"r/"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22r%2F%22
17:32 fluffypony !s "/r/"
17:32 assbot 1109 results for '"/r/"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22%2Fr%2F%22
17:32 mircea_popescu fluffypony seems reasonably on-target no ?
17:33 mircea_popescu GodHatesFigs you bring good points.
17:33 fluffypony seems like you're including /r/ results :-P
17:33 fluffypony !s " r/"
17:33 assbot 1109 results for '" r/"' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=%22+r%2F%22
17:33 * fluffypony gives up
17:33 * mircea_popescu does victory dance
17:33 mircea_popescu (protip : it's dropping the / token anyway)
17:34 fluffypony werd
17:35 mthreat !s reddit r
17:35 assbot 52 results for 'reddit r' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=reddit+r
17:36 mircea_popescu trixisowned: when in reality they just added their address to the list of miners, and take a percentage of each block as if they were actually hashing << this is pretty major, actually.
17:36 mircea_popescu proofs ?
17:36 trixisowned mircea_popescu, thats the whole thing
17:36 trixisowned he refuses
17:36 trixisowned to release code
17:36 trixisowned for CBBSRB
17:36 trixisowned and has done so
17:36 trixisowned since the day he implemented
17:37 mircea_popescu hm.
17:37 trixisowned and he calls everyone a troll
17:37 trixisowned that points that out
17:37 trixisowned and says "I DONT EVEN HAVE ANY PART IN ELIGIUS ANYMORE"
17:37 trixisowned lol.
17:37 mircea_popescu fluffypony: he's punting Etherium? << he's new, and behind on teh reads.
17:37 pankkake https://i.imgur.com/3Nk9eKC.png
17:37 trixisowned which is a complete untruth
17:38 fluffypony pankkake: you've been buying Magic the Gathering cards again?
17:38 mircea_popescu pankkake lol win.
17:39 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves: <+BingoBoingo> HANDSofSTEEL: If you want to take both sides, BitBet is probably the best tool for that --- good point, need ETH BitBet, that's how we can all short the mofo << well obviously not all.
17:39 mircea_popescu the problem here is that the past few days have kinda clearly shown the complete lack of any counterparty. you can't trade without cp.
17:40 BingoBoingo Ah the few people who considered wanting the Ether didn't want it when they heard about the hangover when you come to
17:40 mircea_popescu i got drunk on champagne, there's no hangover for that.
17:42 ThickAsThieves really champagne is worst hangover for me
17:42 mircea_popescu http://zakireza.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/running-of-the-bulls-05.jpg << that's what the dreams of er people look like.
17:42 ThickAsThieves i wont even drink a whole glass usually
17:42 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves you're prolly thinking us fakefizzy.
17:42 ThickAsThieves probly
17:43 mircea_popescu anyway, we put away i dont recall, 2, 3 bottles ?
17:43 mircea_popescu something
17:43 BingoBoingo I've never had a problem with champagne, now "champagne" as in the generic bubbly stuff from places that shouldn't be attempting such a thing...
17:43 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves wait, you had the romanian stuff. ever drunk it or just gifted it away ?
17:43 ThickAsThieves i think i told you but the bottle from Ro made it safely home and into my belly at some point
17:43 mircea_popescu ah yes. so headache ?
17:43 fluffypony http://i.imgur.com/aAZjQ4v.jpg
17:44 ThickAsThieves i dont recall a hangover
17:44 mircea_popescu right. point settled.
17:44 jurov ThickAsThieves for quality hangovers look for "warning: contains sulphur"
17:44 ThickAsThieves like wine sulphites?
17:44 jurov yes, whatever they use to treat it
17:44 mircea_popescu yeah, bisulphites can be a good cause. all sorts of crap they put in wine, sparkling or not, can be it.
17:45 mircea_popescu sugar especially, which is why you want to drink brut or very dry
17:45 ThickAsThieves i prefer dry
17:45 ThickAsThieves in all food really
17:45 ThickAsThieves most
17:45 ThickAsThieves hehe
17:45 ThickAsThieves that coinbase cancellation is so wtf
17:46 ThickAsThieves i wonder if checking accounts get cancelled like that too
17:46 mircea_popescu no, it's how the aml crap works. world's noobliest bayesian filtering implemented by janitors and congressional aides.
17:46 pigeons coinbase cancellation?
17:46 mircea_popescu iitl pi07r
17:46 mircea_popescu oops i mean pigeons
17:46 ThickAsThieves <+pankkake> https://i.imgur.com/3Nk9eKC.png
17:46 fluffypony pigeons: you should click on more links
17:47 mike_c the world wide web is a pile of undocumented bullshit.
17:47 mircea_popescu yeah. here's one : http://girls.twistys.com/preview/dailyupdates/2014/07/14/catieparker-justinejoli-31782/images/full/15.jpg
17:47 pigeons not after that one from mircea_popescu yesterday
17:47 mircea_popescu pigeons you're against social justice ?
17:47 pigeons no i just dont want to look at it
17:47 mircea_popescu ahh win.
17:47 mircea_popescu !up cyranodeB
17:48 pankkake I've had a fiat transactions cancelled for less - but that payment processor was trash for almost everything so
17:48 BingoBoingo cyranodeB: How's the nose?
17:48 pigeons coinbase cancellation as in mircea_popescu cancelled his DERP? or coinbase cancellation as in the same old thing where they cancel people's order cause coinbase
17:48 cyranodeB hi everybody...
17:48 cyranodeB thanks BingoBoingo.... how is showering? i can smell you from here! (smile)
17:49 pigeons by the way, literally and seriously much btter and more useful than ethereum: http://www.dogeparty.io/
17:49 assbot Dogeparty
17:49 mircea_popescu wait... bb had a GIRLFRIEND ?
17:49 mircea_popescu !up GodHatesFigs
17:49 BingoBoingo cyranodeB: Well, I just got back from cutting some lawns so smelling pretty ripe
17:50 mircea_popescu BigBitz: Bitcoin markets don't revolve around news. <<< bitcoin is here to make the news, not to follow the news.
17:50 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> wait... bb had a GIRLFRIEND ? << I don't think I've had any that would be in Lithuania atm
17:51 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo but then again you drink, so how'd you know.
17:51 BingoBoingo That I guess is a good question.
17:53 cyranodeB sorry if i annoy anyone with a repeated question.. but does anybody have an idea why bitcoin is crashing???
17:53 BingoBoingo cyranodeB: China Drama
17:53 BingoBoingo Happens from time to time
17:53 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
17:53 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 602.5, Best ask: 604.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.50000, Last trade: 602.32, 24 hour volume: 10201.68824563, 24 hour low: 591.12, 24 hour high: 622.67, 24 hour vwap: 606.291211732
17:54 mircea_popescu what crashing is that lol.
17:55 mircea_popescu pankkake: natalie portman is a jew? I always knew something was off with her << only on the mother's side.
17:56 cyranodeB china?? what happend in china???
17:56 cyranodeB ;;ticker --low
17:56 gribble 591.12
17:57 BingoBoingo cyranodeB: Just the usual "Banned Bitcoin" again or some shit
17:58 mircea_popescu pankkake: why would all scammers be dumb? << it's a self-selecting activity. smart people find better things to do.
17:59 cyranodeB where do you have that information from BingoBoino?
17:59 mircea_popescu pigeons: vitalik sells lots of snake oil besides etherum: emulated quantum computer that runs faster than its von neuman host; proof of stake; "trustless" distributed fiat (schellingcoin); << he's like andreas v2.0 then ?
18:00 BingoBoingo cyranodeB: Just read someone derping about it a few hours ago. Don't care enough to look into it because this shit just happens.
18:00 cyranodeB anyone else here who has an idea whats happening?
18:00 mircea_popescu pigeons: wow really they are already trying to damage control the 1% of the press they get that isn't positive? and from a bitcoinpete (no offense lol) blog post? << the 1% happens to be what matters in this field.
18:01 mircea_popescu mkay i guess that's good enough
18:01 mircea_popescu !down cyranodeB
18:03 mircea_popescu %d
18:04 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 644367.37 in 1216 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -6.23
18:04 BingoBoingo lulz http://coinfire.cf/2014/07/24/massive-ddos-coin-fire-underway/
18:04 assbot Massive DDOS Against Coin Fire Underway - Coin Fire
18:04 BingoBoingo %ob
18:04 atcbot 30k@240 42k@239 37k@238 | 138k@210 45k@201 400k@199
18:05 mircea_popescu "A few nights ago an attacker sent a message via our contact form demanding we send .5 BTC to protect ourselves from a DDOS attack."
18:05 mircea_popescu wait, this wouldn't be the same guy i was lulzing at last month ?
18:05 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=19-06-2014#724879 specifically
18:05 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
18:06 mircea_popescu "The attack vector is using Facebook notes to flood our site using a known exploit on Facebook and we’ve reached out to friends at Facebook’s Cyber Security team who have determined the IP address of the original person hitting the attack vector and are working with law enforcement actively to track this user down."
18:07 mircea_popescu so much lol in there.
18:07 BingoBoingo No idea, but Facebook seems like an appalingly stupid sort of tool for this kind of derp
18:09 mircea_popescu the guy doesn't have enough sense to USE FUCKING LINKS because he's not yet caught up with the web, byt anyway, here is the stuff he should have provided : http://chr13.com/2014/04/20/using-facebook-notes-to-ddos-any-website/
18:09 assbot Using Facebook Notes to DDoS any website | A Programmer's Blog
18:09 mircea_popescu it's stupid-easy to protect from : a) ban facebook. b) don't allow ambiguous reference to expensive resources.
18:09 dignork BingoBoingo: there was an article, about facebook aggresively crawling site which you post a link to, it can be used to ddos
18:10 mircea_popescu dignork see above >D
18:10 mircea_popescu it's emphatically not a ddos. it's a dos.
18:10 dignork oh, write, don't read
18:10 mircea_popescu fuckwits on the internet tho, just use words like their mommy made them
18:15 mircea_popescu im surprised no one's made endometrium coin yet btw.
18:16 mircea_popescu mike_c: i'm probably the only idiot in here, but in case there is one other: "3 indicates a "pay-to-script-hash" address that contains a hash (one way fingerprint) of a script that can be used for multiple things including address obfuscation and multi-signature requirements." << tl;dr : 3addresses are an unnecessary and crufty thing some idiots pretend they've added to bitcoin.
18:21 mircea_popescu Misconceptions (on the bitcoin.it wiki) : Addresses are not wallets nor accounts, and do not carry balances. They only receive funds, and you do not send "from" an address at any time.
18:21 mircea_popescu how the fuck do you send bitcoin, pray tell, if not by signing with the private key associated with a public key that's an address that has a balance ?
18:21 dignork pigeons, I looked at dogeparty, it's a fork of counterparty, minus double-spending protection provided by btc network
18:22 mircea_popescu o look : https://en.bitcoin.it/w/index.php?title=Address&action=historysubmit&diff=49101&oldid=46223 lukejr edited that page to a) replace the cannonical example with the bullshit 3thing,
18:22 assbot Difference between revisions of "Address" - Bitcoin
18:23 DreadKnight bacon
18:23 mircea_popescu took out the private key discussion entirely,
18:23 HeySteve huzzah
18:23 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, ok, I think I managed
18:23 mircea_popescu added the entire misconceptions thing...
18:23 mircea_popescu Luke-Jr why are you so scummy ?
18:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [RENT] 312 @ 0.0040532 = 1.2646 BTC [-] {5}
18:23 mircea_popescu ;;ident DreadKnight
18:23 gribble Nick 'DreadKnight', with hostmask 'DreadKnight!~DreadKnig@unaffiliated/dreadknight', is identified as user 'DreadKnight', with GPG key id F6A23D326FDF1035, key fingerprint 2011A2ADC029482B2C2A1E9EF6A23D326FDF1035, and bitcoin address None
18:23 mircea_popescu ;;rated Luke-Jr
18:23 gribble You rated user Luke-Jr on Mon Apr 29 11:03:34 2013, with a rating of -1, and supplied these additional notes: Most recently, lied about BFL delivery (https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=165500.0;all). Old history of being untrustworthy..
18:24 mircea_popescu ;;rate Luke-Jr -10 VERY old history of being untrustworthy. See http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-07-2014#767750 or inquire within
18:24 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
18:24 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating for user Luke-Jr has changed from -1 to -10.
18:24 mircea_popescu DreadKnight indeed you have.
18:26 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, alright, what's next?
18:26 mircea_popescu DreadKnight next is, well, tell me a little about what you're planning with this game, how's it going etc.
18:32 BingoBoingo %d
18:32 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 687182.56 Est. Next Diff: 644316.03 in 1213 blocks (#42336) Est. % Change: -6.24
18:32 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
18:32 gribble Current Blocks: 312318 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 161 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 day, 2 hours, 27 minutes, and 56 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18652322160.5 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.59103
18:33 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, Alright :-) making free open source game project, turn based strategy game playable from the browser; it's kinda like the reverse of Super Smash Bros Brawl, as it features a lot of original characters that will be featured in a lot of other games; the project is inspired by Heroes of Might and Magic 3's combat system, but improved, combined with Trading Card Games; it's fun, easy to get into, but it's hard to maste
18:33 DreadKnight r, one of those ever green games basically; it leaves nothing up to chance and randomness, yet no two games will be the same; it can be played 1vs1 or 2vs2 on pretty much any device with pretty much any input method; so want to make "the chess of the future", a way for people to battle for fun or digital currency, very accessible, playable even without account or paying anything; I'm a bit stuck on the coding part atm, the current
18:33 DreadKnight prototype was funded thanks to a few bitcoins I sold at a decent enough time so that I could afford paying a part time coder for a few months, but now I'm broke and I'm not a very good coder; so I could use some support to get things going
18:33 mircea_popescu it leaves nothing up to chance and randomnes << this is a problem.
18:34 DreadKnight in chess you don't have randomness; the random part is that unlike chess, you pick your units (tools) as you go by, so from hundreds of units, you'll only put like 5 or so into play in a match
18:35 DreadKnight so you'll always want to counter your enemy units with ones that you think are best for the job
18:35 mircea_popescu DreadKnight if there's no randomness involved people won't be likely to play for btc.
18:35 mircea_popescu there's a reason poker championships give out multi milion prizes
18:35 mircea_popescu while chess championships give away 500 bux
18:36 DreadKnight in chess you get basically an infinite of possibilities, no two games are the same; and Ancient Beast is way more complex than chess, but looks less boring
18:36 mircea_popescu but the results are deterministic.
18:36 DreadKnight I'm not looking to make yet another poker or dice game, there are plenty of btc online casinos
18:37 mircea_popescu poker is not dice. stick to my example no ?
18:37 BingoBoingo Yeah a game without randomness leads to high level play being dominated by dickstabbers, people who instead of playing in an enjoyable way will pull out their dick knives and stab their dick for an 0.01% advantage.
18:37 DreadKnight I'm making something that's all about skill, not luck
18:37 kakobrekla no random? get ready for botraep.
18:37 mircea_popescu well that's nice, i guess.
18:38 DreadKnight even if you pick only the units with best stats, they can be countered, so there's no point in exploiting the game; your opponent will most likely be able to make the same units, so no point in that
18:38 BingoBoingo !s blockchain chess
18:38 assbot 3 results for 'blockchain chess' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=blockchain+chess
18:39 mircea_popescu this log is fucking epic. guy that's got himself blacklisted by derping at me can't spell funding and is looking for $500.
18:39 DreadKnight a lot of people play moba (dota/dota2/league of legends/heroes of newerth/etc), played moba for about years and pretty much avoided all the issues that type of game has when it comes to Ancient Beast itself
18:40 mircea_popescu the sad irony of all this being that we've been actually looking for a competent sysadmin to run stuff for years.
18:40 mircea_popescu DreadKnight looky here : in business, one's always selling something. games are business. as such, they can either sell content or risk.
18:40 mircea_popescu to make money selling content you need huge economies of scale, because content is so expensive to make.
18:41 mircea_popescu this is why wow was a gold mine and rift spent 10mn for ~3mn in returns
18:41 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, even if it's free open source, there are business strategies to it
18:41 mircea_popescu rift is a very nice game, too, but that dun matter.
18:41 mircea_popescu so now, you'll have to sell risk whether you want to or not. learn to live with it.
18:41 DreadKnight I agree, that's planned
18:41 mircea_popescu you just said it wasn't above
18:41 DreadKnight I talked about the vanilla game
18:42 DreadKnight which everybody has access to, but which won't be have a ladder / prized / money involved at all
18:42 DreadKnight prizes*
18:42 mircea_popescu go on ?
18:42 Luke-Jr mircea_popescu: troll
18:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 526 @ 0.00283717 = 1.4924 BTC [-] {4}
18:42 kakobrekla Luke-Jr child rapist.
18:43 Luke-Jr kakobrekla: liar
18:43 kakobrekla Luke-Jr banana
18:43 Luke-Jr [22:23:06] <mircea_popescu> took out the private key discussion entirely, <-- because it has nothing to do with addresses
18:44 Luke-Jr [22:23:26] <mircea_popescu> added the entire misconceptions thing… <-- because it is needed
18:44 mircea_popescu private keys have nothing to do with the public keys they're paired with ?
18:44 Luke-Jr addresses aren't public keys
18:45 mircea_popescu in what sense.
18:45 mircea_popescu can i calculate the bitcoin address that'd correspond to any arbitrary private address i choose ?
18:45 Luke-Jr *version 1 addresses* are *implemented* using ECDSA keypairs inside wallets; but that's a technical detail, and there is a separate page for technical details
18:46 Luke-Jr the Address page is intended to be for end-users
18:46 mircea_popescu eh spare me the derpage. you and the rest of the usg plants are trying to push forward a certain political aggenda.
18:46 Luke-Jr USG?
18:46 mircea_popescu it won't work if i have to kill you all, and i won't have to kil you all.
18:46 assbot Last 6 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/1AP9QXR.txt )
18:46 BingoBoingo !b 6
18:47 * Luke-Jr wonders wtf he is being accused of now
18:47 mircea_popescu you're not being accused. you've just been convicted. that's all.
18:48 DreadKnight there will be a mode for subscribers that will have a monthly ladder, top players receiving prizes; each match and victory will be logged; in this mode, your units will die and you'll have to purchase card packs with random units inside, so you won't have access to every single unit in the game unless you pay, also each victory will take a toll, as you'll have casualties most likely; you'll also be able to feed your units to impro
18:48 DreadKnight ve certain stats for limited amounts of time, food will be rather cheap, but it can make the difference between life and death, victory and loss; besides, there will be tournaments, playing for digital currency (where a % will be taken as fee); each month the ladder will start fresh, winners from previous month being added to a hall of fame; there will also be merchandise in the shop (tshirts, miniatures, plushies, and so on), mos
18:48 DreadKnight t of the Ancient Beast units will become popular thanks to their license / attribution and usage, so it's all like a virus, to spread as much as possible
18:49 mircea_popescu DreadKnight ok, now you're talking
18:49 mircea_popescu so what's your role in all this ? you draw the artwork ? you code the game ?
18:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 798 @ 0.00280034 = 2.2347 BTC [-] {8}
18:50 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, I'm a jack of all trades, designed the project, I manage the thing, make abilities, made the website, look for contributors, code, sketch, test it with fans, whatever it needs to be done; I'm working with quite a bit of people, constantly looking for fresh blood, that's the beauty of being open source
18:51 mircea_popescu so like a pm basically, mostly covering for game design
18:51 DreadKnight I'm proficient with organic low poly modeling though, but that will be noticeable a bit later, when animations will get in the game, sample www.AncientBeast.com/viewer
18:52 DreadKnight getting weekly emails from people to allow them to use artwork / assets in their games and I'm pretty much underground atm
18:52 mircea_popescu ok, so what do you need from your publisher ?
18:53 DreadKnight I don't really need a publisher, need a bit of funding / sponsorship to speed things up and get some help with coding
18:54 mircea_popescu that seems self-contradictory.
18:54 DreadKnight indie game devs don't usually go for publishers; they rather make crowd funding campaigns to avoid strings attached
18:54 DreadKnight will get to that as well soon
18:55 * asciilifeform was at bazaar, buying food, missed all the good derp
18:55 asciilifeform somebody's playing blockchain chess now?
18:55 mircea_popescu DreadKnight mkay, i guess if that's how you swing.
18:55 asciilifeform am i doomed to see every gedankenexperiment brought into flesh ?
18:56 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, back in the day the only method were printing cd's and selling them in shops, so yeah, publisher was needed; now it's internet era, digital downloads, websites, app stores
18:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yes. this is the point of flesh, to make thoughts painful.
18:56 asciilifeform lol
18:56 mircea_popescu DreadKnight im not sure you take my meaning.
18:57 asciilifeform 'we shall learn to get by with a minimum of thinking - because thinking is painful.' - a maths prof of mine
18:57 mircea_popescu Pierre_Rochard: kakobrekla: so everyone should pay off their mortgage / student loans / credit cards / car loans before buying bitcoins? Seems a little extreme and just poor balance sheet management imho <<< i can see it. bitcoin is still not for the poor.
18:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20400 @ 0.00081672 = 16.6611 BTC [+] {2}
18:58 asciilifeform which currency, if any, is 'for' the poor ?
18:58 mircea_popescu labor.
18:58 mod6 tide
18:58 asciilifeform or is this more of an 'air is not for the drowning' observation.
18:59 mircea_popescu the two are amusingly related : work -> schweddyballs -> tide.
18:59 asciilifeform ;;ud schweddyballs
18:59 gribble http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Schweddy+Balls | The most infamous Delicious Dish episode featured Alec Baldwin as the chef Pete Schweddy, who came to the show to showcase his "Schweddy Balls," an...
18:59 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, the game is playable from the website, SaaS business model (software as a service), so what was your meaning?
18:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform just an alternate spelling of sweaty balls, that also happens to be an edible product.
18:59 asciilifeform aha
19:00 Pierre_Rochard mircea_popescu: ah, well I’ll myself out then
19:00 mircea_popescu DreadKnight you're thinking publisher in the sense of the world of atari, making hardware cartridges.
19:00 BingoBoingo http://www.gomerblog.com/2013/07/newly-diagnosed-one-handed-man-totally-worth-it/
19:00 assbot Newly Diagnosed One-Handed Man: Totally Worth it | Medical Satire - GomerBlog
19:00 mircea_popescu lol is he trolling me ?!
19:01 asciilifeform http://www.gomerblog.com/2013/06/patient-literally-sweats-his-balls-off
19:01 assbot Patient Literally Sweats His Balls Off | Medical Satire - GomerBlog
19:01 mircea_popescu DreadKnight im thinking more in the sense of the larger entity you get backstopped against.
19:01 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, there are several ways of spreading a webgame as well, "web publishers" like facebook, fgl.com, gamejolt.com and many more - the game is easy to embed anywhere actually
19:02 mircea_popescu i suppose i should say "sponsor" in your terminology.
19:02 DreadKnight :-)
19:02 DreadKnight or even investors, as long as the strings aren't forever
19:03 BingoBoingo http://www.gomerblog.com/2014/07/firework/
19:03 assbot Local ER Refuses to Take Care of Firework Injuries this July 4th | Medical Satire - GomerBlog
19:03 mircea_popescu DreadKnight why not ?
19:04 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, wondering, I'm from Constanta, what about you? (most likely Bucharest)
19:04 BingoBoingo “We need Darwinism to sneak back into our society. We [medical community] have propped up too many people that shouldn’t be alive today which has allowed the creation of ‘super idiots’ that the world has never seen before. Seriously, has anybody seen the movie Idiocracy..we are starting to live it.”
19:04 mircea_popescu DreadKnight i lived for a while in timisoara, cluj before that.
19:04 mircea_popescu ;;google trilema learn that variety speak
19:04 gribble You're gonna have to learn that variety speak pe Trilema - Un blog ...: <http://trilema.com/2013/youre-gonna-have-to-learn-that-variety-speak/>; #bitcoin-assets +m pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: <http://trilema.com/2014/bitcoin-assets-m/>; Pro idiotas, which obviously means, people who have ... - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2014/pro-idiotas-which-obviously-means- (1 more message)
19:04 mircea_popescu DreadKnight there, first url, that's my blog.
19:04 mircea_popescu (unlike the other two lel)
19:09 BingoBoingo !mpif
19:09 assbot BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021699 B (Total: 474.50 B). Delta: -0.78 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00023849 BTC [+]
19:12 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, got a bit caught up reading that blog post, though it's related to current situation a bit, about using the proper terms :D
19:13 mircea_popescu :p
19:14 mircea_popescu AndrewJackson best part string ever dood.
19:16 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, you're not in Romania anymore? A bit confused
19:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 190 @ 0.00289999 = 0.551 BTC [+]
19:16 mircea_popescu im in buenos aires.
19:16 DreadKnight oh
19:17 DreadKnight A lot of people leave this country, including my best friends...
19:28 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, so the assets part is kinda like in stock market, not "art assets"?
19:28 mircea_popescu not kinda. this is the core of bitcoin.
19:28 DreadKnight just making sure, was really confused at first, because we were talking art assets in the project channel
19:29 mircea_popescu ah
19:29 DreadKnight well, current prototype so far was funded with bitcoins, hopefully it will continue that way
19:30 mircea_popescu funded, how ? like donations ?
19:30 DreadKnight yeah, donations, it wasn't worth much but I held on to those coins and sold when it started to get fatty
19:31 DreadKnight I use every single dollar efficiently and know to bargain
19:31 mircea_popescu mkay. well, can you turn all this into a business plan ?
19:32 DreadKnight there was no point to it if there was no business plan
19:33 DreadKnight as in, I can't spend tremendous amounts of time working on it along with other people if it wouldn't sustain itself, not to mention me eventually
19:33 mircea_popescu shoot.
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17167 @ 0.0008156 = 14.0014 BTC [-] {2}
19:34 DreadKnight quite a few seen "Video Games the movie" and asked "what about open source?", well, open source game dev is not even on the map for proper reasons, but I want to show it's possible
19:36 mircea_popescu huh ?
19:37 DreadKnight like I said for the business model, subscription granting access to more game modes, digital merchandise (card packs / lifes , food / boosters, skins), physical merchandise and fees from betting currency (as spectator or player)
19:37 DreadKnight referred to this movie http://www.imdb.com/title/tt3214002/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1
19:37 assbot Video Games: The Movie (2014) - IMDb
19:38 ThickAsThieves !s Video Games The Movie
19:38 assbot 0 results for 'Video Games The Movie' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=Video+Games+The+Movie
19:38 ThickAsThieves it's been discussed i think
19:38 HeySteve I saw that, needed more PC master race
19:39 HeySteve the intro with Queen song was pretty rad tho
19:39 mircea_popescu DreadKnight ok, let me put it this way : so far you're making it impossible to be helped. now, lots of people circle this chan in the hopes of getting some support, you're way ahead of them through a combination of good luck and good luck.
19:39 mircea_popescu so wanna use it or not ?
19:42 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, I guess you have some terms, the poker / randomness stuff?
19:42 mircea_popescu i have some hard in-principle things that can disqualify a proposition, but they're pretty sparse.
19:43 mircea_popescu field is new, so we don't know a whole lot about what fundamentally doesn't work just yet.
19:43 mircea_popescu but yes, a deterministic web game for btc is a non starter.
19:43 mircea_popescu this isn't the case here tho, from what i gather.
19:44 DreadKnight it can easily be fixed, have lots of game modes in mind; basically you can just assign random limited unit pools to each player
19:44 DreadKnight if you really want to have the random element in that is
19:44 mircea_popescu the "buy random pakcs ofo cards" thing is enough.
19:44 mircea_popescu it really doesn't take much.
19:45 DreadKnight initially wanted to allow buying individual units, but did a bit game design research and seems this is more fun and profitable and balanced, people won't buy only over powered units and some want to collect them all, so they might have to buy and buy until they're satisfied or out of funds
19:45 ThickAsThieves make sure you let me buy custom hats too
19:46 DreadKnight eventually there will be custom skins and such; seems a lot of people care about vanity items in dota2 rather than carry about increasing their gameplay skills
19:46 HeySteve people love their in-game bling / customisation stuff
19:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19263 @ 0.00081487 = 15.6968 BTC [-]
19:47 DreadKnight will definitely want the main character fully customizable
19:47 ThickAsThieves HeySteve i thought it was retarded at first, turns out its way less retarded than raiding for 80 hours to make your hero look dope
19:47 HeySteve just like real life, most people think appearance > substance
19:48 HeySteve ThickAsThieves I guess so yeah, but I don't like the pay to win kind of thing at all
19:48 DreadKnight was checking reviews for a tablet a few months ago and the tablet was pink, most reviews were like "and it's awesome that it's pink, my daughter will love it", mom also got a pink phone *sigh*
19:48 ThickAsThieves right, dota 2 is doing it all right
19:48 HeySteve but for cosmetic stuff, it works well
19:49 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves this is the benefit of aging. you start to realise your time is worth more than money.
19:49 ThickAsThieves pump out new characters, new costumes for the old ones, and never update the actual game much
19:49 ThickAsThieves even there they still work at it
19:50 DreadKnight HeySteve, I agree; I'm keeping pay to win totally away from free to play; hated that I played Ancient Summoner (now called Rise of Mythos) and I was pawning most players, but everytime I was fighting a noob that put a few bucks in the game, I was getting humiliated, I eventually quit playing because of that
19:50 ThickAsThieves dota is just missing a hangout area
19:51 DreadKnight ThickAsThieves, it has chat rooms, you can make new ones hmm
19:51 DreadKnight it pretty much has IRC embedded inside
19:52 ThickAsThieves i didnt know
19:52 ThickAsThieves never looked i guess
19:52 ThickAsThieves seems it should be in one of the main pages
19:52 DreadKnight anyway, Ancient Beast has lots of advantages over moba (dota2)
19:53 DreadKnight ThickAsThieves, the chat is right side in the main menu
19:53 DreadKnight every country has a few rooms, lots of trading or random channels
19:53 DreadKnight a lot of item trading spam or swearing / flaming :D
19:54 DreadKnight I'm really starting to hate having to team up with random people in online multiplayer games, nothing good comes out of it usually
19:58 ThickAsThieves it is the worst part of dota
19:58 ThickAsThieves getting fuknuts on your team
19:59 cazalla lol is the same
19:59 DreadKnight one feeds, another one gets support and doesnt buy a ward / curier, one is afk, one disconnects, one thinks he's carry with the support, one has tank but he's always last in team fight, another one has initiator but he doesn't initiate crap and so on
20:00 mircea_popescu kinda what guilds are invented for no ?
20:00 nubbins` sounds fun
20:00 mircea_popescu or slavegirls i guess
20:00 DreadKnight 5vs5 sucks; you can't play with anyone on the globe because of latency, you can't play with friends because they're noobs for sure, it's harder than having a band and you are stuck in a chair all day without making any money
20:01 nubbins` harder than having a band
20:01 nubbins` lel
20:01 DreadKnight sometimes the matches are over before they even begin, all picking a carry instead of getting proper roles, or randoming and getting heroes they know what to do with
20:01 mircea_popescu what's a carry ?
20:02 DreadKnight or simply bad combinations, 4 melee plus yet another melee called void
20:02 nubbins` ;;google hey steve i think your singing was a little flat that time
20:02 gribble the Dollhouse - Steve, I think your singing was a little flat - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MmBMvSf2BOY>; Lagwagon- Leave The Light On 03. - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G6CQF8kQtaA>; Welcome To The Dollhouse Script - Drew's Script-O-Rama: <http://www.script-o-rama.com/movie_scripts/w/welcome-to-the-dollhouse-script.html>
20:02 nubbins` ^ first link
20:02 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, carry is the "Rambo" of the game, the one dealing damage but very item Dependant and squishy
20:02 HeySteve ha funnily enough, I do sing kinda flat. tried a few bands but never became a rockstar
20:03 mircea_popescu nubbins` lol who's that obnoxious mcdonalds manger
20:03 nubbins` heheh
20:03 nubbins` strange movie, worth watching
20:03 DreadKnight so everyone wants the kills, but you can't have 5 carries in a team, no doubt, because there's not enough farm / gold, mircea_popescu
20:03 nubbins` HeySteve :0
20:03 DreadKnight and there's the team mate that always does nothing but steals your kills on purpose, just because, him being support and you being a carry
20:04 HeySteve nubbins, this looks like napoleon dynamite kinda movie
20:04 DreadKnight most shitty game designed every, yet it's an esport
20:04 nubbins` awkward kids in middle america
20:04 DreadKnight ever*
20:04 nubbins` about the same, yeah, just filmed in the 80s instead of pretending it was ;D
20:04 cazalla does dota have ranked/unranked matches like lol?
20:05 HeySteve looks funny, nubbins?
20:05 nubbins` girl's name is Dawn Weiner, classic tragedy
20:05 DreadKnight cazalla, yes
20:05 nubbins` HeySteveyeah
20:05 mircea_popescu DreadKnight o i think i tried something like this at one time, ragnarsomething
20:06 DreadKnight nubbins`, thanks for recommendation, looks fun
20:06 nubbins` np
20:06 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, maybe Ragnarok Online? not sure if it's a moba
20:06 nubbins` lel. customer wants "keep calm logo, like on the chive shirts"
20:07 nubbins` so i create "keep calm and <verb related to business> on", complete with royal crown
20:07 DreadKnight and there's the situation where a noob from your team auto attacks instead of last hitting only or last hitting your creeps away from you when you're carry and he's support *sigh*
20:07 mircea_popescu Heroes of Newerth it was.
20:07 nubbins` guy says "i didn't think it had a crown on the top"
20:07 nubbins` facedesk
20:07 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, yeah, played that one as well, I was a moba junkie, it was part of the experience and motivation when designing Ancient Beast
20:07 nubbins` guys, this game you're talking about sounds v complicated and nothing at all like mario kart 8
20:08 DreadKnight true
20:08 cazalla mk8 handles latency really well from what i've played of it online
20:08 DreadKnight showed a teenage girl Angry Birds, she was like "please uninstall", showed her Super Tux Kart, "woah, this is fun!"
20:08 nubbins` cazalla +1
20:09 mircea_popescu DreadKnight methinks you're showing teenage girls the wrong things.
20:09 nubbins` they do hide rankings for a few seconds before you cross the finish line, just in case
20:09 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, she had the cd with Angry Birds, I hate that game
20:09 nubbins` mircea_popescu "please uninstall" ;(
20:09 cazalla nubbins`, i've only been given a lower ranking than i expected a few times with that
20:10 nubbins` cazalla it's pretty much only for the closest of calls
20:10 nubbins` online mode is where true skill is acquired
20:10 nubbins` i've only started recently, got my cups first
20:10 cazalla yeah, i just passed 6000
20:10 nubbins` i just broke 2000, but still gaining ground
20:11 DreadKnight MMR system is fun when you don't have to rely on team mates
20:11 nubbins` https://twitter.com/coinbase/status/492347634682576896
20:12 mircea_popescu !s alienware
20:12 assbot 6 results for 'alienware' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=alienware
20:13 BingoBoingo Only recent dell hardware I've been impressed with were those Latitude netbooks they made for a while
20:13 cazalla mircea_popescu, these twistys links never work for me, prob not a big deal seeing it's been all nigger dick images past few days
20:13 DreadKnight haha
20:13 mircea_popescu cazalla no you're missing out.
20:13 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/204B6FZ.txt )
20:13 BingoBoingo !b 3
20:13 mircea_popescu hot lezzie sexes.
20:15 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, did some friend recommended Heroes of Newerth? how long did you played it? why quit?
20:15 mircea_popescu so today alone 143 different .ru domains supposedly sent people to trilema.
20:15 mircea_popescu "traffic" is becoming less and less meaningful
20:16 mircea_popescu DreadKnight i play lots of things to try them out. i quit because i can't stand the model. too much like [lowly paid] work.
20:16 DreadKnight there's something going on with Russia lately, because number one source of visitors for my project all of a sudden; dota2 servers are filled with russians, they're very hated
20:16 mircea_popescu if i wanted to spend my time doing that sort of shit i
20:16 mircea_popescu 'd prolly take a 3rd world programmer job.
20:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: deterministic web game for btc is a non starter << this deserves an explanation
20:17 DreadKnight a lot of people don't really like Heroes of Newerth's artwork, too detailed, yet your character is small
20:18 mircea_popescu asciilifeform but the explanation is i nthe log, which part didn;'t make sense ?
20:18 mircea_popescu DreadKnight i don't like the "learn this succession of small movements" part.
20:18 DreadKnight asciilifeform, I think he was afraid of players doing the same things over and over again, or picking only the best units
20:19 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, every played battletoads? xD
20:19 DreadKnight ever*
20:19 mircea_popescu DreadKnight no. consider the supermodel of all player strategy games, btc.waroflife.com/
20:19 * asciilifeform reads
20:20 mircea_popescu if the final state of the game flows deterministically from the state at any point, there's nothing for a human to do.
20:20 DreadKnight true
20:20 DreadKnight moba is too much about lane pushing and farming
20:21 DreadKnight and roles like jungler or support are usually super boring
20:21 DreadKnight but support is pretty mandatory, which is not cool
20:21 mircea_popescu battletoads << no, never have.
20:22 DreadKnight roger
20:26 mircea_popescu !up prototype
20:36 danielpbarron DreadKnight, i play dota
20:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 491 @ 0.0019999 = 0.982 BTC [+]
20:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 931 @ 0.00291011 = 2.7093 BTC [+] {2}
20:40 DreadKnight danielpbarron, first or second one?
20:41 BingoBoingo Maybe aspects of ohio aren't so bad http://deadspin.com/hazing-investigation-ohio-state-band-members-are-horny-1610311478
20:41 assbot Hazing Investigation: Ohio State Band Members Are Horny And Depraved
20:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7500 @ 0.00081487 = 6.1115 BTC [-]
20:55 BingoBoingo Lulzmining https://vertcoin.org/pow-algorithm-upgrade-lyra2/
20:55 assbot Vertcoin – Bitcoin Upgraded » PoW Algorithm Upgrade : Lyra2
20:55 mircea_popescu kakobrekla http://bitbet.us/bet/951/silk-road-coin-auction-extravaganza/#c3560 now you';ve done it.
20:55 assbot BitBet - Silk Road Coin Auction Extravaganza :: 2.15 B (29%) on Yes, 5.3 B (71%) on No | closed 4 weeks 55 minutes ago
20:55 asciilifeform 'comes as a preemptive strike against ASICs' << this shit never gets old, does it
20:56 mircea_popescu asciilifeform how could it ?
20:56 BingoBoingo http://www.theonion.com/articles/elderly-man-cant-wait-for-senility-to-erase-lifeti,36419/
20:56 assbot Elderly Man Cant Wait For Senility To Erase Lifetime Of Regretful Memories | The Onion - America's Finest News Source
20:57 mircea_popescu "Vertcoin has always been and will continue to be the leader in decentralization of cryptocurrency."
20:57 kakobrekla :(
20:57 BingoBoingo Hard to decentralize mining when few people want to work the turd mines
20:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 52 @ 0.01480916 = 0.7701 BTC [+] {4}
20:58 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: because actual solution (whether problem ought to be solved is a matter of concern to - other people...) was posted. free for the taking - http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-03-2014#590930 - but anyone lifted it? nope
20:58 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
20:59 mircea_popescu asciilifeform let's laugh together. on one hand it's you saying that, one minute under some derp going in the bitbet comments section to say that since ThickAsThieves posted something here about a topic of interest, and magicaltux also hung out on irc, it follows that bitbet is bad.
21:00 mircea_popescu now... what part of "the people are more stupid than can be put into words" needs putting into words ?
21:00 mircea_popescu !up Guest52945
21:00 asciilifeform socrates, a man. men sometimes eat shit. socrates eats shit.
21:00 mircea_popescu !up guest8653
21:00 asciilifeform bulletproof logic
21:01 mircea_popescu the shit can never get old. "here's what i want, here's what's to be done, here's me not doing it". how would this ever get old.
21:04 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: imho it's a far worse thing when they - do - it.
21:04 mircea_popescu well they don't do it. they do something that's "just as good".
21:04 mircea_popescu according to X.
21:05 mircea_popescu but anyway, forget the bitter me. let's refine your automata idea a little.
21:06 asciilifeform gedankenexperiment. idea was, automata - and difficulty determined by size of playing field. preferably exponential growth.
21:06 mircea_popescu suppose pow is, "find a 1mbit value which xored with your block results in a wol-like table which playing for 32 generations results in a table identical to the table of the block as is"
21:07 asciilifeform more or less, this.
21:07 mircea_popescu would you say this is an acceptable implementation ?
21:07 asciilifeform aye
21:07 mircea_popescu now, imbit = 128kb, which should be enough for the blocks originally.
21:07 mircea_popescu suppose you double this every 200k blocks, much like how bitcoin halves reward.
21:08 mircea_popescu except you don't have reward, you just increase 4fold the size of the field.
21:08 mircea_popescu and implicitly the size of the block.
21:08 asciilifeform actually you can weasel out of inflating block size, by using a hash of your favourite flavour to populate the field.
21:09 mircea_popescu and of course the 32 can be adjusted as "difficulty"
21:09 mircea_popescu ie, make it 4576957698475 generations if need be
21:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i dont wanna weasel out of inflating block size i dont think
21:09 mircea_popescu i actually kinda want this built, if there's any hardcore c programmer looking for a major project.
21:10 * asciilifeform leads people into perdition
21:11 mircea_popescu this still needs better chaining than what bitcoin's doing.
21:11 asciilifeform the folks looking to somehow 'vanish' the asic thing will be disappointed, though.
21:12 mircea_popescu obviously anything that can be made can be made in silicon
21:12 asciilifeform but the concept outlined here would provide something close to the theoretical maximum of annoyance to mining asic builders.
21:12 asciilifeform the question of whether this needs doing, i'll leave to the folks who give a damn.
21:12 mircea_popescu in particular because of the block increase
21:13 mircea_popescu ie, either you make waseful asics or else you keep changing them every 200k blocks
21:13 asciilifeform 'once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down. that's not my department, said wehrner von braun.'
21:14 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: what would you wish to see improved in chaining?
21:14 mircea_popescu a way to make retaining blocks spurious.
21:14 BingoBoingo Moar biodiesel http://thebiohazardblog.com/2014/07/23/ten-things-i-learned-from-the-dogecoin-community/
21:14 assbot Ten Things I Learned from the Dogecoin Community | The Biohazard
21:15 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: make retaining blocks spurious << i thought this was solved, at least in principle, with 'checkpointing'
21:15 mircea_popescu checkpointing is evil tho.
21:16 mircea_popescu one of the most important vulnerabilities extant in bitcoin as is.
21:16 asciilifeform every so often, a 'year zero', and the chain is replaced with a hash of its state. anyone who wants the history, goes to an archive.
21:16 mircea_popescu honestly i don't think i actualy understand what i want re chaining
21:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: either we keep every pissant transaction around, or we snip. tertium non datur, as i understand.
21:17 mircea_popescu but why.
21:19 DreadKnight asciilifeform, year zero will cut off confirmation for new transactions, but I would want for the downloaded stuff to not be 10gb; there are wallets that skip that stuff nowadays, though not recommended in certain cases
21:19 asciilifeform incidentally, the 'we want an0nym1ty!!1' folks could be satisfied - use paillier's arithmetic to represent balances. so you need private key to know the state of an address.
21:19 mircea_popescu that is a good part yes.
21:20 asciilifeform again, why to do this, remains a mystery to me. but people seem to really want it, and could in principle do it this way.
21:20 mircea_popescu yes indeed, there's at least two items for the bitcoin v2.0 : the wol pow detailed above and the p-airthm balance
21:21 asciilifeform another, perhaps obvious temptation is to bake in the wot.
21:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that's a bad idea. baking in gpg however would be splendid.
21:21 asciilifeform again, as a certified armchair general, i've no idea whether this is actually necessary.
21:21 mircea_popescu suppose that anyone can generate txn using gpg, much like mpex works.
21:21 mircea_popescu as long as your address is known, you're g2g.
21:22 mircea_popescu sort-of where i was seeing the "b-a public registrar" project that nobody wants to do going, in step 2.
21:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: if you're willing to ditch ecdsa and use traditional rsa, and eat the cost of longer keys, this is trivial.
21:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform one can use w/e key he wants.
21:22 mircea_popescu modularity is teh win
21:22 mircea_popescu anyway the hash daisychanin satoshi used was moar like a joke than srs.
21:24 mircea_popescu also, need much better hidding of the traffix it generates.
21:24 mircea_popescu in principle one shouldn't be able to spot a b2.0 node on the network.
21:24 * asciilifeform reminds listeners that he's a rather busy fellow and that they also have hands, and can do all of the above.
21:25 mircea_popescu anyway, gonna have some cake, bbl.
21:27 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
21:27 gribble Current Blocks: 312339 | Current Difficulty: 1.733631697850783E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 312479 | Next Difficulty In: 140 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 23 hours, 29 minutes, and 47 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 18666668357.3 | Estimated Percent Change: 7.67378
21:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: one shouldn't be able to spot a b2.0 node on the network << in that traffic should resemble a traditional bitcoin node? or simply point to point encryption?
21:29 asciilifeform because in the latter case, two nodes must know something about one another, or mitm is trivial.
21:31 BingoBoingo !up HANDSofSTEEL
21:32 DreadKnight this IRC channel works so much better than Bitcoin Business Alliance's skype group
21:33 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: Amazing how often older technologies work better than "advances" that would pretent to replace them isn't it
21:33 DreadKnight well, skype is just designed with something else in mind, that's for sure :D
21:34 DreadKnight but thanks to the BBA group, I log into skype once a month tops, very annoying
21:35 BingoBoingo Well, the downside of skype is it forces you to interact with it through the interface it chooses, among other flaws. IRC though... You can pick a client and if it ends up being shit simply switch
21:36 DreadKnight yeah, very true, screw closed protocols
21:43 mircea_popescu asciilifeform traffic should resemble people exchanging gpg messages maybe ?
21:43 mircea_popescu nfi.
21:44 mircea_popescu DreadKnight there's a reason pros use particular tools rather than any other tools.
21:45 mircea_popescu i think naggum was it had a rant on the topic.
21:45 BingoBoingo asciilifeform had a rant or several as well
21:52 decimation another theory of mh17 occured to me the other day: while it seems to be detrimental to the rebel's cause, in the bigger calcuation it might actually help them quite a bit
21:53 decimation every human on earth now knows that russia is ready and willing to shoot anything down in that area
21:53 mircea_popescu no rebel ever lost anything through causing trouble.
21:53 decimation which euro nation wants to be the first one to try to start a "no-fly" zone ala iraq?
21:54 mircea_popescu it seems improbable russia shot down the thing.
21:54 cazalla DreadKnight, most of your complaints regarding mobas are tied to low tier, bronze league superstars, you don't see it in higher brackets which is why it's an esport and a good one at that
21:54 decimation I think it is unlikely that it was explictly ordered, but I read another news story that the 'rebels' shot down some more ukranian fighter jets
21:55 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> it seems improbable russia shot down the thing. << I'm waiting for the investigation to reveal a la TWA 800 that the plane was doomed when it took off
21:55 decimation weak-knee western military policy 101: start a no-fly zone
21:55 BingoBoingo But in spite of the criticisms the Su-25 ground attack plane shooting it down is probably more feasible than it gets credit for.
21:56 mircea_popescu decimation that's not happening.
21:56 decimation right, because every last voter realizes exactly the kind of risk that would entail
21:56 decimation a no-fly zone would start a major air battle
21:56 mircea_popescu no it wouldn't.
21:57 mircea_popescu a no fly zone would allow the russian airforce to showcase it's unmatched superiority by making short work of everything else.
21:58 mircea_popescu if it were 1980s the republicans would have been all in favour, because nothing's better for public contracts than a humiliating, public defeat.
21:58 decimation well, in any case russia isn't going to stand for foriegn aircraft patroling its border, and the world knows it will "arm its proxies" or whatever to make it happen
21:58 mircea_popescu the thing is... the country can't pay anyway, so there's not much pork to be had out of "we need better new planes"
21:58 DreadKnight cazalla, yeah, but to get high mmr, you have to play with non retards, very wise hand picked people, takes time; and you need to either sync in time tables or to have a lot of such people at your disposal, it's a chore to have a proper team
21:59 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu> the thing is... the country can't pay anyway, so there's not much pork to be had out of "we need better new planes" >> Not to mention the US is the the business now of buying worse planes
22:00 mircea_popescu btw, anyone knows the famous case of gerald ratner ?
22:01 decimation heh I just read about it on wikipedia
22:01 thestringpuller ;;ticker
22:01 cazalla DreadKnight, so message the good players you pug with and put something together
22:01 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 601.16, Best ask: 603.08, Bid-ask spread: 1.92000, Last trade: 603.08, 24 hour volume: 10370.38719655, 24 hour low: 591.12, 24 hour high: 621.9, 24 hour vwap: 604.966260607
22:01 decimation are you comparing him to this situation?
22:01 DreadKnight cazalla, it's not as easy as it sounds
22:02 mircea_popescu decimation in no sense.
22:02 mircea_popescu merely a random thought
22:02 DreadKnight cazalla, takes a few years to have a proper list of players, that's if you really care about it, remove noobs constantly
22:03 DreadKnight and even ignore real friendships
22:03 cazalla worked for me in lol
22:03 DreadKnight you also need synergy
22:03 decimation when your business model is selling baubles to idiots, it's probably not wise to point out the idiocy of bauble-buying
22:03 cazalla DreadKnight, maybe you're just a scrub player? no offense
22:04 DreadKnight lol doesn't have denying, no scrolls, no curiers, simpler mechanics cazalla
22:04 pigeons dignork: yes dogeparty is just counterparty on doge, but like i said, much more useful than ethereum
22:04 mircea_popescu decimation the funny thing about the incident is that everyone happily ignored the "your business part" and took it as gospel. "the importance of brand over quality"
22:04 DreadKnight cazalla, scrub player? haha
22:04 cazalla DreadKnight, it does have the same idiots who kill steal, play wrong lane, afk etc etc
22:05 dignork pigeons: hard to compare really, trash vs. garbage :)
22:05 cazalla so you message the good ones, start playing together, build synergy, you won't start with it from game 1
22:05 DreadKnight cazalla, it has less things to deal with, but yeah; I hate the account system, region limitation, runes and summoner spells needing levels, LoL requires purchase of champions, basically limits you to constantly play the same 2-3 champs most of the time
22:06 decimation yeah for instance you could hang a sign above a gasoline station saying "Gasoline is dirty" and business would not change
22:07 mircea_popescu ;;google "hello suckers"
22:07 gribble Hello Suckers!: Investing into Stocks: <http://hellosuckers.net/>; Texas Guinan - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Texas_Guinan>; Hello, Suckers | The Weekly Standard: <http://www.weeklystandard.com/articles/hello-suckers_788970.html>
22:07 cazalla DreadKnight, it doesn't require purchase of champs at all unless you're adhd and won't stick to one role
22:07 DreadKnight cazalla, lost a lot of games in LoL while beating the whole enemy team by myself; all mobas basically have the same issues, but LoL has a few more on top of that
22:08 danielpbarron DreadKnight, i used to play all-stars; now i play dota2
22:08 cazalla you're gonna lose games, even the top players only have 2:1 win/loss ratios
22:09 DreadKnight it's rare that I win a game because of another team mate; I usually get really annoyed and tell people what are doing wrong, but not many listen
22:10 DreadKnight forgot to mention noob team mates getting shadow blade in dota2 while there's already an invis carry in the team; or picking multiple invisible heroes *sigh*
22:10 mircea_popescu DreadKnight you're prolly not gonna be happy or even willing to hear this, but it sounds like the problem is you.
22:11 thestringpuller have we really gone from talking about world news to LoL in all of 20 minutes?
22:11 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, I'm not the problem, the game sets me up with weirdos most of the time and it's bad for my health; I don't always have semi decent team mates online to play with
22:11 danielpbarron i have fun playing dota2; my brother plays, and a few of his friends
22:12 mircea_popescu thestringpuller way it goes.
22:12 DreadKnight it's fun as long as you got team or don't take it seriously / not play too often
22:12 DreadKnight anyway, don't really care to debate mobas at this hour
22:12 danielpbarron yeah; I don't play that often anymore
22:13 cazalla DreadKnight, ragequit more
22:13 DreadKnight cazalla, is that your solution? :))
22:13 cazalla no, not caring to debate at this hour = ragequit
22:14 DreadKnight thought it was advice
22:14 DreadKnight no, just that some people around are not into mobas and feel like we're boring or offtopic, I respect not playing moba
22:14 BingoBoingo My favorite part of Eve online is that anyone not explicitly an ally is a potential adversary.
22:15 danielpbarron ;;
22:15 DreadKnight started watching that Welcome to the Dollhouse movie someone recommended around xD
22:15 danielpbarron ;;rate DreadKnight 1 plays dota2. http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-07-2014#768204
22:15 assbot #bitcoin-assets log
22:15 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user DreadKnight has been recorded.
22:17 DreadKnight might end up writing a moba do's and don'ts guide
22:21 decimation "brand over quality" is also an artifact of the dillution of fiat ownership
22:21 mircea_popescu DreadKnight got a blog ?
22:22 decimation "Consumer price indexes show negligible price changes in non-normalized accounting, not only because they are fudged and rigged, but because prices are set by dollars competing for goods. Because American spenders have fewer and fewer normalized dollars to spend every year, normalized consumer prices are also dropping. " - Mr. moldbug
22:22 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, used to, but got popular faster then I expected and hacked a few times without backup; might get back into writing soon, without using wordpress this time
22:23 mircea_popescu wordpress is fine, i've used it for > 5 years without issue.
22:24 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: Wordpress is fine if used with caution appropriate for an application of its kind.
22:25 DreadKnight made my own little blog system, no users accounts or databases, using files instead, will put it to good use soon, mircea_popescu
22:25 mircea_popescu or that.
22:25 decimation statelessness has a quality all its own
22:25 DreadKnight well, didn't knew much about security back then, wasn't protecting the log-in page too well against common stuff
22:27 mircea_popescu well then. bruteforced shit pws aren't a hack.
22:27 mircea_popescu !up lordbunson
22:28 mircea_popescu DreadKnight also see http://trilema.com/2012/romanian-dicelist/
22:28 assbot Romanian Dicelist pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
22:28 DreadKnight true, but it would have been nice if wp had a timer to avoid that kind of abuse, mircea_popescu
22:28 DreadKnight average user hears a lot of WP, but doesn't know about bruteforce and strong passwords
22:30 DreadKnight got my own algorithm for strong passwords that are unique and that I can actually remember and type for a while now
22:30 DreadKnight but parents don't want to share the ideology xD
22:30 mircea_popescu homebrew crypto is often dangerous.
22:30 DreadKnight I mean make use of it*
22:31 DreadKnight nothing sucks more than typing a strong password on a touch screen device.
22:31 BingoBoingo <DreadKnight> but parents don't want to share the ideology xD << Wait, how old are you?
22:32 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, 27, but since I'm into tech, parents learned a bit from me, both are using linux for years now
22:32 BingoBoingo !up darlidada
22:32 DreadKnight I meant that they're not keen on complex / strong passwords
22:33 DreadKnight seen a chart with most popular passwords... 123456 and password being top entries xD
22:33 mircea_popescu "but parents don't want to share the ideology xD" <=> "i'm happy with it but i can't get my parents to use it themselves" ?
22:33 DreadKnight http://splashdata.com/press/worstpasswords2013.htm
22:33 assbot "Password" unseated by "123456" on SplashData’s annual "Worst Passwords" list
22:34 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: Well, why are you giving your parents passwords to infrastructure?
22:35 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, I didn't said their passwords
22:36 DreadKnight just saying that a lot of non-tech / older people tend to use weak passwords
22:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32400 @ 0.00082018 = 26.5738 BTC [+] {2}
22:44 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: traffic should resemble people exchanging gpg messages maybe << this only works if two nodes have some 'wot' relationship.
22:44 nubbins` hmm
22:44 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: otherwise trivial mitm.
22:45 nubbins` just doing up the books for july, seems we have a mystery cash surplus of $666
22:45 nubbins` :0
22:45 decimation consider replacing irc with message passing
22:45 decimation how do you coordinate who knows whom?
22:45 decimation either a central server or a universal blockchain
22:46 asciilifeform people tend to use weak passwords << this - and the famous experiment where a psychologist purchased office planktons' passwords with chocolate - is a fundamental result of people not giving a fuck. not a technical problem.
22:46 asciilifeform obligatory:
22:46 asciilifeform !s shall be delivered
22:46 assbot 15 results for 'shall be delivered' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=shall+be+delivered
22:47 asciilifeform when it turns into 'lose password and die' - some people will begin to give a fuck.
22:47 decimation well, in that case the primary risk is the university's computer system
22:47 decimation why should some freshman care about taxpayer assets?
22:47 mircea_popescu nubbins`> just doing up the books for july, seems we have a mystery cash surplus of $666 << you have been clearly blessed. now if the lady's late...
22:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform gpg has built in key signing for this reason.
22:48 mircea_popescu decimation ^
22:48 asciilifeform how does key signing play into this ?
22:48 mircea_popescu if presented with traffic from alleged key, i expect it to be signed by keys i already accepted.
22:49 asciilifeform that's the basic 'wot' idea, yes.
22:49 mircea_popescu also, people not giving a fuck is a major technical proble,
22:49 asciilifeform what won't work is - any node out of the box can talk to any other.
22:49 mircea_popescu the core reason for it is that the species must perpetuate. this hinges on women not really giving a fuck.
22:49 asciilifeform in such a scenario, stego is useless
22:49 mircea_popescu as women started giving a fuck, fertility melted away.
22:50 mircea_popescu asciilifeform merely the fact that i reject the message doesn't say nanything about its validity.
22:51 mircea_popescu merely it's unacceptability to me.
22:51 decimation https://bloodyshovel.wordpress.com/2013/03/26/lee-kuan-yew-drains-your-brains-for-short-term-gain/
22:51 assbot Lee Kuan Yew drains your brains for short term gain | Bloody shovel
22:51 asciilifeform well ostensibly purpose of stego is 'dr evil can't tell if x is a node'
22:52 mircea_popescu asciilifeform and how can he ?
22:53 mircea_popescu “To have a nation, you must have people and you must have young people to be able to drive the economy and young people buy the products — all these gadgets and fine dining — and if you don’t have that, and you refuse migrants as the Japanese do, you will just dissolve into nothingness! I think before that comes, they may change (their) policy.” << a country which doesn't have enough gullible fools is not use
22:53 mircea_popescu ful to the bezzlers, which means IT DOESNT EXIST O NOES
22:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: well, the only scenario where he can't is where a node only replies to 'friend', otherwise ignores.
22:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform node never replies.
22:54 decimation along the same vein
22:54 mircea_popescu why would a node ever reply ?
22:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: right. hence 'wotcoin.'
22:54 decimation http://www.xenosystems.net/iq-shredders/#more-3088 "How many bright Indians and bright Chinese are there, Harry? Surely they are not infinite. And what will they do in Singapore? Well, engage in the finance and marketing rat-race and depress their fertility to 0.78, wasting valuable genes just so your property prices don?t go down. Singapore is an IQ shredder."
22:54 assbot Outside in - Involvements with reality » Blog Archive » IQ Shredders
22:55 asciilifeform why would a node ever reply >> if you're fetching blockchain state, vs. pushing tx
22:55 mircea_popescu decimation this is a valid point. if i hadn't had trilema and all i did was finance i'd probably hang myself
22:55 mircea_popescu like all the people falling on a nail gun from the 9th floor
22:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform you shouldn't need a node for state.
22:55 copumpkin :O
22:56 mircea_popescu you should be able to reconstruct state on your own from the sea so to speak
22:57 nubbins` aha! found it
22:57 nubbins` now we're only a mystery $15 over
22:58 nubbins` which isn't much of a mystery at all
22:59 asciilifeform japan/migrants << we'll know jp is done as a going concern when they give up and let the devils in
23:00 decimation I think most of them would rather die then let that happen
23:00 mircea_popescu i know a guy who moved to japan and got citizenship, i know a guy who married a very pretty japanese rosebud and settled in yurp
23:00 decimation which might be the case
23:00 mircea_popescu the situation in the field has justabout 0 to do with the zerohedge-esque nonsense therein discussed.
23:01 mircea_popescu there's this cracked.com v2.0 set of websites, which pretty much live off internet-hyperbole.
23:01 asciilifeform guy who moved to japan and got citizenship << contrary to popular belief, this is not impossible - but about same level of difficulty as getting tenured professorship at a big uni
23:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not that big.
23:01 mircea_popescu i'd say it's much easier to get japanese citizenship than bitcoin citizenship
23:01 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, so why buenos aires? "permanent"?
23:02 mircea_popescu yes.
23:02 mircea_popescu well, permanent. i don't do permanent, i do a few years.
23:02 asciilifeform if i recall, you need to be very popular with the locals, collect signatures, demonstrate cash flow, etc.
23:02 mircea_popescu asciilifeform ikr ?
23:02 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, figured, that's why the quotes; job there?
23:03 mircea_popescu DreadKnight you're talking to the only romanian billionaire. i don't jobs.
23:03 asciilifeform incidentally, in jp it is not only legal but routine to refuse real estate deal, rentals, work, etc. to white devil.
23:03 asciilifeform some foreigners (usa) find this very surprising
23:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not really from what i hear.
23:03 mircea_popescu it is routine to refuse to deal with idiots tho
23:04 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, considered that scenario as well, nice :)
23:04 mircea_popescu i guess some foreigners conflate the two.
23:04 * asciilifeform last informed on the subject many years ago
23:04 BingoBoingo I need to find someone who can introduce me to one of those Chinese agencies which rents out designated white people
23:04 decimation almost every country will welcome you if you have enough money
23:05 asciilifeform decimation: don't confuse buying passport with making friends
23:05 mircea_popescu decimation there's exactly two ways : one's wealth and the ability to select and hire local helpers. the other's deep knowledge and an ability to select and persuade local patrons.
23:05 mircea_popescu you can be a scholar or you can be a merchant. what you can't be is a consumer
23:05 mircea_popescu nobody wants those. this is surprising to nobody outside of us folk i would think.
23:06 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> nobody wants those. this is surprising to nobody outside of us folk i would think. << Well considering that most US local and state level economic development projects consist of efforts to attract and create consumers... Yeah
23:06 asciilifeform i can picture a scenario where random bozos are invited in, but with the understanding of... biodiesel, if they don't make themselves otherwise useful
23:07 asciilifeform a la dubai.
23:07 BingoBoingo No US town wants a factory to be useful, they want it because it employees consumers
23:07 decimation are you saying rich fools are unwelcome ?
23:08 mircea_popescu decimation try a mental experiment. consider very insular, outsider-hating middle america community. consider you show up there and lavish new york mannerisms and expectations upon them. lynch mob is unsurprising. consider oppositely you show up there and display an intimate knowledge of the various blood feuds underpinning their social system. suddenly everyone wants you over for sunday dinner.
23:08 decimation yeah good point
23:08 BingoBoingo <decimation> are you saying rich fools are unwelcome ? << Rich fools are a resource to harvest like any other until the simply become fools
23:08 mircea_popescu decimation yes. rich fools are dangerous in the manner of the weak tower discussed earlier.
23:08 mircea_popescu nobody really wants them that's sane.
23:09 asciilifeform rich fool can go to the diesel pot when he goes broke, but in the meantime can work various evils
23:09 asciilifeform !s skyscraper
23:09 assbot 17 results for 'skyscraper' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=skyscraper
23:10 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, is your billionaire status related to bitcoins?
23:10 mircea_popescu well yes
23:10 asciilifeform what rich fools built? example - today's usa.
23:10 BingoBoingo ;;google romanian billionaire openbsd
23:10 gribble Romanian Billionaire Saves OpenBSD | Bingo Blog: <http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/01/19/romanian-billionaire-saves-openbsd/>; Romanian Bitcoin Billionaire saves OpenBSD : Bitcoin - Reddit: <http://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/1vnmb4/romanian_bitcoin_billionaire_saves_openbsd/>; 19-1-2014 Romanian Bitcoin Billionaire saves OpenBSD - Bitcoin Forum: (1 more message)
23:10 decimation the us is rich in rich fools, and this explains much of the common us mentality
23:11 mircea_popescu decimation you familiar with the "the best way to sink a good start-up is a bad revenue source early on" quip ?
23:11 mircea_popescu (it's not mine, i just put graham's idea in better wording)
23:11 decimation yeah one observes this daily in the vc circus
23:11 mircea_popescu well what are rich fools.
23:12 decimation "branding over quality"
23:13 mircea_popescu suppose rich fools (in the shape of oversexed, misguided older us women) show up in africa, with a cohort of young, undersexed male followers
23:13 mircea_popescu they have the money to wreck communities, and they do.
23:13 mircea_popescu i actually saw this in the act.
23:13 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, that shows some proof of the status, but not how it came to be or maybe I'm missing something? Like OpenBSD being put to good use after... :)
23:13 mircea_popescu (in guatemala, not in africa, but same principle.)
23:13 BingoBoingo decimation: It isn't just the VC circus. Successful builder finds life better than ever, then buys expensive farmland to build several suburbs for people like himself and goes broke.
23:14 decimation meanwhile the landscape is now permanently spammed with houses, which decay
23:14 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, nvm title already contains "billionaire"
23:14 asciilifeform Rich fools are a resource to harvest like any other until the simply become fools << dollar in the hands of billionaire is not the same as dollar in the hands of a mere mortal. just like a gram of dirt in orbit is not the same as same gram in a moon. 'quantity has a quality of its own.'
23:14 mircea_popescu ^
23:14 mircea_popescu you may think that glucose is what powers life
23:15 mircea_popescu however a half pound glucose crystal is about as perishable as plastic.
23:15 BingoBoingo Well historically most candied things were produced as a way to preserve various foods.
23:16 BingoBoingo Much like NaCL
23:16 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: ancient egyptian honey, famously - still edible.
23:16 decimation destruction is so much easier than construction: therefore spending money constructively is more difficult than spending money destructively
23:16 BingoBoingo Concentration decides whether it is a nutrient or a preservative hostile to invasive life.
23:17 mircea_popescu ie, quantity has a quality all of its own
23:18 asciilifeform landscape is now permanently spammed with houses << 1km or so from where i sit, thousands of condos are being built. many already put to market; not 1 in 10 is inhabited.
23:18 decimation ascii, how much would you say you have spent building an electronics assembly house? in my neck of the woods, it's common wisdom that such assembly machines are so expensive that they cannot possibly repay themselves
23:18 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Similar here, but instead of condos "McMansions"
23:19 decimation heh there's also the original: Bowie's levittown
23:19 asciilifeform decimation: very little. and nothing at all from the s.nsa piggy has gone for tooling.
23:20 decimation I guess it depends on your requirements. if you really must build 8 layer pcbs with blind vias, the equipment to accomplish that is going to cost orders of magnitude more than dual-layer stuff
23:20 asciilifeform decimation: what little (semi) automation i have in mind, is simply to eliminate problems with prototype assembly quality (vs design) from consideration during test.
23:20 mircea_popescu asciilifeform here's something for you. who said 'Death solves all problems - no man, no problem.' ?
23:20 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: supposedly stalin, but in point of fact it was a fictional stalin.
23:20 BingoBoingo Asystole is the most stable heart rhythym
23:21 mircea_popescu right!
23:21 asciilifeform decimation: i've no intention of producing pcb per se at home. at this point it is in fact more expensive than chicom boards with proper solder mask, plating, etc.
23:22 asciilifeform decimation: i occasionally etch simple 2-layer boards in kitchen, but only for quick experiments (e.g. studying particular smt component)
23:22 decimation right, pcbs are a different matter I suppose. I'm not so sure that assembly must be so expensive, given that the pcb is outsourced
23:23 decimation if you buy golden toliet pick 'n' place and fancy solder tools I guess it becomes extremely expensive
23:23 asciilifeform decimation: assembly for small runs is ruinously expensive, and has logistical issues (where do the parts come from? who purchases? is there a vig?)
23:25 decimation the real issue is that you need a non-drug-addicted human to run the machines
23:25 decimation and do rework when required
23:29 decimation ascii have you driven on "MD200" (the ICC)
23:29 decimation monument to spamming roads/homes pointlessly around landscape
23:31 BingoBoingo Ah, around here one need not drive on a fancy road to find spammed homes. Even the barely paved have domicile spam.
23:35 BingoBoingo http://undeadly.org/cgi?action=article&sid=20140724094043
23:35 assbot Minimalist HTTP Daemon Activated in Base
23:37 decimation is it going to replace bloated apache?
23:38 BingoBoingo decimation: They already cut Apache from base in favor of nginx, this is more it seems a still more basic alternative to nginx for people that desire it
23:39 DreadKnight I still hope that someday php will be usable system wide, like python, not just in a specific directory
23:40 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: It can already be used like the question though is why?
23:40 BingoBoingo =====
23:40 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, portability and easier workflow
23:41 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: What is insufficiently portable about C, python, Julia, Fortran 77, or Scheme?
23:41 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, I'm talking php
23:42 DreadKnight python is fine
23:42 BingoBoingo DreadKnight: I know you want to talk about ======== php, but... What use would you find about an HTML generation language that would make it great for the whole system?
23:43 BingoBoingo I'm just curious, also a little bit drunk and trollish for full disclosure.
23:44 DreadKnight BingoBoingo, I could just share source code with someone and it would be easier for him to run it; I could start working on a dynamically generated website on my computer in any folder
23:45 BingoBoingo I'm just trying to get over PHP is your prefered language and Bending Wordpress to your will seems intimidating.
23:45 DreadKnight when it comes to linux and php, if you want to work inside dropbox as well, you have to deal with symlink, permission rights, logic and such
23:45 BingoBoingo Is dropbox still a thing?
23:45 DreadKnight I'm using git inside dropbox while working on websites
23:46 DreadKnight why wouldn't dropbox still be a thing? :P
23:46 DreadKnight not everyone will use amazon cloud thing
23:46 DreadKnight ec2*
23:47 BingoBoingo Wait Amazon is still a thing too???
23:47 DreadKnight good thing you made a disclaimer earlier :D
23:48 mircea_popescu julia ?!
23:48 DreadKnight ikr
23:48 mircea_popescu DreadKnight php is not too popular here, following a total bashing it got a few months ago over some bizarre design choices and (i suspect) the fact tux loved it.
23:49 DreadKnight considering ditching it for python myself just because python doesn't care about a special folder
23:49 mircea_popescu how does php care about a special folder ?
23:49 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Julia's some clojure like re-LISPening that is apparently getting played with in HPC and science computing circles
23:50 DreadKnight on linux you need to have stuff in that /var/www or do some symlinking
23:50 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo i know but i mean... portability right ?
23:50 mircea_popescu DreadKnight you mean so apache will serve the pages remotely ?
23:50 DreadKnight could probably change some setting, but not many will do that
23:50 DreadKnight mircea_popescu, want to generate pages locally
23:51 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I just guessing off of the name that Julia has a vagina API call, and vaginas are accomodating to nearly anything given sufficient time to warm up
23:59 asciilifeform php << why ?!
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