Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-06-18 | 2014-06-20 →
00:02 BingoBoingo
00:02 assbot I was considering bidding on the seized SR bitcoin, but I think I'll just wait for the US Marshals to tweet the private keys to the winners.
00:04 mircea_popescu lol
00:18 mircea_popescu
00:18 assbot Introducing F.DERP pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
00:22 Duffer1 o.0
00:23 mircea_popescu quite.
00:25 mircea_popescu justlurking: yep, starting my 6 month indoctrination thanks to pete << hey there.
00:31 mircea_popescu kakobrekla: the investors will make a KLIPPING << ahahaha
00:32 mircea_popescu dude i think kako is like the funniest guy here.
00:35 penguirker New blog post:
00:36 mircea_popescu gribble: Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user punkman has been recorded. << this warms my cold dark heart.
00:43 punkman mircea_popescu: how so
00:43 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo: ;;google live to be a millionaire << shit i wrote that ?! in another decade trilema'll be new reading to me too ;/
00:43 mircea_popescu punkman i like it when people build things upon things.
00:43 mircea_popescu ;;google society for putting things on top of other things
00:43 gribble Monty Python Royal Society for Putting Things on top of other things ...: <>; Monty Python: Royal Society For Putting Things on Top of Other ...: <>; Monty Python: The Society for Putting Things on Top of Other Things: <>
00:52 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: You wrote relatively recently
00:52 mircea_popescu yeah, with it here i remember it.
00:53 mircea_popescu “No one is wise enough or good enough to mould the character of any child… An adult generation that has seen two great wars and seems about to launch a third should not be trusted to mould the character of a rat.”
00:53 mircea_popescu a.s. neil is perhaps the dumbest guy i read this year
00:53 mircea_popescu what the fuck already. since when is war a disqualifier ?
00:53 asciilifeform 'war - the mother of all things'
00:54 mircea_popescu anyone wanna go kill this guy ?
00:54 mircea_popescu or is he dead already ?
00:54 BingoBoingo I'll assume he's already dead, at least on the inside
00:55 mircea_popescu a well.
00:55 mircea_popescu perhaps the next one.
01:05 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: << 'saratov' fridge. 93 Wt. cost: 76 rub. date of manuf.: 1969.
01:05 assbot - .
01:05 asciilifeform caption, among other things 'ran for 40 yrs.'
01:07 asciilifeform plenty of comments, in the spirit, 'mine's built '65 and runs.'
01:07 * asciilifeform thinks plenty of folks are grossly misinformed re: soviet hardware.
01:08 * asciilifeform wonders in what western country you can buy a fridge that runs for 50 years. for $500? 5000, 50,000 ?
01:09 mircea_popescu i was forcing a point !!1
01:09 asciilifeform crappy soviet hardware is very real
01:09 mircea_popescu that point being, that the russian (actually, german, pre ww2) model works just fine with no ecological consideration
01:10 asciilifeform and largely came from lack of necessaries
01:10 mircea_popescu or in otherwords, if you're willing to kill as many subhumans as it takes
01:10 asciilifeform e.g. my father was once employed to reverse-engineer movie projectors
01:10 asciilifeform couldn't get german steel for the part where the film stretches taught
01:10 asciilifeform result - tolerances fail, film - snaps
01:10 asciilifeform redesign. result -> cruddy kludge
01:11 mircea_popescu myeah
01:12 asciilifeform energy cost is a design parameter at the time of design - not now.
01:12 asciilifeform my neighbour - rebuilds '40s-'50s amer cars.
01:13 mircea_popescu o look at that, bids
01:13 mircea_popescu $depth D.BPAY
01:13 empyex mircea_popescu: Want a bash? Or use a valid MPSIC!
01:13 assbot #bitcoin-assets bash
01:13 mircea_popescu tsk tsk
01:17 FabianB $depth D.BPAY
01:17 empyex FabianB: [D.BPAY] Bids: 100 @ 0.25000000
01:17 empyex FabianB: [D.BPAY] Asks:
01:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 17 @ 0.052 = 0.884 BTC [+]
01:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: << 4-cycle petrol engine built from that fridge's compressor.
01:22 assbot 4 - YouTube
01:26 mircea_popescu ahaha
01:26 mircea_popescu FabianB :) danke
01:26 FabianB np :)
01:34 BingoBoingo %book
01:34 atcbot 2k@240 16k@235 50k@201 | 50k@161 216k@160 500k@151
01:34 mircea_popescu lol is the 201 guy someone who bought at 200 and they figure THEY MUST PROFT
01:40 BingoBoingo I have no idea
01:41 BingoBoingo Maybe it is someone who wants to see the market go down to grab cheap ATC?
01:47 mircea_popescu mebbe
01:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10550 @ 0.00082258 = 8.6782 BTC [-]
01:52 fluffypony dump, rebut in lower
01:52 fluffypony *rebuy
~ 30 minutes ~
02:23 jurov nice
02:23 jurov mircea_popescu: can i open D.BBS and short my shares there?
02:24 jurov but they'll prolly have negative price :(
02:34 jurov anyway i'd be surprised if schmucks who may buy D.* have mpex or at least coinbr accounts *and* whole bitcoins
02:36 jurov they'll prolly need free coinbr account provided i'll sell their souls.. does anyone want them?
02:37 jurov lol what pm i got <Vexual> ill take a 0 fee br acct
02:37 jurov !up Vexual
02:37 Vexual yeah about the soul..
02:38 Vexual i'm ot sure i've got full title
02:38 jurov markov chains did n't use to have souls
02:40 jurov that doesn't preclude them to be sold anyway
02:43 Vexual yeah i'll have to read up on that
02:44 Vexual with the 10 percent...
02:44 Vexual perhaps someone will like to buy these
02:48 Vexual id like to be the photographer when rich b sits down with mirc p
02:50 Vexual i call it red wine and dentures
02:54 Vexual cat hasn't even done a vice cover yet
02:57 Vexual alternate cover:interviewer
~ 41 minutes ~
03:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.06947992 = 0.6948 BTC [-] {2}
03:48 fluffypony
03:48 fluffypony lol
~ 21 minutes ~
04:09 punkman
04:11 punkman !up Vexual
04:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24755 @ 0.00082279 = 20.3682 BTC [+] {3}
04:21 penguirker New blog post:
04:23 Vexual
04:23 assbot Rick Ross - Nobody (Explicit) ft. French Montana, Puff Daddy - YouTube
04:34 punkman
04:34 assbot Bibb Crime Files: Man accidentally shoots himself in penis
04:36 Vexual
04:36 assbot Iggy Azalea - Fancy - YouTube
04:40 Vexual
04:40 assbot BODY COUNT - Talk S**t, Get Shot (Official Music Video) - YouTube
~ 28 minutes ~
05:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 35 @ 0.06967197 = 2.4385 BTC [+] {4}
05:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.06987478 = 0.6987 BTC [+]
05:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.06999999 = 1.05 BTC [+]
05:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10250 @ 0.00082424 = 8.4485 BTC [+]
~ 34 minutes ~
05:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9450 @ 0.00082424 = 7.7891 BTC [+]
~ 43 minutes ~
06:31 kakobrekla !up ronkrt
06:31 kakobrekla meh
06:32 kakobrekla a.
~ 30 minutes ~
07:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6050 @ 0.00082278 = 4.9778 BTC [-]
~ 32 minutes ~
07:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 79 @ 0.06822862 = 5.3901 BTC [-] {6}
07:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.06738554 = 1.3477 BTC [-] {5}
07:47 pankkake
07:47 assbot The Future of Money, Part Two. : Bitcoin
~ 15 minutes ~
08:02 kakobrekla lol
~ 33 minutes ~
08:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31700 @ 0.00082201 = 26.0577 BTC [-] {3}
08:41 kakobrekla
08:41 assbot - mbostock
08:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 13 @ 0.06947638 = 0.9032 BTC [-]
08:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 9 @ 0.0694999 = 0.6255 BTC [+]
~ 25 minutes ~
09:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 17 @ 0.06949931 = 1.1815 BTC [-] {3}
09:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 53 @ 0.06999998 = 3.71 BTC [+] {4}
~ 15 minutes ~
09:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 29 @ 0.03847462 = 1.1158 BTC [-]
09:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13800 @ 0.00082131 = 11.3341 BTC [-] {2}
09:55 mike_c if i understand: BitPay get acquired by Facebook. D.BPAY holders are entitled to some share of the increase in facebook market cap.
09:56 mike_c if that is true, it doesn't make a ton of sense to me. if Facebook pays the right amount for BitPay, market cap shouldn't move. Facebook will be -$1b in cash and +$1b in value due to bitpay.
09:56 mike_c whereas bitpay investors will get rich.
09:57 fluffypony wait, what?
09:57 fluffypony Facebook is buying Bitpay?
09:57 mike_c or at least liquid, since they were already rich in value.
09:59 mike_c fluffypony: no, this is an example.
10:08 danielpbarron I'm gonna be at porcfest next week; what can I do for the -assets community beyond generally promoting it in conversation?
10:10 mircea_popescu danielpbarron want a tshirt ?
10:10 danielpbarron I ordered one from nubbins` already; is there another shirt?
10:10 mircea_popescu aok
10:10 mircea_popescu nah i was gonna buy you one :)
10:10 danielpbarron I don't expect that to arrive before I leave
10:11 mircea_popescu well so next time
10:11 chetty try to pay for stuff in bitcoin
10:11 mircea_popescu or justkeep your bitcoin. either way :D
10:11 danielpbarron i don't think i'll go to any future porcfests; i kinda regret buying the ticket for this one but i might as well use it at this point
10:11 danielpbarron yeah i plan in selling stuff for BTC; not interested in shorting it
10:12 mircea_popescu i never been, how they go ?
10:12 mike_c hmm, i don't think this is what you're talking about.
10:12 assbot PorcFest | The 11th Annual Porcupine Freedom Festival
10:12 danielpbarron yeah that's it
10:13 mike_c oh :) is the porcupine community into bitcoin?
10:13 mircea_popescu now im getting airbnb spam
10:13 danielpbarron i've never been either; it's gonna be teeming with what MP refers to as "libertards"
10:13 mircea_popescu what the fuck srsly, the vc circuit is reducing to a spam&scamfest
10:13 danielpbarron mike_c, yes; they were some of the earliest adopters
10:14 mircea_popescu <danielpbarron> mike_c, yes; they were some of the earliest adopters << libertards srsly ?!
10:15 danielpbarron mircea_popescu, the "free state project" participants, yes
10:15 mircea_popescu ah yea
10:15 chetty well thats a different breed of libtards, not lefties
10:15 danielpbarron i recall some story of ver going to visit ian from free talk live and convincing them to accept BTC for selling ad space
10:16 danielpbarron libertards != libtards
10:16 mike_c ok, ok. this has nothing to do with the animal.
10:17 danielpbarron i think aantonop is going to be there, among other "well known" idiots in the "bitcoin community"
10:18 kakobrekla coinapult is a gold sponsor of the fest
10:18 kakobrekla wear a helmet, i guess.
10:18 HeySteve hello
10:19 HeySteve wondering if anyone news sites have covered F.DERP yet...
10:19 HeySteve uh any*
10:22 kakobrekla i doubt
10:22 mircea_popescu HeySteve go ahead.
10:22 mircea_popescu anyway, off to a meeting, will bbl.
10:22 HeySteve cool
10:22 HeySteve mircea_popescu, I'd like to speak to you about it when you're back
10:23 fluffypony !up peterl
10:23 fluffypony !up peterl
10:24 peterl trying to wrap my head around what F.DERP is
10:24 peterl does it profit from the derp companies doing good or bad?
10:24 HeySteve a bet against "amazing companies" I guess
10:24 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
10:25 HeySteve wish I'd gotten short on that wannabe pornstar guy who gambled all his investor's funds away
10:25 kakobrekla the thing is you cant go short cause idiots are idiots.
10:26 HeySteve kakobrekla, I believe idiocy will eventually end in failure. sure there might be an initial boom while other idiots pile in but...
10:27 punkman HeySteve: infinite hitpoints
10:28 kakobrekla well not infinite but over 7 billion
10:29 kakobrekla which i guess is as good as infinite
10:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.0695 = 0.695 BTC [+]
10:31 punkman kakobrekla, the idiot pool could theoretically stop replenishing itself
10:31 HeySteve I assume BitPay and BitGo (which I haven't heard of) are the relevant companies
10:31 punkman I wouldn't bet on it
10:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.07 = 0.7 BTC [+]
10:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 43 @ 0.06740031 = 2.8982 BTC [-] {5}
10:55 lobbes the more I read the logs, the more humble I become. Then I read the blogs...
10:57 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
10:57 kakobrekla !b 1
10:57 kakobrekla did ya read the bash?
11:02 ThickAsThieves <+mike_c> ThickAsThieves: what do you think about creating with node seeds. /// Sure, can someone provide the landing content/file? ;;later tell me or such, I'm very behind on logs and distracted by day trading lately
11:03 mike_c sure, it's not a web page though, it's a DNS thing
11:04 mike_c you add a bunch of A records in the DNS for active nodes. i'll let you know.
11:06 bitcoinpete More lulzy feedback from the litecoin article:
11:06 bitcoinpete "your article on litecoin is one of the worst, most unresearched journalism attempts ive ever seen. Hang your head in shame"
11:07 bitcoinpete "your use of vocab is the least impressive and your facts are skewed only to meet your own objectives."
11:07 bitcoinpete "Im guessing u havent been involved in crypto long as anyone who needs to research adv of litecoin clearly isnt crypto clued up"
11:07 penguirker New blog post:
11:08 bitcoinpete dammit, thought i changed that url...
11:08 fluffypony ThickAsThieves
11:08 asciilifeform
11:08 assbot Down For Everyone Or Just Me -> Check if your website is down or up?
11:08 fluffypony I already linked to the github repo for it
11:08 bitcoinpete asciilifeform: huh
11:08 bitcoinpete i'm seeing the same
11:09 bitcoinpete
11:09 assbot /bitcoinpete Im guessing u havent been involved in crypto long as anyone who needs to research adv of litecoin clearly isnt crypto clued up
11:09 Blazedout419 ;;isitdown
11:09 bitcoinpete i really gotta get clued up
11:09 gribble is down
11:09 Blazedout419 ^^ grib can checks
11:09 kakobrekla its down
11:09 asciilifeform neato
11:09 bitcoinpete quite neat
11:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: another smoking disk ?
11:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 100 @ 0.06504115 = 6.5041 BTC [-] {14}
11:10 kakobrekla he is off on a meeting or smth
11:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 10 @ 0.062 = 0.62 BTC [-]
11:14 penguirker New blog post:
11:14 bitcoinpete so penguirker re-posts when the url is changed eh
11:15 mike_c ;;isitdown
11:15 gribble is up
11:16 fluffypony modern teknologies
11:18 bitcoinpete << committees!
11:18 assbot Bitcoin Foundation Mulling Standard BTC Denominations, Bitcoin Unicode
11:21 fluffypony bitcoinpete cut them some slack, they have to consider the long-reaching consequences of renaming "satoshis"...whatever will the altcoins think if they do?
11:21 fluffypony bitcoinbong is still my favourite
11:21 bitcoinpete lol
11:22 bitcoinpete "that coffee will be 19 bitcoinbongs, please"
11:31 bitcoinpete "The company known for computer chips on Thursday plans to announce the availability of an app that lets people leave offbeat animated messages using smartphones. It exploits the device’s camera and microphone to capture a user’s facial movements and voice, which are used to control cartoon-like figures known as avatars in recorded sequences."
11:31 bitcoinpete
11:31 assbot Intel Serves up Mobile-Message Avatars - Digits - WSJ
11:32 bitcoinpete but i bet intel's rng is still good
11:33 bitcoinpete on the amd side…
11:33 assbot AMD Vows 25-Fold Increase in Chip Energy-Efficiency - Digits - WSJ
11:33 bitcoinpete which should be useful for mining and such
11:34 moiety herro eberybady
11:35 bitcoinpete moiety: heya
11:37 HeySteve this could be important...
11:37 assbot Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Financial Services Annex
~ 16 minutes ~
11:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 0.2259989 = 1.13 BTC [-] {2}
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.72668865 BTC to 9`245 shares, 18677 satoshi per share
12:00 moiety !up kermit
12:00 moiety !up alex_c
12:01 moiety omg im so nervous thinking about BB, can't wait to hear how it all went today. i know he'll be fine but still
12:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16100 @ 0.00082384 = 13.2638 BTC [+]
12:14 Bet placed: 2 BTC for No on "Spain will advance from the 2014 World Cup group stage" Odds: 5(Y):95(N) by coin, 9(Y):91(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.82877738 BTC. Current weight: 39,102.
12:16 FabianB $traded
12:16 empyex FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: F.MPIF S.MPOE
12:17 pankkake !mpif
12:17 assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021674 BTC (Total: 433.49 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021726 BTC [+]
12:25 moiety they've made 11 videos from OSCON 2013 available for free
12:25 assbot Mainstage Video: OSCON 2014 - O'Reilly Conferences, July 20 - 24, 2014, Portland, OR
12:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24991 @ 0.0008251 = 20.6201 BTC [+]
12:42 bitstein + = much fun for bitcoin
12:42 assbot Putin Advisor Proposes "Anti-Dollar Alliance" To Halt US Aggression Abroad | Zero Hedge
12:42 assbot Regulating Digital Currencies: Bringing Bitcoin within the Reach of the IMF by Nicholas Plassaras :: SSRN
12:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.0666 = 1.0656 BTC [-] {2}
12:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 15 @ 0.06659999 = 0.999 BTC [-] {2}
12:56 HeySteve yeah bitstein, seems russia are a move ahead again
12:56 HeySteve mircea_popescu I am away now but will be back in about 8 hours or so
12:56 HeySteve cheers all
12:57 kakobrekla good luck
13:00 BingoBoingo moiety: went well
13:02 moiety :D brilliant BingoBoingo! When will they get in touch?
13:02 BingoBoingo Late next week after the other interviews.
13:03 BingoBoingo I think I've got this one.
13:04 BingoBoingo Only two other people get interviewed
13:08 pankkake
13:08 assbot An App That Does Nothing Except Say 'Yo' Raises One. Million. Dollars.
13:10 moiety sorry for delay, just spilled coffee everywhere, which is really useful. only two others is even better BingoBoingo. do you think they will call? they're usually pretty good for that here
13:11 moiety some people just make you wait on a letter which is just crap
13:11 BingoBoingo moiety: They said they will. I think some things attractive about the job to me (odd hours, duties from four other people's jobs) are going to come out as turnoff in the other interviews.
13:12 moiety exciting times! i think i've been more nervous than you today!
13:14 BingoBoingo I also encountered one of asciilifeform's defective birds earlier in the day.
13:15 pankkake ;;later tell bitcoinpete your latest post reminds me of the "infinite money"
13:15 assbot Science You Wish Were True :: Troll Science
13:15 gribble The operation succeeded.
13:15 BingoBoingo Attacked my windshield, and then was made to comply with a standard
13:25 BingoBoingo 'Murica
13:25 assbot Honey Boo Boo is a monster: What reality TV did to the pint-size pageant queen -
13:33 pankkake …where the author realizes tv is fake. duh
13:34 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: birds ?
13:37 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Defective bird attacked my windshield. Unlike the bird that attacked your window... THis one could only make one attempt before being corrected by physics.
13:40 pankkake !up aabtc
13:40 asciilifeform helps when window moves.
13:41 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Indeed, self defending window. Only mess was some feathers and dust.
13:42 kakobrekla !up bigtip
13:43 asciilifeform pankkake, BingoBoingo:
13:43 assbot Simpsons - Thermodynamic 2nd Law on Vimeo
13:45 pankkake lol /r/litecoin is bagholding so damn hard
13:46 BingoBoingo %book
13:46 atcbot 35k@250 52k@240 16k@235 | 50k@161 216k@160 500k@151
13:48 BingoBoingo %ticker
13:48 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 175 Ask: 235 Last Price: 201 24h-Vol: 58k High: 201 Low: 200 VWAP: 200
13:49 pankkake lol so butthurt
13:49 assbot Why does everybody lie and say that Litecoin is faster than Bitcoin? : litecoin
13:52 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Like with winnie the pooh do the Russians have a less jaundiced Simpsons?
13:53 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: not afaik
13:53 BingoBoingo Shame
13:53 pankkake they have winnie the poo?
13:53 asciilifeform pankkake: e.g.
13:53 assbot . . HD ! - YouTube
13:56 penguirker New blog post:
~ 17 minutes ~
14:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 16 @ 0.0666 = 1.0656 BTC [+]
~ 30 minutes ~
14:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 95 @ 0.2259989 = 21.4699 BTC [-]
14:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1890 @ 0.00082419 = 1.5577 BTC [-]
~ 16 minutes ~
15:04 moiety !up frank1e
15:14 ThickAsThieves <+asciilifeform> 'Avarus, Inc. (“we”, “us”, “our”) was incorporated under the laws of the State of Delaware on September 20, 2010. The Company was originally organized as a “blank check” shell Company to investigate and acquire a target company or business seeking the perceived advantages of being a publicly held corporation.' << lol! /// The Havelock System
15:17 moiety so do bits go missing from logs if assbot isn't here?
15:17 mike_c yup
15:18 moiety ah, thanks
15:22 FabianB $traded
15:22 empyex FabianB: Traded in last 24 hours: F.MPIF S.BBET S.MPOE
15:23 FabianB aha, S.BBET during netsplit
15:23 benkay gorgeous power politics:
15:23 assbot Russia in secret plot against fracking, Nato chief says - Telegraph
15:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18200 @ 0.00082513 = 15.0174 BTC [+] {2}
15:25 benkay
15:34 benkay
15:34 assbot The Codeless Code: Case 26 The Uncorrected Monk
15:47 asciilifeform 'Perhaps the Russians are worried about our huge wind and solar potential, and have infiltrated the UK Government.' << lol. wreckers.
15:59 benkay wreckers?
16:00 asciilifeform benkay:
16:00 assbot Enemy of the people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
16:01 benkay myeah
16:01 benkay thx
16:12 pankkake
16:12 assbot Bolivia's Central Bank Bans Bitcoin and All Digital Currencies
16:17 benkay pankkake: it begins :)
16:18 benkay argentina had a chance to do the same before the Migration
16:19 chetty benkay, but argentina has this habit of doing different than everyone else
16:20 benkay i wouldn't really know
16:20 benkay haven't been around long enough or read enough
16:24 thestringpuller !mpif
16:24 assbot F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021682 BTC (Total: 433.65 BTC). Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.00021726 BTC [+]
16:25 thestringpuller !jd mpif
16:25 assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 171.39784744 BTC; +0.37267627 BTC (+0.2179%) since last check 1d 9h 3m 49s ago.
16:29 FabianB $depth f.mpif
16:29 empyex FabianB: [F.MPIF] Bids: 100 @ 0.00021682 100 @ 0.00021674 100 @ 0.00021667 100 @ 0.00021664
16:29 empyex FabianB: [F.MPIF] Asks: 444 @ 0.00021726 56 @ 0.00023900 1000 @ 0.00024000 100000 @ 0.00029000
~ 30 minutes ~
16:59 chetty
16:59 assbot Wikileaks Publish Secret Trade in Services Agreement (TISA) - Financial Services Annex
16:59 mircea_popescu yo
17:00 benkay o hai
17:02 mircea_popescu how goes!
17:02 benkay NEED MOAR DEALS
17:03 mircea_popescu "Hello, is under ddos. To stop the attack, send 0.25 BTC to 1DNExFs45Tmfyxp3aG9k9HQ1q6euWB7Sus
17:03 mircea_popescu It's one time payment, after which you will not hear from me again (and you are free to publish my name and email on your blog)"
17:03 benkay monster is hungry and must be appeased
17:03 mircea_popescu did this actually happen ?
17:03 mircea_popescu i was out
17:03 mircea_popescu o wait, i guess i didn't miss anything. "If you don't pay me now, tomorrow price will increase to 0.5 BTC."
17:04 asciilifeform what kind of turdmeister asks for 1/4 btc ?!
17:04 chetty uh isnt a ddos supposed ot make page load slow? fail
17:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16350 @ 0.00082155 = 13.4323 BTC [-] {4}
17:04 FabianB lol
17:04 mircea_popescu ask me not.
17:04 asciilifeform well it was dead earlier today
17:04 mike_c chetty: he paid him ;)
17:04 chetty right
17:04 asciilifeform guess the hand-cranked spamatron operator grew tired
17:04 mircea_popescu i did ?!
17:05 mircea_popescu hand cranked spamatron lol
17:06 mircea_popescu i can't stop imagining various hand-cranked things
17:06 mircea_popescu battleship.
17:06 mircea_popescu offset press
17:06 mircea_popescu john deere corn processor
17:07 asciilifeform fridge.
17:07 mircea_popescu ithink fridge, phone and washing machine actulaly existed
17:07 mircea_popescu and dildo/vibrator, prolly.
17:07 asciilifeform laugh now
17:07 asciilifeform cry later:
17:07 asciilifeform
17:07 assbot The KillCap Refrigerator | musings on entropy
17:08 asciilifeform '...the machine I would most like to develop is a pedal powered refrigerator and possibly freezer.'
17:08 benkay why fridges spill all the cold air out every time one opens them, i'll never understand.
17:08 mircea_popescu so did england justget eliminated ?
17:09 asciilifeform ('absorption' type fridge fueled with the bugger's own fat would be considerably more efficient. but for some reason he did not suggest this variant.)
17:10 asciilifeform benkay: i once worked with laboratory (-80C) units that didn't. a pump moved the cold air to reservoir when you turned the handle. room air pumped in, door opens. reverse when close hadle.
17:10 asciilifeform *handle
17:11 benkay is this...sane?
17:11 asciilifeform afaik this was to keep co2 crystals from covering everything
17:11 asciilifeform (they still seemed to do so)
17:12 mircea_popescu i think if they did it the other way you couldn't pass
17:12 asciilifeform (that, and ice)
17:12 mircea_popescu so i go to this place where i normally have an orange juice "exprimido" which means freshly pressed with a two liter bottle, asked them to fill it
17:12 mircea_popescu girly is like... well you ok to wait a little ? we gotta send someone to buy oranges.
17:13 mircea_popescu im more than happy to wait for real fresh juice
17:15 kakobrekla it ends here?
17:15 kakobrekla where is the "fuck off im outta here?"
17:15 nubbins`
17:15 assbot American Apparel sacks Dov Charney as chairman and suspends him as CEO | Business | The Guardian
17:15 nubbins` ^ i lel'd
17:17 nubbins` the fucked part is at the end where it says blank tees retail in their shops for 30GBP
17:17 nubbins` :0
17:17 nubbins` i mean, i know london is far from L.A.
17:17 mircea_popescu kakobrekla i just read teh newspaper
17:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20808 @ 0.00081773 = 17.0153 BTC [-] {2}
17:17 mircea_popescu nubbins` what'd he do anyway ?
17:18 nubbins` just general sleaze, other execs got tired of it
17:18 nubbins` oh and the whole losing $100m last year i guess didn't help
17:27 punkman morning
17:30 mircea_popescu ah
17:30 mircea_popescu !up publio
17:31 nubbins` evening, punkman
17:31 publio thanks mp
17:36 mircea_popescu sure.
17:41 publio since btc is being touted as a replacement for fiat, has anybody been following the btcusd:xauusd ratio?
17:41 mircea_popescu not much
17:42 benkay ;;ticker --currency xau
17:42 gribble Bitstamp BTCXAU ticker | Best bid: 0.480816, Best ask: 0.480832, Bid-ask spread: 0.00002, Last trade: 0.480832, 24 hour volume: 3043.21557294, 24 hour low: 0.480832, 24 hour high: 0.487984, 24 hour vwap: 0.0
17:42 benkay publio: ^^
17:42 mircea_popescu fwiw.
17:43 publio gold shot up $40 today, yet btc is flat
17:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 40 @ 0.06899998 = 2.76 BTC [+]
17:43 mircea_popescu the relation is very slight.
17:43 nubbins` ;;bc,xau
17:44 gribble 1 XAU = 1319.300000000000 USD = 2.19700249792 BTC
17:44 nubbins`
17:44 assbot imgur: the simple image sharer
17:44 nubbins` "what's a zero in roman noomerels?"
17:45 benkay oh god
17:45 punkman lol
17:45 Bet placed: 1.6 BTC for Yes on "Bitcoin price above $800 before July" Odds: 31(Y):69(N) by coin, 30(Y):70(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.16199681 BTC. Current weight: 9,848.
17:45 nubbins` "just draw it with corners"
17:45 benkay roman numerals 2.3
17:46 mircea_popescu ahaha
17:47 mircea_popescu MMXV, II0IV, same shit
17:47 nubbins` nod
17:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 11 @ 0.06810728 = 0.7492 BTC [-] {2}
17:48 mircea_popescu and then i rant about how us people don't speak latin. what speak latin lol.
17:48 mircea_popescu jurov: mircea_popescu: can i open D.BBS and short my shares there? << what'd be d.bbs ?
17:49 nubbins` blackberry sextenger
17:49 mircea_popescu jurov: anyway i'd be surprised if schmucks who may buy D.* have mpex or at least coinbr accounts *and* whole bitcoins <<< are you saying the claim that someone "invested" 30mn usd in bitpay are false ?
17:49 penguirker New blog post:
17:52 mircea_popescu mike_c:whereas bitpay investors will get rich. << how'd you go about it ?
17:53 mike_c well, acquisition is liquidity event for bitpay investors, but if appropriately priced would not affect acquirer's short-term market cap.
17:53 mircea_popescu but also if appropriately priced it'd be priced at 0.
17:54 nubbins` heh
17:54 mike_c to rephrase: buying a $1b asset does not change market cap.
17:54 mircea_popescu anyway, reason the contracts aren't signed yet is because i wanna see what the general community thinks
17:55 mircea_popescu buying a 1bn asset for 1bn does not change book value
17:55 mike_c right.
17:56 mike_c it just feels like a situation where bitpay fiat investors would clean up but d.bpay investors could lose big.
17:57 mircea_popescu alternatively, bitpay gets sold for $50k to facebook, which moves up 25% that month
17:57 mircea_popescu bitpay fiat investors get wiped, d.bpay make bank
17:57 mircea_popescu there's really very little way to price fraudulent sales.
17:57 mircea_popescu facebook can announce a 20bn buy of something worth 0 any time it pleases.
17:57 mircea_popescu odds are it will do so.
17:58 mircea_popescu if actual bitcoin is at stake, it doing so becomes a certainty.
17:58 mike_c yeah.. but if the returns are not well connected to the returns fiat investors see (btc forex risk ignored) it may not have the effect you are looking for.
17:59 mircea_popescu well, fortuntely economy is additive.
17:59 mircea_popescu anyway, do you see a constructive solution ?
18:00 mike_c i'm not sure i see one you will like.
18:00 mircea_popescu let me be the judge of that lol
18:00 mike_c well, facebook doesn't just announce a 20bn purchase. they are public, they have to record what they pay.
18:01 mike_c so you could use that purchase price. this does get complicated with (cash + stock + incentives) though.
18:01 mircea_popescu to some degree
18:01 mircea_popescu but no, in general the "purchase price" is more of a pr device than an accounting device these days
18:02 mike_c there are both, the PR and the accounting. the PR being cash + stock + incentives. but cash + stock is accounting
18:03 mike_c of course, the stock is generally restricted..
18:03 mike_c it's complicated. i'll ponder some more.
18:04 mike_c in case you didn't realize, it's complicated! :D
18:04 mircea_popescu :)
18:05 mircea_popescu fluffypony:
18:05 mircea_popescu bitcoinpete cut them some slack, they have to consider the long-reaching consequences of renaming "satoshis"...whatever will the altcoins think if they do? <<< course this is long ago resolved,
18:05 assbot MPEx : one year of dividends pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
18:05 mircea_popescu not entirely sure why the foundation derps think anyone asked them anything on the score, but then again... it's kinda what they do, isn't it.
~ 28 minutes ~
18:34 bitcoinpete ;;later tell pankkake lol yup, this is pretty much it
18:34 assbot Infinite money! :: Troll Science
18:34 gribble The operation succeeded.
18:35 bitcoinpete ;;later tell fluffypony doesn't this remind you of usagi?
18:35 assbot No more expired Milk! :: Troll Science
18:35 gribble The operation succeeded.
18:40 TheNewDeal bc,stats
18:40 TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats
18:40 gribble Current Blocks: 306715 | Current Difficulty: 1.346258011452534E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 308447 | Next Difficulty In: 1732 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 19 hours, 48 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 14691342334.6 | Estimated Percent Change: 9.12724
18:43 mike_c !jd mpif
18:43 assbot Current MPIF account balance on Just-Dice: 171.84862188 BTC; +0.45077444 BTC (+0.2630%) since last check 2h 17m 56s ago.
18:44 mike_c whoops, somebody just dropped 60 btc on JD. there goes another startup.
18:46 bitcoinpete looking good, TheNewDeal
18:48 TheNewDeal for sure
18:50 bitcoinpete fluffypony: mircea_popescu i found our term for 10'000 satoshi: satoshi's calf
18:50 assbot Cow's calf is Cockney Rhyming Slang for 50 pence!
18:51 bitcoinpete cow's calf is the only slang term for half a quid i could find
18:53 punkman bitcoinpete: why don't we call it a moiety
18:54 moiety please do! :D
18:54 bitcoinpete punkman: that would be quite the honour
18:54 moiety moiety means one half of a whole anyways
19:00 mircea_popescu <mike_c> whoops, somebody just dropped 60 btc on JD. there goes another startup. << lmao
19:00 mircea_popescu bitcoinpete i recall it was discussed here back then, FabianB came up with an azn term
19:01 mircea_popescu guxy or something
19:01 bitcoinpete a ic
19:02 bitcoinpete "So let’s recognize the world has changed a bit over the last two decades and call them for what they are. These aren’t startups - and most of the upside from investing in these companies comes before they even go public, not after the fact."
19:02 bitcoinpete
19:02 assbot The Myth of the Billion Dollar Startup
19:02 bitcoinpete speaking of d.btgo and d.bpay
19:03 mircea_popescu course the problem here is mpex is kinda the billion dollar start-up
19:03 mircea_popescu or at least was, before inept management and so forth killed half its value :D
19:04 punkman mircea_popescu: when did mpex peak?
19:04 mircea_popescu i think when btc was 1.2k
19:05 mircea_popescu in dollar syou mean ?
19:05 punkman in btc
19:05 punkman never mind ;)
19:06 mircea_popescu in btc it sorta fought for 1 like 3 or 4 times
19:07 punkman about this time last year
19:07 bitcoinpete 1 guxy/moiety/satoshi's calf, that is...
19:08 mod6 punkman: here's a chart:
19:08 assbot S.MPOE Analysis - Btc Alpha
19:08 bitcoinpete "I have found that being nice builds your reputation. I have found that leaving money on the table, and being generous, pays dividends." << fred wilson
19:08 bitcoinpete
19:08 assbot Be Nice Or Leave AVC
19:08 mircea_popescu what's avc again ?
19:09 mircea_popescu i'd like to short that idiocy.
19:09 punkman is a blog
19:09 mthreat he's a VC from NYC.
19:09 bitcoinpete
19:09 assbot Fred Wilson (fredwilson) auf Twitter
19:09 mircea_popescu mthreat no i know who the guy is, just, avc didn't compute
19:10 mircea_popescu but whatever, leave hius blog. i wasn't even there.
19:18 TheNewDeal anyone know of the mpoe vwap of the entirety of 2013?
19:18 TheNewDeal just curious
19:30 punkman
19:30 assbot Chet Baker "Summertime" - YouTube
19:35 TheNewDeal can't believe someone put down 1.6 on BTC above 800 before july. 5 days ago would have had twice the timweight
19:36 bitcoinpete saw that
19:36 bitcoinpete bizarre
19:36 bitcoinpete
19:36 assbot Reddit asks. Reddit gets. /hashtag/sneakpeak?src=hash /hashtag/bitcoin?src=hash iOS /Apple coming soon
19:36 bitcoinpete as is cary's pandering
19:36 TheNewDeal even stranger. Go look at the last 2 bets on bastille day
19:38 decimation ;;later tell Mats_cd03 I apologize for logging - I had to get some sleep for an early morning. I generally check the logs within a few days, so it's still productive to write for the record.
19:38 gribble The operation succeeded.
19:38 bitcoinpete TheNewDeal lol such weight
19:40 punkman last 3 Yes bets on bastille bet are losers
19:42 decimation re: wreckers - sounds like a good description of the environmental lobby to me. bring back RSFSR penal code article 58
19:44 TheNewDeal wtf is going on
19:44 TheNewDeal nvm must not refresh like I thought
19:44 asciilifeform decimation: wreckers << brought up because of brits blaming russian agents for 'discounting our wonderful renewable energy potential'
19:46 bitcoinpete off to the library...
19:49 decimation yeah that's stupid. If I were Russia I would fund the environmentalists to protest sane solutions like nuclear fission and promote insane solutions like wind
19:49 decimation supporting the losers who oppose the new pantheism of our elites would be dumb
19:50 asciilifeform where do you imagine us/euro enviro-whiners came from
19:50 decimation hehe yeah exactly. And the wreckers (kulaks, rednecks, red-staters, etc) are all the same 'round the world
20:03 benkay <TheNewDeal> wtf is going on // have they gone evil yet?
20:04 TheNewDeal haha possibly. I was just looking at the website and apparently only the first block on the top was refreshing. List read 306725 , 306719, 306718....
20:04 TheNewDeal thought GHASH pulled a sneaky one and solved like 6 blocks in a row
20:05 thestringpuller ;;calc 0.0001 * 600
20:05 gribble 0.06
20:06 TheNewDeal miners fee?
20:06 thestringpuller ;;calc 0.001 * 600
20:06 gribble 0.6
20:06 thestringpuller wow this site wants to use 0.001 as a miners fee
20:06 thestringpuller bold
20:07 thestringpuller that's like jurov's 0.02 withdrawal fee lol
20:08 TheNewDeal hahahaha
~ 31 minutes ~
20:39 asciilifeform ;;rate Mats_cd03 1 voice
20:39 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user Mats_cd03 has been recorded.
20:40 assbot Mats_cd03 +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
20:46 asciilifeform !up Mats_cd03
20:46 Mats_cd03 har har
20:48 asciilifeform ;;rate mats 1 temporary voice
20:48 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user mats has been recorded.
20:49 decimation Did you lose your voice mats ?
20:51 Mats_cd03 i lost my gpg passphrase
20:51 Mats_cd03 much shame upon family
20:52 decimation sucks :( I will take this as a reminder to test out my backup arrangements
21:03 Mats_cd03 in this instance, my brain was the failure mode
21:04 Mats_cd03
21:04 assbot Moore's Law Goes To War: How Can The Department Of Defense Keep Pace With Changes In IT? | Brookings Institution
21:04 Mats_cd03 fucking academics... moore's law is dead
21:14 BingoBoingo %book
21:14 atcbot 35k@250 52k@240 16k@235 | 750k@175 50k@161 216k@160
21:22 BingoBoingo !up Mats_cd03
21:22 kakobrekla he can do that himself nao
21:22 kakobrekla unless lost pass again.
21:24 BingoBoingo You never know...
~ 15 minutes ~
21:40 decimation re: moore's law
21:40 assbot Intel reveals its FrankenChip ARM killer: one FPGA and one Xeon IN ONE SOCKET The Register
21:51 asciilifeform decimation: for some years, there were fpga on the market that fit into an intel or amd cpu socket
21:51 asciilifeform decimation: built by nallatech (nsa contractor) and a few other outfits. thus, golden toilet prices
21:52 decimation it is interesting, but there's no word on the details, like dynamic reconfiguration
21:52 asciilifeform but at least these were traditional fpga and one could (at least in the case of xilinx) use linux toolchain, traditional vhdl/verilog, etc
21:52 decimation you think that won't be the case with this intel chip?
21:52 asciilifeform in the case of the intel product, even if it is placed on open market - you'll have to wait for reverse-engineered loader
21:53 asciilifeform (intel never once in its entire life published anything but a mockery of 'open source.' see their 'open' bios, for example.)
21:53 decimation but... this is intel's solution to "open" arm competition. Why would they start with a proprietary toolchain?
21:53 asciilifeform this is merely idiocy of the journalist
21:53 asciilifeform afaik there is no mass-market arm/fpga combo ic
21:54 decimation no, but somehow according to the journalist companies like google would prefer to buy this intel fpga/cpu rather than an arm chip
21:54 asciilifeform (actually there may be. fpga/cpu combo is a dime a dozen - xilinx made ppc/fpga cores for ages. but a modern pc arch cpu is something rather else)
21:55 BingoBoingo PPC's modern
21:55 decimation I'm pretty sure altera makes an fpga with an arm core
21:55 asciilifeform modern clock rate
21:55 decimation probably ... in an intel fab
21:56 asciilifeform idea is, intel fears for its life, because x86 (and all the compatibility kludges that enable 20 years of crapola to run) is doomed.
21:56 BingoBoingo Ah, features like an MMU aren't enough anymore. Now your need the pretense of "fast"
21:56 asciilifeform danger of sane folks moving onto linux/arm (or whatever other arch)
21:56 decimation aside from the journalist, there is an implict admission from intel here ... "We have no idea how to organize the transistors on our chip, here - have an FPGA"
21:56 asciilifeform so gotta keep x86/winblows relevant somehow
21:56 asciilifeform this is a lock-in play.
21:57 decimation well, it's already happened on the mobile world - which is the only world selling chips in large quantities
21:57 asciilifeform intel did once propose to stuff x86 turdballs in phones - to laughter around the world
21:57 decimation intel's afraid that google et. al. will switch to arm in the server room - leaving the x86 market to ... nobody at all
21:58 asciilifeform well, the high end
21:58 decimation even those xscale chips that flopped weren't x86 as I recall
21:58 asciilifeform (where their margin is fattest)
21:58 decimation yeah there's still the "computing" computing market that mostly uses xeons
21:58 asciilifeform xscale was their attempt at the true microcontroller market
21:58 decimation but I don't think intel is going to survive on xeon chips alone
21:59 asciilifeform the only people truly married to x86 are the folks bound to microshit
21:59 asciilifeform i think at this point this isn't really controversial
22:00 decimation and the scientific computing market is not wed to microshit
22:00 decimation so if there is a serious linux based alternative cpu for them -- they are gone
22:00 asciilifeform there is a reason we have the word - 'wintel'
22:00 asciilifeform the two are 'partners in crime'
22:01 decimation they still might sell some low end chips to idiots who want to run word or whatever
22:02 decimation microsoft is pretty much in the same position
22:02 decimation there are some games and business software that they have lock-in on
22:02 decimation but that's also looking like a pretty niche market
22:02 thestringpuller profitable. it is good starting money asset wise
22:03 thestringpuller ooos mt
22:03 thestringpuller video games rule
22:03 decimation intel market cap 150B; microsoft market cap 342B
22:04 decimation at least intel can lease fabs to third parties
22:04 asciilifeform recall how intel helped ms to cripple os/2
22:04 asciilifeform (secret instructions)
22:04 decimation yeah this whole affair reminds me very much of os/2
22:04 decimation except now microsoft is the out-of-touch monopoly with no ideas
22:04 asciilifeform intel is ms hardware arm.
22:05 asciilifeform has been nothing but this, since 1990 or so.
22:05 BingoBoingo The piece of software most damaging to progress in computing in history has probably been Microsoft Office
22:05 asciilifeform ms on the other hand is... usg department of compyooting.
22:05 decimation yeah that's true, the only organization on earth that will voluntarily use ms is the usg
22:06 asciilifeform only when seen in this light do the facts begin to make sense.
22:06 decimation "you want to get paid? well, you better write your TPS reports in MS so we can give you tax dollars"
22:07 TheNewDeal hahaha
22:07 decimation this turns into "everyone" uses ms to transact business, we have no choice...
22:08 decimation
22:08 assbot DOD saves $100M a year with new Microsoft licensing deal | Network World
22:09 TheNewDeal that's like the people who clip out all the coupons and then go shopping to save money
22:09 decimation if you total the amount of money spent on microsoft over the years, USG could have built its own secure OS and secure hardware to run it on
22:10 asciilifeform as if this was ever a goal.
22:10 decimation that's pretty much the mission statement of the nsa, gov't labs, et al
22:10 decimation note that very little progress has been made
22:11 asciilifeform usg has exactly the os it wants.
22:11 Apocalyptic heh
22:12 asciilifeform and intel products are the very same ideas, incarnated as hardware.
22:13 asciilifeform (decades of legacy crud, endless mine of 'plausibly deniable' bug, documentation that would fill an entire bookcase and - when available - in heavily censored version, etc.)
22:13 * asciilifeform blows dust of volumes of intel & amd cpu manual
22:14 asciilifeform ^ what isn't in there is considerably more interesting than what is
22:14 asciilifeform example:
22:15 asciilifeform the only real source of genuine documentation on intel cpu initialization is:
22:15 asciilifeform leaked AMI bios from a few years ago.
22:15 asciilifeform (*leaked source)
22:17 asciilifeform very telling detail - neither intel nor amd publish microcode documentation. (intel's microcode loader is known only from the leaked ami src, afaik. amd's is public. intel crypts their patches, amd - no. both release opaque binary blobs for microcode, no docs.)
22:17 decimation it is odd that one of the companies doesn't try to be open to get more market share
22:18 asciilifeform lol
22:18 asciilifeform intel is arm of usg. amd - produces clones at the crown's pleasure (see agreement with intel)
22:18 asciilifeform stops playing ball - no more clone.
22:19 decimation but it's probably the case that if you are correct - that these microcode patches may weaken usg's own infrastructure
22:20 BingoBoingo I keep telling people an OpenSparc *nix netbook would sell
22:20 asciilifeform usg is not interested in securing own infrastructure in this sense.
22:20 asciilifeform see, e.g.
22:20 assbot Loper OS » A Country of Which Nothing is Known but the Name.
22:20 decimation I need to read Eco's book, I've seen it mentioned in many places
22:21 asciilifeform first rule of usg comsec - secure machine must not come to exist, the wrong folks might use it.
22:21 asciilifeform kbg followed same rule, with soviet 'gost' cipher scheme
22:22 asciilifeform note the observation about how no known u.s. military crypto gizmo allows generation of keys by the operator. ever.
22:22 asciilifeform all keys come from the continent.
22:22 asciilifeform (no prizes for guessing why)
22:23 asciilifeform usg concept of seekoority -> controlled porosity.
22:24 Mats_cd03 passable writeup of factions
22:24 assbot Mulling Iraq options: Begin by telling me which of these groups you want to bomb
22:24 asciilifeform because 'sane machine for me but not for thee' doesn't work - can't guarantee future loyalty of the folks you issue the hardware to.
22:25 decimation yeah that's an interesting theory
22:28 decimation plenty of hard drives have aes "built-in", supposedly
22:29 decimation ie
22:29 assbot Stonewood's Eclypt Drive: the AES-256 Data Fortress
22:33 thestringpuller ;;gettrust gigavps
22:33 gribble WARNING: Currently not authenticated. Trust relationship from user thestringpuller to user gigavps: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -5 via 3 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Fri Nov 11 14:47:27 2011
22:38 BingoBoingo %book
22:38 atcbot 35k@250 52k@240 16k@235 | 750k@175 50k@161 216k@160
22:39 BingoBoingo %diff
22:39 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 715369.85 Est. Next Diff: 434630.21 in 476 blocks (#36288) Est. % Change: -39.24
22:42 BingoBoingo %ticker
22:42 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 175 Ask: 235 Last Price: 235 24h-Vol: 58k High: 235 Low: 200 VWAP: 200
22:50 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
22:50 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 592.52, Best ask: 594.0, Bid-ask spread: 1.48000, Last trade: 594.0, 24 hour volume: 5350.24576182, 24 hour low: 589.01, 24 hour high: 609.98, 24 hour vwap: 0
22:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.21000006 = 0.63 BTC [-] {2}
22:52 BingoBoingo ;;lasers
22:52 gribble ┌━ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ ┄ *pew!* *pew!* *pew!*
22:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 20 @ 0.0670001 = 1.34 BTC [-] {2}
23:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.21 = 0.63 BTC [-] {2}
23:12 BingoBoingo
23:12 assbot The Man Behind the Web's Most Controversial Video Site
23:19 moiety i didn't even know this site existed
23:20 BingoBoingo moiety: All of the most interesting videos are on World sStar Hip Hop.
23:25 moiety BingoBoingo: including "the killing of 16-year-old Chicago student Derrion Albert in 2009" < also didn't know that was allowed
23:27 BingoBoingo moiety: It's pretty much certain parts of urban black 'Murica unedited
23:27 BingoBoingo Scares the hell out of white 'Murica
23:35 moiety most things do
23:41 BingoBoingo You know what's fucked up, Pedestrians in Google street view
23:42 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: now mostly censored.
23:43 BingoBoingo Not in this neighborhood I'm browsing for apartments
23:43 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: google almost certainly has a sizeable squad devoted solely to this.
23:43 asciilifeform if you link it here - i'd bet it will vanish within the year.
23:49 BingoBoingo Well, turns out at the right angle face is blurred
23:50 BingoBoingo,-89.223088,3a,75y,66.38h,78.32t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1s0__9LObQ7GKja0w_GUKZjA!2e0?hl=en
23:50 assbot Google Maps
23:54 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: what is interesting in this picture ?
23:55 BingoBoingo From that position Due East there is a girl. From this angle face is blured. Try noving North or South... No bluring
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