Hide Idle (>14 d.) Chans

Dawn of Time | 2013-04-26 →
20:01 pgp3 just looked at chart... shit... a couple hours can be an eternity in bitcoin land...
20:01 kakobrekla :)
20:02 mircea_popescu what now
20:02 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
20:02 gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.16804, Best ask: 142.49990, Bid-ask spread: 0.33186, Last trade: 142.16804, 24 hour volume: 166821.51265896, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.49206
20:02 mircea_popescu heh
20:02 pgp3 someone dumped A LOT of coin... jeez...
20:03 tiberiusiv not really
20:10 gesell can someone explain what happened that caused the drop to $90?
20:10 KRS1 lol
20:10 Scrat pizza was delivered to the gox headquarters
20:11 Scrat the rest is history
20:11 KRS1 this shit is nutty
20:11 KRS1 some corn on the side too
20:12 gesell no really, i dont see much on reddit and wasnt around at the time
20:12 gesell so what really happened?
20:12 jurov should we tell him?
20:12 KRS1 look, its like this..this shit is nuttier than a port-o-potty at a peanut festival
20:12 Scrat jurov: ssshhh
20:13 pgp3 lol
20:13 mod6 haha
20:13 pgp3 what do you mean $90... I don't see that anywhere...
20:14 KRS1 prolly a different exchange?
20:14 gesell 25th at 22:25 for 91
20:14 gesell mtgoxusd
20:15 pgp3 maybe that was the limit price?
20:15 mircea_popescu gesell someone fucked up the wash trading ?
20:15 pgp3 low was around 120
20:18 gesell hmm... well i had a lot of orders at $88 that got fulfilled
20:19 gesell guess it was my fault
20:20 gesell oh blah
20:21 gesell my bad
20:21 gesell sorry
20:21 gesell just reading the gox emails wrong
20:21 gesell was from a long time ago
20:22 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.16 BTC [-]
20:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.705 BTC [-]
20:28 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-GOLD] 1 @ 0.00111 BTC [-]
20:31 thestringpuller ;;tiocker
20:31 gribble Error: "tiocker" is not a valid command.
20:32 thestringpuller ;;ticker
20:32 gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 142.25001, Best ask: 142.36000, Bid-ask spread: 0.10999, Last trade: 142.36000, 24 hour volume: 177752.29026620, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.50780
20:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1293 @ 0.00069843 = 0.9031 BTC [+]
20:44 thestringpuller mircea_popescu, that's what they call you. bitcoin billi-on-aire, lots of niggas say it ain't fair.
20:45 mircea_popescu oddly, it's the crackers sayin' it ain't fair.
20:45 thestringpuller LOL
20:45 thestringpuller haters everywhere, tell em to grow a pair?
20:46 thestringpuller as you sit in your lair, surrounded by bitches shaved with nair.
20:47 mircea_popescu "The Less That You Wear, the More You Need Nair!"
20:47 mircea_popescu lmao that's retarded.
20:48 thestringpuller hahaha
20:49 mircea_popescu basically sodium hidroxide ?! ouch.
20:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1550 @ 0.00069955 = 1.0843 BTC [+]
20:52 assbot [BTCTC] [B.YABMC] 1 @ 0.01629 BTC [+]
20:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7997 BTC [+]
20:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4485 = 4.485 BTC [+]
20:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 10 @ 0.4485 = 4.485 BTC [+]
21:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5950 @ 0.00070076 = 4.1695 BTC [+]
21:03 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.4485 = 1.794 BTC [+]
21:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 11 @ 0.4201 = 4.6211 BTC [-]
21:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.42 BTC [-]
21:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 4 @ 0.40070003 = 1.6028 BTC [-]
21:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 25 @ 0.40070002 = 10.0175 BTC [-]
21:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 1.7997 BTC [+]
21:27 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 1 @ 0.198 BTC [+]
21:27 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.1981 = 0.9905 BTC [+]
21:29 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 5 @ 0.1983 = 0.9915 BTC [+]
21:35 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 6 @ 0.009996 = 0.06 BTC [+]
21:35 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 5 @ 0.009997 = 0.05 BTC [+]
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9050 @ 0.00070076 = 6.3419 BTC [+]
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11617 @ 0.00070092 = 8.1426 BTC [+]
21:35 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 2 @ 0.009999 = 0.02 BTC [+]
21:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 2 @ 0.28000002 = 0.56 BTC [-]
21:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 10 @ 0.28000001 = 2.8 BTC [-]
21:38 assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 1 @ 0.00303 BTC [-]
21:38 assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 238 @ 0.00302 = 0.7188 BTC [-]
21:46 Diablo-D3 ;;ticker
21:46 gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.10015, Best ask: 140.98999, Bid-ask spread: 0.88984, Last trade: 141.22614, 24 hour volume: 187759.77712509, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 143.12243
21:52 asciilifeform epic troll? http://www.americanbanker.com/bankthink/governments-must-co-opt-bitcoin-to-avert-disaster-1058380-1.html?zkPrintable=1&nopagination=1
21:53 tiberiusiv ;;bids 50
21:54 gribble There are currently 151705.18 bitcoins demanded at or over 50.0 USD, worth 12737481.7987 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0082 seconds
22:03 tiberiusiv ;;bids 120
22:03 gribble There are currently 21257.668 bitcoins demanded at or over 120.0 USD, worth 2718075.47269 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0060 seconds
22:05 jcpham http://www.nature.com/srep/2013/130425/srep01684/full/srep01684.html
22:05 jcpham hurt yourself reading what i'm reading
22:06 asciilifeform jcpham: idea: rape the algo traders who read this by implementing a contrarian algo
22:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.29 BTC [+]
22:17 mircea_popescu A recent investigation has shown that the number of clicks on search results stemming from a given country correlates with the amount of investment in that country
22:17 mircea_popescu totally. this is so useful and everything.
22:17 mircea_popescu buncha onanists, these people.
22:27 seongyupyoo hi, i'm back with couple of questions
22:27 seongyupyoo mircea still here?
22:28 mircea_popescu yea
22:29 seongyupyoo cool, so i've been thinking really hard about destorying, and really the only way this system would be viable if the destroy funds are either really destroyed, sent to void, sent back to blockchain somehow
22:29 seongyupyoo i'm wondering what ways there are to do 1. really destroy bitcoins 2. blackhole it 3. give it back to blockchain
22:30 seongyupyoo could you help?
22:30 ThickAsThieves what's the difference between 1 and 2
22:30 mircea_popescu well, 1 justg send them to a fixed address like 1blackhole398759347589
22:30 seongyupyoo i don't know as i don't know how to do either
22:31 ThickAsThieves 3 is best
22:31 ThickAsThieves you dont want to be a destroying coins
22:31 ThickAsThieves and you couldnt prove that you were
22:31 seongyupyoo ok so 1 and 2 are same
22:31 mircea_popescu seongyupyoo its simple, just send coins to an address that nobody has the key for.
22:31 mircea_popescu something arbitrary, like 1thisaddressisablackhole
22:31 mircea_popescu you'll need to calculatge the checksums so it validates, but that's no big deal
22:32 seongyupyoo ok
22:32 mircea_popescu 3 you could just add it as miner fee in a tx.
22:32 ThickAsThieves but the problem there is you are accelerating deflation
22:32 seongyupyoo so i got that now 1 and 2 are same and you just send to an address that no one has key to
22:32 mircea_popescu like, make a tx with 100 btc inputs, 1 satoshi outputs
22:33 seongyupyoo i'm not following you when you say make tx with 100 input to and 1 output
22:33 mircea_popescu all bitcoin txs have some inputs and some outputs.
22:33 seongyupyoo how verifiable is adding as fee though?
22:33 mircea_popescu very.
22:33 ThickAsThieves he means .00000001 output
22:33 seongyupyoo people will need to be able to see that their exact fund amount has been destroyed at that time
22:33 ThickAsThieves easy you just link them to the tx
22:33 mircea_popescu you just check the tx in blockchain, it'll be there. 100 goes in, 1 goes out so 99 was miner fee
22:34 mircea_popescu or w/e actual numbers.
22:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4033 @ 0.00070092 = 2.8268 BTC [+]
22:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11595 @ 0.00070129 = 8.1315 BTC [+]
22:34 seongyupyoo so send money from my wallet to my wallet with 100 input and 1 output if i don't to give back 99?
22:35 mircea_popescu um
22:35 mircea_popescu come again ?
22:35 seongyupyoo i'm just trying to clarify how to make a transaction
22:36 seongyupyoo who is it going to and from?
22:36 seongyupyoo 100 input and 1 output
22:36 mircea_popescu whoever you want.
22:36 ThickAsThieves you have to send an actual amount (i think) plus a tx fee
22:36 mircea_popescu i think you'll have to read up on how bitcoin txs work
22:36 ThickAsThieves most of the destroyed coin would be sent as the tx fee
22:36 maximian send 0.00000001 BTC to any address, and specify a fee of 99BTC
22:36 ThickAsThieves but you would send .00000001 of it to yourself
22:36 seongyupyoo i see so it is fee
22:36 seongyupyoo i understand that, i thought there was another way to manually setting input and output
22:36 seongyupyoo how bad is destroying to blackholeaddress?
22:37 ThickAsThieves i think its bad
22:37 mircea_popescu pretty bad yea.
22:37 ThickAsThieves and not necessary
22:37 seongyupyoo ok
22:37 seongyupyoo i think that settles it then
22:37 ThickAsThieves but do what mp said
22:37 ThickAsThieves learn more about tx
22:37 ThickAsThieves and blockchain
22:37 ThickAsThieves and what your options are
22:38 seongyupyoo i identified 4 big issues from all the feedback i gather today
22:38 ThickAsThieves because you might not want to send a 100btc tx fee
22:38 ThickAsThieves you might want to send a lot of small ones
22:38 ThickAsThieves depending on how mining pools snag them
22:38 seongyupyoo would you guys like to hear the 4 problems, and my plan to solve them?
22:38 mircea_popescu sure.
22:39 seongyupyoo well, if i send a lot of small ones, it would be hard for the traders to check their fund was destroyed
22:39 ThickAsThieves you can send more than one tx at once i think
22:39 seongyupyoo i should start running a pool where i keep the transaction fee lol
22:40 seongyupyoo then i'd need to provide many transation id as a proof of destruction
22:40 seongyupyoo i think big fee would be fine
22:40 ThickAsThieves maybe
22:40 seongyupyoo also i figured out a way so that nobody will ever have to risk 100 BTC
22:40 seongyupyoo probably 1 BTC to 10 BTC max
22:41 seongyupyoo so max destruction is going to be 20-40 BTC at most
22:41 seongyupyoo anyways, the first problem was issue of me running away with risk funds
22:41 kakobrekla you are now arbitrarily setting what is ok give to pool ops?
22:41 seongyupyoo I think I can remedy that by putting nashx under my current business of 7 years -> http://mosaically.com
22:42 seongyupyoo so nashx might run under nashx.mosaically.com
22:42 seongyupyoo what do you guys think?
22:43 usagi i don't know what's going on
22:43 seongyupyoo 2nd problem was destroying of the destroyed funds, and i'll handle that by sending it back to blockchain as fee
22:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46572 @ 0.000703 = 32.7401 BTC [+]
22:44 seongyupyoo 3rd problem is transparency, basically the ability for people to be able to see all that is happening in terms of transactions
22:45 seongyupyoo i'll remedy that by making all transactions and messages between trader and such available for public view
22:45 ThickAsThieves 1st problem seems like a non-problem with a non-solution
22:45 usagi What was the middle thing?
22:46 usagi I'm trying to understand this, so, you want to run a mining pool?
22:46 seongyupyoo well someone thought that it was an issue, you're right it might not really be an issue. and it really isn't, but it was brought up, and i can see how some people might see that as risk
22:46 seongyupyoo where as if it was under mosaically umbrella, then it would be under a corporation
22:46 seongyupyoo more legit
22:46 ThickAsThieves usagi: nashx.com/about
22:46 seongyupyoo no i don't, i just made something called nashx
22:47 usagi So your goal is to make it legit.. and your not planning to quit, as a result of that? you will see this through?
22:47 seongyupyoo last problem is problem of big transactions
22:47 kakobrekla seongyupyoo, balances and txes are public and audiable... so transparency is not a big issue
22:47 seongyupyoo yes i will see this through
22:47 seongyupyoo at least to the next version having solve these 4 problems
22:47 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 35 @ 0.01 = 0.35 BTC [+]
22:48 seongyupyoo and i'll post it on reddit again, get feedback
22:48 seongyupyoo sholdn't take long
22:48 ThickAsThieves for the 3rd problem you can simply make your escrow address publicly known
22:48 ThickAsThieves or addresses
22:48 usagi Oh nashx. Thats a good idea, if it works you will be rich.
22:48 ThickAsThieves however if you escrow everything you slow it down
22:48 seongyupyoo we don't escrow
22:48 usagi So what your saying is, you are too legit to quit. Sounds good :)
22:48 seongyupyoo it's person-to-person
22:49 ThickAsThieves where are te collateral coins stored?
22:49 seongyupyoo well, i really feel that something like nashx needs to exist for everyone's benefit
22:49 seongyupyoo what collateral? there's no need
22:49 ThickAsThieves maybe i need to read it better
22:49 seongyupyoo yeah i think so... :)
22:50 usagi May I give you some free advice yupyoo?
22:50 usagi if I may call you yupyoo.
22:50 seongyupyoo sure
22:50 seongyupyoo my first name is seong yup
22:50 mircea_popescu https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=154089.msg1946133#msg1946133 lol
22:50 seongyupyoo last name is yoo
22:50 usagi Oh, I am used to last name first
22:50 usagi I live here in asia you see.
22:51 maximian Bitcoin has a mechanism for multisig transactions - destruction isn't necessary
22:51 maximian https://blockchain.info/wallet/escrow
22:51 usagi I assume you are from Korea? Have you been to Jeju island? I hear it is so beautiful.
22:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [SDICE] 1 @ 0.27500001 BTC [-]
22:52 usagi Anyways, I don't like how you explain how you keep the destroyed funds, because until that moment you speak of the funds as "destroyed"
22:52 maximian unless I've misunderstood what you're trying to do
22:52 usagi so I would not try to justify how you do it, just state that you keep the funds "like a library fine" and leave it at that.
22:53 usagi That's essentially what your doing. It's like a late fee charged at a video store
22:53 usagi I don't think people are going to be concerned with that if your business takes off
22:53 mircea_popescu alrighty, i'm off. cya tomorro.
22:54 deadweasel gnight
22:55 seongyupyoo bye
22:55 seongyupyoo the problem usagi is that
22:55 seongyupyoo if i just leave it as is, i have incentive to make fake accounts and go on a destroying spree
22:56 usagi So, hire someone to audit your books.
22:56 usagi That's what I did with my company TU.SILVER. I have a registered CA looking at the books, and a highly trusted community member providing operational oversight
22:56 seongyupyoo well sending it back to blockchain is the best way as far as i can tell atm
22:57 deadweasel usagi, how is tu silver doing?
22:57 seongyupyoo i would prefer to have a system that is good by design than have to hire people to watch over it
22:57 usagi People place far too much faith in the long and winding road of procedure when in the end it boils down to trust anyways.
22:57 usagi deadweasel: it's going very well.
22:58 seongyupyoo that's true, but i think in this case, it is important to gain validation of smart people especially since bitcoin community has been hurt with so many scams
22:58 usagi The fact is silver went down, but compared to if we just leveraged pure silver on the way down, my investors made ovr 100% compared to the price of silver today
22:58 seongyupyoo i feel it must pass the standard of community on reddit in order for it to be adopted and used widely by the whole global community
22:59 usagi All I am concerned with now is providing 1:1 leverage with silver since I believe we are approaching a long-term bottom in silver priced in BTC
22:59 seongyupyoo what does your business do?
23:00 usagi i sell investment grade silver coins, like canadian maples, FMJ 1/2oz rounds, etc.
23:00 seongyupyoo maximilian, escrow does not work for my model because i don't want to be in the middle of people handling their transaction because of USD
23:00 seongyupyoo i see
23:01 seongyupyoo what do you do kakobrekla?
23:02 usagi deadweasel; total divs to date: 0.034788, sliver/btc/10 price is now .016 or so per unit, so, over 200% profit
23:03 deadweasel i understand the last part.
23:03 deadweasel hows your service?
23:03 seongyupyoo i need to get going, thanks for all your helps guys. i don't know how this chatroom operates exactly, but i will be back :)
23:03 ThickAsThieves i dont want to get into it but it should be said that usagi's bookkeeping did not stand up to a public audit
23:03 usagi free shipping 7 days anywhere in the world
23:04 usagi ThickAsThieves; there was no public audit.
23:04 ThickAsThieves if anyone is interested talk to Deprived on the forums
23:05 usagi Ahh, you mean when deprived stole our internal calculators and posted them on the forums? Those were internal company documents used to record buys and sells on bitfunder
23:05 ThickAsThieves i have no interest in tusilver but i do trust deprived's abilities
23:05 usagi They're not investment advice.
23:06 usagi And they're not for public dissemination precisely because they would be assumed to be investment advice. They're not.
23:06 ThickAsThieves ;;ticker
23:06 gribble BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 140.99999, Best ask: 141.00000, Bid-ask spread: 0.00001, Last trade: 141.00000, 24 hour volume: 188586.01119054, 24 hour low: 120.08900, 24 hour high: 162.00000, 24 hour vwap: 142.90861
23:07 usagi If you want to know everything you need to know to build your own trading model, we use a coin and duty premium of $5 right now, which is less than the premium charged on the canadian maples we order exclusively from amagi metals
23:07 usagi Beyond that we have a 2% markup and we use the actual rates we've paid for shipping in the price to factor that in
23:08 usagi Now you know everything you need to know to calculate our value to within 5%, as our investment position has been disclosed.
23:08 dub beyond (and before) that it is a fairytale that we wish you would stfu about
23:09 usagi Yeah well I wish deprived would shut up about how I am selling shares unbacked by silver, but hey, if he has the right to lie then I have the right to correct him.
23:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13007 @ 0.00069955 = 9.099 BTC [-]
23:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1508 @ 0.00069458 = 1.0474 BTC [-]
23:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2136 @ 0.00069316 = 1.4806 BTC [-]
23:10 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 2 @ 0.400002 = 0.8 BTC [-]
23:18 tiberiusiv usagi what is your website
23:19 usagi https://bitfunder.com/asset/TU.SILVER
23:19 tiberiusiv what is it a silver fund?
23:19 tiberiusiv now why would i want to own an industrial metal
23:19 usagi Sort of. The idea is to keep the price of units at the cost of silver plus shipping and secure storage
23:20 usagi You want my personal opinion? :p
23:20 tiberiusiv why would i risk money with your junk fund when i can purchase silver futures instead?
23:20 tiberiusiv offering me superior liquidity
23:20 tiberiusiv and price
23:21 usagi Well for one, when you try to get delivery in physical, you can be given a cash settlement by fiat
23:21 tiberiusiv um no.
23:21 tiberiusiv id recieve silver bars which are comex standard
23:22 usagi really? I heard they were shortt
23:22 tiberiusiv no they arent.
23:22 usagi I sure hope not. :)
23:22 tiberiusiv comex standard is 1000 oz bars
23:22 usagi Do you have to pay a fee when you take delivery?
23:22 tiberiusiv yea
23:23 usagi Ahh.
23:23 tiberiusiv but its not 30% above spot like your coins
23:23 tiberiusiv and your fund is completely illiquid
23:23 usagi Yeah we're sold out now and the market is setting the price.
23:23 tiberiusiv + you have no reputation
23:23 usagi !getrating usagi
23:23 usagi oh
23:23 usagi ;;getrating usagi
23:23 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask usagi!Guest12477@122-121-246-63.dynamic.hinet.net . User Usagi, rated since Mon Jun 18 10:33:55 2012. Cumulative rating 33, from 32 total ratings. Received ratings: 28 positive, 4 negative. Sent ratings: 43 positive, 4 negative. Details: http://bitcoin-otc.com/viewratingdetail.php?nick=Usagi
23:24 tiberiusiv yea again why would i go to you when there is more safer, liquid and easier to access options?
23:24 usagi Only you can answer that question
23:24 tiberiusiv who checks what silver your fund is backed by
23:24 usagi Let me put it this way. We sold over 1,000 units into the market. Anyone is free to offer their units for sale.
23:25 usagi If you feel the price is too expensive, perhaps they know something you don't know? I dunno. I don't understand it myself. I just sell silver.
23:25 usagi The holders are public info on bitfunder, you can check it yourself. I own around 300 shares personally
23:25 tiberiusiv no i merely stated there is much better options
23:25 usagi There are, if you're merely concerned with price.
23:25 tiberiusiv vs some internet nerd operating on thin margins out of a basement
23:25 tiberiusiv like that coinabul clown
23:26 usagi Yeah but you're a little clueless when it comes to investing in silver, aren't you?
23:26 tiberiusiv no
23:26 tiberiusiv silver is not an investment. it produces no income
23:26 usagi Yeah you are :) First, you are speaking out about a fund you know zilch about.
23:26 tiberiusiv its a speculation and its an industrial metal
23:26 tiberiusiv there is no evidence silver acts as a protection in the event of a crisis
23:26 usagi For one, a 1000 oz delivery contract is vastly different than a guartantee on your choice of 1/2 oz rounds
23:26 usagi The coin premium on 1/2oz rounds is easily 20% or more
23:26 tiberiusiv sure its also 30% cheaper
23:26 usagi Which explains the entirety of the "30% cheaper"
23:27 tiberiusiv and more liquid via futures
23:27 tiberiusiv and what secure storage do you honestly have?
23:27 tiberiusiv your homes basement
23:27 usagi It is more liquid. We're small. That doesn't justify the "nerd", "junk fund", etc.
23:27 tiberiusiv yea just like that jay guy from coinabul
23:28 tiberiusiv http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d46dFmAmnuc
23:28 usagi You are clueless, really :) Like that dub guy.
23:28 tiberiusiv lol who would send this fking vagabond loser any money?
23:28 usagi Want another example? You haven't read our contract.
23:28 tiberiusiv coinabul
23:28 tiberiusiv your contract means nothing you have no capital reserves
23:28 tiberiusiv secure storage is a apartment or basement to you
23:28 usagi Seriously, you're being retarded. You want to talk shit about how I do things and you don't know we deal in small denomination coins and haven't read our contract
23:29 usagi Then you want to call it a junk fund because it's less liquid than a 1000oz futures contract?
23:29 tiberiusiv why would i store small coins with you?
23:29 usagi Seriously, stop wasting my fucking time.
23:29 tiberiusiv no i call it a junk fund becuase you are SMALL time
23:29 tiberiusiv and broke.
23:29 tiberiusiv why would anyone want to store silver maples with a clown?
23:29 tiberiusiv that can vanish any day
23:29 usagi Why would anyone want to discuss the market with a clueless fuck like you?
23:29 tiberiusiv im not clueless
23:29 usagi Yes you are.
23:30 tiberiusiv you operate on tiny profit margins
23:30 tiberiusiv and have no capital reserves
23:30 usagi You're whining about how we're 30% more expensive than a futures contract because we deal in 1/2 oz coins.
23:30 usagi That's ignorant.
23:30 usagi That's laughable.
23:30 tiberiusiv no im not
23:30 usagi Is that the best you can do?
23:30 tiberiusiv im argueing why would i go buy coins and have them stored with YOU
23:30 usagi I don't care
23:30 tiberiusiv vs buying them from any other dealer ANYWHERE
23:30 tiberiusiv and storing them myself?
23:30 tiberiusiv since its fking $10 pieces
23:30 usagi We are already sold out. Look, I got stuff to do. Go read our contract.
23:31 usagi Go read our recent reports.
23:31 tiberiusiv no thanks.
23:31 usagi I don't give a shit if you buy on the market or not. Bye
23:31 tiberiusiv your like a bank for ultra poor bitcoiners
23:31 usagi But I will say this. it's fuckups like you and deprived that are the entire source of my problems.
23:31 tiberiusiv storing $10 silver coins
23:31 tiberiusiv no you are the problem.
23:31 usagi Not anything I did. Just a bunch of fucktards like dub who like to whine.
23:31 tiberiusiv its business's like you that fuckup bitcoin credibility
23:32 tiberiusiv lowlevel scum "selling" junk
23:32 jamborambo_ ;;bids 0 command
23:32 gribble (bids [--under] ) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over . If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under .
23:32 jamborambo_ ;;bids 1 command
23:32 gribble (bids [--under] ) -- Calculate the amount of bitcoin demanded at or over . If '--under' option is given, find coins or at or under .
23:32 usagi I'll answer you when you can explain why the market disagrees with you. Why is it, praytell, the people invested in tu.silver won't sell below .12/unit? Go argue with the market.
23:32 kakobrekla jamborambo_ ,
23:32 tiberiusiv dude what are you talking about
23:32 kakobrekla ;;bids 0
23:32 jamborambo_ yes?
23:32 tiberiusiv i dont care what your junk fund sells at
23:32 gribble There are currently 33503613 bitcoins demanded at or over 0.0 USD, worth 18244987.8596 USD in total. | Data vintage: 0.0118 seconds
23:33 tiberiusiv you are a SCUMbag
23:33 tiberiusiv like jay @ coinabul and the other 50 broke ass precious metals dealers
23:33 tiberiusiv on bitcoin
23:33 tiberiusiv storing $10 coins.
23:36 usagi That didn't take long. I'm back.
23:38 tiberiusiv post pictures of your "secure storage"
23:38 tiberiusiv so we can all get a good laugh
23:38 usagi Oh it's you again.
23:38 usagi Look, if you have a question, or if there's something you want me to do, just ask.
23:39 tiberiusiv https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=113708.0
23:39 tiberiusiv lol so you have a lengthy history of being a scum?
23:39 usagi But it's clear that you have no idea what my business is or what it does. We're not a futures contract. We sell small denomination coins and there are no fees.
23:39 usagi You haven't even read our contract. Go do some due dilligence before you come here and waste my time with "scumbag"
23:39 tiberiusiv stop repeating yourself
23:39 tiberiusiv you dont have a business
23:39 tiberiusiv small time nerd with no money
23:39 usagi Then stop repeating yourself.
23:40 tiberiusiv another coinabul scammer
23:40 usagi So tiberiusiv, how about that 6 BTC you owe me?
23:40 kakobrekla you two, #bitcoin-trolls mkay
23:40 usagi kakosan; roger.
23:40 tiberiusiv what 6 btc?
23:40 tiberiusiv i dont even know you lowlife
Dawn of Time | 2013-04-26 →