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← 2024-06-24 | 2024-06-26 →
00:35 gregorynyssa << I also try to stay away from Python.
00:36 gregorynyssa << Clearly Mr Sykkel knows what he is doing.
00:37 gregorynyssa I am using my own Java implementation.
~ 2 hours 53 minutes ~
03:30 gregorynyssa siemstress: The cyber-security industry is quite prominent in Singapore, is it not?
03:33 gregorynyssa asciilifeform: Earlier I showed "siemstress" that article of yours titled On the Matter of Brian Krebs.
03:35 gregorynyssa asciilifeform: Are you familiar with the OSCP, OSEP, and OSED certifications?
03:37 gregorynyssa Last year someone asked me what I thought about his plan to enter the cyber-security industry.
03:37 gregorynyssa I responded that it seemed to me that small number of people who discovered zero-day exploitations were the only ones worth hiring.
03:38 gregorynyssa The other 95 percent or more of personnel seemed to be products of job-creation. I would be glad to hear what others in this channel think.
03:39 gregorynyssa EDIT. "the small number of people"
~ 17 minutes ~
03:56 gregorynyssa << The rise of China will break the stalemate.
~ 37 minutes ~
04:34 crtdaydreams who is siemstress?
~ 25 minutes ~
05:00 crtdaydreams I see you're coming through jonseks station, are you a friend?
05:00 crtdaydreams My peering config is borked so I wouldn't know who's peered with who at the moment
05:00 crtdaydreams something something nat bweeh
05:03 crtdaydreams << real interesting, I have first hand experience with GWM vehicles, can confirm that the australian imports are hot garbage
05:03 crtdaydreams the really interesting thing is they can't seem to make soft rubber
05:04 crtdaydreams cv boots, seals, etc are all truly rubbish
05:04 crtdaydreams but on the other hand you can get cheap tyres from them
05:05 crtdaydreams the design of all the global market stuff is no better than any other name brand crap
05:06 crtdaydreams it just all seems to scale back down to materials
05:06 gregorynyssa << A friend of mine who is in Singapore.
05:07 gregorynyssa << I am connected to "asciilifeform" through "jonsykkel," and she is connected through me.
05:07 crtdaydreams remind me where you're from again gregor? hk?
05:08 crtdaydreams ah so you're not actually peered directly with stani
05:08 crtdaydreams I tried setting up a peering with him a couple times but yeah my nat config is throwing his packets
05:09 crtdaydreams somehow i have a window to the world through jonsek but no-one else
05:09 gregorynyssa << Mainland of China.
05:09 crtdaydreams Oh right
05:10 gregorynyssa << The C implementation of "jonsykkel" works very well.
05:10 crtdaydreams well what's your take on the chinese internal market? surely you'd have some kind of insight as to the actual state of affairs?
05:14 crtdaydreams i didn't realise jonsek was written in C, I thought he exists as a pure expression of machine code... :P
05:18 gregorynyssa << Chinese manufacturing has been strong. Prices have been driven down in order to reach domestic customers in lower-income areas.
05:19 gregorynyssa This has resulted in a wave of cheap appliances. You can buy a good vacuum-cleaner or portable oven for 35 USD.
~ 26 minutes ~
05:46 jonsykkel my pestron sux guys (altho to be expected imo since it is first iteration)
05:46 jonsykkel and c99 isnt rely suited for most of wat a pestron consists of
05:46 jonsykkel i think ok aproch to writing batlefild pestron would be if most logics were done in cl and then u ffi into a tiny libliquishit.a that handles all cryptogiraffics and shovels black pakets from udp pipe in multi threads
05:46 jonsykkel id prefribly write lib in asebly but acording 2 logs theres problem with sokets
05:46 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2020-07-26 asciilifeform: verisimilitude: 0 chance of portability on unixlikes w/out the c bindings, cuz the built-in structs actually vary in size & layout b/w not only irons (endianism etc) but even particular os
05:46 jonsykkel maybe u have some thoughts about that ascii life form
05:57 crtdaydreams well ideally you'd bypass liquidshit and pump your packets to a mystical black box in the form of ice-40 etc
06:00 crtdaydreams as stani mentioned earlier, interest in building much more for the pest network in it's current state is non-existent at best
06:01 crtdaydreams i'm not suggesting as if I have any ideas, I'm currently trying to consign myself to an edukayshun institution because I've got nfi how to proceed
06:02 crtdaydreams I don't have any of the skills to do diddly squat and I haven't got the capacity to self motivate at this juncture
06:03 crtdaydreams if anyone here has any better ideas than student debt and the promise of a slip of paper, I'm all ears
06:04 crtdaydreams I stopped working for a few months at the end of august last year in a crude attempt to self-motivate
06:04 crtdaydreams got absolutely nowhere
06:05 crtdaydreams even taking up the consideration that something is severely fucked in my neurochemistry
06:11 jonsykkel as far as i can tel any existing slip of paper issuing instiution in world has 0 or probably negative impact on skillz
06:14 jonsykkel given they are systems that encourage and select for obedience, tunel vision and other monky behaviors
06:14 jonsykkel while punishing thinking and creating
~ 1 hours 46 minutes ~
08:01 gregorynyssa << The purpose of education was never to reward intelligence directly.
08:02 gregorynyssa Likewise, universities were not meant to function as career-schools as they do today.
08:05 gregorynyssa I have long wondered what a "computing guild" would have looked like, not that such an institution would be free of corruption itself.
08:09 gregorynyssa << This implementation-pattern was well established within the Tcl community.
08:10 gregorynyssa That is, one writes an .so file with the basic functions, and then writes the routines using Tcl, connecting the two using FFI.
08:13 discord_bridge (awtho) That’s how I implemented Akris - used portions of smalpest for the .so.
~ 22 minutes ~
08:36 gregorynyssa << I have not yet used Akris. Does it start two processes, one for the GUI and the other for the data-processing?
08:37 discord_bridge (awtho) Yes. They communicate via sockets.
~ 3 hours 33 minutes ~
12:10 asciilifeform << it aint an 'industry' in the 19-20th c. sense of the word. 100% of 'cybersekooriti' shops live on a) usg grantolade b) 'investors' aka money printer go brr. the actual technical labour is theatrical.
12:10 bitbot Logged on 2024-06-25 03:38:45 gregorynyssa[billymg]: The other 95 percent or more of personnel seemed to be products of job-creation. I would be glad to hear what others in this channel think.
12:11 asciilifeform if you try to run such a 'biz' as if it were an actual biz, e.g. roadside sandwich shop, you will lose shirt
12:12 asciilifeform nobody afaik anywhere discusses this. largely because discussing this fact moar or less disqualifies you from participating
12:13 asciilifeform 'security' aint a business, naive folx who propose (or even attempt to market) actual, honest, permanent solutions to the problems this 'industry' supposedly addresses -- very quickly go broke
12:15 asciilifeform it moar closely resembles e.g. the vendors who supplied the scaled down triremes etc. to roman emperor titus , who staged gladiatorial naval battles in flooded colosseum
12:16 asciilifeform i.e. the only pertinent items, in order of importance: 1) proximity to money printer 2) visual quality of theatrical props 3) -- dead last -- performance at the nominal task
~ 41 minutes ~
12:58 gregorynyssa The Overton Window of modern society is highly constrained.
~ 1 hours 23 minutes ~
14:22 asciilifeform hmm loox like 1 line is in my logger but not bitdash one
14:23 asciilifeform gregorynyssa: i'ma give concrete example. after 'virustotal' was bought by the moneyprinter folx for $b, asciilifeform + coupla other d00dz opened a shop where baked malware analyzer on custom hardware, i.e. not detectable from the inside (vt's was trivially detectable), supported dissection of e.g. fw & gpu diddlers, etc
14:24 asciilifeform no prizes for guessing where this went.
14:24 asciilifeform we didn't have an 'in' into usg/tbtf circles, consequently no '$b valuations', nuffin but... the product
14:24 asciilifeform which, as it happens, aint needed anywhere.
14:25 asciilifeform cuz it aint, in pseudoindustries, ever, at any pt, 'about the product'.
14:27 asciilifeform is ~always, w/out exception, about -- the pedigree
14:28 asciilifeform didn't help that our fuhrer (naive -- but with a bit of dough -- immigrant) spent $maxint on a (lol) patent
14:29 asciilifeform but even w/out this, result in retrospect was quite predictable imho
14:33 asciilifeform << a) 'credential inflation'(tm) b) generally you can't get a ~zero-interest loan from bank simply to sit sadly in bed, but ~can~ to 'attend university'. hence over90000 'students' with not even necessarily delusions of employability, simply 'warehoused'
14:33 bitbot Logged on 2024-06-25 08:02:22 gregorynyssa[billymg]: Likewise, universities were not meant to function as career-schools as they do today.
14:33 asciilifeform they go in for 2nd, 3rd, nth diplomas, too
14:34 * asciilifeform lives in a 'college town', sees this with naked eye erryday
14:35 asciilifeform good % of (the males, at least) are really simply paying to be somewhere where they (think) can get fuck
14:37 asciilifeform << the paper -- unless yer specifically aiming to work in usg bureaucracy -- can be 100% guaranteed to do precisely 0
14:37 bitbot Logged on 2024-06-25 06:03:26 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel]: if anyone here has any better ideas than student debt and the promise of a slip of paper, I'm all ears
14:37 asciilifeform (and in the bureaucracy, aint any kinda guarantee of employability, is simply ~minimal bar)
14:39 asciilifeform << imho if yer meat is saying to you that you're wasting yer time, it is likely right
14:39 bitbot Logged on 2024-06-25 06:05:18 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel]: even taking up the consideration that something is severely fucked in my neurochemistry
14:40 asciilifeform the meat's 'sense of frustration' is equally important a function of healthy meat as sense of pain when touching a flame
~ 2 hours 41 minutes ~
17:21 billymg << weird, i see it in my terminal as well. possibly stuck and will get shaken loose after this message
17:21 bitbot Logged on 2024-06-25 14:22:16 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|billymg]: hmm loox like 1 line is in my logger but not bitdash one
~ 19 minutes ~
17:41 billymg hrm, nope
~ 1 hours 37 minutes ~
19:18 crtdaydreams << I think I failed to convey what I'm actually asking here
19:19 crtdaydreams Stating the obvious doesn't really constitute as an answer. What I'm asking for is alternatives
19:21 discord_bridge (awtho) What is your goal?
19:21 crtdaydreams to learn the content of an equiv. degree in electrical engineering and then some
19:22 discord_bridge (awtho) Ah ok. I have no experience with that.
19:22 crtdaydreams I just have some kind of mental barrier to actually *doing* valuable learning exercise
19:23 crtdaydreams That's alright jonsek
19:23 crtdaydreams generally I'd presume the process for learning anything would be the same independent of field
19:25 discord_bridge (awtho) Well, other than building a z80 based computer. Kindergarten stuff though.
19:25 crtdaydreams Well jonsek, have you considered that maybe I really am just at the "kindergarten" level, at least if that's how you see it, then sure.
19:26 discord_bridge (awtho) This is awt btw
19:27 crtdaydreams oh ok, my bad
19:27 crtdaydreams I'm not sure how I failed to pick up on that
19:31 discord_bridge (awtho) I would suggest starting with something very simple, like getting a bread board, chip, and oscilloscope, and supplying it with power.
19:31 crtdaydreams sure I've got all that stuff right here with the exception of an oscilloscope
19:34 discord_bridge (awtho) I guess in that case you can get some LEDs to test the output.
19:34 crtdaydreams I'd have to order them, I've got chips configurable from a higher level, dirty arduino, couple spi peripherals
19:35 discord_bridge (awtho) Order a bunch. I burned several figuring out resistors.
19:35 crtdaydreams is it best to have an oscilloscope as a voltage source?
19:37 crtdaydreams does the capacity to learn ultimately come down to the desire?
19:40 discord_bridge (awtho) Oscilloscope comes in handy when debugging frequency related issues, among other things. For the voltage source you need a transformer if you want to use wall power.
19:40 discord_bridge (awtho) Desire or motivation.
19:50 crtdaydreams a transformer, as in just a proper variable power supply
19:52 crtdaydreams well sure being held a gunpoint is a pretty good motivator, but in the case of self-motivation pointing a gun at yourself isn't going to achieve a hell of a lot. so i'd say desire
20:05 discord_bridge (awtho) Panic can achieve a great deal
20:06 discord_bridge (awtho) You can build your own power supply easily. Or yes you can buy one.
~ 21 minutes ~
20:27 crtdaydreams well I guess all you're doing is really just dropping wall voltage and putting in low-current circuit protection
~ 3 hours ~
23:28 gregorynyssa << By what means was this device connected to the computer? Did it use PCI Express?
23:29 gregorynyssa << I had not realized that you chose to settle next to your college in Maryland.
23:30 gregorynyssa At one point when I was in college, I was planning just to settle nearby as well.
23:40 gregorynyssa << Has any more research been done regarding why (assuming that a mechanical or doctrinal reason existed) the USA and USSR went through a decline in engineering around the same time?
23:43 gregorynyssa << Not just the flesh but more importantly the conscience, ie. the soul.
← 2024-06-24 | 2024-06-26 →