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← 2023-07-28 | 2023-07-30 →
03:29 gregorynyssa << I have had some trouble understanding the work of RFK Jr.
03:32 gregorynyssa The article was mentioned by `mats` here:
03:32 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2023-07-20 mats: lmao
~ 4 hours 6 minutes ~
07:39 Abram Hello I AM A FRIEND OF GREGORY
07:40 Abram I am senting this message from City Chongqing China right now
07:47 gregorynyssa I have asked some of my friends in China to try using ChinaPestProgram.
~ 2 hours 29 minutes ~
10:16 gregorynyssa The congressional hearing regarding UFOs is on the frontpage of YouTube.
10:16 gregorynyssa If I might ask, who is the author of the logger at
10:28 gregorynyssa signpost: awt: I would be glad to talk about Luby coding sometime.
10:34 gregorynyssa Can someone send me the details again for accessing "dulapnet?" I was hoping to speak to Vex again.
10:40 * signpost afk at the moment, but would be happy to when back
10:40 signpost will put some time into occ next week too
~ 38 minutes ~
11:18 asciilifeform << it runs asciilifeform's logotron
11:18 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-29 10:16:29 gregorynyssa[deedbot|signpost]: If I might ask, who is the author of the logger at
11:19 gmachine hello
11:20 gmachine hello
11:20 gmachine i am writing this from beijing
11:20 asciilifeform gregorynyssa is ^ 1 of yours ?
11:21 asciilifeform hello gmachine from beijing, we hear you
11:21 gregorynyssa gmachine: Glad to have you with us.
11:21 gregorynyssa gmachine: Glad to have you with us.
11:21 asciilifeform gregorynyssa: i'm getting duplicated strings from you ( as are the loggers )
11:21 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-29 11:21:27 gregorynyssa[PeterL|signpost]: gmachine: Glad to have you with us.
11:22 * asciilifeform must bbl
11:22 gregorynyssa Thanks for informing me.
11:25 gregorynyssa << Yep. I will let `gmachine` introduce himself later. He is a programmer with some valuable experiences.
11:25 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-29 11:18:48 asciilifeform: gregorynyssa is ^ 1 of yours ?
11:27 * shinohai also seeing those dupes .....
11:27 * shinoa inside akris
11:28 shinoa Nice touch awt, that `/me` still worx. ^_^
11:29 * gregorynyssa mean in this case?
11:29 gregorynyssa I thought I would mention that `gmachine` is fluent in Russian.
11:30 gregorynyssa Also, he was the person who introduced me to the writing of Andrei Martyanov.
11:32 gregorynyssa The duplicated messages were caused by a mistake in the interface, not the networking code.
11:32 gregorynyssa I just realized what the "action" notation does.
11:33 gregorynyssa The logger recognizes "action" in uppercase as the equivalent of IRC's /me.
~ 25 minutes ~
11:59 shinohai << aha, it's just an artifact of old irc days I suppose.
11:59 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-29 11:33:37 gregorynyssa[deedbot|PeterL|signpost]: The logger recognizes "action" in uppercase as the equivalent of IRC's /me.
12:04 awt Buenos dias de CR a todos.
12:05 awt shinoa: I knew asciilifeform would find the client unusable without support for /me
12:05 shinohai Buenos dias awt, un cafecito [~]D
12:05 awt si debo que tomar
12:06 shinohai lmao
← 2023-07-28 | 2023-07-30 →