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← 2023-07-25 | 2023-07-27 →
04:33 gregorynyssa awt:
~ 5 hours 11 minutes ~
09:45 billymg << definitely needs it imo
09:45 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-25 23:16:02 awt[signpost]: billymg: what do you think about adding an "infographic" Pest protocol explainer to
09:46 billymg the raw content already exists too, in the form of snippets from asciilifeform's spec and a few of the diagrams he's already made
~ 30 minutes ~
10:17 * signpost just got a huge replay of 2022 messages, lol
10:25 gregorynyssa << Thanks for clarifying.
10:25 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-25 12:38:31 asciilifeform: << this was phf et al's vdiff
10:25 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-25 11:32:20 gregorynyssa[deedbot|signpost]: << Did you implement V in Ada?
10:26 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-25 11:29:34 asciilifeform: awt_akris: oddity while pressing the genesis
10:26 s1gnp0st awt: also I didn't billymg's reply about the infographic until just now in akris, apparently nudged along by gregornyssa's message
10:27 s1gnp0st just reporting my observations
~ 41 minutes ~
11:08 awt s1gnp0st: ty. will be hard to diagnose this stuff until clients start displaying chain breaks.
11:10 awt s1gnp0st: I am pretty sure, blatta being singlethreaded, that it drops packets during syncs.
11:12 awt So someone puts out an old netchain, some blatta doesn't have it, goes on a getdata binge, actually misses contemporary messages, then when things calm down, gets everything on the next message.
11:13 shinohai << nyet, I *did* make one for jonsykkel's smalpest, but don't recall if I published or not.
11:13 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-25 08:57:34 signpost: shinohai: didn't you have a pbuild for python pulled together?
11:13 * shinohai catching up on logs, will likely try pressing akris this evening ...
11:16 awt shinohai: lemme know if you run into any issues.
11:18 awt Ah yup - gregorynyssa's client is not setting either netchain or selfchain.
11:23 awt
~ 21 minutes ~
11:44 asciilifeform wb shinohai
11:44 asciilifeform << ty, awt. i'ma try it again tonight
11:44 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-25 19:04:41 awt[signpost]: asciilifeform: updated docs to remove references to virtulenv, and swapped out for the bash v included with pentacle. Re-genesised with the updated docs. Gonna try and cut down on the number of patches. Blatta had way too many bugfix patches.
11:45 asciilifeform << this tarball has the current graphics in www-friendly res
11:45 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-26 09:46:59 billymg: the raw content already exists too, in the form of snippets from asciilifeform's spec and a few of the diagrams he's already made
11:45 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-13 14:47:28 asciilifeform[jonsykkel|awt|deedbot]: billymg:
11:47 * asciilifeform not yet vpatch for this version of spec, but yes it'll have the latex src for the graphics along with errything else
11:49 asciilifeform << hm replay as in chronologically misordered? or simply in the 'fill in log' sense
11:49 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-26 10:17:03 signpost: just got a huge replay of 2022 messages, lol
11:49 signpost from year 2022
11:49 asciilifeform signpost: rright but were they displayed as if happening nao? or properly backfilled log
11:50 signpost didn't see a replay message
11:50 * asciilifeform expects he'll see for himself when finally revvs up awt's new pestron
11:50 signpost nah, this was on old blatta
11:50 asciilifeform aaa
11:50 signpost sorry, I should've been clearer.
11:52 * asciilifeform won't miss dark ages append-only console when it finally goes away
11:59 * awt doesn't miss
12:00 signpost yuge step forward to have the log-viewer and chat interface merged into one program.
~ 28 minutes ~
12:29 awt in alt universes
12:37 asciilifeform awt: lol where's the protocol??
12:37 * asciilifeform expected a duct tape & chewing gum pest when saw link
12:42 awt eurlora2 communication protocol I guess
12:46 asciilifeform lol
~ 33 minutes ~
13:19 awt whaack, billymg: do you know if Jacob and Dorion are aware of Pest?
13:22 billymg awt: i was talking to whaack about it a few months ago and he said he brought it up with them. i'll let him fill in the details if he's around
13:29 asciilifeform billymg: i'd expect they'll defo 'invent' pest at some pt, after done with fg
13:29 dulapbot Logged on 2023-05-26 14:36:40 asciilifeform: meanwhile! the folx in parallel universe still kickin', catch up to where we were in '21.
13:29 dulapbot Logged on 2023-03-23 13:32:57 asciilifeform: iirc d00d had an ee diploma. ought've been done in a week after starting, lol
13:30 asciilifeform perhaps will even try to sell it to gullible expats in bananistan as glorious lost tech of mp etc
13:31 asciilifeform wainot.
13:31 signpost peer up fags; I'll peer with any of you.
13:31 signpost the great schism of mp fanclub matters to nobody.
13:32 asciilifeform signpost: matters, evidently, to the fella who too proud to write in re fg schems when 'i have no idea why was done this way' etc
13:33 signpost mhm.
13:38 * asciilifeform reads their www 1nce in blue moon; rather tedious, lenthy diatribes 'a la mp' about rando shitcoin 'scene' news, 'work reports' e.g. 'nth july : my alarm clock battery died', etc. snoar
13:39 awt comanism
13:39 signpost good luck to them; I'm fully disabused of the notion that anything approximating a party of sanity is going to emerge, certainly not by the mere unfurling of one's cock.
13:40 signpost not even likely that marginal pockets of sanity remain, but that's at least worth living.
13:41 asciilifeform awt: comanism, misc. cargo cult airplanes, piles of 'don't be poor', etc
13:42 asciilifeform ( for ref, 'comanism' )
13:46 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2021-06-27 asciilifeform: such folx have precisely 1 approach to solving technical problems; and this approach is amply illustrated on diana's www
13:47 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2021-06-27 asciilifeform: shinohai: diana is, by my lights, one of the numerous 'plodders' who go from kindergarten to doctorate with perfect marks without skipping a beat but also without ever so much as risking to emit an original thought
13:47 asciilifeform poor buggers seem to have taken exactly 1 thing from the mp episode -- infection with baccilus of megalomania, 'errything you can do i can do better', 'poor are subhuman', etc
13:48 asciilifeform where's the promised glorious 4th reich tho.
13:49 signpost women are by disposition more compliant ("agreeable"); I don't know that they can be damned for this.
13:49 asciilifeform this in re jfw et al rather than the chix
13:49 signpost that certainly.
13:49 asciilifeform ( who per asciilifeform's lights were npcs, and afaik wasn't wrong about this )
13:49 signpost adopting affectations of the already rich does nothing.
13:50 * asciilifeform recently when clearing out old house excavated coupla 100 blank FG pcbs, thought of the panama folx, lol
13:52 awt Perhaps relavant: if you want success with women and are short, ugly, poor, don't take advice from tall, handsome, rich.
13:52 signpost bahaha
13:53 * asciilifeform never seen jfw, d00d cleared out of montevideo seemingly hours before asciilifeform arrived in '18
13:53 asciilifeform per Bingo's report, 'he was thin like pow and got tired quickly'
13:58 asciilifeform << iirc notion was to schmooze with'em and sell glorious lost tech. but apparently errytime they bought shitcoin etc. instead, the latter being moar 'charismatic' and pushed in glossy reich mags
13:58 bitbot Logged on 2023-07-26 13:49:49 signpost: adopting affectations of the already rich does nothing.
13:58 asciilifeform 'wild boar does not appreciate fine cooking'(tm)(r)(cn)
14:00 signpost most of the rich worth mentioning are already amply insulated from inflation.
14:00 * signpost has far more respect for the people putting coin in the hands of e.g. El Salvador.
14:00 asciilifeform not merely 'insulated from', but directly benefit from. hence wai there even ~is~ inflation.
14:00 signpost indeed
14:00 asciilifeform it aint some kinda natural disaster.
14:01 signpost no, you're right, brrr goes right into their pockets.
14:01 asciilifeform straightforward pump from plebe pockets to 'nobles'
14:02 asciilifeform ( for entirely straightforward reason )
14:02 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2021-09-27 asciilifeform: PeterL: both come from same root -- lizards' desire to keep their yachts, palaces, and cocaine despite a collapsing support base. i.e. same thing that happened in e.g. argentina. (or 1700s fr. for that matter. and plenty of other places.)
14:12 asciilifeform ( & see also )
14:12 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2022-03-15 asciilifeform: ... from reich pov, plebes having savings is a bug, similarly to resistive losses in electric cable. 'pieces of yacht that got diverted'
14:12 dulapbot (asciilifeform) 2021-08-03 asciilifeform: not to mention, rentiers laffed all the way to the bank as real estate, 'stonks',etc. doubled, tripled; meanwhile savings of plebes confiscated via inflatism
14:13 asciilifeform ( aand also ... )
14:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-10-31 10:08:40 asciilifeform: billymg: there's a scene in 1 of v. shalamov's 'kolyma stories' where a guard storms into the barrack in the evening and smashes the old tin cans the inmates have been using as little kettles to warm up bits of food
14:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-10-31 10:09:07 asciilifeform: 'worthless pieces of shit, clearly you are fed too much and work too little, if you have what to warm up in these'
~ 15 minutes ~
14:28 asciilifeform !!ticker btc usd
14:28 deedbot $29,304
~ 30 minutes ~
14:58 shinohai awt: Successful press, etc but running `bin/` results in: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'akris'"
15:00 shinohai (Might be due to `pip install -e file:../akris` not working for me)
15:05 shinohai nm, reinstall of base akris seems to fix
15:10 shinohai Very nice awt!
15:15 awt excellent shinohai!
15:17 * shinohai will connect it up shortly, still reading USAGE and docs.
~ 3 hours 52 minutes ~
19:10 gregorynyssa << I will fix this.
19:10 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-26 11:17:04 awt[asciilifeform]: Ah yup - gregorynyssa's client is not setting either netchain or selfchain.
19:18 gregorynyssa << Stallman and others have been raising this alarm since I was in middle school.
19:18 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-25 14:34:45 asciilifeform: unrealatedly, meanwhile, in heathendom lulz.
19:22 gregorynyssa awt: I wanted to mention that Blatta appears not to work with the 1.0.5 version of irssi(1).
19:26 gregorynyssa awt: I have patched my Java program so that the "selfchain" and "netchain" fields are set.
19:30 gregorynyssa << In Chinese they call this the "sheep fleecing" explanation.
19:31 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-26 13:59:00 asciilifeform: not merely 'insulated from', but directly benefit from. hence wai there even ~is~ inflation.
19:37 gregorynyssa << Do you think CDE is any good? I have not used it myself. The rectangular appearance has a slight appeal for me.
19:37 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-26 15:09:14 shinohai[asciilifeform]: Very nice awt!
19:40 shinohai gregorynyssa: CDE pretty good as far as X things go - doesn't use a fuckton of resources and indeed the rectangular appearance is nostalgic, very nice thing overall.
19:51 gregorynyssa << That is great to hear.
19:51 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-26 19:38:56 shinohai[asciilifeform]: gregorynyssa: CDE pretty good as far as X things go - doesn't use a fuckton of resources and indeed the rectangular appearance is nostalgic, very nice thing overall.
19:59 gregorynyssa Let me see if this message works.
20:00 signpost ack
20:01 gregorynyssa Is anyone else here using irssi(1)?
20:01 gregorynyssa I will send another packet.
20:02 gregorynyssa I have confirmed that "selfchain" and "netchain" are working.
20:02 gregorynyssa The next step is to support address-casting.
20:05 awt gregorynessa, your latest few messages have netchain and selfchain correct. However, the one that says "Let me see if this message works" has a null netchain.
20:08 gregorynyssa << I saw that on my end. Thanks for confirming.
20:08 dulapbot Logged on 2023-07-26 20:04:13 awt[asciilifeform]: gregorynessa, your latest few messages have netchain and selfchain correct. However, the one that says "Let me see if this message works" has a null netchain.
~ 36 minutes ~
20:44 shinohai !!ticker
~ 58 minutes ~
21:42 shinohai Test to akris
21:52 shinoa help
21:52 shinoa Test *from* akris
21:52 shinohai Sorry for the noise, seems there was gigantic delay before stations started talking to one another.
21:53 gregorynyssa !!ticker
21:54 gregorynyssa !!ticker
21:55 gregorynyssa Testing.
22:01 gregorynyssa Testing.
← 2023-07-25 | 2023-07-27 →