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← 2022-12-02 | 2022-12-04 →
12:05 asciilifeform this btw not accurate. 'expose' event does print.
12:05 bitbot Logged on 2022-12-02 22:22:18 asciilifeform[6]: the events only fire when proggy is sighup'd.
12:06 asciilifeform the others, for reason asciilifeform not yet knows, do not.
12:11 asciilifeform ... actually, bizarrely, they do, if window is hidden and then re-exposed. lol
12:12 * asciilifeform recalls phf's observation
12:12 bitbot Logged on 2022-11-22 20:12:12 phf[awt]: asciilifeform, my point is that xorg is designed for "linux on desktop", assumes well behaved clients in the form of essentially gtk apps. this is not how things used to be done. i've learned x programing with a sgi o2 machine that they sold at terrapin trader, and sgi wrote their own X implementation called Xsgi, which, w
12:12 signpost kinda sounds like a buffer getting flushed by the re-expose
12:12 * signpost pretty innocent of x11 tho
12:13 asciilifeform possibly that
~ 49 minutes ~
13:02 asciilifeform interestingly, fflush(state->socket_fd) segfaults.
13:03 * asciilifeform suspects an oddball interaction b/w this thing and 'ratpoison' wm. the events only start to roll when re-exposed somewhere ~other~ than the wm frame where window originally appears
~ 6 hours 16 minutes ~
19:20 jonsykkel but fflush is FILE *
~ 25 minutes ~
19:45 asciilifeform lol indeed
← 2022-12-02 | 2022-12-04 →