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← 2021-12-28 | 2021-12-30 →
15:36 billymg http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2021-12-28#1001402 << yeah, the rk, while great for a blog and even the crawler, doesn't have enough ram to get the full (all chans) log history into memory. so if there's a long query going on while the bot tries to write a new line the connection sometimes times out
15:36 bitbot Logged on 2021-12-28 20:36:13 signpost[billymg]: db connection issue?
15:38 billymg i was going to attempt a fix but put it on the back burner thinking i'd have a faster box soon anyway, not anticipating the global collapse issues would affect the wait time
15:38 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2021-12-02 asciilifeform: billymg: waiting on crate of ram, sadly (atrocious delays in shipments)
~ 2 hours 51 minutes ~
18:30 asciilifeform billymg: oddly enuff, asciilifeform ran his logger on identical rk for 8+mo, and db never fell
~ 41 minutes ~
19:12 signpost billymg: needing all log lines in memory for a search seems weird
~ 1 hours 47 minutes ~
20:59 billymg signpost: i was just speculating on a potential solution, since the disk on the rk is slow and could be causing some of the long queries that would cause another connection to timeout. see here when i first brought up the issue
20:59 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2021-09-17 asciilifeform: billymg: i strongly suspect your proggy is closing it (on, e.g. timeouts or whatever externally-induced eggog) and not reopening
20:59 billymg and yeah, as asciilifeform points out, might not be the logotron but actually the crawler that is generating some lengthy queries
21:01 billymg but can try for yourself on my logger's www, the "search all chans" can take a while
21:03 signpost what db does it sit atop?
21:05 billymg postgres 10.3
21:06 signpost hmm. happy to help eyeball queries if you want.
21:06 signpost (no rush, just offering)
21:06 signpost iirc in postgresql writes should only stack behind writes; reads should never block unless locks are being used.
21:07 * signpost has had plenty of cases where an `explain analyze` on a query yielded a multi order of magnitude speedup
21:08 billymg signpost: sure, all the code for the crawler is here: http://billymg.com/bitdash-crawler-vtree/
21:08 billymg and the logotron is linked there as well, basically asciilifeform's
21:10 billymg the crawler will, like the bot, sometimes also need to be restarted when its postgres connection times out and closes
21:10 billymg not 100% consistent, sometimes bot loses, but crawler keeps going, sometimes the opposite
21:13 billymg i didn't spend more time debugging because i figured i could just throw more hardware at it. i've been working on some other things, including a new blog theme that's almost ready to publish, and a "v2" of the crawler www, which is probably a bit further out
21:13 signpost curious that postgresql is timing out.
21:14 signpost billymg: btw got that gpggram from me?
21:14 billymg signpost: with the peering info?
21:14 signpost yar
21:14 billymg yup, i tried peering yesterday but my blatta version is out of date (8885) and i'm not at a box where i can press 8883
21:15 signpost ah right, sorry, saw that in logs.
21:15 billymg s/888/998
21:15 * signpost had a gas leak in house last night, groggy
21:16 signpost will be putting a proper detector in the attic now.
21:16 signpost and ground floor
21:16 billymg signpost: in the new NH fort?
21:17 signpost haven't bought up there yet, real estate market sucks in winter. this is the tx house.
21:17 billymg ah, gotcha
~ 38 minutes ~
21:56 deedbot msg from deedbot.
21:57 signpost !!help
21:57 deedbot http://deedbot.org/help.html
21:57 signpost anyone else able to see that?
21:57 signpost neato, it's in the logs.
21:58 * signpost agrees with asciilifeform that the wot ought to be reimplemented as part of pest-tronics, but til then, deedbot will be accessible here too.
22:04 asciilifeform hm not seeing it in weechat list
22:04 asciilifeform ( or hm, awt , does that currently show only peers ? )
22:05 asciilifeform !!help
22:05 asciilifeform noworky
22:05 signpost hm, weird.
22:05 asciilifeform defo saw broadcasts from it earlier
22:06 asciilifeform e.g. deedbot[signpost|awt] | msg from deedbot.
22:06 signpost !!help
22:07 signpost interesting, my first call to help had output at least for me. looks like I'll have to massage it moar.
22:07 signpost !!help
22:07 deedbot http://deedbot.org/help.html
22:07 deedbot http://deedbot.org/help.html
22:07 signpost seems like content of the NAMES list matters to it, and yeah, only direct peers appear in NAMES
22:08 signpost (in blatta)
22:08 signpost this seems correct, since hearsay oughtn't fill up a table of nicks.
~ 28 minutes ~
22:37 asciilifeform it's annoying to not be able to tabcomplete a reply to a hearsay tho
22:37 asciilifeform imho oughta be at least a configable knob
~ 17 minutes ~
22:54 asciilifeform (where, if enabled, erryone who spoke within N hours ago shows up in nicklist)
~ 45 minutes ~
23:40 signpost yeah, in reconsidering it, peers either spam you or don't, no need to avoid another line or so to populate nicks. expiration definitely needed.
← 2021-12-28 | 2021-12-30 →