Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2018-09-21 | 2018-09-23 →
01:00 mircea_popescu this fucking country...
01:01 mircea_popescu i might be the only outfit with three different internet providers, still can't get reliable internet.
~ 1 hours 17 minutes ~
02:18 deedbot << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 9/13/2018
~ 33 minutes ~
02:51 mircea_popescu !!up nicoleci
02:51 deedbot nicoleci voiced for 30 minutes.
02:53 nicoleci asciilifeform: i changed the links to btcbase, thanks for letting me know re framedragger
02:53 lobbesbot nicoleci: Sent 1 day, 11 hours, and 59 minutes ago: <asciilifeform> did not take advice ? dun say nobody warned , when that thing croaks
~ 4 hours 21 minutes ~
07:15 ave1 phf:, The second stage compilation of the gcc compiler is picking up the include files of the system (GNU clib specific and therefor incompatible).
07:15 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 03:05 phf: ave1: i'm getting the following error when building ada-musl-cross-2018-06-01. i feel like it came up before, but i'm having hard time finding the thread
07:16 ave1 I've not seen a failure in this stage yet... But, could you check your environment variables? (if you could post these that would help me).
~ 3 hours 52 minutes ~
11:09 mircea_popescu meanwhile in "the dumber they are the louder they get",
11:13 mircea_popescu << here's a magic trick : if instead of pasting in you instead write <a href=>link</a>, the link will be displayed with an anchor other than itself (in this case, "link")
11:13 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 06:53 nicoleci: asciilifeform: i changed the links to btcbase, thanks for letting me know re framedragger
11:13 a111 Logged on 2018-09-13 17:58 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform but anyway, in the very success is the seed of failure : in that they weren't all that boring they weren't, after all, true bores. a true bore can drive women to murder, just as well as the can.
11:18 mircea_popescu << chick's got 13 comments in 21 articles, i doubt any blogger ever started with this much attention in the history of this activity.
~ 1 hours 13 minutes ~
12:31 BingoBoingo It is a testament to the power of coming in with a recommendation
12:45 hanbot << yeah, your 21st was at 240 lol.
12:45 deedbot << Bimbo.Club - TMSR Log Summary - 9/14/2018
12:47 mircea_popescu o wow, look at that.
12:48 mod6 << Oh jeeze, nice catch PeterL and mircea_popescu. We went over this before, totally forgot it needs have oldest at the top. Will fix. Cheers.
12:48 a111 Logged on 2018-09-21 21:30 mircea_popescu: yeah srsly. append-at-end style mod6
13:03 mircea_popescu hanbot now i'm re-reading the first month of trilema. it's eerie, what great fucking articles i started with.
13:11 mircea_popescu meanwhile in fiatola datas,!/year/2018 (3.3bn, dropped from 4.57bn in 2017, down from 4.7bn in 2015-2016)
13:24 mircea_popescu the great again is afoot.
13:38 hanbot mircea_popescu i'd say eerier in context is their improvement over time, against the general trend of sissification as exemplified in that payroll link, etc
13:38 mircea_popescu heh
13:39 mircea_popescu and all the things of yore... remember that moron with the plaintive "oh noes, they are demolishing THE HISTORY!!!! of bucharest" ? as fucking if...
13:39 mircea_popescu madison, wisconsin got substantialy older, and deeply more interesting history to it.
13:41 hanbot definitely cheesier, at any rate
13:42 mircea_popescu (wisconsin state legislature met in 1838, southern romania... well... maybe 1831, if you believe them, but it is a lie. rather 1858)
13:43 hanbot and transylvania?
13:43 mircea_popescu bc.
13:44 hanbot yeah, i imagine the pressure on the south to fashion identitits is massive
~ 49 minutes ~
14:34 asciilifeform << this is pretty lulzy indeed, e.g. who was 'Auriemma, Geno - Special Payment' (2nd place winner after their uni pres)
14:34 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 17:11 mircea_popescu: meanwhile in fiatola datas,!/year/2018 (3.3bn, dropped from 4.57bn in 2017, down from 4.7bn in 2015-2016)
14:34 asciilifeform or hm, ~not~ president, just 'faculty'
14:34 asciilifeform ( pres -- 11th ! )
14:35 asciilifeform at the maryland equiv., last i knew the gold medalist was the sports trainer, and the 2nd place -- the chairman
14:37 asciilifeform << lemme guess, all 3 : satellites ?
14:37 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 05:01 mircea_popescu: i might be the only outfit with three different internet providers, still can't get reliable internet.
14:37 asciilifeform << iirc i had very similar eggog, and it was what ave1 described here
14:37 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 11:15 ave1: phf:, The second stage compilation of the gcc compiler is picking up the include files of the system (GNU clib specific and therefor incompatible).
14:39 asciilifeform << iirc the shoemaker replaced ~90% of what 'history' there was, with hruscheba
14:39 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 17:39 mircea_popescu: and all the things of yore... remember that moron with the plaintive "oh noes, they are demolishing THE HISTORY!!!! of bucharest" ? as fucking if...
14:42 asciilifeform to continue the , i'ma lul if eventually mircea_popescu's most reliable isp ends up being the sw prototype...
14:42 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:37 asciilifeform: << lemme guess, all 3 : satellites ?
14:44 asciilifeform << missing a set of " " here
14:44 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 15:13 mircea_popescu: << here's a magic trick : if instead of pasting in you instead write <a href=>link</a>, the link will be displayed with an anchor other than itself (in this case, "link")
14:46 asciilifeform in other noose re 'new pheatures with 0 new coad', worx great with udp.
14:46 a111 Logged on 2017-10-09 16:24 asciilifeform: ( observe that for hole punching, the 'server' does not need to be a heavy duty box that sits as 'star topology apex', but can be any of one or more boxes among the nodes themselves , at a particular time, with external ip. )
14:46 phf asciilifeform: that i can see, but i'm not sure why it's picking up system wide includes. there's an isystem there that points to correct musl include tree, that has the sys/types.h file in it
14:47 asciilifeform ( simple algo: you send a packet to 'adult' (i.e. pizarro) box, and it echoes your nat's external ephemeral port, and other folx can udp ~to~ that, while you keep it alive )
14:48 asciilifeform phf: you gotta unset the typical gnat includes envir , e.g. here's asciilifeform's from 1 particular box, ( already has an ave1 gnat ,prior to that pointed to adacore's thing )
14:49 asciilifeform phf: gcc is pretty dumb, it will suck in anyffing it can see in the PATH, in ~random order
14:50 phf hmm, i have the path set, but i don't have either of the ADA_* vars
14:50 asciilifeform those gotta point to whatever gnat is in use for current shot
14:56 * asciilifeform bbl,meat
15:07 diana_coman asciilifeform, the IP_To_String will return a string with null chars (in Ada: Character'Val(0)) at the end for IPs that are shorter than 16 chars (e.g.; I'm in 2 minds whether to make it change those to spaces (keeps size same) or otherwise return some len; since it's your lib though: what is your take on it?
15:07 diana_coman link re the above:
15:13 asciilifeform really the stringism routines ( which imho yes oughta be in a udp lib, they make it possible to write complete udpism proggy ) oughta be baked in native ada form..
15:13 asciilifeform diana_coman: in this one, oughta replace with spaces
15:13 asciilifeform i thought i fixed this but evidently not
15:14 asciilifeform the one variant that is not an option is returning variably-long strings ( this'd pull in secondarystackism . )
15:16 diana_coman asciilifeform, I combed your patch and did not see any fix for this - did I miss anything? (I did not press it because my code was already changed anyway in all sorts of ways; I read the patch though)
15:16 phf asciilifeform: i'm not sure but i don't think the problem is environment variables. the failing command has an -isystem flag that points to correct musl header tree, and some of the files are being picked up from there, but not all (e.g. errno.h is picked from musl, but sys/types.h from global)
15:16 diana_coman and no, certainly not variable-length strings
15:17 asciilifeform diana_coman: you read correctly, i did not apparently touch that item
15:17 asciilifeform phf: you may have to strace and see wherethefuq it got it
15:17 diana_coman makes sense, will replace any nulls with spaces
15:19 asciilifeform diana_coman: if you make this fix, i'ma backport , otherwise i'ma get to it in the coming days
15:20 asciilifeform diana_coman: as always lemme know if you find other sharp edges
15:20 * asciilifeform brb
15:23 diana_coman k, will do
~ 15 minutes ~
15:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform wired, radio and satellite
15:46 mircea_popescu << sports people often have the sense to get themselves performance agreements. everyone else -- what performance.
15:46 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:35 asciilifeform: at the maryland equiv., last i knew the gold medalist was the sports trainer, and the 2nd place -- the chairman
15:47 mircea_popescu >> ima sigh a sigh of relief.
15:47 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:42 asciilifeform: to continue the , i'ma lul if eventually mircea_popescu's most reliable isp ends up being the sw prototype...
15:47 mircea_popescu i'd very much like the republic to also take over that other requirement of civilised living. banking it's already doing.
15:48 mircea_popescu << nah, quotes optional.
15:48 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:44 asciilifeform: << missing a set of " " here
15:50 mircea_popescu << because as trinque pointed out, the imperial code academy view of config files is "optional suggestion". config as it currentrly works will essentially sudo cat /dev/sda1 | grep -A1 "HurrDurrFlag" and whatever comes out of that is the value of hurr.
15:50 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:46 phf: asciilifeform: that i can see, but i'm not sure why it's picking up system wide includes. there's an isystem there that points to correct musl include tree, that has the sys/types.h file in it
~ 58 minutes ~
16:49 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: will add that, since we forked gcc, this is in principle fixable. ( tho it wouldn't help folx struggling to build the thing under heathen gcc -- e.g. phf currently -- i expect at some point we'll be done with 'build on heathen linux' )
16:52 asciilifeform << asciilifeform is by no means a subj expert ( will have to defer to, possibly, BingoBoingo ) it is not my understanding that the trainer gets the megabux strictly if team ~wins~. at least, not in marylandistan.
16:52 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 19:46 mircea_popescu: << sports people often have the sense to get themselves performance agreements. everyone else -- what performance.
16:53 asciilifeform and it is by no means clear that the 'footballism' is a +ev item for the org. moar of a religious function.
16:55 mircea_popescu well teams win occasionally.
16:56 asciilifeform << optional in 'html 2.0', but iirc e.g. 'lynx' demands the "".
16:56 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 19:48 mircea_popescu: << nah, quotes optional.
16:56 trinque no profit in football eh?
16:56 asciilifeform trinque: tbh i do not know if profit or not. but they structure the finance in such a way as to make the q ~impossible to answer from outside. which suggests 'not'.
16:57 asciilifeform seems to me that it is moar of a 'konsoomer has come to expect!' pheature, than a moneymaker.
16:58 asciilifeform ( in this respect it does not really differ from the rest of the 'college racket' tho )
16:59 trinque oil must also be unprofitable, because the wells rarely retain much of what they extract.
16:59 asciilifeform lol
17:01 asciilifeform trinque: if oil deposit were an artificial item, expensively created by some living third party, you'd have to wonder what it is they smoke
17:02 asciilifeform ( and yes, the ~national~ footballism folx do profit . but they are not the payers of the $1+mil uni trainer... )
17:02 * trinque cannot deny this
17:05 trinque the more successful college teams are themselves getting into the sponsorship/advertising racket
17:06 trinque none of which would be sustained absent the printing press supply of average-derp spending money, but this ends up reducing to "merkuh ain't +ev"
17:06 asciilifeform iirc there was a mircea_popescu piece, where 'socialism creates pools of moolah that harvesters show up out of nowhere to harvest'. examples abound, even in the very same uni, e.g. in asciilifeformistan they are demolishing ~entire town and building communal flats for students, and the developers pay ~20% of the actual cost, the rest they somehow pawned off on the state of md ( while developer eating 100% of the rent . somehow this m
17:06 asciilifeform akes sense to somebody. )
17:07 asciilifeform ^ interesting detail, in the city hall, some old fart stood up and 'fuck'em, if they cannot make a profit without subsidy, why not we find somebody who will!' but was naturally shouted down and that was that
17:14 asciilifeform other interesting detail -- the demolitions are of old-fashioned local biz, some of which sold, others ended up with 'mysterious fires'
17:15 asciilifeform after one such, one local poltroon even wrote pompous op-ed in local fishwrap, 'this fire is an opportunity for developers!'
17:16 asciilifeform ( what burned down, on that occasion, was a beer/pool hall, where 'wrong' -- i.e. non-professorial -- types, went )
17:17 asciilifeform i suppose, cancer -- grows, nukes healthy tissue, noose at 11.
17:17 asciilifeform in unrelated lulz, - - [22/Sep/2018:17:30:05 -0400] "GET /dnscfg.cgi?dnsPrimary= HTTP/1.1" 301 185 "-" "curl/7.52.1" "-"
17:18 asciilifeform ^ somebody's lolbot goes around and tries to find (some unknown to me) type of konsoomer lulzrouter, to reset dns root of
17:19 asciilifeform ... to some box in nyc (hostkey co.)
17:19 asciilifeform Run Moar dns...
17:33 trinque << lots of christians around. I don't suppose there'll be legal whoring in Mockystan either.
17:33 a111 Logged on 2018-09-21 16:29 asciilifeform: btw i'm curious what trinque thinks, of how in his enlightened texas, whoring ~per se~ apparently is banned
17:35 trinque on that subj, it has long entertained me that one can be paid for being in porn, but cannot be paid for fucking off-camera.
17:35 trinque surprised no one has tried exploiting this observation yet
17:41 BingoBoingo And from the rumor mines: Maduro may "internationalize" domestic fuel prices in Vzla
17:50 BingoBoingo This would raise the price of a liter of gasoline from 1/96th of a dollar to a substantial reduction in traffic
~ 28 minutes ~
18:18 mircea_popescu << this is the exact application of ye olde discussion of how to break out! nice.
18:18 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 18:47 asciilifeform: ( simple algo: you send a packet to 'adult' (i.e. pizarro) box, and it echoes your nat's external ephemeral port, and other folx can udp ~to~ that, while you keep it alive )
18:24 mircea_popescu << such soviet.
18:24 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 21:16 asciilifeform: ( what burned down, on that occasion, was a beer/pool hall, where 'wrong' -- i.e. non-professorial -- types, went )
18:25 mircea_popescu i can't conceive of what sort of building made by civilised man since the time of silken breeches could possibly be harmed by fire.
18:25 mircea_popescu wtf.
18:26 mircea_popescu << that's because you don't understand art!
18:26 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 21:35 trinque: on that subj, it has long entertained me that one can be paid for being in porn, but cannot be paid for fucking off-camera.
18:26 BingoBoingo Related, Uruguayos and money: "Me paso algo parecido al comprar el monitor, no me aceptaron la tarjeta y tuve que ir a retirar al Shopping, me vine caminando esas 3 cuadras con como 600 dólares en el bolsillo del pantalón. Nunca me había meado y cagado tantas veces en mi vida. Además debido al estrés en el trayecto me quede pelado."
18:27 mircea_popescu << what it'll do is give the army better reasons to stick to his govt
18:27 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 21:50 BingoBoingo: This would raise the price of a liter of gasoline from 1/96th of a dollar to a substantial reduction in traffic
18:27 mircea_popescu "you want your petrol allocations don;'t you" ?
18:28 BingoBoingo Seriously, case for Maduro as closet republican continues building
~ 39 minutes ~
19:07 asciilifeform << just about errything built in usa, burns like matchstick. like old jp.
19:07 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 22:25 mircea_popescu: i can't conceive of what sort of building made by civilised man since the time of silken breeches could possibly be harmed by fire.
19:07 asciilifeform ( even in cement office towers -- the drywall crapola still lights )
19:09 asciilifeform << as i understand, could just as readily hasten his demise, neh ( 'hey next d00d will give us 10% moar' )
19:09 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 22:27 mircea_popescu: << what it'll do is give the army better reasons to stick to his govt
19:10 asciilifeform << apparently even nao ~nobody is arrested for going to whores, unless the whore itself turns him in...
19:10 a111 Logged on 2018-09-22 21:35 trinque: surprised no one has tried exploiting this observation yet
~ 36 minutes ~
19:47 mod6 Ok, I've reversed the order of the manifest.txt file as we discussed; << mircea_popescu PeterL asciilifeform ben_vulpes trinque et. al.
19:50 deedbot << Qntra - NYTimes Wrote Something About Stalled Rodney Rosenstein Coup Attempt Against Trump
20:01 mircea_popescu this is all the more laughably idiotic as the trump's proven himself as a total cold lipped psychopath, putting up a "clumsy" front for idiots.
20:07 BingoBoingo 2019 Trump is going to be so lulzy
20:11 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: out of curiosity, why do you suppose it'll differ from the 2016-18 one ? d00d is coated in pantsuit t-cells so thickly , barely shows nose
~ 22 minutes ~
20:34 BingoBoingo He gets more leverage with the Supreme Court and the Senate stacked in his favor. The T-Cells get have to become more desperate
20:40 Mocky I've been out of the travel game for a while i guess. I didn't even know "TSA presents: imma rape ur luggage m'kay" locks were a thing. And now that's just about all I can find.
20:43 BingoBoingo Well, if you don't use the lock where they expect the lock, then they destroy the lock, luggage, or both
20:43 BingoBoingo Such is the Pantlice state
20:51 trinque asciilifeform: funny enough, I end up at the ER waiting room (friend has ectopic pregnancy), and all I see sitting here are hooker-escorted-cops coming and going.
20:51 trinque maybe the hooker lobby would push harder for legalization if it wouldn't cut off the free healthcare!
21:00 trinque young hot hooker appears, comes to manage old crazy methwitch. both just went back to remind (I assume) girl in the back what she doesn't know.
21:00 trinque boy this is highly entertaining!
21:05 mircea_popescu heh
21:05 mircea_popescu liveblogging from clinic, notbad
21:05 mod6 :]
21:09 BingoBoingo All legal prostitution seems to have done here is send a bunch of fatties and gender weirds to the Whiskerias so they can try to agitate for "sex workers union"
21:10 trinque inb4 "it's unfair to choose your own hooker, must select at random"
21:10 mod6 lol
21:10 mircea_popescu haha.
21:12 BingoBoingo Well they apparently want union wage, same pay regardless of customers
21:12 mircea_popescu aaaahaahah
21:12 BingoBoingo They want to be like the Baker's Union
21:12 mircea_popescu is this an argentine-sponsored effort ? lxs dumbxs ?
21:12 BingoBoingo Likely
21:17 trinque ahaha, and in this scene, I get the cuntoo profile thing solved.
21:17 * trinque starts full system rebuild using only what shall be in the genesis
~ 26 minutes ~
21:43 mod6 Pizarro is looking to purchase some fiat for next month. Please reach out to me if you would like to sell some dollars! Thanks in advance.
21:45 mod6 Bank Wire or WU is acceptable. We're looking to purchase a total of $4`984.06
21:52 mod6 In other news, I've created a new excise hash truncation regrind vpatch, which includes the manifest.txt pasted above. Am re-testing it, currently. Will post to ML upon success.
← 2018-09-21 | 2018-09-23 →