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← 2022-08-01 | 2022-08-03 →
00:12 adlai I hope I did not offend PeterL by mentioning money.
00:13 adlai some people are so... human. never had their brain graduated to 'econ' by a shrink.
00:15 adlai in case nobody ever used a graduated cylinder... it's called that because everything is discrete and uniform, like the beans of an accountant.
00:23 vex if /me were adlai, i'd be inclined to engorge my resume with fiction, and then try to time the interviews so that your awesomely manic brainwaves are approximately level
00:24 adlai dude, I have zero complete sentences in my resume.
00:24 vex lol
00:25 adlai it's basically a flowchart for answering questions.
00:25 vex you could just decide where you want to work and arrive one monday
00:26 adlai honestly, I probably oughtta search for work from a negotiating position.
00:26 vex how do you mean?
00:27 adlai well, I get some sorta warm fuzzy from scrolling through linkedin clicking the "I want information about the salary that this company can pay", except I doubt anybody gives a shit.
00:27 vex what are you looking for? anything with 6 figures?
00:27 adlai tel aviv is not as cheap as I am.
00:28 adlai obviously, if my boss tells me to stop buying coffee and only drink what the office serves, I'll have to cry into the HR diapers and give up the brew.
00:29 vex what's us100k in shekels anyway?
00:29 adlai between 3 and 4 hundreds, depending on the decade.
00:30 adlai of course, "shekels are useless, dollars are useless, what is the going rate for euloran copper"
00:31 adlai I burn much less than 100kusd per year, yet once I got almost yelled at for claiming that I didn't need a salary much higher than rent.
00:31 adlai and then people began giving me all kinds of advice about pies.
00:31 vex yelled at by an employer?
00:31 adlai nah, concerned bystander.
00:31 vex pies?
00:31 adlai yeah, you draw pies and then begin labelling numbers.
00:31 adlai maybe you have a debt, maybe you have rent. maybe you have kid, maybe you eat squid. whatever.
00:32 vex yum, squid
00:32 adlai of course, kako told me "never do this, simply avoid ever predicting anything unless people pay you for your time before you spend it."
00:33 adlai in slightly different words
00:34 adlai fwiw, 100kusd is a ridiculous salary for me to demand, considering my expenditures. obviously some people might say it is ridiculous for a programmer of my age to demand anything less... yet, maybe I am "child at heart" and oughtta begin negotiating from minimum wage, always.
00:35 adlai worst case, I quit.
00:35 vex best case, stick around, become indispensible
00:35 adlai yeah well, people find my github without even me typing a single href attribute
00:36 adlai and then they are sweet, sour, and politely silent.
00:37 * adlai wonders how differently life would have gone if people who were offered bitcoin in the days when it was less of a lifeline had considered common lisp worth learning
00:38 adlai I literally wrote to someone, "I will pay you <some amount of> bitcoin to learn common lisp, because... well, start learning, and then we'll talk again."
00:38 adlai and the conversation roughly went the way of the chat-user-interface.
00:39 adlai if only I'd lurked in those IRC channels viciously enough to have watched the freenode meltdown from #freenode itself!
00:39 adlai maybe I'd have Unified Korean citizenship by now.
00:39 vex can you play a squeezebox?
00:40 adlai kids are alright kinda deal?
00:40 vex I might have a position for a manic pianist
00:40 adlai some of your references are beyond the jukebox.
00:41 vex you know, you're kinda riding high right now right adlai?
00:41 vex can you tell when you're up?
00:41 adlai well at least there were questions, and questions that answered questions.
00:41 adlai sometimes there are only answers deleted by selves.
00:42 * adlai did spend hours screaming at a typewritten page, "DO NOT EXCEED THE LAMBDA POINT OF LIQUID HELIUM KEYSTROKES PER KELVIN-SECOND", so yeah, I do have a finger on something.
00:43 vex yeah, cool, this is why I suggested the timing of the interviews
00:44 adlai doesn't the remote work apocalypse fuck that up?
00:45 vex fucked if I know. you know when you're on an even keel tho
00:47 adlai one possibility is teaching. there was some big strike, and salaries for teachers were raised while simultaneously reminding me, personally, that I don't need any sort of certificate to go school district by school district asking if they have good ratios.
00:48 adlai apparently the main problem in Israel is simply that teachers quit the moment anybody pays them.
00:48 vex hey, if someone waves 1 milly shekels at you, you'll probably jump ship too
00:49 adlai what if I simply tell them about bitcoin, because someone waving a milly is probably not one of the classroom babies?
00:49 adlai "the only rule of teaching mathematics to babies is that you sell them every week a different altcoin"
00:49 vex lol
00:50 vex today class, we're auditing defi projects..
00:50 adlai next week, roleplay parasitic contracts in prediction markets, unless you are athletic, in which case, you are the market.
00:52 vex Fuck, I'd probably take that class
00:53 adlai what if your parents blame me for you skipping lunch yesterday?
00:53 vex fuck em, i'm making bank
00:54 adlai why is my cranium pounding the pokemon theme song?
00:54 vex does job have to be in tel aviv? wall st likes folk that can `think outside the box'
00:55 adlai I might even be blacklisted from the big apple's backchannel gossipnet.
00:55 adlai showed my face, talked, walked.
00:55 vex meh, fuck em
00:56 adlai what was I supposed to do? burn friend, then wipe away flames with dollar bills and plastic?
00:58 adlai I doubt anybody really draws pie charts of closed scams. if I crossed the atlantic, and returned, I probably profited somehow, no?
00:58 vex How would I know?
00:59 adlai you never wet feet with dry champagne?
01:00 vex probably. it does tend to escape the bottle in unexpected ways
01:02 adlai I will remind myself of your suggestion to include more than fragments in my, uh, portfolio.
01:02 * signpost will likely never be able to speak speed.
01:04 adlai signpost: do folks of lonestar require both resume, and curriculum vitae, and the cover is simply yet another piece of crap floating off the portfolio?
01:04 adlai cover _letter_
01:04 vex wait, adlai, do you use amphetamines?
01:04 signpost I haven't applied for a job in over a decade, no idea.
01:04 adlai vex: quit cold turkey after tapering and relapsing.
01:05 vex ah.
01:05 signpost when I did, it was more of an in-wot communication thing than paper.
01:06 signpost if I had need of a job right now, I'd probably go check out bartending rather than play business in another globohomo tower.
01:06 vex wise beyond his years is signpost
01:06 adlai the easiest heuristic is probably piechart of elevator saga.
01:07 adlai if my cigarette breaks are 85% riding the lift, time to learn "sorry, I do not speak foreigner" in swahili.
01:10 * signpost has become mighty boring in the substance dept, even quit coffee.
01:11 adlai I probably oughtta give the fine, dining, and sniftahs industry a chance before declaring myself mathematics professor of baby platoon.
01:12 signpost I assume you don't have a lot tying you down, eh?
01:13 adlai I got asked by one spammer how many shekels I want per month in exchange for my hi-tech programmer soul, and his answer to mine was approximately "you're kidding, bye."
01:13 adlai so I said, wait, we scheduled an entire hour, let's finish talking!
01:14 adlai and the conversation ended around "you did not understand, I did not ask what you want, I asked what you need, and you simply quoted minimum wage, so go suck a government, bitch."
01:14 signpost what's this bizarre thing where you are demanding to be paid almost nothing?
01:15 adlai some programming jobs require you to spend more time studying mathematics than deleting yesterday's idiots' wasted keystrokes.
01:16 adlai maybe it is only a symptom of bitcoin degeneracy?
01:17 adlai fwiw, minimum wage in israel is slightly less shameful than minimum wage in the USA.
01:18 adlai I realise Israel is almost one of the states, and minimum wage varies quite a bit... yet if someone pays me to study, I'm not about to make grand demands like I gotta pay taxis in NYC every day.
01:19 adlai wow, this conversation really was worthwhile... I almost forgot part of my visit to NYC.
01:20 adlai how's this question: will linking my braindump be an even greater career suicide than pretending github does not exist?
01:21 * adlai has considered deleting both github and linkedin accounts before sending even one more resume to a hi-tech company.
01:22 adlai of course, there is always third way... open instagram account, search for design work!
01:22 vex Personally, I'd sleep on it. For about a week
01:22 adlai let the babies read equations with their own eyeballs.
01:23 adlai fortunately, it is an option.
01:23 vex excellen t
01:28 vex got sunglasses? go walk in the sun and eat breakfast.
01:34 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g12f7uDIGZc
01:38 vex http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2022-07-03#1008342
01:38 dulapbot (pest) 2022-07-03 shinohai[asciilifeform]: yummy! Had some lox and eggs myself.
~ 56 minutes ~
02:34 vex apparently i'm off tap.
02:36 vex I can't even remember what I did
02:37 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKBwmzH3RAA such is life
~ 19 minutes ~
02:57 vex now i'm dreaming of a widebody kit for old mazdas. add some springy stuff to the composite rear wheel arches.
02:58 vex shino gets pulled up for pulling 420's.
03:00 vex .jp tuning shop "okkaren" hit a wall, no damage
03:01 vex only bespoke composites, fix your aweful engine somewhere else
03:06 vex oil, tyres, parking. something to eat
03:07 vex thsirts will pay for the motors
03:08 vex circle spot right out pront
03:08 vex stay for a month
03:13 vex taking your money like adlai's crank man
03:19 vex here, adlai, buy a lathe
03:21 vex we'll drive fast and slidy through tokyo hills
03:22 vex get some breakfast cunt.
03:24 vex also get a job
03:25 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS1v7m6tgs0
03:25 adlai what would I do with a lathe? sculpt the breakfast cunt a dildo?
03:26 adlai then, worst case, after lathe accident... at least dildo remains.
03:29 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3n97PnLSR3Q you'll work it out mna
03:30 adlai last time I asked lots of pointed questions about machining, the value of a lathe ended up as "less than one fresh engine block"
03:31 adlai now mind you, I can be unbelievably ignorant on such topics; one time, some guy was showing off his 3D printing website thing, and it had a picture of a 3D printed engine block!
03:31 adlai so of course immediately I ask, "does it work?"
03:32 adlai dude replies, "uh, that is plastic; still, looks like an engine block!"
03:32 adlai and I deadpan, "I don't care if it is plastic, so is kevlar. maybe you use really slow explosive?"
03:34 vex kevlar is pretty useful
03:35 * adlai does not remember exact denoument of convo; probably ended with "anything worth burning will melt polyvinyl acetate"
03:35 adlai or whatever the plastic was. I hate acronyms.
03:36 vex i'm trying to fing a song long lost in the logs. kinda like mfg
03:37 adlai time to start annotating your link drops?
03:38 vex it's a long way back, just ask the ato
03:38 adlai the... what?
03:39 vex australianb tax office
03:39 * adlai wonders if any of the logbots still support search
03:39 adlai ah lol
03:39 adlai it did smell like a three-letter acronym, except my americanism screamed ALCOHOL TOBACCO AND FIREARMS
03:40 vex that acronym was likely in the song i'm looking for
03:41 adlai meanwhile, I'm scared of breakfast. sometimes ingredients change unexpectedly, and then my farts get deadly.
03:41 vex make your own
03:42 adlai what happened to "photosynthesize, with protection" ?
03:42 adlai too simplistic to be a walking vegetable, gotta be a farmer?
03:43 vex even bingoboingo makes tomatoes on his balcony
03:44 vex can prolly go fishing too
03:44 adlai good news is that it's almost time for hummus
03:44 vex you're out of phase with us there in the northern hemisphere
03:45 adlai after hummus, fart gas simply sleeps the nose for a few hours
03:45 adlai there is no escaping
03:45 vex indeed, such is life
03:46 adlai do leafy greens count as breakfast?
03:46 adlai one time, I was told they are both meal and exercise
03:46 vex you need to eat something
03:47 adlai maybe I'll make up the difference by volume.
03:48 vex leafy greens are excellent if you have tehm,
03:49 * adlai wonders what sorta desk alf gonna bring when returning
03:50 vex he might be gone forever
03:50 adlai riding roaches to the moon?
03:53 adlai maybe only gone on strike to encourage abandonment of irksome IRC
03:54 vex maybe he got robbed of his iron on the highway. dead in a ditch
03:55 vex maybe he forgot the ps2 keyboard twice and he's still truckin back and forth
03:57 adlai more likely, got important call from meat packing plant with sad robot
04:01 adlai there is something almost sad about the lack of "mircea died, here is the transaction executing the splitting of his loot"
04:01 adlai I guess nobody wants to keep a polish passport.
04:01 vex dude moved to the bahamas for all I know
04:03 vex hanbots' lament sounds correct tho
04:03 adlai I guess the gulf is less hectic than the Ocean.
04:03 adlai is/are
04:03 adlai there is something nice about small town worlds
04:04 adlai I prefer to avoid casting doubt upon the obits... his soul went swimming with the sheikh, and only the passport and meatsack returned.
04:13 * vex mjust gofind something to eat. gowell adlai
~ 1 hours 45 minutes ~
05:58 adlai I hope vex finds the bunch of words and musical tropes for which he searched before our next synchron... worst case, I keep playing whatever the fuck I want.
05:59 adlai actually no, worse would probably be, "here, I found this song; now ignore the music and analyze the words of the poem"
~ 17 minutes ~
06:17 crtdaydreams o/ hola adlai
06:20 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112929 << /me has wondered about the ropes of implementing a dead-mans switch
06:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 04:00:54 adlai: there is something almost sad about the lack of "mircea died, here is the transaction executing the splitting of his loot"
06:32 crtdaydreams who owns http://mkj.lt/ ?
06:34 crtdaydreams http://log.mkj.lt/trilema/today still running ??
~ 1 hours 52 minutes ~
08:26 PeterL http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112763 << not sure, how could mentioning money offend?
08:26 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:12:09 adlai: I hope I did not offend PeterL by mentioning money.
08:31 PeterL http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112790 << your salary is not based on your expenses. Your salary is based on what a company will pay to get the work you can provide
08:31 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:34:35 adlai: fwiw, 100kusd is a ridiculous salary for me to demand, considering my expenditures. obviously some people might say it is ridiculous for a programmer of my age to demand anything less... yet, maybe I am "child at heart" and oughtta begin negotiating from minimum wage, always.
08:32 PeterL a separate consideration is whether what they offer is enough to ofset you getting out of your house, but they don't care what you are spending
08:34 PeterL I don't have the link handy, but I think mp once said something like: the price of an item is not dependent on what it costs to manufacture, it depends on what people are willing to pay for it. the profit is dependent on manufacturing costs, but not the price
~ 6 hours 27 minutes ~
15:01 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112926 << lol, log off for a day and already funeral
15:01 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 03:53:57 vex: maybe he got robbed of his iron on the highway. dead in a ditch
15:02 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112943 << framedragger
15:02 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 06:32:22 crtdaydreams: who owns http://mkj.lt/ ?
15:02 asciilifeform !q seen-anywhere Framedragger
15:02 dulapbot Framedragger last seen in #trilema on 2017-10-06 08:03:56: yes but someone committing to the project without having the necessary time is not far away from malice, imho
15:04 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112858 << fwiw asciilifeform not posted on shithub for decade+ (and only even had this piece o'shit there to start with)
15:04 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 01:20:43 adlai: how's this question: will linking my braindump be an even greater career suicide than pretending github does not exist?
15:08 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112766 << wat'd be wrong with actually publishing sumthing? over9000x more 'proof you can program' than whatever kilometre of spew
15:08 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:23:30 vex: if /me were adlai, i'd be inclined to engorge my resume with fiction, and then try to time the interviews so that your awesomely manic brainwaves are approximately level
15:09 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112780 << typically folx hiring sumbody also work in same brigade, and dun appreciate insane people willing to drive down their wage
15:09 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:30:48 adlai: I burn much less than 100kusd per year, yet once I got almost yelled at for claiming that I didn't need a salary much higher than rent.
15:10 asciilifeform ( not to mention what 'i'll work for food!11' says about what yer weight class might be )
15:11 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112796 << lamers would literally rather die than learn anyffin, yes
15:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:37:55 adlai: I literally wrote to someone, "I will pay you <some amount of> bitcoin to learn common lisp, because... well, start learning, and then we'll talk again."
15:12 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112799 << whatcha even doing outside of slovenia btw ?
15:12 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 00:39:05 adlai: maybe I'd have Unified Korean citizenship by now.
15:12 dulapbot Logged on 2021-08-31 18:38:25 kakobrekla: but if i were, slovenia has 0 tax on crypto
15:14 * asciilifeform observes, unrelatedly, that evidently none of dulapbot's pest peerings other than to asciilifeform's desk (still in a crate, ftr) in fact worked. apologies to anyone who may've been relying on its log
15:15 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112902 << sure. (btw notice the sores link at the bottom of page?? could've looked, yerself,neh?)
15:15 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 03:39:19 adlai: wonders if any of the logbots still support search
15:17 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112941 << before going through the effort, 1st rec to think, what do you do that merits dead switch ?
15:17 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 06:20:04 crtdaydreams: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112929 << /me has wondered about the ropes of implementing a dead-mans switch
15:18 asciilifeform fwiw lotsa folx already have a (slow) dead switch, their www
15:19 * asciilifeform pays the dc folx in 1y installments, so if subscribers see it die w/out any comment from asciilifeform on pestnet, can safely assume he bit it
15:20 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112855 << iirc adlai was sitting on pile o'coin, wtf are you doing 'min wage' adlai ?!!
15:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 01:17:06 adlai: fwiw, minimum wage in israel is slightly less shameful than minimum wage in the USA.
15:21 thimbronion http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-08-02#1010967
15:21 bitbot (pest) 2022-08-02 awt: asciilifeform: I don't understand why a Prod must be replied to with another Prod if everyone is periodically sending out Prod messages.
15:21 asciilifeform BingoBoingo iirc at least went to dive for spanish galleon au (iirc) when exch rate sank, rather than 'min wage'
15:21 asciilifeform thimbronion: can't assume that erryone is sending'em out; and ideally you want to know asap if received (and concretely, the sender's current addr)
15:22 asciilifeform it's part of what makes the sec.5 mechanism go
15:23 thimbronion asciilifeform: in that case Ignore is semi-redundant since it is currently used to update AT
15:25 PeterL ^^ asciilifeform assumes that when he is taken they will not keep paying the dc bill to hide the fact
15:27 thimbronion Ah hmm lemme read sec.5
15:27 PeterL ahem, we're going to need you to decrypt this challenge to prove your identity after this uncharistaristicly long absence ;)
15:37 thimbronion I see so a station initiates a Prod exchange only once per peer on startup.
15:38 thimbronion OR when an AT entry is manually configured for a new peer.
15:38 PeterL could have a knob to set frequency of periodic prods
~ 26 minutes ~
16:05 asciilifeform thimbronion: 'ignore' indeed arguably redundant. but recall that 'prod' is recent addition to spec.
~ 54 minutes ~
17:00 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112984 << luckily for asciilifeform , currently afaik aint worth cost of bullet, much less 1y of dc, lol
17:00 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 15:25:26 PeterL: ^^ asciilifeform assumes that when he is taken they will not keep paying the dc bill to hide the fact
~ 1 hours 3 minutes ~
18:03 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112972 << nothing worth a dead man's switch :)
18:03 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 15:17:35 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112941 << before going through the effort, 1st rec to think, what do you do that merits dead switch ?
18:04 crtdaydreams it was rather hypothetical and at the time of writing that I intended to elaborate "how wouldja implement?" you've answered that anyway
18:06 crtdaydreams (fwiw also on 1yr plan, soley because wasn't willing to cough up anymore for a vps that serves mebbe 4MB/mo of html, the rest of the bandwidth is used by dipshit scripts trying to ssh into and exploit the server... lol
18:09 * crtdaydreams is fully aware of a number of exploits that could fully brick server, simply not fixed
~ 20 minutes ~
18:29 asciilifeform crtdaydreams: asciilifeform leases a rack, rather than 1 box. typically one pays with wire for these, and to pinch pennies (wires cost fiddybux or near) is traditionally done yearly
~ 1 hours 58 minutes ~
20:28 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112945 << by my upbringing, it's not quite the height of politeness to suddenly declare, "I'd have so much more energy for this conversation if calories were on tap, and someone had already paid for the barrel."
20:28 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 08:26:44 PeterL: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112763 << not sure, how could mentioning money offend?
20:33 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112976 << 'pile' is an exaggeration; and why should anyone's net worth influence salary negotiation? if e.g. Stalin decides to set down podium and pick up broom, should not get paid same salary as any old sweeper?
20:33 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 15:20:27 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112855 << iirc adlai was sitting on pile o'coin, wtf are you doing 'min wage' adlai ?!!
20:35 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112961 << this one is probably the strongest point; noted.
20:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 15:09:13 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112780 << typically folx hiring sumbody also work in same brigade, and dun appreciate insane people willing to drive down their wage
20:37 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112966 << this is an excellent question... I think my brief romance with eastern europe got placed on hold, until either I leverage a significant chunk of my own coin to relocate myself to there independently, or kako suddenly find himself requiring the common lisp golfer.
20:37 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 15:12:37 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112799 << whatcha even doing outside of slovenia btw ?
20:39 * adlai visited explicitly for the pretext of "considering founding company, yet kako happy being expatriate, local fellow still happy with job at local company, adlai not quite carrying whitelabel everything in magic mary poppins briefcase," etc
20:45 adlai I think there are several different mentalities folks have when considering themselves part of the capitalist machine, slightly more diverse than the binary working vs retired; someone can seek to still work, while being aware than net worth decreases, without immediately declaring last will and let the dogs eat the leftovers.
20:48 adlai obviously, the entire false umpchotomy can get bathwatered by recognizing that even someone outside of strict capitalism can still be working... arguably everything is work, until final release of bowels and surrender to dialysis, pacemaker, respirator, etc.
20:51 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112997 << I meant whether there was an in-channel command
20:51 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 18:08:46 crtdaydreams: is fully aware of a number of exploits that could fully brick server, simply not fixed
20:51 adlai blech, wrong link.
20:52 * adlai probably overflew keystroke count for Q3 2022 by now, after the chat with vex
20:55 adlai !!s from:funkenstein bach
20:57 adlai !help
20:59 adlai !q s from:funkenstein_ bach
20:59 dulapbot No results found for "from:funkenstein_ bach" in #asciilifeform
21:04 * adlai has not found precise log link, yet distinctly remembers funkenstein_ musing in one of the fragmentations from #b-a about the ultimate futility of doing anything except for practicing Bach... yet can't remember whether preludes were considered more worthwhile than the fugues!
21:05 adlai might have even been in the channel of his altcoin. I suppose regression to maximally abstract pursuit might be a symptom of affluenza.
~ 52 minutes ~
21:57 PeterL http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1113001 << the implication is that if you have a stash to bank on, it takes a bigger offer to make working seem worth it
21:57 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-02 20:33:28 adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-02#1112976 << 'pile' is an exaggeration; and why should anyone's net worth influence salary negotiation? if e.g. Stalin decides to set down podium and pick up broom, should not get paid same salary as any old sweeper?
21:58 PeterL the guy who is broke has to take whatever job is offered, the guy who is wealthy can afford to wait for a better offer to come along
22:01 asciilifeform !s f:funkenstein bach
22:01 asciilifeform err
22:01 asciilifeform !q s f:funkenstein bach
22:01 dulapbot No results found for "f:funkenstein bach" in #asciilifeform
22:04 asciilifeform a yea search via bot only worx in current chan
22:04 asciilifeform (this pheature is from the life-mostly-in-#t days and not much used since)
22:06 PeterL adlai: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2022-08-02#1010978
22:06 bitbot (pest) 2022-08-02 phf[awt]: i wonder if adlai reads pest logs
22:06 PeterL ^ (manual pest propagation)
22:07 asciilifeform lol
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