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← 2022-07-31 | 2022-08-02 →
01:05 vex http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-31#1112676 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PH6YuShNDzQ
01:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-07-31 11:38:09 asciilifeform: 's desk will be down for maintenance later today: moving irons!
01:09 vex I wonder if he ever bought that crane.
01:23 vex don't fuck your back mate, synthetic opioiods are not nootropcis
~ 8 hours 30 minutes ~
09:53 * adlai slams door and looks around for signs of dustoff
10:00 adlai I guess one comment I have is for ver^I, about the use of the caps lock button when quoting ancient languages.
10:00 adlai it'll probably get ignored, like most.
10:11 adlai in case such comment is worthwhile to, at the very least, type out: use quotation marks, of some variety; there are several!
10:11 adlai e.g., Umberto Eco wastes an entire leaf of one book, explaining the different quotation marks.
10:12 adlai the result is that he never needs to hit CAPS lock TWICE within one quote!
10:12 adlai so, uh, if you rely upon the search function to shorten your reading... verisimilitude, read and respond, please !
10:15 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-30#1112639 << what exactly is the leak... that shino's using IRC? noshit.tiff, dude... yet "/me" is still fewer keystrokes than "shinohai".
10:15 dulapbot Logged on 2022-07-30 03:43:06 gregorynyssa: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-29#1112633 << leaky abstraction. IRC only allows /me at start of line, does not recognize concept of replies/citations.
10:16 adlai your complaint is almost equivalent to "you are leaking ketones out your pores again; have you considered renewing your spacewalk certification?"
10:20 adlai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-28#1112493 << iiuc, the primary higher purpose of the stateless communications system is for such declarations to be superfluous, if not downright foolish; at best, maybe the apology only belongs within pestnet?
10:20 dulapbot Logged on 2022-07-28 16:57:24 gregorynyssa: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2022-07-28#1010895 << I turned my Pest station off temporarily, but will start it again soon.
10:21 adlai consider the difference between the leak of "I skipped one syllable while talking quickly", and "I did not attend work last week, because my cousins were busy killing each other, and needed my opinion."
10:23 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-01#1112688 << that was my thought, am aware `/me` only worx @ start of line ...
10:23 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-01 10:15:15 adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-30#1112639 << what exactly is the leak... that shino's using IRC? noshit.tiff, dude... yet "/me" is still fewer keystrokes than "shinohai".
10:24 adlai all through my life, I'm reminded of the story about George Harrison writing "I, Me, Mine" immediately after a yoga class where people were talking.
10:24 adlai of course, the important question is, who the fuck said the word "mine", in a yoga class!?
10:25 adlai I can understand why people would always be yakking, "I think, I want, I can," etc
10:25 adlai and maybe even, "I can not imitate that contortion, it will hurt me."
10:25 adlai why would anyone say the word, "MINE"!?
10:25 adlai yoga class, y'know.
10:26 shinohai adlai: "mine" as adjective around here is exclusive purvey of veris[tab] iirc.
10:31 adlai dunno, that word appears in the only haiku I ever published.
10:32 adlai maybe I am almost correct?
10:32 adlai iirc, something along the lines of "pa taught me, to think // ma land, how to sow mine fields // lots to think about"
10:33 adlai and in leftover scratchy moebius record news, I'm wondering whether anybody needs me working.
10:34 adlai the previously stated fact that alf doesn't want piano lessons, does not mean that nobody else needs nothing either!
10:36 * adlai hopes that enough people have been reading the "lisp is amazing omg" conversations by now, that "work for adlai" will be slightly more interesting than "please translate this javascript hairball into ada"
10:38 adlai in otha blubs, the spidernet has developed one charming user-agent in the past few weeks... simply "java", and a bunch of numbers.
10:38 adlai once upon a time, the user-agent from a spider was the longest part of the log line!
10:40 * adlai supposes, someday, /my will will be illiteracy.
10:41 adlai more observations about spam: after starting to actively solicit work requests, one of the first items appeared directly at my attention, was "pay us to give you a master's certificate in bureaucracy navigation, without us asking whether you have completed undergrad."
10:43 adlai they probably had read my resume, which specifically only lists starting years for academic study, without 'commencement' or whatever the fancy word is.
10:43 adlai matriculation? aeromallistic loss of squarey-hairy-hat?
10:44 adlai ceremonial campus evacuation.
10:50 adlai I suppose most of the curious and surprising user-agent strings are spoor from automated vulnerability scanners, as opposed to regular crawlers, and it'd be foolish of me to consider them speared.
10:50 * adlai will read scrollbacks more often, due to the solicitation of work.
~ 2 hours 30 minutes ~
13:21 PeterL adlai: have you stood up a pest station yet?
13:21 PeterL http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-01#1112714 << usually "graduation"
13:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-01 10:43:14 adlai: they probably had read my resume, which specifically only lists starting years for academic study, without 'commencement' or whatever the fancy word is.
13:22 PeterL http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-08-01#1112688 << and "I" is even shorter
13:22 dulapbot Logged on 2022-08-01 10:15:15 adlai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-07-30#1112639 << what exactly is the leak... that shino's using IRC? noshit.tiff, dude... yet "/me" is still fewer keystrokes than "shinohai".
~ 3 hours 2 minutes ~
16:25 adlai PeterL: ... is your question in response to any need for my voice?
16:26 * adlai typed 'adlai' one time into a #pest search, zero results, shrugged.
16:28 adlai now, yawl may claim that I'd be more helpful by running prototypes than thinking about specifications... yet this is not bitcoin, nor quite anything financially indistinguishable from woodcoin, is it?
16:28 * adlai namedropped that, of all possibilities, only because it's probably one of the few likely suspects for automated pentesters wandering onto his blog
16:28 PeterL adlai: just curious
16:30 adlai honestly, I considered simply running one, maybe even both, of the initial implementations linked from alf's blog; and decided that alf's request for comments was not identical to "please donate bandwidth, at the price of eating bandwidth."
16:30 PeterL it just seems like we are gradually moving everything to #pest, was wondering if you were going to show up there or just disappear?
16:30 adlai after all, pestnet is not bittorrent!
16:30 PeterL you could try to do a pest in lisp?
16:30 adlai you could read the logs, and see that I'm looking for work, while... not exactly enjoying keystrokes.
16:31 PeterL that was not clear to me at all
16:31 adlai /away response time varies [explicitly, into the logs, thank you for reading them!]
16:31 PeterL just saying, you have an oblique way of putting things, wo that is not how it came across
16:32 adlai do you have a need for my keystrokes?
16:32 PeterL I'm not sure exactly what you are asking?
16:32 adlai maybe I oughtta link some sorta "spec work considered harmful" webpage; they do exist.
16:33 * adlai will be enjoying the musical keyboard; ttyl
16:33 PeterL sure, cause I have no idea what you mean by that (maybe because I am not pro programmer?)
16:34 adlai in the freelance online work world, "spec work" means "your portfolio is impressive, now show us how quickly you can solve part of this problem... the more you solve, the more impressed we'll be!"
16:35 adlai some people even consider "bounties" to fall under this category, although bounties are typically public, whereas spec work might be coughed up on a per-rando basis.
16:36 * adlai does not remember the URL of the glitzy "spec work sux" webpage, mainly aimed at designers and graphic artists, and their prospective employers.
16:36 adlai obviously, the same ideas apply to musicians.
16:37 PeterL are you saying that the suggestion to stand up your own pest station counts as spec work?
16:37 adlai nope, it is not equivalent; however, the topic is on my mind, due to the fact that financial pressure has increased.
16:37 * adlai has been looking for work for... long enough to be ignored by friends.
16:38 adlai "we only hire people with degrees", etc
16:38 adlai "... maybe we have a beer, talk about life!"
16:39 adlai now obviously, sidewalks do not clean themselves, and there are always police dispatch radios looking for a babysitter.
16:40 * adlai is giving the hi-tech industry a chance, due to being blinded by hi-salaries, probably.
16:40 adlai so far, I appear to be blacklisted by the Human Resources braincancer, yet... maybe not, maybe I only have an extremely unimpressive resume.
16:41 adlai (why do I call it braincancer? because they can do background checks by marinating their cranium in electromagnetism)
16:41 adlai mind you, the brain cancer is not using cellular radios... the brain cancer is thinking that you can get an opinion about a human being, by making a phone call.
16:42 * adlai is not an "easy person", so it goes.
16:44 adlai if e.g. PeterL wanted a pure CL reimplementation of 'quantum-espresso', then maybe things are interesting.
16:45 * adlai literally kicks himself for never drawing a salary as code monkey from any team at the university... left chemistry school before delivering the one project he did begin.
16:46 adlai and declined work on a different one, because some cryptocurrency startuptard cold-caller dangled employment in front of my eyes, and the university only pays minimum wage.
16:46 adlai naturally, the negotiation died like a baby.
16:56 adlai fwiw, my "write lisp for your soul" drive is leaning more strongly towards "write pure CL functions for computing ideal guitar tuning, given chord progressions of setlist", than "implement the pest spec, then crawl towards roach-for-roach compatibility with roacha"
16:56 adlai in case PeterL [and others!] have not kept up with logs, 'blatta' is the latin word for 'monstrous vermin, according to franz kafka'
← 2022-07-31 | 2022-08-02 →