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← 2022-05-26 | 2022-05-28 →
00:06 vex got any holidays planned asciilifeform?
00:06 asciilifeform vex: lol watsa holiday.
00:06 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103568 << Still fun to imagine it though, a drunken asciilifeform slurring "It's over 9000 Rontgen, wheeeee!"
00:06 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 19:48:33 asciilifeform: shinohai: drinking reqs moar spare time than asciilifeform has naodays, lol
00:07 asciilifeform vex: 'holiday' is sumthing sarariman w/ 1 job does
00:08 phf in su intelligentsia was not automatically "nerds", in fact шестидесятники culture was all about guitar, campfire, whitewater canoeing, arctic expeditions and month long backpacking trips to wilderness. so this whole american "wendel" thing is still odd to me. i did my hiki time when i came here, ended up learning a lot of useful stuff, but
00:08 phf would not do it again
00:08 phf "wendel" http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-04-05#1093177
00:08 dulapbot Logged on 2022-04-05 23:11:12 phf: asciilifeform: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQkZzgXw_G8
00:08 * asciilifeform saw, lulzy
00:09 asciilifeform phf: artifact of long-running reich social engineering project, attempt to create 'an india'
00:09 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-25 19:23:44 asciilifeform: lizards in usa 'solved' the 'unions problem' by getting rid of labour, creating caste of lumpens on left side of bell curve and caste of paper shufflers on right side, with the sleight-of-hand moar than sufficing to ramp down expectations of life for all of'em
00:10 asciilifeform 'you have boox in yer house? must be a brahmin' 'you have rifle and truck? must be a kshatriya?' etc
00:10 asciilifeform show to typical american that you've both, and he'll div0
00:11 asciilifeform or fall through his switch(), perhaps
00:13 phf bill hicks's "whacha readin for?"
00:15 asciilifeform ( oblig )
00:15 dulapbot (trilema) 2014-09-05 asciilifeform: 'A Chukcha applies for membership in the Union of Soviet Writers. He is asked what literature he is familiar with. "Have you read Pushkin?" "No." "Have you read Dostoevsky?" "No." "Can you read at all?" The Chukcha, offended, replies, "Chukcha not reader, Chukcha writer!"'
00:21 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103581 << asciilifeform aint a hardware exhibitionist tho. like many folx, owns a rustyard of 'tool bought for that 1 job' but not imagines is 'point of pride' or interesting per se to readers.
00:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 20:04:17 shinohai: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103568 << Still fun to imagine it though, a drunken asciilifeform slurring "It's over 9000 Rontgen, wheeeee!"
00:21 dulapbot (trilema) 2017-08-29 kanzure: nmz787 took an electron microscope. the gigascope never materialized though.
00:21 dulapbot Logged on 2021-10-29 11:44:58 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-10-28#1062218 << asciilifeform aint a subscriber to the mp school of blogging, y'know the one where you post photo of erry meal you eat and the shit you took
00:23 vex are you finding shit you forgot you owned, with the relocation?
00:23 verisimilitude Be pleased with the jokes, asciilifeform; for some reason, they joke about me with the pregnant men emojis, remember.
00:23 asciilifeform vex: asciilifeform not old enuff to have 'forgot owned' lol
00:24 vex it might be a vodka thing
00:25 asciilifeform ( oblig 'how do you know you own a mainframe computer?' 'if you've lost an oscilloscope inside it...' )
00:26 verisimilitude This channel is naught but politics much of the time; we switch to programming, to hear crickets.
00:26 asciilifeform verisimilitude still supposes they're meaningfully separable subj, dun he
00:26 asciilifeform if only were so
00:27 verisimilitude Programming is mathematics, and mathematics isn't politics.
00:27 asciilifeform verisimilitude: should've seen ye olde #t
00:27 verisimilitude Do tell.
00:28 * asciilifeform will let the logs tell
00:28 shinohai Be kind and read teh logs to him asciilifeform he is pregnant after all.
00:29 asciilifeform lol
00:29 * asciilifeform would come up with 'emoji' but these dunwork on his terminal..
00:30 asciilifeform they work on the commercial boxen, but the only emoji ever needed there is 'steaming pile of shit'
00:31 asciilifeform there's 1 where a face spews a river of green barf, also handy
00:33 verisimilitude Everyone here is in his separate world, and there's merely some overlap, right? This is what most programming discussions feel like to me, everyone working on separate things, barely understood by the others most of the time.
00:33 asciilifeform verisimilitude: not meant as a barf, but afaik yours is the only 'separate world' atm
00:33 asciilifeform errybody else moar or less in 1
00:34 verisimilitude That's fair, not that it makes particular difference from my view.
00:34 asciilifeform nuffin wrong w/ this per se. asciilifeform not running a mp-style penal battalion.
00:34 mats not yet
00:35 asciilifeform but 'erryone in separate worlds' aint accurate imho.
00:35 vex oh no you didn mats
00:36 phf http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103363 << can make a decent bolt action for cheap without cutting too many corners. plastic stock, various niceties, but ultimately you have a barrel and a bolt. weatherby mark v goes for 3000$, vanguard which is their low end brand is 700$ etc.
00:36 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 13:51:56 asciilifeform: surprised how cheap that 308
00:36 vex what are you shooting phf? deer?
00:36 asciilifeform phf: right, but got accustomed to how the ~last item still 'made in usa'(tm) tends to be 4fig+
00:37 asciilifeform ( esp. when machined parts. machinist lives in usa, and wants to afford to also have farm and own shooting field too, lol )
00:37 phf i've never shot one, or seen one, but i suspect vanguard is same barrel and same bolt in a cheap "synthetic" stock
00:39 phf vex: with a 308-- deer
00:40 * asciilifeform guessed that , with 308, it aint e.g. hare
00:40 asciilifeform nor elephant
00:41 vex we have `big rabbits' in oz
00:41 asciilifeform in usa, 308 is for deer and bipeds
00:45 phf also http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103362
00:45 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 11:24:47 phf: apropos https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TS6_Y6r5r-8
00:46 asciilifeform ...bipeds
00:48 vex yeah bolt action won't work on our rabbits; hit one they're off like fuck
00:49 asciilifeform bolt compressed air rifle, w/ subsonic , worx fine on'em
00:49 asciilifeform and on all other phree garden meats
00:50 phf http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103637 << idea was better done in the original, but a bit longer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BbcU-qW7Zvo&t=1467s
00:50 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 20:43:42 phf: also http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103362
00:51 vex big rabbits is regulation friendly speak for a certain large type of marsupial that will fuck with your crops
00:51 phf out here they say "just remember the three s's: shoot, shovel, and shut up"
00:53 asciilifeform iirc in au plebes permitted to shoot at most with bow, and then only if licensed aboriginal, lol
00:55 vex it's complicated
00:57 phf "bullet once in air can not under article 3.15 of au penal code cross the designated covid zone lines, unless both the rifleman and the animal are up to date on their vaccination status, otherwise the death is designated as a covid death and might result in an area lockdown"
01:00 vex we're so getting v&
01:01 vex what3words.com/then.barefoot.meatballs here's a holiday idea asciilifeform
01:01 vex I've heard it's nice, and most day's there isn't a terrorist attack
01:08 shinohai top kek phf
01:19 vex give the little lady minimum notice.
01:25 vex ohai, i'm taking the week off
01:30 vex when? now. pack your shit
01:43 vex i heart what 3 words
01:47 vex i'm mildly dissapointed that verisimilitude hasn't sent a 3 word poem
01:48 vex isn't it all about pingbacks?
01:58 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3imO7PFU5cI
02:05 vex i think we can shoot someone if they try to take something, not before
02:05 phf peak 90s black culture https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9dN3aS2Rxfs
~ 23 minutes ~
02:29 verisimilitude I wasn't looking;
02:29 verisimilitude I don't care;
02:29 verisimilitude And, finally, vex,
02:29 verisimilitude This is stupid.
02:29 vex relax brother
02:30 verisimilitude I sent a poem in which each line is three words, vex.
02:30 verisimilitude Rather, each verse is.
02:32 asciilifeform 'crawl, crawl, snail / up fuji mountain / until reach top.'(tm)(r)(8th c jp)
02:33 signpost I'll submit for consideration "life, eh? woof."
02:33 * signpost returns to his bodhi tree
02:34 verisimilitude The word verse is Latin, VERSVS VERSVVS.
02:34 vex everyone eho hast taken a holiday in the last year needs to consider it
02:35 verisimilitude Everyone who hasn't proofread his messages needs to consider it.
02:35 * signpost been on several, agrees
02:35 signpost vex: what do you do, btw
02:36 vex ah you sound like ben 10]
02:36 * signpost wouldn't be surprised if vex is low-key the bit-richest of anyone present.
02:37 phf we've already established that he's satoshi
02:37 vex I'm not
02:37 vex No lambos
02:37 signpost it's such good cover!
02:37 * asciilifeform considers folx who dun show symptoms of mining salt 'rich' , categorically
02:37 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 19:50:05 asciilifeform: for asciilifeform 'nightlife' is when idiocy at terminal at dawn, or into wee hrs
02:37 asciilifeform sorta what it means
02:38 verisimilitude Wouldn't that be true regardless of the way one be rich, then, asciilifeform?
02:39 asciilifeform why'd it matter how
02:39 vex most of the richest have popped off
02:39 verisimilitude Yes, exactly.
02:39 vex too busy et al\
02:40 asciilifeform attempts to 'richest' indeed 1 way for 'pop off' for rich
02:40 asciilifeform ( among others )
02:40 dulapbot Logged on 2021-11-03 14:50:32 asciilifeform: finds interesting that there appears to be a danger zone on the ~upper~ end of things, i.e. 'mortido' taking forms of e.g. costly substance abuse, costa rica swims, etc. many moar ameri-millionaires burned in chopper crashes than from plebe bullet, always found this interesting.
02:41 asciilifeform ... see also. + the tale of the magick fish and the fisherman's wife.
02:41 dulapbot Logged on 2021-08-11 10:28:56 asciilifeform: 'only millionaire, that's 1 step up from pauper, but what if could be billionaire' etc
02:41 signpost I was just curious, not measuring peens.
02:41 signpost vex seems to have time for excess.
02:41 vex I put myself like that
02:46 vex nyah drown
02:47 vex in fact, as a waterman, i'm probalbly unsurpassed
02:47 * asciilifeform not been to water for 3+y nao. tho relatives own beach house. will have to drown in bath
02:50 * vex would have asciilofeform aboard. straight to the engine room
02:50 vex then back on deck. it's take 15 minutes
02:51 verisimilitude The water is overrated.
02:52 vex feel free to get a plane to anywhere verisimilitude
02:52 verisimilitude Then again, life is also overrated, so this advice isn't at all helpful.
02:52 * asciilifeform last 'took holiday' to.. have covid. and before then, to.. have covid. and before then... dun remember ( even when went to ro, had saltmine gear in the attache case and worked nights )
02:52 vex covid doesn't matter if the stern gland is leaking
02:53 vex someone go and check for fucks sake
02:53 asciilifeform oblig
02:53 vex i never read this before
02:54 phf i like ocean…
02:55 phf in fact i don't consider it a proper summer unless large body of water and a tropical island were somehow involved
02:55 vex cocos islands are available
02:57 vex when you get to the pub, you'll be okay
02:59 phf vex: yeah, i was actually thinking of some smaller islands of the costa rica's shore
03:00 phf or better yet https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ngae093Kp-w
03:01 * asciilifeform worked w/ a fella who managed to drown in 1 of those
03:01 asciilifeform flipped.
03:02 asciilifeform fughet whether on landing or takeoff
03:04 phf i suspect a lot of men died trying to live out bond fantasy in the midlife
03:05 phf if your reaction times, stress handling, etc. never were milspec to begin with, probably not a good idea to test them by the time they are dulled
03:06 asciilifeform see also
03:06 dulapbot Logged on 2021-07-07 17:04:38 asciilifeform: 'it's better than from vodka or from colds!'(tm)(r)(v.vysotsky, 'mountain climber')
03:06 phf yeah i started thinking about it since you made that point, but i don't have anything yet. it's a keen observation though
03:07 * asciilifeform doesn't begrudge folx who only finally made dough & freetime in old age, their aeronautic deaths
03:07 asciilifeform is better than not at all and at fucking desk.
03:07 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m15fGPtc2vM
03:08 phf there's also skyking, the absolute legend. never forget.
03:09 asciilifeform ( asciilifeform : 'i could buy a small airplane' pet: 'dont buy airplane' a: 'think, would never need to buy a 2nd, economical' )
03:10 mats what a comedian
03:11 asciilifeform 'buy it for life'(tm)(r)(forumtards)
03:11 mats that one stings
03:11 asciilifeform lol
03:11 vex I don't want this cessna anymore
03:12 * asciilifeform lives where they go right by window, can count the rivets
03:12 vex do you listen to the vhf?
03:12 asciilifeform occasionally
03:12 asciilifeform snoar tho
03:12 vex get one
03:13 vex alf into dc. make way
03:13 mats can't be good for air quality
03:13 asciilifeform at ~$1/sec petrol, will rust
03:13 vex ok true
03:13 mats like living next to a motorcycle track
03:13 asciilifeform similar
03:14 asciilifeform before, lived by train track, spitting distance from window, had bolted down furniture etc
03:14 vex motorcycles are cheap as fuck
03:14 asciilifeform the airfield is improvement re noise
03:15 mats since you own the place, you could soundproof it
03:15 asciilifeform lol
03:15 asciilifeform go soundproof cardboard
03:16 verisimilitude It's easier to soundproof individual ears.
03:16 * asciilifeform looked into it, concluded lolno
03:16 mats and moonlight on weekends as a long pig butcher
03:16 asciilifeform 'that man is dead, name's todd nao, sweeny todd'
03:16 mats what did your estimate come to?
03:16 asciilifeform maxint
03:17 asciilifeform would need to bulldoze & put in actual house from not-cardboard lol
03:17 mats you could decouple the interior walls with an extra wall
03:17 asciilifeform and leave room the size of phone booth ?
03:18 verisimilitude Imagine the quiet, though.
03:18 mats its not that bad
03:18 mats but it'll definitely feel weird as a not-8ft height ceiling
03:18 asciilifeform these cardboards aint big, mats , need erry cm
03:19 asciilifeform 8f ceiling already feels 'phone booth' to asciilifeform who grew up with 1.5x that
03:19 mats do you really want to punish the settlors of your estate with having to clean up decades of hoarding
03:20 phf kek
03:20 * asciilifeform has not much 'hoard' , but lives in very small space , cuz otherwise $maxint
03:20 vex i've got 8m cielings
03:20 asciilifeform vex lives in h. hughes's hangar, with 'spruice goose' ?
03:20 vex hold ur roll mattie
03:22 vex i do like a wooden fuck off
03:23 mats you could just do the master
03:23 asciilifeform 'hmm should i work in phone booth or sleep in phone booth'
03:23 mats high drama
03:25 * asciilifeform considered to dig 'fuhrerbunker' on the site for e.g. sound isol. but would have to be done in style of 'great escape', given local busybodies and their 'permit' bullshits
03:25 asciilifeform carry dirt out in pant legs.
03:26 mats it could double as a panic room
03:26 mats and then a pharaohs tomb
03:26 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uCGD9dT12C0
03:26 asciilifeform a good panicker can panic anywhere! needs no special rooms
03:27 mats i always laugh when i see movies with panic rooms
03:27 asciilifeform watsa 'panic room' anyway
03:27 mats death box for dumb rich people trying to hide from intruders
03:27 asciilifeform hide ? thought by implication that it's a pillbox
03:27 asciilifeform w/ slots for mg
03:28 verisimilitude It's one of those rich people things, like a fainting couch.
03:28 asciilifeform lol!
03:28 mats i've never seen a panic room designed like a pillbox
03:28 asciilifeform why wouldja design it not like pillbox?
03:28 mats so the folks hiding in it will definitely die
03:28 mats people always forget the room needs hvac
03:29 asciilifeform lol so why make a room. pull cyanide outta arse at 1st sign of problem, bite
03:29 verisimilitude That's messy in more ways than one.
03:29 mats i guess they hope the intruders don't understand how hvac works
03:29 asciilifeform intruder expected to die of laffter?
03:29 mats oh no, strong door, time to leave
03:29 verisimilitude Most intruders wouldn't.
03:30 mats you don't have to think very hard about it
03:30 * asciilifeform aware of old-style castles w/ escape tunnels, but not sees point of locking yerself in a safe
03:30 verisimilitude This is because most intruders would be black.
03:31 mats and doing the folks in the room only requires accelerant
03:31 verisimilitude I can see the point of locking someone else in a safe.
03:31 asciilifeform ^
03:31 vex basically dont't steal'
03:31 verisimilitude What a bad way to go, however; I'd kindly ask my murderer to just shoot me instead.
03:31 asciilifeform 'for the love of god, montrezor!'
03:32 phf panic rooms are a 90s thing, with the destruction of middle class you're either building a bomb shelter, or you're not playing these games anymore
03:32 verisimilitude Yes.
03:32 vex don't take the obvious umbrella
03:33 * asciilifeform wonders how many folx build 'bomb shelter' simply to get moar room w/out 'building permits' & taxation idiocy
03:34 asciilifeform in which direction can build, on shit american suburbia lot, other than 'down'
03:35 phf asciilifeform: i knew a bomb shelter builder guy in pa, he was making bank post-2008, and it was definitely not the case of "building permits". was building legitimate 200m before the vault door kind of operations
03:35 asciilifeform rockefeller, musk, no doubt 200m
03:35 asciilifeform esp. the kind who hire 'shelter guy'
03:35 asciilifeform was speaking of humans.
03:35 vex step back
03:36 mats i always wanted to dig a big hole
03:37 mats i guess its the dog in me
03:37 phf west of philly, before it becomes amish country is another one of those old money settlements. expensive, mansion on 100 years kind of realestate. media pa thereabouts. girls little ivy, swarthmore college is thereabout, etc.
03:37 phf *100 acres
03:37 asciilifeform against what to dig 200m hole in amish pa ?
03:38 asciilifeform ( or simply because 1840 wine keeps better in one..? )
03:38 phf asciilifeform: these are generational estates, presumably global event level last stand. tbh the guy said nobody ever shared the reasons with them
03:39 asciilifeform wine then
03:40 asciilifeform re 'event', all gotta do is to level the vent & the entrance, and 'sfyl' rockefeller
03:40 * asciilifeform recalls tales from father, who trained in ye olde su army on mockup of us rocket silos, doing exactly that
03:41 asciilifeform ... there typically only need to 'derail' the door
03:42 * asciilifeform finds hilarious what moneyed tards will build, how presumes that 'personal army' will come & rescue'em. why would it, in 'event' ? see e.g. marcos's, ceaucescu's, chopper pilots
03:42 asciilifeform 'sfyl mein fuhrer'
03:43 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_zR6ROjoOX0
03:45 asciilifeform see also re rockefellers in 'fuhrerbunkers'.
03:50 asciilifeform bluebloods will make for fine 'time capsules' once properly sealed in imho.
03:50 mats ground penetrating radar is pretty cool
03:50 asciilifeform archaeologists will find'em w/ radar sets, like recently 'new' egyptian tomb
03:51 asciilifeform will laff over skeleton holding 'playstation' controller
03:51 asciilifeform 'we found tomb of musk viii'
03:51 mats makes me think of the game of cat and mouse between idf and hamas
03:52 * asciilifeform not envies job of 'shelter digger' for oligarchs, considering historical tradition of wat-do w/ seekrit tunnel diggers
03:52 mats those guys know holes
03:54 * asciilifeform wishes to all lizards speedy 1way trips to bottom of deep hole
03:55 asciilifeform with good tight permanent lid on top.
03:56 phf you can take a boy out of su, but…
03:56 vex it's vey difficult ti navigate mullumbimbyr
03:57 asciilifeform 'Всіх панів до 'дної ями,. Буржуїв за буржуями. Будем, будем бить! Будем, будем бить!'(tm)(r)(c)
03:57 phf ahaha
04:00 * asciilifeform to bed, then 'terminal at dawn' etc
04:00 phf i can't hate people for how they spend their money, i'm even having hard time for hating them for how they got it. but i prefer to imagine that their plans are at the very least interesting
04:01 vex woosh
04:02 phf e.g. build bunker to have last, proper 5 course meal, with a mise en place and white cloth while the bombs fly, suicide by pill. man ought to choose the way of his own death, it's only proper, m'boy. $1m construction and setup.
04:04 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaKNmOsLaro so mustang
04:04 phf why not do it in own house? might get prematurely interrupted, etc.
04:05 phf http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-27#1103853 << https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mXpOvSv37Kk
04:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-27 00:02:15 vex: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WaKNmOsLaro so mustang
04:05 thimbronion relevant: Under the Silver Lake
04:06 vex i'll send verisimilitude to logan
04:12 verisimilitude What?
04:13 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KEv8jroG_e8
04:21 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UZJFFStQemI
04:25 phf dat harpsichord tho
04:27 vex wait what??
04:28 phf the instrument on the "golden brown" track
04:28 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YF1R0hc5Q2I ah yes
04:31 phf fleetwood mac is my guilty pleasure
04:33 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z-GUjA67mdc
04:34 phf there's a "dreams" video though where they are just cocked out of their minds
04:35 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y3ywicffOj4 garbrielb laddeel can fuck right off
04:36 phf oh, no, it's not dreams, it's chain
04:36 phf https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O6P2_i0Y6ms this is like peak 70s culture right there
04:43 vex stupid faggots wake in fright.. phf comes correct
04:44 signpost no guilt required, lindsey buckingham is god
04:44 vex d do the wrong thing
04:44 phf i get a contact cocaine high just watching him play in the video above :>
04:44 vex imma test my supercherger
04:45 signpost they had to replace him with what, two heartbreakers?
04:48 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BvkcC3NRk0 mad max doesn't fucvk about
04:49 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EK2ijfxqlnY
04:50 signpost ah god, sandy hook charity ad, shit you not.
04:50 * signpost ...triggered!
04:51 phf signpost: yeap, also got it. you know never let a good tragedy go to waste
04:53 phf "the chain in those handCAFS is high tensile steel. it'll take you 10 minutes to hack through it with this. now. if you're lucky, you can hack through your ankle in 5 minutes."
04:56 signpost fuck dude, now a kid with cancer ad. I'll restate what I said earlier, maybe more clearly this time.
04:56 signpost this place is fucking embarassing.
04:56 signpost it's all so ham-fisted.
04:57 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=060A15ELz00
04:59 signpost vex: I stand by my prior claim on blog that Mad Max is softcore gay porn.
04:59 signpost not that there's anything wrong with that!
05:01 phf signpost: but do you get the ad for kachava?!
05:02 signpost lol nope
05:02 signpost never heard of it, looks like a "soylent"?
05:02 signpost but hippy branded?
05:02 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bsYp9q3QNaQ
05:03 phf i have no idea what youtube algo thinks of me. but i get the most bottom of the barrel shit, sandy hook one, cancer kids, "the government is lying to you". i just watch music videos, man. it could be that i have the deplorables ip address.
05:04 vex https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bjgcku27xIk
05:04 phf "this one trick to cure diabetes"
05:05 vex I box my heroin friends. "thats not fair"
05:06 vex 4 years in the camp and u still can't
05:08 vex bbl
05:16 * signpost passing out. night gents.
05:16 phf laters!
~ 3 hours 52 minutes ~
09:09 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-27#1103858 << rofl
09:09 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-27 00:04:03 vex: i'll send verisimilitude to logan
09:13 crtdaydreams vex: I should pop by i'm out your way, should be around there july for a conference in brisy
09:14 crtdaydreams (If ya willing to have me)
09:18 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103356 << I can't see shit out my right eye, so I'm forced left-handed. I haven't done much shooting but defo interested in working on it. Not about to throw 4 figures at a rifle yet though.
09:18 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 11:03:30 phf: hmm, these blaser rifles look cool. i have that same problem i had with guitars though. i'm left handed, and have to choose between limited left-handed stock of often mildly inferior product, or use righthanded and some technique
09:22 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-26#1103361 << don't have the rifle, just browsing. Thought it was interesting to mention considering lefty and capacity to chamber in different calibers in <3 min. If I did get into marksmanship it would be for the sake of the art itself.
09:22 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-26 11:22:10 phf: which ultimately opens up the most important question, whachu got that rifle for
09:23 crtdaydreams from my understanding R8 (and R93) have kits for .22
09:26 crtdaydreams but fwiw my experience with firearms is limited to .22 and shotgun (not sure about caliber)
~ 2 hours 38 minutes ~
12:05 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-27#1103884 << if ya refer to YouTube, ublock does wonders for giving you a propaganda-free experience on toilet browser.
12:05 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-27 00:54:41 signpost: fuck dude, now a kid with cancer ad. I'll restate what I said earlier, maybe more clearly this time.
~ 1 hours 7 minutes ~
13:12 shinohai https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/4551502 << lulzy "Officers also ruled out death from COVID as he tested negative for the virus."
~ 46 minutes ~
13:59 asciilifeform lol!
14:01 punkman https://finance.yahoo.com/news/ethereum-sinks-beacon-chain-suffers-213145313.html
14:02 shinohai grumpycatgood.png
14:03 punkman https://twitter.com/VitalikButerin/status/1529479408309768192
14:03 punkman they have "hypotheses"
14:03 punkman much expert, very wow
~ 1 hours 3 minutes ~
15:07 phf http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-05-27#1103911 << i accidentally have a bunch of .22s and i've discovered three uses for them: bench shooting at about their effective range or slightly more (150yd) which will give you a practical feeling for the balistics, but for cheap. at a nearby range often see redneck families with custom 22 long rifles (elaborate stock, cheeck riser, some small shop precision barrel&action) just
15:07 phf sitting there for hours cycling rounds at 150-200yd. a kind of thinking man's slot machine
15:07 dulapbot Logged on 2022-05-27 05:21:18 crtdaydreams: from my understanding R8 (and R93) have kits for .22
15:10 asciilifeform phf: accidentally ?
15:16 phf the second use is nature walks where you take opportunity shots at small game, or else just plink. kind of hard to do that with a large caliber and not attracting attention. put it on a sling, i like a lever action because lever action 22s cary 15 rounds, or else i have this old winchester single shot bolt action. something about deliberately puting the one round, and then manually arming the striker..
15:19 asciilifeform phf: 'nature walk' in pa not features bear ?
15:21 phf asciilifeform: pa bear is mostly a skittish animal
15:22 phf unlikely to find oneself in an armed standoff with one
15:23 phf i've ran into bear three times so far, that i know off. mostly involves a very spooked bear booking it through the woods in the opposite direction
15:25 phf in alaska i heard from the locals that in spring, when young cubs go on their own, they can fuck your shit up, because they are explicitly looking for trouble. and then there's of course mother&cub situation, but that's /usually/ just a few minutes of being very scared and trying to vacate the line of sight between them asap
15:29 phf as far as accidentally i bought one, when i moved here, and at the same time for my birthday one of the locals gifted me one ("welcome to the appalachia!") and one of my visiting friends bought me one also ("haha you a redneck now"). then there was an inheritance through girl,
15:30 asciilifeform neato. either surprisingly friendly aboriginals, or phf has remarkable 'lawrence of arabia' talent, nfi which
15:42 phf last use is the variation on the second, but a pistol or revolver instead of a long rifle. this is of even more dubious legality, best done on game lands, in middle of nowhere state forests or rifle club grounds
15:44 phf otherwise i've noticed that if you just take 22 to the range it become boring fast (tbh for me a range becomes boring fast either way, unless it's some kind of feat of strength > x yd etc). i've noticed friends that bring their 22 rifles usually take forever to first work the action, which implies that they barely ever shoot them.
15:52 * asciilifeform not doubts that hunt on horseback is moar interesting than making holes in paper
15:54 phf milspec tactical holes in paper!
15:55 asciilifeform lol
16:00 * asciilifeform in local club, where passed 'broad side of barn' qualifier to join, but sadly not much time to go naodays
~ 1 hours 28 minutes ~
17:28 verisimilitude I don't interact with Youtube outside of youtube-dl, and this is inconvenient, which is a good excuse to not use Youtube except when I've little option.
~ 16 minutes ~
17:45 shinohai mpv nice in that it uses youtube-dl as lib, easy as `mpv <link>`.
~ 47 minutes ~
18:32 punkman https://www.serf.io/docs/internals/gossip.html
18:38 asciilifeform punkman: loox complicated ( and not clear even what for )
18:39 asciilifeform 'detect node failures and notify the rest of the cluster' << cheapo 'hipster reinvent' of erlang ?
18:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-14 13:37:18 asciilifeform: verisimilitude: for a working/industrial example of subj, see e.g. erlang.
18:40 * asciilifeform observes how 'type III' scum like to 'reinvent' and 'steal' working softs. e.g. 'rust' tards' relationship vis a vis ada
18:42 asciilifeform or, earlier, 'clojure' re common lisp
18:42 asciilifeform no shortage of examples.
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