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07:50 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-10#1083773 << Ok first part hit hard, but I'd like to point out I'm not incompetent. As vex pointed out it might be best course to just rent-a-shitbox as my router is fucked, ``support'' is pointless as I can't dumb the problem down any further. "It doesn't respond to remote ping requests even though
07:50 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-10 08:20:22 whaack: crtdaydreams: related to getting your blog online https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nG9XBIQL3qA&t=4436s
07:50 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-10 02:59:52 vex: why don't you just rent a shitty box for your blog?
07:50 crtdaydreams it's enabled." -> Response: "Check out this FAQ thread." I can set a CNAME to an A record DDNS domain anyday.
07:54 crtdaydreams Also after letting that run while I was typing that out, I'd like to out that Mark Passio seems a little unhinged. Maybe I need to be a little more open minded but the dude needs to chill out, he's got himself all worked up and it makes him look like a rambling fool. But an understandable one. Not off the deep end (((yet))).
~ 33 minutes ~
08:28 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-10#1083817 Typical Work day is 8-6. Wake up @6, do meat chores, have breakfast, get ready and out of nowhere it's 8. Go outside and walk to the workshop, do work. Have morning tea. Go back to work. Have lunch for an hour, takes 30 minutes to get food made and then ~30 minutes to at most relax. Not enough time to get started on anything meaningful. I typically just
08:28 crtdaydreams read a book. Go back to work. Finish work at 6. Go inside and take turn for shower/bath then get started on dinner. All up routine takes an hour. Then it's 7PM. Exhaustion sets in. Do meat chores, i.e. washup, clothes washing. Oop it's 7:30. Fucking tired. Go sleep. Repeat.
08:28 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-10 12:32:31 PeterL: crtdaydreams: how can you not have time, are you working 24/7 or something? Tell us about yourself a bit and we might be able to help?
08:30 crtdaydreams As it is I've only just been managing to squeeze hours in to talk on here and to do crypto projects. No time to even sort out my gentoo build where the initramfs is fucked.
08:31 crtdaydreams I admit I have been working towards a potential ``fountain of fiatola'' but like all investments, it takes a pretty hefty initial investment.
08:31 crtdaydreams No point in talking about it if it doesn't work.
08:32 crtdaydreams If it does, I'll do a writeup on my blog.
~ 4 hours 4 minutes ~
12:36 whaack crtdaydreams: probably still worth writing about if it doesn't work
~ 1 hours 11 minutes ~
13:48 whaack !w probe
13:48 watchglass : Alive: (0.551s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=208064
13:49 whaack ^ whaack's cement test, if it wasn't clear
~ 22 minutes ~
14:11 billymg !c net-summary
14:11 crawlerbot Bitcoin Network (IPv4 Nodes Active Within the Last 48 hours) Global: 9858; TRB-Compatible: 55; TRB: 13
14:11 crawlerbot TRB-Compatible by Country: United States: 24; Canada: 4; Romania: 4; Singapore: 4; France: 2; Germany: 2; Russia: 2; Ukraine: 1; Netherlands: 1; Italy: 1; Mexico: 1; Lithuania: 1; Saudi Arabia: 1; South Africa: 1; United Kingdom: 1; Chile: 1; Belgium: 1; South Korea: 1; Norway: 1; Bulgaria: 1;
14:11 crawlerbot TRB by Country: United States: 7; Canada: 1; Romania: 1; Singapore: 1; Lithuania: 1; France: 1; Norway: 1;
14:22 billymg whaack: for some reason no other node scanned by the crawler has returned your new node as one of its peers
14:29 billymg which is currently the only way for the crawler to discover new nodes, until this feature is added
14:29 bitbot Logged on 2021-08-11 16:32:02 asciilifeform: billymg: btw pheature req : see if can add a search box (where searches existing, and if not found, adds to scan queue)
~ 23 minutes ~
14:52 whaack billymg: out of curiosity, does this mean that none of the heathen nodes scanned in the crawler see my node either?
14:53 whaack or are you only looking at peers of trb nodes?
14:56 billymg whaack: heathen nodes as well
14:57 billymg and i don't know enough to say whether it means "don't see" or "sees, but doesn't return in peers list"
15:01 whaack !w peers
15:01 watchglass : reported peers:
15:01 watchglass : reported peers:
15:01 whaack !w peers
15:01 watchglass :
15:02 * whaack scratches head
15:02 whaack !w peers
15:02 watchglass :
15:02 whaack maybe heathen nodes can't properly return peers as per watchglass
15:03 whaack ^ looks like a bug though, there should probably be some 'unrecognized peer format' repsonse
15:10 billymg whaack: asciilifeform's watchglass intentionally does not include the relay byte in order to be compatible with trb. my crawler tries both with/without that byte in order to coax peers out of the node being probed
15:11 whaack in emerge issues, i am trying to 'emerge dev-python/graphviz' and i am getting the error..
15:11 whaack !!! One of the following packages is required to complete your request:
15:11 whaack - media-libs/harfbuzz-1.7.2::gentoo (Change USE: +truetype)
15:11 billymg plenty of prb nodes returning peers though
15:12 whaack my USE flag in /etc/portage/make.conf includes -truetype
15:13 whaack (the warning "Change USE: ..." had 3 other flags that i added to my USE variable, all of those warnings went away, but i am still getting the one for truetype
15:15 billymg whaack: in the case of those two you spot checked just now, the second indeed hasn't returned peers in a while (possibly ever, the crawler doesn't track this)
15:15 billymg the first has, though not in the last few probes
15:16 whaack !w peers
15:16 watchglass :
15:17 whaack my node reports this node as one of its peers, but not vice versa http://bitdash.io/nodes/
15:17 billymg yep
15:17 billymg not sure why
15:18 whaack curious as to whether any heathen node ever returns a trb node as a peer
15:19 billymg i believe they do
15:19 whaack that's slightly surprising since trb blox are bad-blox according to trb
15:19 whaack according to prb*
15:21 billymg yeah, not 100% sure. i could write a query to check
15:21 billymg in any case the other trb nodes should be listing your node
15:21 whaack possible i just never connected to 1 for whatever reason
15:27 billymg whaack: possibly this: http://logs.bitdash.io/trilema/2018-12-24#1882932
15:27 bitbot (trilema) 2018-12-24 trinque: eh I think you'll rather want to -addnode republican nodes. -connect is exclusive
15:27 whaack right, but i somehow have a bunch of peers, not just the 2 i -connect'd to
15:28 whaack i could restart my node without the connect flag... i may do this
15:28 billymg whaack: if you do that try adding an -addnode for all the known republican nodes, or at least a good number of them, in case some are busy or whatever
15:30 whaack asciilifeform: what is the best course of action when i get a fetch failed with the gentoo i have running on your box?
15:30 whaack * Fetch failed for 'dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.52.1', Log file:
15:30 whaack * '/var/tmp/portage/dev-libs/gobject-introspection-common-1.52.1/temp/build.log'
15:31 * whaack is trying to emerge dev-python/graphviz
15:33 whaack apparently the problem is that the certificate expired for some download i need to do to install the pakcage
15:35 whaack asciilifeform: looks like this is the heart of the problem http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=R1-E , is it possibble you can add that file to the dist ?
~ 18 minutes ~
15:53 asciilifeform whaack: do you have a usable copy of this tarball ? asciilifeform apparently doesn't
15:54 asciilifeform 'gobject-introspection-1.52.1.tar.xz'
15:56 whaack asciilifeform: according to emerge it can be found here: https://download.gnome.org/sources/gobject-introspection/1.52/gobject-introspection-1.52.1.tar.xz
~ 15 minutes ~
16:12 whaack are vpatches restricted to ascii encoding or any other specific encoding?
16:14 asciilifeform whaack: there's at least a coupla (accidental) utf8isms in asciilifeform's patches historically
16:16 asciilifeform whaack: uploaded, try emerging
16:17 whaack asciilifeform: giving it a shot
16:24 whaack asciilifeform: compiled for a long time, then hit another roadbump:
16:24 whaack missing file: https://www.nasm.us/pub/nasm/releasebuilds/2.13.01/nasm-2.13.01.tar.xz
16:25 asciilifeform whaack: get'em in your local distfiles, i'ma add'em to dulap in 1 batch
16:25 whaack expected location: http://dulap.xyz/gentoo/distfiles/nasm-2.13.01.tar.xz
16:25 whaack asciilifeform: how would i go about getting all the missing files in 1 go?
16:25 asciilifeform (if they aint on dulap, asciilifeform doesn't have'em, would have to get'em from the wild in exactly same way as whaack)
16:26 asciilifeform whaack: well not in 1 go, but as the eggogs appear
16:26 whaack asciilifeform: ah okay, where is the local distfiles dir?
16:26 asciilifeform /usr/portage/distfiles
16:26 whaack ty
16:28 asciilifeform np
~ 2 hours 55 minutes ~
19:23 scoopbot New article on Thimbron: 9980-9978 - presence, bug fixes
19:29 * asciilifeform nao on 9978
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