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← 2021-09-03 | 2021-09-05 →
16:19 billymg signpost: i tried out your pentacle thing, with it i was able to chroot in and build the vtools binaries. this time all of them built as static binaries, without me even needing to modify the orginal gpr files to add static flags
16:19 billymg so now i have a working vtron on the host box
16:21 billymg however, when not chroot'd in, but only with the path to pentacle's gnat added to my PATH (so that e.g. `which gnatmake` works in the host env), i received some errors when trying to build the vtools binaries
16:31 billymg signpost: btw, did not use this, but rather mounted my primary drive inside the chroot, navigated to the files, and built with the standard e.g. `make vdiff`
16:31 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-03 15:03:09 signpost: to get a vtools in there, enter the `target` chroot after your build, and... `cd /src; ./layer install vtools`
16:33 billymg not because i didn't want to but just because i forgot it was there until reading your notes on it again now
16:36 billymg signpost: overall really cool, and i'm happy now that i finally have a vtron on this box
~ 30 minutes ~
17:06 cgra billymg: bitdash.io seems to somehow figure out what peers a node is connected to: like here, section "connected peers". how do you do it? or does it mean smth else?
~ 21 minutes ~
17:28 billymg cgra: nothing special, just recording the response from the getaddr request to that node
17:29 cgra so "connected nodes" here is more like "peers the node knows of"?
17:32 billymg cgra: hrm, technically you might be right, i had always assumed before that meant the node was also connected to those peers
17:32 cgra i might've overlooked something in trb code, last q now pending
17:33 billymg or at least recently connected (though this would also mean it's a misnomer to refer to them as 'connected peers' as that implies currently connected)
17:35 billymg cgra: i'm personally not familiar with the trb code at all, so quite possible it was a mistake in labeling on my part
17:38 billymg !w peers
17:39 watchglass : reported peers:
17:39 watchglass : reported peers:
17:40 billymg cgra: ^ essentially that list, though asciilifeform's watchglass has a configurable knob for 'peershots', my crawler has that set to 5, not sure what alf's watchglass is set to
17:41 cgra ah, yeah
17:53 cgra billymg: sorry, i must go afk now. i intend to return tomorrow to finish my q or admit hasty conclusion
17:54 billymg cgra: ttyl
~ 1 hours 25 minutes ~
19:20 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-09-04#1056464 << cool deal
19:20 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-04 12:19:19 billymg: so now i have a working vtron on the host box
19:20 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-09-04#1056465 << I would not expect this to work, as gcc makes assumptions about where its components live
19:20 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-04 12:21:34 billymg: however, when not chroot'd in, but only with the path to pentacle's gnat added to my PATH (so that e.g. `which gnatmake` works in the host env), i received some errors when trying to build the vtools binaries
19:20 signpost likely the errors are from mixing components from your outside env
19:21 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-09-04#1056466 << you'll find /src/build/vtools does little other than this
19:21 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-04 12:31:30 billymg: signpost: btw, did not use this, but rather mounted my primary drive inside the chroot, navigated to the files, and built with the standard e.g. `make vdiff`
19:22 signpost but yeah that should also work. idea is the /src tree is there, use it or not (not unlike a ports tree on bsd)
19:22 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-09-04#1056469 << nice, should be able to carry the static binaries to w/e other boxes you like, too
19:22 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-04 12:36:06 billymg: signpost: overall really cool, and i'm happy now that i finally have a vtron on this box
~ 3 hours 6 minutes ~
22:28 jonsykkel maby another note for ded tree ffa: W_NZeroP in ch4 vas alredy covred in ch2
22:31 jonsykkel i guess its meant to be FZ_NZeroP
~ 43 minutes ~
23:14 raw_avocado Yo guys i finaly made a RNG
23:15 raw_avocado Its a dumb man version, it has some biases, and i dont have enough data to do all the tests i want, but worx
23:15 raw_avocado https://twitter.com/raw_avocado/status/1433408813596545027
← 2021-09-03 | 2021-09-05 →