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← 2019-11-30 | 2019-12-15 →
17:09 whaack trinque: Hey trinque. diana_coman has assigned me to go through your published sources. My background with CL is little and my knowledge of CLOS is ~nil, and I figure I should read about both in general before I embark on digesting your code. Do you have a recommendation as to where to start? Are the books that [
17:09 whaack ][esthlos's recommended] worth giving a read? Thanks. Btw it was quite simple for me to setup logbot, I'll have an article on the subj shortly.
17:09 ossabot (ossasepia) 2019-12-10 diana_coman: whaack: get yourself all the sources that trinque published and make a plan to chew through them; they are mainly lisp too and you wanted that so hopefully you won't take ages on it either.
← 2019-11-30 | 2019-12-15 →