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← 2019-07-03 | 2019-07-05 →
00:08 billymg my reading of that thread may have been wrong but my takeaway was that http://btcbase.org/log/2018-08-24#1844017 is inevitable
00:08 a111 Logged on 2018-08-24 00:46 asciilifeform: 20th c was century of dekulakizations, where 'these motherfuckers won't give up their hard currency to socialist motherland, let's light fire under their feet', typically shooting was not 1st step, but last step, of algo
00:10 billymg and when this happens, or how it happens, is not something i'd like to predict, but rather be far enough away to watch from a distance
00:12 mp_en_viaje well, you'll also eventually die. "not if i just keep away from the site of my eventual death" is your answer ?
00:13 asciilifeform 'coward dies 1000 deaths, brave man - 1'(tm)(r)
00:15 mp_en_viaje i think part of the problem is maybe a kind of literalism. i wouldn't say the thread is ~incorrect~ ; i would however say it does not relate to you in the manner you imply. it is a historical and statistical account, like say a discussion of female biological inferiority.
00:16 mp_en_viaje conceivably a girly reading a discussion about how women are born less than men gets disheartened and quits highschool. this is not particularly sound reasoning, the biological and statitical discussion says nothing about her.
00:16 billymg ah, i see
00:16 mp_en_viaje she ~still could be~ the smartest / fastest / incoherent-est / whatever person alive.
00:17 mp_en_viaje just because sha256 is theoretically AN INFINITY OF TIMES easier to break than sha512 does not in fact mean you can break either as you stand today.
00:18 mp_en_viaje just because we moved to keccak from sha because ~of concerns~ (which are sound) does not actually mean sha is weak, as far as we know. and so following.
00:21 asciilifeform in re statistical discussion -- historically dekulakizations nail the middle, the fella with (per current day norm) 5-6 u.s.figs of worth, rather than actual rich. and per billymg's description of his case, seems that he falls into the latter, rather than former, weight class
00:23 mp_en_viaje 5-6-7, tbf.
00:24 billymg my understanding was that it was more about level of connectedness to the party than simply wealth
00:24 billymg and billymg has ~0 political connections to speak of
00:24 mp_en_viaje well, a large part of the problem then was also that the ~meaning~ of wealth changed. wealth as a concept in the space occupied later by the sovient union had starting to diverge as early as 1600s, with the aparition of the khutor
00:26 mp_en_viaje (a sort of single-family dwelling). the peasants had been slowly capitalizing the space around them for centuries, before that thread got discontinued, and wealth became rather a relational sort (see "note from stalin", or see beria's implementation of my very own "talk with the one with the tits".
00:26 a111 Logged on 2019-07-01 10:20 mircea_popescu: and the other item in this rapidly depleting bucket of possibly useful ideas : fucking pick. obviously i'll look at a group and go "talk to that one with the tits" or w/e such, my picks are easy peasy. but this doesn't mean yo ucan't pick! look at a group, select the donkey with the more intelligent gaze, talk to that, what's to keep you.
00:27 mp_en_viaje largely the early soviet revolutionary thing was a long chain reorg. a tenuous if long coming interpretation of "wealth" got segwit 'ed out of existence.
00:27 mp_en_viaje "just as it was starting to really take off".
00:29 mp_en_viaje billymg, note the things i said re moving to cr, specifically http://btcbase.org/log/2019-06-26#1920248 ; attempting to manalone things is a loser strategy wherever you go.
00:29 a111 Logged on 2019-06-26 19:24 mp_en_viaje: get yourself support locally, too. there's a few remnant pantsui torgs that need strangling ; i murdered one there's just a few left. they must be publicly raped, and then get the repubkican style institutions going.
00:31 mp_en_viaje a statement like "0 political connections" ~impugns~ you. this is a flaw of yours ; you're welcome to remedy it whichever way you choose, such as moving to an easier and cheaper map. but if you move not to remedy but to persevere in your error... well pardon me, error is error, such a thing as an alternate world which works in alternate ways and your error is no longer sinful hasn't been found yet.
00:35 mp_en_viaje a rich king with no barons is in just as dubious position as henry the young king, with his hall fulla heroic figures and no two pennies to set a meal before them. you absolutely must have money ~and connections~, there is strictly no doctor's note to get you out of this one, and don't go looking for it either.
00:37 mp_en_viaje BingoBoingo, btw, not forgotten your bitcent, just, atm very fucking inconvenient to do !!pay. will definitely get to it tho.
00:39 billymg mp_en_viaje: this is making a lot of sense, thank you
00:40 mp_en_viaje np
00:46 mp_en_viaje fucking internet. 100% of all occurences of "paranoid delusion" are retconned into "delusional disorder", notwithstanding the term of art has ~century of bibliography behind it and the latter nonsense was invented last decade-ish in one of those inconsequential meetings of the usgistani retards posing as dosctors on no basis.
00:51 mp_en_viaje increasingly the internet becomes a pantsuit translation skin upon the world, giving such a worldview as could be digested by a specific sort of ideologically-hobbled moron and naught else.
00:51 mp_en_viaje from the "OEA" imaginary association of imaginary representatives of pantsuit-imagined "nations" to inexistent restaurants to everything else, the internet is mostly the pretendosphere of the redditard.
00:51 a111 Logged on 2019-06-27 21:39 BingoBoingo: In other local news: https://www.montevideo.com.uy/Noticias/Uruguay-se-retiro-de-la-asamblea-de-la-OEA-y-senalo-vaciamiento-de-la-institucionalidad--uc722587
00:52 mp_en_viaje could have really done quite well without any of all of that.
~ 2 hours 18 minutes ~
03:10 jurov !Xbid 1051 370mn
03:10 auctionbot Buy order # 1051: 2835 WFF, Wire Only Heard: 370mn from jurov. Ending: 2019-07-08 13:34:53.247970 UTC (114 hours 15 mins)
03:12 jurov !Xbid 1050 100mn
03:12 auctionbot Buy order # 1050: 500 WFF, WU esta bien Heard: 100mn from jurov. Ending: 2019-07-08 13:34:39.955285 UTC (114 hours 12 mins)
~ 1 hours 55 minutes ~
05:08 feedbot http://trilema.com/2019/the-minsk-report/ << Trilema -- The Minsk Report
~ 6 hours 34 minutes ~
11:43 BingoBoingo mp_en_viaje no hurry,
~ 1 hours 36 minutes ~
13:19 feedbot http://qntra.net/2019/07/intel-goes-on-media-push-for-new-interpretations-of-moores-law/ << Qntra -- Intel Goes On Media Push For "New Inte...ons" Of Moore's Law
~ 4 hours 18 minutes ~
17:38 BingoBoingo Meanwhile in local meta-news https://archive.is/tplmr
~ 2 hours 32 minutes ~
20:10 BingoBoingo http://archive.is/ePSpE >> "Candidatos que tienen estancia, pero que rogaban que los acomodara en la OSE y allí trabajan. Yo no tengo trabajo fijo, son traidores"
20:11 BingoBoingo "El dirigente floridense se mostró muy desmotivado por el resultado electoral. Se quejó de que sus adversarios políticos le bajaban los carteles en la vía pública, entre otros hechos que lo perjudicaron."
~ 3 hours 16 minutes ~
23:27 asciilifeform grr, ameristan 4 jul was ripoff this yr. no tanks.
23:27 asciilifeform promised -- tanks. number seen : 0.
23:28 asciilifeform aerial parade however was held, fwiw, and even in rain. coupla tired old jets + the public's favourite golden toilet, the 'stealth bomber'.
23:29 asciilifeform trump was to speak at 1800 hrs, blinked in and out for ~45min, the sound system must've ran on winblows xp, which crashed
23:30 asciilifeform audience -- maybe coupla 100k of fans, some of the fattest folx i've ever seen in person who could still walk on 2 legs
23:31 asciilifeform where promised tank parade -- instead 9000 high school bands. and 'falun gong'.
23:31 asciilifeform wreckers must've wrecked the fireworks, instead of the usual decent ones, mostly puffs of smoke.
← 2019-07-03 | 2019-07-05 →