Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2019-07-04 | 2019-07-06 →
02:48 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, so, nobody gives a shit about empire ? kinda self-obvious result, neh.
02:51 mp_en_viaje oh btw
02:53 mp_en_viaje hey phf, since i'll be in minsk for a while, how inconvenient is it to hop in a plane, come have a beefsteak or something ?
02:53 mp_en_viaje or are you back on east coast
02:57 mp_en_viaje BingoBoingo, the lulziest part comes at the end.
02:57 mp_en_viaje so : 1. "Juan Sartori, hasta el domingo 30 precandidato por el Partido Nacional y propietario del portal Ecos, decidió que ese medio abandonará el periodismo y pasará a formar parte de su aparato de propaganda, y así se lo comunicó este martes a los periodistas que lo integran."
02:58 mp_en_viaje this 1 meaning, that "the workers", in a very lofty plural, NOT ACTUALLY WORKING for a thing NOT ACTUALLY MAKING ANY MONEY by very far (which'd be the MEASURE of working), found out that yes, the necessary correlate of not working is not being free.
02:59 mp_en_viaje shock and awe, a bunch of idle cuntlets went to new york to "be journalists" aka "do whatever the fuck i please all day as if i were mp" only to discover mp is mp because mp, not because new york, and cowpoke girl from indiana doesn't get away from HAVING TO suck cock just because got away from indiana.
02:59 mp_en_viaje wow and awe.
03:00 mp_en_viaje but moving on : 2 . "El mensaje lo transmitió uno de sus asesores, ; además que los periodistas que no estuvieran de acuerdo, tenían que presentar la renuncia y que no les correspondía el despido"
03:02 mp_en_viaje this even way the fuck loftier 2 meaning, that "the message was transmitted by ~ONE OF THE~ hounds" of this sartori comedian. because he's so lofty and important and practically speaking a nation in himself, he can't even fucking talk, like trump. he has a humongous (you better believe) horde of vechili & other nigger handles at his beck and call. he's just that fuckign cool, what.
03:03 mp_en_viaje and the ~content~ of that grandiosely transmitted message, with such grandeur as we have discussed let it not be forgotten, was that the pretense to independence requires the acts of independence!!! the precious cuntlets can't place the burden of their own independence on others not even when it comes to "who calls who"! THEY have to call, if they want to be "human persons, just like men are".
03:06 mp_en_viaje just as importantly : that "the state" and "laws and regulations", ie this complex construction of precious cuntlets supposedly there to guarantee them costless independence, ie that they can go around dressed as if they;re whores (by which "dressed" we mean -- having a cunt between the legs, that's all the dressing required for [
03:06 mp_en_viaje n-73.1-79.1][the natural obligation]) and i'll pay men to guard them lest anyone does the deed, and cashes the check they're writing.
03:08 mp_en_viaje that the femstate, i say, DOES NOT EXIST, and DOES NOT MATTER. hurr. duh. omgwtfbbq, and they thought they were "periodistas", ie, cyclerers. which is somehow different from historical womanhood, they're the special cuntlets of 2019, so, so very unlikely every other generation of "grin and bear it"... empirebuilders, let's say.
03:09 mp_en_viaje as you can see, lofty topics, aerated pretense, serious fucking problems. a clash of civilisation altogether, the hopes and dreams of hu-midity revolting against the hu-manity and its constraints! oh-wee!
03:09 mp_en_viaje except, of course, then we come to the actual punchline. 3 : "El equipo periodístico, integrado por una editora, un subeditor y cuatro periodistas"
03:10 mp_en_viaje a four-nigger farm! the whole fucking discussion is about this married couple and their four niggers! they work together ten acres of shitty land, half corn, half cotton. THESE are the lofty concerns. this is what "the state" is supposed to exist atop and deal with ?
03:12 mp_en_viaje for the fucking win, what can i possibly say.
03:23 mp_en_viaje then these completely inconsequential morons come to the republic and pretend to act as if the roles are completely reversed! as if they're some kinda big deal, as if the republic were anything other than their eternal lord and master.
03:23 mp_en_viaje nuts.
~ 46 minutes ~
04:10 bvt hello. i have also prepared a work schedule document; however internet at my workplace died this week, will post the plan as soon as the internet goes back up; the plan for next two weeks is to get to ffa14b, update asm code to it; after that, i will have a look at some other work.
04:17 mp_en_viaje internet at workplace died ?! this world!
04:21 bvt well, i still have access to irc/inet at saltmine; and working offline is also possible, so i don't waste time in meantime.
04:25 mp_en_viaje ah, i'm sure you don't. just... i am starting to suspect "internet problems" will become the fish store joke of our generation.
04:25 mp_en_viaje the internet may become more alike a dream than a lived reality.
04:32 diana_coman well, it'll "work" up to local isp that serves the lolcats required and nobody will even notice
04:34 mp_en_viaje god knows nobody notices ~anything even now ; and who the fuck noticed jack shit in 1980 ; or for that matter...
~ 15 minutes ~
04:50 bvt i see, when the last person who was there when the isp was set up retires... ; the internet situation in germany is outrageous -- dsl everywhere, highest prices for shittiest quality, providers (2 or 3 that are still there) making sure that no fiber gets to the customers, etc (iirc they invested heavily in copper 'cause "isdn is the future!" in 90ties).
04:58 mp_en_viaje sad.
04:59 mp_en_viaje !Qlater tell hanbot "Dr. Nut was a soft drink produced by New Orleans-based World Bottling Company. It was introduced in the 1930s and was produced until the late 1970s."
04:59 lobbesbot mp_en_viaje: The operation succeeded.
05:00 mp_en_viaje bvt, you'll end up moving to romania, where they have fiber to the door (unlike the us, say). but the problem is... IT TAKES THEM THREE WEEKS!!!! to get a new connection in
05:00 mp_en_viaje ie, there's no real solution to the problems of women in the workforce. even antique (ie, very good, leftover) infrastructure is not enough by itself.
~ 33 minutes ~
05:34 mp_en_viaje in other lulz : fast food across the way adverises this comical mascot, "kroshka kartoshka"
05:34 mp_en_viaje i'm almost considering going, which'd be like the first time mustachioed advertising manages to call to action
~ 38 minutes ~
06:13 mp_en_viaje meanwhile, back from a modest breakfast built around poached eggs and Брэст-Літоўск smoked cheese.
06:13 mp_en_viaje take THAT alfie!
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
07:15 mp_en_viaje speaking of : BingoBoingo you must cease this 9 digit invoice thing, it's fucking up my copy/pasting. there can't be sub-satoshi divisions can there ?
07:15 a111 Logged on 2019-06-14 19:38 deedbot: Invoiced mircea_popescu 0.469075862 << Annual Colocation for Two S.MG servers through June 2020
~ 36 minutes ~
07:51 feedbot << Trilema -- MiniGame (S.MG) Statement on Q2 2019
~ 3 hours 7 minutes ~
10:58 feedbot << The Tar Pit -- CL-WHO demo: The Coad Pit
~ 24 minutes ~
11:23 asciilifeform << strangely enuff, it appears to be the ~only thing that actually worx better in asciilifeform's penal colony than in cr, europistan, etc. currently. ( and prolly tbf must note that this working fiber -- costs what could almost feed small orc family in ro etc )
11:23 a111 Logged on 2019-07-05 08:25 mp_en_viaje: the internet may become more alike a dream than a lived reality.
11:24 mp_en_viaje i dunno man, i have fiber cable right here in minsk.
11:24 mp_en_viaje and not THAT expensive, either.
11:24 asciilifeform and doesn't randomly fart ?
11:28 asciilifeform << over here also 'to the door' BUT if you want it, yer stuck living in vehehehery small % of the ameri-landmass, it is ~unobtainable anywhere outside of major 'nuke target' cities and their suburbs
11:28 a111 Logged on 2019-07-05 09:00 mp_en_viaje: bvt, you'll end up moving to romania, where they have fiber to the door (unlike the us, say). but the problem is... IT TAKES THEM THREE WEEKS!!!! to get a new connection in
11:28 mp_en_viaje not so far ; moreover, it's not even the 60mbps thing. it's the 3ms pings.
11:28 asciilifeform notbad, approx same as here. (and presumably 10x cheaper)
11:28 mp_en_viaje bout fiddy bux
11:28 asciilifeform aa so 2x
11:28 asciilifeform does back-connecting work ?
11:29 mp_en_viaje haven't so far tried.
11:30 * asciilifeform found that reasonable trb noad more or less requires adult fiber. set it up one time in a commercial pad where 'commercial cable', would sit for months and not sync
~ 24 minutes ~
11:54 mp_en_viaje incidentally, does anyone recall the (i suspect antique) trilema piece where various things (such as, insane us medical """costs"'") were explained in terms of "whenever one party pays and another party benefits you get chaos" ?
11:55 mp_en_viaje in what's becoming a god damned tradition, i can't fucking find it.
~ 20 minutes ~
12:15 BingoBoingo << Will fix.
12:15 a111 Logged on 2019-07-05 11:15 mp_en_viaje: speaking of : BingoBoingo you must cease this 9 digit invoice thing, it's fucking up my copy/pasting. there can't be sub-satoshi divisions can there ?
12:29 BingoBoingo This seems to be close, but I suspect not quite on its own what you are seeking:
12:32 feedbot << Trilema -- How the good folk at Kjlberggata 29B, 0653 Oslo, Norway (dba variously as "Central City Apartments", "", "REISE BYR BALA SUMAN BALASUNDARAM" etcetera) attempt to scam me went ; what dealing with Oslo police is l
12:44 BingoBoingo Then there's which hits the US crowning Obama fail
~ 15 minutes ~
12:59 BingoBoingo Thought you'd enjoy that lul. Huge fuss over six bodies receiving messages from on high by guy who really wanted to be president of a people he can't bring himself to talk to.
13:00 mp_en_viaje ikr.
13:00 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: i think is it
13:01 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, nah, it was detailed, and much earlier. i suspect 2012
13:01 asciilifeform a.
13:01 asciilifeform possibly ro era
13:02 mp_en_viaje sadly. makes any search that more dubious.
13:04 mp_en_viaje whoa that obama piece is strong
13:04 mp_en_viaje now why the fuck are "comments closed" ?!
13:05 asciilifeform 1st time i see this on mp_en_viaje's www. (maybe elbowed wrong button?)
13:05 mp_en_viaje me either ?! nfi when or how tho
13:08 asciilifeform and lol! they rented mp_en_viaje a janitor closet, for cost of whole flat?!!
13:09 mp_en_viaje you know ?
13:09 asciilifeform based on phf's reports, even in india this aint a thing in 21st c
13:10 mp_en_viaje anyway, fixed the weirdness re comments
13:10 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, nowhere i know of ; not in africa, nowhere. oslo only feature, nordic system.
13:10 asciilifeform do they have equiv. of usa's 'small claims court' in naggumistan ?
13:10 BingoBoingo Nordic system: hardscarbble derps derping along to soften hard environment imagine the tourists want their accomodations to mimic Nordic austerity hell as well
13:10 mp_en_viaje how they live with the shame is anyone's guess ; but the norwegians have plenty to be ashamed for.
13:11 asciilifeform seems like textbook case for smallclaims
13:11 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, i dun even want the dough ; i want that thing ended.
13:11 BingoBoingo And small claims rarely kills, except when it does
13:11 asciilifeform i bet losing case over even just the cost of that room would kill it
13:12 mp_en_viaje item belongs as a museum of european stupidity.
13:12 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: the police report and all of the claims appear to be in order. Gotta beat the fucks and put fear into the scammers that didn't have the fortune of crossing MP.
13:13 BingoBoingo "Wow this scamming the tourists business got awfully dangerous all of a sudden, lets go back to scamming the downtrodden"
13:14 asciilifeform tourist in any shithole country is 'king and god', i have nfi how their own ministry of tourism avoids nailing this idiot
13:15 BingoBoingo Because Norway isn't a county. It is just a shithole.
13:15 asciilifeform not even speaking of wandering mp filing lawsuit, how the fuk does something like this stay in biz for yrs
13:16 mp_en_viaje in other local flavour : a) never in life seen so many drunks ambling about, not even in ro 90s, not in moscow 90s, never. this place is something else. b) never before seen radical feminist hairdo that works well! they have them here, just complimented girl on her peculiar shaved sides with thick braid on top of head. cute as fuck.
13:16 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, possibly by nobody complaining.
13:16 BingoBoingo Well if you get enough puppies, they'll eventualy get tired and cuddle up for protection. This doesn't actually offer any actual protection against "the bad" no one locally wants to be.
13:17 BingoBoingo It just means if no one complains because there are no tourists, no one rocks the boat. Lest they become the sad puppy in Nordic system.
13:17 asciilifeform this is good q -- are there even tourists in naggumistan on typical biz day
13:18 mp_en_viaje c) these people are genuinely fucking nice to a degree not seen since costa rica. they're not usually very efectual, for systematic reasons beyond their control, but holy shit they WANNA help.
13:18 asciilifeform ( to see -- what ? naggum's tomb? fjords ? )
13:18 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, according to multiple sources, not nearly as used to be.
13:18 asciilifeform not difficult to guess why...
13:18 mp_en_viaje mostly other-nordic kids, who apparently are just as fucked in the head, but stuck with a more functional country against their will.
13:19 mp_en_viaje needless to say the experience cut stockholm off map ; and possibly copenhagen also.
13:20 asciilifeform in asciilifeform's extended meatwot, there was a d00d who moved to norway. declared that it was on acct of some peculiar heathen music he played in a band, that is in fashion there, stayed, he said, for the pliable chix
13:22 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: iirc sex per se is moar or less illegal in stockholm.
13:23 mp_en_viaje pliable in what sense ? all i perceived was neurosis.
13:23 asciilifeform ( if assange et al is anyffing to go by -- just landing there with an intact cock prolly is worth coupla thou in legal bill )
13:24 mp_en_viaje poland, pliable. minsk so fucking pliable they come talk to you. norway ridoinculous.
13:24 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: i did not follow him to naggumistan, never found out what he meant. ( and fella wasn't ever heard from since. )
13:25 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: in sovok sphere, they in fact ~will~ talk to you. (even when abroad, in deepest swamp of washingtonistan, ru chix in crowd watching some 'occupy!11' nonsense, found somehow asciilifeform in the crowd and spoke !) they do this, the generally accepted theory is, on acct of plain demographic catastrophe .
13:26 asciilifeform in sovok world, detectable shortage of males as such.
13:26 asciilifeform and i'm speaking of generic people, even; i imagine mp_en_viaje had to beat'em away with sticks.
13:27 mp_en_viaje in other sads, went through all ro articles searching for reasonable terms, could not find item. im pretty sure it was english, early english. oy vey.
13:27 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, my theory is, tbh, mental heath.
13:27 asciilifeform of whom ?
13:27 mp_en_viaje girl aged <30 that manages to go through entire week without approaching ~at least~ few males and then does not leave the fucking place, is on that basis alone broken in the head to clinically relevant levesl.
13:28 mp_en_viaje very much like a pizarro that manages to go through week without approaching any customers.
13:28 mp_en_viaje it's not like that cunt's gonna fill itself.
13:29 mp_en_viaje nor is this peculiar burden on girl. i don't stick around in idiotlands either, once it's discovered it's also abandoned.
13:29 mp_en_viaje if she genuinely sees NO ONE to talk to, what the fuck is she thinking being there.
13:30 mp_en_viaje after 30, w/e, "gotta take care of dependents" what have you. but a young woman with wallflower syndrome's not healthy.
13:31 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: speaking of the (entirely fair) 'customers, motherfuckers' prod from mp_en_viaje : i'ma take the smg broadcast as official marching order re the machine delivery, and make the purchases, so we've what to sell . ( and on that front, the mips item is ready for war. i'ma also need to cuntoo . )
13:32 mp_en_viaje anyway, re sticks : no sticks necessary, even vaguely. sane people do the look and nod thing, like argentine tango used to work (century ago, when they still had it).
13:32 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, yes, iirc i was held to pay for a piece of hardware to replace extant ? or was it two ?
13:32 asciilifeform 2.
13:32 mp_en_viaje aite, plox to bill at convenience.
13:33 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: will. and BingoBoingo as i understand piz is paying for transport ? ( rather , asciilifeform pays, asciilifeform owes piz, plox to credit it , when billed , against his tab )
13:34 BingoBoingo re: tango - Replaced over here among the young by Cumbia provided the old women don't kill what's left of nightlife on their way out
13:34 a111 Logged on 2019-07-03 19:29 BingoBoingo: Also in local news, "What is nightlife and why should anything happen after midnight?"
13:34 * mp_en_viaje surveys his (no doubt painstakingly reconstructed) "southern homes and gardens 1980 edition" interior, chuckles at himself.
13:34 asciilifeform 'партия сказала: надо! комсомол ответил : есть!'(tm)(r)
13:34 mp_en_viaje belarus has such a vhs america hardon like YOU COULD NOT BELIEVE
13:34 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Works
13:34 mp_en_viaje i expect you could get yourself free drinks for rest of life in any bar of your choice here, on the strength of "i used to live in wash dc" stories.
13:36 asciilifeform as mp_en_viaje prolly already knew decades ago, 'vhs amer' is ~religion for sovok orcs.
13:36 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform absolutely gotta try minsk asap. evne their industrial foodstuffs are not that bad, they somehow manage to buy the machines without the evil pastes, put genuine ingredients in.
13:36 asciilifeform they take in 1980s rubbish, 'diehard' etc, with mother's milk
13:36 a111 Logged on 2017-08-24 17:24 asciilifeform: e.g. film 'diehard' ended up translated by one 'genius' to title 'умри тяжело'
13:37 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: i picture food situation much like in ro, aha. minus the rubbish trucked in from germany.
13:37 mp_en_viaje honestly it's perhaps better.
13:37 asciilifeform ( interestingly, in proper ru, i am told, not so great, 'americanization' is making inroads there )
13:37 mp_en_viaje i guess increasing salaries worst thing for the people.
13:37 asciilifeform absolutely deadly
13:38 mp_en_viaje they still make the god's given 3-400/month here, place is beautiful.
13:38 mp_en_viaje ru more like 1k right ?
13:38 asciilifeform i was told 200-300 was typical in timis.
13:38 mp_en_viaje somethinglikethat, anyway.
13:38 asciilifeform nfi how solid this figure.
13:39 mp_en_viaje lol, watching girlparty returning ladden in groceries tryina open the door on teh security webcam thingee. will amusements never cease!
13:40 asciilifeform there's also moving parts , orcologically speaking, that asciilifeform doesn't at all understand. e.g. how , in fucktarded argentinistan, typical orc 'can't buy empanada except on layaway' but somehow flat still costs 300k(us)
13:41 mp_en_viaje cuz everyone's a lawyer and lotta printolade.
13:41 mp_en_viaje i understand it fine.
13:41 asciilifeform bbut somehow still 'empanada on layaway' ?
13:42 asciilifeform i.e. can't buy it with the printolade or pyramid would topple ?
13:43 asciilifeform i recall a mp_en_viaje article where there was detailed portrait of argentine 'academic', with bow tie etc, demanding shop credit line to buy a pair of boots or what was it
13:44 mp_en_viaje socks.
13:44 asciilifeform dafuq.
13:45 mp_en_viaje very much a turkey dollar problem. everyone's rich in jam tomorrow, jam today on ration card.
13:46 * asciilifeform saw an almost 'argentine'-grade scene at trump fest. wanted to buy bottle of ice water. went into queue, of six people or so. then noticed that queue dun move ~at all. assumed, like idiot, 'hm must be out of water? waiting for truck with moar?' -- then got to end of queue, and jaw dropped. vendor chix was counting change ~on calculator~. bbut! calculator ~on ipnoje~, so therefore also attending, must have, to arsebook etc. ping
13:47 asciilifeform maybe 10 whole min. per bottle.
13:48 asciilifeform for that matter, where was the 'genius' who even thought to price bottle '2.73' or what it was.
13:48 mp_en_viaje what's wrong with just giving her three bucks ?
13:49 mp_en_viaje o wait... NOBODY HAS THREE DOLLARS.
13:49 asciilifeform did!
13:49 asciilifeform and ran!
13:49 asciilifeform there was even an indian d00d who offered her a 20 and 'stop counting the change for next n people omfg and move the fucking line'
13:50 BingoBoingo lol, dafuq
13:50 asciilifeform this was 1st such scene that i've personally witnessed
13:51 asciilifeform i can only guess that nowadays if, in this here colony, you can 'do floating point' you will work somewhere other than the scorching swamp heat selling bottles..
13:51 asciilifeform chix, evidently, came from factory without fpu installed.
13:53 BingoBoingo The biggest danger here with lines is when the tills run out of change. The very sad mass people movers will even have signs begging folks to buy their tickets with the 2 peso coin
13:54 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: for all i know, this kinda thing has been 'normal' here for yrs. asciilifeform simply stays out, usually, from mass panem et circenses scenes, simply not seen
13:56 asciilifeform fwiw it was such a sad chunk of sadness that i regret what spent on the train ticket, not even speaking of time.
13:56 BingoBoingo Back in old country at such events there was always a certain caste of old women attending to or supervising such concessions for their ability to make change or round the damn prices.
13:56 asciilifeform i did learn that ccd in camera can overheat, had nfi this was possible.
13:58 BingoBoingo With that 2017 eclipse, I though a lot of people learned ccd's can overheat
13:58 asciilifeform yea but this one wasn't pointed at solar corona or anyffin of the kind
13:58 asciilifeform simply had the misfortune to be out of the shade, in godforsaken swampistan
13:59 asciilifeform was filming, like idiot, 'cuz any minute nao, TANKS!1111', in 60fps '4k'
14:04 * asciilifeform went like clockwork to 4 jul fireworx fest for 15 yrs nao, but this might be last one
14:06 mp_en_viaje finally getting off your own vhs america hardon ?
14:06 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: lol 'off' circa 1995 or so
14:07 mp_en_viaje !!key Gorwrath
14:07 deedbot
14:09 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: found, by way of the misfortunate outing , that oddball chinese 'falung gong' cult in washingtonistan has ~300 people ~in orchestra~ alone. holyfuq.
14:09 asciilifeform whole thing must've moved here.
14:09 mp_en_viaje prolly being financed by as "useful subversives".
14:09 asciilifeform since day1 afaik
14:09 mp_en_viaje lotta ro "academics" in same zoo.
14:10 BingoBoingo Getting closer
14:10 mp_en_viaje spyked, << is this even a good idea ? why would you want to interleave lisp and html ? how the fuck is anyone gonna debug the salad ?
14:11 mp_en_viaje BingoBoingo, not it sadly.
14:12 asciilifeform ( for the innocent: at no public function in washingtonistan is 'falung gong' ever absent, and the presence is always in the form of 2-3 platoons of chix holding up posters of where supposedly 'they take us apart alive for organs' )
14:14 mp_en_viaje pretty lulzy alt-world menagerie the usg is building for itself.
14:15 asciilifeform large zoo. e.g. 1 time i saw coupla 100 persia-flavoured 'activists' with pickets in front of wh, 'we demand bombing of teheran nao' etc
14:17 mp_en_viaje logic.
14:17 mp_en_viaje whatever, if all the morons that actually want to live in the us gather in washington to populate usg zoos, the world will be better,
14:17 mp_en_viaje and we can just glass washington.
14:17 asciilifeform iirc they started with the cubans
14:18 asciilifeform they filled an entire miami with'em
14:19 mp_en_viaje and look how well that worked, too!
14:20 asciilifeform i have nfi how to even calculate 'worked'. at 1 time, during reign of kennedy, plan was to draft'em into an invasion army. this was done, it was turned into mincemeat, and afaik there was never any 'plan' since
14:21 asciilifeform even when sovok croaked, i dun recall any 'emigre dissidents' being sent back into the crater to help usgificate, rather was done by entirely other folx + locally grown axe handles
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
15:30 feedbot << Qntra -- British Navy Returns To Piracy With Seizure Of Iranian Oil Tanker, Iran Points Out Their Obligation To Retaliate In Kind
~ 2 hours 14 minutes ~
17:44 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, as near as i can tell plan was never to "use" in any meaningful sense, certainly not anything beyond "these are '''winners'''' of tournament market, aspire, aspire, aspire!"
17:48 asciilifeform aaa so like the hollywood chix.
17:48 asciilifeform or the e.g. derps
17:48 a111 Logged on 2019-06-30 05:26 asciilifeform: recall belenko, stole last model mig for.. not even '30 silvers', or esr's 'millions', but for life diet of canned cat food
17:49 mp_en_viaje that's the best theory i got.
17:49 asciilifeform ^ d00d was famous for, among other things, having admitted that he ate for some length of time the cat food, and had nfi what it was, aside from 'it's delish'
17:50 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: imho a++ theory. and ties in with the item also.
17:50 a111 Logged on 2017-06-08 15:10 asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: i can't comment on ro emigres, but with su world there was a lulzy twist : 1st wave (1970s -- largely j000z!11) wrote home, 'i'ma full professor and it rocks, come on over', 2nd wave went, to discover that market -- glut, and hello cab
17:52 asciilifeform i.e. cultivation of 'axe handles' in orclands using miami inhabitants as 'live bait'.
17:53 asciilifeform will admit, even as a boy was thoroughly puzzled, 'for what do they need us in usa, why invited?'
17:53 mp_en_viaje in other news, i spent the weirdest friday night out in memory
17:54 * asciilifeform nearly forgot, lol, it's, what, 0300 hrs in mp_en_viaje's porta-castle
17:54 mp_en_viaje ate (very nice food, "friendship" pectopan in friendship park, a++ beerhouse, great soup great snitzel etc) ; then went for the "moulin rouge", top best cathouse-cunnyshack. driver takes us to a... well... i dunno, construction yard ? narrow dark alley betwen a concrete wall and some metal panes delimiting an earthy ditch.
17:55 mp_en_viaje so we opt out, go for 2nd best. it is a... well i dunno, basically looked like a bus stop in the distance.
17:55 mp_en_viaje the casinos, those are monumental and marquee up in lights the side of the building. but apparently whorehouses occur in someone's garage.
17:56 asciilifeform why invest in 40 metre neons and megalith if mp_en_viaje will just as happily come to properly equipped garage, maybe is the logic
17:57 mp_en_viaje by their websites you'd think they rebuilt glory days las vegas ; but when you get there it looks more like some over-excited 11th graders got a hold of a dad's computer.
17:57 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, except mp_en_viaje came by car, left by car the next minute. gotta make mp get out of car yes ?
17:57 * asciilifeform finds that 'flashy' is ~inversely~ proportional to functionality in erry industry he personally touched. why ought whoring to be exception ?
17:57 mp_en_viaje unless they make their dough at the gas station, i guess.
17:58 asciilifeform hm. but presumably mp_en_viaje left not 'because garage' but because was empty or fulla sad people ?
17:58 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, because whoring is not an industry ? the girls don't make axles in there, you realise, it's not cnc milling
17:58 asciilifeform ( or would've stayed if saw neons ?? )
17:58 asciilifeform i admittedly have possibly simplistic picture, where it's quite same as miller
17:58 mp_en_viaje would have ~gone in~ if saw gate worth going through. stayed, not necessarily.
17:58 mp_en_viaje but to stay at all one must first go in.
17:59 asciilifeform only mp_en_viaje can say why did not go in. i cannot.
17:59 mp_en_viaje i would not ditch a, say, electronic parts dealer because his office is in abandoned mall by decrepit diner 20 miles off highway.
17:59 mp_en_viaje i WILL however ditch "luxury boutique hotel" across the way from construction yard.
18:00 asciilifeform is logic here that if it were a quality bordello, neon would be rounding error in operating cost ? and therefore 'wrong gate'
18:00 mp_en_viaje some things sell the steak, some things sell the sizzle. hotels, bars, whorehouses, etc -- these sell the sizzle, there's no steak there.
18:00 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, yes.
18:00 asciilifeform a++ heuristic then, makes sense
18:00 mp_en_viaje as someone having run such, i know what to look for.
18:03 asciilifeform iirc mp_en_viaje did one time write a portrait of a sad bordello he went into, (in cr?), where chix on flea mattresses behind curtains. but presumably this -- was for sport
18:04 mp_en_viaje not even sport, not like i fucked anyone. was for blogging, you know, to draw a map gotta draw the limits. just like math analysis, go for the remarkable points of inflection etc.
18:05 asciilifeform this is prolly where asciilifeform ought to honestly admit, that he dun even have the equiv. of 'three grades of church school education' in this subj : in fact had never been to a bordello at all. so the last thing alive vs subj expert.
18:05 mp_en_viaje did not particularly feel like slumming it tonite.
18:09 asciilifeform re 'bottom inflection points' -- iirc mp_en_viaje also described existence of whores in south amer who 'make house call' but haven't own transport
18:09 asciilifeform which was memorably odd and howthefuckdoesitwork
18:10 asciilifeform cannot nao find in O(1) this piece, but iirc had 'picture if you called undertaker, and he replied that he's waiting for a tram with enuff room to bring the coffin'
18:11 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform,
18:11 asciilifeform aa!!
18:11 asciilifeform it.
18:12 mp_en_viaje amusing rotard hanger-on was just complaining about it, as it happens, "because he has detected my hypocrisy", or however it works in their brains
18:13 asciilifeform i'ma guess that these come from same fountain of liquishit as the 'hotel' in oslo -- i.e. clients unequipped to distinguish the sham from real deal
18:13 mp_en_viaje (there's different place where i explain that romanian "business owner" ie rotto in culo making 5k/year hussing the street has no business owning car. THEREFORE I CONTRADICT SELF!!!
18:14 mp_en_viaje cuz yeah, totally, yurp and america, similar road / mass transit networks.
18:15 asciilifeform pretty common cockroach in head of 'vhs' orcs incidentally -- 'in usa errybody's rich, see, even elderly widows own trucks'
18:15 mp_en_viaje in other lulz : most slavorc towns have metro systems consisting of a big X on the map
18:16 mp_en_viaje two lines, right angle.
18:16 asciilifeform ( they in fact do. but not 'because rich', but rather because will sooner forgo food than to forgo to 'feed' truck, without it is as without legs )
18:17 asciilifeform mp_en_viaje: copy of moscow
18:17 asciilifeform ( not only slavic, also, even pyongyang has 1 )
18:17 mp_en_viaje i'm not even persuaded it's a bad idea. if you only have dough for that track length, making a cross possibly optimal load. and if not constrained by historical idiocy, like budapest with its 1898 lines look like they were dug by moles, might as well just make a proper grid, #
18:17 asciilifeform aha, worx by 'let'em move to where the station is'
18:18 asciilifeform where richer orcistan : cross + ring
18:18 asciilifeform ( notably : in washingtonistan : no ring ! )
18:18 mp_en_viaje i'd just make a grid, every mile a line each way.
18:19 asciilifeform dunno if even in tokyo -- grid
18:19 mp_en_viaje poorfags.
18:19 asciilifeform possibly not even, but that crossings are a failure point
18:19 mp_en_viaje china builds. THREE GRIDS.
18:19 asciilifeform it's where the sad amerimetro always breaks down -- in the switches
18:19 mp_en_viaje asciilifeform, obviously lines on diff levels, duh!
18:20 asciilifeform 3d metro ?
18:20 mp_en_viaje nowere do the lines ACTUALLY cross. warsaw blue line is under red line. minsk red under blue. etc. you wanna interconnect, get off use escalator.
18:21 asciilifeform they do not of course physically cross even here. but the trains do have to switch sides, i dun know of any subway anywhere where ~all~ stations have bidirectional platform
18:21 asciilifeform ( in chicago, many do, but still iirc not all )
18:22 mp_en_viaje i dunno i ever noticed line switching. that's... kinda dumb neh ?
18:22 asciilifeform i cannot say why they did not build the (youngest, i think, in world) wash. metro -- 1972 iirc -- with 100% bidir. platforms
18:22 asciilifeform would've thought -- 'no brainer'
18:23 asciilifeform but no, they switch and switch sides, all day, and is where train usually gets stuck when gets stuck
18:23 mp_en_viaje but i mean they just loop, neh ? doesn't actually switch at end of line, just loops around
18:23 asciilifeform here they have a depot on ea. end of ea. line.
18:23 mp_en_viaje and it's a straight line with switchings ? like in 1850 ?
18:23 asciilifeform straight, dual track.
18:24 mp_en_viaje i thought that;'s so fucking nutty, i even photographed it in budapest
18:24 mp_en_viaje i thought "holy shit, this is the most antique insane thing leftover"
18:24 mp_en_viaje apparently best practice ?
18:24 asciilifeform afaik.
18:24 asciilifeform i was only in budapest subway for an hour or so, dun recall how it was arrayed
18:24 asciilifeform resembled, i think, chicago
18:24 asciilifeform err
18:24 asciilifeform not buda
18:25 asciilifeform bucharest
18:25 asciilifeform grr gotta go an' see sunlight soon, will go mad at terminal
18:25 * asciilifeform never been to buda-
18:26 mp_en_viaje << item
18:27 asciilifeform hmm, dun display, trips the mpwp spamload killer
18:27 mp_en_viaje etc
18:27 asciilifeform danke
18:27 asciilifeform and yea that's exactly how dc metro is
18:28 asciilifeform that same type of switch, at ~2~ ends , in each stop
18:28 asciilifeform complete with semaphore (when used ? nfi, since time immemorial was automatic)
18:28 asciilifeform nyc same also
18:29 mp_en_viaje hm
18:29 asciilifeform iirc mp_en_viaje saw the nyc sub with own eyes
18:29 mp_en_viaje yes but years ago
18:30 mp_en_viaje i dunno tbh how i got this idea in my head.
18:30 asciilifeform i suspect from ~tram~
18:30 mp_en_viaje possibly by looking at chinese plans for future development too much
18:30 asciilifeform tram, typically, goes in loop at depot
18:31 * asciilifeform went into the tram yard in timis, they left it open..
18:31 asciilifeform re chinese, i've not had the pleasure to ride their trains or even see up close, so cannot add.
18:33 * asciilifeform will bbl
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