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← 2017-12-02 | 2017-12-04 →
02:21 mats http://www.calexium.com/en/blog/entry/45-ports-network-appliance-with-pc-engines-apu-and-deloc-network-card-into-cxm-case1blk-case.html
02:25 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Cool, barring any problems the transit time will be ~24 hours
02:37 BingoBoingo In other BAWWW https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/12/03/0419248/massive-financial-aid-data-breach-proves-stanford-lied-for-years-to-mbas
~ 1 hours 36 minutes ~
04:13 mircea_popescu lol
~ 55 minutes ~
05:09 mircea_popescu ah, speaking of http://trilema.com/2017/why-is-fighting-corruption-the-pantsuit-callsign/ & http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-01#1745184 : https://www.riseproject.ro/articol/banul-paralel/ (the principal, though by now kinda defunded, usg.dos tool in .ro).
05:09 a111 Logged on 2017-12-01 22:42 mircea_popescu: in other news nobody cares about, usg.state's main asset in romania looks well headed to jail. kovesi (special "anti-corruption prosecutor") lied about meeting various politicians (as part of usg embassy-directed http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-28#1743878 scandal).
05:10 mircea_popescu "investigative" in the sense of "here's half the picture, let's hope together that a) you're not smart enough to understand the elements it's constructed out of are meaningless and b) the areas it doesn't cover are meaningful". basically, the EXACT nonsense as in "wash dc pizzeria scandal"/"#metoo" : free association game.
~ 1 hours 33 minutes ~
06:44 mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/stenograma-sedintei-comitetului-politic-executiv-al-cc-al-pcr-din-ziua-de-11-octombrie-1977-translated/ << check out what i found for you!
06:49 mircea_popescu and speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739096 : it's my recollection that when i released mp-wp, the deal was somebody picks it up and genesises it. i dun recall right off who, was it you shinohai ? or ben_vulpes ?
06:49 a111 Logged on 2017-11-15 18:19 phf: manual meaning that i see a vpatch in any random place, i post it (obviously it benefits me, more content etc.)
06:50 mircea_popescu now i want to link to the thing in this article and... where do i link
~ 1 hours 24 minutes ~
08:14 deedbot http://trilema.com/2017/lets-revisit-the-google-is-irrelevant-discussion/ << Trilema - Let's revisit the Google-is-irrelevant discussion.
~ 1 hours 16 minutes ~
09:31 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745756 << this is the right idea, but for some inexplicable reason is castrated -- why only half-length 1U, and holds 2 boards, not 4 ?!
09:31 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 07:21 mats: http://www.calexium.com/en/blog/entry/45-ports-network-appliance-with-pc-engines-apu-and-deloc-network-card-into-cxm-case1blk-case.html
09:34 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745755 << it was a formatting issue, and he repasted with p.bvulpes -- but the unfortunate bit is that they, too, will vanish, and the comment becomes useless in <1week unless i manually archive'em
09:34 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 02:58 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform better error message is "please use p.bvulpes, your pastes vanished"
09:34 asciilifeform pastetrons intrinsically suck.
09:40 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745758 << will run into solid wall of unhappening, just like the climate crapola, podesta, etc
09:40 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 07:37 BingoBoingo: In other BAWWW https://news.slashdot.org/story/17/12/03/0419248/massive-financial-aid-data-breach-proves-stanford-lied-for-years-to-mbas
09:41 asciilifeform 'only terrorist conspiracytheorists, toxicfacts' etc.
09:48 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745760 >> here's a bonus mindfuck, mircea_popescu :
09:48 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 10:09 mircea_popescu: ah, speaking of http://trilema.com/2017/why-is-fighting-corruption-the-pantsuit-callsign/ & http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-01#1745184 : https://www.riseproject.ro/articol/banul-paralel/ (the principal, though by now kinda defunded, usg.dos tool in .ro).
09:50 asciilifeform their logo: https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/552874632408076290/3phOV2Az.jpeg >>>>> <<<< https://www.doyouremember.co.uk/uploads/raw-1336594143.jpg
09:51 asciilifeform on right hand -- 'simon', american children's toy where coloured lights blink and kid tries to repeat the sequence
09:52 asciilifeform could, certainly, be a case of 'there are only so-many cheapo clip arts'. but also not a bad 'subconscious confession' of muppetry, alternatively.
09:54 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745762 << the pizzeria people didn't do anything that, e.g., bush's 'wmd' people didn't do. only diff is that one did it while inca emperor, and demolished a good chunk of whole continent, while other -- did it while penniless hobos, and perforated a roof in an old house.
09:54 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 10:10 mircea_popescu: "investigative" in the sense of "here's half the picture, let's hope together that a) you're not smart enough to understand the elements it's constructed out of are meaningless and b) the areas it doesn't cover are meaningful". basically, the EXACT nonsense as in "wash dc pizzeria scandal"/"#metoo" : free association game.
09:56 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745763 << my current reading of the shoemaker is that he was some combo of senility and 'tilt' (being under attack from ~all angles by the empire, and unable to do much of anything in the way of genuine push-back )
09:56 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 11:44 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform http://trilema.com/2014/stenograma-sedintei-comitetului-politic-executiv-al-cc-al-pcr-din-ziua-de-11-octombrie-1977-translated/ << check out what i found for you!
10:08 asciilifeform but meanwhile, http://www.loper-os.org/?p=1913&cpage=1#comment-18388
~ 15 minutes ~
10:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform pretty lulzy, yes.
10:24 mircea_popescu i'm not even sure it's not deliberate, by this point.
10:25 mircea_popescu not all intelligent people find the republic. some that don't... "troll" the imbecile public, ie, sopirla.
10:26 asciilifeform that'd be gut-bustingly lulzy. 'simon sayz!111'
10:26 mircea_popescu aha
10:33 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745772 << well, yes, as indirection layer above blog comment. nfi why one'd do that instread of just putting the material in a blockquote.
10:33 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 14:34 asciilifeform: pastetrons intrinsically suck.
10:33 mircea_popescu but the good news is you can config your blogotron to just suck out pastes and put them in blockquotes itself. tho i've not had mp-wp do this
10:34 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745775 << honestly, i don't see what the secret even is. "stanford dares to elitism" ?
10:34 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 14:41 asciilifeform: 'only terrorist conspiracytheorists, toxicfacts' etc.
10:34 mircea_popescu why the fuck would standford give a dumb neet as much as a length of string "because they need it" ? let them need from their fucking mother / community college.
10:38 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745783 << my read is that he was genuine lee kuan yew, except not nearly as intelligent (nor fortunate) ; eventually collapsed under the pressure of the pointless maggot herd wanting what it wants rather than what it needs aka "democracy".
10:38 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 14:56 asciilifeform: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745763 << my current reading of the shoemaker is that he was some combo of senility and 'tilt' (being under attack from ~all angles by the empire, and unable to do much of anything in the way of genuine push-back )
10:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the seekrit, as i understand, is that they were running a http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-23#1742441 scheme, but in fact were recruiting folx who already ~had~ 'goodjerbs'
10:38 a111 Logged on 2017-11-23 15:26 mircea_popescu: the only fucking reason, point and selling characteristic of anglo college is "making money", and there's no quantum below 1 million dollars.
10:39 mircea_popescu doh. how else would you have them do it ?
10:39 mircea_popescu ofcoursetheywere.
10:39 asciilifeform there's also the simpler alternative, which i originally assumed they use -- simply pulling 'employability' stats out of thin air
10:40 mircea_popescu nah, the amusing thing about the empire of thin air is that ~everything is "justified". it's never "here's some hot air", it's always "here's two steps of correct deductions based on the 3rd on thin air"
10:41 asciilifeform lolaha, 'only Dumb Orcs pull ~straight~ from thin air!11'
10:41 mircea_popescu i dunno what the difference they imagine is
10:41 mircea_popescu "oh, the sort of idiot reading this only goes 3 nodes deep, we make 4 nodes deep nonsense, 100% proof!"
10:42 mircea_popescu i guess that's why the appeal of google-ish "ai".
10:42 mircea_popescu "from experience, we want intelligence that's not too intelligent"
~ 1 hours 29 minutes ~
12:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: they operate somewhat like malware obfuscators -- idea, seems, is not to make the sham impenetrable ( this is not physically possible, typically ) but to make the effort of getting to the bottom of every possible idiocy, -ev.
12:12 asciilifeform which somehow (dun ask me) is intended to make folx swallow the crock of shit , rather than wanting to burn whole edifice down ? nfi.
~ 18 minutes ~
12:31 phf http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745764 << i recall we ran into the issue of vpatch-ing binaries that hasn't been resolved. wp admin interface relies on a lot of png's and gif's that it's not clear how to stuff into a vpatch without a superfluous "make" phase
12:31 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 11:49 mircea_popescu: and speaking of http://btcbase.org/log/2017-11-15#1739096 : it's my recollection that when i released mp-wp, the deal was somebody picks it up and genesises it. i dun recall right off who, was it you shinohai ? or ben_vulpes ?
12:32 phf i think someone was suggesting converting all the png's and gif's into svg, for example, and other like hacks
12:33 asciilifeform phf: recall how i did it in fg.
12:34 asciilifeform ( it's a somewhat unsatisfying answer, but afaik the only general-purpose pill to date )
12:35 phf right, that might work, a tar xf into the same vpatch'ed structure (since you need to place those artifacts just right)
~ 25 minutes ~
13:01 asciilifeform hashing a la fg does the basic job, of nailing the bins down along with everythingelse
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
14:20 phf phk wrote a get off my lawn rant about cathedral vs. bazaar http://queue.acm.org/detail.cfm?id=2349257 which stirred up the hamsters https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4407188 favorite quote from thread “I don't think the appeal to authority fallacy will fly here. We are all too smart for that.”
14:25 BingoBoingo !~ticker --market all
14:25 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11712.5, vol: 7833.48155863 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 11722.0, vol: 50761.66382973 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11650.0, vol: 2958.20428703 | Volume-weighted last average: 11717.3307369
~ 18 minutes ~
14:44 asciilifeform what's phk
14:45 asciilifeform aaa author
14:45 asciilifeform 'Needless to say, this is more than most programmers would ever want to put up with, even if they had the skill, so the input files for autoconf happen by copy and paste, often hiding behind increasingly bloated standard macros covering "standard tests" such as those mentioned earlier, which look for compatibility problems not seen in the past 20 years'
14:45 asciilifeform !#s autoconf
14:45 a111 34 results for "autoconf", http://btcbase.org/log-search?q=autoconf
14:45 asciilifeform ^ see also.
14:46 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-04-04#1637016 << e.g. thread.
14:46 a111 Logged on 2017-04-04 15:43 asciilifeform: the far bigger boojum is that ~95% of the tarballs include megabytes of autoconf liquishit.
14:47 asciilifeform 'This is probably also why libtool's configure probes no fewer than 26 different names for the Fortran compiler my system does not have, and then spends another 26 tests to find out if each of these nonexistent Fortran compilers supports the -g option.
14:47 asciilifeform That is the sorry reality of the bazaar Raymond praised in his book: a pile of old festering hacks, endlessly copied and pasted by a clueless generation of IT "professionals" who wouldn't recognize sound IT architecture if you hit them over the head with it.'
14:47 asciilifeform whole thing notbad.jpg.
14:49 phf apparently he also argues for fits in head as the only proper measure elsewhere, but i can't find the source of quote (possibly person who implied it is a log reader, and just reused the variety speak)
~ 35 minutes ~
15:25 shinohai http://oglaf.com/andrology/
15:34 BingoBoingo http://oglaf.com/pinkeye/
15:37 asciilifeform ' Sam Leffler's graphics/libtiff is one of the 122 packages on the road to www/firefox, yet the resulting Firefox browser does not render TIFF images. For reasons I have not tried to uncover, 10 of the 122 packages need Perl and seven need Python; one of them, devel/glib20, needs both languages for reasons I cannot even imagine.'
15:42 jurov What does the "beautiful cathedral of unix" that he uses in a contrast, mean?
15:43 jurov Surely not pervasive use of gets() and "when it segfaults when passed too long line, it's user's fault"?
15:44 asciilifeform jurov: prolly sysv
15:44 asciilifeform and to d00d who spent entire working life with piles of shit, a small and dried up one is moarbeautiful than a gigantic and steaming pile
15:45 asciilifeform ( see also http://btcbase.org/log/2017-03-28#1633301 and elsewhere )
15:45 a111 Logged on 2017-03-28 17:54 asciilifeform: how did it go, 'man who has not read sysv, is illiterate; man who has read nothing but sysv, is also illiterate' (or was it marx..)
15:45 jurov neither deserves to be called cathedral...
15:46 jurov or if, then msdos was even more a cathedral!
15:46 BingoBoingo Plenty of shitty cathedrals out there, not like we are talking Basillica or anything
15:47 asciilifeform jurov: term is an esrism, referring to items made with fuhrerprinzip; as opposed to amorphous liquishit from herd
15:48 asciilifeform ( granted esr tried to spin it in opposite direction, misleading the easily mislead )
15:56 BingoBoingo !~bcstats
15:56 jhvh1 BingoBoingo: Current Blocks: 497425 | Current Difficulty: 1.347001430558E12 | Next Difficulty At Block: 497951 | Next Difficulty In: 526 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 days, 2 hours, and 22 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
15:59 asciilifeform !~ticker --market all
15:59 jhvh1 asciilifeform: Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 11370.0, vol: 9391.96352467 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 11394.0, vol: 3377.78197594 | Volume-weighted last average: 11376.3483464
16:04 BingoBoingo Well, if this holds up 12500 could be passed when I am in transit
16:15 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: what's interesting re this particular number
16:24 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745811 << quite. and it works especially well on idiots, which is to say agents devoid of examinatory capacity. the higher your subjective cost per mile "walked", the more feasible imperial rationalization is.
16:24 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 17:12 asciilifeform: which somehow (dun ask me) is intended to make folx swallow the crock of shit , rather than wanting to burn whole edifice down ? nfi.
16:24 mircea_popescu now guess why colleges burned down "spontaneously" post http://trilema.com/2017/when-did-america-end/#footnote_6_76183
16:25 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: It's the number the gut feeling indicator had a hunch on
16:25 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745812 << afaik this has been resolved as for eg FG original / future bioses etc.
16:25 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 17:31 phf: http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745764 << i recall we ran into the issue of vpatch-ing binaries that hasn't been resolved. wp admin interface relies on a lot of png's and gif's that it's not clear how to stuff into a vpatch without a superfluous "make" phase
16:26 mircea_popescu also afaik the pngs etc are 100% within ~the theme~ which was not originally bundled.
16:26 mircea_popescu so full excision also acceptable approach. tbh i dun recall this ever having been the problem.
16:27 mircea_popescu “I don't think the appeal to authority fallacy will fly here. We are all too smart for that.” << bwahahaha. two smart by half, the tards.
16:29 mircea_popescu phf i don't understand the dating scheme involved. page says august 15, 2012, text refers to 2001 as "13 years ago" (so was it 2014 ?) and you present it as an event that just happened ? which is it ?
16:30 mircea_popescu but otherwise yes, the "bazaar" utter practical failure and completly irredemable theoretical idiocy is an established point.
16:30 asciilifeform looks like an oldie yea
16:30 asciilifeform i assumed was intentional
16:31 asciilifeform the utter and complete lunacy of 'bazaar' was obvious in 2012. and 2001. and 12, and 1, and there's whole motherfucking biblical parable re the tower etc
16:32 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745837 << cp/m ? i can't begin to imagine what.
16:32 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 20:42 jurov: What does the "beautiful cathedral of unix" that he uses in a contrast, mean?
16:32 mircea_popescu unix never worked.
16:33 mircea_popescu people such as here present will claim that bolix or something like that worked, but i have my reservations. and in any case lispm wasn't "unix", though cathedral alright.
16:33 asciilifeform the original contrast turd was the now-forgotten 'multics'
16:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform multics was unix ?!
16:34 asciilifeform nope
16:34 mircea_popescu 1964 ? how far back can this go
16:34 asciilifeform contrast turd, in the heads of the 'unix was beautiful' people
16:35 mircea_popescu but i mean... why not straight to analogics.
16:35 asciilifeform why not to spear and bear skin lol
16:35 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2016-01-21#1380083 << most bestest unix.
16:35 a111 Logged on 2016-01-21 19:50 asciilifeform: when you push it, the word правильно (CORRECT)
16:35 asciilifeform speaking here of items that actually stood as competitors, for however long
16:36 asciilifeform compare tanks from same war, not from 50yr apart, similarly.
16:36 mircea_popescu well, multics (64), cp/m (74), unix (80s), linux/windows (90s) etc.
16:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: to make the matchbox 'computer' wholly unixlike, it ought to occasionally fail to open
16:37 asciilifeform for no detectable reason
16:38 mircea_popescu anyway, i dun personally see the link between unix and multics beyond "well, thompson and ritchie!!"
16:38 asciilifeform ( and sometimes snap closed mid-open, etc )
16:39 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: multics, at least mythologically, was the Officially Blessed Liquishit against which t & r pushed back , initially in their spare time
16:39 mircea_popescu i guess.
16:39 asciilifeform on written-off pdp, etc.
16:40 mircea_popescu but still. at least cp/m had a rivalry with dos vaguely reminescent of linux/windoze thing
16:40 mircea_popescu architecturally what's the multics / unics connection ? that both had a shell ?
16:40 asciilifeform hard to describe the contest as any kind of actual contest after the official usg, err, ibm, blessing of microshit
16:40 asciilifeform ( in re cp/m vs dos )
16:41 mircea_popescu and similarily in the 90s.
16:41 phf asciilifeform: "present as just happened" was unintentional, but otherwise that sounds about right, 2012 publication, hackernews thread is from roughly the same time
16:42 phf s/asciilifeform/mircea_popescu/
16:42 asciilifeform in '90s microshit rode the proverbial zundapp-with-mg-sidecar around the killing field, finishing off the wounded.
16:42 mircea_popescu phf but how could it have been published in 2012 if the author thinks it was written in 2014 ?
16:44 mircea_popescu anyway. i guess double fencepost errors are also possible.
16:44 mircea_popescu http://btcbase.org/log/2017-12-03#1745852 good luck to ye.
16:44 a111 Logged on 2017-12-03 21:04 BingoBoingo: Well, if this holds up 12500 could be passed when I am in transit
16:44 phf mircea_popescu: it's also possible that he's referring to the original publication of esr's essay, that predated the book by couple of years
16:45 mircea_popescu my first thought, except he says the year, 2001.
16:46 phf i wonder if that bit was added by the editors
16:47 mircea_popescu if you strike the parens he still says "when book"
16:47 phf well, the book was published in 99!
16:47 mircea_popescu hm.
16:47 mircea_popescu i thought it was 2000
16:48 asciilifeform ( in re multics, for dedicated archaeologist : http://multicians.org/simulator.html )
16:48 phf https://web.archive.org/web/20030424100429/http://www.catb.org/~esr/writings/cathedral-bazaar/cathedral-bazaar/
16:48 mircea_popescu ah right you are, 99.
16:48 mircea_popescu alright then that clears that.
16:49 phf pantsuit publishing doesn't standup to tmsr rigorous and requires certain amount of archeology to get straight
16:50 mircea_popescu phf what scares me most is what the man who seems to appreciate f p brooks also thinks the "tricks of the trade" are, to verbatim, "test-restoring backups, scripting operating-system installs, version control, etc".
16:51 mircea_popescu whenever i read stuff these people (1990s era graybeards) have to say i always get a feeling of that mercedes-riding-priest.
16:51 mircea_popescu you know the story ?
16:51 phf hehe, no
16:52 mircea_popescu year is 1990s and guy has a mercedes, unseen car in eastern lands. a priest is hitchhiking, guy stops, priest goes in.
16:53 mircea_popescu priest wants to know what is that thing on the hood ? and guy explains slyly that "well, this is a german car, you know, they're a warlike people. so you aim pedestrians with that and well..."
16:53 mircea_popescu then there's a pedestrian, and the guy, wanting to put a little meat behind his joke, sorta drives the car towards him and steers away at the last minute
16:53 mircea_popescu much to his shock and horror, the rearview mirror shows brains and guts scattered everywhere
16:54 mircea_popescu the priest, very calmly, "eh, you can fuck your germans ; had i not opened my door you'd have missed him."
16:55 mircea_popescu kinda same with p-h kamp (and all the rest of them at that) : hurr durr design, hurr durr thought provoking, herp-derp scripted os-reinstall. nigga... are you a priest or aren't you ?
16:55 mircea_popescu dem thoughts dun really seem all that provoked, what can i say.
16:57 phf heh, right
16:57 mircea_popescu aaanyways.
16:57 phf well, the bar is set very low
16:57 asciilifeform the point re how a build script taking up moar bytes than a ~bloated~ os took up in 1980s, does not require a genius, to make
16:57 mircea_popescu looks more like out and out schizophrenia.
16:58 asciilifeform there's a certain level of schizo that goes with the profession
16:58 asciilifeform same folx do not program for decades.
16:58 mircea_popescu no item where certain degree of schizo goes can be called profession.
16:59 asciilifeform prolly doomed to become a caste ( in the model of the hindu shit-shoveling-with-bare-hands folx ) , as observed by neal stephenson and others.
16:59 mircea_popescu now THAT is always & guaranteed "certain degree of believe not what your eyes show you but what the book tells you"
16:59 asciilifeform work that ruins the worker for the company of civilized people, has that effect.
16:59 mircea_popescu quite so, yes.
17:01 mircea_popescu incidentally, do we agree that o'reilly pushing esr idiocy ("bazaar") is responsible for 2001 bubble in the same way aol is responsible for 1993 and lehman for 2007 ?
17:01 phf i'm pretty sure we had that in thread
17:01 mircea_popescu ah did we ? kthen
17:02 phf actually, no, we were talking about o'reilly and web 2.0
17:02 mircea_popescu different idiocy.
17:03 mircea_popescu in fact, o'reilly has the unique distinction of having produced more crap per unit useful than ~everything known to man, including the anglican church, the various other protestants and so on
17:03 mircea_popescu big deal to manage to be dumber than calvin.
17:03 asciilifeform dunno that it makes sense to give any particular printolade-bubble overseer the distinction of a name and attributed agency. it's not unlike pinning the black plague on a particular, named rat
17:04 phf it's a particularly big fucking rat
17:05 mircea_popescu more importantly, it's a self-advertising rat.
17:06 mircea_popescu come to think of it, he was at the fortefront of the whole "object oriented" "revolution" also, wasn't he.
17:06 phf i missed a point re phk though. is the idea that "scripted os-reinstall" is a bad idea, or that it's insufficient?
17:06 mircea_popescu dumb fucking nonsense, a good fit for maybe 1% of cases presented as california magical weight loss cure.
17:07 mircea_popescu phf why would my os ever need to be reinstalled ?
17:07 mircea_popescu i don't reinstall my toilet, or my stove, or my car.
17:07 mircea_popescu why the fuck would i!
17:07 mircea_popescu what sort of piece of shit os is this whereby system breakage to the level where bsod is possible!
17:08 mircea_popescu actually, let me rephrase : how could an item that can need reinstalling be called an os ?
17:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: oop-circa-1990s was a bastardization of 1970s-era narrowly domained ( cad, a few other ) item , picked specifically with 'this is promising for deskilling programming' item
17:08 mircea_popescu evidently, the thing that does THE REINSTALLING is the os.
17:08 mircea_popescu ie, hand-cranked os ffs.
17:08 asciilifeform idea being explicitly anti- fitsinhead, i.e. 'make program behave like ensemble of physical objects'
17:08 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no, i know.
17:09 mircea_popescu tbh, oreilly was minnow back when oop started, just tried to wave a ride.
17:10 phf in the original it's "os install", the idea is automatic instead of manual provisioning. we practice it here
17:10 mircea_popescu phf i can't read it like that in the context of the three items that he offers as his tools of the trade.
17:10 mircea_popescu if i were trying to teach the "greenhorns" in 1990s how to survive, i'd make them read eg knuth. literate programming. stuff.
17:11 mircea_popescu wtf is this shit.
17:12 mircea_popescu i can't read it any other way than "my racing toolkit consists of duct tape, cyanoacrylate, and just-add-water wheel assemblages to be bolted down on any 2x2 inch flat surface you might wish".
17:12 mircea_popescu now, it's true we use superglue on skin tears, but it's not true that such nonsense as that described can be a racing toolkit.
17:13 mircea_popescu even leaving the particulars aside, what you teach greenhorns is to BE LESS EXCITED!!! not "be less responsible".
17:16 phf right, i think perhaps the problem of this particular turn of phrase, is that he can't actually name what makes him a better than average programmer (like ascii's fits in head, or Principles, or), so he's reduced to a shortcut that is insufficient
17:16 mircea_popescu but you see how this is EXACTLY the same problem ?
17:17 mircea_popescu i ~can~ name what makes me better in any professional field ffs. who can't ? how couldn't you, if it is indeed professional field!
17:19 phf despite the references to brooks, nobody's actually practicing what brooks advocated, so the name and the books are reduced to a charm. yet another cargo cult
17:21 mircea_popescu somehow he manages to write that AND NOT at the same time throw an error. "wait... i... can't actually explain this ?!"
17:21 mircea_popescu shit happens to me ALL! THE! TIME!!!! writing trilema pieces.
17:21 mircea_popescu how does he manages to avoid the exception, you know ? "this enumeration... it doesn't work... what am i actually talking about ?"
17:25 phf hmm hmm
17:25 mircea_popescu i can't be the only one dedicated enough to the craft to actually be bothered by such.
17:32 phf do you see it rationally and then deconstruct it, or do you first experience the wrongness and then seek the source of it? because if it's the first one, then i'm possible lacking necessary tools, but if it's the second, then i just don't always get to the seeking out the source part
17:32 mircea_popescu both happen.
17:33 mircea_popescu the second is more than half tyhe time how trilema articles end up so long, those that do -- there was a shorter thing there that didn't hold, but for expressive rather than fundamentalreasons.
17:34 mircea_popescu the first is how articles are born in the first place, half the time. because "lo! bad construct detected!"
17:42 mircea_popescu but in any case -- ALL PANTSUIT!!! is reduced to a shortcut that is insufficient, and doesn't stand up to investigation. this is in fact so universal in them that it can function as identification. "why do you think X is bad ?" "because it's racist" "but what's that mean ?" "oh puhleaze! do we ~still~ have to ?!?!?!". yes, you do. moreover, https://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2011/07/jezebel_proves_scott_adams_is.html
17:47 phf this is apropos http://btcbase.org/log/2016-08-17#1523303 but the subtlety requires continual refinement. otherwise you start letting it pass, and turn into one of them
17:47 a111 Logged on 2016-08-17 17:13 phf: Framedragger: i was young and a bum, i recognized all these people because my entertainment machine would reinforce their presence for me. "oh jwz is talking. oh now it's ptacek. oh it's paul graham! squee". but they were always in a different category from say norvig or knuth or naggum. once i started doing and learning (i.e. painfully read knuth, rather than just have him on my shelf) i finally was able to grok the difference.
17:47 phf !#seen Framedragger
17:47 a111 2017-10-06 <Framedragger> yes but someone committing to the project without having the necessary time is not far away from malice, imho
17:48 mircea_popescu all the foregoing aside (and much related to what you say) i suspect this is also a very specific vulnerability of the esl folk, in that they DONT expect the language to complain when misused.
17:48 mircea_popescu in fact, they don't expect language pushback (resistance of medium) at all whatsoever, and don't understand how to decode when the words are crying to the heavens their sadness in abuse.
17:49 mircea_popescu whereas to literate folk, this is a major topic. "i...can't say that. why can't i say that ? why won't that let itself be said ?!"
17:57 mircea_popescu people generally laugh at flaubert for having spent however many weeks to discern if 20 or 22 degrees was "more adequate in his text", but the elided truth of the matter is that they who ~entirely~ lack the mechanism there used in excess are in a much sadder spot than poor ol' oncle g.
~ 15 minutes ~
18:12 mircea_popescu "Modularity and code reuse are, of course, A Good Thing. Even in the most trivially simple case, however, the CS/IT dogma of code reuse is totally foreign in the bazaar: the software in the FreeBSD ports collection contains at least 1,342 copied and pasted cryptographic algorithms." << of which none actually work, is the caper.
18:17 jurov https://www.gentoo.org/support/news-items/2017-11-30-new-17-profiles.html " Please migrate away from the 13.0 profiles within the six weeks after GCC 6.4.0 has been stabilized on your architecture.
18:17 jurov The 13.0 profiles will be deprecated then and removed in half a year."
18:19 jurov "The default C++ language version for applications is now C++14...means, however, that compilers earlier than GCC 6 are masked and not supported for use as a system compiler anymore."
18:19 mircea_popescu not supported by whom ?
18:19 mircea_popescu i must be misunderstanding something.
18:21 jurov what's there to understand. want to run gentoo on gcc 4, you're on your own.
18:21 mircea_popescu as opposed to when
18:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: by the gentoo(tm)(r) people, naturally. helpfully announcing the final cement burial of whatever useful bits were still left on their www from pre-quisling times.
18:21 mircea_popescu is the idea here that "should you attempt to ask questions on stackexchange there'll be a crowd of politruks whining about it" ? or something else ?
18:22 asciilifeform tbh this is moar advancedwarning than this type of thing typically gets. usually it's silent breakage.
18:23 mircea_popescu one doesn't preclude the other, of course.
18:23 mircea_popescu i'm guessing the gcc 6 branch lacks any sort of incentive exactly in the manner gcc 5 did, making this kind of measures necessary ?
18:24 asciilifeform 5 had 0 incentives either, other than for the few folx who really yearned to use c++14isms
18:25 asciilifeform (c++11/14/etc.ism is a rather half-hearted attempt to make '70% bugridden reimplementation' of ada, in cpp, as retrofit. iirc we had a thread a few yrs ago re subj)
18:25 mircea_popescu i recall, yes.
18:27 mircea_popescu though i wouldn't pay much for the upgradist's hide. recall http://trilema.com/2016/internet-census-2016/
18:28 asciilifeform 'Where supported, GCC will now build position-independent executables (PIE) by default.
18:28 asciilifeform ' << guess for whom.
18:28 mircea_popescu mmm
18:30 asciilifeform it's a multilayered shitsandwich : not only makes 0dayolade substantially easier to write, but as bonus makes ALL old libs no longer link
18:30 asciilifeform and forces newgccism machinewide (despite the boldfaced lie re 'can keep other compilers')
18:30 mircea_popescu "more secure" in the sense of, "against non-nsa attackers only"
18:30 asciilifeform aaha.
18:30 asciilifeform 'nobus'(tm)(r)
18:31 asciilifeform http://btcbase.org/log/2017-02-07#1612186
18:31 a111 Logged on 2017-02-07 19:35 asciilifeform: the ftmeade jargon, iirc, is 'nobus' ('no one but us'), in contrast with 'phuctor-style' discoverable hole.
18:32 mircea_popescu so basically, will be driven via cloud and google/apple duopoly.
18:34 asciilifeform gcc6? driven exactly like 5 was. by breaking perfectly-working setups, whenever and wherever they can get their hands on them
18:35 mircea_popescu yes, but... i still dun have a gcc 5 anywhere for instance.
18:36 asciilifeform it wouldn't surprise me to learn that mircea_popescu dun even have a 4 anywhere
18:36 mircea_popescu i got a pile of various ones, actually.
18:36 mircea_popescu eulora eg compiles on 4.4 to 4.9
18:41 asciilifeform re gcc, recall also that it's been put on the usg hitlist, they would like to lead it to a level of dysfunction that will have naive folx welcoming its shooting behind the shed and replacement with Officially blessed clang-llvm
18:44 asciilifeform and yes 6 is being forced in via same mechanism as 5, i.e. they are methodically exterminating archives of source that built cleanly without 5, and replacing -- whenever possible, silently -- with new 'improved' .
~ 19 minutes ~
19:03 mircea_popescu fortunately it's a whole pile of source that nobody could possibly ever want,
19:03 mircea_popescu i deeply care python 3 won't build without gcc 6 hurr.
19:14 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo so why not have two rows line normal people. started at 1 0 then moved to 0 7842 then ended at 0 4990
~ 1 hours 28 minutes ~
20:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: principal headache is in re bringing up ~new~ boxes, without gcc5+ crapolade leaking in; rather than keeping old ones going
20:44 asciilifeform incidentally i know of at least 1 item that i use that still not depython3ated -- the lattice ice fpga thing
20:44 asciilifeform ( the verilog synth in particular)
20:48 mircea_popescu asciilifeform well, for eg danielpbarron has that selling eulora boxes thing.
20:53 asciilifeform that kinda thing strikes me as livingdangerously.
20:54 mircea_popescu yes well.
20:55 * asciilifeform doesn't even like distributing binaries, much less entire gabrielladdelized machines
20:57 mircea_popescu what's one to do with the other ?
20:59 asciilifeform machine full of bins is properly speaking superset of 'some bins' neh
20:59 mircea_popescu dude... did you buy one or what are ye talkin about ?
21:01 asciilifeform the notion itself
21:01 mircea_popescu "the notion itself" is not a thing.
21:01 * asciilifeform fastens gas mask
21:01 mircea_popescu pretty sure this guy will actually send you one if you pay him ; as opposed to the other one.
21:02 asciilifeform oh i'm quite certain he'll send .
21:02 mircea_popescu well so then.
21:03 asciilifeform recall article where mircea_popescu described how he buys machines ? i.e. from street retail, when possible, in cash, without advance warning re where
21:03 asciilifeform in re 'specificity'
21:03 mircea_popescu sure.
21:04 mircea_popescu but if you're going to have a standard os you're going to have a standard os.
21:05 asciilifeform 'standard os' could be lived with, as necessary , but 'this 1 d00d makes for us machines' is inviting trouble.
21:06 mircea_popescu well, 1 is better than 0. it's not like there's 2 and i'm proposing one quit.
21:06 asciilifeform troo
21:07 asciilifeform incidentally anyone willing to admit to using a danielpbarron gentootron ? how is it ?
21:08 mircea_popescu yeah, he could use some reviews, at that.
21:08 mircea_popescu sold any yet danielpbarron ?
21:19 danielpbarron no
21:21 mircea_popescu tsk.
21:22 mircea_popescu danielpbarron is it on the wiki btw ?
21:22 mircea_popescu aaand in other extemporaneous hygienes, http://78.media.tumblr.com/18b2bb2808ca485783900574ea934b17/tumblr_nixiyswNN11u9sycbo1_400.gif
21:22 danielpbarron not that i'm aware of
21:23 mircea_popescu i'd say add it, you know, "or you could buy a preinstalled laptop"
21:23 danielpbarron i bought some reddit ad time for it but nothing ever came of it
21:24 mircea_popescu well... if you feel like documenting it so i'm not the only one explaining how reddit is worth < than the slashdot's coupla mil, lock stock and barrel...
21:24 mircea_popescu at least you get a blog post out of the expense.
21:26 danielpbarron relatedly, i have a FG listed for auction on ebay at the moment.
21:26 asciilifeform lol link ?
21:27 asciilifeform i'll admit to being curious who buys it, for what
21:27 danielpbarron https://m.ebay.com/itm/First-Generation-FUCKGOATS-Hardware-Random-Number-Generator-Unit-96-/292352592561
21:27 asciilifeform neato
21:28 danielpbarron even the buy it now price is a good deal if the price is still 0.0395
21:28 asciilifeform surprisingly not censored yet
21:28 asciilifeform i'd naively imagine the name would get it kicked from heathen markets
21:29 asciilifeform i think this is 1st unit to be publicly sold for heathen dubloons, danielpbarron
21:29 danielpbarron if it does i'll just relisted without the name
21:29 asciilifeform lol possibly i am mistaken actually;
21:29 asciilifeform pete_dushenski tried selling one iirc
~ 32 minutes ~
22:01 mircea_popescu pretty cool.
~ 55 minutes ~
22:57 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo so why not have two rows line normal people. started at 1 0 then moved to 0 7842 then ended at 0 4990 << NSA and MG had not been notating fiatolade, so I assumed how to handle an open question. Will put together a leperolade line
23:03 mircea_popescu ye
23:06 BingoBoingo Kinda why I waited to deed it. Gotta publish the statement with the open questions, let powers greater than myself comment.
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