Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2016-07-11 | 2016-07-13 →
00:02 mats also, what makes you think it was a usg rocket?
00:05 mats plenty of manpads to be had from assad's looted depots
~ 34 minutes ~
00:39 deedbot [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] “Never, by God, I say, For my misdeed shall kinsmen hear the blame” -
~ 18 minutes ~
00:57 mod6 build with makefiles worked fine.
00:58 mod6 more to come...
00:58 mod6 (hopefully tomorrow)
~ 2 hours 39 minutes ~
03:37 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> ben_vulpes: did i wake up in '90s, or wat, why suddenly the interest in 'pokemon' << Surveillance tool for smartpnoHe
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
04:56 shinohai ;;later tell BingoBoingo
04:56 gribble The operation succeeded.
05:03 shinohai Oh i forgot to add "Sorry for your loss" at the end.
05:04 deedbot [Qntra] Antminer Flaw Allows Machine Takeover -
~ 22 minutes ~
05:26 jurov << trinque looks like deedbot skipped this
05:27 jurov and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better
05:36 shinohai Perhaps I was lampooning the state of Bitcoin at large.
~ 31 minutes ~
06:08 * jurov throws some peanuts at shinohai
~ 1 hours 44 minutes ~
07:52 thestringpuller missed you jurov !
07:53 thestringpuller how was your weekend?
07:53 jurov fine, was at a festival
07:56 jurov how did you know i'm with hippies?
07:56 thestringpuller jurov: it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better << i guess this is what happens when options aren't an option, and the listed businesses take decades to monetize.
07:57 thestringpuller jurov: I think you told me about a hippie fest you went to back in 2014. Sent me pics. Kind of like a bonfire burn but less effigy-ish.
08:11 jurov lol, took "billion monkeys" too literally
~ 38 minutes ~
08:49 shinohai <<< "You may have noticed that the DAO is empty again."
09:03 shinohai ;;later tell BingoBoingo
09:03 gribble The operation succeeded.
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
10:12 trinque jurov: << didn't skip it
10:12 a111 Logged on 2016-07-11 20:05 deedbot: [Qntra] Activity On ChangeTip Today -
~ 1 hours ~
11:12 trinque << nordic cucks taking socialist neoteny to an obvious next step
11:13 trinque Hell, why don't they just keep them institutionalized throughout life? I'm sure I'm the first to think of this.
11:20 trinque << in other lol, the tortatron decides Facebook something something Hamas, give us a billion
11:27 mircea_popescu << i remember!
11:27 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 00:19 asciilifeform: the reds appear to be the ~only folk who even remember kissinger. ~everybody else has, evidently, the memory span of a goldfish
11:28 mircea_popescu seems more a case of "the reds are the only ones that remember a version of kissinger i approve of", which is fine and all, but... i've yet to see correct history in the heads of reds. so that might be a... RED flag right there.
11:28 mircea_popescu << do tell me how do you know that ?!
11:28 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 00:21 asciilifeform: << very recent american rocket.
11:30 mircea_popescu << are we going to do (((tmsr))) from now on for various relevant items ? like you know ((((v))))
11:30 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 00:27 asciilifeform: now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses'
11:30 mircea_popescu it's pretty idiotic, but then again kinda lulzy...
11:31 mircea_popescu << this is impossible for them to learn. i've in time discovered regexp is absolutely the pons asinorum of computing.
11:31 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 00:28 asciilifeform: wait till the derp learns that you can't parse parens with regexp...
11:31 mircea_popescu it separates the excel user from the windows/perl programmer!
11:32 mircea_popescu and in other news, "Hello viewer am here to share my testimony on how I finally join the Illuminati hood and became rich, I tried all my possible best to become a member of the hood but I was scam several times"
11:32 mircea_popescu teh illuminati hood, brother.
11:32 mats respect
11:33 mircea_popescu the world as reflected in the eyes of these mammals. so alien, so shocking.
11:36 mircea_popescu << i really dun buy either theory. to me seems much lighter than that : finally ugc that could conceivably work, why spend money for background art for your game (most expensive, least impact) when you could just use luser's own (MASSIVE, NEVER reviewed) collection of snaps and perhaps even get a little residual value out of whatever value they may carry with him.
11:36 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 02:32 ben_vulpes: trinque: nah, it's to get the millenials looking at something other than how easily cops are killed when they step out in public
11:37 mircea_popescu gotta remember, these "mass" items only aim to get a few cents out of each user, or somesuch. it is conceivable that they unlock a dime of value out of each derp's picture "collection", from which they can then extract two fiddy
11:38 mircea_popescu i can't see it as anything other than 1) phone cos keep pushing "snap everything", "capture the moment" blabla so 2) people take loads of pictures which 3) are never used for anything because they suck and who cares.
11:38 mircea_popescu lest that anyone notices 3, how about some derivative usage or something. pre this game, "i got the biggest pic collection" said nobody ever. now, it's almost a point.
11:40 mircea_popescu << this one was advertised.
11:40 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 02:55 asciilifeform: because game with camera? these existed 5 yrs ago.
11:42 mircea_popescu << girl got in trouble over reddit bs, upon examination source turned out as "popurl". elder rose one eyebrow, "are you going to ban social media?"
11:42 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 03:01 ben_vulpes: and no, not reddit.
11:42 mircea_popescu elder knows. no, i'm not going to ban social media ; but do not expect there's any difference. from wikipedia to 9gag, they are all exactly the same thing, same material, same stuff.
11:45 mircea_popescu << vodka blows ; you want tuica. plum distillate, not fucking grainz. and 52% not fucking 70 proof wtf is that bs.
11:45 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 03:01 asciilifeform: more folks ought to consider it.
11:46 mircea_popescu << lmao, methinks B as the galz call him will mature into a fine Bezos over the years.
11:46 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 03:02 ben_vulpes: needless to say, everyone's fired.
11:48 mircea_popescu from "Two dancers claimed they were being poisoned by a regular customer at the club. Officers were informed by medical staff that there were no signs of poison and their symptoms may be caused by their diet."
11:48 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 03:08 ben_vulpes: << see july 10
11:48 mircea_popescu "poisoned" as in, the crazed bitches decided dude's slipping them roofies. because too much time spent on pokemedia.
11:49 mircea_popescu "A caller reported seeing a person in a rabbit costume oddly walking around. Police located the individual who was trying out a homemade wolf/dragon costume." o man these are fucking great :D
11:51 mircea_popescu "Guests at a local hotel requested police check on suspicious banging and thumping noises from an adjacent room. Officers found another guest who was simply unpacking." << people visiting portland should be fucking stabbed. seriously just how fucking bored do you need to be.
11:52 mircea_popescu "Police responded to a call about a child who was acting out, kicking holes in walls and punching doors." << everyone FROM portland should also be stabbed. in the eye!
11:53 mircea_popescu what the fuck, the place for which cement is named, now has kids kicking holes in "walls" ?
11:53 mircea_popescu god smote sodomah for less, dudes!
11:56 mircea_popescu << ok but what does it do ?
11:56 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 03:25 mats: asciilifeform: PIA is this thing enormously popular with redditors
11:57 mircea_popescu << ok this was pretty lulzy
11:58 mats its a vpn service
11:59 mircea_popescu ah ok
12:01 mircea_popescu << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ?
12:01 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 09:27 jurov: and btw, it's kettle calling the pot black, mpex hasn't fared much better
12:03 mircea_popescu << the power of shitcoins : much like bitcoin makes everyone a bitcoiner, be they usg.nsa or whatever else, just so scamcoin makes everyone a scammer. they may start as "white hat" or "robin hood" or whatever, but in the end the dark nature of the item compels them.
12:03 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 13:03 shinohai: ;;later tell BingoBoingo
12:05 mircea_popescu << not a bad idea anyway! sets the stage nicely for
12:05 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:13 trinque: Hell, why don't they just keep them institutionalized throughout life? I'm sure I'm the first to think of this.
12:06 mircea_popescu << they could pay ... well, "pay" 25 bn for ~worthless watsapp to reallocate fiatola to favored son ; why shouldn't they pay i mean "pay" 1bn for ~worthless legal clai mto reallocate fiatola to the OTHER favoured son ? what, you mean the other favored son isn't favored ?
12:06 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:20 trinque: << in other lol, the tortatron decides Facebook something something Hamas, give us a billion
12:12 jurov holy trinity, holy virgin mary, etc. are constructs made on various councils "by komyoonity"
12:12 a111 Logged on 2016-07-11 23:16 mircea_popescu: no more trinity, etc ?
12:14 asciilifeform << let's have the s333333kr1t, lovable kissinger ? can haz article ?
12:14 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:28 mircea_popescu: seems more a case of "the reds are the only ones that remember a version of kissinger i approve of", which is fine and all, but... i've yet to see correct history in the heads of reds. so that might be a... RED flag right there.
12:15 jurov isee, mpex isn't part of the discussion anymore
12:15 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 16:01 mircea_popescu: << you mean, coinbr. mpex is not part of this discussion, it's the changetip's bitcoin. so... get crackin' ?
12:15 asciilifeform << conjecture. the multiple flashes are reminiscent of recent ru 'igla', the one with dual warhead. and smart money would bet that this is not a ru rocket. ergo..
12:15 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:28 mircea_popescu: << do tell me how do you know that ?!
12:16 asciilifeform << it is kindergarten-level discrete maths..
12:16 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:31 mircea_popescu: << this is impossible for them to learn. i've in time discovered regexp is absolutely the pons asinorum of computing.
12:17 asciilifeform << to every man, his native vodka.
12:17 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 15:45 mircea_popescu: << vodka blows ; you want tuica. plum distillate, not fucking grainz. and 52% not fucking 70 proof wtf is that bs.
12:20 asciilifeform 'It is not a huge problem for the very well-educated. But with a rising pension age, people approaching 60-65 years—who still have 5–10 years more on the labour market—they should have the opportunity to refresh their skills seriously. And as a new mandatory right.'
12:20 asciilifeform MANDATORY RIGHT!!11111111
12:20 asciilifeform gold.
12:22 deedbot [Qntra] DAO Is Empty Again -
12:22 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> << are we going to do (((tmsr))) from now on for various relevant items ? like you know ((((v)))) << Can't do this on Qntra because footnotes
12:22 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 00:27 asciilifeform: now for the gold, 'How have these trolls been able to hide harassment in plain sight? Partially because the ((())) symbol is difficult, if not impossible, for ordinary users to search for... If you try to search for "(((Last Name)))," Twitter's search engine strips the results of the parentheses'
12:24 Framedragger so husserl's bracketing technique in phenomenology is used for signaling online harassment targets in sociul meedia. world is truly a place of wonder
12:26 BingoBoingo Framedragger: You know that French Jew Husserl was the king antisemite. Why else did he spend so much time working on Heidegger!
12:27 Framedragger literal lol :D
12:27 asciilifeform any caltrop thrown under the wheels of the auto-censor idiots, is happy news.
~ 41 minutes ~
13:09 ben_vulpes << obab gets to claim victory, kicks can down road for successors. ¡sorpresa!
13:11 ben_vulpes << also, panda!
13:11 * ben_vulpes to investigate how apple has broken his whitelabeling toolchain. again. still. now.
13:12 asciilifeform re the idiocy from last night,
13:12 asciilifeform 'One image circulating online appears to show a player encountering an unsettling digital critter inside the museum: a Pokémon called Koffing that emits poisonous gas floating by a sign for the museum's Helena Rubinstein Auditorium. The auditorium shows the testimonials of Jews who survived the gas chambers.'
13:16 BingoBoingo $b 2 win
13:17 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: The correct term for this is viral marketing
13:17 asciilifeform << from same fishwrap, lulzy
13:17 asciilifeform 'A black Yale University dishwasher has resigned after he smashed a stained-glass window that depicted slaves picking cotton. ... Menafee, the former dishwasher, holds a degree in mass communications from Virginia Union University, a historically black college in Richmond, according to the Independent.'
13:18 thestringpuller "Funny thing when you pay people with promises. If you make them wait long enough and they die the next generation can be scammed again" << why is this true :(
13:20 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Look at this mixed race group of robberz!
13:20 BingoBoingo One white, One Black, one Other!
13:20 BingoBoingo Diversity!!!!
13:24 thestringpuller classic desperation. too bad the mobile market killed gaming. too many fuckers playing candy crush.
13:24 BingoBoingo $up felipelalli
13:24 deedbot felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes.
13:25 felipelalli hi BingoBoingo!
13:28 BingoBoingo hi felipelalli How are the Olympics?
13:31 felipelalli BingoBoingo: I'm totally out of it. :) I hate Rio, to be honest.
13:31 BingoBoingo Ah yeah shitting into the bay sound like its kind of the Chicago of Brazil
13:33 deedbot [Qntra] Shots Fired At D.C. Police Oficers -
13:33 lobbes << had it for a day; uninstalled. agreed. besides obvious data mining scheme, the game itself fucking sucks. I'd rather play original on 90's gameboy brick (still have it to this day, and it works!)
13:33 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 01:46 ben_vulpes: unrelatedly, "pokemon go" is missing the /core fucking pokemon interaction/
13:33 mircea_popescu << well, mary is more the result of common folk wanna worship a woman. the triune doctrine definitely top down sort of nonsense forced upon the masses because of abstract needs of the thinking man.
13:33 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 16:12 jurov: holy trinity, holy virgin mary, etc. are constructs made on various councils "by komyoonity"
13:34 mircea_popescu but yes, xtian doctrine is the result of many many years of negotiation, often expensive - as in the case of enricus dandolo say
13:35 BingoBoingo lobbes: Incidentally "classic" poke-a-mans would be useful for developing a rudimentary sneakernet.
13:35 mircea_popescu << i dunno about lovable part ; but inquiry as to what exactly is the problem with him produced nothing, so... i'ma just let that sit.
13:35 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 16:14 asciilifeform: << let's have the s333333kr1t, lovable kissinger ? can haz article ?
13:36 mircea_popescu discussion went something like "i never heard of who was architect of nixon historical visit to china ; i have heard that kissinger is at fault for vietnam (never heard that he got nobel prize for ending that war)" "well, read less codepizd or w/e you're reading"
13:38 asciilifeform after digging in, i'm sold
13:38 mircea_popescu re the helicopter/rocket, it's by now established that the heli fired flares.
13:38 asciilifeform then nfi.
13:38 mircea_popescu ie, what happened was, rocket locked, launched, heli got "incoming" alert, fired a pair of flares, rocket actually missed it but got the tail anyway
13:38 thestringpuller << dunno. cables were annoying as fuck. and even with wi-fi not even cazalla got a chance to play X or Y with me.
13:38 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 17:35 BingoBoingo: lobbes: Incidentally "classic" poke-a-mans would be useful for developing a rudimentary sneakernet.
13:38 mircea_popescu fluke/accident sort of downing
13:39 BingoBoingo thestringpuller: cables are necessary for actual data transfer
13:39 BingoBoingo Hey, Zbigniew Brzezinski still makes morning television appearances
13:41 thestringpuller BingoBoingo: I really hated the original gameboy transfer mechanism when wireless became a thing. Easier to battle and trade with your friends between classrooms.
13:41 mircea_popescu re regexp : yes, kindergarten level but TOO MANY OF COMPLEX
13:41 mircea_popescu plus recursion
13:42 mircea_popescu recursion is prolly the core of the pons ; tbh much more than "iq <100" vs "iq > 100" traditionally translated as "college man" vs "common man" or w/e ; "comprehends recursion" is much better a divide.
13:43 asciilifeform iirc hofstadter had a very similar thought.
13:44 mircea_popescu yeah i claim no discovery.
13:44 mircea_popescu recall the ancient discussion with cads re his girlfriend and her "intuition" about the diagonal proof ?
13:44 mircea_popescu SAME fucking recursion being the problem.
13:45 felipelalli Speaking of "outdoor game", any of you guys play geocaching?
13:45 mircea_popescu i don't even have a smartphone.
13:45 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i can't seem to turn it up in the l0gz
13:45 mircea_popescu lemme fish it out
13:46 mircea_popescu << apparently only survives in trilema record.
13:46 mircea_popescu hey phf you getting the historical log added to search ?
13:46 felipelalli mircea_popescu: do you own a Nokia 6120?
13:47 mircea_popescu now i gotta look
13:47 mircea_popescu samsung gt
13:48 mircea_popescu uh no. samsung e1200
13:49 mircea_popescu << this is what you get for sending ustards to college. they "adapt" what they read to the "practical needs" in their environment. problem ?
13:49 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 16:24 Framedragger: so husserl's bracketing technique in phenomenology is used for signaling online harassment targets in sociul meedia. world is truly a place of wonder
13:50 mircea_popescu <<< argentina will be FUCKING THRILLED.
13:50 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 17:09 ben_vulpes: << obab gets to claim victory, kicks can down road for successors. ¡sorpresa!
13:53 mircea_popescu << baby's first heroin od ?
13:53 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 17:11 ben_vulpes: << also, panda!
13:56 phf mircea_popescu: yah, it's not forgotten. i wrote a parser for it, but need to go make sure that negative ids work everywhere
13:57 mircea_popescu kk
13:57 mircea_popescu so the pokemon robbers robbed the robbees of what, their pokemon phones ?
13:57 mircea_popescu none of this is much helped in respectability by the fact that a common ro language insult for idiotic younger kids / small brothers etc is "ba, pokemonilor", ie, you pokemons.
13:58 mircea_popescu possibly because of ben_vulpes and his pokemon red being just about the right age... twenty years ago or so ?
13:58 BingoBoingo Yeah
13:58 BingoBoingo I think just about 20 years now
13:59 mircea_popescu why hate rio felipelalli ?
13:59 BingoBoingo But what the diverse gang of three did was apparently use the app to find pokemon hotspot and rob distracted derps
13:59 BingoBoingo $up felipelalli
13:59 deedbot felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes.
14:01 felipelalli mircea_popescu: it's like a big slum, and it is too dangerous.
14:01 mircea_popescu eh who cares. how about the cunts ? the booze ?
14:01 mircea_popescu what are we now, middle class ?
14:02 felipelalli mircea_popescu: well, if you can survive, the cunts are good there, for sure! lol
14:03 mircea_popescu obviously a few million people do manage to survive amirite :)
14:04 felipelalli it's not so bad like that, I'm a little paranoid! But you mix the paranoia + some violence and...
14:04 felipelalli I hate when I have to go there, I try to avoid aways.
14:04 mircea_popescu in other lulz
14:06 felipelalli Rio is to me like another planet. It really worth to know one day. It's different.
14:06 asciilifeform ^ mochila o muerte!!!11
14:07 felipelalli BingoBoingo: what is the best state of US to live?
14:08 BingoBoingo felipelalli: Wyoming, still has Allodial title to the land
14:08 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: whatcha been smoking
14:08 asciilifeform aint no such thing as allodial title in usaschwitz
14:09 asciilifeform or any other 'civilized' place.
14:09 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: There is in Wyoming for right price. It's why the Cheneys are there
14:09 BingoBoingo Or at least the closest thing to it
14:09 asciilifeform with enfangthief ?!
14:10 BingoBoingo What, worse fates exists
14:11 felipelalli what is "allodial", sorry my ignorance.
14:11 thestringpuller when you actually own the land
14:11 BingoBoingo felipelalli: You don't lost the land if you don't pay property taxes. Actual definition includes further rights beyond that.
14:12 thestringpuller "Many Americans have not come to the realization that their homes, businesses, and properties are collateral on the federal debt, even if you have the deed and it’s paid for, in FULL! If the federal government defaults on its interest obligation, the private World Bankers automatically become the new "Land Lords" of every home, business, and property in the United States.
14:12 felipelalli wow, sounds good.
14:12 BingoBoingo Wyoming fails too on reasons like EPA can tell you not to do stuff on land
14:12 thestringpuller I'm certain if bankers wanted land they just hire guys with guns to take it from you
14:13 thestringpuller in situation of "massive default"
14:17 asciilifeform as often is the case with title wankage, search yields gold:
14:17 asciilifeform containing known scam:
14:17 asciilifeform 'The vehicle title that you may hold is not a full, paramount title unless you have the Manufacturer's Certificate of Origin (MCO) of the vehicle...and that is held by the State. You are not allowed to possess it. [In almost all cases, new car dealers automatically submit MCOs to the State...unless you insist that it be given to you.] As soon as you "register" your vehicle, if you have an MCO, you must submit it to the State. '
14:17 asciilifeform << for n00bz.
14:18 thestringpuller in situation of "massive default"
14:18 asciilifeform the 'sovereign citizen' crapolade from mircea_popescu's article re same.
14:19 asciilifeform thestringpuller: if usaschwitz were purchased, invaded, ceded to, occupied by, malevolent martians, very few people would notice a difference.
14:20 asciilifeform << overall very interesting site from a mircea_popescutronic perspective.
14:23 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: there is not, cannot be, any such thing as actual allodial title in any country you're likely to visit, and anyone who informed you to the contrary is selling something.
14:26 thestringpuller ^- << hey he's selling a book for 40 bucks
14:26 thestringpuller For more information on The History,
14:26 thestringpuller Supreme Court Decision and how to obtain
14:26 thestringpuller your Land Patent, "CLICK HERE"
14:26 thestringpuller for and Order Form to send with a
14:26 thestringpuller UGH
14:26 thestringpuller i hate you irssi
14:26 asciilifeform american law is sufficiently complicated, but - more importantly - arbitrary in its application, that there exists an entire subculture of sc4mz0rz peddling 'legal miracle cures' to idiots
14:27 asciilifeform mircea_popescu do you have the link to your series re: same handy ?
14:27 thestringpuller "Did someone touch you the wrong way at work? Sue them!!!! For $9.99"
14:27 asciilifeform thestringpuller: nah, that's free
14:33 BingoBoingo $up felipelalli
14:33 deedbot felipelalli voiced for 30 minutes.
14:33 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: If person asks "What creature shits most delicious turds" I'm still prolly going to offer coffee bean civet.
14:41 * jurov offers honey
14:41 BingoBoingo ty
14:49 BingoBoingo,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/zgeapifsxfq2s8ly9fts.png
14:56 jurov what, sanders ceded?
14:57 BingoBoingo yeah
14:57 trinque went and licked the boot too
14:58 BingoBoingo Ceded and endorsed Hillary because she endorsed marijuana legalization. Also did not want to get Vince Fostered.
15:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform which, the "Galt's gulch" thing ?
15:13 trinque << decent wp lulz for, I assume, non-republican wp
15:13 jurov "in soviet russia..."
15:20 mircea_popescu ahahaha
15:20 mircea_popescu idiots
15:21 deedbot [Qntra] Theresa May British PM After No One Else Wants Job Following #Brexit Vote -
15:26 mircea_popescu lol at "let's not bash our guy he did his best"
15:26 mircea_popescu how the fuck endorsing the patent loser is "doing his best" i have nfi.
15:28 BingoBoingo Well, gotta pretense
15:31 asciilifeform << relatdd.
15:32 asciilifeform 'Supreme Court justices don’t — at least until now — take public stands on presidential or other elections. One reason is that they are barred from doing so by the federal code of judicial conduct...'
15:37 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
15:37 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all --currency gbp
15:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 667.19, vol: 4036.05349094 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 657.0, vol: 6101.42213 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 671.1, vol: 23832.70352268 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 650.0, vol: 3.33776031 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 667.6686, vol: 24355.71790000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 672.99, vol: 865.07018419 | Volume-weighted last average: 667.994622283
15:37 gribble Bitstamp BTCGBP last: 511.750008, vol: 4035.38171498 | BTC-E BTCGBP last: 501.8515656, vol: 6101.42213 | CampBX BTCGBP last: 497.64, vol: 3.33776031 | BTCChina BTCGBP last: 510.164518, vol: 24357.64700000 | Kraken BTCGBP last: 523.997, vol: 16.71387004 | Volume-weighted last average: 508.885826993
15:42 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
15:42 gribble Current Blocks: 420461 | Current Difficulty: 2.133989253313239E11 | Next Difficulty At Block: 421343 | Next Difficulty In: 882 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 6 days, 7 hours, 12 minutes, and 0 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
15:43 asciilifeform << 1) hire buncha stage extras 2) dress'em in uniforms 3) parade 's33333kr1t agentz!111' 'illicitly' 4) ??? 5) profit!111
15:43 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 19:13 jurov: "in soviet russia..."
15:44 asciilifeform << mno, the 'sovereign citizen' thing
15:44 a111 Logged on 2016-07-12 19:09 mircea_popescu: asciilifeform which, the "Galt's gulch" thing ?
15:52 mircea_popescu what else was in it ? somehow it's nto triggering memory.
15:53 asciilifeform 'nuisance litigants'
15:53 mircea_popescu ?
15:54 asciilifeform yes!
15:54 mircea_popescu ah k.
15:54 asciilifeform possibly elsewhere also.
15:56 mircea_popescu lol @ginsburg. she's only there to be a president's whore, who's anyone kidding.
15:57 mircea_popescu curious if they'll exclude her now. lol.
15:57 asciilifeform a great many folks who are in a position to enthrone clitler, by whatever means, regardless of what winblowz CE buttons the sheeple click on in the voting booths, will be doing their thing.
15:58 asciilifeform and they will make it look entirely legit, to whatever naked eye.
~ 33 minutes ~
16:31 mircea_popescu heh.
16:31 mircea_popescu if anyone other than you actually had any faith in this theory, they wouldn't be quite this desperate now would they.
16:34 mircea_popescu anyway, lovely verbiage "crisis of american democracy" = "guy we don't like massacring bureaucracy on the basis of popular vote"
16:34 mircea_popescu what the FUCK did you think "democracy" means ye gits ?
16:34 mircea_popescu "someone i nthe sky giving us moneyz for sitting on ass and derping importantly" ? that's not fucking democracy, but the opposite thereof.
16:35 mircea_popescu "oh i know, we've created a sort of monarchy without a king, basically just the court and nobody there to behead us - we'll call it democracy. if anyone inquires into the matter we can always add modern in front and it'll be all good!"
16:36 mircea_popescu in other news, wikipedia delivers : "United States Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) is an armed forces sub-unified command subordinate to United States Strategic Command. The command is located in Fort Meade, Maryland, and centralizes command of cyberspace operations, organizes existing cyber resources and synchronizes defense of U.S. military networks. The text "9ec4c12949a4f31474f299058ce2b22a", which is located in the command's
16:36 mircea_popescu emblem, is the MD5 hash of their mission statement."
16:37 mircea_popescu seems perfectly adequate an emblem for a calender.
16:38 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it is the field-grunt arm of nsa. traditionally headed by same stuffed shirt as the better-known one.
16:38 asciilifeform in old world parlance : signal corps.
16:39 mircea_popescu sure. but lulz be lulz.
~ 44 minutes ~
17:23 shinohai $later tell BingoBoingo
~ 32 minutes ~
17:55 mircea_popescu << on reread, this is actually fine dribblet of tmsr-church mythology.
18:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: consider continuing the tale? it was spiffy
18:01 mircea_popescu it had like 5-6 bits iirc ?
18:02 asciilifeform 4 iirc
18:02 mircea_popescu the problem is i kinda dunn owhat i want to do with it.
18:03 asciilifeform 'the epic war between bug and boot' is a short story, indeed
18:03 mircea_popescu i took it as far as actually having to make a decision, and is stuck now. do i introduce a hero ? do i make it what ?
18:03 mircea_popescu time shall tell
18:03 mircea_popescu aha.
18:03 mircea_popescu basically, i perceive i've basically wrote myth, and simply do not wish to degrade it into narrative
18:03 mircea_popescu so unless i figure out how myth may continue, it's stuck there.
18:04 mircea_popescu but i sure as fuck am not putting American Squarejaws and his Love Interest in there
18:04 asciilifeform i'd put in a fall:
18:05 asciilifeform one of the dogmen falls into disgrace and decides that he could bugger all of the bubblefolk at once, if only he 'jacks in' himself
18:05 asciilifeform (to borrow gibsonism)
18:05 mircea_popescu nah, you now got a hero
18:05 mircea_popescu and of the worst kind
18:05 mircea_popescu a traitor hero. meh.
18:07 mircea_popescu i suppose god might make an appearance. but i dun wish to commit to shape.
18:07 mircea_popescu whatever you put in, is now in, not just for the parts you intended but for all the parts it might have.
18:08 deedbot [Trilema] The "crisis" of "democracy" -
~ 2 hours ~
20:09 deedbot [» Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski] Hic pietatis honos? -
~ 1 hours 6 minutes ~
21:15 mircea_popescu << in other news.
~ 1 hours 31 minutes ~
22:46 Joshua-I You out there fam
~ 37 minutes ~
23:23 trinque no relation.
~ 23 minutes ~
23:47 Joshua-I Evidently
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