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← 2015-12-23 | 2015-12-25 →
00:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12812 @ 0.00049357 = 6.3236 BTC [-] {4}
00:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 108100 @ 0.00049639 = 53.6598 BTC [+] {6}
00:18 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
00:18 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 455.26, vol: 8980.89302582 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 451.924, vol: 8656.66382 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 454.94, vol: 23011.32065649 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.06027771 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 462.795472, vol: 90346.73590000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 456.0, vol: 67.80392621 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 447.446, vol: 26.91770615 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
00:18 BingoBoingo ;;more
00:18 gribble 460.175706018
~ 52 minutes ~
01:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45200 @ 0.00050228 = 22.7031 BTC [+]
01:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41900 @ 0.00050228 = 21.0455 BTC [+]
01:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37250 @ 0.00049979 = 18.6172 BTC [-] {3}
01:44 BingoBoingo ;;bc,stats
01:44 gribble Current Blocks: 389934 | Current Difficulty: 9.34486707963238E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 391103 | Next Difficulty In: 1169 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 0 days, 20 hours, 17 minutes, and 43 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: None | Estimated Percent Change: None
01:51 phf ;;later tell asciilifeform another minimal unix http://ulixos.org, this one is 31k loc of noweb. has threads and fs caching
01:51 gribble The operation succeeded.
01:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20200 @ 0.0005015 = 10.1303 BTC [+] {2}
02:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 98900 @ 0.00049506 = 48.9614 BTC [-] {5}
02:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20565 @ 0.00050172 = 10.3179 BTC [+] {2}
02:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5735 @ 0.00050543 = 2.8986 BTC [+]
02:10 deedbot- [Qntra] Two Milestones Pass On Bitcoin Blockchain - http://qntra.net/2015/12/two-milestones-pass-on-bitcoin-blockchain/
02:14 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
02:14 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 457.68, vol: 9100.39254540 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 455.002, vol: 9169.10483 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 457.26, vol: 23903.20851982 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.07037461 | BTCChina BTCUSD last: 465.946776, vol: 95604.35230000 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 456.98999, vol: 75.51392621 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 448.376, vol: 43.78180127 | Volume-weighted last average: (1 more message)
02:14 BingoBoingo ;;more
02:14 gribble 463.157188567
02:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48250 @ 0.0004935 = 23.8114 BTC [-] {3}
02:20 funkenstein_ greetings BingoBoingo et al.
02:20 funkenstein_ new zhou tonged is out
02:21 BingoBoingo Merry chiralmas eve
02:21 BingoBoingo What is zhou tonged?
02:21 funkenstein_ thank you kindly, and to you :)
02:21 BingoBoingo Is that liek tradefortressed?
02:21 funkenstein_ musical arranger of note, named after bitcoinica something or other
02:22 funkenstein_ yes lol :)
02:23 BingoBoingo I'm still not certain whether they are or are not the same person
02:23 funkenstein_ also dave barry's new year in review is out
02:24 funkenstein_ from which i quote
02:24 funkenstein_ Speaking of potatoes: Tensions rise in Europe when the Russian government announces that it is launching a new business start-up called Tuber, described as “like Uber, except with tanks.”
02:24 BingoBoingo Also funkenstein if you may any comments on Qntra last week you gotta remake them. If you didn't you still have to make new comments anyways.
02:24 BingoBoingo lol
02:25 * BingoBoingo wouldn't mind having a T-34 to convert into a camper van
02:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.0004935 = 7.5752 BTC [-] {2}
02:32 funkenstein_ my calculations are showing 14,998,400 in circulation still
02:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21550 @ 0.00049472 = 10.6612 BTC [+] {2}
02:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 46164 @ 0.00049472 = 22.8383 BTC [+]
02:40 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/#comment-116065 << that beautyon fellow is giving occasion to a very satisfying convo.
02:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 68300 @ 0.00049472 = 33.7894 BTC [+]
02:53 ben_vulpes is it old news that gnupg dgaf about linefeed types?
02:53 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351518 << U calculate how? With node of full chain?
02:53 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 07:32:23; funkenstein_: my calculations are showing 14,998,400 in circulation still
02:53 ben_vulpes and whitespace on linefeeds in between blocks of text in signed files?
02:54 mircea_popescu it's complicated.
02:55 ben_vulpes 'cause i'm looking at 2 text files with different shasum 256's and the precise same text except for linefeeds
02:55 ben_vulpes and both fucking verify
02:57 mircea_popescu myeah
02:57 ben_vulpes i must be the last person to have figured this out or something.
02:57 mircea_popescu goes in the summary header of "gpg is a pos".
02:57 ben_vulpes armor -- most poorly-named flag in the history of nix tools.
03:00 ben_vulpes how the fuck on earth is one supposed to know if the original text had \n, \r, \r\n or whatever the original hodgepodge of linefeeds was to begin with?
03:01 mircea_popescu one is supposed to simply assume it had whatever he uses on his machine.
03:02 mircea_popescu "unix philosophy".
03:03 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351238 <<< ahahaha THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR QUITTING BIZNATCH!!1
03:03 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 19:45:54; cazalla_: ;;later tell BingoBoingo y u delete muh star wars comment from qntra? censorship! need to put qntra on a blockchain obv :P
03:03 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351243 << aww fuck. i forgot that stupidity's still in there.
03:03 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 19:47:18; ascii_field: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351210 << didja '-connect' it ? or '-addnode' ? because the latter is 'merely suggestion'
03:04 mircea_popescu this is the problem of having a trb in the first place : the temptation to assume it's sane is just too great.
03:05 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351253 << in fairness, sqlite works for all usecases that aren't this. or that. or in general.
03:05 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 19:50:53; ascii_field: it was the reason phuctor was sloooooooooooow
03:05 mircea_popescu sorta like a birthday balloon works in all usecases that don't require anything of it.
03:06 ben_vulpes aha yes
03:06 ben_vulpes i know first hand the costs of making it do...stuff.
03:06 mircea_popescu it's a great classroom tool i guess.
03:07 ben_vulpes zing
03:08 ben_vulpes actually what's an embeddable-via-c relational db that does r-trees besides sqlite?
03:08 mircea_popescu lol. hey, how's life with the thunderbird, the wife, the studio and the new kid ?
03:09 mircea_popescu i dunno... apache derby ? :D
03:09 mircea_popescu anyway. this is how bitcoin ended up with bdb i suspect. infinitydb might be an option. they all suck.
03:10 ben_vulpes corvette is hiding from the rain, wife is back in the kitchen, and child is inflating at normal biological rates
03:10 ben_vulpes i suspect maintaining that java/c layer would be more expensive than just beating adequate performance out of sqlite was
03:11 * mircea_popescu is reasonably impressed. had ben_vulpes pegged for "this guy's managed to put himself in a texbook model of a place where guys crack".
03:12 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes doesn't gcc compile B ?
03:14 ben_vulpes B?
03:14 mircea_popescu im just messing around.
03:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36883 @ 0.00049412 = 18.2246 BTC [-] {4}
03:15 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351265 << this is probably true, but you know... gotta comprehend the data structures before this can be, gotta cut out a whole lotta crud out of the pastabowl before THAT can be, and so on.
03:15 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 19:58:01; ascii_field: but imho the db thing needs to be a simple mechanism written specifically for bitcoin
03:15 ben_vulpes you're full of spunk tonight
03:16 mircea_popescu on the downwind of a sort of irish wake.
03:16 mircea_popescu well... the drinking part anyway.
03:17 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351282 << am i a bad person if i actually prefer the upper version ?
03:17 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 20:39:49; ascii_field: http://www.mobiletechworld.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2010/06/Super-AMOLED-vs-Retina-Display-4.jpg << the 'pentile' thing returneth
03:17 BingoBoingo I thought it was because you "discovered" this morning
03:18 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo sex only lasts so long. death overtakes.
03:18 BingoBoingo so smaller
03:18 mircea_popescu but hey, that was good for a few hours.
03:20 ben_vulpes quelle mort
03:21 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351296 << aww, i guess it does huh. listen, i'm not saying you should be forced to use it. just... i happen to like old newsprint. and the scent of gasoline.
03:21 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 20:42:20; ascii_field: jurov: IT MOTHERFUCKING IS NOT
03:22 mircea_popescu ironically, i suppose both the impairment and the sewer comments apply. life!
03:27 mircea_popescu ;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351345 << not anyone afaik. theoretically speaking it wouldn't likely work too well yet - not enough resources on the pi to be a real node. nevertheless, as a didactic / research sort of project rather than something to go in production trying would be interesting, if for nothing else then because nobody;s tried it yet.
03:27 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 22:25:35; linton_s_dawson: Anyone running thebitcoin.foundation client on a Raspberry Pi 2? I'd like to assemble a node and see if the Pi is a good idea.
03:27 gribble The operation succeeded.
03:28 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351348 << dude srsly... let people try things wtf.
03:28 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 22:26:16; ascii_field: short answer: bad idea
03:28 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351351 << yet. at the rate we're going, this is coming.
03:28 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 22:29:00; ascii_field: thestringpuller: be grateful that you don't have to modular-exponentiate by hand.
03:28 mircea_popescu and it'll be on a 1024px wide pentile display.
03:29 mircea_popescu ;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351365 <<< /me supports this.
03:29 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 22:38:37; linton_s_dawson: If something ca be done in an easy-to-use manner, it should be done. I'm aware of the "if you're too lazy to learn you don't deserve it" logic but I don't completely agree with it.
03:29 gribble The operation succeeded.
03:29 mircea_popescu who's this guy anyway ?
03:29 mircea_popescu !rated linton_s_dawson
03:29 assbot You need to specify one nick.
03:29 mircea_popescu !gettrust linton_s_dawson
03:29 assbot Trust relationship from user mircea_popescu to user linton_s_dawson: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. |http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/trust/?from=mircea_popescu&to=linton_s_dawson | http://www.btcalpha.com/wot/user/linton_s_dawson/
03:30 ben_vulpes tonight is whitespace night in the sweet republic of bitcoin
03:30 mircea_popescu !rate linton_s_dawso
03:30 assbot Need a name to rate and a rating, optionally comment.
03:30 mircea_popescu lol
03:30 mircea_popescu !rate linton_s_dawson
03:30 assbot Need a name to rate and a rating, optionally comment.
03:30 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=10-12-2015#1340277 << did old qntraments lose their db ids?
03:30 assbot Logged on 10-12-2015 13:40:58; mircea_popescu: midnightmagic http://qntra.net/2015/12/after-xt-failure-gavin-andresen-supports-jim-crow-for-signatures-on-the-blockchain/#comment-81695 << see ? why even bother. \
03:30 mircea_popescu !rate 1 linton_s_dawson New blood.
03:30 assbot 1 is not registered in WoT.
03:30 mircea_popescu grrr
03:30 ben_vulpes you can do it!
03:30 mircea_popescu this is a new definition of "blind drunk"
03:31 mircea_popescu !rate linton_s_dawson 1 New blood.
03:31 assbot Request successful, get your OTP: http://w.b-a.link/otp/8e26369d5447b582
03:31 mircea_popescu !v assbot:mircea_popescu.rate.linton_s_dawson.1:273d20a03740ae777bb12c9e71a486bf6cc40dc9d5273b684a21934cd0c17dce
03:31 assbot Successfully added a rating of 1 for linton_s_dawson with note: New blood.
03:32 ben_vulpes ;;later tell mike_c does your wot thinger spit out json anywhere?
03:32 gribble The operation succeeded.
03:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42350 @ 0.00049726 = 21.059 BTC [+] {2}
03:34 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Yes. On the plus side now people have to read everything.
03:34 mircea_popescu i think teh qntra backuping process suffered some improvements lol
03:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 77202 @ 0.00049493 = 38.2096 BTC [-] {4}
03:37 thestringpuller mod6: ben_vulpes anyone seen this error? 'unable to join the environment' in db.log ?
03:38 ben_vulpes sounds extremely familiar
03:38 * ben_vulpes greps
03:38 thestringpuller something from bdb, but I thought that was all statically linked?
03:39 thestringpuller i'm running mod6's new test2 script with alf's version string patched in.
03:40 * ben_vulpes cannot recall what triggers this message
03:41 mircea_popescu thestringpuller so you got a bitcoin binary pressed ?
03:46 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351432 << it conserves.
03:46 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 02:00:29; asciilifeform: funny, given how i'm just about to (mostly) stop...
03:46 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: bitcoind: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), statically linked, stripped
03:46 mircea_popescu nice.
03:46 mircea_popescu well done, eh.
03:46 thestringpuller dunno why bdb is giving me shit tho
03:48 mircea_popescu you using rhel ?
03:48 thestringpuller Debian Jessie
03:49 mircea_popescu do you have old lockfiles scattered around for any reason ?
03:51 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351451 << i was rather distantly downwind of that. along with most everything else in the civilised world.
03:51 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 02:11:02; asciilifeform: ;;later tell mircea_popescu http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2015/12/on-19th-day-of-christmas.html << add the 19 ukr fission plants to list-of-thing-you're-no-longer-down-wind-of
03:51 mircea_popescu but hey, at times i enjoy my painstakingly recreated version of the 80s.
03:53 mircea_popescu "But for the US, and for the EU, it is now yet another major foreign policy embarrassment, and the less said about it the better."
03:53 mircea_popescu heh. this perennial willingness to NOT discuss, if at all possible to UNdiscuss all the fuckups is so fucking dumb already.
03:56 mircea_popescu "Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was recently hauled off the podium by his crotch; how dignified is that?" << coming soon, to a white house near you.
03:56 mircea_popescu if not this bahamas, the next bahamas.
03:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 57000 @ 0.00049727 = 28.3444 BTC [+]
04:00 mircea_popescu "Now, here's what it all really means. With so much going wrong, the Ukraine has been unable to secure enough natural gas or coal supplies to provide a supply cushion in case of a cold snap this winter. A few weeks of frosty weather will deplete the supply, and then pipes will freeze, rendering much of the urban areas unlivable from then on (because, recall, there is no longer any money, or any industry to speak of, to
04:00 mircea_popescu repair the damage). That seems bad enough, but we aren't quite there yet." <<< this much is exactly factual, as romania is well aware since its very difficult early 90s. as far as temperate habitation is concerned, you have strictly to options : either produce enough energy to keep the heating pipes unfrozen through the winter, or else lose the possibility of urban settlement and as a result return to 1800ish (the wor
04:00 mircea_popescu d for which in 2015 is, by and large, "Africa").
04:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4625 @ 0.00049727 = 2.2999 BTC [+]
04:01 mircea_popescu if you don't keep the pipes above 0, they freeze. if they freeze they split. if they split you can't keep the [mostly concrete prefab] dwellings livable, not now, not ever.
04:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71175 @ 0.00049732 = 35.3968 BTC [+] {2}
04:06 mircea_popescu " And the way to keep it from breaking is to replace all the bits that are listed on the replacement schedule no later than the dates indicated on that schedule. It's either that or the thing goes “Ka-boom!” and everyone's hair falls out." << yes, except for the cynical west that actually wouldn't mind a few more nuclear "accidents". so what if they were fully preventable, deliberately man-made disasters ? at least
04:06 mircea_popescu the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative.
04:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81000 @ 0.00049348 = 39.9719 BTC [-] {2}
04:13 ben_vulpes anyone recall offhand how to get gpg to crap out signed data sans header/footer?
04:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 109250 @ 0.00049925 = 54.5431 BTC [+] {6}
04:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 115700 @ 0.00049322 = 57.0656 BTC [-] {6}
04:26 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351462 << BECAUSE, importantly, the only remaining function of the british colony, its only significant export and sole raison d'etre left is exactly this playing the extraterritorial base for the USG role. you know, obama is not spying on you, the queen is (and sharing the results). we hope this legalistic subtlety makes all the difference to you!
04:26 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 02:17:45; assbot: NSA Helped British Spies Find Security Holes In Juniper Firewalls ... ( http://bit.ly/1ObwhxY )
04:27 mircea_popescu at any rate, "nsa laundered the vulnerabilities it planted in juniper firewalls through an offshore platform". britain, panama, whatever pacific island, what the hell's the difference.
04:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9919 @ 0.00049248 = 4.8849 BTC [-] {2}
04:31 mircea_popescu http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ?
04:31 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1JwnCks )
04:32 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: nuked everything in /path/to/.bitcoin with `rm -rf /path/to/.bitcoin/*`
04:32 thestringpuller anywhere else they could be hiding?
04:32 mircea_popescu there's at least fifty billion "market research" houses more than happy to provide one with this crap.
04:32 mircea_popescu thestringpuller nop.
04:35 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351542 << I've worked with some fairly large sqlite dbs, obviously if you are doing a full table scan on 500gb of data, it's not gonna be fast, but it motherfucking works.
04:35 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:05:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351253 << in fairness, sqlite works for all usecases that aren't this. or that. or in general.
04:36 mircea_popescu doing what punkman ?
04:36 thestringpuller also getting:
04:36 thestringpuller terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error' what(): You must set myip=<ipaddress> on the command line or in the configuration file:
04:36 mircea_popescu thestringpuller you must set your ip, the binary has no way of knowing.
04:37 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=22-12-2015#1350147 << seen that ?
04:37 assbot Logged on 22-12-2015 04:58:44; mircea_popescu: You can then run this with something like LC_ALL=C nohup ./bitcoind -myip=<yourip> -addnode=trusted_node_1 -addnode=trusted_node_2 -verifyall 2>&1 &
04:38 punkman mircea_popescu: the largest one had compressed web pages and metadata, but pretty much anything that doesn't need a db server
04:38 mircea_popescu yeah well.
04:38 mircea_popescu many reads few writes is a particular usecase, not really what's at work in the cases discussed.
04:39 thestringpuller okay so it ran, but doing an RPC call: `LC_ALL="C" ./bitcoind -rpcuser=leffuy -rpcpassword=moomooman getinfo` killed the daemon
04:39 thestringpuller it dropped out of top like instantly when I ran that command^
04:39 punkman I don't see how bitcoin needs a db server
04:39 ben_vulpes thestringpuller: check debug.log?
04:40 mircea_popescu you don't need rpc u/p to get a getinfo
04:40 ben_vulpes lol but should it crash with those?
04:40 mircea_popescu punkman well that's maybe a point, but nevertheless it currently uses one, and it uses one mostly to update and insert
04:40 punkman bdb does not have a server either
04:40 ben_vulpes notrly a server
04:41 punkman it's a term of art
04:41 ben_vulpes external process
04:42 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351552 << infinitydb? java???
04:42 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:09:51; mircea_popescu: anyway. this is how bitcoin ended up with bdb i suspect. infinitydb might be an option. they all suck.
04:43 mircea_popescu java is best coffee.
04:44 ben_vulpes punkman: just write some cffi
04:44 ben_vulpes it ain't hard
04:44 ben_vulpes that's why eulora's looking for mapgen in $yourlang
04:45 mircea_popescu lol
04:46 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351647 << gives this a look https://gist.github.com/extempore/b374fc9793643bb7563f
04:46 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:13:27; ben_vulpes: anyone recall offhand how to get gpg to crap out signed data sans header/footer?
04:46 assbot gpg_multisig.py · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QJEfRB )
04:48 punkman on second thought, probably not what you meant
04:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 118400 @ 0.00050092 = 59.3089 BTC [+] {4}
04:49 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: tail -f debug.log >> http://dpaste.com/1K1MMEC.txt
04:50 thestringpuller db.log has one line >> 'unable to join the environment'
04:50 thestringpuller but that happened before thing crashed
04:50 thestringpuller all i did was:
04:50 thestringpuller LC_ALL="C" ./bitcoind -rpcuser=leffuy -rpcpassword=moomooman getinfo
04:50 thestringpuller error: no response from server
04:50 thestringpuller which is different than error: couldn't connect to server
04:50 punkman thestringpuller: do you have a config file? might need to pass it along with getinfo
04:51 thestringpuller nope. i set all the flags on cli like in mircea_popescu 's example
04:58 ben_vulpes does it work with a getinfo and no rpcuser/password?
05:01 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351521 << good thread, maybe warrants a separate post
05:01 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 07:40:49; mircea_popescu: http://trilema.com/2015/continut-platit-no-more/#comment-116065 << that beautyon fellow is giving occasion to a very satisfying convo.
05:03 thestringpuller ben_vulpes:
05:03 thestringpuller error: You must set rpcpassword=<password> in the configuration file:
05:04 ben_vulpes try setting them in the config file
05:05 ben_vulpes aha
05:05 BingoBoingo Yeah, gotta do that. And change the password.
05:08 BingoBoingo !up wywialm
05:08 wywialm thanks, BingoBoingo
05:09 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351677 << do we have any measurements? if I had to guess I'd say there's a lot more reads than writes (after initial sync at least)
05:09 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:40:34; mircea_popescu: punkman well that's maybe a point, but nevertheless it currently uses one, and it uses one mostly to update and insert
05:10 mircea_popescu i thought the initial sync's being discussed.
05:10 ben_vulpes i'm curious to know what data structures people who understand data structures would suggest for storage and indexing
05:11 punkman even during sync, you can commit blocks to disk in batches, really cuts down on required fsyncs
05:11 mircea_popescu i guess.
05:16 BingoBoingo ;;ticker --market all
05:16 thestringpuller nope
05:16 punkman sqlite could work fine for the foreseeable future, main objection is that it comes with unneeeded complexity/kiloLOC
05:16 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD last: 457.5, vol: 9796.69936891 | BTC-E BTCUSD last: 453.001, vol: 9044.55735 | Bitfinex BTCUSD last: 457.69, vol: 24715.03879966 | CampBX BTCUSD last: 438.0, vol: 0.07037461 | Kraken BTCUSD last: 457.0, vol: 84.63627215 | Bitcoin-Central BTCUSD last: 455.49761096, vol: 73.59684583 | Volume-weighted last average: 456.672206381
05:16 thestringpuller ben_vulpes: server just goes down when it makes correct connection
05:17 thestringpuller i'll try it on different machine :\
~ 15 minutes ~
05:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22196 @ 0.00049931 = 11.0827 BTC [-] {2}
05:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48282 @ 0.0005043 = 24.3486 BTC [+]
05:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84800 @ 0.00050535 = 42.8537 BTC [+] {4}
05:48 deedbot- [Trilema] Tin Men - http://trilema.com/2015/tin-men/
05:50 ben_vulpes bloody wacky thestringpuller
05:50 ben_vulpes run it under gdb?
05:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41161 @ 0.00049931 = 20.5521 BTC [-] {2}
06:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 95624 @ 0.00049767 = 47.5892 BTC [-]
06:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83600 @ 0.00050393 = 42.1285 BTC [+] {2}
06:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 81750 @ 0.00050295 = 41.1162 BTC [-] {2}
~ 18 minutes ~
06:40 jurov thestringpuller: run the daemon in gdb. it really should not get killed via RPC.
06:45 BingoBoingo miscellolious https://archive.is/lhlkt
06:45 assbot Coffee Sleeve Recall (Sleeves Used Before April 2015) – Kaldi's Coffee ... ( http://bit.ly/22qpu9Y )
06:49 BingoBoingo The hazards of metallic inks
06:59 punkman such hazard
07:06 jurov banknotes too ignite in microwave. better recall them!
07:07 BingoBoingo For real, paper money is dangerous
07:09 punkman I'd guess UStards expect the default state of things to be microwave-safe, whereas other people expect "it will probably catch fire/melt/etc"
07:10 BingoBoingo Prolly, but in other spam http://dpaste.com/110PEB0.txt
07:10 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDzzM8 )
07:18 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351645 << stumbled across these centrally planned lulz the other day http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/eu-trade-case--120-companies--associations-to-participate-in-mip-expiry-review_100022550/
07:18 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:06:33; mircea_popescu: the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative.
07:18 assbot EU trade case: 120 companies, associations to participate in MIP expiry review: pv-magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDAtYT )
07:18 punkman http://www.pv-magazine.com/news/details/beitrag/eu--anti-circumvention-duties-for-chinese-solar-products-shipped-via-taiwan--malaysia_100022552/
07:18 assbot EU: Anti-circumvention duties for Chinese solar products shipped via Taiwan, Malaysia: pv-magazine ... ( http://bit.ly/1YDAufl )
07:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 53350 @ 0.00049834 = 26.5864 BTC [-] {2}
07:24 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351377 << so the feds just wanna keep more of it to offset budget cuts?
07:24 assbot Logged on 23-12-2015 22:50:35; deedbot-: [Qntra] US DO"J" Stops Sharing Bounty Of Theft With Locals - http://qntra.net/2015/12/us-doj-stops-sharing-bounty-of-theft-with-locals/
07:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 58450 @ 0.00050183 = 29.332 BTC [+] {3}
07:31 BingoBoingo yeah
07:31 BingoBoingo prolly also saving up to afford a gendarmie
07:34 BingoBoingo But they'll prolly unveil it as gender.me
07:34 BingoBoingo Which will also be their recruiting slogan
07:35 punkman heh
07:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21150 @ 0.00050169 = 10.6107 BTC [-] {2}
08:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33593 @ 0.00050295 = 16.8956 BTC [+] {2}
08:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44650 @ 0.00050204 = 22.4161 BTC [-] {3}
08:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 66 @ 0.0154 = 1.0164 BTC [+]
08:18 BingoBoingo ^ Oh shit a Havelol made the main channel ticker
08:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 59200 @ 0.0004986 = 29.5171 BTC [-] {5}
08:25 fluffypony it's still going? who knew
08:28 BingoBoingo Seriously
08:35 BingoBoingo https://archive.is/yfdaj
08:35 assbot My fat neighbor is going to hospitalize himself | fatpeoplehate ... ( http://bit.ly/1Tj8AnA )
08:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96300 @ 0.000497 = 47.8611 BTC [-] {4}
08:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35750 @ 0.00050248 = 17.9637 BTC [+] {3}
08:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78500 @ 0.00049215 = 38.6338 BTC [-] {5}
~ 21 minutes ~
09:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63100 @ 0.00049165 = 31.0231 BTC [-] {4}
09:20 BingoBoingo what the fuck
09:25 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351549 << we don't need a db in the usual, general sense. we need an indexer for the things we need an indexer for.
09:25 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:08:25; ben_vulpes: actually what's an embeddable-via-c relational db that does r-trees besides sqlite?
09:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 47250 @ 0.00049024 = 23.1638 BTC [-] {3}
09:28 asciilifeform ;;later tell phf http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351490 << this is yet another 'school os' - it has x86 32-bit retardation heavily baked in. pretty useless for our cause imho.
09:28 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 06:51:07; phf: ;;later tell asciilifeform another minimal unix http://ulixos.org, this one is 31k loc of noweb. has threads and fs caching
09:28 gribble The operation succeeded.
09:29 asciilifeform i don't ever want to see a task state segment again. and don't see why i oughta.
09:31 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351554 << i will take no part in anything involving java in whatever capacity.
09:31 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:10:52; ben_vulpes: i suspect maintaining that java/c layer would be more expensive than just beating adequate performance out of sqlite was
09:32 asciilifeform and it boggles my mind that this was being considered, even in passing
09:33 asciilifeform (unless i misread ??)
09:34 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351565 << bad picture. the effect is considerably less annoying in photos, and virtually invisible in a video - which is HOW THEY GOT AWAY with having SHARED blue pixels
09:34 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:17:37; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351282 << am i a bad person if i actually prefer the upper version ?
09:34 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351572 << i ~also~ like old newsprint. but not simply from the moire pattern in the photos, but because TEXT WAS BLACK
09:34 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:21:56; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351296 << aww, i guess it does huh. listen, i'm not saying you should be forced to use it. just... i happen to like old newsprint. and the scent of gasoline.
09:34 asciilifeform in the pentile shit, TEXT IS NOT BLACK
09:35 asciilifeform it has dancing buzzing crud around the edges when your eyes move
09:35 asciilifeform because 'who wants to read text'
09:35 asciilifeform 'good enough for arsebook'
09:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu get thee to an electronics shop and sneak a peek at the abomination. e.g., 'samsung s2 tablet' etc.
09:36 asciilifeform i bet even colourblind fella will notice.
09:36 Naphex .
09:37 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351575 << i tried it! on pi-1. not enough i/o bandwidth. but the problem with all 'pi' machines is rather different - it is the presence of a dedicated, always-on usg mysterymeat cpu core
09:37 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:27:45; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell linton_s_dawson http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351345 << not anyone afaik. theoretically speaking it wouldn't likely work too well yet - not enough resources on the pi to be a real node. nevertheless, as a didactic / research sort of project rather than something to go in production trying would be interesting, if for nothing else then because nobody;s tried it yet.
09:37 asciilifeform which is not something a sane person would want on a node
09:38 asciilifeform (and yes recent intel boxes have precisely same issue)
09:40 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351639 << it'll happen with usg diesel dispensed on usurious credit - as in bulgaria
09:40 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:00:51; mircea_popescu: repair the damage). That seems bad enough, but we aren't quite there yet." <<< this much is exactly factual, as romania is well aware since its very difficult early 90s. as far as temperate habitation is concerned, you have strictly to options : either produce enough energy to keep the heating pipes unfrozen through the winter, or else lose the possibility of urban settlement and as a result return
09:41 asciilifeform (usg is happy to preside over the mothballing of perfectly-working su nuke plants, this is a very effective colonization instrument)
09:41 * BingoBoingo wonders if anyone here has experience with laptop coolers that have fan pulling air out through CPU exhaust vent, considering one.
09:41 * BingoBoingo to bed.
09:41 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if laptop needs external cooling, it's a pos
09:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00050151 = 3.0843 BTC [+] {2}
09:43 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351645 << kinda funny, same thing petro-pipe-era (1970s+) su used to do to the west (funded 'activism!11111' against fission, etc)
09:43 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:06:33; mircea_popescu: the oh-so-precious "alternative means solar, wind and any other inefficiency" lobby can push it's "the only energy source that works doesn't work - buy our shit" narrative.
09:44 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351650 << this flowed predictably out of the post-ww2 bitchdom that gave us orwell's apt 'airstrip one'
09:44 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:26:49; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351462 << BECAUSE, importantly, the only remaining function of the british colony, its only significant export and sole raison d'etre left is exactly this playing the extraterritorial base for the USG role. you know, obama is not spying on you, the queen is (and sharing the results). we hope this legalistic subtlety makes all the difference to you!
09:44 asciilifeform uk is just an 'unsinkable aircraft carrier' for usg. like taiwan.
09:45 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351654 << y'know, the janitor's schedule at ft meade is also classified. 'sources & methods' (tm) (r)
09:45 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:31:41; mircea_popescu: http://dpaste.com/068FQ43.txt << seriously, these derps classified as secret/foia extempt some derp-ass $50-a-pop market research crapolade that's ~maybe~ one step above a wikipedia cull ?
09:45 asciilifeform it's an intro blob for 'mba' to read
09:46 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351660 << ahahahaa i'm a laugh to death, we want a sql parser to grind every motherfucking time a tx is fetched ??!?!?
09:46 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 09:35:36; punkman: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351542 << I've worked with some fairly large sqlite dbs, obviously if you are doing a full table scan on 500gb of data, it's not gonna be fast, but it motherfucking works.
09:48 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351715 << even initial sync has vastly more reads than writes. thinkaboutit
09:48 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 10:10:20; mircea_popescu: i thought the initial sync's being discussed.
09:49 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin
09:49 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 10:16:31; punkman: sqlite could work fine for the foreseeable future, main objection is that it comes with unneeeded complexity/kiloLOC
09:49 asciilifeform srsly what part of this is hard to understand.
09:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48350 @ 0.00050204 = 24.2736 BTC [+] {3}
09:57 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351584 << to mutilate the old saying, 'things oughta be as easy to use as possible, but not easier'
09:57 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:29:37; assbot: Logged on 23-12-2015 22:38:37; linton_s_dawson: If something ca be done in an easy-to-use manner, it should be done. I'm aware of the "if you're too lazy to learn you don't deserve it" logic but I don't completely agree with it.
09:58 shinohai I strongly believe linton_s_dawson "just wants an app for that"
10:00 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351578 << anybody who wants to build for ARM can use my recipe, it is in the ml, and it wurx
10:00 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 08:28:05; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=23-12-2015#1351348 << dude srsly... let people try things wtf.
10:00 asciilifeform and also 'rotor' is a generalization of it
10:00 asciilifeform you can build for whateverthefuck you like, build for nintendo, build for cray
10:01 asciilifeform anything with a gcc available
10:05 * shinohai is evidently too retarded to build using asciilifeform 's recipe. T_T
10:05 asciilifeform shinohai: what was the issue
10:06 shinohai I just cannot understand how to use buildroot, despite reading manuals for hours upon hours.
10:07 asciilifeform i don't recall my recipe needing understanding
10:07 shinohai Maybe I need the proper drugs.
10:11 shinohai Once I figure it out I am definitely going to write an idiot's guide to cross-compiling.
10:13 asciilifeform ;;later tell phf http://mikhailmasl.livejournal.com/4852.html << mega-b00k. afaik never published in dead tree. the only known memoir of mathematician working in kgb, lived through the '90s no less. the fella who designed that crackpot calculator for central bank.
10:13 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:14 asciilifeform i've been reading it for a couplea days now and it's a riot.
10:15 asciilifeform when martin & mitchell famously ran away from nsa to su in 1960, su decided to open own nsa
10:15 asciilifeform and built a kind of first-rate maths school cum military academy
10:20 asciilifeform the book is interesting not only from anthropological pov but also because it reveals why 'gost' is a piece of shit
10:20 asciilifeform (was cheap ripoff of DES, and deliberately)
~ 20 minutes ~
10:41 asciilifeform 'Idiosyncrasies : Eats raw chicken because he likes the taste.' << from mitchell's fbi file
10:42 mircea_popescu lolwut
10:42 asciilifeform from megaturd http://documents.theblackvault.com/documents/nsa/75791A.pdf
10:42 asciilifeform strictly for pro entomologists!
10:42 mircea_popescu the stuff you read.
10:42 * asciilifeform is about halfway in
10:43 mircea_popescu in another life you could have been a happily employed girlie, reading this crud of your own curiosity an' making summaries for terrorists.
10:44 * asciilifeform suspects that he reads moar of it, and more attentively, than the pro gurlz
10:45 mircea_popescu possible.
10:46 asciilifeform 'Martin is said to have criticized American women and marital laws. Martin and Mitchell have both been described as socially awkward and Mitchell has been described as unsophisticated and naive about the practical world.' (p.60)
10:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 71100 @ 0.00049913 = 35.4881 BTC [-] {4}
10:46 asciilifeform (tldr: the brass, in at least as far as the Official Truth doc releases reveal, were obsessed with whether m & m were buggering one another and spent millions investigating this)
10:50 asciilifeform also many, many pages on 'suspected' masochism
10:50 asciilifeform etc.
10:55 asciilifeform l0l! even viktor kamkin bookstore (rip) and its owners figured in the case!
10:55 asciilifeform !s kamkin
10:55 assbot 3 results for 'kamkin' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=kamkin
10:56 asciilifeform (p.79)
10:59 mircea_popescu the 60s
11:00 asciilifeform any old usaschwitz inmate knows: 1960 in usa was the middle of 'the fifties'
11:02 mircea_popescu heh
11:02 mircea_popescu in my head it's all "time when the pre-cocksucking lusers lived"
11:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45850 @ 0.00050509 = 23.1584 BTC [+]
11:03 asciilifeform 'Martin and Mitchell's effects reveal their interest and activity in photography, music, Russian language, French, and travel. Mitchell also possesses much athletic and sporting equipment, firearms, and a large liquor supply.'
11:04 asciilifeform and the tone with which the usgdroids describe one of the fellas watching japanese strippers diddle one another, it must be read to be appreciated.
11:05 asciilifeform or how they tried to hunt down everybody with whom they... played chess
11:05 mircea_popescu heh
11:06 mircea_popescu it's funny how all the soviet defections were proof sovietism dun work (it didn't) but all the various us defections weren't proof usgism dun work (it... didn't).
11:07 mircea_popescu omaygawd teh bad ppls in this world.
11:07 mircea_popescu in the end not substantially different from the su's own "sluggard schizophrenia" in response to that age old question that's the bane of every mature bureaucracy : "why would anyone want to leave paradise!"
11:08 asciilifeform m and m blew the usg minds for the simple reason that, as far as anybody could tell, they weren't bribed
11:08 mircea_popescu recall the north korean girly that killed herself in paris rather than come back home to the ~very priviledged~ household of her commanding daddy in best democratic thingamagig ?
11:08 asciilifeform aha.
11:08 asciilifeform (not that you could actually bribe a usian, in those days, to move to su)
11:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 96582 @ 0.00049871 = 48.1664 BTC [-] {3}
11:09 mircea_popescu "f0or as long as we define bribing in terms that make it impossible, it was impossible to bribe an usian to move to su in those days"
11:09 asciilifeform but as far as publicly known, neither martin nor mitchell was running 'from sins'
11:09 mircea_popescu wanna bet ?
11:10 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: bribe in the ordinary sense
11:10 asciilifeform (with money)
11:10 mircea_popescu that's not the ordinary sense.
11:11 mircea_popescu go, bribe someone. WITH MONEY.
11:11 mircea_popescu the most you'll get is a can of coke out of a vending machine.
11:11 asciilifeform well, yes, normally you need something to make the money stick
11:11 mircea_popescu right.
11:13 mircea_popescu anyway. "traitorous homosexual network of communists" ftw.
11:13 asciilifeform aha, bulk of the turd is literally about this.
11:14 mircea_popescu anyway. if memory serves the actual cia conclusion was "social ambition drove it", which is EXACTLY what a fucking bribe is.
11:15 asciilifeform that was the demented summary aha
11:15 mircea_popescu the point isn't "the money", the money is always and everywhere as it is here a token. the point of the bribe is that the bribed becomes part of the clan of the briber, it's exactly a fucking wedding.
11:16 asciilifeform from the actual words of m & m, in as far as they have been recorded in su, it was (in at least the case of the domainant fella, i forget which one that was) on account of... mathematics
11:16 asciilifeform schmuck thought that 'su respects maths! i will be respected!11111'
11:16 mircea_popescu which is why women generally confront the "either you put out or we rape you" and bureaucrats generally confront the "play ball or go sleep with the fishes".
11:17 asciilifeform the detectives were baffled because they only looked for the simple knobs - bag of money; or failing that, 'ideological rot'
11:17 mircea_popescu didn't they famously say natasha fucks better ?
11:17 mircea_popescu prolly why the us went all overboard with "faggits!"
11:17 asciilifeform but m & m wanted to go straight for the 'wedding'
11:18 asciilifeform and yes their goodbye letter (it leaked out, iirc, years later) mentioned chicks
11:18 asciilifeform but in re: mathematics:
11:19 asciilifeform one of the reasons why there are not more defections among the house slaves is,
11:19 asciilifeform that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats
11:19 asciilifeform k. philby famously drank himself to death on account of this
11:20 asciilifeform (he actually thought that he might be trusted with serious business in su, imagine)
11:21 asciilifeform 'rome does not pay traitors'
11:21 mircea_popescu this is a difficult point.
11:22 mircea_popescu it;s not that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats. it's that turncoats generally go psychotic.
11:23 mircea_popescu who was the classical general that busted his own face, pretended his king did it, went to the enemies who bought it and then raped them in their sleep ?
11:33 mod6 mornin'
11:34 mod6 thestringpuller: did you ever git your bitcoind up and going?
11:34 mod6 s/git/get/
11:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 75900 @ 0.00050163 = 38.0737 BTC [+]
11:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7522 @ 0.00049864 = 3.7508 BTC [-]
11:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 64900 @ 0.00049 = 31.801 BTC [-]
11:40 mod6 once you have a 'bitcoin.conf' in place in either ~/.bitcoin or '-datadir' with an 'rpcuser' & 'rpcpassword': `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -myip= -connect -verifyall &`
11:40 mod6 bah
11:40 mod6 `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -myip= -connect= -verifyall &`
11:40 mod6 or !
11:41 mod6 `LC_ALL=C ./bitcoind -datadir=/path/to/.bitcoin -myip= -connect= -verifyall &`
11:41 mod6 should do the trick.
11:45 mod6 im not sure what this is about:
11:46 mod6 <+thestringpuller> db.log has one line >> 'unable to join the environment'
11:47 asciilifeform sounds like a b0rk3d db
11:47 mod6 i looked for 'environment' in the code -- didn't find any relevant matches as far as I can tell: http://dpaste.com/1QDGFPN.txt
11:47 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKjDbU )
11:48 asciilifeform mod6: bdbism
11:48 mod6 ok. hmm.
11:48 mod6 weird.
11:49 mod6 was this started from a /clean/ env or is this trying to load up a blockchain from christmas past?
11:49 asciilifeform gotta ask him
11:49 mod6 thestringpuller ^
11:51 mod6 i had to laugh at that last orlov
11:52 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351909 << from the standpoint of the other fella, turning on your fellow soldiers ~is~ a psychotic act
11:52 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 16:22:07; mircea_popescu: it;s not that most healthy cultures piss on turncoats. it's that turncoats generally go psychotic.
11:52 mod6 'NPPs require power all the time'
11:52 asciilifeform mod6: they do though
11:52 * asciilifeform thought that this was well-known
11:53 mod6 ya, makes sense. sucks if you can't afford to buy the coal or what not
11:53 asciilifeform at any rate, usg has quite likely already sent the same disassembly squads they used in bulgaria
11:54 asciilifeform ua will run on usg diesel until ragnarok
11:54 mircea_popescu mod6 understant, there's no "turned off the universe" switch. whether you have "an use" for it or not, teh sun's still gonna shine, and the radioactive will still decay.
11:54 mircea_popescu either you cool it or it cools you.
11:54 mod6 yeah
11:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 87580 @ 0.00048945 = 42.866 BTC [-] {3}
11:55 mircea_popescu asciilifeform im not terribly sure avbout that. for one thing, the us is poor these days. for the other, it's always been perfidious, and the blown nuke plants are perhaps more valuable to it.
11:55 asciilifeform nuland & co. don't personally relish sitting in a hot zone
11:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 60071 @ 0.00048916 = 29.3843 BTC [-] {3}
11:56 mircea_popescu cheaper to move one fat woman than all that diesel.
11:56 asciilifeform nor the entire floor (!) of ua parliament bldg devoted to cia
11:56 * mod6 wonders if he'll have to buy trainloads of coal one day
11:56 mircea_popescu and i'm not overstating the screaming, onctuous poverty they're in one little bit. have you seen the footage from that meeting of perry with random nobody in ukraina, that took place in a room smaller than the very cramped table ?
11:57 mircea_popescu the guy's expensive shirts make an incredible situation with the "we couldn't afford a hotel room so we paid the porter to let us use the utility closet" thing
11:57 asciilifeform orcs are met with in the orc stall in the barn
11:58 asciilifeform humans - in human hall
11:58 asciilifeform sop.
11:58 trinque http://deedbot.org/build-bitcoind-151224.sh << made minor changes such that there's a build dir and binary's crapped into bin in the current dir
11:58 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEbncp )
11:58 * mod6 looks
11:59 asciilifeform this thing really oughta be a makefile
11:59 asciilifeform for one thing, that would let you cache the www turds locally
11:59 trinque yep, I may take that on next.
11:59 trinque the above is just about 4-5 lines tweaked
11:59 asciilifeform btw a v-ified variant of 'make' would be spiffy
12:00 asciilifeform here's how:
12:00 asciilifeform it would build ITEMS OF SPECIFIC HASH rather than name
12:00 asciilifeform sorta like a v press-to-hash (feature i never got around to implementing)
12:00 trinque neat, makes sense.
12:00 asciilifeform (take a known hash, do whatever is necessary to end up with file of that hash)
12:02 asciilifeform curl -s http://openssl.org/source/old/1.0.1/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz -o distfiles/openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz << we're still doing this ?!!
12:02 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEbV27 )
12:02 trinque so outermost makefile would do what this script is doing, then call a rotor makefile.
12:02 asciilifeform aha except that it oughtn't load anything from the net if the necessary file is in a local distfiles dir
12:03 asciilifeform the whole 'load from net' paradigm for builds is imho sad
12:03 trinque yup
12:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 112146 @ 0.00048879 = 54.8158 BTC [-] {4}
12:04 trinque but gotta get them from somewhere
12:04 asciilifeform cd.
12:05 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351968 << and incidentally, this is probably a good time to point out that 'v' as it is presently seen is not the most generalized treatment of the subject
12:05 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:00:29; asciilifeform: sorta like a v press-to-hash (feature i never got around to implementing)
12:06 asciilifeform must understand that 'patch' is simply one possible operation for a vtron
12:06 asciilifeform 'v' is meant as a general sane solution to the 'must-x-before-y' problem
12:07 asciilifeform like gnumake, but with hard crypto
12:07 asciilifeform and hard pinning of all intermediate 'lemma'
12:07 asciilifeform (gnumake does not know, or care, what the actual binaries it ends up with at whatever step were)
12:09 trinque sounds like a type of shell script, where one can perform-action then check-hash-of-state, then continue or die
12:10 asciilifeform well no
12:10 asciilifeform because it has to be able to form a topological walk
12:10 asciilifeform and compute paths
12:10 mircea_popescu <trinque> yep, I may take that on next. << not a bad idea yeah.
12:10 asciilifeform but yes, you could theoretically implement in whatever shell. my original attempt at 'v' (unpublished) was in awk & sed
12:10 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> (take a known hash, do whatever is necessary to end up with file of that hash) <<< this is actually a great approach, if it weren't for off-by-dword issues
12:11 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the issues come from retarded compiler
12:11 mircea_popescu well of course.
12:11 asciilifeform the solution to which is arduous but in no sense mysterious
12:11 mircea_popescu and we're calling it retarded because we don't know it's subverted. yet.
12:11 asciilifeform (pinning down gcc in the killing jar)
12:11 mircea_popescu at the rate we're going tho...
12:11 mircea_popescu btw, phuctor back online yet ?
12:11 asciilifeform not quite yet, actually working on it as we speak
12:11 mircea_popescu cool
12:11 asciilifeform rewriting with a traditional db
12:12 mircea_popescu ah, you went into the guts ?
12:12 asciilifeform and multithreaded gcd--er
12:12 asciilifeform aha
12:12 mircea_popescu cool.
12:12 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351997 << this brings us to another thing i've been doing for past 6 mo. or so
12:12 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:11:18; mircea_popescu: and we're calling it retarded because we don't know it's subverted. yet.
12:12 asciilifeform which is, dredging through the actual bin
12:13 asciilifeform (the ~4MB elf we get from a rotor run)
12:13 * mircea_popescu has not found anything, which merely makes /me convinced his reversing installed capacity is marginal at best.
12:13 asciilifeform slightly more than half is openssl turdism
12:14 mircea_popescu i meant in the specific sense of thompson's compiler.
12:14 asciilifeform 'science!!111111' has progressed since herr thompson, y'know
12:14 mircea_popescu i have exactly no faith in this theory.
12:14 asciilifeform don't expect a 100kB turd in there.
12:15 mircea_popescu just looking for noteworthy "mysterious" polymorphisms etc.
12:15 asciilifeform gonna be more like an off-by-one array access 'plausibly accidented' in somewhere
12:15 asciilifeform and incidentally c++ makes looking for this virtually impossible without elaborate automation
12:15 mircea_popescu myeah.
12:16 * asciilifeform has been digging deep into cpp internals
12:16 mircea_popescu anyway, 100kb is not required, about 512 bytes would trigger atm.
12:16 mircea_popescu which... whatever, huge holes.
12:16 asciilifeform again the more realistic scenario is 1bt of 'plausible optimization!111' that lets you spray in the 512
12:16 mircea_popescu i guess.
12:17 mircea_popescu i'm a fundamentalist rather than a realist at heart. who knew.
12:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84200 @ 0.00049206 = 41.4315 BTC [+] {2}
12:18 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352012 << welcome to the club of everybody else who buys reversing. even usg has mega-sh0rt4g3z
12:18 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:13:21; *: mircea_popescu has not found anything, which merely makes /me convinced his reversing installed capacity is marginal at best.
12:19 mircea_popescu "This guy barely ekes out a living wage in Romania. Rule #1 in building a cult of personality is to pose as if you're raking in the cash, no matter how poor you are. But any idiot can see that (a) this guy cannot even travel to the US because of the legal problems with MPEX, (b) he makes no money from any source, and (c) he's a loser."
12:19 mircea_popescu o hey check me out, i'm eking a living in romania.
12:20 asciilifeform why not namibia ?
12:20 asciilifeform if gonna spew idiocy, why not full bore ?
12:20 mircea_popescu lazy, i guess ?
12:20 asciilifeform i guess
12:20 mircea_popescu anyway, this chick's been rather obsessed with me for a while now. hey sciencehatesyou... i'll pay for your tits you know ? just like everyone's else.
12:21 asciilifeform it's a chick?!!
12:21 mircea_popescu myeah.
12:21 mircea_popescu who the fuck else is this FUCKING EQUALITARIAN, huh ?
12:21 asciilifeform perl script ?
12:21 mircea_popescu shouldn't i get brownie points for taking all comers ? eh ?
12:22 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it's a font of endless amusement to me, how the limits of people's heads reside in people's heads to much obviousness for everyone but the limited in question.
12:22 mircea_popescu chicks wanna-be a feminist and lalala women's rights, is not sufficiently self-possessed to pose topless.
12:22 mircea_popescu this, however, at no point raises any consciously-visible exception in her software. because...
12:22 asciilifeform these selfsame folks will happily pose topless, or opencunted, etc. ~in the right place~
12:22 mircea_popescu doubt it.
12:23 mod6 /topic lalala women's rights
12:23 mircea_popescu hmm... free and open cuntware. now that's an apt observation.
12:23 asciilifeform the exception is thrown because 'disgusting male gaze' or whatever it was called
12:23 mircea_popescu lol MobGod
12:23 mircea_popescu oops
12:23 asciilifeform rather than because missing cuntcover
12:24 mircea_popescu asciilifeform except that's the local symbolic name for the global that's HER OWN FUCKING GAZE\
12:24 asciilifeform in the fyootoor (tm) shrinks will have a specially-crafted conlang for describing the thought processes of madness
12:25 mircea_popescu really it's what lacan and co were going for.
12:25 asciilifeform ended up with, at any rate
12:25 mircea_popescu it didn't work (imo the best summary of the problem is - they ran into recursive cyclic graphs and couldn't recover)
12:25 asciilifeform aha.
12:25 asciilifeform this is what happens to folks innocent of mathematics
12:25 mircea_popescu in fairness, the guy wasn't exactly dumb, and the problem itself is not exactly trivial.
12:25 mircea_popescu and even to folks nocent.
12:26 asciilifeform cycle finding has reasonable solution
12:26 asciilifeform e.g., http://c2.com/cgi/wiki?TortoiseAndHare
12:26 assbot Tortoise And Hare ... ( http://bit.ly/1YEeKA2 )
12:27 mircea_popescu sure sure, but finding is the easier part.
12:27 asciilifeform ^ yet another thing i was gonna put in 'v' but snipped in the interest of time
12:27 mircea_popescu "now fix it" "what ?!" "make it flat" "are you stupid ?"
12:29 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351837 << mega-b00k describes a kgb legend: the first man who explained to beria how otp is provably 'perfect'-secure, was allowed to leave lubyanka - but at the door they took his employee pass
12:29 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 15:13:51; asciilifeform: ;;later tell phf http://mikhailmasl.livejournal.com/4852.html << mega-b00k. afaik never published in dead tree. the only known memoir of mathematician working in kgb, lived through the '90s no less. the fella who designed that crackpot calculator for central bank.
12:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 100500 @ 0.00050163 = 50.4138 BTC [+]
12:34 asciilifeform http://aklepov.com/index.php?page=elektronika-mk-85c-en << finally found an english www describing the thing maslennikov (author of earlier b00k) built
12:34 assbot Elektronika MK-85C | Клепов Анатолий Викторович ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmSBWz )
12:34 mod6 trinque: building ur script changes now.
12:35 asciilifeform it sucked pretty hard, by his own admission, but he insists that it saved ru central bank from total annihilation (plague of fake transfers in the '90s by chechens)
12:35 asciilifeform was primitive pubkey signature machine.
12:35 * asciilifeform was not there, cannot vouch for the truth of this tale
12:41 asciilifeform http://ireport.cnn.com/community/assignment << holy shit what is this
12:41 assbot CNN iReport Assignment Desk ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmT4Yx )
12:41 asciilifeform 'cnn' hosts spam now ??
12:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 91200 @ 0.00050218 = 45.7988 BTC [+] {2}
~ 18 minutes ~
13:01 punkman http://cdn.theguardian.tv/webM/2015/12/21/151221ChinaLandslide_synd_768k_vp8.webm
13:01 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmUnH8 )
13:06 asciilifeform http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/22/world/asia/china-landslide-shenzhen.html?smid=fb-nytimes&smtyp=cur&_r=1 << after reading this, hard to doubt that here, just as in the chem factory explosion, usg was involved
13:06 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1PmUK4w )
13:06 asciilifeform just try to wrap your head around the tone of the pravda article
13:06 asciilifeform 'this is what cn gets for trying to be sovereign'
13:11 asciilifeform http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/27/technology/when-a-unicorn-start-up-stumbles-its-employees-get-hurt.html << lulzy, nyt reads the logz and rips off mircea_popescu's summaries
13:11 assbot Log In - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7cyQq )
13:12 asciilifeform 'Investors and executives generally get protections in a start-up that employees do not. Many investors have preferred stock, a class of shares that can come with a guaranteed payout. Executives frequently get special bonuses so they will not leave during deal talks. ... In contrast, start-up employees generally own common stock, whose payout comes only after those who hold preferred shares get their money. In Good’s case, t
13:12 asciilifeform he board’s preferred stock was worth almost the same as all 227 million common shares outstanding.'
13:12 punkman http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351819 << wasn't trying to say that we need/want sql. but as far as dbs go, I've always found sqlite to be a reliable tool and there's no reasonable alternative for most of my use cases. I've never looked at the source, so no comments there.
13:12 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 14:49:21; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351721 << it is a turd and barely works for the purpose it was designed for. and NO MOTHERFUCKING SQL in bitcoin
13:12 asciilifeform '...a private company with a valuation of more than $1 billion. The high valuation increased the paper value of employee shares — and thus the income tax bills levied on their stock when they received the stock grants, or when they bought and sold shares. To pay those taxes, some employees emptied savings accounts and borrowed money.'
13:13 asciilifeform punkman: i'm actively de-sqlite-ing a 'small' and - seemingly - reasonable - use case as we speak
13:14 punkman asciilifeform: it does say on the tin that it's not great when you want many concurrent writers
13:14 asciilifeform even 2.
13:15 mod6 trinque: werks, http://dpaste.com/12PBTVK.txt
13:15 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7cOyN )
13:15 asciilifeform 'The Internal Revenue Service levied taxes on some employees when their Good stock was still considered a valuable asset and worth multiples of what they actually received. One person’s tax bill came to more than $80,000, while another paid more than $150,000....'
13:15 asciilifeform riotously lulzy
13:22 punkman asciilifeform: even 2 yes, can only have one writer at a time.
13:22 asciilifeform but this isn't why it sucks for bitcoin
13:22 asciilifeform (why the everliving fuck should there be a sql interpreter in the binary? or runtime interpretation of hardcoded sql proggies ???!!!)
13:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55296 @ 0.00050495 = 27.9217 BTC [+] {2}
13:23 punkman sure, unneeded complexity
13:23 asciilifeform it is screaming idiocy.
13:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26454 @ 0.00050543 = 13.3706 BTC [+] {2}
13:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30412 @ 0.00050157 = 15.2537 BTC [-] {2}
13:31 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> 'cnn' hosts spam now ?? <<< the "mainstream media" is sinking, and has been, for twenty years now. there is no bottom for them.
13:31 asciilifeform aha but this was a new mindfuck
13:32 asciilifeform gigantic dir full of straight-out sp4m0l4d3
13:32 punkman https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IReport pretty old
13:32 assbot iReport - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7e0lE )
13:32 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> lulzy, nyt reads the logz and rips off mircea_popescu's summaries <<< then forgets to mention this, muppets sit around and wonder who could this guy be etc.
13:33 mircea_popescu "To pay those taxes, some employees emptied savings accounts and borrowed money." << ahaha loot at the cute chumps!
13:34 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> even 2. << 2 is technically many in computing.
13:34 asciilifeform aha!
13:35 asciilifeform quite enough for deadlock
13:35 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> (why the everliving fuck should there be a sql interpreter in the binary? or runtime interpretation of hardcoded sql proggies ???!!!) << because at the time satoshbi made it he didn't have a clear design document and the usg stoolies anchored themselves on such chinks in the armor to "extend" and so forth.
13:35 asciilifeform 'if two trains meet one another on a track, neither shall move until the other has passed.' (supposedly from a 1880s american state law)
13:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: we don't have sql in there now. this was re: the notion of using sqlite.
13:36 mircea_popescu was discussing "runtime interpretation" bit.
13:36 mircea_popescu aka "script"
13:37 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> gigantic dir full of straight-out sp4m0l4d3 << surely it was an accident for which nobody paid anyone inside two happy meals.
13:37 mircea_popescu and all the talking heads i fucked to date were not common prostitutes but journalists and so forth.
13:38 mircea_popescu "Page Not Found We’re sorry, we seem to have lost this page, but we don’t want to lose you." << apparently nyt piece you linked diappeared.
13:39 asciilifeform holy shit
13:40 punkman still there for me
13:40 asciilifeform ditto
13:40 asciilifeform https://archive.is/EGfeb
13:40 assbot When a Unicorn Start-Up Stumbles, Its Employees Get Hurt - The New York Times ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCjwSQ )
13:40 mircea_popescu https://archive.is/7Ir7f <
13:40 assbot Page Not Found ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCjxpM )
13:41 asciilifeform see above
13:41 asciilifeform and it still loads here
13:41 mircea_popescu this is bizarre.
13:41 asciilifeform seems like they only ban t3rr0r1stz!!111
13:42 mircea_popescu a wait, html vs htm
13:42 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351774 << conversation wasn't strictly about trb but dbs in general
13:42 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 14:25:03; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351549 << we don't need a db in the usual, general sense. we need an indexer for the things we need an indexer for.
13:43 ben_vulpes why the everloving fuck would trb care about rtrees
13:43 mircea_popescu "r. In an investor document about the sale that was distributed to shareholders, employees discovered their Good stock was valued at 44 cents a share, down from $4.32 a year earlier. In contrast, preferred stock owned by Good’s venture capitalists was worth almost seven times as much, more than $3 a share."
13:43 mircea_popescu heh.
13:43 mircea_popescu and amusingly enough they can't actually block it.
13:43 asciilifeform trb needs a 'db in the usual, general sense' like it needs a gene sequencer.
13:44 mircea_popescu "Good’s final sale price down to $425 million, less than half of the company’s $1.1 billion private valuation. The paperwork also showed that Good’s board had turned down an $825 million cash offer just six months earlier, in March."
13:44 mircea_popescu ahahaha
13:44 ben_vulpes mhm.
13:44 mircea_popescu oh lordy... please derps, run more SV. mpex not good enough for you, by all means, go for it.
13:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24414 @ 0.0005056 = 12.3437 BTC [+] {2}
13:48 punkman http://professional-troublemaker.com/2015/12/24/corbett-sues-tsa-over-new-policy-to-refuse-opt-outs/
13:48 assbot Corbett Sues TSA Over New Policy to Refuse Opt-Outs | Professional Troublemaker ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7f2yb )
13:51 mircea_popescu i don't get it, so the guy rewards the naughty child with attention in the hopes it'll stimulate it to... think about how it's been naughty ?
13:51 punkman "professional troublemaker"
13:51 mircea_popescu it will alright. for as long as TSA disputes end up in federal court rather than in burning baltimore, it'll be thinking right about how well being naughty works for its goals.
13:52 mircea_popescu get a pen, poke TSA's agent eye out.
13:52 mircea_popescu an eye for a scanner, good business.
13:52 asciilifeform see also http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=26-07-2014#770468 , http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=13-07-2014#753560
13:52 assbot Logged on 26-07-2014 18:48:15; asciilifeform: this is why i simply don't get people who continue to think of their relationship with the u.s. court system in legal, rather than military, terms.
13:52 assbot Logged on 13-07-2014 03:53:10; asciilifeform: BayAreaCoins: what you don't appear to understand is that this is a 'military' puzzle, not a 'legal' puzzle.
13:54 asciilifeform also mircea_popescu would make a first-class army recruiter... for the old jp army! the one where you got one of these, http://www.lonesentry.com/articles/jp_tankhunters/fig1_japanese_lunge_mine_antitank.jpg
13:54 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7fiNx )
13:54 asciilifeform and 'ohka' plane, 'kaiten' submarine...
13:55 asciilifeform and other man-as-bee apparatus
13:55 mircea_popescu by the time your country has failed to the degree tsa exists, you ARE bee. whether you're ready to admit this or not is entirely in your own mind.
13:56 mircea_popescu "I didn’t want a startup, but an actual business that generates revenue, and Cusoy would not fulfill that personal goal for me without a full-time team, 1-2+ years of funding, multiple years of hard work (3-5+ years at the very least?) trying to answer the if/when questions of whether or not Cusoy could make money (very expensive questions too, might I add — not only in money but time, my most valuable asset).
13:56 mircea_popescu
13:56 mircea_popescu While I know there might be a possibility I could hustle incredibly hard and try to set up partnerships, the time investment required far outweighed the already incredibly slim chances of generating revenue."
13:56 mircea_popescu holy shit, someone's not entirely dumb ?!
13:56 asciilifeform i guess he realized he was a bee
13:56 asciilifeform or sumthing
13:57 mircea_popescu "|Yes, Yelp has a tag for “gluten free” but it only has 44 restaurants in San Francisco with that tag (do it yourself if you don’t believe me and NYC actually has double the number of restaurants tagged gluten-free), which is a very low and deceiving number."
13:57 mircea_popescu motherfucker, the entire city of buenos aires has like... ONE actual restaurant.
13:58 mircea_popescu "More importantly, it does a terrible job of giving people like me actual relevant information for gluten free: Does the restaurant train its staff? Do they have separate cutters for their gluten free pizza? Are they flexible and accommodating? Do they have a separate gluten free menu? What ingredients do they use? etc."
13:58 mircea_popescu srsly ?
13:59 asciilifeform meanwhile, usg unzips wallet and http://www.wsj.com/articles/palantir-technologies-raises-further-200-million-1450920952
13:59 assbot Palantir Technologies Raises Further $200 Million - WSJ ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCl8Mg )
13:59 asciilifeform (this on top of existing, what, 500m from cia)
14:00 mircea_popescu "III. WHY I SHUT IT DOWN (ALTERNATIVELY, WHAT I WOULD’VE NEEDED TO CONTINUE). Four reasons (in order of least to most important): No team ; No funding ; No longer aligned with my personal goals anymore ; No clear or predictable way to sustainability (B2C is extremely, extremely hard to monetize)"
14:00 mircea_popescu reminds me of that https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wpbYCfCfT1Y monologue
14:00 assbot Seinfeld: No resources, no skill, no talent - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCle6P )
14:00 asciilifeform 'i woke up in a ditch in drunken haze and with a company, i have no idea why i have it'
14:00 mircea_popescu tellingly, the nut in there ALSO thought time was the true issue. because hey, everyone's time is valuable now, in lalaland.
14:00 mircea_popescu "1. No team. It’s really hard to do a startup by yourself, especially if you’re a non-technical founder. No kidding, right? However, being non-technical wasn’t my excuse since WordPress came to the rescue and I basically bought the development through using cost-effective themes."
14:00 mircea_popescu holy shit check that crazy out.
14:01 mircea_popescu wordpress themes TECHNOLOGY ?
14:01 mircea_popescu asciilifeform if you're wondering why the figure's so low (srsly, palantir raises 200mn, whatsap sells for 20bn ?), the reason'd be that most of this has to be actual turkey buying dollars.
14:01 asciilifeform hey, to an illiterate cave dweller all voodoo is the same, aluminum airplane or straw airplane
14:02 mircea_popescu straw aluminum alloy!
14:02 mircea_popescu hightech composite!
14:02 asciilifeform and why does it have to be actual dollarz? most of it goes right back to rent racket
14:02 asciilifeform like mains current
14:02 punkman I saw gluten-free bread in the local bakery earlier this year. The only bread that had a brochure and brand-name. Didn't last long.
14:02 mircea_popescu punkman the story of the bread ?
14:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform complicated. but their key people don't actually buy into the stupid.
14:03 asciilifeform incidentally, maslennikov derisively cites kgb indoctrination ('in the west, yes, they pay you 5k usd/mo, but most of it will be spent on house and medicine') as if it were somehow false
14:03 asciilifeform quite like other post-sov folks
14:03 asciilifeform somebody oughta drag them, kicking and screaming, to washington, and make'em live here
14:03 mircea_popescu hahahaha
14:03 mircea_popescu why the fuck would they do that ?
14:03 mircea_popescu they just move on. say to mexico.
14:04 asciilifeform well m moved to kr
14:04 mircea_popescu who's incidentally already pushing pretty hard.
14:04 punkman mircea_popescu: more along the lines of "Why don't you try being a gluten-tard? Might be just the thing for you"
14:04 mircea_popescu "We hired a local operations manager in Denver (Sasha Juliard) and soon launched at Shotgun Willie’s (the highest-grossing strip club in CO) and two other bars. We made about $1,200 on each deal (50% went to DexOne, we spent $800 on each launch event and we had $500 in hardware costs), this was the only sales revenue Flowtab ever made. We were tightening up our sales process, but it was hard to market ourselves prope
14:04 mircea_popescu rly in those bars without being there. It quickly become a distraction to our operations in San Francisco."
14:04 mircea_popescu holy shit, what ?
14:04 mircea_popescu "flowtab joined my two life's passions, inept geekery and strip clubs"
14:06 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352205 << the beautiful magic involved here is that it is ~actually possible~ to, in some cases, give yourself various dietarytardisms by 'trying'
14:06 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 19:04:16; punkman: mircea_popescu: more along the lines of "Why don't you try being a gluten-tard? Might be just the thing for you"
14:06 asciilifeform esp. if you're a kid
14:07 mircea_popescu yup. take chicken liver. i love it. so does everyone who had sane enough parents to have it as a kid.
14:07 asciilifeform rather like a sort of inverted dope addiction
14:07 mircea_popescu you know who can't stand it ? everyone else.
14:07 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: funnily i loved it as a kid, then did not have it for some years, and now can no longer stand it
14:07 mircea_popescu aha.
14:07 * mircea_popescu forces slavegirls to eat livers. it's a show, i tell you.
14:08 asciilifeform perhaps one day i will be fortunate enough to crash on an island and eat livers of neighbours and will enjoy it again
14:08 mircea_popescu lol
14:08 mircea_popescu "Partnering with a uni friend, we pitched our concept to a whole bunch of web developers we knew. The challenge we posed was that it couldn’t be customisation by drop-down list or radio buttons (solutions we were offered repeatedly). This was 2005. We needed to show customers high-quality photographic customisation, where every selection changes your product. Custom-made product required a strict no-refund policy, so
14:08 mircea_popescu customers needed to see exactly what they were going to get.
14:08 mircea_popescu All of them said the site we wanted was impossible, apart from one who quoted upward of $40k for build, excluding the photography and image editing that would be needed. At this stage we only had $20k total capital for the entire venture — sampling, pattern making, inventory and production. So my co-founder taught herself to code. She worked day and night — we did all the operational planning during busines
14:08 mircea_popescu s hours, and when I went off to a night job managing a restaurant, she’d code, with Sex and the City for company, until 1 or 2am when I stumbled in again from night shift."
14:08 mircea_popescu see ? the women are okay.
14:08 mircea_popescu it's the men that are the fucking problem.
14:09 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351781 << quite
14:09 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 14:31:29; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351554 << i will take no part in anything involving java in whatever capacity.
14:09 punkman mircea_popescu: link to that?
14:09 * ben_vulpes waves at Naphex
14:10 mircea_popescu "Why did we launch with 12 million variants? Because we thought we needed to. Would the market have been happy to customise just the length? If we’d done proper validation, we would have known, that yes, it would have been happy — thrilled even. It only became apparent, too late, that 90% of our orders were for very typical jeans from atypically tall women. Stonewashed stovepipes with a 36-inch leg, anyone?"
14:10 mircea_popescu *I* could have fucking tell you that.
14:10 mircea_popescu jesus.
14:10 mircea_popescu punkman https://medium.com/@markbarwald/internet-startup-lessons-from-failure-995d0285e8ba
14:10 assbot Internet Startup: Lessons from failure — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1mClSRM )
14:12 punkman speaking of clothing and software, there really is nothing reasonable out there
14:12 mircea_popescu myeah.
14:12 mircea_popescu "So we decided to wholesale, on the condition we could establish a cost-effective supply chain. This might all seem like a juvenile, ill-informed, poorly researched, gamble. And it was mostly, but I heard an irrepressible voice day and night,asking what if it works?
14:12 mircea_popescu We added a line of jersey basics to our denim line, packed up our lives, ended the lease on our house, loaded our portfolios and patterns into suitcases and boarded a plane for Malaysia, where I had some contacts in the manufacturing industry. At one factory after another, we were wooed by the boss, we got the grand tour, we were asked our volume projections…. and we were shown the door. Our (very inflated) annual fo
14:12 mircea_popescu recast of 5000 units per style was daily output for these guys."
14:13 mircea_popescu "The single factory willing to work with us said they’d quote on our items while showing us around the facility. When our guide accidentally led us full-circle, we caught their product team copying our patterns and that was the end of our sourcing trip."
14:13 mircea_popescu ahahaha
14:14 asciilifeform the funny part is, a machine that '3d scans' your carcass and stitches a reasonable suit, is entirely possible from technical pov and would cost what a garbage truck costs, at the most. but you will sooner see a machine that serves you your own liver to eat, than this
14:14 mircea_popescu how you figure ?
14:14 asciilifeform which half ?
14:14 punkman both
14:14 mircea_popescu the latter.
14:15 * mircea_popescu has enough experience with 1990s state of the art 3d modelling for games on basis of laser scanning nude female models to not need the first part explaiend.
14:15 asciilifeform i'd rather hear mircea_popescu's hypothesis re: why said machine does not presently exist, first
14:16 mircea_popescu why didn't "Better Homes And Gardens" exist in 1980 Moscow ?
14:16 asciilifeform mine - reduces to the 'excluded middle' discussed in the old thread
14:16 mircea_popescu a) the people who had a dacha were happy as is, no need to chase it
14:16 mircea_popescu b) nobody gave a shit about the peons. srsly.
14:16 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this would make sense except that it DID exist
14:16 asciilifeform and even there was a car mag !
14:16 mircea_popescu heh.
14:16 mircea_popescu circulation 45 ?
14:16 punkman static scan doesn't give enough information for tailor, never mind machine designer
14:16 asciilifeform massive circulation
14:16 * mircea_popescu slept through this.
14:17 asciilifeform every car owner was a 'gearhead' by necessity
14:17 mircea_popescu punkman i never had a tailor go "breathe in" "now exhale" before.
14:17 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr
14:17 assbot Архив журнала За Рулем ... ( http://bit.ly/1mCmsPr )
14:17 punkman mircea_popescu: you gotta at least move your limbs a bit, no?
14:17 asciilifeform punkman: who said anything about static, necessarily
14:17 mircea_popescu not really, no. you're supposed to stand naturally.
14:17 mircea_popescu you ever been fitted for a suit ?
14:18 punkman nope
14:18 mircea_popescu mkay.
14:19 asciilifeform http://www.zr.ru/archive/zr/1988/09/planiruietsia-zastoi#1 << hey check out this lulfest, folks wide awake to the automotive slavery of usa
14:19 assbot ПЛАНИРУЕТСЯ ЗАСТОЙ? - Сентябрь 1988 года - архив За рулем ... ( http://bit.ly/1U7gBfy )
14:20 mircea_popescu "More importantly though, people really didn’t really LIKE anything about our product. No one that used the service thought it was that cool. In fact, some people that participated in the sale didn’t even like our “dynamic pricing” system."
14:20 mircea_popescu look at that.
14:21 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: many 'startup' schmucks actually plan to make a 'product' which lusers simply stumble into, like flies into a carnivorous plant
14:21 asciilifeform (hoping to emulate, perhaps, 'mcdonalds' or other cattle industry)
14:21 mircea_popescu nobody likes mcdonalds.
14:21 asciilifeform nobody likes irs either
14:21 asciilifeform but there it is.
14:21 mircea_popescu aha.
14:21 mircea_popescu hard to beat "cheap calories" as a warm blooded lifeform.
14:23 mircea_popescu "Our first beta test was a disaster when Amazon (who was our payment processor) suspended our account for not complying with money transfer issues. Fans were able to participate in the sale, but we were unable to capture their billing. We ended up paying the artist out of our own pocket and giving everyone his music for free (and we never told him that happened until now)." <<< derps were going to bypass amazon on an a
14:23 mircea_popescu mazon platform.
14:23 mircea_popescu We should have packed it up early right then, but we felt like we had already gone too far to quit. We rebuilt (and re-designed) the majority of the software, got approved by Amazon, and reached out to over 1,700 artists (each individually through different platforms). We got between 1 and 10 artists interested. Again, this just screams “PUT IT OUT OF ITS MISERY!” But we kept going.
14:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 54800 @ 0.00050519 = 27.6844 BTC [-]
14:26 mircea_popescu "Out of the picture: why the world's best photo startup is going out of business. Everpix was great. This is how it died. The immediate concern in the room was a forthcoming bill from Amazon Web Services, which hosts the 400 million photos stored with Everpix; the team estimated the bill would be about $35,000."
14:27 mircea_popescu dude wtf, a) never heard of it and b) it fucking sucked, get lost.
14:27 mircea_popescu if you pay 35k monthly for hardware you'd better be doing something more interesting than "we store 400 million photos"
14:28 asciilifeform 'we stored 400 million dick shots for ft meade but they forgot to agree to pay us'
14:28 mod6 Alexandar's private collection
14:29 mircea_popescu very shitty business to be in actually.
14:29 mircea_popescu people take pictures in total violation of the economic cost of the energy expenditure for the camera, let alone any other considerations.
14:29 mircea_popescu to involve yourself in this is madness
14:29 asciilifeform guess what, they also eat and breathe in total violation of the economic cost...
14:29 asciilifeform even... make moar of themselves
14:30 mircea_popescu "By 2009 both men had left Apple and were working at Cooliris, which makes photo viewing software. Latour set up an office for Cooliris in Japan, and after spending some time traveling through Asia with his girlfriend, he became frustrated with how difficult it was to store and organize all the photos he was taking. He discussed an early idea for a product with Quennesson, who was interested in using math and science t
14:30 mircea_popescu o create better photo software."
14:30 mircea_popescu for fucks sake.
14:30 mircea_popescu after reading that sort of nonsense i half expect the author has some "science" in a jar in his basement
14:30 mircea_popescu keeps adding it to foods and whatnot.
14:31 mircea_popescu asciilifeform and for this exact reason medicine is a losing proposition. except THAT gets swept up into "obamacare" and so on. there's not going to be an obamacare for photographolalia, your ft meade wet dreams notwithstanding.
14:31 asciilifeform obamacares are a temporary thing
14:31 mircea_popescu here's a fun fact : the classical gestapo didn't know what to do to keep the idiot population from givingthem tips.
14:31 mircea_popescu the current version's in no different shape
14:31 asciilifeform the schmucks wanted to ride the good times while they lasted
14:32 mircea_popescu Quennesson had noted that the more photos he took, the less likely he was ever to look at any one of them ever again. "People take more and more photos, but paradoxically, they become more and more disconnected from them," he said last month in a conference room at their co-working space. "You don’t want to go back to this whole life that you’ve captured, which is counterintuitive. It's the most important thing —
14:32 mircea_popescu it’s your life! So there’s this obvious problem."
14:32 mircea_popescu this is diagnosable insanity.
14:32 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the other gestapo did not suffer from delusions of machine learning!1111111111 to help them process somehow infinite tips into an edible portion
14:34 mircea_popescu ironically, it did, but anyway.
14:39 asciilifeform wai wut
14:39 asciilifeform contrary to the ibm legend, there was no nazi palantir.
14:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31900 @ 0.00050136 = 15.9934 BTC [-] {2}
14:41 asciilifeform re: photographolalia: interesting to note how the psychology of photo changed over time:
14:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78174 @ 0.00049952 = 39.0495 BTC [-] {2}
14:42 asciilifeform when emigres (incl. my own parents) packed up, they burned old photos (that would not fit, folks have ludicrously fat binders of these; or for whatever reason not brought along for the ride)
14:42 asciilifeform i never fully understood the reason for this peculiar (and foul smelling! try it) custom
14:42 asciilifeform but there it was
14:42 asciilifeform 'you wouldn't leave'em for the rubbish men'
14:43 asciilifeform sorta like a continuation of the - legendary - indian tribe who 'camera steals your soul'
14:44 asciilifeform whereas today people will spam their photo to all-comers.
14:44 asciilifeform (equally incomprehensible imho)
14:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41310 @ 0.00050578 = 20.8938 BTC [+]
14:47 asciilifeform ;;later tell ben_vulpes http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/10/18_static-compilation-woes.html << is that... a chick's hand-writing ?!
14:47 assbot static compilation woes ... ( http://bit.ly/1MTT5Cd )
14:47 gribble The operation succeeded.
14:52 asciilifeform http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/06/21_a-tour-of-bitcoind-booting-to-its-first-thread.html << would be neat to see an updated this
14:52 assbot a tour of bitcoind booting to its first thread ... ( http://bit.ly/1ONsjId )
14:55 shinohai ^ got to say, his bash scripting is art
14:56 mod6 mircea_popescu: going back to the .wot dir being created by default in the `pwd` of V : I would think that perhaps .seals should go in the same place as well; `pwd`.
14:57 mod6 Any thoughts there?
14:57 asciilifeform mod6: why is .wot dir ever created automatically ?
14:57 mod6 its not
14:57 mod6 we've been through this.
14:57 * asciilifeform digs in log
14:57 punkman /me has cases of negatives and film slides, looked into digitizing, came back with ain't nobody got time for that
14:57 asciilifeform punkman: a very reasonable film scanner costs a few hundy
14:57 mod6 errr. wait.
14:58 mod6 maybe it just doesn't pull the keys any more.
14:58 * mod6 looks at cod.e
14:58 punkman asciilifeform: mostly slides, much more work
14:58 mod6 someone is gonna have to take over V
14:59 mod6 like Mr. P. said, there is no way I'm gonna be able to keep up with all of the feature requests here as well.
14:59 shinohai But that is perl wizardry ...
15:01 mod6 ok, No, the .wot dir must be created by hand.
15:02 asciilifeform this is the Right Thing.
15:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 69890 @ 0.00050645 = 35.3958 BTC [+]
15:03 mod6 yeah, the documentation says that you need to 'create a ~/.wot directory' -- which will have to change, but 'you need to create' is the hint in there.
15:04 shinohai Been a few weeks but I manually created it and added everyones keys, but once I made it everything works fine
15:04 asciilifeform pubkeys really oughta live in rom.
15:04 asciilifeform eventually.
15:06 asciilifeform incidentally, why was there never (afaik) an attempt at a laser-programmed fpga ?
15:06 asciilifeform or even fuse rom
15:06 asciilifeform (laser-writable fuse rom, that is)
15:06 asciilifeform we have the optics.
15:06 asciilifeform they cost, what, ten bux.
15:07 asciilifeform one bonus is that it'd be optically-inspectable, too.
15:08 asciilifeform (just picture something like a small cdrom but with si underneath)
15:13 asciilifeform ;;later tell punkman was it you who submitted the patch that removes all remaining wxisms ? if so, would you consider rewriting as a vpatch ?
15:13 gribble The operation succeeded.
15:13 * asciilifeform is tired of seeing wxisms in the viewer
15:14 punkman asciilifeform: I rewrote and it's there
15:14 asciilifeform in the ml ?
15:14 punkman yep
15:14 punkman in the debug_sanity patch
15:14 asciilifeform does it merge into the existing bleeding edge without complaint ?
15:15 punkman haven't tried
15:15 asciilifeform speaking of which, we still need a thing where folks can drop in vpatches and sigs and redraws the flow graph
15:15 * asciilifeform has, unsurprisingly, a half-written unusable version of this
15:16 mod6 ok so i changed the changes: .wot and .seals in the present working directory, unless specified otherwise. Also I've added the checking of the hashes post-press. **EXPERIMENTAL ONLY** Will post new, signed version [v99996] once fully tested.
15:16 mod6 http://dpaste.com/12M99KB.txt
15:16 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKF78y )
15:16 asciilifeform mod6: neato
15:17 mod6 here's the hash for v99997: 0810eb4c7209900b3eb7b96fc7b9bfa437360581586e7d073ebc4f2cf88f13f2cafe9340ef5b8953dc43b288e4f74da3d7973998755466252225b5103c72bb99
15:17 mod6 If you add the above patch, you should end up with:
15:17 punkman asciilifeform: here http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2015-September/000166.html
15:17 assbot [BTC-dev] Some test patches and my V implementation ... ( http://bit.ly/1NZjGPg )
15:17 mod6 11ece4221d6264bef4e17805e549f686b575142227aff9a00cd379110ccfcc56096a5b6924c9f614c2c6823bd687f876142b115b0d30da17c237e663deb04f11
15:17 mod6 vpatch also declares this at the top.
15:17 mod6 :]
15:18 asciilifeform punkman: ah i recall
15:19 asciilifeform punkman: i like this patch except imho 1) patches ought to do One Thing 2) printf hardcoded to stdout is Wrong Thing
15:19 mod6 <+asciilifeform> speaking of which, we still need a thing where folks can drop in vpatches and sigs and redraws the flow graph << mine does this.
15:19 mod6 just have to tell it to draw the graph again.
15:19 asciilifeform mod6: i meant on trb www site
15:19 mod6 oh.
15:19 asciilifeform as in, a place where i can go & drop it in
15:19 asciilifeform and then punkman doesn't end up writing a patch that needlessly conflicts (or vice versa)
15:19 mod6 ah, gotcha
15:19 asciilifeform y'know, sorta like heathen versionatrons do
15:20 asciilifeform except with actual crypto
15:20 mod6 yeah, we need something for that.
15:20 asciilifeform replacement for turdatron.
15:21 mod6 well, the ML has a place - although, the filename munging would be nice to go away.
15:21 punkman asciilifeform: printf is redefined though and is how everything goes to log
15:21 mod6 but.. yeah, a separate thing that could be fed for this purpose would be super great
15:21 asciilifeform punkman: ah
15:21 asciilifeform btw my gcc does not like redefined printf etc
15:22 punkman one thing to watch out for is that I replaced some wxMessageBox(_("Error:") things with fprintf(stderr, "Error:"), which I have no idea why now
15:24 punkman I assume those won't end up in debug log
15:25 mod6 all: btw, if you do use the above test patch for V, please remember you may need to run a dos2unix on the dpaste [dpaste.com/12M99KB.txt]
15:25 mod6 first
15:25 asciilifeform ugh
15:25 asciilifeform has anybody here written own 'pastebin' ?
15:25 asciilifeform (perhaps i missed this)
15:26 mod6 anyway, i'll keep testing on this for a bit and see how it goes. and if all is well, i'll repost the entire thing (including the few changes to the automated tests) to the ML
15:26 punkman also need own browser, because they tend to add \r
15:26 mod6 <+asciilifeform> has anybody here written own 'pastebin' ? << we desperately need this.
15:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38000 @ 0.00050023 = 19.0087 BTC [-]
15:26 asciilifeform punkman: afaik 'curl' does not
15:26 punkman https://github.com/bartTC/dpaste
15:26 assbot bartTC/dpaste · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKG4he )
15:27 asciilifeform ick turdlibs
15:27 punkman https://github.com/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=pastebin long list
15:27 assbot Search · pastebin · GitHub ... ( http://bit.ly/1QKG94t )
15:30 asciilifeform ideally a tmsr 'pastebin' would take input by gpg --encrypt --recipient thingspubkey... | curl -X POST ...
15:31 punkman https://clbin.com/
15:31 assbot clbin: command line pastebin. ... ( http://bit.ly/1Okh3T9 )
15:32 asciilifeform or how phuctor submission also worked
15:32 asciilifeform (the curl part, that is)
15:38 mod6 cool
15:38 mod6 https://clbin.com/IidZ7
15:38 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1OkheOm )
15:43 mod6 and also noteworthy: `curl -s https://clbin.com/IidZ7 | xxd | grep "0d0a" | wc -l` returns 0
15:43 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1OkheOm )
15:43 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352312 << the equivalent i had in mind was their very meticulous document processing technology.
15:43 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 19:39:51; asciilifeform: contrary to the ibm legend, there was no nazi palantir.
15:43 mircea_popescu was later imported and known as "the fbi"
15:45 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352330 << i guess. my main concern is that i do not wish to see absolute paths. as long as it puts the stuff somewhere relative to current dir i'm happy.
15:45 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 19:56:44; mod6: mircea_popescu: going back to the .wot dir being created by default in the `pwd` of V : I would think that perhaps .seals should go in the same place as well; `pwd`.
15:46 mod6 ok cool. my latest patch should do just that.
15:46 mircea_popescu win.
15:46 mod6 i'll test a bit as I said and then re-publish a new one when complet.e
15:46 mircea_popescu dun stress out mod6, looking great here.
15:47 mod6 yup. no sweat. just wanna stay on top of the V changes, so I can get to the many R.I. things :]
15:47 mircea_popescu hehe
15:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 104605 @ 0.00050534 = 52.8611 BTC [+] {4}
15:49 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352382 << the concept is sound, however mind that we don't end up with as many patches as linechanges. "one thing" should be liberally construed, "removing remaining wxisms" seems a one thing for me.
15:49 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:19:11; asciilifeform: punkman: i like this patch except imho 1) patches ought to do One Thing 2) printf hardcoded to stdout is Wrong Thing
15:49 mod6 punkman: any idea how long clbin will hold these pastes?
15:49 mircea_popescu wasn't it one week ?
15:50 mod6 oh is that all
15:50 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352416 << sounds kinda like replicated deedbot by now ?
15:50 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:30:58; asciilifeform: ideally a tmsr 'pastebin' would take input by gpg --encrypt --recipient thingspubkey... | curl -X POST ...
15:51 mircea_popescu This year HBR changed the evaluation criteria from "stock price only"1 to an agglomeration of fuzzy metrics that include stock price in addition to Sustainalytics' proprietary "goodness evaluation" metrics.
15:51 mircea_popescu ahahaha what the fuck.
15:51 mircea_popescu "Jeff Bezos of Amazon has, according to HBR, toppled from #1 to #87 in their list of Best Performing CEOs."
15:51 mircea_popescu aha, and now we understand teh point of the entire exercise.
15:52 mircea_popescu nothing the socialist mob hates more than competence.
15:53 mircea_popescu "All Nature is but Art, unknown to thee;
15:53 mircea_popescu All chance, direction, which thou canst not see
15:53 mircea_popescu All discord, harmony not understood,
15:53 mircea_popescu All partial evil, universal good:
15:53 mircea_popescu And, spite of pride, in erring reason's spite,
15:53 mircea_popescu One truth is clear, whatever is, is right."
15:53 mircea_popescu pope ftw.
15:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 90400 @ 0.00050333 = 45.501 BTC [-] {2}
15:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15300 @ 0.00049885 = 7.6324 BTC [-]
15:57 mod6 trinque: could deedbot be easily copied and modified to just have variable paste retention into a webdir or db of some kind? it wouldn't send to the blockchain like deedbot. then we could just have our own `pastebot'? is this dumb?
15:57 mod6 Don't wanna make more work, just curious.
15:57 mircea_popescu why specifically NOT send it ?
15:58 mod6 well, i thought we didn't want to send up all farts into the blockchain.
15:58 mod6 sometimes, a guy just has to derp around
15:58 mod6 i make plenty of errors that I don't want to chisel into stone. :]
16:01 mod6 maybe a dumb idea. and maybe it can't be easily modified to do that.
16:01 * mod6 will think on it.
16:02 mircea_popescu technically speaking all that goes into the chain is 32 bytes per paste
16:02 mircea_popescu moreover, there's no extra cost for adding more items to one block
16:03 mircea_popescu hm... well, other than the cost of keeping the stuff around forever to verify blocks.
16:03 mircea_popescu yeah maybe putting them in is a bad idea.
16:05 mircea_popescu "Socialists revile the church not for its promulgation of irrational faith but because historically churches have championed the improvement of the world as a thing that the devoted do—not a thing which may (or even should) be outsourced to le etat." << quite exactly.
16:05 mircea_popescu in general, socal ditz does not call the other socal ditz "like, totally, a slut" for any other reason than you know, the slut getting the attention of the boys she wanted for herself.
16:09 mircea_popescu " any increase in return that’s attributable merely to an improvement in the local stock market;" << i wish to know on what planet these people live where there's "local" stock markets.
16:10 mircea_popescu !up dub
16:11 dub hallo
16:11 shinohai http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352462 <<< I don't like clutter, but if it pisses Luke-Jr off so much the better.
16:11 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:58:03; mod6: well, i thought we didn't want to send up all farts into the blockchain.
16:11 mircea_popescu hola.
16:12 mircea_popescu shinohai the problem is that for someone to later verify the bundle deed one needs to keep the whole bundle.
16:19 shinohai Understandable.
16:20 mircea_popescu "But we never defined clear hypotheses, developed experiments, and we rarely had meaningful conversations with our target end-users. And while we had some wonderful advisors in the parking industry, we should have met with everyone we could get our hands on. Worst, we rarely got out of the building."
16:20 mircea_popescu this is not a trend among the newly "creative" worthless class, not getting out of the building.
16:20 mircea_popescu these idiots aim to "revolutionize", "improve" and ultimately save a world they do not wish to ever see.
16:21 deedbot- [Trilema] Moment poetic - http://trilema.com/2015/moment-poetic-2/
16:21 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352438 << was precisely what i meant.
16:21 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:49:00; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352382 << the concept is sound, however mind that we don't end up with as many patches as linechanges. "one thing" should be liberally construed, "removing remaining wxisms" seems a one thing for me.
16:21 asciilifeform but original was 'debug sanity' and did 2 very distinct, separable things, in 1 patch, which imho is mistake
16:22 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352443 << no!! because deedbot requires privkey use during paste, which is very arduous if you have good hygiene
16:22 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:50:33; mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352416 << sounds kinda like replicated deedbot by now ?
16:22 asciilifeform there is no need to sign all pastes, this actually is the opposite of a pastebin
16:22 mircea_popescu true.
16:22 asciilifeform a pastebin is an anon crud accumulator
16:23 mircea_popescu yea
16:28 punkman asciilifeform: but original was 'debug sanity' and did 2 very distinct, separable things, in 1 patch, which imho is mistake << agreed, but most of the wx crap was related to debug
16:29 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352473 << same planet that has 'local' wots
16:29 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 21:09:10; mircea_popescu: " any increase in return that’s attributable merely to an improvement in the local stock market;" << i wish to know on what planet these people live where there's "local" stock markets.
16:29 mircea_popescu wut ?
16:29 asciilifeform and perhaps local arithmetic
16:30 asciilifeform where the decrease of the chocolate ration adds up to an increase of fiddy grams, as per orwell
16:30 asciilifeform 'here in zimbabwe we do not use white man logic'
16:30 mircea_popescu https://medium.com/work-education/play-by-your-own-rules-6152adc41de9 <<< anyone actually ever fucking heard of "gowalla" ?
16:30 assbot Play by your own rules. — Work & Education — Medium ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeHyiN )
16:30 mircea_popescu da fuck.
16:30 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i guess heh.
16:30 asciilifeform any relation to 'dwolla' ?
16:30 mircea_popescu none that i can see
16:31 asciilifeform besides the seeping pseudoafricanization
16:31 mircea_popescu apparently that pointless foursquare thing is somehow a success that had it's own wanna-bes that meanwhile died.
16:31 mircea_popescu it's apparently very hard to underestimate just how little these people do with their time.
16:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32700 @ 0.00050669 = 16.5688 BTC [+]
16:31 asciilifeform i'm not certain this circus actually soaks up their time
16:31 asciilifeform judging by how much time these folks have remaining to soak up on reddit etc
16:32 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i don't think it's africanization, to me it seems very ... surfer culture, to be honest. the whole trend with walla this and palooza that traces back to that idiotic aussie band of the 90s wtf was it called.
16:32 asciilifeform idk the consonant clusters scream 'nigerian spam'
16:32 asciilifeform mbwebwengabwebew...etc...
16:32 mircea_popescu w is a vowel.
16:33 asciilifeform dipthong
16:33 mircea_popescu yeah
16:33 punkman -walla is from indian word I think
16:33 asciilifeform as seen in film 'slumdog millionaire'
16:33 mircea_popescu "The growing public attention sparked by the investment became both a heaven and a hell. On one hand, during the course of Gowalla’s life we received more tech press coverage than is right and holy for any startup. On the other, I dare you to find a post about Gowalla that doesn't mention Foursquare."
16:33 asciilifeform 'chaiwalla', 'phonewalla'
16:34 mircea_popescu heh. here's the thing : by far the finest alcohol available in this country is havana club 7 yo.
16:34 asciilifeform lulzy film btw
16:34 asciilifeform has mircea_popescu seen ?
16:34 mircea_popescu some bright minds decided to advertise it. they actually paid money to get outdoor space, and on it they're selling... rum and cola. huge, block lettered 4 stage recipe, 3rd being "bebida cola".
16:34 mircea_popescu fucktards are advertising coca cola with their own money, out of every single drink coca cola makes a dollar fifty if they make a dollar.
16:35 mircea_popescu asciilifeform apparently yes, had to ask teh womenz. really fucking retarded movie.
16:35 asciilifeform this was covered in an old mircea_popescu article about early mobile phonez
16:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: but it was ~about~ turd world tardation
16:35 asciilifeform said right on the box.
16:35 mircea_popescu as someone who actually fucks third worlders, i do not buy this.
16:36 asciilifeform india?!
16:36 mircea_popescu it's about california being dumb in a different color scheme , i guess.
16:36 mircea_popescu what, where do you think the gypsies come from ?
16:36 asciilifeform as much relation to modern india as modern italy to the etruscans
16:37 mircea_popescu phenotypically ?
16:37 mircea_popescu not that far off!
16:37 asciilifeform begins & ends there.
16:37 mircea_popescu or did i misconstrue your question and you weren't asking something along the lines of "how COULD you stick your penis in brown!!1"
16:37 asciilifeform was specifically re: turd world
16:38 asciilifeform which is - or soon to be - mostly white folks
16:38 mircea_popescu maybe that's the issue. what "turd world" ? third world ?
16:38 asciilifeform 3rd, but with omnipresent public turds
16:38 asciilifeform as pictured in the film
16:38 asciilifeform go six blocks and see eight open air turds
16:38 asciilifeform smell 78.
16:39 mircea_popescu that thing only exists in trona, ca.
16:39 mircea_popescu srsly.
16:39 mircea_popescu btw - ever seen the movie ? Just Add Water
16:40 asciilifeform nein
16:40 mircea_popescu it's about this world. a small town next to bakersfield (a sort of california's own ohio)
16:43 shinohai So this showed up in my shinohai@nigge.rs mailbox: https://vc.gg/blog/im-moving-to-romania/
16:43 assbot I’m Moving to Romania | Vincent Canfield's Blog ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeIDqP )
16:44 * asciilifeform once watched an american sp4mz0r do this
16:47 asciilifeform (from commentz) 'I work as a sysadmin. I got my remote position by working in an office and getting to know everyone, and getting myself in a position where all of my work can be done remotely. Even though I’m near the office should I need to go in, I work from home since there’s not really any need. Other ways include freelance / contract work, or just outright applying for a remote-hire position. There are lots of fully-
16:47 asciilifeform decentralized companies out there, you just have to find them.'
16:47 asciilifeform this fella is a sysadmin, but not on call during american business hours? ... or is he ?
16:49 asciilifeform phun phakt: virtually all american 'health insurance' is void abroad
16:49 mircea_popescu lol " The Maine college drop-out, 21, at center of hoax terrorist threat emails sent to schools across the East and West coasts that sparked college evacuations "
16:49 mircea_popescu this is whjat i get for going "who the fduck is vincent canfield"
16:51 * asciilifeform goes back to the far moar interesting activity of changing the detergent in the tub where 'northgate' kbd keys are soaking for their 5-yrly wash
16:52 shinohai I applaud the guy for at least putting up warrant canary on server
16:54 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> phun phakt: virtually all american 'health insurance' is void abroad << ofcourse it is ? just like soviet ruble vouchers were void in bonn ?
16:55 punkman isn't that SOP everywhere?
16:57 punkman https://news.bitcoin.com/bigger-blocks-means-decentralization-bitcoin/
16:57 assbot Bigger Blocks Mean More Decentralization for Bitcoin - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeJsA1 )
16:58 punkman /me notices data, hmm
16:58 punkman *date
16:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 146850 @ 0.00049885 = 73.2561 BTC [-] {3}
17:01 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: aha. somebody ought remind herr canfield not to fall ill or have accident
17:02 asciilifeform shinohai: 'warrant canary' is an endearing custom but is quite useless on several different levels
17:03 shinohai https://cock.li/transparency/warrant-canary.txt <<< text of canary is why I applaud him.
17:03 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1SeJSX1 )
17:04 asciilifeform ianal but the standard u.s. freislerian legal instrument in such cases is the gag order, which is not 'a national security letter, on order under the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or any other classified request for user information'
17:05 mircea_popescu the very fucking notion of "a gag order".
17:05 asciilifeform (the gag itself is not classified, in the sense that it is a separate legal instrument and its disclosure is punished under a separate set of penal code than disclosure of classified info - which in usa, supposing that you did not sign its nda, is not a crime)
17:05 mircea_popescu as if any judge has the authority to order such a wonder.
17:05 asciilifeform auctoritas no, potentas yes
17:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39100 @ 0.00050471 = 19.7342 BTC [+]
17:07 asciilifeform and afaik 'warrant canary' has never been tested in any court.
17:08 asciilifeform and considering that secret courts and secret laws are now sop in usaschwitz, perhaps it was tested 1,001 times and was laughed at from day one
17:09 asciilifeform the legal logic behind 'canary' was always dodgy, 'usg cannot compel you to tell lies' - wanna bet ? ask juniper et al
17:09 shinohai lol
17:11 asciilifeform or ask that one telco ceo who wouldn't sign up for nsa
17:11 asciilifeform (and promptly jailed for 'insider trading')
17:12 asciilifeform nobody gets to count for two shits, in big picture, in usa, without proper strings pre-attached
17:12 asciilifeform (can be as simple as being a pedo, a la brock p)
17:13 trinque http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352459 << I am open to doing a paste.deedbot.org; done correctly it does not seem like a massive piece of work.
17:13 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:57:04; mod6: trinque: could deedbot be easily copied and modified to just have variable paste retention into a webdir or db of some kind? it wouldn't send to the blockchain like deedbot. then we could just have our own `pastebot'? is this dumb?
17:13 asciilifeform they play ball, or usg pulls on the strings. will pull until arms, legs come off.
17:16 asciilifeform and anyway why would anybody need to serve a warrant to canfield ? all they gotta do is cancel his job. then he can enjoy living in ro ~on a ro wage~
17:17 * Azelphur waves at mircea_popescu
17:17 Azelphur Haven't been active in here in a while, howdy :)
~ 21 minutes ~
17:39 shinohai https://i.imgur.com/1P9mpnQ.jpg Assets
17:39 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1QP6MVy )
17:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61369 @ 0.00050635 = 31.0742 BTC [+]
17:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 36750 @ 0.00050635 = 18.6084 BTC [+]
18:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 105950 @ 0.00050635 = 53.6478 BTC [+]
18:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 78300 @ 0.00050669 = 39.6738 BTC [+]
18:15 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351805 << There are a poverty of laptops and portable desktops on the market which are still less POS
18:15 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 14:41:47; asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: if laptop needs external cooling, it's a pos
~ 35 minutes ~
18:51 asciilifeform http://www.loper-os.org/pub/keybottle.jpg
~ 20 minutes ~
19:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 52500 @ 0.00050635 = 26.5834 BTC [-]
19:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28936 @ 0.00050635 = 14.6517 BTC [-]
19:23 thestringpuller mod6: was this started from a /clean/ env or is this trying to load up a blockchain from christmas past? << I completely nuked the datadir .bitcoin with rm -rf *; whenever I do an rpc call after the thing _tries_ to spin up, it borks. crashes without anything except what was in the db.log. I'm almost certain it's an issue with bdb because no blocks are downloaded or anything. cause it connects to the node I specify gets basic
19:29 ben_vulpes yes but /have you run it under gdb/
19:30 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: re handwriting, it is a mystery for the ageists
19:30 asciilifeform waiwut
19:31 ben_vulpes ages, ageists, women in tech
19:31 ben_vulpes oddball pun
19:31 asciilifeform it is beyond my puny brain
19:31 * ben_vulpes nods in appreciation
19:31 asciilifeform ben_vulpes has actual chix in his shop'o'horrors ?
19:32 ben_vulpes like i said, 'twill remain a mystery
19:33 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351815 << have i not yet achieved loglightenment on how to index the transaction set?
19:33 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 14:46:59; asciilifeform: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1351660 << ahahahaa i'm a laugh to death, we want a sql parser to grind every motherfucking time a tx is fetched ??!?!?
19:33 asciilifeform well, we ~already know~ that it can be done WITHOUT SQL ANYWHERE
19:34 ben_vulpes sure, but did you miss the line where i asked "what data structure will work here?"?
19:34 asciilifeform quite a few would work
19:34 * ben_vulpes opens the door, gestures frantically
19:35 asciilifeform e.g., b* tree
19:35 asciilifeform b-tree rather
19:36 asciilifeform b* if space is more of a concern vs time
19:36 thestringpuller BSP trees?
19:36 thestringpuller i kno those
19:37 asciilifeform at any rate the data structure oughta be optimized FOR THIS PROBLEM and not 'for everything anyone might ever think of forever'
19:38 ben_vulpes how then to sort transactions?
19:38 ben_vulpes i must now admit to only a kindergarten level understanding of data structures, for any who remain un-clued-in to this fact
19:38 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: http://www.semaphorecorp.com/btp/algo.html or see knuth
19:38 assbot B-tree algorithms ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8nDGj )
19:39 asciilifeform or even https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=coRJrcIYbF4
19:39 assbot B-Tree example - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8nC5j )
19:39 ben_vulpes "keys" in this case would be 'txid's?
19:39 asciilifeform aha
19:40 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352040 << Digging through the newsmines there seems to be a subspecies of aspie neckbeard that occasionally presents so
19:40 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:21:24; mircea_popescu: who the fuck else is this FUCKING EQUALITARIAN, huh ?
19:40 ben_vulpes please bear with me for a moment, hashes are then actually a sortable thing, a la...integers?
19:41 asciilifeform whatever bitstring you like can be treated as an integer
19:41 ben_vulpes in that any byte array can be used to represent an integer?
19:41 ben_vulpes i am completely out of my depth here.
19:41 asciilifeform aha
19:41 BingoBoingo http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352046 << Many can't pose opencunted, because gunt. Pictures in log.
19:41 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:22:53; asciilifeform: these selfsame folks will happily pose topless, or opencunted, etc. ~in the right place~
19:41 asciilifeform 'god created the integers, all else is the work of man' (tm) (r) (gauss)
19:42 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: fortunately, the mutants in your photos are not actually common
19:42 ben_vulpes okay, this i now dig.
19:42 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: 'man strncmp' on your box
19:43 asciilifeform ^ one metric
19:43 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: You only don't encounter many, because in capital zone they get deported here or Ohio. Or maybe you just haven't much been to walmart.
19:43 ben_vulpes nifty.
19:43 asciilifeform l0l and here i thought it was because they don't get out
19:44 asciilifeform the one time i went to lolmart they destroyed my shoes
19:44 ben_vulpes wut
19:44 ben_vulpes how
19:45 asciilifeform (some clerk spilled a bucket of paint right in my path, led to a circus where successively higher levels of boss appeared to apologize, ending with top shift boss - a pretty gurl - giving me a fiddybuck 'gift card' )
19:46 kakobrekla some serious luck.
19:46 BingoBoingo Nice
19:46 asciilifeform this was eons ago.
19:47 asciilifeform anyway i can't think of any reason to venture into a lolmart in modern day
19:47 asciilifeform (what amazon is for)
19:47 BingoBoingo But no, the circus freaks get out. It's just they most often go places they can sit or ride venue provided scooty puffs.
19:51 ben_vulpes unrelatedly: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AX7rliyPF48
19:51 assbot Black Jeopardy with Elizabeth Banks - SNL - YouTube ... ( http://bit.ly/1mhWPD5 )
19:52 asciilifeform ick laughtrack
19:56 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352005 << neat! i would dearly love to see this.
19:56 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 17:12:09; asciilifeform: and multithreaded gcd--er
20:04 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352122 << this was never actually on the table, the thread was war stories on my part and generalized architectural opining on mircea_popescu's
20:04 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 18:35:54; asciilifeform: mircea_popescu: we don't have sql in there now. this was re: the notion of using sqlite.
20:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32900 @ 0.00050182 = 16.5099 BTC [-]
20:16 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352327 << wait, what has changed in the bootup process that would justify an update?
20:16 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 19:52:00; asciilifeform: http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/06/21_a-tour-of-bitcoind-booting-to-its-first-thread.html << would be neat to see an updated this
20:16 ben_vulpes or, talking about script?
20:19 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: the article
20:19 ben_vulpes http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352445 << oh come on, no citation even?! i spent hours on that research.
20:19 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 20:51:20; mircea_popescu: This year HBR changed the evaluation criteria from "stock price only"1 to an agglomeration of fuzzy metrics that include stock price in addition to Sustainalytics' proprietary "goodness evaluation" metrics.
20:19 ben_vulpes "research"
20:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 158177 @ 0.00050046 = 79.1613 BTC [-] {4}
20:19 ben_vulpes rooting around in middens
20:19 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: do you want a rehash of the GUD stuff? a wholesale reexamination of every point in the piece?
20:20 asciilifeform nono
20:20 asciilifeform just more expositions in that vein
20:20 ben_vulpes ah
20:24 ben_vulpes http://cascadianhacker.com/blog/2015/10/21_the-myths-of-the-good-life-and-that-work-should-be-fun-and-happen-in-a-fun-place-only-serve-to-enslave-you-to-the-progressives-hedonic-treadmill.html << regarding bezos
20:24 assbot The myths of "the good life" and that work should be fun and happen in a fun place only serve to enslave you to the progressive's hedonic treadmill ... ( http://bit.ly/1OqnvOT )
20:25 asciilifeform l0l, everybody knows that work happens in a uranium mine and a miner lives for about 3 months before succumbing
20:25 * ben_vulpes is surprised asciilifeform's parser can handle the title, much less the piece
20:26 asciilifeform 'Bezos runs a company, not a playground for millenials.' << actually the interesting thing is that he ~does~ run a playground for millenials
20:26 asciilifeform but it's a different kind, the kind with razor blades in the slides
20:27 ben_vulpes how is it that place can get away without showing a profit?
20:28 asciilifeform pyramid
20:28 asciilifeform (usg-powered, like all other 'superstar' stocks)
20:28 asciilifeform elementarily.
20:29 thestringpuller i thought amazon made a profit?
20:29 thestringpuller also iirc you don't pay any taxes if you technically make no profit.
20:29 ben_vulpes this shit is enough to make me despair of anything but burning everything down.
20:30 thestringpuller i thought we all felt that way to begin with...
20:30 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: let mircea_popescu know when you've reached the correct level of despair, he will issue you with a pin with which to poke out eyes of guards
20:30 ben_vulpes i dgaf about guards
20:30 ben_vulpes there are specific heads i'm out for yet.
20:32 ben_vulpes unrelatedly, is there anything to this gdansk deepwater port nyooz?
20:39 trinque +asciilifeform │ (usg-powered, like all other 'superstar' stocks) << wat?
20:40 trinque amazon has been treated on the logs several times
20:40 asciilifeform see, e.g., http://log.bitcoin-assets.com//?date=01-09-2015#1259247
20:40 assbot Logged on 01-09-2015 22:24:21; mircea_popescu: trinque the fed mostly owns privately issued paper anyway. mostly bond bundles, but most of them are tied to stocks (via banks) so in point of fact the fed owns atm ~118-122% or so of the entire us economy
20:40 * trinque goes to find current numbers, but iirc they run thin *profits*
20:40 trinque and the strategy is to outrun competitors in this manner.
20:41 trinque I don't see the fault with it.
20:45 trinque http://www.marketwatch.com/investing/stock/amzn/financials/income/quarter
20:45 assbot AMZN Quarterly Income Statement - Amazon.com Inc. Quarterly Financials ... ( http://bit.ly/1OqoqPb )
20:45 trinque last 3/4 were profitable
20:46 trinque rather, 3 out of last 4
20:47 thestringpuller and they don't pay dividends either
20:48 thestringpuller i think shareholders forced apple to pay dividends cause sitting on as much cash as they allegedly had is extremely risky, cause inflation
20:48 thestringpuller then again all fiat stocks are scams anyways...
~ 21 minutes ~
21:10 BingoBoingo loller https://archive.is/srW6Q
21:10 assbot Write for bitcoin news - Bitcoin News ... ( http://bit.ly/1Oqpt1J )
21:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 63800 @ 0.00050254 = 32.0621 BTC [+] {2}
~ 17 minutes ~
21:29 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352582 << rathger likely.
21:29 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 22:08:21; asciilifeform: and considering that secret courts and secret laws are now sop in usaschwitz, perhaps it was tested 1,001 times and was laughed at from day one
21:30 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352594 << how's things ?
21:30 assbot Logged on 24-12-2015 22:17:53; Azelphur: Haven't been active in here in a while, howdy :)
21:32 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352630 << directly to knuth.
21:32 assbot Logged on 25-12-2015 00:38:42; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: http://www.semaphorecorp.com/btp/algo.html or see knuth
21:33 mircea_popescu best use of one's time in this field, deeply recommended for any gentleman anyway.
21:33 asciilifeform ^
21:35 mircea_popescu could almost say he's a sort of computing's feynman.
21:36 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352675 << beotch, you're like linked from the latest on trilema already :D
21:36 assbot Logged on 25-12-2015 01:19:10; ben_vulpes: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=24-12-2015#1352445 << oh come on, no citation even?! i spent hours on that research.
21:37 ben_vulpes aha, yes.
21:37 asciilifeform http://www.cryptomuseum.com/crypto/files/ic_h11_scramble.wav << cruddy crypto from the olden dayz
21:37 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1MyMfwN )
21:37 mircea_popescu http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=25-12-2015#1352698 << i find alf's sarcasm has improved markedly since hanging around here.
21:37 assbot Logged on 25-12-2015 01:30:11; asciilifeform: ben_vulpes: let mircea_popescu know when you've reached the correct level of despair, he will issue you with a pin with which to poke out eyes of guards
21:39 mircea_popescu "Keep you title under 156 characters
21:39 mircea_popescu Make sure your article is easy to read. People familiar and not will be reading the articles.
21:39 mircea_popescu Do a proper fact check"
21:39 mircea_popescu shit. i could have written for "bitcoin news" ALL THIS TIME ?
21:40 asciilifeform !s from:mircea_popescu alf improved markedly
21:40 assbot 1 results for 'from:mircea_popescu alf improved markedly' : http://s.b-a.link/?q=from%3Amircea_popescu+alf+improved+markedly
21:40 asciilifeform l0lz
21:41 mircea_popescu you gonna blame the search ?
21:41 mircea_popescu anyway. it was PEN. not fucking pin. pen.
21:41 asciilifeform pen with pin!
21:42 mircea_popescu the pinpen of pain.
21:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 83845 @ 0.0005027 = 42.1489 BTC [+] {2}
21:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 28548 @ 0.00050413 = 14.3919 BTC [+]
21:56 asciilifeform http://www.radioscanner.ru/forum/topic23745-6.html#msg682723 << account of su reverse engineering the famous 'ivy bells' device. afaik this has never appeared in english
21:56 assbot ... ( http://bit.ly/1m8wrfj )
21:57 asciilifeform or possibly it has
21:57 asciilifeform nm.
21:57 asciilifeform looks like might even be a back-translation
21:59 asciilifeform (or fabrication..)
22:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21800 @ 0.00050395 = 10.9861 BTC [-] {2}
22:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 84050 @ 0.00050458 = 42.4099 BTC [+] {2}
22:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24200 @ 0.00050678 = 12.2641 BTC [+] {2}
~ 27 minutes ~
22:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 76294 @ 0.00050427 = 38.4728 BTC [-]
~ 58 minutes ~
23:37 deedbot- [BitBet Bets Bets] 1.00000000 BTC on 'Yes' - Bitcoin to top $800 before Jul 2016 - http://bitbet.us/bet/1233/bitcoin-to-top-800-before-jul-2016/#b20
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