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← 2014-10-31 | 2014-11-02 →
00:57 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MuvUaFp_qMQ
00:57 assbot Classical orchestra eating the worlds hottest chili peppers ... - YouTube
~ 17 minutes ~
01:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16750 @ 0.00073618 = 12.331 BTC [+] {2}
~ 19 minutes ~
01:34 mircea_popescu !up PwrSrg
~ 24 minutes ~
01:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3550 @ 0.00073763 = 2.6186 BTC [+]
02:02 cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/11/price-fluctuations-and-the-use-of-bitcoin-an-empirical-inquiry/
02:02 assbot Price Fluctuations And The Use Of Bitcoin: An Empirical Inquiry | Qntra.net
~ 21 minutes ~
02:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10850 @ 0.00073763 = 8.0033 BTC [+]
~ 39 minutes ~
03:03 thestringpuller !up donpillou
03:06 ben_vulpes !up Vexual
03:06 ben_vulpes good evening, Vexual
03:12 Vexual hi ben
03:14 Vexual is there a new crockpot with instructions fund? that was funny
03:18 thestringpuller is this real deedBot ?
03:18 thestringpuller !up deedBot
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
04:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7766 @ 0.00079714 = 6.1906 BTC [+]
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
05:33 Naphex https://i.imgur.com/hPb06Eg.png
05:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5300 @ 0.00079368 = 4.2065 BTC [-]
~ 36 minutes ~
06:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5072 @ 0.00079368 = 4.0255 BTC [-]
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
07:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9786 @ 0.00079221 = 7.7526 BTC [-]
07:30 mats_cd03 meow
07:31 mats_cd03 so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night
07:31 mats_cd03 america is a weird place man
07:32 mats_cd03 no tits on tv but your 12 year old can walk around with her ass hangin out on halloween
~ 43 minutes ~
08:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4950 @ 0.00078571 = 3.8893 BTC [-]
~ 16 minutes ~
08:32 bounce "sexy walmart mom" costume?
~ 18 minutes ~
08:51 chetty someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes?
08:59 gabriel_laddel ;; google site: http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/ no self-respecting woman without make up
08:59 assbot The Last Psychiatrist
08:59 gribble No Self-Respecting Woman Would Go Out Without Make Up: <http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/2013/01/no_self-respecting_woman_would.html>; The Last Psychiatrist: <http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/>; The Last Psychiatrist Archives: <http://thelastpsychiatrist.com/archives.html>
09:05 thickasthieves ;;rated apocalyptic
09:05 gribble You have not yet rated user apocalyptic
09:06 thickasthieves ;;rate Apocalyptic 2 ATC support at x-bt.com, shut down without drama
09:06 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 2 for user Apocalyptic has been recorded.
09:06 thickasthieves now wtf to do with all these altoshis
09:12 jurov thickasthieves: i have atc version of coinroll, you can have some fun :DDD
09:14 thickasthieves would need atc/btc on coinbr or sumth tho
09:15 jurov what?
09:15 thickasthieves well what do i do with all my ATC once i win them all?
09:15 thickasthieves stand on them and roaR?
09:16 jurov that's as good as anything
09:16 thickasthieves hehe
09:16 jurov be sure to take a photo
09:17 thickasthieves still some people mining it
09:17 thickasthieves 280gh
09:18 thickasthieves thats like one whole BFL Monarch
09:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3650 @ 0.00078594 = 2.8687 BTC [+]
~ 22 minutes ~
09:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11850 @ 0.00078594 = 9.3134 BTC [+]
~ 1 hours ~
10:45 adlai "BitShares Music will be the first blockchain to be used by the masses" just shut up and take my money!
10:47 adlai http://bitsharesmusicfoundation.org/assets/files/legal/Notes-Sale-Agreement.pdf ahaha looks like somebody got a lawyer
10:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8164 @ 0.00078819 = 6.4348 BTC [+]
10:58 kakobrekla also note who the receiver is http://bitsharesmusicfoundation.org/assets/images/misc/titan.jpg
~ 22 minutes ~
11:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2721 @ 0.00079079 = 2.1517 BTC [+]
11:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1355 @ 0.00079067 = 1.0714 BTC [-]
~ 1 hours 4 minutes ~
12:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8324 @ 0.00079067 = 6.5815 BTC [-]
12:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5450 @ 0.00079259 = 4.3196 BTC [+]
12:43 dignork adlai: bitsharemusic borrowed text from ethereum: http://dpaste.com/3CY9250
12:43 assbot dpaste: 3CY9250
12:47 * adlai reveals himself as having not even read the materials associated with ether
12:48 dignork adlai: me neither, but this part seemed odd, so i googgled it.
12:48 adlai what about it seems odd, it's perfectly reasonable for the people selling these things to fear for their asses and get old-fashioned legal advice
12:52 dignork oh, the part of "additional processing power" seemed irrelevant to music foundation
12:59 jurov maybe it's mining botnet in disguise
13:03 kakobrekla it is i, le buttnet.
13:05 ben_vulpes adlai are you getting nerdsniped by scamchains again?
13:06 adlai reading up a little about WoL now, so you could say so :P
13:07 ben_vulpes ka zing
13:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2768 @ 0.00078769 = 2.1803 BTC [-] {3}
13:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3650 @ 0.00078486 = 2.8647 BTC [-]
13:24 ben_vulpes "I would like to inform anybody involved in this kinda thing, that there's a maximum penalty of $100,000, one-year in jail, or both," Phil Bradford, an FCC spokesman, told a reporter the following day.
13:25 ben_vulpes phil doesn't quite get the notion of a maxmum, i warrant.
13:32 ben_vulpes mats_cd03: it's too cold and wet around here for anything approaching a bacchanal
13:33 BingoBoingo http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/10/31/atc-closing-statement/
13:33 assbot ATC Closing Statement | Bingo Blog
13:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5877 @ 0.00078312 = 4.6024 BTC [-]
13:39 BingoBoingo ^ Note the update.
13:43 mircea_popescu good mornin
13:45 jurov evening
13:45 mircea_popescu that also.
13:54 BingoBoingo %t
13:54 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 9 Ask: 130 Last Price: 41 24h-Vol: 463k High: 55 Low: 41 VWAP: 47
~ 23 minutes ~
14:17 mircea_popescu hey, who were the muppets that closed recently, claiming they were spending 9k/month on servers among other thiungs ? qntra reported it
14:23 mircea_popescu moolah.io ty.
14:23 jurov was going to say bitcoinbourse.eu but they're still up
14:24 jurov (cue: Buy: 0.00 € Sell: 0.00 € )
14:25 mircea_popescu so no pinguirker replacement sitll huh.
14:26 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/mpex-smpoe-october-2014-statement/
14:26 assbot MPEx (S.MPOE) October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
14:26 thestringpuller wow that's early
14:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8851 @ 0.00078613 = 6.958 BTC [+]
14:27 mircea_popescu 1st neh ?
14:27 mircea_popescu mats_cd03: so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night << where ?
14:28 mircea_popescu Naphex: https://i.imgur.com/hPb06Eg.png <<< lol derpowiki page, seems oddly appropriate.
14:28 gernika Regarding http://trilema.com/2014/a-complete-theory-of-economics/, would the use of a Nash Equilibrium that does not rely on third parties mitigate the problem of the long con?
14:28 assbot Page not found pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
14:29 mircea_popescu gernika you'll have to go into detail. make me a sample scenario ?
14:30 mircea_popescu chetty: someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes? << "all men are pedophiles and rapists because the only feminine females left around are under 16 yo because we educate little girls to act like lolis and then after puberty we try and make them into obnoxious whales" ?
14:31 mircea_popescu just takin' a shot.
14:31 mircea_popescu thickasthieves: stand on them and roaR? << lol!
14:32 mircea_popescu adlai: ahaha looks like somebody got a lawyer << and yet fucktards STILL use pdfs. sigh.
14:33 mircea_popescu dignork: adlai: me neither, but this part seemed odd, so i googgled it. << such lmao. "hey, two bitcoin scams are the only things google could find online that used the same broken logic dressed in the same approximative verbiage. WHY COULD THS BE ?!?!?!"
14:33 mircea_popescu clearly it's because ethereum was like all respectable and took like actual investment, rather than just pretending on both scores.
14:34 adlai took/look?
14:34 mircea_popescu no, took. from to take investment. mebbe needed a comma in there
14:35 mircea_popescu "he fucked, like, a real woman" valley girl speak as opposed to "he fucked a real woman" nohomo bro speak
14:35 adlai right right
14:36 mircea_popescu "I would like to inform anybody involved in this kinda thing, that there's a maximum penalty of $100,000, one-year in jail, or both," Phil Bradford, an FCC spokesman, told a reporter the following day." << also appears on two spots on the interwebs. vice.com and b-a logs. thanks to the power of logic we now know ben_vulpes writes for motherboard.
14:37 mircea_popescu AND I PISS ON THIS LOG. show me your honor, log!
14:37 chetty <mircea_popescu> chetty: someone explain to me how all those feminists justify putting little girls scanty costumes? << "all men are pedophiles and rapists because the only feminine females left around are under 16 yo because we educate little girls to act like lolis and then after puberty we try and make them into obnoxious whales" ?// ?? we is all men? interesting and does explain much but still doesn't explain the mommy behavior dressing them
14:37 chetty like that
14:38 jurov moms project theri desires into daughters?
14:38 mircea_popescu you don't understand how thw world works. "mom" would like a place to drop off the kid while she does "other things". (no, i don't mean fucking. if only. i mean going around shitty clothes shops in the mall and feeling each individual item buyt not buying anything, then hitting the food court)
14:38 mircea_popescu so they offer this service, "drop off your kids for an afternoon and get five double cheeseburger mchappy meals"
14:39 gernika mircea_popescu for example, Alice builds up a good reputation in the WoT. Then in some large transaction Alice absconds with Bob's BTC and fails to deliver the goods. If the same transaction were instead executed in such a way that if either party fails to deliver, both Alice and Bob would lose an amount of btc equal to the value of the item being purchased, would that then prevent Alice from sacrificing her WoT rating to
14:39 gernika cheat someone in a large transaction?
14:40 mircea_popescu gernika the case you're proposing is already out of scope, because the wot is intended to be used with middle transactions. so if alice trades 100 btc a month for two years, trusting alice with 200 in one go is okay. trusting her with 5k is absurd,
14:40 mircea_popescu and in fact reduces to a not-using-wot situation.
14:41 chetty gernika, what does wot have to do with that? everyday common trust question
14:41 mircea_popescu basically you're saying "if people weren't using the wot how could their actions not impact the wot'. well... they already don't.
14:42 mircea_popescu just to make sure we're on the same page here, have you read http://trilema.com/2014/what-the-wot-is-for-how-it-works-and-how-to-use-it/ ?
14:42 assbot What the WoT is for, how it works and how to use it. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
14:44 jurov !mpif
14:44 assbot BtcAlpha.com F.MPIF Tracker estimated NAV per share: 0.00021818 B (Total: 477.11 B). Delta: -0.38 B. Last trade for F.MPIF on MPEX was at 0.000195 BTC [-]
14:44 jurov !t m f.mpif
14:44 assbot [MPEX:F.MPIF] 1D: 0.000195 / 0.000195 / 0.000195 (274 shares, 0.05 BTC), 7D: 0.000195 / 0.000195 / 0.000195 (274 shares, 0.05 BTC), 30D: 0.000195 / 0.00019715 / 0.00020614 (47439 shares, 9.35 BTC)
14:46 mats_cd03 mircea_popescu: cambridge
14:46 mircea_popescu hm ?
14:46 mats_cd03 14:27:58 <+mircea_popescu> mats_cd03: so many soccer moms and scantily dressed lolis last night << where ?
14:47 mircea_popescu oh oh
14:47 gernika mircea_popescu Ah ok. Got it. Didn't think about how people would evaluate the WoT differently for different magnitudes of transactions. It actually does help with the long con problem. So one could do 50 1 btw transactions, then steal the last btc, but that's about all. Yes I've read what-the-wot...
14:47 mircea_popescu you mean lolis as in freshman, 19yo womenz mats_cd03 ?!
14:47 gernika s/btw/btc
14:48 mats_cd03 no i mean 12 year olds, girls
14:48 mircea_popescu gernika well, one could put the time in to build himself and steal some, but the idea is that he wouldn't really manage to steal more than what not stealing is worth on a discouinted basis for him.
14:48 mats_cd03 altho there were plenty of freshmen walking around
14:48 mircea_popescu which is why people who pretend to trade but aren't in the wot, and ESPECIALLY people who pretend to raise capital/issue equity but have no experience whatsoever are suspect.
14:48 mircea_popescu they HAVE TO BE frauds, pure and simple, there's no logical alternative.
14:49 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 da fuck are 12yos doing on campus anyway
14:49 mats_cd03 things overheard last night: 'we should find some MIT guys, they're, like, going to rule the world. but, really!'
14:50 mats_cd03 i was in a few residential neighborhoods close-ish to somerville, so... kids
14:50 mircea_popescu ah ah
14:50 mircea_popescu isn't it fucking cold in east fucking anglia, nov 1st ?
14:51 gernika mircea_popescu So in order for someone to get rated for a more valuable interaction than they have ever participated in before, someone else always needs to take a risk, correct?
14:51 mircea_popescu gernika exaclty, and in wot-terms he makes a trust donation to the wot and to his partner.
14:51 mats_cd03 it was ~40F, plenty warm enough. chicks around here walk around in shirts and a belt in january, ~15F, on friday nights
14:52 mircea_popescu gernika the situation being exactly equivalent to when they first joined the wot, had no ratings.
14:52 mats_cd03 getting laid is more important than warmth.
14:52 mircea_popescu because in practical terms, they DO have no ratings, for that level.
14:53 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 in fairness, i dun think it's sluttiness, i think its simple use. you should see the chicks here, it rained two days ago, it was like... i dunno, 18 instead of 23 celsisus ? COATS! shivering! everyone destroyed omg it's so cold.
14:53 gernika mircea_popescu Would a nash equilibrium based exchange in THAT case be of use? Or would it nullify the donation to the wot?
14:54 mircea_popescu gernika it seems to me the wot is already generating it's own equilibrium, not clear to me what you mean by "nash equilibrium based exchange"
14:54 mircea_popescu we're back to give me an example.
14:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2999 @ 0.00079134 = 2.3732 BTC [+]
14:55 mircea_popescu http://oglaf.com/weirdwoman/ << every wise old hag starts out in life like this
14:55 assbot the Weird Woman
15:02 mircea_popescu http://media.oglaf.com/loglines/flight-mode.gif
15:07 mircea_popescu http://oglaf.com/delivery/ << bwahhah chetty, were you asking about the mothers ? there's the mother!
15:07 assbot delivery
15:07 mircea_popescu i seriously think that comic pretty much illustrates the mental process of the libertard us female. she has a little girl that grows up to be a man
15:07 mircea_popescu that takes it in the ass.
15:08 gernika mircea_popescu So in a case where two parties have no information about each other (which is essentially the same as when one party is in the WoT and one isn't, or when one party wants to do a trade they're not rated for), a nash equilibrium allows a way to incentivize both parties to complete the transaction faithfully by forcing both parties to risk the value of the item being traded contingent on the trade being completed
15:08 gernika successfully. It would work like this: Alice wants to sell her gold for btc. She puts 1 oz of gold worth of btc in Chad's basket. Bob puts 2 oz. of gold worth of btc in Chad's basket. Alice gives Bob her gold. Bob refuses to give Alice her 1 oz of gold worth of btc. Chad threatens to throw his basket over the cliff. Bob reluctantly give alice 1 oz of gold worth of btc. Chad gives everyone back their stuff from the
15:08 gernika basket.
15:08 mircea_popescu you're describing an escrow.
15:09 gernika Well, an escrow that doesn't make any decision in the event of a dispute except to say both parties are out their escrow.
15:09 mircea_popescu if that's what you mean best call it escrow, because the bitcoin crowd (esp here) is highly technical and the nash reference sends people mentally exploring large swaths of math theory.
15:09 mircea_popescu right. that's how escrow actually works. "come back when you agree"
15:10 mircea_popescu anyway! this is how services such as localbitcoins work.
15:10 gernika Also, this escrow can be done without a third party
15:10 mircea_popescu the problem are all the edge cases. did you catch that discussion in the logs, as to what localbitcoins is vulnerable to ?
15:10 gernika via multisig transactions
15:10 mircea_popescu no, it can not, because you can't multisig dollars, or bars of gold.
15:12 gernika But you don't need to. The seller puts the value of their item in btc in escrow. The buyer puts double the value of the item in btc in escrow.
15:12 mircea_popescu o.O
15:12 gernika The seller then ships the item.
15:13 mircea_popescu are you aware that trade as-is is credit-supported so people don't actually need to put up even the actual value of the items ?
15:13 mircea_popescu that's why international trade happens on the basis of locs and so forth.
15:13 mircea_popescu you're going the other wa
15:15 gernika I have seen discussion of that on Trilema, I believe. Doesn't that arrangement depend on a trusted third party? The creditor?
15:15 mircea_popescu yes.
15:16 mircea_popescu gernika let me illustrate the problem of trust and the limits of the universe to you with a risque comic.
15:16 mircea_popescu here it is : http://oglaf.com/homecoming/
15:16 assbot homecoming
15:17 mircea_popescu now, in this comic, trudy cooper makes the excellent point that resources are scarce, whereas trust cheap.
15:17 mircea_popescu so, in any practical situaiton, a solution that relies on trust will outperform a solution that relies on expenditure.
15:22 gernika Hmm yes. Trust *is* cheap.
15:22 mircea_popescu now, fucking could consist of the girl getting another cock and the guy getting another cunt to sit and watch them while they do it.
15:23 mircea_popescu this wasteful system has actually been implemented in practice, it's what victorian england was all about
15:23 mircea_popescu HOWEVER it is not a stable solution. because wasteful, fundamentally.
15:25 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Billion dollar bet?" http://bitbet.us/bet/1047/ Odds: 21(Y):79(N) by coin, 22(Y):78(N) by weight. Total bet: 9.67715114 BTC. Current weight: 73,639.
15:27 gernika I suppose in my mind I conflated being forced to trust certain third parties (my "elected" representative, my bank, the Federal Reserve) and voluntarily trusting random ebay sellers.
15:28 mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/PnsGiZ2A <<< dude... this is just what i do. i save the people who save people from FIRE
15:28 assbot Subject: Re: You've been hacked. From: * Date: Sat, November 1, 2014 2:55 - Pastebin.com
15:29 mircea_popescu gernika yeah, forced trust is no trust at all.
15:29 mircea_popescu which is why the entire democratic blabla about "social contracts" and whatnot is so laughable.
15:30 mircea_popescu "o hey, you're part of a contract you enver signed lol!"
15:30 bounce Y U SUCH HAXX0R
15:31 mircea_popescu bounce nah, see, most recend attempt at ddosing qntra used a large number of broken-into websites.
15:31 mircea_popescu which i've been notifying.
15:31 gernika So what is the term or concept for forced trust in third parties?
15:31 mircea_popescu gernika rape works.
15:31 gernika lol
15:31 mircea_popescu technically forced thrust, but still.
15:32 gernika It's the sort of trust that you think is trust at first, then realize you have no other options later.
15:32 bounce how is that "trust"? o_O?
15:32 mircea_popescu then that's anti-rape. rape seems to be this thing where you think you have no options at first, then later you realise that you did so you go and denounce the fucker.
15:33 gernika bounce it's not trust, just not sure what it is. Anti-rape. Will consider that.
15:35 gernika A world where you appear to have a bunch of choices, but in fact you have only one and it sucks.
15:35 mircea_popescu o, that's just how the world works!!1
15:35 mircea_popescu now you understand how the world works. unlike putin!
15:36 mircea_popescu gernika on a more serious note, this is a problem familiar from game design. you can either have choice or stability, not both. systems that are to any degree stable only achieve this stability by denying choice correspondingly.
15:36 bounce what was that game again, "diplomacy"
15:37 mircea_popescu all games are that game again. matrimony too.
15:37 bounce well, no
15:37 mircea_popescu a challenge appears ?
15:38 bounce you're trying your hand at english where mark twain tried at german, by proposing to replace all words with just "slag" and "zug".
15:39 mircea_popescu choice of words is a poor simile for choice of action.
15:40 mircea_popescu mostly because (blessfully) representation is toothless upon reality.
15:40 bounce even so not all games are one and the same
15:40 mircea_popescu with respect to choice and stability ? yeah they are.
15:40 mircea_popescu this is like saying all naming conventions are the same to zooko's triangle.
15:46 mthreat Patagonia is nice - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6hkl1IsY2UA
15:46 assbot Hyperlapse of boat ride on Lake Lacar back to San Martin de Los Andes - YouTube
15:47 mircea_popescu o you took off already ?
15:47 mthreat ya, a few days ago
15:48 mircea_popescu how cold is it ?
15:48 mthreat it's snowing right now, which is very unusual for this time of year here.
15:48 mircea_popescu yeah it';s colder than usual up here too.
15:49 mircea_popescu fucking pleasant weather.
15:50 mthreat going to Bariloche tomorrow, and should pass through Villa la Angostura, by Hitler's supposed house there
15:50 mircea_popescu "hitler slept here" lol
15:51 mthreat the house is for sale, I expect to see it on BitPremier soon ;)
15:52 mircea_popescu asking for way too much dough.
~ 30 minutes ~
16:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5150 @ 0.00078398 = 4.0375 BTC [-]
16:35 mircea_popescu ;;google buenos aires bdsm
16:35 gribble BDSM Buenos Aires Mistress Oriana - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPejTVtFoF0>; Buenos Aires BDSM : La Casona del Sado, aka Faker House - Trilema: <http://trilema.com/2014/buenos-aires-bdsm-la-casona-del-sado-aka-faker-house/>; BDSM. - Buenos Aires | Facebook: <https://www.facebook.com/pages/BDSM-Buenos-Aires/457879384268308?_fb_noscript=1>
16:35 mircea_popescu holy shit srsly ?
~ 36 minutes ~
17:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15850 @ 0.00078398 = 12.4261 BTC [-]
~ 41 minutes ~
17:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10400 @ 0.00078398 = 8.1534 BTC [-]
~ 39 minutes ~
18:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9800 @ 0.00078398 = 7.683 BTC [-]
~ 23 minutes ~
18:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5868 @ 0.00077977 = 4.5757 BTC [-]
~ 28 minutes ~
19:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8374 @ 0.00077883 = 6.5219 BTC [-] {2}
19:30 cazalla so october is 1 month down for qntra, if anyone has criticism as well as feedback on what you liked/disliked and want to see more/less of, i'm all ears
19:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00077913 = 2.3374 BTC [+]
19:35 punkman cazalla: some longer pieces maybe
19:35 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-october-2014-statement/
19:35 assbot MiniGame (S.MG), October 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
19:35 punkman uh oh gotta get that bot up
19:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12927 @ 0.00077826 = 10.0606 BTC [-] {2}
19:36 mircea_popescu which one ?
19:36 punkman the punkbot
19:36 mircea_popescu ah yes. what's up with that.
19:37 punkman it had surgery, testing now
19:37 punkman ;;tslb
19:37 gribble Time since last block: 23 minutes and 33 seconds
19:38 mircea_popescu testing is for fiats.
19:47 punkman ;;tslb
19:47 gribble Time since last block: 5 minutes and 17 seconds
19:48 punkman hmm, missed the block
19:49 mircea_popescu !up Zebetus
19:55 mircea_popescu http://pastebin.com/gjyG2Wwk << ustardian goes on a "first date", blows it. because racism.
19:55 assbot From okcupid (just to also shoot down my own insistence about how good it is!) I - Pastebin.com
19:56 kakobrekla http://i.imgur.com/IEGMg2j.png wink wink nudge nudge
19:57 gernika cazalla I like the background given on investors and founders involved in the startups covered. Don't have a specific example in mind, but I like the digging.
19:57 punkman kakobrekla: I ran the backtest on more recent bets, ALLNO was negative
19:57 kakobrekla hah!
19:58 mircea_popescu charting dun werk ? o noes
19:59 kakobrekla charting?
20:00 mircea_popescu well what is this "all history shows property X so therefore future will too" ?
20:00 punkman I had theories!
20:01 kakobrekla the reasoning: only close bets make it to bitbet and humanity is mostly a fail
20:01 mircea_popescu the therrorists win ?
20:02 mircea_popescu kakobrekla lol not bad!
20:02 punkman on another note, punkbot is alive again, yay
20:03 mircea_popescu a cool.
20:03 punkman cooked some ribeyes from the americas, debugged while digesting
20:03 punkman unfortunately from north americas
20:04 mircea_popescu a digestabugging!
20:04 punkman I like it
20:04 * mats_cd03 lights a bowl
20:05 mats_cd03 aaand now to install obsd 5.6
20:05 punkman good times
20:05 mircea_popescu http://oglaf.com/submission/ << mainstream bdsm.
20:05 assbot Submission
20:06 * jurov is debugging a turdatron. don't want to make verbs from it
20:07 jurov any idea how to quickly dump contents fo sqlite into HTML?
20:07 jurov there are jsut two tables, patches and sigs
20:08 mircea_popescu i thought it had a html export baked in
20:10 jurov oh yes, it does!
20:10 mircea_popescu i'm so good at solving problems that don't exist.
20:11 jurov cue bash #305 :D
20:11 punkman jurov: you can do that from sqlite shell
20:12 punkman .mode html
20:24 kakobrekla http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=16-09-2014#831155
20:24 assbot Logged on 16-09-2014 17:28:54; kakobrekla: how do you measure success
20:24 kakobrekla found my answer, sorta: >Our staffing costs alone run $45,000 a month. Our hosting costs for September were $8,500.
20:24 mircea_popescu that's how you measure public idiocy,
20:25 mircea_popescu by looking at what scammers claim as part of their scamtext, you can guess what the general sea of idiots imagines is going on.
20:25 kakobrekla clearly
20:26 kakobrekla i can easily make bitbet spend 45k a month
20:26 kakobrekla :)
20:26 kakobrekla or 8.5k to be fair.
20:26 kakobrekla 45 would be challenging.
20:27 mircea_popescu you're too young to pay for women.
20:27 punkman ;;ticker
20:27 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 323.24, Best ask: 324.2, Bid-ask spread: 0.96000, Last trade: 324.21, 24 hour volume: 15042.34159385, 24 hour low: 316.61, 24 hour high: 339.47, 24 hour vwap: 326.688260005
20:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10943 @ 0.00077913 = 8.526 BTC [+]
20:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11402 @ 0.00078087 = 8.9035 BTC [+]
20:33 xiando $102000/year for hosting, uhm exactly what do they claim to be hosting there.. facebook? google? yahoo?
20:34 xiando I guess it makes sense if you don't have a bunch of servers and websites yourself
20:34 mircea_popescu it makes exactly no sense, unless you're from reddit.
20:35 xiando perhaps if you're hosting reddit (even then it seems like a lot)
20:38 kakobrekla you're too young to pay for women. < oh oh i see, young enough to emulate em
20:39 mircea_popescu lmao
20:40 xiando you'd be mostly paying not to have anything more to do with them imho, if you just want one for the night then there's plenty at the local bars
20:40 mircea_popescu http://lh3.ggpht.com/_OVtOM-JqUfA/SdISYu2icDI/AAAAAAAAIPQ/puqOfJnQkfA/s800/ZN_Emu3.jpg << this is emu-lating, for the record.
20:41 cazalla mircea_popescu, you know we had a great emu war in australia.. that we lost
20:41 mircea_popescu did you lose it pleasurably ?
20:42 cazalla the army machine gunned the emus but it wasn't enough
20:43 cazalla http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War
20:43 assbot Emu War - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
20:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18800 @ 0.00078523 = 14.7623 BTC [+] {2}
20:48 assbot ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
20:49 punkman how do you cut big blocks of chocolate into less unwieldy pieces?
20:50 mircea_popescu if its any good, you crack it against a large marble slab.
20:51 punkman it's a piece from one of those 10kg blocks, says Callebaut
20:52 punkman guess that might be better than heated knife
20:52 mircea_popescu meh, belgian. they oversweet their shit.
20:52 mircea_popescu but anyway, yeah, sure. crack it on the countertop.
20:56 punkman was same price as some Nestle shit, and not much sugar, not a bad deal
20:58 cazalla choc i buy down here uses agave nectar, pretty nice stuff
20:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4205 @ 0.00078376 = 3.2957 BTC [-]
20:58 punkman !up ninjashogun
20:58 cazalla http://www.panachocolate.com/eighty/ a little expensive but worth it
20:58 assbot Eighty - Pana Chocolate Store
20:59 ninjashogun thanks. I asked for voice to request this:
20:59 ninjashogun <ninjashogun> hi - could I ask you to remove my full name from the logs. I have been open about what it is and it appears once or twice in the bitcoin-assets logs. I realize that this ecosystem is very different and that people here don't believe in traditional startups, but I have investors doing due dilligence on me, and it is uncomfortable to come up in google results.
20:59 ninjashogun <ninjashogun> I realize that you also are careful about your online footprint so you will appreciate this. I think I didn't realize that it's a publicly-indexed log at the time.
20:59 mircea_popescu lmao.
20:59 mircea_popescu what is the schmuck's name anyway ?
20:59 ninjashogun I can PM you if you want. Let's not repeat this.
20:59 punkman I don't think I've seen your name
20:59 ninjashogun Look, we're all adults here and know how an IRC conversation looks to a random person googling an individual.
21:00 mircea_popescu get lost. we really don't give a shit either way.
21:00 mircea_popescu !down ninjashogun
21:01 mircea_popescu if anyone ever googles this idiot : there are better ways to flush your money down a toilet.
21:01 mircea_popescu including the literal.
21:02 mats_cd03 do they ship to the us cazalla? can't seem to find it
21:02 cazalla mats_cd03, prolly not
21:02 mircea_popescu given that i have like 2lbs of chocolate right here, which i just bought today, it's a wonder we're not the fattest people online.
21:03 mircea_popescu what with all this chocolate conneisseurship
21:03 mats_cd03 well now i'm just disappointed
21:07 jurov just today i came across an adverticle about "need to increas VC penetration in Slovakia"
21:07 jurov i was like, myeah, better WC penetration would be handy sometims
21:20 punkman speaking of belgium, http://www.maisondandoy.com/en/order/
21:24 cazalla no news about so far today
21:24 cazalla afterall, i wouldn't want anyone to think i'm slacking
21:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8700 @ 0.00077792 = 6.7679 BTC [-]
21:32 thestringpuller i have news
21:32 thestringpuller "still no updates on punkbot"
21:32 thestringpuller jkjk punkman
21:32 punkman what I just gave status update
21:33 thestringpuller I was just trolling! I'm sorry I couldn't resist.
21:34 punkman I am already humiliated by letting invalid deed pass through
21:34 punkman (but I just deleted it from db, ha!)
21:34 thestringpuller scandalous!
21:38 punkman 437 people in assbot's l2, 2.9mb pubring
21:39 mircea_popescu <punkman> I am already humiliated by letting invalid deed pass through << how did that happen ?
21:40 punkman gpg library lied to me, and also I suck
21:41 punkman (library docs)
21:48 cazalla http://qntra.net/2014/11/jeffrey-robinson-bitcoin-used-by-terrorists/
21:48 assbot Jeffrey Robinson: Bitcoin Used By Terrorists | Qntra.net
21:49 mircea_popescu ;;google Jeffrey Robinson
21:49 gribble Jeffrey Robinson, Author & Journalist: <http://www.jeffreyrobinson.com/>; Jeffrey Robinson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Robinson>; Jeffrey Robinson | Rutgers Business School: <http://business.rutgers.edu/faculty-research/directory/robinson-jeffrey>
21:49 mircea_popescu ohic. dude that'd totally know what he's talking about.
21:57 mircea_popescu also in the news : jeffrey robinson is a fraudulent grant eater that's spent 100's of thousands off the public treasury and has yet to produce anything of value.
21:59 punkman punkbot, status
21:59 punkbot punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 2 hours and 27 minutes ago
21:59 punkman punkbot, balance
21:59 punkbot punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01603 BTC (0.0 unconfirmed), enough for 145 more bundles.
22:04 punkman punkbot, deed http://dpaste.com/18E29HJ
22:04 assbot dpaste: 18E29HJ
22:04 punkbot punkman: Queued 1 valid deed for next bundle.
22:07 punkman we'll pay $0.03575 for that silly deed!
22:08 punkman thestringpuller: ^ give it a try
22:08 punkman .status
22:08 punkbot punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 2 hours and 36 minutes ago
22:10 punkman mircea_popescu: should I give deedwallet password to you or kakobrekla for safekeeping?
22:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.0007789 = 5.1797 BTC [+]
22:25 punkman .status
22:25 punkbot punkman: 1 pending deed | Last bundle 2 hours and 53 minutes ago
22:28 mircea_popescu punkbot sure, give it to kako
22:29 punkman heh INFO 2014-11-02T02:28:41 Not replying to sure, in #bitcoin-assets, not a command.
22:29 mircea_popescu oops :p
22:29 punkman .deed http://therealbitcoin.org/ml/btc-dev/2014-October/000004.html
22:29 punkbot punkman: No valid deeds found, try again. (invalid: 1)
22:29 kakobrekla mps wot is larger number. give it to mp.
22:30 punkbot Bundled 1 deed | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J
22:30 assbot Bundle 1KFaXF5J | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
22:30 punkman success! https://blockchain.info/tx/aaa9c986ae676a6970eb180fe38368bca16b143cd0ca74821893d08b7e5b664e
22:30 assbot Bitcoin Transaction aaa9c986ae676a6970eb180fe38368bca16b143cd0ca74821893d08b7e5b664e
22:30 mircea_popescu amazing success!
22:30 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
22:31 punkman btw notice deed address is 1Law
22:31 mircea_popescu yay!
22:31 punkman .balance
22:31 punkbot punkman: Balance at 1LAwrWMbPLLSpt7nkD5Jv1Yf4cwPhD98ny is 0.01603 BTC (-0.00011 unconfirmed), enough for 145 more bundles.
22:32 punkman .status
22:32 punkbot punkman: No pending deeds | Last bundle 1 minute ago | 1 unconfirmed bundle
22:32 mircea_popescu these argentinian dudes are so fucktarded it's hard to put into words. so there's a few streets in the financial district where literally 100s of derps hawk "cambio, cambio!" trying to get some paper benjies for their locally-printed toilet paper. all day long.
22:33 mircea_popescu saturday night tho ? ZERO! i don't mean, most of the fat ones with good business didn't bother, leav ing just a few of the sketchier, hungrier fellows. no, i mean exactly zero. as if saturday night is not a time. not part of the world. does not exist.
22:34 mircea_popescu the exact fucking antihussle. i wonder what the fuck dope dealers are doing, because i find it hard to believe argentine junkies all keep a stash.
22:35 punkman is financial district busy saturday night?
22:35 mircea_popescu what difference does it make ?
22:35 mircea_popescu take a tour through the red light district, sometime. the hookers are out whether there's johns or not.
22:36 mircea_popescu because THAT IS THEIR MOTHERFUCKING JOB.
22:36 mircea_popescu they have to suck a lot of cock for that foot of sidewalk. it's not like somehow magically it's not a sidewalk anymore between 13:30 and 14:25
22:37 punkbot Confirmed bundle 1KFaXF5JX8V3N1oPtWBXttVZfXn7KCR4fJ | http://deeds.bitcoin-assets.com/b/1KFaXF5J
22:37 assbot Bundle 1KFaXF5J | #bitcoin-assets deed registry
22:37 punkman meat for punkbot today!
22:37 mircea_popescu that's quintessentially why it's called the hustle. because you fucking hustle. if it were an office job it'd just be, the office job.
22:40 punkman kakobrekla: maybe add link to deeds. on other pages
22:43 cazalla must be a good sign when people are posting unsolicited links to qntra on 4chan http://boards.4chan.org/g/thread/44973425
22:43 assbot /g/ - What bitcoin tumbler do you recommend /g/? I want
22:43 punkman cazalla: ah nice
~ 35 minutes ~
23:19 mircea_popescu http://trilema.com/2014/jardin-botanico-carlos-thays-buenos-aires/
23:19 assbot Jardin Botanico Carlos Thays - Buenos Aires pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
23:19 mircea_popescu cazalla well, it's a sign that qntra is used by terrorists.
23:20 cazalla used is ok, as long as it is not written by terrorists
23:21 punkman you sure about that?
23:21 mircea_popescu it's clearly written b y terrorists.
23:21 mircea_popescu you strike terror in the heart of wankstream media
23:21 cazalla Jardin Botanico Carlos Thays <<< this looks photoshopped
23:21 mircea_popescu not to mention wankstream "entrepreneurs"
23:21 mircea_popescu cazalla which one ?
23:22 cazalla first one of course
23:22 mircea_popescu no, it totally read "welcome to the land of the derpy" in the original.
23:27 cazalla sounds like amir really is fucked up on drugs
23:28 cazalla "trying to help Amir, rehabilitate Amir.."
23:32 punkman cazalla: there's a typo missing, Arse News
23:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10900 @ 0.00077853 = 8.486 BTC [-]
23:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00077883 = 14.2136 BTC [+] {2}
23:42 thestringpuller slow news weekend
23:52 mircea_popescu cazalla seriously, oding is the best thing for the guy.
23:53 thestringpuller http://www.nasa.gov/centers/glenn/technology/warp/warpstat_prt.htm
23:53 mircea_popescu if he's clean he's obnoxiously stupid. at least he could get out, happy ending all around.
23:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform http://bitbet.us/bet/859/cardano-to-ship-in-2014/#c4213
23:54 assbot BitBet - Cardano to Ship in 2014 :: 1.08 B (41%) on Yes, 1.53 B (59%) on No | closing in 1 month 3 weeks | weight: 24`933 (100`000 to 1)
23:58 cazalla mircea_popescu, he has a sponsor in cody wilson by the sounds of it, http://qntra.net/2014/11/cody-wilson-the-bitcoin-community-has-sold-out/
23:58 assbot Cody Wilson: "The Bitcoin Community Has Sold Out" | Qntra.net
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