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← 2014-08-30 | 2014-09-01 →
00:01 ben_vulpes !t h rent
00:01 assbot [HAVELOCK:RENT] 1D: 0.00399999 / 0.00402843 / 0.00423999 (204 shares, 0.82179956 BTC), 7D: 0.00320001 / 0.00370607 / 0.00465000 (3085 shares, 11.43322802 BTC), 30D: 0.00320001 / 0.00402198 / 0.00478000 (9915 shares, 39.87789938 BTC)
~ 25 minutes ~
00:27 mircea_popescu wow i step out for one hour...
00:27 mircea_popescu !up Curious_George
00:27 Curious_George sup
00:28 mircea_popescu nothing much.
00:30 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: kanzure: nah, those're plain old ruins <<< and this you know how ? :D
00:32 mircea_popescu The20YearIRCloud: With regards to coins, you only need to avoid the very, very limited types that are assumed to be stolen from the mint << it's only limited for now, and as a reflection of the coins actually physically found so far. as more juicy morcels make the beast salivate, they'll become less limited.
00:33 mircea_popescu decimation: yeah back in the early 1900's the whole idea of the 'silver dollar' was the precursor to the modern bezzle << not so clear cut, really. more like a power struggle between west and east.
00:34 decimation mircea_popescu: that's true, in that case the eastern bankers were all in favor of gold (as they didn't envision some gov't bank would be able to print infinite silver)
00:35 mircea_popescu amusingly, all the "buitres" scandal in argentina today is exactly reminiscent of midwestern and californian pro-silver aggitation in the 1880s
00:35 mircea_popescu specifically, the "foreign interest" was putting forth gold standard to fleece the "hard working" "real" americans.
00:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: there's always an 'imaginary particle' involved <<< in phairness, this is how physics works all through.
00:41 mircea_popescu decimation: okay that makes sense << what he means by provenance being that if you measure in argon and he measures in xenon, it's not directly obvious what the functions look like to verify if you got the same result and quantify the eventual differences.
00:42 mircea_popescu decimation: I called up NIST a few weeks ago, asked them how much it would cost to measure the phase noise of an oscillator. They said it would only cost their time, which would come to about $10k! for a morning session <<< in other words, "can only work if you have supply of bezzle dollars", ie, "only with scrip saying it's ok signed by stalin"
00:42 decimation yeah that sounds about right
00:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: if ussr were alive, perhaps he'd have defected. << a fine example of why the "one world, one fuhrer" delusion of government is unproductive.
00:45 mircea_popescu ah look, he says so the next line himself :p
00:46 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: (how to know that schwartz (or taleb, or...) collects 'prize' rather than usg stooge with a shannonizer and irc connection - exercise for alert reader.) <<< if you recall something sort-of like that was tried, except this "major prize" approach is flawed as you explain. so, better version was tried :)
00:55 decimation heh "The city voters—especially German Americans—overwhelmingly rejected the free-silver cause out of conviction that it would lead to economic disaster, unemployment, and higher prices. The diversified farmers of the Midwest and East opposed it as well, but the cotton farmers in the South and the wheat farmers in the West were enthusiastic for free silver. " http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_silver
00:55 assbot Free silver - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
00:56 decimation yet another reason why the germans in the us had to be de-kulaked
~ 42 minutes ~
01:38 asciilifeform plain old ruins << re: the ones pictured in linked blog. though surprising quantities of goodies in some.
01:39 asciilifeform better version was tried << gurlz pulsating on camera ?
01:39 asciilifeform or was there another 'try'
01:43 asciilifeform re: provenance & physics thread - anyone unfamiliar with the story of blondlot and 'n-rays' is invited to read about it.
01:44 asciilifeform (for nontechnical types, klotz's 'diamond dealers and feather merchants' has an excellent basic account.)
01:47 asciilifeform 'free silver' << the fiat camel's nose in the american tent. not sure how to avoid this conclusion.
01:49 Bet placed: 1 BTC for No on "Bitcoin to drop under $350 before November" http://bitbet.us/bet/1034/ Odds: 43(Y):57(N) by coin, 43(Y):57(N) by weight. Total bet: 2.13075596 BTC. Current weight: 99,516.
01:51 asciilifeform I don't know that they can be built << lol, anything that was built, can be built.
01:57 asciilifeform provenance << isn't about the differing principle of the proposed tester. it's about the fact experiment doesn't count if carried out wholly on apparatus constructed by a 'non-disinterested' party
01:58 asciilifeform and will never be replicated on a 'disinterested' apparatus because this means essentially all practicing 'physicists' get blondlot-ed.
02:00 asciilifeform this story concerned more than a quarrel between a weirdo chemist and the whole of usg/nato 'physics'
02:01 asciilifeform it's really a typical death-rattle of the civilization.
02:02 asciilifeform there isn't, as far as i understand, a 'fix'.
02:02 asciilifeform perhaps intelligent roaches or marmosets will carry out 'schwartz's' experiment after we're through.
02:03 decimation asciilifeform: is the death-rattle the gridlock caused by bureaucracy replacing science?
02:03 asciilifeform don't blame the murder on the maggots.
02:03 asciilifeform they just happen to eat corpses, it's in their job description.
02:04 asciilifeform there's not a 'ready-canned' answer for why rome bit it
02:04 asciilifeform why expect one - for us.
02:05 asciilifeform but to attribute death to the graveworms - is a mistake.
02:05 decimation decay from 'rule by men to the bureaucratic state was definitely on the list
02:06 asciilifeform symptom.
02:06 asciilifeform (of what? if we knew, there'd be at least a hypothetical pill.)
02:08 asciilifeform thus far all we know is that civilizations behave like ms-winblows boxes - encrusts with turdolade until grinds to a halt, then reboot.
02:09 RagnarDanneskjol what do you assume to be the root cause ascii? (besides societal mental atrophy)
02:09 decimation heh turdolade. yeah I guess the bureaucracy really exploded with Diocletian, but things had already been going badly for at least a hundred years
02:09 asciilifeform RagnarDanneskjol: i don't regard it as a proven fact that there necessarily is a 'root cause.'
02:09 decimation plus the chinese bureaucracy lasted for hundreds of years per reboot cycle
02:10 RagnarDanneskjol well there must be some likely culprits
02:10 asciilifeform institutions of every kind decay in well-documented ways.
02:11 decimation one answer: wealth and power sow the seeds of their own destruction, in the avarice and sloth of the new generations
02:11 asciilifeform eventually immune system collapses, the proverbial 'eastern hordes water their horses in the rhine.'
02:13 decimation another answer: when power is passed to the new generation, it tends to be divided rather than concentrated - in the end the franchise is extended to every human and his dog, and no one is really in charge
02:14 decimation mongol hordes appear on the border - giving not one wit about the current power structure - and pillage as they see fit
02:14 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i really don't think its as political as all that.
02:15 asciilifeform to stretch the metaphor a bit, sometimes the moribund get a stay of execution, when the horde grows terminally fat before it can reach the capital.
02:15 mircea_popescu decimation basically, it was a new immigrant vs old immigrant debate. the old guys had savings and wanted to keep them. the new guys had mortgages and wanted to get rid of them.
02:16 asciilifeform !s harpagon
02:16 assbot 2 results for 'harpagon' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=harpagon
02:16 mircea_popescu no but srsly, i can see perfectly valid reasons to not trust measurements made by new guys on new tools.
02:16 asciilifeform very.
02:16 mircea_popescu for that matter, recall the story of the milikan pious fraud i think it was ?
02:16 asciilifeform this is why the tale should terrify people
02:16 mircea_popescu where the original measurement was wildly wrong,
02:16 asciilifeform because it's about death.
02:17 asciilifeform yes, that.
02:17 mircea_popescu and the subsequent ones didn't spread out but converged ?
02:17 asciilifeform correct.
02:17 mircea_popescu right. this was accidental, not the result of conspiraci, ie, political organising.
02:17 asciilifeform no organization in the usual sense needed.
02:17 asciilifeform forget who - used term 'prospiracy'
02:18 asciilifeform like,
02:18 asciilifeform http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=29-08-2014#814531
02:19 assbot Logged on 29-08-2014 05:11:06; decimation: the thing is, Admiral McCain probably didn't have to issue any special instructions to 'finesse' the investigation, the investigators probably all thought it would be a brilliant plan
02:19 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> (of what? if we knew, there'd be at least a hypothetical pill.) << the public appetite for personal humiliation decays, and with it, the possibility of life.
02:19 asciilifeform thing is, nobody cancelled appetite for, e.g, death - 'mortido!'
02:19 asciilifeform but not channelled usefully.
02:20 mircea_popescu that seems to me a hollow analogy.
02:20 mircea_popescu there really isn't a "counterbalance" to libiod.
02:20 asciilifeform appetite for humiliation, i.e. risk ?
02:20 mircea_popescu (something needs to push rocks up in the air, and the space station too. what's needed to push them down ?)
02:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform consider the life and deeds of gabrielle, a buxom blonde girl.
02:21 mircea_popescu when she's 16, she runs out of school (for which she risks a reprimand) and hides behind the bleachers to... kiss (for which she risks quite a lot of societal shunning)
02:22 mircea_popescu when she's 36 she follows the workplace rules.
02:22 mircea_popescu her appetite for humiliation has dwindled.
02:22 asciilifeform appetite - or opportunity.
02:22 mircea_popescu she is a "wiser woman" now. happily married now. at her place in life now. well...
02:23 asciilifeform aha empty carapace
02:23 * asciilifeform spotted a cicada in garden today, and thought of mircea_popescu's post about parenting
02:24 mircea_popescu society in general and civilisation in particular is predicated on making sense of the world, which readily reduces to avoiding being humiliated. this is fine and dandy until it actually works.
02:24 mircea_popescu but if you ever wondered why towards the end of an epoch art moves from classical to trollage... well... art is a sort of societal immune system.
02:24 asciilifeform i always use the term 'calmed down' for these people. starting from having played 'half life', where there is a scene of an einsteinesque white coated figure who gets an alien 'headcrab' jump on his head. it takes roots, he struggles for a while, then 'calms down' and ambles on as zombie.
02:25 mircea_popescu except the crab doesn't go on the head
02:25 mircea_popescu more like, on the cunt.
02:25 asciilifeform lol
02:26 xmj moin.
02:27 mircea_popescu http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/6738/33213654.183/0_a1ede_331c5f32_L.jpg << i like this one
02:28 asciilifeform lol, still on the trolley even.
02:28 mircea_popescu http://www.janesoceania.com/oceania_cult/Cargocultplane.jpg compareand contrast.
02:28 decimation is that a V1?
02:28 mircea_popescu there's no distinguishing sufficiently advanced tech from magic, nor sufficiently decayed tech from faith.
02:28 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/0HCR5DM.txt )
02:28 asciilifeform !b 1
02:30 mircea_popescu decimation nah, soviet hardware
02:30 mircea_popescu http://lana-sator.livejournal.com/209537.html
02:30 assbot , , , ... 18+ - ""
02:31 xmj I think my brain just snowcrashed.
02:31 asciilifeform obligatory:
02:31 asciilifeform 'We understand automobiles. There are no homeopathic automobile repair shops, that try to repair your car by putting infinitesimal dilutions of rust in the gas tank. There are no automotive faith healers, who lay their hands on the hood and pray. People reserve such superstitions for things that they don’t understand very well, such as the human body… … Superstitions arise because we don’t understand. I
02:31 asciilifeform f this trend continues, we may soon see homeopathic computer repair. Perhaps it will consist of adding a virus to a program, deleting the virus, and then running the program. You may soon be able to take your laptop to a faith healer, who will lay his hands on the keyboard and pray for the recovery of the operating system. Is this the future of computing? Or can we instead build on the idea that a computer progr
02:31 asciilifeform am is a mathematical object that can be understood through logic?'
02:31 mircea_popescu xmj how's that go ?
02:31 asciilifeform -- lamport's 'The Future of Computing: Logic or Biology?'
02:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: linked post reveals that rocket is a 'size and mass model' (i.e. dummy.)
02:33 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i can attest the faith healing already happens, in those sad sad caves where middle aged women huddle to stroke their collective pretending to be part of civilisation.
02:33 asciilifeform happens also at computer shops, yes
02:33 asciilifeform or perhaps you meant those.
02:34 mircea_popescu govt offices, newspaper offices, phone pharms, i seen it everwhere.
02:34 asciilifeform 'Внутри более сохранившегося командного пункта разрушения изрядные, а обстановка мрачная - кто-то разодрал аппаратуру и жег кабели прямо на месте, отчего стены и потолки покрыты копотью'
02:35 mircea_popescu knew a camwhore who slept with her laptop because the one time she didn't it felt snubbed and wouldn't work right the whole day.
02:35 decimation except I was reading Dijkstra in "structured programming" and he wrote that it was hopeless to try to "prove" practical code. He did suggest that this is a reason for humility and simplicity.
02:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00086242 = 14.3162 BTC [+]
02:35 asciilifeform 'in the better-preserved command post the destruction is substantial, and the atmosphere morose - someone tore apart the machinery, and burned the cables right where they lay - from which the walls and ceiling were covered in soot.'
02:35 mircea_popescu The20YearIRCloud: i've been off reading physics articles trying to grasp things and lost the conversation << should probably be the motto of b-a
02:36 asciilifeform why burned cables? i can say right now. copper dealer doesn't pay for rubber - only copper.
02:36 mircea_popescu obviously thieves yea
02:36 mircea_popescu decimation for simplicity at any rate.
02:36 mircea_popescu decimation: it is probably terrible to become an object of some fad among elites today << you know, i'm a poststructuralist jus' fine.
02:37 mircea_popescu is it evident ?
02:37 asciilifeform decimation: who listened to dijkstra. academics - good joke. programmers - ha.
02:38 decimation reminds me of teufelsberg: http://www.abandonedberlin.com/2010/06/teufelsberg-abandoned-spy-station.html
02:38 assbot Teufelsberg (Abandoned spy station) | Abandoned Berlin
02:41 mircea_popescu decimation: yeah that's a good point. I think the money is less important than the relative status, which is less important than just getting people to defer to their betters quickly << no, not quickly. painfully.
02:41 mircea_popescu that's the point there.
02:42 mircea_popescu the "no pain, no gain" equation holds all sorts of critical, unexpected applications.
02:42 xmj mircea_popescu: slept ~17h tonight. slept most of yesterday... (well, powernaps in IST airport and plane)
02:42 mircea_popescu maybe it's the tse tse
02:43 decimation mircea_popescu: hormesis: "it's okay for you (and society)" http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/220309.php
02:43 assbot High Altitude Boosts Longevity And Reduces Risk Of Dying Of Ischemic Heart Disease - Medical News Today
02:44 mircea_popescu "In one of the most comprehensive studies of its kind, researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine in partnership with the Harvard School of Global Health have found that people living at higher altitudes have a lower chance of dying from ischemic heart disease and tend to live longer than others."
02:44 mircea_popescu "experiment" studies people who already did live there. helpful o.O
02:44 mircea_popescu in other news, people living in africa get less sunstroke.
02:45 asciilifeform !s married grow taller
02:45 assbot 1 results for 'married grow taller' : http://search.bitcoin-assets.com/?q=married+grow+taller
02:45 mircea_popescu "We all act as though we're immortal until we get sick, and then we
02:45 mircea_popescu want the cure now! And when we don't get it, we look for a witch to
02:45 mircea_popescu blame, because witch-hunting is something the human brain does
02:45 mircea_popescu naturally. Certainly it naturally sucks at doing science; much
02:45 mircea_popescu unnatural training is required for that. But gossiping and
02:45 mircea_popescu witch-finding and crime-solving and conspiracy-theories -- that really
02:45 mircea_popescu gets the heart going. I see it has yours going, when the science was
02:45 mircea_popescu really boring! Which is to you say, you're a typical human female."
02:46 mircea_popescu ouch.
02:46 mircea_popescu the typical woman female being ariana huffington.
02:47 decimation interestingly the western states that are bathed in radiation from the sun & uranium from the ground have the lowest cancer rates (yes there are confounders) http://www.cdc.gov/cancer/dcpc/data/state.htm
02:47 assbot CDC - Cancer - Data and Statistics - Cancer Rates by State
02:47 xmj Women.
02:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12595 @ 0.00086242 = 10.8622 BTC [+]
02:47 asciilifeform http://fotki.yandex.ru/next/users/haematique/album/150002/view/663491 << lol at double-stencil
02:47 assbot .
02:47 xmj To me, science comes naturally.
02:47 xmj But then..
02:48 xmj http://www.iancommunity.org/cs/understanding_research/extreme_male_brain
02:48 assbot The "Extreme Male Brain": An Explanation for Autism? | Interactive Autism Network
02:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22255 @ 0.00085578 = 19.0454 BTC [-] {2}
02:49 asciilifeform we all like to laugh at 'witch hunt' except - we have witches. who you gonna call.
02:50 mircea_popescu <xmj> To me, science comes naturally. << know anyone who actually is of this opinion ?
02:51 xmj A great many friends, yes
02:52 xmj all on the autistic spectrum
02:52 mircea_popescu well, any of them actual scientists ?
02:52 mircea_popescu not aspiring, scientists-in-training, etc.
02:53 xmj most entrepreneurs
02:53 mircea_popescu yeah, well, maybe you shouldn't trust that too far then.
02:53 xmj yeah, well, maybe you have no idea what you're talking about :)
02:54 mircea_popescu how;s that work ?
02:54 xmj entrepreneurship pays more than research (postgrad) positions
02:54 asciilifeform what it even means, 'it comes naturally'
02:54 asciilifeform for instance, shitting comes naturally
02:54 mircea_popescu science comes easy to you according to yourself, some friends that are into business and this is somehow my problem ?
02:55 asciilifeform most people, if well fed, will produce the requisite pile of shit with very little active work on their part.
02:55 xmj you do not get it.
02:55 asciilifeform this means - comes naturally.
02:55 mircea_popescu yes, not getting "it" comes naturally to me.
02:55 asciilifeform xmj: so what kind of pile you produce?
02:57 asciilifeform sleep - also comes naturally.
02:57 * asciilifeform off to comes naturally
02:58 * decimation agrees, follows suit
03:00 xmj note to self, ignore mircea_popescu on most any discussions as unhelpful
~ 17 minutes ~
03:18 mircea_popescu im very helpful according to most people i know! HELPING COMES NATURALLY TO ME
03:18 * RagnarDanneskjol wonders why help is expected during the course of normal discussion
03:18 RagnarDanneskjol http://topr.online.ucf.edu/index.php/Setting_Discussion_Expectations
03:18 assbot Setting Discussion Expectations - Pedagogical Repository
03:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11850 @ 0.00085634 = 10.1476 BTC [+]
03:40 RagnarDanneskjol https://people.csail.mit.edu/nickolai/papers/vandenhooff-versum.pdf
03:41 RagnarDanneskjol (VerSum: Verifiable Computations over Large Public Logs)
~ 15 minutes ~
03:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.00086491 = 9.2545 BTC [+] {2}
~ 53 minutes ~
04:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13552 @ 0.00086527 = 11.7261 BTC [+]
05:05 RagnarDanneskjol !up RagnarsBitch
~ 15 minutes ~
05:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5350 @ 0.00085962 = 4.599 BTC [-]
05:32 chetty My dear,How are you? i am a banker in the bank, i get your contact from yahoo terrorist search.Reason,i am in need of your help as a foreigner i want to transfer an abandoned $15million to your account 40% for you while 60% for me please indicate your interest for more detail.
05:33 mircea_popescu lol moving up in the world.
05:35 chetty cheeky, starting off with my dear :P
05:36 mircea_popescu i think someone put "my dear" for "hello" in some sort of 1970s azn manual of english
05:36 mircea_popescu it's suspiciously too common.
05:36 mircea_popescu britishism
05:38 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18300 @ 0.00085489 = 15.6445 BTC [-] {2}
05:45 chetty http://www.ruv.is/frett/fresh-eruption-north-of-bardarbunga-video
05:45 assbot Fresh eruption north of Bardarbunga -video | RV
~ 1 hours 4 minutes ~
06:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15498 @ 0.00085352 = 13.2279 BTC [-]
06:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2852 @ 0.00085268 = 2.4318 BTC [-]
06:59 mircea_popescu hot stuff.
~ 25 minutes ~
07:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 2000 @ 0.00054999 = 1.1 BTC [+] {2}
07:36 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
07:36 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 491.48, Best ask: 492.99, Bid-ask spread: 1.51000, Last trade: 493.01, 24 hour volume: 5792.89372358, 24 hour low: 484.95, 24 hour high: 505.12, 24 hour vwap: 496.502818151
~ 42 minutes ~
08:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4112 @ 0.00085861 = 3.5306 BTC [+]
~ 20 minutes ~
08:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29600 @ 0.00086174 = 25.5075 BTC [+] {2}
08:49 penguirker New blog post: http://trilema.com/2014/minigame-smg-august-2014-statement/
~ 39 minutes ~
09:29 kakobrekla dense log. nice.
~ 59 minutes ~
10:29 mircea_popescu stop being unhelpful kako :D
~ 1 hours 1 minutes ~
11:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15294 @ 0.00086313 = 13.2007 BTC [+]
~ 29 minutes ~
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HMF] [PAID] 5.05816000 BTC to 63`227 shares, 8000 satoshi per share
12:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] [PAID] 5.00000000 BTC to 50`000 shares, 10000 satoshi per share
12:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 11.99437484 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 1043 satoshi per share
12:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23572 @ 0.00086536 = 20.3983 BTC [+] {2}
12:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.60389450 BTC to 15`210 shares, 10545 satoshi per share
~ 21 minutes ~
12:26 assbot MolokoDesk +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
12:29 kakobrekla !up MolokoDesk
~ 17 minutes ~
12:47 asciilifeform http://cluborlov.blogspot.com/2014/08/how-can-you-tell-whether-russia-has.html << mega-lol
12:47 assbot ClubOrlov: How can you tell whether Russia has invaded Ukraine?
12:53 ben_vulpes <The20YearIRCloud> And it's hard to judge when that will be, otherwise I do believe our model hedges well against USD collapse, and any major problems << good old belief in the hedge.
12:54 ben_vulpes i bet that model has yet to be...modeled.
12:54 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: see also yesterday's discussion of 'hedging' against collapse using buried treasure.
12:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4173 @ 0.00086556 = 3.612 BTC [+]
12:55 ben_vulpes more like an unkempt bush than any sort of a hedge
13:08 * ben_vulpes goes off to come naturally
13:22 jurov asciilifeform re:orlov it's similar as russian police completely ignoring tortures of gays...if they aren't complicit actively, then it isn't massacre?
13:22 jurov if invasion must mean full scale involvement?
13:22 ben_vulpes http://www.live5news.com/story/26319685/cops-summerville-high-school-student-arrested-after-writing-threatening-message-on-assignment
13:22 assbot Police, lawyer release statements on student's alleged dinosaur - Live5News.com | Charleston, SC | News, Weather, Sports
13:24 chetty Is there a secret drug in the US water that destroys common sense?
13:25 Apocalyptic chetty, one might come to think there must be
13:28 punkman it's all that fluoride :P
13:29 jurov don't be naive people, common sense is an euphemism
13:31 kakobrekla http://temp.vasilius.com/ebook/cuckoo_egg.pdf
13:38 jurov http://www.forbes.com/sites/robertwood/2014/08/28/u-s-hikes-fee-to-renounce-citizenship-by-422/
13:38 assbot U.S. Hikes Fee To Renounce Citizenship By 422% - Forbes
13:40 xmj jurov: there was this other state that taxed its citizens who wanted to move out.
13:40 xmj well mostly the jewish citizens, and the tax was almost 100%.
13:40 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: state of the art is probably (cloth-based) paper under inert gas. << Seems to be the case. Ink is another concern as well.
13:43 chetty <xmj> well mostly the jewish citizens, and the tax was almost 100%.// this isnt even the taxes (thats more) this is just a processing fee
13:44 xmj yyyyeah
13:44 xmj that's what they said, too
13:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35700 @ 0.00086567 = 30.9044 BTC [+] {2}
13:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9650 @ 0.00086313 = 8.3292 BTC [-]
14:03 ben_vulpes today i learned that the html date field doesn't support placeholders
14:05 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.0008617 = 15.5968 BTC [-] {2}
14:06 BingoBoingo https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-zETmzcHDkg8/U_vUCxD0c6I/AAAAAAAAIy8/28PFGYIJ5Pg/s1600/Funniest_Memes_my-friend-who-works-at-a-pharmacy_4250.jpeg
14:10 ben_vulpes to js or to not js...
14:13 asciilifeform 2-3k usd is chump change for folks who can otherwise afford to escape, though
14:14 gernika Where is a good place to escape to?
14:14 asciilifeform quite likely a great many escapees were paying more than this just in extraterritorial tax
14:15 asciilifeform gernika: bad question. see earlier discussion of 'usable' machines. no such thing as 'good place' any more than 'usable interface.'
14:18 asciilifeform gernika: it is almost like asking publicly 'what's a good place to bury treasure' (see also earlier discussion of this)
14:20 chetty <asciilifeform> gernika: bad question. see earlier discussion of 'usable' machines. no such thing as 'good place' any more than 'usable interface.'//+++
14:21 asciilifeform it's interesting how people ask questions that have this bizarre presumption of sameness baked in
14:22 asciilifeform no one asks 'what's a good place to buy beer', everyone seems to understand that 'it depends'
14:22 asciilifeform but 'where to escape' - always, they ask.
14:22 ben_vulpes if one has more than several hundred thousand US there are more taxes than just the expatriation fee.
14:23 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: afaik, there's a confiscatory asset tax
14:23 asciilifeform nazi-style
14:23 ben_vulpes ah, i guess its > 2mil in assets or 157K+ for five years running
14:23 ben_vulpes best to own nothing
14:24 asciilifeform easier now than ever.
14:24 * ben_vulpes puts the fiat assets in lady v's name
14:24 asciilifeform ben_vulpes intends to escape alone ?
14:25 ben_vulpes creating noise
14:26 chetty the fees and taxes have increased a lot in the last ten years, as has the difficulty for us citizens living elsewhere, it will get worse
14:27 The20YearIRCloud ben_vulpes: low leverage on real estate bought at a value has done well in every crash in the US, including the 1930s depression era
14:27 asciilifeform plus it isn't clear that paying the 'legit' fees gets you anything in the long run. who's gonna force usg to honour the cancellations when they decide not to? the devil ?
14:29 ben_vulpes i honestly don't even see the point of expatriation
14:29 asciilifeform if the place you fled to is in the habit of letting in u.s. polizei and looks away when they stuff people into a flying gasenwagen for return to gulag - what difference does it make that you paid the ransom? they can always demand a greater ransom, retroactively.
14:29 ben_vulpes don't outrun bear, be a less visible target than others
14:29 ben_vulpes 'course, hanging here doesn't help much with that.
14:30 asciilifeform the point can be any number of things. e.g, getting out of the range of kingdom of aztlan's field artillery.
14:30 asciilifeform (what's that? check back in 20 yrs.)
14:31 chetty better chance of a bank account elsewhere if you are not a us citizen
14:32 asciilifeform until 'citizenship is for life act of 2018' etc.
14:32 asciilifeform (how? only a matter of time when some idiot pays the cancellation fee and then changes his mind - like, famously, lee harvey oswald)
14:33 asciilifeform he sues to have the cancellation voided, and then creates precedent, which will be cemented by legislature
14:33 asciilifeform 'save our misguided stray flock abroad!'
14:37 ben_vulpes legislature surely will have more interesting things on their hands.
14:37 asciilifeform what could be more interesting than effective dekulakization and deterrence of republikflucht.
14:38 chetty hmm maybe not, they would lose all the fees for renounce ..
14:39 ben_vulpes deterrence i get, but chasing those already flown?
14:39 asciilifeform people have asked me why haven't escaped, and i answer 'i haven't $xx mil.' to which, eyes bug out, and i have to explain 'a real escape means retrieval is not simply legally, but militarily uneconomical.'
14:39 chetty legal is pointless ..
14:40 asciilifeform correct. legal is whatever the present-day whim of usg is.
14:41 asciilifeform 'escape' means there's a missile battery (or, at the threadbare minimum, 24/7 death squad) standing between usg and you.
14:42 asciilifeform folks could escape from germany in, e.g, 1939 to - usa, which put an ocean and two navies between enemy and their arse
14:43 asciilifeform escaping from usg today to just about anywhere is more like - escaping to poland in '39.
14:45 asciilifeform very few of the 'escapees' seem to fully apprehend the megalomaniacal evil they're running from.
14:46 chetty there is actually a place that named itself 'galts gulch', boy is that hiding :P
14:47 asciilifeform and those escapees who draw their daily bread from a bank account under 'international community' jurisdiction (that being all save possibly chicom & russian) are merely taking a very expensive prolonged vacation.
14:47 asciilifeform which may well come to an abrupt end when a monkey finally receives an order to zero their balance.
14:50 chetty yeah bringing the children home isn{t all that hard, zero the balance and give em a plane ticket
14:50 chetty and they will come home, wagging their tails behind them
14:52 asciilifeform so, formula is: 'don't own. if you own, don't admit it. if you admit it, don't write about it. if you own and admit and write, don't sign your name. if you own, admit, write, and sign name, don't be surprised.' (apologies to rev. t. reese.)
14:52 asciilifeform (original - 'Do not think. If you think — do not speak. If you think and speak — do not write. If you think, speak and write — do not sign. If you think, speak, write and sign — don't be surprised.')
14:54 chetty but 2+2 has always been 5, we have always been at war with oceanana or was that eurasia ..
14:55 xmj doublethink is powerful.
14:58 punkman http://www.darpa.mil/Our_Work/I2O/Programs/Mining_and_Understanding_Software_Enclaves_%28MUSE%29.aspx
14:58 assbot Mining and Understanding Software Enclaves (MUSE)
~ 19 minutes ~
15:18 oglafbot http://oglaf.com/battledress/
15:18 assbot Battledress
15:19 asciilifeform 'a sparrow flew in the winter, froze and fell down. a cow strolled by. shat out some dung, splat! - and covered sparrow. he warmed up and began to chirp. a cat strolled by, heard chirping, removed sparrow, and ate him. From this tale, three morals: not he is your enemy who plants you down in shit; not he is your friend who removes you from shit; when sitting in shit - shut up, don't chirp.' - soviet folktale.
15:21 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( http://dpaste.com/3YSK2CG.txt )
15:21 kakobrekla !b 1
15:21 kakobrekla saved.
15:28 chetty asciilifeform, first time I heard that one, great!!!
15:28 asciilifeform chetty: it's a classic. from it comes the admonition, often repeated to 'discontented' folks there, 'shut up, sit, don't chirp'
15:29 chetty well that kinda misses the point, but oh well
15:29 punkman instant #b-a classic
15:29 asciilifeform lol
15:38 nubbins` hi
15:39 nubbins` https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=756955.msg8614004#msg8614004
15:39 assbot [PRE-ORDER] "What is Bitcoin?" silkscreened posters [9/50 left]
15:39 nubbins` more pictures, only 9 left
15:43 ben_vulpes is that a chrysalis at the bottom in the face?
15:47 ben_vulpes nubbins`:
15:48 nubbins` it's a sleeping-bag hammock, the stitching is in the next layer :D
15:53 jurov lol chrysalis
15:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15350 @ 0.00086073 = 13.2122 BTC [-] {3}
16:04 punkman why a sleeping bag hammock?
16:05 nubbins` because hammocks are comfortable, and it's snowing on the right side of the page
~ 18 minutes ~
16:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24300 @ 0.00086031 = 20.9055 BTC [-]
16:24 BingoBoingo http://samsclass.info/125/proj11/LSU-HIPAA.htm
16:24 assbot Illegal Retaliation by LSU for HIPAA Violation Complaint
16:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34714 @ 0.00085538 = 29.6937 BTC [-] {3}
16:35 ben_vulpes noice
16:38 assbot midnightmagic +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
16:38 BingoBoingo !up midnightmagic
16:38 midnightmagic doh
16:44 BingoBoingo http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/archives/
16:44 assbot Archive | Bingo Blog
16:58 asciilifeform 'In Courtroom 478, property owners are instructed to sign in and indicate with a checkmark on the sign-in sheet the kind of property they are there to save. The sign-in sheet lists the following categories of property: "house," "car," "money," or "gun." ... Assistant district attorneys with the Public Nuisance Task Force fully control the proceedings inside "Courtroom" 478. There is no judge, no jury, and not ev
16:58 asciilifeform en a court reporter to transcribe these "public hearings."'
16:58 asciilifeform (loltron, http://cryptome.org/2014/08/phila-da-forfeiture-lawsuit-axisphilly.pdf)
16:59 asciilifeform 'Prosecutors routinely continue and relist civil-forfeiture cases and they unilaterally determine whether any documentation provided by the property owner is sufficient.'
17:05 TheNewDeal ;;bc,stats
17:05 gribble Current Blocks: 318506 | Current Difficulty: 2.38446700388033E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 318527 | Next Difficulty In: 21 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 2 hours, 38 minutes, and 19 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 27353776597.8 | Estimated Percent Change: 14.71652
17:07 TheNewDeal !up anduck
17:07 Anduck TheNewDeal: sup
17:07 TheNewDeal Hey did you ever do business with usagi
17:08 TheNewDeal Was wondering if he is reputable
17:08 Anduck possibly, possibly you've asked me befor.
17:08 Anduck i do not know about his businesses really.
17:08 TheNewDeal Ahh my bad
17:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6800 @ 0.00086215 = 5.8626 BTC [+]
17:21 ben_vulpes TheNewDeal: is usagi trying to get you to do biz with him?
17:22 TheNewDeal Not explicitly. He was bragging off hand
17:22 TheNewDeal Trying dig through the wot for some practice
17:22 TheNewDeal To*
17:24 TheNewDeal Have you had any first person experience with him ben?
17:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18250 @ 0.00086228 = 15.7366 BTC [+]
17:31 ben_vulpes (you can tab-complete my name to ping me, btw TheNewDeal)
17:31 ben_vulpes and not personally. i don't do this crazy asset dance - i just build shit and acquire btc.
17:32 ben_vulpes nubbins` actually inspired me on the topic, although he still does the numismatic thing
17:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20704 @ 0.00086134 = 17.8332 BTC [-]
17:36 ben_vulpes let the permanent record permanently reflect that i permanently have no btc though despite all my best efforts to the contrary
17:38 * asciilifeform barely even knows what btc smells like.
17:40 kakobrekla Bit coin, Where it is registered? can i have a clear picture about Bitcoin?
17:41 TheNewDeal Need to find ky own production avenue yet...
17:41 asciilifeform kakobrekla: stop chirping & buy usa taxcoin (tm), terroriste.
17:41 kakobrekla :)
17:45 jurov paupercoin
17:45 jurov ftfm: pa(u)percoin
17:46 jurov ;;google paupercoin
17:46 gribble Dave's Cupboard: Lobster Slider Patties: <http://davescupboard.blogspot.com/2011/12/lobster-slider-patties.html>; Dave's Cupboard: December 2011: <http://davescupboard.blogspot.com/2011_12_01_archive.html>; Fictional products don't violate trademark laws - Boing Boing BBS: <http://bbs.boingboing.net/t/fictional-products-dont-violate-trademark-laws/39229>
17:47 jurov lol gribble got completely different stuff than me
17:47 jurov i got http://www.amazon.com/State-Commemorative-Quarters-Collectors-mints/dp/1441312315 as first result
17:47 assbot 50 State Commemorative Quarters Collector's Map (includes both mints!): Peter Pauper Press, David Lindroth: 9781441312310: Amazon.com: Books
17:48 kakobrekla gibbles personal search.
17:49 jurov when nobody's looking, gribble eats lobster patties
17:51 The20YearIRCloud but are the quarters GOLD PLATED?
17:51 TheNewDeal 2 atoms thick
17:53 jurov sry to break the news to you both... you'll have to collect them yourselves :)
17:53 jurov plated or not
17:53 The20YearIRCloud i can buy them from the franklin mint!
17:56 jurov sub-units of the crown made of aluminium, true paupercoins.
17:57 jurov but they were at least usable wherever round object was needed, with optional hole drilled
17:57 jurov <= 5 eurocents are copper plated steel
17:57 jurov will decay quickly if drilled
17:58 The20YearIRCloud most are going to copper/zinc/nickel plated steel
17:58 The20YearIRCloud canada got rid of real nickels in 82
~ 19 minutes ~
18:18 jurov http://www.elementsales.com/ecoins.htm interesting tidbits (asciilifeform: gallium coins too)
18:18 assbot Metallium, Inc: Rare, Exotic Metals and Elements for Sale - Element Coin Series -
18:25 mircea_popescu http://postimg.org/image/5mom3xh7x/ << meanwhile the wanna-be romanian msm is google advertising on my name.
18:25 assbot View image: google ads
18:25 mircea_popescu le lol.
18:28 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: more like an unkempt bush than any sort of a hedge. * ben_vulpes goes off to come naturally << irl lol.
18:28 mircea_popescu (virtually lolling comes easier to anyone)
18:29 mircea_popescu jurov: asciilifeform re:orlov it's similar as russian police completely ignoring tortures of gays...if they aren't complicit actively, then it isn't massacre? << this theory is appealing unless one stops to consider they were by this token complicit in the murder of whoever many million "tutsi"s whatever the fuck that may be, happening wherever the fuck that may have happened at some point nobody cared about.
18:30 jurov russian law does not concern the tutsis
18:30 jurov as compared to their own citizens
18:31 mircea_popescu yes but the point of contention there would be that according to the russian law, there exists no such thing as a gay russian citizen
18:31 jurov the point of contention was "this is not an invasion"
18:32 mircea_popescu law always and everywhere functioning as this device for the construction of a simplified world more or less based on the world as is
18:32 mircea_popescu i wouldn't trust orlov much furher than i can throw him tbh.
18:33 jurov and i got carried too far with similes
18:33 mircea_popescu "Because if Russia invaded on Thursday morning, this is what the situation on the ground would look like by Saturday afternoon." sounds suspiciously like "i am a potent man, if i had raped her she'd be pregnant. is she pregnant ? no ? well then!"
18:33 jurov guess i should think about sex too when coming up with argument :D
18:34 danielpbarron mircea_popescu, http://danielpbarron.com/DerpReport/ updated
18:34 assbot Derp Report
18:35 mircea_popescu jurov well see, if your simile revolves around sex (and being gay is all about sex innit) then sex is best considered all around. the old "never use an item you don't see the full contours of" engineering caveat.
18:35 mircea_popescu !up jdanks
18:37 mircea_popescu "Add to that the relentless radio chatter, all in Russian, which anyone who wants to can intercept, and the operation becomes impossible to hide." orly.
18:38 mircea_popescu asciilifeform btw, does orlov admit officially to russian military training as a strategist/analyst/whatevs ?
18:51 mircea_popescu assbot: U.S. Hikes Fee To Renounce Citizenship By 422% - Forbes << color me the transparent color of surprise.
18:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: orlov, at least according to his autobio, grew up in usa from late childhood on, same as i did.
18:53 mircea_popescu nah, i'm quite confident he went to school (mid level, nothing fancy).
18:53 mircea_popescu sorta the same way you can tell if this pinoy chick learned english with the nuns.
18:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: afaik he was an engineering student.
18:54 asciilifeform (where - i'm not certain.)
18:54 mircea_popescu no, i mean military school.
18:54 asciilifeform he would be flattered to hear this notion, i'm certain.
18:55 mircea_popescu nothing flattering about it, the military (all nations) has yet to have made a decent school. even the stuff they think is good stinks.
18:56 mircea_popescu which is quite why the regular beatings delivered to them by people who didn't go to school. engineering - a comparable line of work - doesn't suffer from this plague of "he's a voodoo plumber and well... his plumbing is actually better than ours"
18:57 mircea_popescu unless you credit the "here's the secret engineers hate : how a social media employed mom of three from kansas built a fusion reactor in her kitchen!" ads
18:59 mircea_popescu *: ben_vulpes puts the fiat assets in lady v's name << you plan on leaving her behind or something ?
18:59 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8664 @ 0.00085923 = 7.4444 BTC [-]
19:01 thestringpuller ben_vulpes is setting up his wife?
19:01 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes: creating noise << here's some noise for you : borrow as much as you can, to buy consumer items, then liquidate everything for cash, buy bitcoins and a plane ticket. wish everyone left behind good luck on your way out, what's an extra 100k they have to pay on your account on top of the 2 trn they have to pay for on bush's account and the 9 to 15 on obama's ?
19:02 mircea_popescu !up no_imagination
19:03 jurov he needs a passport first. preferably with rusty staples.
19:03 thestringpuller i thought you can't run away from your debt unless you defect?
19:03 mircea_popescu The20YearIRCloud: ben_vulpes: low leverage on real estate bought at a value has done well in every crash in the US, including the 1930s depression era <<< how about twelve oaks ? how well did outright owned property fare in the face of the carpetbagger ?
19:03 thestringpuller chetty told me she still pays US taxes and hasn't been there in like a decade
19:06 nubbins` <+ben_vulpes> nubbins` actually inspired me on the topic, although he still does the numismatic thing << gotta keep the shinies in circulation
19:06 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: plus it isn't clear that paying the 'legit' fees gets you anything in the long run. who's gonna force usg to honour the cancellations when they decide not to? the devil ? << this is the most germane point. i'd rather pay power Y to cancel my citizenship with power X than power X itself.
19:07 mircea_popescu a government can only be relied on to enforce an agreement when it's to your detriment, so makingany sort of reflexive agreement with a goverment makes no sense. the only sensible agreements one can make with governments is "how about you two fight".
19:08 nubbins` ^
19:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: people have asked me why haven't escaped, and i answer 'i haven't $xx mil.' to which, eyes bug out, and i have to explain 'a real escape means retrieval is not simply legally, but militarily uneconomical.' << let me tell you a story.
19:11 chetty well I dont have the fire power to hold off the gasenvagens, yet. So I file my taxes
19:11 mircea_popescu i once took a pretty girl off the hands of a better man, strictly for the reason that he was beset by this mental disease of "before x, must y. before y, must z, no less than k" and on it went. i was beset by no such issue and so i fucked the girl before he managed to satisfy the prerequisites to having the town council meeting that'd have decided if it was a good idea to turn over the covers in their marital bed.
19:11 mircea_popescu there's a lot of advantages to living dirty, dirt chief among them.
19:12 chetty how the heck can you call that a better man?
19:12 asciilifeform 'before x, y' is a professional disease of engineering types. might as well fault a sailor for walking bow-legged on land.
19:13 mircea_popescu just saying, no dog died of knowing too many tricks.
19:13 chetty <asciilifeform> 'before x, y' is a professional disease of engineering types. might as well fault a sailor for walking bow-legged on land.// +++++++++
19:13 mircea_popescu chetty im being facetious for sort.
19:13 mircea_popescu sport*
19:13 asciilifeform and the man who can y without x-ing is called an 'inventor' and has much fun.
19:13 mircea_popescu they always think being better men comes naturally to them.
19:14 chetty better belongs right in there with usability and other such nonsense
19:15 mircea_popescu "The Usability of Better Men, And Other Such Nonsense". should be a book.
19:15 asciilifeform 'the usability of the better man, comes naturally'
19:16 asciilifeform (how much fine derpatronics can be packed into one sentence? contest)
19:16 nubbins` the natural usability of the better man, or z>y>x
19:16 mircea_popescu ''
19:16 mircea_popescu I WIN :D!!1
19:16 asciilifeform lel
19:16 nubbins` heh
19:16 mircea_popescu "derp sees empty string, proceeds to supply wholly owned derpage, giving me infinity results"
19:16 mircea_popescu why did you think pokerface is even a thing.
19:17 asciilifeform if i had raped her she'd be pregnant. is she pregnant ? no << orlov's hypothetical portrait is based on the georgian cleanup
19:17 asciilifeform which went almost exactly as painted in his piece.
19:18 nubbins` shrem plead guilty
19:18 mircea_popescu more like, based on the rather naive expectation that since what he read in books he's seen irl, it must mean the books are wise.
19:18 asciilifeform the people in question have a marked habit of playing 'by the book'
19:19 cazalla mircea_popescu, posts for the week http://pastebin.com/W5kKqBVQ
19:19 assbot August 31, 2014 1. http://forums.overclockers.com.au/showpost.php?p=16284867& - Pastebin.com
19:20 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo http://media.oglaf.com/comic/battledress.jpg << the girl's tong is actually a torture device. even should it be natural silk, make a woman walk in that for an hour and see.
19:20 nubbins` "the last thing you want is everybody owning large amounts of bitcoins."
19:21 asciilifeform nah, next-to-last. the last thing is everybody flying atomic dirigibles, lasers blasting away.
19:21 mircea_popescu why ? sounds like fun.
19:22 asciilifeform lol
19:22 mircea_popescu From this tale, three morals: not he is your enemy who plants you down in shit; << if only they taught this, whip in hand, in us schools.
19:22 mircea_popescu it'd almost be enough to make me like the place.
19:23 nubbins` have a lel at my expense: http://imgur.com/ZywsJNl
19:23 assbot imgur: the simple image sharer
19:23 mircea_popescu chetty: asciilifeform, first time I heard that one, great!!! << and here i thought everyone knew that one.
19:23 cazalla misprints worth more nubbins` ?
19:23 nubbins` cazalla if only
19:23 asciilifeform i was almost certain somebody would pipe up, 'old hat'
19:23 mircea_popescu !lelbot deduct nubbins` a lel
19:23 nubbins` that's destined for life as a permanent test print
19:24 nubbins` maybe once some other cool shit gets layered down, it'll be a nice piece on its own
19:24 nubbins` <lelbot> your lel balance is currently zero, please try having a lel
19:25 * chetty isn't everyone
19:26 mircea_popescu chetty lol
19:26 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7582 @ 0.00085923 = 6.5147 BTC [-]
19:26 thestringpuller nubbins`: i'm sending payment now
19:26 thestringpuller ;;tickewr
19:26 gribble Error: "tickewr" is not a valid command.
19:26 thestringpuller ;;ticker
19:26 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 480.07, Best ask: 480.97, Bid-ask spread: 0.90000, Last trade: 480.98, 24 hour volume: 11019.20063541, 24 hour low: 473.33, 24 hour high: 504.75, 24 hour vwap: 487.010999602
19:26 nubbins` with only hours left on the clock!
19:26 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo: http://samsclass.info/125/proj11/LSU-HIPAA.htm << not bad. sam sounds just like the sort of guy that should be here.
19:26 assbot Illegal Retaliation by LSU for HIPAA Violation Complaint
19:26 thestringpuller I KNOW!
19:26 thestringpuller lolol
19:27 nubbins` buy a poster while you're at it
19:28 thestringpuller how much to I add to invoice for that?
19:28 nubbins` .11
19:28 thestringpuller ;;calc 0.2823 + .11
19:28 gribble 0.3923
19:28 thestringpuller ;;ident nubbins`
19:28 gribble Nick 'nubbins`', with hostmask 'nubbins`!~leel@stjhnf0157w-142163082159.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOP.nl.bellaliant.net', is identified as user 'nubbins`', with GPG key id CF2950F23C844002, key fingerprint 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002, and bitcoin address None
19:28 mircea_popescu http://www.ij.org/philadelphia-forfeiture-backgrounder << heh
19:28 assbot The Institute for Justice
19:28 thestringpuller roger :D
19:28 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: He's got some other gems http://samsclass.info/124/proj14/norton.htm Amazing the stuff you stumble into
19:28 assbot Norton v. Python
19:28 mircea_popescu it's right there in city hall, but let's pretend we don't know about it./
19:28 thestringpuller nubbins`:
19:28 thestringpuller sending now
19:29 thestringpuller 5735e854f041ecff815fc205addb73a183b7f2fd27eb16affae41896c25f6b99 << txid
19:29 mircea_popescu meanwhile, the last time a woman was raped was in 2005, back when the last guy could still get it up. but letr's all derp about rape
19:29 nubbins` tyvm
19:29 nubbins` should i sent poster to same address?
19:29 mircea_popescu The most terrifying place in Philadelphia is Courtroom 478 in City Hall. This is where property owners enter Philadelphia’s Civil Forfeiture Machine. Civil forfeiture is a little-known legal device that allows law enforcement officials to take your property, sell it and pocket the proceeds—even if you have done nothing wrong.
19:29 mircea_popescu Philadelphia’s automated, machine-like forfeiture scheme is unprecedented in size. From 2002 to 2012, Philadelphia took in over $64 million in forfeiture funds—or almost $6 million per year. In 2011 alone, the city’s prosecutors filed 6,560 forfeiture petitions to take cash, cars, homes and other property. The Philadelphia District Attorney’s office used over $25 million of that $64 million to pay salaries, inc
19:29 mircea_popescu luding the salaries of the very prosecutors who brought the forfeiture actions. This is almost twice as much as what all other Pennsylvania counties spent on salaries combined.
19:30 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-08-2014#817499
19:30 assbot Logged on 31-08-2014 20:58:05; asciilifeform: 'In Courtroom 478, property owners are instructed to sign in and indicate with a checkmark on the sign-in sheet the kind of property they are there to save. The sign-in sheet lists the following categories of property: "house," "car," "money," or "gun." ... Assistant district attorneys with the Public Nuisance Task Force fully control the proceedings inside "Courtroom" 478. There is no judge, no jury,
19:30 nubbins` imagine, a courtroom in city hall
19:30 asciilifeform more like a 'troika' than a court
19:31 mircea_popescu it contains no judge (not even one of those non-judge "magistrate" usg agents)
19:31 mircea_popescu so it's a courtroom only in the sense that... it isn't.
19:31 mircea_popescu a la america.
19:31 thestringpuller nubbins`: can you follow up with an invoice of the fee break down (shipping, shirt cost, poster cost etc. etc. etc.)?
19:31 thestringpuller ;;ident
19:31 gribble Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is not identified.
19:31 thestringpuller ;;eauth thestringpuller
19:31 gribble Request successful for user thestringpuller, hostmask thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net. Get your encrypted OTP from http://bitcoin-otc.com/otps/0FF2943DA179E169
19:32 mircea_popescu "As a result, the entire family was thrown out of the house for one week, even though Chris and his wife were never charged with or convicted of any wrongdoing. The family was allowed back in pending the outcome of their forfeiture proceeding, but only under the condition that they kick out their son and agree to waive their rights in any civil-forfeiture proceedings in the future. "
19:32 mircea_popescu this waiver for the future device...
19:32 thestringpuller ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:e110e07e0043a8f3de9b9d8f5e3dacabb843a7dd7e2eec5b4d6af109
19:32 gribble You are now authenticated for user thestringpuller with key 0FF2943DA179E169
19:32 thestringpuller ;;ident
19:32 gribble Nick 'thestringpuller', with hostmask 'thestringpuller!~leflor@99-39-97-12.lightspeed.tukrga.sbcglobal.net', is identified as user 'thestringpuller', with GPG key id 0FF2943DA179E169, key fingerprint 6ACE36E786F39A4ADC4506DE0FF2943DA179E169, and bitcoin address None
19:32 nubbins` thestringpuller: sure
19:33 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: the reason there's very little public noise about such proceedings presently is that the system is still in the 'punish relatives of враги народа' phase. (in the linked case, separated husband was convicted of dope dealing)
19:33 nubbins` iirc this whole thing of "waiving your rights" doesn't really exist in canada
19:33 nubbins` i mean, i'm sure there are some situations
19:34 nubbins` but let's say you sign a waiver at the rock climbing gym, rope breaks, neck breaks. waiver isn't worth the paper it's printed on
19:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform no dude, let's "raise awareness" about how niggers got to survive as an ethnic group (something most equally retarded pacific and red skin tribes did not) because they got transported by the dutch to slave in the us, and this happened centuries ago was a very bad thing.
19:34 mircea_popescu THAT needs more awareness.
19:34 asciilifeform ahaha
19:34 mircea_popescu the fact that the city hall has an office of theft does not.
19:34 thestringpuller nubbins`: why is the poster so expensive?
19:35 mircea_popescu pour some ice water on your head why dontcha. jesus god.
19:35 thestringpuller lol did I miss the 35 dollar mark or is it 15 for shipping?
19:35 nubbins` ~20 for shipping
19:35 nubbins` they're being flat-packed
19:35 thestringpuller Gotcha! just wondering.
19:35 thestringpuller If you could put all that in the final invoice that'd be dope as fuck appreciate doing business with you.
19:35 nubbins` only 8 left now, you got the early bird price ;D
19:36 thestringpuller oh and could you do a separate invoice for the commission that's in progress (the remaining balance etc.)
19:36 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal: Trying dig through the wot for some practice << not such a bad idea.
19:36 thestringpuller (i need a fucking project manager)
19:36 nubbins` sounds like i need a secretary
19:36 thestringpuller :D
19:36 thestringpuller YUP
19:36 thestringpuller movin' on up
19:36 thestringpuller to the delux apt in the sky
19:36 nubbins` ;;ident
19:36 gribble Nick 'nubbins`', with hostmask 'nubbins`!~leel@stjhnf0157w-142163082159.dhcp-dynamic.FibreOP.nl.bellaliant.net', is identified as user 'nubbins`', with GPG key id CF2950F23C844002, key fingerprint 5015BD3D0AE659C8B8632F31CF2950F23C844002, and bitcoin address None
19:36 nubbins` amt paid on portrait: $100. amt remaining: $350
19:37 nubbins` ^ invoice :D
19:37 thestringpuller http://log.bitcoin-assets.com/?date=31-08-2014#817723 << cool saving this
19:37 assbot Logged on 31-08-2014 23:36:55; nubbins`: amt paid on portrait: $100. amt remaining: $350
19:38 nubbins` ;;google i said it, i did it
19:38 gribble 1987 - Sam the Record Man - I Said It I Did It - YouTube: <http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EwoK5lXcZsY>; I SAID IT. I DID IT. | Sous Style: <http://sousstyle.com/2012/03/14/i-said-it-i-did-it/>; How y'all realer? If I said it, I did it – Writer's Block - Genius: <http://rap.genius.com/197789/Royce-da-59-writers-block/How-yall-realer-if-i-said-it-i-did-it>
19:38 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol btw, here's something you should be able to find : http://trilema.com/2014/smg-april-2014-statement/ (grep for "the first")
19:38 assbot S.MG, April 2014 Statement pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
19:38 midnightmagic It is not possible to waive fundamental rights in Canada. Certain other righs (such as moral rights in copyright law) also can't be legally waived or given away or signed away.
19:39 RagnarDanneskjol thank you. I'm on it
19:39 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: "no text found"
19:39 midnightmagic But lots of rights can be contracted or signed away or waived..
19:39 nubbins` there y'go, thanks mm
19:39 mircea_popescu thestringpuller make it case insensitive i guess ?
19:40 thestringpuller it is
19:40 thestringpuller grep -i "the first"
19:40 thestringpuller should i pipe raw html via curl?
19:40 nubbins` your grep is borken
19:40 mircea_popescu yeah you're doing something mistakenly wrong.
19:40 mircea_popescu relatedly : There was a young fellow named Brewer whose girl made her home in a sewer. Thus he, the poor soul, could get into her hole yet still be unable to screw her!
19:46 thestringpuller ;;ticker
19:46 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 477.02, Best ask: 478.19, Bid-ask spread: 1.17000, Last trade: 477.0, 24 hour volume: 11206.89568617, 24 hour low: 473.33, 24 hour high: 504.75, 24 hour vwap: 486.898965225
19:46 thestringpuller hoorah. dat dip.
19:46 asciilifeform http://www.nytimes.com/2014/08/28/us/police-shooting-kills-crew-member-working-for-reality-show-cops.html << mega-lol
19:47 assbot Log In - The New York Times
19:56 penguirker New blog post: http://thewhet.net/2014/use-your-nose/
~ 25 minutes ~
20:21 mircea_popescu asciilifeform lol the end of days.
20:21 mircea_popescu so meta.
~ 20 minutes ~
20:42 BingoBoingo Oh ben_vulpes nice'd up the Van-Ads preview
20:53 cazalla first day of spring and it rains
20:58 asciilifeform ;;later tell hanbot your blog comment box is broken. always 'error: must enter name and address'
20:58 gribble The operation succeeded.
20:59 asciilifeform ;;later tell hanbot here's my comment - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=aX5yprfH
20:59 gribble The operation succeeded.
21:05 dignork http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/ft/fandd/2014/09/blanchard.htm
21:05 assbot Where Danger Lurks -- Finance & Development, September 2014
21:06 dignork It ends with: "The main policy lesson is a simple one: Stay away from dark corners."
~ 22 minutes ~
21:29 mod6 %tslb
21:29 atcbot Time Since Last ATC Block: 1 hour(s), 23 minutes
21:34 BingoBoingo %v
21:34 atcbot [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 175 Ask: 221 Last Price: 175 30d-Vol: 1.61M 30d-High: 250 30d-Low: 170 30d-VWAP: 197
~ 33 minutes ~
22:07 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4400 @ 0.00085663 = 3.7692 BTC [+] {2}
22:14 mircea_popescu dignork i take the fact that Olivier Blanchard fucktard writes that whole piece without including the string "Taleb" as a personal insult.
22:14 mircea_popescu guy needs to go die in a fire, this world is not for him and his putrid ilk.
22:15 Bet created: "PPC >= .003 BTC in 2014" http://bitbet.us/bet/1037/
22:16 mircea_popescu the way that thing must read is "we, including myself personally, and the institution i work for - the imf - are a collection of contemptioble idiots with wholy unsupported delusions of cultural relevance and scientific rigour. fortunately for the world nassim taleb has been saying this for a long time ; unfortunately for the world we thought we knew better, like any clueless two bit scammer on an infamous web forum"
22:16 mircea_popescu that's the fucking intro. not whatever derpitude he comes up with.
22:17 BingoBoingo August could have been worse http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/08/31/august-atc-results/
22:21 penguirker New blog post: http://www.thedrinkingrecord.com/2014/08/31/august-atc-results/
22:21 Apocalyptic I suspect September would be worse though, since trading activity seems to be directly correlated with the mining pace
22:22 BingoBoingo Maybe?
22:22 The20YearIRCloud Anyone know offhand the median div return rate of mpoe?
22:22 Bet created: "Bitcoin price range November over $200" http://bitbet.us/bet/1038/
22:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3000 @ 0.00085841 = 2.5752 BTC [+] {2}
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3800 @ 0.00085629 = 3.2539 BTC [-]
22:47 nubbins` ;;view 21351
22:47 gribble #21351 Mon Aug 25 19:39:07 2014 nubbins` SELL 1.0 'What is Bitcoin?' silkscreened art print @ 35 USD (18x24", 5-color silkscreen on white Cougar acid-free paper, limited edition of 50, pre-order price only, shipping week of August 31, https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=756955.0)
22:47 nubbins` about to post pictures of finished print, now's your chance to get one cheap
22:50 mircea_popescu nubbins` i like what you're doing with the documenting the process.
22:51 nubbins` i don't take enough process pics, it's nice :D
22:51 nubbins` srsly find myself sitting next to a pile of completed posters, drooling over photos of same
22:51 mircea_popescu yeah.
22:51 mircea_popescu exactly what the internet is for
22:51 mircea_popescu we're stocked up on opining and whatnot.
22:52 nubbins` the time for action is here!
22:53 nubbins` ..is now!
~ 32 minutes ~
23:25 nubbins` https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=756955.msg8618397#msg8618397
23:25 assbot [PRE-ORDER] "What is Bitcoin?" silkscreened posters [8/50 left]
23:26 The20YearIRCloud cool
23:26 nubbins` mircea_popescu TheNewDeal kakobrekla railzand Blazedout419 artifexd thestringpuller The20YearIRCloud etc :D
23:27 ben_vulpes sleeping bag looks like a chrysalis standing in as a smiley face, the eyes for which are the flowers
23:27 The20YearIRCloud great thread
23:28 artifexd Very nice. Looking forward to putting that on my wall.
23:29 kakobrekla I asked what cops were in charge of the Internet.
23:29 kakobrekla "Damned if I know," Roy said. "But here's our policy, from here out: anyone
23:29 kakobrekla that's attacked, we tell them. I don't care if the hacker didn't get in, you call
23:29 kakobrekla them on the phone and tell them. Remember, keep this out of electronic mail. And
23:29 TheNewDeal Nice nubbins`. Wasnt that leaked earlier tonight
23:29 kakobrekla find out who the cops are."
23:30 The20YearIRCloud what's the assbot command to get user trust?
23:32 nubbins` TheNewDeal pics of the last color perhaps
23:32 nubbins` ben_vulpes: nice catch, the entire bottom half of the poster was originally going to be a huge smiling monster
23:33 nubbins` staring upwards into imagination land 8)
23:33 ben_vulpes good drugs, eh?
23:33 nubbins` the best
23:38 ben_vulpes oh god form validation
23:39 ben_vulpes my mind is reeling with permutations
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