Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-10-30 | 2013-11-01 →
00:00 Vexual asciilifeform I'm sure I can find some kids to collect car wheel balancing weights for a six pack of light beer
00:01 asciilifeform Vexual: best place to get astounding quantities of lead, cheaply, is... a boatyard.
00:02 asciilifeform or maybe not anymore, with prices being what they are. 'peak lead'...
00:03 BingoBoingo If you are brave enough to trek to Missouri there is still plenty in the rocks to be mined.
00:07 BingoBoingo Doing things the official way would be expensive, but guerilla lead mining might be economical.
00:13 mircea_popescu i used to have ~30kgs of lead soldiers
00:13 mircea_popescu strangely enough they weren't unsafe for kids back then
00:17 mircea_popescu somebody tell vragnaroda to come back
00:19 Vexual is that a vampire?
00:20 mircea_popescu just a naxi
00:23 Vexual badman nonetheless im guessing
00:23 mircea_popescu nah
00:24 Vexual im noot familiar with naxi
00:25 BingoBoingo Anyone here have a CoinBr invite code?
00:26 Vexual Xr8gh%!
00:26 mircea_popescu
00:26 ozbot Bitcoin TOP-500 Richest
00:26 mircea_popescu look who's back
00:27 Vexual im opening the shyrah soon
00:31 Vexual now that is the most delicoious smell anywhere
00:32 Vexual you can tell the winmaker made 10million percent mopre than the pickers
00:32 Vexual evily good
00:33 Vexual old vines
00:37 Vexual of course there are much older vine in europe
00:50 mircea_popescu $vwap s.mpoe
00:50 mpexbot mircea_popescu: S.MPOE 1 day: average: 0.0008168 high: 0.00082379 low: 0.00080585 volume: 105980 btc: 86.56439203 7 day: average: 0.0008168 high: 0.00082379 low: 0.00080585 volume: 105980 btc: 86.56439203 30 day: average: 0.00085145 high: 0.00094023 low: 0.00080585 volume: 1858684 btc: 1582.56985214
~ 24 minutes ~
01:15 BingoBoingo Sigh... The World Series BitBets can be resolved.
~ 22 minutes ~
01:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.BBET] 1805 @ 0.00046737 = 0.8436 BTC [-] {2}
~ 38 minutes ~
02:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2700 @ 0.00082278 = 2.2215 BTC [+] {3}
~ 37 minutes ~
02:53 Ademan Havelock still looks down :-/
~ 39 minutes ~
03:33 dub
03:33 ozbot What eating $115,000 in pig trotters reveals about Chinese local government debt – Quartz
03:33 dub wats asicminers trotter spend I wonder
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
04:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13450 @ 0.00082298 = 11.0691 BTC [+] {2}
~ 29 minutes ~
05:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3750 @ 0.00082371 = 3.0889 BTC [+]
05:26 BingoBoingo dub: Not sure. I've always found snoots to be a more delicious part of the pig.
05:32 dub cam't go past the belly
05:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 105 @ 0.00534998 = 0.5617 BTC [+] {3}
05:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 250 @ 0.00535 = 1.3375 BTC [+] {2}
05:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 35 @ 0.00535 = 0.1873 BTC [+]
05:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.61 = 1.22 BTC [+]
05:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 500 @ 0.00535 = 2.675 BTC [+]
05:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 86 @ 0.00535 = 0.4601 BTC [+]
05:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
05:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.61 = 1.22 BTC [+]
06:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
06:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
06:04 jurov ;;later tell mircea_popescu S.MPOE dividends?
06:04 gribble The operation succeeded.
06:05 BingoBoingo jurov: New CoinBR rates come into effect when November 1st starts UTC?
06:06 jurov eager to withdraw?
06:07 jurov but yes, 1st november monthly fee will be lower
06:08 jurov oh and that thing from Vexual don't look right
06:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
06:09 jurov perhaps it was not meant as answer to coinbr refcode at all :D
06:19 dub
06:19 ozbot About CoinBr
06:19 dub thats more better
06:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00535 = 0.535 BTC [+]
06:20 BingoBoingo Ah jurov yeah I just started and account. I guess I'm depositing on the 1st then.
06:21 BingoBoingo Eh, maybe I'm drunker than I thought.
06:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.61 = 1.22 BTC [+]
06:23 random_cat_ man, i had pig tongue the other day for the first time... what a treat
06:24 jurov BingoBoingo: if you managed to successfully verify btc signature, then you're not drunk enough
06:24 jurov (i deployed a patch yest that you can't register without doing that)
06:25 BingoBoingo jurov: I actually did manage that, but that was right when I opened the bottle. Now the bottle is empty and there is one half glass left.
06:25 random_cat_ is bitfunder expiring?
06:27 random_cat_ err.. unwinding
06:27 BingoBoingo random_cat_: Buttfunder is doing something...
06:29 random_cat_ is there a discussion somewhere?
06:31 jurov check #bitfunder
06:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 51 @ 0.00535 = 0.2729 BTC [+]
06:32 jurov but i don't see any unwinding there, just 'muricans and ppl who lost 2FA bickering
06:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.00535 = 0.1605 BTC [+]
06:32 random_cat_ hmm... what's the 2fa bickering amount to?
06:33 jurov if you lose your google auth key, you have to come to irc and pass battery of turing tests
06:33 jurov such as, patiently waiting few hours for ukyo to appear. bots cannot do that.
06:33 random_cat_ o
06:33 random_cat_ :D
06:34 random_cat_ i'd think bots would be ideal for that ;>
06:35 random_cat_ i'm just logging in after a hiatus and seeing depressed prices + notices about position changes for 'us entities'
06:35 random_cat_ and very vague statements about withdrawals
06:39 random_cat_ looks like he's looking for KYC too
06:42 jurov yes, KYC from everyone... but verifications seems to be stalled
06:42 random_cat_ how so?
06:43 random_cat_ ukyo isnt processing them?
06:46 jurov i had to remind him to process mine after a week.. and others wait longer
06:46 random_cat_ ugh
06:48 BingoBoingo jurov: Now CoinBr is going the MPEx route and AML/KYC can burn in hell?
06:49 jurov Yes. I even paid for some research and it's no problem around here.
06:53 jurov Actually, there will be a LLC listed as CoinBr operator soon :)
06:59 BingoBoingo I just want to pick up some S.NSA before they start shipping.
~ 18 minutes ~
07:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.601 BTC [-]
07:23 BingoBoingo My latest blog post props to asciilifeform and Country Club(TM) Vodka for getting my paranoia up enough to write it.
07:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.6594999 BTC [+]
07:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 68 @ 0.00535 = 0.3638 BTC [+] {2}
07:34 kakobrekla BingoBoingo what made you miss the ipo?
07:34 kakobrekla 11:32.10 ( jurov ) but i don't see any unwinding there, just 'muricans and ppl who lost 2FA bickering
07:34 kakobrekla am i seeing jurov disctinct between merricans and people in general?
07:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.601 BTC [-]
07:35 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: To the extent I want to declare just I hadn't had a broker yet. To the question of whether I have an actual MPEx key or not I'd like to remain silent.
07:36 kakobrekla :)
07:37 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: This is Bitcoin. Plausible deniability is a feature.
07:37 kakobrekla be my guest!
07:38 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Also to my regrets it is safe for those world series bets to be resolved...
07:39 kakobrekla if i see correctly resolution comes in 12hrs
07:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.6 = 2.4 BTC [-]
07:53 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: For the red Sox. The Cardinals bet is safe to call lost.
07:55 kakobrekla no worries, the mods will resolve it promply enough
07:56 kakobrekla promptly
07:57 BingoBoingo Cool kakobrekla. Thermos didn't kick you from Bitcointalk yet did he?
07:58 kakobrekla i was banned
07:58 Scrat why do they call it world series? only murrica is playing
07:58 kakobrekla by some duchebag called 'BadBear' i think.
07:58 BingoBoingo Eh, I'll add it to the Thermos scam accusation thread.
07:58 kakobrekla anywho it expires in a month and a half or smth.
07:59 kakobrekla dont lose any energy over it BB
07:59 BingoBoingo Scrat: Because the Dominican Republic can't do everything.
08:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] [PAID] 60.00000000 BTC to 40`000 shares, 150000 satoshi per share
08:01 kakobrekla btw here is what happend:
08:02 BingoBoingo ;;eauth bingoboingo
08:02 gribble Request successful for user bingoboingo, hostmask BingoBoingo!~BingoBoin@unaffiliated/bingoboingo. Get your encrypted OTP from
08:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] [PAID] 0.69348300 BTC to 1`386`966 shares, 50 satoshi per share
08:03 BingoBoingo ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:29d77016adca25616623c9e60f4e8f1c00d0cdcb837d8212a69d1056
08:03 gribble You are now authenticated for user BingoBoingo with key 309BB8D7F3251143
08:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 2200 @ 0.00268682 = 5.911 BTC [+] {5}
08:05 BingoBoingo ;;rate garr255 -5 auction shill bidding protected by Thermos on forum
08:05 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of -5 for user garr255 has been recorded.
08:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 311 @ 0.00269638 = 0.8386 BTC [+] {2}
08:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.00269999 = 0.108 BTC [+]
08:07 BingoBoingo At least even with the World Series loss I'm still at quite the net positive betting on BitBet
08:09 kakobrekla :)
08:12 BingoBoingo That S.Dice vs. S.BBEt bet was little short of a miracle. I mean other than the part where I expected Erik to get delisted sooner.
08:13 kakobrekla I lost on that one iirc :)
08:16 BingoBoingo I figured that one would win on contingencies related to delisting after his disappeared post IPO for a while
08:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.63532 = 6.3532 BTC [+] {5}
~ 29 minutes ~
08:49 BingoBoingo skinnkavaj: Good to see you joined. How many litecoins sucked your dick today?
08:50 skinnkavaj BingoBoingo: Many
08:51 kakobrekla whats the going rate for ltc now?
08:55 BingoBoingo Last I checked LTC was worth barely more than 5 PeePeeCoins on the site that can't stop getting hacked
09:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [KCIM] [PAID] 4.43000000 BTC to 886 shares, 500000 satoshi per share
09:00 kakobrekla aha
09:00 kakobrekla at .01 now
09:03 BingoBoingo Seems ASICs are litecoin's only hope at ever having value again. Same problem dollars have, there aren't dollar ASICs yet.
09:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.00779983 = 0.39 BTC [-] {2}
09:09 thestringpuller ;;seen smickles
09:09 gribble smickles was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 16 hours, 30 minutes, and 14 seconds ago: <smickles> $avg
09:09 nubbins` afaik, it's called "the world series" because of the name of the newspaper that first sponsored it
09:10 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.64 BTC [+]
~ 33 minutes ~
09:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.00534307 = 0.2084 BTC [+] {2}
09:45 nubbins`
09:45 ozbot HEALTH - "We Are Water" (Explicit Content) Lovepump United / City Slang - YouTube
09:45 nubbins` ^ happy halloween, -assets
09:46 ThickAsThieves happy halloween
09:46 jcpham
09:46 ozbot Neighbourhood Pool Watch: 14.6 Size matters: Investor bitcoin distribution at
09:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 169 @ 0.0010985 = 0.1856 BTC [+]
09:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.593 BTC [-]
09:53 truffles omg nubbins` dont kill her
09:53 nubbins` keep watching!
09:53 truffles pleasantly surprised the music isnt shit lol
09:54 truffles oh my
09:54 truffles not there
09:55 nubbins` HEH
09:55 nubbins` health is really good, i saw them play live a few years ago
09:55 kleeck nubbins`, that's one of my favorite vids
09:55 nubbins` kleeck, it's directed by Eric Wareheim from Tim & Eric, hey?
09:55 kleeck Yeh.
09:55 kleeck SUper good.
09:55 truffles what genre is this?
09:56 kleeck Noise Rock.
09:57 nubbins` for all the good that'll do ya
09:57 nubbins` i've never heard a band that sounds quite like health
09:57 pankkake > 6 of your friends listen to Health
09:57 kakobrekla cool stuff jcpham, seems like the density peak is at 12 btc or so
09:57 pankkake surprisingly first time I hear of it
09:57 truffles well if i could understand the lyrics id rate the band higher..
09:58 kleeck I like a lot of Ambient/Instrumental stuff
09:59 nubbins` truffles, the singer looks nothing like you'd expect
09:59 nubbins`
09:59 nubbins` guy with the hat
09:59 kakobrekla and a billion of investors with 0.08 btc
09:59 kakobrekla no wonder they go there cause not much else to do with that ammt
09:59 kakobrekla amount
10:00 whiskers
10:00 ozbot users/PirateMitten/salt => 6477256794 users/peapodayb8UQ => true earnrooms => -
10:00 truffles nubbins` i guess not
10:00 truffles but they do remind me of a breathy female trying to do the sexy voice : d
10:00 nubbins` haha
10:01 truffles if they could speak up..
10:03 truffles not happy with this one..
10:03 ozbot Health - In Heat - YouTube
10:07 truffles John Famiglietti, should do comedy : D
10:09 nubbins` <<< the self-titled album is better
10:09 ozbot HEALTH - Crimewave - YouTube
10:09 jcpham yeah kakobrekla the distribution works about how you would imagine it work
10:09 jcpham all the tiny dust investments
10:10 jcpham and the 4 or 5 heavy hitters
10:10 truffles high pressure days.. can actually hear vocals..
10:12 nubbins` "Ghouls gone wild at local Halloween house"
10:13 truffles like crimewave best
10:15 KRS- Happy Halloween, the national holiday of Romania.
10:17 truffles does dracula come out?
10:18 KRS- I think so..during the day even.
10:18 truffles thought that was only hybrids
10:20 KRS- If you are standing around are you going to wait to figure it out if its a real Romanian vampire or a hybrid? I wouldn''d be standing there by yourself! I'd rather be at the pub where there are people around.
10:21 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.34999 BTC [+]
10:21 truffles well if they are vamps u cant really out run em
10:23 jcpham vampires glitter in the sunlight
10:23 truffles twilight much
10:23 jcpham nah dawg i read it on wikimedia
10:23 nubbins` if you're at the pub, you only need to outrun the drunks
10:24 truffles well their blood might be like poison so...
10:24 nubbins`
10:24 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
10:24 KRS- what do you do then..maybe Mircea Popescu has seen one before..he woul dknow.
10:24 nubbins` now that's a fucking sick coin
10:24 truffles maybe he is one
10:25 kakobrekla nubbins` sick? the bear is sick?
10:25 kakobrekla looks healthy to me
10:25 nubbins` nah, the other type of sick
10:25 nubbins` "SICK coin, man!"
10:25 nubbins` i guess maybe that's not a common usage of the word? heh
10:26 kakobrekla nah im just trolln
10:26 nubbins` ;|
10:26 jcpham i ordered one of these titan bitcoins
10:26 truffles english prob isnt his native language nubbins`
10:26 jcpham but i think their two factor is crap so i asked for the privte key
10:26 nubbins` i'm kinda done with physical bitcoins
10:26 jcpham who the shit sells a physical bitcoin without funding it
10:27 nubbins` i mean, i'm glad i have a bunch, because otherwise i probably would have lost them on shitty investments
10:27 jcpham i kinda have a nice collection at this point and want to keep collecting examples
10:27 truffles ;;ticker
10:27 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 209.45002, Best ask: 209.99494, Bid-ask spread: 0.54492, Last trade: 209.45000, 24 hour volume: 8485.07872065, 24 hour low: 204.00000, 24 hour high: 216.46999, 24 hour vwap: 209.11730
10:27 kakobrekla the margin on these coins is scamdiculus
10:27 nubbins` but the premium on them is just so ridiculous
10:27 kakobrekla ha
10:27 truffles forgot that worked inhere!
10:27 kakobrekla first.
10:27 jcpham normally yes
10:27 nubbins` not on my screen ;)
10:27 kakobrekla you lag.
10:27 kakobrekla the reality is here
10:27 nubbins` supposing you lag!
10:27 jcpham but the titan ones accept credit/paypal fake money
10:28 nubbins` we need a second opinion
10:28 truffles that coin is too pretty to be used as exchange
10:28 jcpham about %20 premium
10:28 nubbins`
10:28 nubbins` fuck
10:28 ozbot #bitcoin-assets log
10:28 kakobrekla ha
10:28 jcpham fiat premium not bitcoinc premium
10:28 nubbins` it's also a bit of a downer that casascius keeps cutting the prices of his coins after people buy them
10:29 jcpham yeah i'm done with cas
10:29 nubbins` shitty for people who bother to support him and buy early
10:29 kakobrekla i bought before cnet wrote about it
10:29 kakobrekla they were cheap then
10:29 truffles sad coin too, its like all the ice is melting
10:29 kakobrekla i think cheaper than at any later point
10:29 truffles poor bear
10:29 nubbins` truffles: like, or is?
10:30 jcpham i only want the first series cas coins
10:30 kakobrekla also back then the price you paid for that brass was cents
10:30 truffles dunno, the background looks like clear water
10:30 kakobrekla now its quite some dollars.
10:30 jcpham i have a 2012 solid 10btc
10:30 jcpham but everything is 2011
10:30 nubbins` kako, like $40 for a piece of brass
10:30 kakobrekla yes
10:30 kakobrekla thats just SICK
10:30 kakobrekla :)
10:31 nubbins` sicker when the price drops so you have to sell yours at a loss in order to get a sale
10:31 kakobrekla ill buy cas coins
10:31 kakobrekla at spot value
10:31 kakobrekla 1btc per btc
10:31 nubbins` heh
10:31 jcpham i've gotten lucky and most of mine came from fiat purchases
10:31 jcpham so i'm up in btc interms of investment value
10:31 kakobrekla JU SO CLEVA!
10:31 nubbins` i've still got the rarest casascius coins, as far as low-denominations go
10:31 nubbins` not counting like the 100BTC bars and shit like that
10:32 jcpham the 2011 25's are down to like 40 unredeemed
10:32 jcpham those will keep getting rarer
10:32 nubbins` 2013 silver 0.5 BTC with series 2 hologram, only 45 ever produced
10:32 kakobrekla i bought those 1b to give away for new year presents and stuff
10:32 nubbins` i had 12, now only 6 remaining
10:32 kakobrekla reactions were mixed.
10:33 truffles its bitcoin yay
10:33 nubbins` kakobrekla: you should follow up and see if their reaction has changed
10:33 kakobrekla hehe
10:33 truffles i want presents too
10:33 truffles im ur biggest fan kako
10:33 kakobrekla lolwat
10:33 truffles ure being santa
10:33 nubbins` yeah, i gave a friend a 0.5 brass some months ago for his birthday
10:33 nubbins` i wonder if i should tell him it's worth like $150 now
10:34 truffles my bday is coming up too
10:34 kakobrekla you are rite truffles, i should shave and lose a few kilos
10:34 truffles turning 36 shoudl be fun
10:35 nubbins` anyway, i'm still into collecting coins, just not casascius coins
10:35 jcpham the kilogram is getting smaller
10:35 jcpham true story
10:35 kakobrekla ill wait some more then
10:35 nubbins` the canadian mint has some really nice ones every now and then
10:35 nubbins` a lot of them are shit, but there are diamonds in the rough
10:35 truffles kako ure fat?
10:35 nubbins` fat is just a state of mind
10:35 jcpham
10:35 ozbot Royal Society meets to weigh up the shrinking kilogram | Science | The Guardian
10:35 kakobrekla well not really fat but not skinny
10:36 jcpham platinum you practical joker
10:36 truffles nubbins` im trying to get out of mine haha
10:36 nubbins` jcpham: imagine my surprise when i learned that the kilogram is defined as "this hunk of metal right here"
10:36 jcpham it's a real thing
10:36 nubbins` yeah
10:36 nubbins` pretty tenuous
10:36 jcpham history blows my mind sometimes
10:36 jcpham the things we just accept
10:36 nubbins` it's amusing that the meter is defined in terms of the distance a beam of light moves in x amount of time
10:37 nubbins` and a kilogram is "this thing right here"
10:37 nubbins` even more amusing that they literally cannot find a better way to define it
10:37 jcpham mhhm
10:37 truffles small details nubbins`
10:38 nubbins` reminds me of this assisted-suicide case in the UK. the lady spent some time with her family on the day of the event, and one of the last things they did was sing "row, row, row your boat" together
10:38 nubbins` i'll invite anyone who remembers to recite the lyrics for us
10:39 truffles gentely down the street
10:39 truffles merely merely something
10:40 nubbins`,_Row,_Row_Your_Boat#Lyrics
10:40 truffles but i cant sing
10:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 42 @ 0.00268 = 0.1126 BTC [-]
10:40 nubbins` had to pick my jaw up off the floor after reading that part of the article
10:41 truffles wow my spelling is turrble
10:41 nubbins` could be worse. how's your math?
10:41 truffles haha
10:41 nubbins` quadratic equation, no cheating, GO!
10:41 truffles 2 +2 ?
10:42 truffles oh that high umm
10:42 kakobrekla nubbins`: 17
10:42 truffles alternate verses so grim
10:42 kakobrekla did i get it right?
10:42 nubbins` close enough
10:43 nubbins` truffles, a bit less whimsy than the original
10:43 truffles didnt even rhyme
10:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.1585 BTC [-]
10:44 kakobrekla !t h cfig
10:44 assbot [HAVELOCK:CFIG] 1D: 0.15850000 / 0.1585 / 0.15850000 (4 shares, 0.63400000 BTC), 7D: 0.12120000 / 0.1491759 / 0.25000000 (879 shares, 131.12561842 BTC), 30D: 0.07000001 / 0.13809552 / 0.25000000 (1388 shares, 191.67658817 BTC)
10:44 kakobrekla whats with this thing anyway
10:45 kakobrekla anyone?
10:45 truffles i thought u were typing bitch for sec ..
10:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 14 @ 0.00778999 = 0.1091 BTC [-]
10:45 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 289 @ 0.0054 = 1.5606 BTC [+]
10:46 kakobrekla me? im not like dat.
10:46 truffles orly
10:47 kakobrekla santa doesnt do that
10:47 truffles haha
10:47 truffles link us some stellar music santa
10:48 kakobrekla hm
10:49 nubbins`
10:49 ozbot Melvins Live at Amoeba - YouTube
10:49 nubbins` great for halloween
10:49 bob____ nubbins`: they said they do have a better way. measure the amount of electricity required to move the mass
10:49 bob____ x amount of electricity = 1 kg
10:49 kakobrekla there:
10:49 truffles kako u recall saying my links to i forget name at moment was turble
10:50 nubbins` fuck this, i'm plugging this melvins show into the fucking stereo
10:51 kakobrekla well thats stellar for you.
10:51 truffles why i got to download shit
10:51 truffles melvins sounds good
10:51 truffles so far
10:51 nubbins` they're great
10:51 nubbins` they added a second drummer a couple of years ago
10:52 nubbins` plus they always get local artists to silkscreen posters wherever they tour, which i think is pretty nice
10:52 truffles kako singular vid on utube?
10:52 kakobrekla dunno from the top of my head would need to dig in the collection
10:53 truffles nubbins` u mean spam?
10:53 truffles did not notice the time limit on this
10:54 nubbins` ?
10:54 truffles 40mins
10:54 nubbins` full show
10:54 nubbins` the whole thing is great
10:54 truffles how come ive never heard of them
10:54 nubbins` not sure
10:55 nubbins` i'd heard of them for 15+ years before i bothered to give them a serious listen
10:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 0.6383 = 1.9149 BTC [+] {3}
10:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.3153 BTC [-]
10:56 nubbins` then i wondered why i hadn't bothered to listen to them 15 years ago ;p
10:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 2000 @ 0.00109881 = 2.1976 BTC [+] {3}
10:59 kakobrekla i have an annoucment to make, in a couple of hours ill be making an annoucment
10:59 truffles song at 7min is pretty good
10:59 truffles i guess its instrumental
11:00 truffles and im not into instrumentals
11:00 nubbins` you'll be into them by the end of this video
11:01 kakobrekla bah these labcoin tactics arent working at all
11:01 kakobrekla nothing on yahoo finance yet
11:01 jcpham labcoin is still a thing?
11:01 nubbins` kako, you forgot to tell us where to send our btc
11:01 jcpham where is their asic
11:01 jcpham kncminer delivered
11:01 nubbins` haha, i forgot about the skinny drummer's vocals
11:01 nubbins` lel
11:02 kakobrekla nubbins` the address is to be annoucned in the annoncment that just got announced
11:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.00547754 = 0.5478 BTC [+] {5}
11:02 nubbins` o
11:02 jcpham what is this shoutcast
11:02 kakobrekla anyway, im off to take a walk
11:02 kakobrekla later dudes
11:02 jcpham i'm in outerspace
11:02 nubbins` peace
11:02 truffles bye
11:03 nubbins` the crowd shots are great
11:03 nubbins` mostly just hipsters with dead faces
11:04 nubbins` but here and there you see some metalhead that's obviously in complete ecstasy
11:04 truffles the drug?
11:04 nubbins` the emotional state
11:04 truffles not possible
11:04 nubbins` turn it up louder
11:04 truffles nah¨
11:05 truffles i have perfect hearing
11:05 nubbins` heh
11:05 nubbins` doesn't matter
11:05 nubbins` this is meant to be listened at a volume just a notch or two below "uncomfortably loud"
11:06 truffles nah, i tell my partner to turn it down all the time
11:06 truffles he's like what i thought u hated rock lol
11:07 nubbins` heh
11:07 nubbins` my neighbours are coke heads and hookers, i listen to shit as loud as i want :P
11:07 truffles loudness isnt the issue, ill go deaf
11:09 truffles r u new to this chatroom?
11:09 truffles few ppl contribute to the music linkages
11:10 truffles i imagine everyone to be coin counters otherwise
11:10 KRS- access to the content isnt the problem but figuring out what to listen to is
11:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 95 @ 0.00267 = 0.2537 BTC [-]
11:11 nubbins` few months, i guess
11:11 truffles krs u have trouble picking?
11:11 nubbins` i gave up irc years ago, got sucked back in by some design work back in the summer
11:11 truffles gimme a list n i can filter it for u
11:12 truffles well at least u chat
11:12 jcpham sucked back in.
11:12 nubbins` jcpham: *schloop*
11:12 truffles its like the perma hangout spot for bitcoiners
11:12 truffles that lurk
11:13 nubbins` i generally just chat about off-topic bullshit, only occasionally btc-related things
11:13 jcpham i think of it more as real time collaboration and messaging software
11:13 KRS- ya looking for fresh content..idk what though.
11:13 jcpham at it's lowest form
11:13 nubbins` occasionally conduct business here
11:13 truffles i got booted from the chatty rooms though : (
11:13 nubbins` truffles: song at 16:00 in that video is sick
11:13 truffles im bound to piss off some1
11:13 KRS- that new song lorde-royals..the singer babe looks like she has a fat face and also vaginal odor.
11:13 jcpham collaboration and messaging based on common ideals whether realized or not
11:14 truffles collaboration jcpham?
11:14 truffles many things seem disjointed
11:14 jcpham yes we are all collaborators or co-conspirators
11:14 jcpham whether realized or not
11:14 nubbins` heh
11:14 truffles if u think so
11:14 nubbins` ^
11:15 truffles maybe im just looking at it too critically
11:15 jcpham probably focusing on details and not what the technology enables generally
11:15 jcpham the tech enables the spread of ideas
11:16 truffles im not sure we're on teh same topic
11:16 jcpham i'm usually a few ideas ahead
11:16 jcpham i digress
11:16 truffles heh
11:16 truffles 1 sec
11:17 truffles got interrupted.. forgot my rant
11:17 jcpham freenode is an organization, a disjointed entity of ideas and communication
11:17 jcpham powered by realtime messaging and collaboration software
11:17 jcpham if exxon wants to collaborate they spend money for software
11:17 jcpham same for any group
11:17 nubbins` i think calling an irc client collaboration software is a bit of a stretch
11:17 jcpham nope
11:18 jcpham it is exactly what is
11:18 truffles so ambitous and optimistic
11:18 jcpham some people do not collaborate
11:18 nubbins` well, it doesn't offer any collaboration features beyond messaging itself
11:18 jcpham communication
11:18 jcpham it is basic yes
11:18 nubbins` you might as well call the telephone a collaboration system
11:18 jcpham yes
11:18 nubbins` or a paper and pen
11:18 jcpham yes
11:19 jcpham those things are complex
11:19 nubbins` actually, a paper and pen is a way better collaboration system than irc
11:19 jcpham require much work
11:19 nubbins` how about a small table with two chairs? a collaboration system?
11:19 jcpham go away
11:19 nubbins` you're defining the term into uselessness :P
11:20 jcpham irc is collaboration osftware and we are all conspirators
11:20 jcpham istand by it
11:20 truffles lots of nerds on the internet
11:20 truffles i guess they dont all agree
11:20 nubbins` ehh, i think we're only diagreeing on semantics
11:20 KRS- yeh
11:20 KRS- useless
11:23 truffles i just cant imagine squatting online n not communicating
11:23 truffles i hope lots of private chats go on or some other special rooms
11:24 nubbins` most of the day, i have this window minimized
11:25 truffles dont mean that ppl have to be glued to the screen..
11:27 mod6 im excited to see how 'DarkWallet' turns out
11:27 mod6
11:27 ozbot DarkWallet Aims To Be The Anarchist's Bitcoin App Of Choice - Forbes
11:27 nubbins` 29:00 in that melvins video i posted
11:28 truffles i lost track, had to pause a lot
11:28 truffles did not expect to complete it
11:28 nubbins` heh
11:28 truffles i only like the 1
11:35 truffles that one
11:35 ozbot MELVINS -"DIES IRAEA" - YouTube
11:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 4 @ 0.63975 = 2.559 BTC [+] {2}
11:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 40 @ 0.00561999 = 0.2248 BTC [+]
11:43 KRS- hmm
11:43 truffles krs one waiting on that list
11:44 truffles today is music day for me
11:44 KRS- what kind of music is this
11:44 KRS- music day rules.
11:44 truffles unlike other ppl i dont listen all day..
11:44 KRS- this was a good movie
11:45 truffles that movie u recommended was rly nice
11:45 truffles felt some nostalgia even
11:45 truffles bet u dont recall what
11:45 KRS- been listening to the soundtrack from 'Breaking Bad' lately
11:46 truffles just finished off watching the series
11:46 nubbins` i've been listening to a lot of talking heads lately
11:46 nubbins` that and sufjan stevens
11:46 truffles i avoid those talking heads though
11:46 truffles what r they about
11:47 KRS- like this
11:48 truffles omg nooo
11:48 truffles what is this
11:49 ThickAsThieves i like sufjan
11:49 ThickAsThieves Age of Adz on vinyl :)
11:49 truffles if u must find some good flowing lyrics geeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
11:49 nubbins` i haven't listened to Age of Adz yet!
11:49 nubbins` i've got illinois and michigan on vinyl
11:49 nubbins` would love to have seven swans on vinyl, but it's never been pressed :(
11:49 truffles "if u must" insert comma
11:50 ThickAsThieves the newer stuff is much less indie/emo
11:50 ThickAsThieves more wacky
11:50 KRS- breaking bad was the best TV show I have ever watched in my entire life..(and I'm no youngin')
11:50 nubbins` swans is i think ~2001-2002
11:50 truffles best?
11:50 truffles its up there sure
11:50 nubbins` only discovered it recently
11:50 truffles well thats cuz walt was a genius
11:50 KRS- I had to wait to watch it on netflix because i can't tolerate commercials.
11:51 truffles he always knew all these random things
11:51 truffles u must not be american haha
11:52 kleeck
11:52 kleeck ugh...
11:52 truffles house of cards on netflix pretty good
11:53 kleeck It's excellent.
11:53 kleeck Can't wait for S02
11:53 truffles me2
11:54 truffles there some other shows i enjoy but i doubt suited to the tastes of this room : d
11:54 truffles "He also found that the machine could delete data and undo configuration changes with no prompting." dam
11:54 kleeck ""We had an air-gapped computer that just had its [firmware] BIOS reflashed, a fresh disk drive installed, and zero data on it, installed from a Windows system CD," Ruiu said. "At one point, we were editing some of the components and our registry editor got disabled. It was like: wait a minute, how can that happen? How can the machine react and attack the software that we're using to attack it? Th
11:54 kleeck is is an air-gapped machine and all of the sudden the search function in the registry editor stopped working when we were using it to search for their keys.""
11:54 kleeck This is bad.
11:55 truffles some genius made that one eh
11:55 kleeck Mix this with a BTC Exploit...
11:56 kleeck Clean wipe, new OS, EVEN LINUX.
11:57 kleeck If interested check out what people are reporting in #badBIOS. Scary shit...
11:58 kleeck "I lost another one yesterday confirming that's simply plugging in a USB device from an infected system into a clean one is sufficient to infect. This was on a BSD system, so this is definitely not a Windows issue.- and it's a low level issue, I didn't even mount the volume and it was infected. Could this be an overflow in the way bios ids the drive? "
11:58 truffles im not techie
11:58 nubbins` ""badBIOS," as Ruiu dubbed the malware, has the ability to use high-frequency transmissions passed between computer speakers and microphones to bridge airgaps."
11:58 nubbins` :0000000000
11:58 truffles whats the source of infection?
11:59 nubbins` elves
11:59 truffles im not following here, brand new pc?
11:59 truffles not possible
12:02 kleeck They don't know where it came from, but when you get it, it hangs on...
12:02 kleeck Very low level.
12:02 truffles "Dragos Ruiu was in his lab when he noticed something highly unusual"
12:02 truffles solved
12:02 kleeck #labProblems
12:02 nubbins` heh
12:02 nubbins` kleeck, this is fascinating
12:03 kleeck ""Really, everything Dragos reports is something that's easily within the capabilities of a lot of people," said Graham, who is CEO of penetration testing firm Errata Security. "I could, if I spent a year, write a BIOS that does everything Dragos said badBIOS is doing. To communicate over ultrahigh frequency sound waves between computers is really, really easy.""
12:03 kleeck wut
12:03 kleeck I've been in tech all my life, I've never known that communicating over ultrahigh frequency sound waves was really, really easy.
12:03 kleeck The implication there is not good at all...
12:04 nubbins` mildly surprised that plain old laptop mics and speakers can do it, at least
12:05 truffles just contain mr ruiu and virus wont spread anymore..
12:05 truffles he's just plugging his usb everywhere
12:05 kleeck Holy shit, Ruiu said he arrived at the theory about badBIOS's high-frequency networking capability after observing encrypted data packets being sent to and from an infected laptop that had no obvious network connection with—but was in close proximity to—another badBIOS-infected computer. The packets were transmitted even when the laptop had its Wi-Fi and Bluetooth cards removed. Ruiu also disc
12:05 kleeck onnected the machine's power cord so it ran only on battery to rule out the possibility it was receiving signals over the electrical connection. Even then, forensic tools showed the packets continued to flow over the airgapped machine. Then, when Ruiu removed the internal speaker and microphone connected to the airgapped machine, the packets suddenly stopped.
12:05 deadweasel
12:05 deadweasel jump the air gap using MICROPHONES AND SPEAKERS...
12:05 deadweasel holy shit.
12:05 truffles slow pony weasel
12:06 deadweasel truffles, eat a dick
12:06 truffles : p
12:06 truffles i dont like em
12:06 bob____ it can't infect through speakers
12:06 bob____ but it can continue to communicate after infected through speakers/mic
12:06 deadweasel ah, still reading.
12:06 bob____ supposedly
12:07 bob____ none of this has been verified by anyone but this one labrat I believe
12:07 nubbins` probably a PR stunt to make the world aware of his epic villain name
12:08 deadweasel probably, he didn't figure his USB was infected?
12:08 truffles my theory is some1 tagged him in his lab
12:08 truffles isnt that where most biological viruses are born
12:09 bob____ mircea is dubious
12:09 bob____
12:09 ozbot #BadBios, aka #BadlyDoneDamageControl pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
12:09 mircea_popescu ahhhh
12:09 deadweasel thanks bob____
12:09 mircea_popescu Perhaps it was the warm desert wind, or the sound of the ocean, but for the first time in many weeks, I slept.
12:09 truffles mp is usually wrong about everything
12:09 mircea_popescu However, the dreams returned, but these were clearly not my own. I beheld a vision of a great man, the mage, Tal Rasha. You were there too Tyrael, I remember seeing you in my dream.
12:10 mircea_popescu
12:10 ozbot Diablo II Cinematic - Desert Journey - YouTube
12:11 mircea_popescu kleeck i suspect dragos ruiu is having a nervous breakdown, honestly.
12:12 mircea_popescu jurov yup s.mpoe divs go out today.
12:15 truffles good to see u again deadweasel, nice to meet u nubbins`
12:15 mircea_popescu
12:15 ozbot A Big Butt Is A Healthy Butt: Women With Big Butts Are Smarter And Healthier | Elite Daily
12:15 mircea_popescu for whoever had heretical views with regard to box gaps.
12:15 kleeck mircea_popescu, I'd much rather believe he is going mad than that badBIOS exists.
12:16 mircea_popescu well going mad has this irrecoverable air to it. i'm thinking more in terms of, hasn't slept for 16 days, had a lot of coffee, is seeing things.
12:17 nubbins` ehh, madness comes and goes
12:18 nubbins` at least he didn't say flies poured out of the usb port after unplugging the stick or something
12:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 200 @ 0.001099 = 0.2198 BTC [+]
12:19 kleeck Unfortunately other security experts are confirming that this is all possible...
12:20 mircea_popescu it IS all possible
12:20 mircea_popescu just getting very unlikely
12:20 nubbins` so the idea is that the initial infection, via usb or whatever, sets the groundwork for reinfection via HF audio?
12:21 deadweasel nope, just 'repair'
12:21 deadweasel active defesnse
12:21 nubbins` guy said he flashed his bios and it came back
12:21 deadweasel I want verification by a non-crackin' up researcher.
12:21 deadweasel he used an infected USB to get it there?
12:21 KRS- Mmmm womens butts.
12:21 deadweasel big healthy ones?
12:21 KRS- Teh bestest.
12:21 nubbins` i don't know wtf people are doing putting USBs into airgapped machines anyway
12:22 kleeck I think he was testing the transmission from USB
12:22 mircea_popescu deadweasel well apparently he had it for 1 yr+ he says
12:22 nubbins` i mean in general
12:23 deadweasel i'd expect he's been using the same USB, or getting them mixed up, infected, uncleaned.
12:23 deadweasel doesn't sound like his opsec is executed well. especially in mania.
12:23 mircea_popescu i think he;'s a little manic atm. guy has been involved in the sort of shit all his life
12:24 mircea_popescu (he;'s the original; pwn2own organiser)
12:24 mircea_popescu and i guess he's ended up in this spot where he's dreaming it.
12:24 mircea_popescu (this, of course, if it actually IS him)
12:26 nubbins` turns out he's using a pre-infected version of windows he grabbed from the pirate bay
12:27 mircea_popescu lol
12:27 nubbins` i wonder how many people are holding fat bitcoin wallets on pirated OSes?
12:27 Namworld ... lol
12:29 Namworld "Imma just put these 2000 BTC on this computer with a pirated Windowz because I'm cheap like that. Where would I get that kind of money to get a license anyway?"
12:30 kakobrekla like the license does you any good
12:30 mircea_popescu contrary to popular belief, most pirate software isn't infected.
12:30 mircea_popescu also contrary to older but just as popular belief, girls that enjoy sex aren't usually carrying vd.
12:31 mircea_popescu
12:31 mircea_popescu the former is a corporate pr effort. the latter a gov't pr effort. people got interests, yo.
12:33 Guest20498 /g/sb g end
12:33 kleeck wut
12:36 bob____ and for the record, 67% of statistics are made up
12:37 bob____ my friend has a pirated addiction (actual friend, not me). and he always ends up infected.
12:37 bob____ *pirated software
12:38 bob____ so through the power of empirical evidence, a lot of pirated software is infected
12:38 kakobrekla keep an unecrpyted wallet with a some change on your computer for early warning system
12:39 kakobrekla on a lappy or so
12:39 mod6 there's an idea
12:39 mircea_popescu yep.
12:39 mircea_popescu security isn't about not being stolen from at all.
12:39 asciilifeform the 'badbios' discussion is distinctly 'cryptozoological' in flavour.
12:40 asciilifeform 'nessie really WAS there! but i, um, forgot my camera.'
12:40 asciilifeform offered a camera. 'she won't show up on film. magic pixie dust shielding.'
12:41 bob____ has he started asking for donations yet to support his research?
12:42 kleeck
12:42 ozbot TSMC shows off production 20nm and 16nm dev wafers | SemiAccurate
12:42 mircea_popescu bitcoin ipo using stolen material from there in 3, 2...
12:42 kleeck :)
12:43 asciilifeform bob____: one can get everything needed to verify the claims for < $1k.
12:45 Ukto random_cat_: its not that i am not processing things, its that all tickets are being handled in order. and i am trying ot help 2fa resets here in the middle
12:46 smickles ;;seen usagi
12:46 gribble usagi was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 3 weeks, 1 day, 14 hours, 57 minutes, and 31 seconds ago: <usagi> No, but it will go over
12:46 smickles yup
12:46 topace SUPERMEGAMININGMEGACORP is pleased to announce our new IPO, to raise $5million dollars to roll out 16nm ASIC MINING in partnership with TSMC. On the 20nm front the wafers are not just in production, there are devices on the market using it that you can buy. No word on the higher performance variants but the SoC process is good to go. 16nm as the label suggests is still in development and that is
12:47 topace Please your BTC pre-purchase to 1XSUPERMEGAMININGMEGACORP
12:48 kakobrekla says invalid address.
12:48 mircea_popescu send it anyway!
12:48 kakobrekla button is stuck
12:48 mircea_popescu Ukto 2fa resets are the suck
12:48 kakobrekla luke, fix it
12:49 smickles
12:50 Ukto mircea_popescu: i have something coming up that will solve the issue.
12:51 bob____ gpg?
12:51 Ukto for all users. :P
12:51 mircea_popescu asciilifeform bob____ there's such a thing as claim analysis. if you make a claim that has about 10% chances that's a 10% chance. if you make twenty claims each with 10% chances that's 10^-18%
12:51 Ukto came to a decision on the change over the last few days
12:51 smickles Ukto: sqrl?
12:51 Ukto far easier.
12:52 smickles easier than sqrl?
12:52 smickles no way
12:52 Ukto :P
12:52 Ukto I'll prolly post about it in the next day
12:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: my problem is less with the (truly) extraordinary claims, but the complete lack of any sign of a desire to share the extraordinary evidence.
12:52 Ukto I need a lot less work from things that cost more more than I make.
12:52 smickles sqrl is like, click a link /snap a photo == securely logged in
12:52 Ukto to focus on launching the big fish
12:52 Ukto yes
12:53 Ukto once you read teh post you will understand why its so simple
12:53 Ukto and btw, long time no see :P
12:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah. i can see that.
12:53 smickles o/
12:53 Ukto so quiet in here with btct gone -_-
12:53 bob____ asciilifeform: agreed. me too.
12:54 asciilifeform a logic analyzer isn't a nuke sub, you don't need to 'live the supernode lifestyle' to buy one.
12:55 asciilifeform and if you can afford a motorcycle, you can afford an 'ICE.'
12:56 mircea_popescu i could see a situation where he doesn't know how to use it and doesn't trust anyone to. this situation, obviously, can't stand as an explanation.
12:56 asciilifeform if i found myself in that position, the last thing i'd do is crow to the media.
12:56 mircea_popescu exactly.
12:56 mod6 (09:54) < asciilifeform> a logic analyzer isn't a nuke sub, you don't need to 'live the supernode lifestyle' to buy one. << lol!
12:57 asciilifeform the fellow is supposed to be something more than a generic nobody
12:57 asciilifeform but a 'respectable' researcher of some stature
12:57 mircea_popescu moreover, his various events all relied on relations with people who actually understand compsec.
12:57 mircea_popescu i find it very difficult to grasp that ruiu suddenly has nobody to turn to. the REAL ruiu that is.
12:58 nubbins` i, for one, welcome this new fake ruiu
12:58 nubbins`
12:58 ozbot Artificial Blood Made In Romania - Slashdot
12:59 nubbins` pretty sure there's a halloween joke in there somewhere
12:59 mircea_popescu lol
12:59 mircea_popescu Babe-Bolyai University in Cluj-Napoca
12:59 mircea_popescu it's Babes!
12:59 mircea_popescu ;;google victor babes
12:59 gribble Victor Babeș - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Victor Babeş University of Medicine and Pharmacy - Wikipedia: <,_Timi%C8%99oara>; Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy Timisoara: <>
12:59 mircea_popescu they got the hungarian dood's name right ffs.
13:00 mircea_popescu "babe" means hags
13:00 smickles oh snap, this site just delivered on zero confirms from a tx that was sent from a client 4 weeks out of sync
13:00 mircea_popescu poor them. prolly nice to drop them an email.
13:00 nubbins` hags
13:01 nubbins` any of you guys heard of the "old hag" lore?
13:01 smickles it's great customer service tho :D
13:01 nubbins` really big around here
13:01 mircea_popescu i heard of the concept ? what you mean ?
13:02 nubbins`
13:02 nubbins` i was just reminded of it when you mentioned hags
13:02 nubbins` i did a folklore course (just one!) in university when we discussed this
13:02 nubbins` prof says "anyone here been hagged?", 5 hands shoot up
13:02 mircea_popescu random_cat_ you should try veal tongue
13:02 nubbins` prof asks one of the 5 to explain what a hagging is
13:02 nubbins` "now, anyone here been hagged?" 60 hands shoot up
13:02 mircea_popescu shagged a jag?
13:03 mircea_popescu the rhyming dictionary would kick ass. "hagged = shagged a jag"
13:03 nubbins` i think there is a rhyming dictionary
13:06 mircea_popescu Scrat: why do they call it world series? only murrica is playing << lol. i once saw briefly on the highway this ad "World Famous X. Best in North Carolina!"
13:06 mircea_popescu some eatery or something musta been
13:07 mircea_popescu well this log is too much to read. i hope i didn't miss anything good.
13:07 nubbins` mostly just a discussion of the melvins
13:08 Namworld Here's an interesting spam transaction on Silkroad's seized coins address:
13:09 nubbins` hahahahahahahahahaha
13:09 nubbins` amazing
13:09 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
13:09 Namworld I've seen worse begging
13:10 kleeck Someone give that dude a BJCoin.
13:10 smickles shit
13:10 nubbins` or at the very least, a masturcoin
13:10 smickles total receive at the bj-wanter
13:10 nubbins` masturbit?
13:10 smickles 844 btc
13:11 kleeck How cool would it be to have universal prices for sexual favors. No matter the country, one BJCoin would cover it. Oh, colored coins, you cannot come soon enough!
13:11 mircea_popescu that's nonsense.
13:11 kleeck "Um excuse me, boy! That's a BJcoin, this is going to cost an AnalCoin!"
13:12 mircea_popescu if it cost the same in all countries i'd buy a million handpicked chicks and go start a new country where the bj is 10x.
13:12 kleeck I'd allow it.
13:12 mircea_popescu problem solved.
13:12 smickles bj arb
13:12 kleeck ^
13:12 kleeck The free market always finds a way.
13:13 mircea_popescu you know, a year ago when the something awful muppets were all "o no, bitcoins have no value"
13:13 mircea_popescu i went "stfu, it's based on blowjobs"
13:13 mircea_popescu and they got butthurt and banned me
13:13 smickles lol
13:13 kleeck lololol
13:13 smickles silly goons
13:13 mircea_popescu apparently sa people can't stand the idea of working for a living.
13:13 kleeck Blowjob backed currency.
13:13 smickles mircea_popescu: are you against the goons in eve then?
13:14 kleeck "It's backed by the mouths, cocks, and vajayjays of THE PEOPLE you fascist sluts!"
13:14 mircea_popescu actually, it's not that they banned me.
13:14 kleeck SexCoin
13:14 mircea_popescu they made the proposition that the value of something can rest on sexual favours a bannable offence
13:14 mircea_popescu then they banned me according to the new regulation.
13:15 kleeck When my friends are trolling me they call Bitcoin "CrimeCoin" and it's usually after something like the Trendon Shavers arrest, or Silkroad bust.
13:15 kleeck "Hey man, sorry about your CrimeCoin tanking. Tough luck."
13:16 smickles ;;ticker
13:16 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 210.10579, Best ask: 212.00000, Bid-ask spread: 1.89421, Last trade: 210.08073, 24 hour volume: 7707.41836602, 24 hour low: 204.00000, 24 hour high: 214.47587, 24 hour vwap: 208.55587
13:16 kleeck lol
13:16 kleeck It's not tanking now, smickles.
13:16 kleeck breathe easy.
13:16 smickles i usually make a profit when it tanks
13:16 nubbins` i mentioned to a friend a few months ago that i made a bunch of money buying and selling btc-denominated securities. a couple of days later, he says "did you ever make any more money with that scam after?"
13:17 mircea_popescu lol
13:17 nubbins` rather than explain, i just said "yes"
13:17 mircea_popescu as far as government employees, people on the government dole and unemployable youths are concerned,
13:18 mircea_popescu this entire "not done by govt = scam" angle won't be hard to push
13:19 nubbins` y'know, you could draw a venn diagram with those 3 groups and have a sizable common area in the middle
13:19 mircea_popescu ya think ?
13:21 nubbins` 27ZXLq4
13:21 ll ;;genrate 40000
13:21 nubbins` i mean
13:21 gribble The expected generation output, at 40000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 390928787.638, is 0.0514576088877 BTC per day and 0.00214406703699 BTC per hour.
13:21 nubbins`
13:21 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
13:21 nubbins` a bit cheeky, maybe, but you get the idea
13:22 mircea_popescu "unemployable youths"! don't mix my cocksuckers into your ven voodoo
13:22 nubbins` the area where all 3 interesect is called "paid work terms"
13:22 ll ;;genrate 400000
13:22 gribble The expected generation output, at 400000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 390928787.638, is 0.514576088877 BTC per day and 0.0214406703699 BTC per hour.
13:23 nubbins` consider the diagram suitably amended
13:23 mircea_popescu
13:23 ozbot Bitcoin TOP-500 Richest
13:23 nubbins` heh, saw that
13:23 nubbins` i think the take-away is that mp == goat
13:23 mircea_popescu it's funny tho, because she has a point.
13:24 mircea_popescu every summer to date there was a hot company that passed s.mpoe
13:24 mircea_popescu by autumn it was done
13:24 mircea_popescu basically, a bunch of btc finance is powered by summer vacation.
13:24 mircea_popescu kids get all excited in may, invest their allowance, dream about how they'll be rich "in the future" = next week, and how they'll start a family with beck tatcher down the aisle
13:24 mircea_popescu also next week.
13:25 mircea_popescu then school starts, another year of toil, summer dreams and hopes dashed on the jagged shore of reality
13:25 mircea_popescu and so it goes.
13:25 mircea_popescu i wonder what 2014's mayfly will be.
13:26 nubbins` i've got a reasonable guess
13:26 nubbins`
13:26 ozbot Medical marijuana spinoff firms look to cash in on new rules - Canada - CBC News
13:30 nubbins` 450,000 med pot users in canada by 2024. that's billions in revenue every year even at bargain-basement prices
13:31 mircea_popescu baby, if it's legal it won't be 1/4 mn.
13:32 mircea_popescu it will be 5mn or some shit. ppl will move to canada just for this.
13:32 mircea_popescu they don't have a job anyway, might as well live somwehre da police ain't husslin them for pot.
13:33 bob____ summer in the northern hemisphere or southern?
13:33 nubbins` of course, whenever full legalization comes around, there will already be a massive, massive legal growing industry already in place
13:33 nubbins` interesting times ahead
13:34 KRS- omg smoking cigarettes while on blood pressure meds is giving me a helluva buzz..this should be illegal =D
13:34 nubbins` unauthorized mental state
13:34 KRS- right
13:34 nubbins` try taking altitude-sickness drugs and having a beer.
13:35 nubbins` 0/10, would not do again
13:35 KRS- haha ok when i get bored and im out of drugs i will
13:35 nubbins` "why are my hands vibrating?" followed by "and my arms", followed a few minutes later by "oh fuck now it's in my face, i need to lie down"
13:36 KRS- HAHA sounds like fun
13:36 nubbins` they really weren't joking with the "do not take with alcohol" sticker on the bottle
13:36 mircea_popescu i never take shit you can't take with alcohol.
13:36 mircea_popescu fucking poisonous
13:38 nubbins` ;;ud blow stamps
13:38 gribble | low Stamp noun. /blō•stamp/ 1. A LEET-ish speak word for 'bitcoin' accidentally coined by a 94-year-old grandmother on October 29, 2013.
13:38 ozbot Urban Dictionary: blow stamps
13:39 nubbins` ^ some kid on reddit who bought his grandma some btc a few years ago
13:39 nubbins` "how are my blow stamps doing?"
13:39 nubbins` lel
13:39 mircea_popescu how is this in the ud
13:39 nubbins` the free piece of shit dictionary that anyone can edit
13:39 mircea_popescu o o i c :d
13:43 Namworld [13:34] <nubbins`> unauthorized mental state
13:43 Namworld You dislike the government. That's an unauthorized mental state that leads to chaos. stop right this instant lest you want to be corrected with these correctional instruments.
13:44 smickles ^gold
13:44 nubbins` rhetoric aside, that's exactly what it is
13:45 nubbins` it's even more bizarre when you consider that there's a legal medical marijuana industry in canada
13:45 nubbins` "this is okay for sick people to smoke, but if healthy people smoke it, terrible things will happen"
13:45 nubbins` glossing over the fact that the majority of adult canadians have, at some point in their lives, smoked pot
13:49 nubbins` there's a guy here in my town that runs a massive hydroponic lettuce operation, i wonder if he's been eyeing these new regulations
13:49 smickles sounds like an easy transition
13:50 nubbins` well, yes. smart guy, he rented out part of his building to a laundromat and captures their waste heat to keep the grow areas warm
13:50 smickles damn
13:50 Namworld genius
13:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 676 @ 0.00108245 = 0.7317 BTC [-] {5}
13:57 mircea_popescu if i were the laundromat i'd sue.
13:57 mircea_popescu he can settle out of court and that way i don't have to go through discovery.
13:58 nubbins` sue on what grounds
13:59 mircea_popescu unjust enrichment.
13:59 nubbins` shrug, pretty sure they came to a mutual agreement
13:59 mircea_popescu or that.
14:07 assbot [MPEX] [O] [O.USD.P200T] 180 @ 0.55541669 = 99.975 BTC [+]
14:08 mircea_popescu 100 on red!
14:10 smickles $avg
14:10 mpexbot smickles: 199.80
14:10 bob____ insane
14:10 bob____ break-even is what, 90?
14:12 mircea_popescu ;;calc 200 / 1.555
14:12 gribble 128.617363344
14:12 mircea_popescu breakeven is around what it was a month ago
14:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] [PAID] 130.69702147 BTC to 500`000`000 shares, 26 satoshi per share
14:14 mircea_popescu did i fuck it up again ?
14:16 bob____ someday i will internalize how that works. so on excercise he will pay 1btc and get strike/spot.
14:17 dexX7 do you adjust option prices frequently?
14:19 bob____ dexX7: yeah, the market maker bot moves the price often
14:21 dexX7 ah, how are prices determined?
~ 23 minutes ~
14:44 jurov $t m s.mpoe
14:44 jurov !t m s.mpoe
14:44 assbot [MPEX:S.MPOE] 1D: 0.0008131 / 0.00081904 / 0.00082371 (81952 shares, 67.12 BTC), 7D: 0.00080585 / 0.00081779 / 0.00082379 (125880 shares, 102.94 BTC), 30D: 0.00080585 / 0.00085106 / 0.00094023 (1875046 shares, 1,595.78 BTC)
14:44 jurov !t m s.bbet
14:44 assbot [MPEX:S.BBET] 1D: 0.00046 / 0.00046737 / 0.0005 (1805 shares, 0.84 BTC), 7D: 0.00046 / 0.00068456 / 0.00071 (21805 shares, 14.93 BTC), 30D: 0.00046 / 0.00064054 / 0.00071 (30105 shares, 19.28 BTC)
14:45 ll ;;diff
14:45 gribble 3.9092878763808584E8
14:45 ll ;;next
14:45 gribble See latest update from Onefixt here:
14:47 ll ;;bcstats
14:47 gribble Current Blocks: 267143 | Current Difficulty: 3.9092878763808584E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 268127 | Next Difficulty In: 984 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 4 days, 15 hours, 23 minutes, and 46 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 494972701.994 | Estimated Percent Change: 26.61454
14:49 KRS- Hi =D
14:52 mircea_popescu
14:57 mircea_popescu
14:57 ozbot WE WANT ANSWERS Why were M'sian students forced into sex work in Australia?
15:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 31 @ 0.005699 = 0.1767 BTC [+]
15:08 kleeck Anyone here know what a ball park for how many chips to expect in a "Test batch"?
15:08 dexX7 3
15:08 dexX7 max 4 :p
15:08 kleeck Anyone else...
15:08 kleeck :P
15:08 dexX7 haha
15:08 kleeck Is it in the hundreds? thousands?
15:08 kleeck I just don't know.
15:08 mircea_popescu kleeck whose test batch ?
15:08 kleeck In general.
15:09 mircea_popescu there is no in general eh ?
15:09 kleeck So it varies based on fab?
15:09 mircea_popescu one wafer is usually a reasonable way to go about test chips, but depends how many chips you cut to the wafer.
15:09 kleeck Gotcha
15:09 mircea_popescu well yes, it varies on the chip, tyhe fab, who's doing it etc.
15:09 kleeck wafer is a good point.
15:10 mircea_popescu yes, as a rule of tumb. but maybe you tacked your test run into an incomplete other wafer.
15:11 mircea_popescu people do this all the time. whether they be students getting a freebie or a corp dept piggubacking on another's job.
15:11 kleeck I see.
15:11 mircea_popescu you could also be big enough to cut 12 test wafers cause you need a lot of tests.
15:11 kleeck So is this normally negotiated with the fab?
15:11 mircea_popescu it's just a term with no direct meaning. depends what whoever said it meant.
15:12 mircea_popescu like "pretty"
15:12 kleeck Heh.
15:12 kleeck Gotcha. That gives me some clarity.
15:22 jurov omfg so it uses ultrasound now?
15:23 kleeck Hah. You missed our talk about #badBios earlier, Jurov. I too was lamenting it's beauty.
15:23 mircea_popescu jurov it also uses our collective sisters to spread by now.
15:24 jcpham the only way to stop it is toput duct tape over your speakers
15:24 deadweasel 'Our Collective Sisters' sounds like an Emo band.
15:25 mircea_popescu actually it does huh.
15:27 deadweasel it's a little too incestual for me tho..
15:27 deadweasel sounds like we're sharing our sisters, which I would never do. SHE'S ALL MINE....
15:27 deadweasel oops, wait..
15:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 26 @ 0.0056979 = 0.1481 BTC [-]
15:30 mircea_popescu lol
15:30 mircea_popescu i'd share your sister
15:30 mircea_popescu with all my friends.
15:31 deadweasel You would, she's fine. But she'll kick your ass if you disrespect her. I taught her well.
15:32 deadweasel i'm not sure if gang-bangs fall under the heading of 'dis-respect' for her, but I would guess so.
15:33 kleeck pics deadweasel.
15:34 kleeck now pics
15:34 kleeck pics, do it
15:34 kleeck post them
15:34 kleeck now
15:34 kleeck do it
15:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 1204 @ 0.00109547 = 1.3189 BTC [+] {4}
15:35 kleeck Well, well, well. It wasn't India after all:
15:36 pankkake +1 for pics
15:36 kleeck oh yea.
15:36 kleeck sorry.
15:36 kleeck was distracted by science.
15:36 kleeck PICS deadweasel !
15:36 kleeck NOW
15:36 kleeck DO IT
15:36 kleeck Don't delay.
15:36 mircea_popescu lmao
15:36 pankkake unless she's too old
15:37 kleeck Yeah. if she's old photoshop the wrinkles out first.
15:37 kleeck Then post it.
15:37 kleeck DO IT
15:37 kleeck now.
15:37 kleeck Show us
15:41 jcpham boobs!
15:41 jcpham boobs out, shoe on head or didn't happen
15:42 kleeck faggets?
15:43 kleeck uh-oh
15:43 kleeck assets is turning into 4-chan... ITS HAPPENING
15:46 deadweasel Boy, I'm glad I returned...
15:46 deadweasel here come pics
15:46 deadweasel
15:46 ozbot Eh
15:47 deadweasel ok, i'm off the clock, enjoy!
15:47 pankkake but not off the cock
15:51 Namworld I'm dizzy...
15:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.64 BTC [+]
15:52 Namworld I hope they get one of those needless blood sugar tester out there and working for an affordable price.
15:53 mircea_popescu what are they now, 5 btc ?
15:53 Namworld Actually they're probably available and cheap now.
15:53 Namworld Not that I require one, but it would be nice.
15:59 KRS- should be free
15:59 Namworld Looks like it's still not available
16:00 Namworld Since I'm in Canada, it probably is for people that requires it. No clue.
16:01 nubbins` how do you test your blood w/o a needle?
16:02 Namworld Some companies are getting close apparently. It's getting more accurate.
16:02 jurov bah, just taste it how sweet it is
16:03 Namworld Through light or something, and infering glucose content from that. I forgot how they do it.
16:03 jurov they measure refractive index
16:04 nubbins` ah
16:04 nubbins` like you just point it at your skin?
16:04 nubbins` still confused
16:04 jurov dunno how the needleless ones work
16:05 Namworld No idea, there's no such device out yet.
16:05 mircea_popescu jurov i was gonna say, "just have your gf taste your pee"
16:05 mircea_popescu but then i abstained.
16:06 mircea_popescu meanwhile back at the fde camp,
16:06 mircea_popescu
16:06 ozbot Enclosed, but not encrypted - The H Security: News and Features
16:09 jurov so what,one has to diy everything... that reminds me i should find or made myself a fkn serial cable soon
16:09 mircea_popescu jurov well... NSA!
16:09 jurov at least i *hope* serial controller can't be reprogrammed via bios
16:10 jurov mean bios via rs232
16:10 asciilifeform jurov: solution: not necessarily DIY, but to use a system that can at least be verified to 'do what it says on the box'
16:12 mircea_popescu
16:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 30 @ 0.00615033 = 0.1845 BTC [-] {3}
16:15 pankkake
16:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.32000001 BTC [+]
16:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.1425 BTC [-]
16:17 pankkake
16:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 58 @ 0.00516912 = 0.2998 BTC [-] {5}
16:19 pankkake my favorite is defitively the fag buys music. buying digital stuff, worse, drmed stuff, should be subject to public humilation
16:20 mircea_popescu buying drm stuff indeed.
16:20 mircea_popescu like, you know, ipads.
16:21 pankkake or kindles that have the wonderful feature of remote deletion of books
16:22 bob____ i feel sad for that 0.1425 btc that just went to CFIG, never to be seen again.
16:23 ThickAsThieves is CFIG a scam now too?
16:23 pankkake I wonder why 100 BTC of it was bought last week
16:24 bob____ the panamian bank that wants to raise a shit ton of money with not much of a plan what to do with it? seems like it to me.
16:24 mircea_popescu which one is cfig ?
16:24 pankkake
16:24 ozbot [HAVELOCK] Crypto Currency (CFIG) Official Thread
16:26 mircea_popescu;u=141589
16:26 ozbot View the profile of Crypto Financial
16:26 mircea_popescu july 2013 anon forum member starts a bank
16:26 mircea_popescu a well./
16:29 pankkake "Members of this company are currently board members in a Medium size bank in Panama." (well, it might be false)
16:29 mircea_popescu this vagueness has never went over well.
16:30 pankkake latest news was "Crypto Financial (CFIG) is pleased to announce that we will begin to accept applications for our Fiduciary Financial Services and Trading Platform during the month of November, 2013."
16:30 bob____ to stockholders only though. buy your shares quick!
16:32 bob____ so, to be clear, the fact that they are accepting applications means they have *already* cleared all the regulatory hurdles they said they need to start this real, offical bank. What's the name of that bank again? I suppose I should be able to look it up if its real and regestered and everything.
16:34 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 691 @ 0.00538615 = 3.7218 BTC [-] {17}
16:34 bob____ hmm, but i guess development still needs a few months.
16:34 bob____
16:34 ozbot [HAVELOCK] Crypto Currency (CFIG) Official Thread
16:34 bob____ but apply now!
16:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 50 @ 0.00775 = 0.3875 BTC [+]
16:38 ThickAsThieves Announcing G.ASICMINER, AM100, and TAT.ASICMINER temporary conversion services:
16:39 pankkake G.ASICMINER to AM100. clever :p
16:39 ThickAsThieves and AM100 to direct (for a fee)
16:40 pankkake oh, that one is nice
16:40 bob____ examples are a tad confusing though. if i have 1000 AM100 shares i can't send 1050 to you :)
16:41 ThickAsThieves hehe
16:41 ThickAsThieves indeed
16:41 ThickAsThieves i knew there would be some things i couldnt just say quickly
16:41 ThickAsThieves but hopefully anyone interested can sort it all out
16:41 bob____ yeah
16:42 nubbins`
16:42 ozbot [HAVELOCK] Crypto Currency (CFIG) Official Thread
16:42 nubbins` re: cfig
16:43 nubbins` the hilarity of this is that Virtex now offers this exact service
16:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.60827151 = 6.0827 BTC [-] {6}
16:43 nubbins` but with CAD instead of USD
16:44 nubbins` and, y'know. virtex is real.
16:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 15 @ 0.6012 = 9.018 BTC [-] {2}
16:49 topace nubbins`: what service ?
16:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [DEALCO] 100 @ 0.00775 = 0.775 BTC [+]
16:49 topace the bank card ?
16:49 nubbins` yeah
16:49 topace ah
16:50 topace but its onyl CAD, though i suppose it would work outside canada as long as its on the "interac" network
16:50 topace and the card is only availbale to canadians
16:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 944 @ 0.00020959 = 0.1979 BTC [+] {2}
16:50 nubbins` too true, what's the international one? PLUS network or something
16:51 topace i could have done a creditcard for canadianbitcoins 12 months ago
16:51 topace still could now if i wanted to
16:51 topace but i decided against it
16:51 topace becuase the fee's sucked
16:51 topace $6 load fee, $3/month fee, $1.50 usage fee, $2.00 cash withdrawal fee, etc
16:51 topace prepaid creditcard that is
16:52 topace i have a pile of them sitting on my desk still
16:52 nubbins` $$$$$
16:52 topace they get ya on the fee's
16:52 topace and i didnt want my customers getting raped up the ass
16:52 topace so i decided not to do it
16:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 150 @ 0.00073649 = 0.1105 BTC [+] {3}
16:52 nubbins` yeah, if you're gonna just replicate the bank setup but with BTC backing it, what's the point, right?
16:54 nubbins` virtex debit is a bit lighter on fees, but still to steep for me to bother signing up
16:54 mircea_popescu <ThickAsThieves> i knew there would be some things i couldnt just say quickly << maybe offer a cash settlement ?
16:54 mircea_popescu strictly as a convenience so people d on
16:54 nubbins` i think the real draw is that it's more convenient than direct deposit for withdrawing your funds
16:54 mircea_popescu 'rt end up with fractionaries in 50 symbols.
16:54 mircea_popescu the last 50 can be turned to 0.3btc or w/e.
16:55 ThickAsThieves the problem is the price is pretty damn volatile right now
16:55 mircea_popescu well it being a courtesy service, you take a safe margin i guess.
16:55 ThickAsThieves maybe, i'm just testing this out for now
16:56 ThickAsThieves already a lot to it and going in
16:56 ThickAsThieves on
16:56 ThickAsThieves i know people have wanted both services for a while
16:57 ThickAsThieves any service i could offer to buy back odd amounts would surely net the holder less than selling em at market
16:58 mircea_popescu a, i thought the mkt was closed on that particular symbol. nm.
16:59 ThickAsThieves for some people (US) it will be closed tomorrow
16:59 ThickAsThieves I have been selling some people's shares for them, whom didnt want to migrate anywhere
16:59 ThickAsThieves as unofficial service of sorts
17:02 Ademan ThickAsThieves: what will be closed tomorrow?
17:04 Ademan oh, I thought you meant something would be closed to US customers tomorrow
17:05 pankkake bitfunder is closed to US on November 1st
17:05 ThickAsThieves is closing and Bitfunder will disallow selling from US accounts
17:05 ThickAsThieves Us users can still have accounts on BF til Dec 2nd
17:05 ThickAsThieves to collect divs or such
17:06 Ademan Ah, as long as we're not talking about havelock (yet :-( )
17:07 pankkake we'll see!
17:09 Ademan how do they determine who's in the US anyways? Is it just by access location?
17:10 Ademan Also a surprising amount of no bets, although Nov 5 is a pretty short timeframe
17:10 Ademan ThickAsThieves: You manage AM1 on Havelock as well right? Will you be doing PT conversions if that were to happen?
17:11 Ademan er sorry, direct conversions
17:11 ThickAsThieves AM1 already allows it
17:12 ThickAsThieves and i get fresk copies of the shareholder list twice per day
17:12 ThickAsThieves fresh*
17:13 Ademan I guess I'd have to just dump all of my AM100 in that case though huh?
17:14 Ademan that'll be a great day for international investors at the expense of US ones...
17:17 ThickAsThieves well if you choose the specific scenario where you might lose something in some possible future, well, you always lose, no?
17:18 ThickAsThieves the odds are that given the avenue, things will get sorted
~ 18 minutes ~
17:36 Ademan Are you interested at all in colored coins?
17:39 dexX7 mastercoin seems to push it forward constantly with new contests and rewards
17:41 Ademan I want it to work cause I'd love to avoid future exchange closures
17:42 pankkake I fail to see how that solves the exchange issues, it looks like just a fancy way of having direct shares
17:42 Ademan I was about to say heh
17:43 dexX7 mastercoin has an orderbook based on tx
17:43 Ademan On the other hand, if an exchange closes where you bought a colored coin based share, you don't have to liquidate it or worry
17:43 Ademan dexX7: ah awesome, I actually didn't know that
17:43 mircea_popescu Ademan you are aware mpex is the oldest right ?
17:44 dexX7 but the concept seems so... wrong :D they use additional outputs to encode data in form of btc addresses, all linked to the exodus address
17:44 dub -assets don't like no colored nuthin boa
17:44 dexX7 mp, you should send burnside flowers :p
17:44 pankkake so you'd have to pay a fee to put an order or cancel one, and wait for it to be included in a block?
17:44 dub aint yall read mp's blog
17:45 pankkake sending and trading colored coins on an exchange would make sense. you could get them out when you don't want to trade
17:45 dexX7 even 2-3x fees. one tx goes to the exodus address to "register" your action, the other one goes into the void and encodes the data and the third one may be used as actual value tranasfer
17:45 mircea_popescu dub you were the source of much bitctointalk confusion btw.
17:45 dub orly?
17:46 mircea_popescu
17:46 ozbot Bitcoin TOP-500 Richest
17:51 Ademan mircea_popescu: I wasn't but why do you mention it? Cause you haven't closed?
17:51 dub interdasting
17:52 mircea_popescu Ademan to help you get some proportion. born a week before bitcoinica.
17:59 Namworld It's been one heck of a trip. Mircea now uses BTC as TP.
18:00 Namworld Sure seems like action is missing on MPEx lately tho
18:00 mircea_popescu quite literally, this week.
18:02 Namworld 2`618.12178487 BTC 30 day volume, what the hell is that?
18:02 Apocalyptic no fake volume bot there
18:02 Namworld 87.27072616 BTC average daily. Unheard of.
18:03 Ademan how does one use BTC as TP? Do you have to make paper wallets first?
18:03 mircea_popescu yeah.
18:04 assnet the first naturally colored coins
18:04 mircea_popescu lol
18:04 Namworld You print a roll with a QR code on each sheet that allows redeeming Bitcoins and use that.
18:04 Namworld Not the QR code, the paper
18:04 mircea_popescu !jd
18:04 assbot Just-Dice stat: 6625 BTC profit, 61.3k BTC invested, 218.32 mio bets, 4.31 mio BTC wagered
18:05 mircea_popescu i suppose all teh investors are thar.
18:05 Namworld Fuck, probably. With S.DICE gone.
18:06 Ademan crap 6625BTC profit?! Who the hell is wasting their coins gambling?! (brb buying some securities)
18:07 Namworld They were at -10000 at some point I think or close to that
18:07 Namworld SD made over 10x that already
18:07 mircea_popescu they had ups and downs
18:07 Namworld I think they were around 70000 profit when they sold
18:08 pankkake I think it went down to -4000, maybe more
18:08 pankkake (just dice)
18:08 Namworld Comparatively, Coinroll made 1000 BTC profit and less than 120'000 BTC wagered. Which is actually under the house 1% margin.
18:08 mircea_popescu heh. mpoe was iirc -10k or some shit at some point
18:09 mircea_popescu and for that matter the book carried 1mn btc implied at some point.
18:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3050 @ 0.00082487 = 2.5159 BTC [+]
18:09 Namworld JD would be ~40000 BTC profit if they were close to house margin
18:09 mircea_popescu apparently bitcoin is very ups and downs sort of tyhing
18:09 Namworld Coinroll has public dumps of the DB
18:12 mircea_popescu well ima go take the local crazy bitchez for a halloween walk through the fog.
18:12 mircea_popescu later all.
18:12 Namworld Sounds nice
18:12 Namworld Later
18:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 18 @ 0.00562337 = 0.1012 BTC [+] {10}
18:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00568889 = 0.1422 BTC [+] {13}
18:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 46 @ 0.0056889 = 0.2617 BTC [+] {8}
18:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.00568889 = 0.1422 BTC [-] {3}
18:24 mjr_ hello all
18:24 mjr_ anyone still around?
18:25 kakobrekla sup panaman!
18:38 mjr_ what up
18:38 mjr_ i had an idea...
18:38 mjr_ its kinda crazy i think
18:38 mjr_ but would make an interesting experiment
18:44 jurov mjr_ yes?
18:47 Namworld We are waiting...
18:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 629 @ 0.00050048 = 0.3148 BTC [-] {3}
18:53 pankkake that was the experiment
19:05 jurov no, nsa intercepted his communication and then him in person
19:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 178 @ 0.00082487 = 0.1468 BTC [+]
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6150 @ 0.00082526 = 5.0753 BTC [+]
19:15 ThickAsThieves
19:15 ozbot BBC News - RBS traders suspended in forex probe
19:20 dexX7 meni rosenfeld. is this guy useful?
19:23 kakobrekla dexX7, grep for 'meni'
19:26 dexX7 thanks
19:27 Ademan does the operator of havelock ever come in here?
19:28 kakobrekla ;;seen topace
19:28 gribble topace was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 2 hours, 35 minutes, and 34 seconds ago: <topace> so i decided not to do it
19:28 kakobrekla 2 hrs ago.
19:28 kakobrekla but he decided not to do it!
19:28 Namworld He used to be around more often... Still around but not talking as much.
19:28 dexX7 there is also #havelockinvestments
19:29 Ademan ah, I was wondering what was up with the outtage ~16 hours ago
19:35 jurov it's that rat around asset exchanges, chewing cables
19:35 jurov and peeing over harddrives
19:36 Namworld Those darn bitrats
19:36 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.61 BTC [+]
19:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.60125 BTC [-]
19:42 Ademan woo!
~ 22 minutes ~
20:04 kakobrekla new feature
20:04 kakobrekla
20:04 kakobrekla try it out, lemme know how it goes
20:05 pankkake awesome! I mentionned it a few days earlier, and it's now there :)
20:05 kakobrekla magicks!
20:06 kakobrekla Resolved gain:
20:06 kakobrekla -0.01688396 BTC
20:06 kakobrekla lol
20:06 kakobrekla hell!
20:06 kakobrekla thats my stats
20:07 pankkake counts as a loss for me, but I didn't invest those 0.03 myself (
20:07 kakobrekla this is thanks to mp fucking around with my bets
20:07 ozbot BitBet - ActiveMining will be profitable for most investors
20:07 kakobrekla we have bug?
20:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 72 @ 0.00552795 = 0.398 BTC [+] {2}
20:08 pankkake well, not really… unless you have a way to know it was provided by the house
20:08 kakobrekla ah i see
20:08 kakobrekla you are bothered by the house bet
20:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 0.63975 = 1.2795 BTC [+] {2}
20:09 kakobrekla i dont see a good way around that
20:10 pankkake the amounts aren't really worth correcting, especially since you get some of it back if you win
20:10 kakobrekla yea
20:10 pankkake but it scared me to see "lost" the first time
20:11 kakobrekla yeah there are like 3 AM bets in there
20:13 dexX7 i see just one
20:14 kakobrekla 10-09-2013 ActiveMining will be profitable for most investors 0.55196672 Won 0.72314360
20:14 kakobrekla 09-09-2013 ActiveMining will be profitable for most investors 0.03000000 Lost 0.00000000
20:14 kakobrekla 09-09-2013 ActiveMining will be profitable for most investors 0.17050709 Won 0.22341672
20:14 pankkake ActiveMinig is not AM! it's a scam!
20:14 VanCleef_ both a scam
20:15 VanCleef_ i bet you friedcat isn't even his real name
20:15 pankkake and that he isn't a cat
20:16 dexX7 are there many people that use addresses more than once on bb?
20:17 kakobrekla that how its suppose to work
20:17 kakobrekla you can search by that too you know
20:17 pankkake outgoing addresses?
20:17 kakobrekla or ingoing
20:17 kakobrekla or mix of keywords and addresses
20:17 kakobrekla "1address bfl"
20:17 kakobrekla example
20:18 pankkake I meant that for dexX7
20:18 kakobrekla a
20:18 kakobrekla sry then
20:18 pankkake I always use the same (unless maybe I am ashamed of my bet someday and chose another one)
20:19 dexX7 ah okay
20:19 dexX7 yes, outgoing
20:20 VanCleef_ how do we sue friedcat?
20:21 pankkake don't need to, just lure him with catnip
20:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5162 @ 0.0008303 = 4.286 BTC [+] {3}
20:21 pankkake he'll give you his private key
20:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.64998629 BTC [+]
20:22 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 33 @ 0.005528 = 0.1824 BTC [+]
20:22 VanCleef_ what sick bastard keeps buying am
20:23 dexX7 and i really thought the shiny video would come
20:25 VanCleef_ i dont think AM ever sent any hardware out
20:25 VanCleef_ its all been a scam
20:25 dexX7 lol yea, all shills
20:25 VanCleef_ fo sho
20:25 VanCleef_ the greatest scam the bitcoin world has ever seen
20:26 kakobrekla alright
20:26 kakobrekla october results are in
20:26 kakobrekla *drumroll*
20:26 kakobrekla
20:26 ozbot PANACEA - Bitcoin denominated hedge fund
20:26 kakobrekla feel free to ask questions
20:27 dub alberto eh
20:27 pankkake some guy named Alberto in Management
20:27 dub scam
20:27 kakobrekla hehe
20:28 dub I win pankkake
20:28 pankkake 50 BTC minimum, so not for poorfags :(
20:28 benkay kakobrekla: listing on mpex?
20:28 kakobrekla yes got a green light.
20:28 kakobrekla ETF prolly in a few months
20:28 pankkake oh
20:29 dexX7 so is this scam?
20:29 pircea_momescu dexX7 it's a scam !
20:29 dexX7 oh
20:29 dexX7 x_X
20:29 benkay kidding, kidding.
20:29 benkay oh but really?
20:29 benkay and an etf?
20:29 kakobrekla what so odd?
20:29 benkay nothing odd.
20:30 VanCleef_ i trust Alberto Sanchez
20:30 kakobrekla i hold all teh coins at all times
20:30 kakobrekla dun worry
20:30 dexX7
20:30 pankkake oh it's the guy
20:30 kakobrekla i know him for about 3 years
20:30 kakobrekla and we have been working on this for 1 year about.
20:31 dexX7 haha yea, i saw he was a larger mpex holder
20:31 VanCleef_ wordpress = being legit
20:36 freshcoin wordpress = teh 1337
20:43 dub what has take a years worth of work?
20:44 freshcoin to hax0r teh g1bs0n
20:44 dub 'the model'
20:45 dub theres an automated trading jonx at play? or just you guys making calls
20:46 dub s/calls/decisionS
20:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 19 @ 0.0055001 = 0.1045 BTC [-]
20:50 kakobrekla yes the model on euro dollar
20:50 kakobrekla automated
20:51 jurov kako i envy you.. so far i failed to make any trader interested :/
20:51 kakobrekla we do monitor it but not tamper with it, at least 99% of the time
20:52 kakobrekla on coinbr you mean jurov?
20:52 jurov yes, or anything bitcoin-related
20:53 kakobrekla myea
20:53 kakobrekla hard to do with so little vol
20:54 kakobrekla i am playing on the most liquid market of all assets and asset classes
20:54 jurov oh, you had what volume before meeting these bit4x dudes?
20:54 kakobrekla im talking hard to play with little vol that is on btc markets
20:55 dub ya, its not bitcoin related
20:55 jurov okay, but i mean bitcoin generally, not this assets echo chamber
20:55 kakobrekla i still dont understand which volume you are asking about
20:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 327 @ 0.0055 = 1.7985 BTC [-] {3}
20:56 jurov i dont understand why did you start talking about volume at all
20:56 kakobrekla you wanted someone to do a btc denominated fund right?
20:56 dub I think he wanted to get forex guys into btc
20:57 jurov you were able to find some partner for bit4x, that's all i meant
20:57 benkay get all the forex guys into btc.
20:57 kakobrekla ah i misunderstood then sorry
20:57 kakobrekla jurov well its was a coincidence
21:00 dub it was all a dream he used to read word up magazine
21:00 dub saltnpeppa heavyd up in the scene
21:00 jurov anyway, coinbr new fees are in effect since now. if anyone wants to withdraw, let me know, cuz i'm going to sleep in a while.
21:01 dub now hes in the limelight cause he trades right
21:01 VanCleef_ biggie smalls
21:01 mike_c so.. panacea is forex trading BTC/EUR?
21:01 mike_c er
21:01 mike_c EUR/USD but it's btc denonimated?
21:01 kakobrekla yup
21:02 mike_c ok, so those return percentages are in btc
21:02 kakobrekla correct
21:02 pankkake what happens if btc/usd changes a lot?
21:02 kakobrekla bit4x is since btc was 10$
21:02 mike_c and, don't mean this rudely, this has nothing to do with btc because it's trading eur/usd ?
21:03 mike_c except that buy-in cash-out are btc
21:03 kakobrekla you are always in btc
21:04 mike_c ok. so, i give you 100 btc. you use that as collateral to trade EUR/USD. hopefully you make profit. you give me back 102 btc.
21:04 kakobrekla like that yea
21:04 kakobrekla my profits and loses are in btc
21:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 78 @ 0.00563 = 0.4391 BTC [+]
21:05 kakobrekla pankkake also the positions are so small and the leverage can go really high so no worries for a margin call
21:06 mike_c and the evidence that I have as an investor that you are awesome at this is 3 months of profits..
21:06 kakobrekla you shouldnt rely on that, past perf is no guarantee
21:07 mike_c what should I base my investment decision on?
21:07 kakobrekla but i do have 1k+ of my own riding on it
21:07 pankkake ok, I think I get it
21:07 mike_c since i don't know your CV
21:08 kakobrekla i dont see how cv would help
21:08 kakobrekla either you trust or you do not
21:08 kakobrekla welcome to bitcoin
21:08 mike_c i do trust, in that i don't worry about the safety of my btc
21:08 mike_c but i feel like evidence is a tad slim around your skills at forex.
21:08 kakobrekla i cant make you any guarantee of future profits
21:08 kakobrekla if any
21:09 kakobrekla well then i suggest you not to invest
21:09 mike_c fair enough. good luck with it though.
21:10 kakobrekla :)
21:10 mike_c it does look better than 96% of btc investments, so hopefully you get some bites.
21:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.00082864 = 5.2619 BTC [-] {3}
21:12 kakobrekla i already have private investors since last dec
21:12 mike_c didn't want to share numbers since then?
21:12 kakobrekla so i dont 'need' any bits, but its there if anyone want to join the party
21:13 kakobrekla because it was not this model
21:13 mike_c ah
21:13 mike_c what's the variance like? 20% high watermark.. is the high watermark usually close to end-of-month performance?
21:14 kakobrekla 20% on profits that is.
21:14 mike_c oh, so not 20% of your highest point of the month. 20% of profit at end of month.
21:15 kakobrekla profit is ~20% higher than what you see in the table 'performance after fees'
21:15 mike_c ok, i believe you are saying something different below: "Performance fee:20% high watermark monthly"
21:15 kakobrekla if i have a negative month, no fees are taken until it reaches new high from the top
21:15 mike_c ah
21:16 mike_c that is much better than how i read it.
21:16 kakobrekla well thats what 20% high watermark monthly means
21:16 mike_c kk
21:17 kakobrekla maybe i should add an explanation below
21:17 mike_c for idiots.
21:17 kakobrekla :p
21:17 mike_c we do have some money left :)
21:17 Namworld I have a long history of paying interest on loaned amounts. Good backings. I will need to replace current lenders.
21:17 kakobrekla heh well i hope 50btc min will give me enough peace
21:18 kakobrekla was 100 originally
21:18 kakobrekla changed in last minute
21:18 kakobrekla anyway etf will follow.
21:19 mike_c etf for panacea?
21:19 kakobrekla yea
21:19 mike_c with profit paid as dividends?
21:19 kakobrekla not sure yet
21:20 kakobrekla id much rather do closed ended but people.....
21:20 Namworld Not sure anyone would be interested in that...
21:21 kakobrekla yeah cause they are silly
21:21 mike_c well, to be fair, a dividend stream does reduce the trust factor a little
21:21 mike_c but i guess not much.
21:22 kakobrekla the thing is, as an asset manager you are supposed to better at handling money than other people
21:22 kakobrekla thats why the idea to keep it
21:23 kakobrekla cause its already in the right place so to speak
21:24 mike_c that only works if the asset manager is working a big enough opportunity. which forex obviously is.
21:24 Namworld Well darn, not sure how I will be trading without any liquidities.
21:24 kakobrekla yeah i could prolly handle 21 mio btc with that liquidity.
21:29 mike_c etf on mpex?
21:29 pankkake what else?
21:30 mike_c it'll be nice having a non-mp company on there, just for variety sake.
21:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.608 BTC [-]
21:30 kakobrekla not a company.
21:31 mike_c right. it's an etf that is 100% invested in.. your company. right?
21:31 kakobrekla bit4x will prolly never list anywhere, but asset managment org might
21:31 kakobrekla this now would be just etf
21:32 kakobrekla by now i mean some a few months.
21:32 kakobrekla some/a few
21:32 mike_c etf tracking the performance on panacea.
21:32 mike_c *of
21:32 kakobrekla yea
21:32 mike_c yes, totally different than non-voting stock :)
21:33 kakobrekla well i guess you got a point there
21:34 kakobrekla a non zero asset corp it is called.
21:34 kakobrekla well not sure about the corp part, depends how strict one is id guess
21:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.NSA] 850 @ 0.00023 = 0.1955 BTC [-]
21:35 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 0.608 BTC [-]
21:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 2 @ 0.15845 = 0.3169 BTC [+] {2}
21:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 42 @ 0.06 = 2.52 BTC [-]
21:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 2000 @ 0.000228 = 0.456 BTC [-]
21:49 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 240 @ 0.00267 = 0.6408 BTC [-]
21:51 pankkake p
21:52 kakobrekla time to do
21:52 kakobrekla !jd
21:52 assbot Just-Dice stat: 6609 BTC profit, 61.4k BTC invested, 218.63 mio bets, 4.31 mio BTC wagered
21:54 kakobrekla not bad.
21:55 mike_c you an investor?
21:55 kakobrekla me? nope
21:55 mike_c i think dooglus has a good heart and no clue how to run a casino.
21:56 kakobrekla why you say no clue?
21:57 mike_c the whole "1% max bet", then get beat up, then down to 0.25, looks like now its 0.5
21:57 dexX7 creepy.. the lady is always watching
21:57 dexX7 @sd
21:57 mike_c i don't think he understands what the swings will be like often - and i know his investors dont
21:58 kakobrekla yeah he does have to handle bunch of penny investors
21:58 kakobrekla i can see how that is a pain
21:59 mike_c even 0.5% of bankroll is too big for long-term success. the drawdowns will be big and the investors are not ready for it
21:59 kakobrekla "mah 0.8 coin is nao only 0.75 doog fix it nao dis inaxeptablu"
21:59 mike_c heh
22:00 kakobrekla srsly twas like .81 b4
22:01 mike_c you'll get those mails after the etf comes out
22:01 kakobrekla write to
22:02 pankkake
22:02 ozbot Home
22:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.36999999 BTC [+]
22:06 Jere_Jones Yo dexX7
22:07 thestringpuller anyone from bitvps around?
22:08 Jere_Jones I find that people on bitcointalk tend toward the "asshole" side of the scale. I don't know if that's because bitcoin brings out the asshole in people or assholes tend to have the loudest voices. However, your posts are always levelheaded and useful. I appreciate that.
22:08 arij hey thestringpuller
22:08 Jere_Jones So... thanks. That's it.
22:08 thestringpuller hey arij can I serve things off ports ?
22:08 thestringpuller well how do I see what ports are going
22:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4000 @ 0.00022855 = 0.9142 BTC [+]
22:09 thestringpuller like I'm hosting a service on port 5984 and can't reach it remote
22:10 mike_c holy shit i thought you were kidding. DaaS is real :D only $25 a month for 100gigs!
22:11 arij you can do sudo netstat -pnutl
22:11 arij to see which ports are open
22:13 thestringpuller i see
22:13 thestringpuller it's serving off local cool thanks arij much appreciated
22:13 arij np
22:14 thestringpuller :D
22:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 39 @ 0.0056879 = 0.2218 BTC [+]
22:14 dub IONTERNTS
22:24 Diablo-D3 hrm
22:24 Diablo-D3 I think bitfunder is broken
22:24 Diablo-D3 it says there are two people that own a significant amount of DMC shares
22:24 Diablo-D3 one 1774, one 550
22:24 Diablo-D3 these people do not seem to actually exist
22:25 pankkake well I got a share of a company on an account I never used
22:25 pankkake so, who knows
22:25 pankkake bitfunder is broken by design or something
22:25 Diablo-D3 well, I cant even contact them
22:25 Diablo-D3 I have no clue who they are
22:25 Diablo-D3 they arent on IRC either
22:26 Diablo-D3 and they have another hour and a half to trade their shares in for AM before DMC closes its doors forever
22:28 dub how many AMs does my share get?
22:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 80 @ 0.0055136 = 0.4411 BTC [-] {3}
22:28 Diablo-D3 dub: none.
22:28 Diablo-D3 dub: you need at least 11.
22:28 dub scammer
22:28 Diablo-D3 not at all. friedcat doesnt offer fractional shares
22:29 dub I paid a whole satoshi for that share
22:31 Diablo-D3 hah.
22:31 Diablo-D3 and you've probably made more than that back in divs
22:31 dub uh no
22:31 Diablo-D3 uh, yes?
22:31 dub no
22:31 Diablo-D3 even if you got ONE div, it would have been more than 1 satoshi
22:32 dub no divs
22:33 Diablo-D3 lol you sold it before you got one div?
22:33 dub didnt sell it
22:33 Diablo-D3 so wheres your divs?
22:33 dub fuck if I know
22:33 dub you're the scammer
22:33 dub you tell me
22:33 Diablo-D3 I dont handle div distribution
22:33 Diablo-D3 bitfunder does
22:33 dub buttfunder?
22:33 Diablo-D3 did you check your bitfunder account balance?
22:33 Diablo-D3 yes, buttfunder. for buttcoins.
22:34 dub I don;t have a buttfunder account
22:34 Diablo-D3 if you dont have a buttfunder account then you dont actually have any shares
22:34 thestringpuller ridin' with my top down - swizz beats
22:34 Diablo-D3 I dont offer direct shares, all shareholder data at the GLBSE transition was uploaded to bitfunder
22:35 Diablo-D3 you were sent an email on how to create a bitfunder account
22:35 dub yeah butt I'd need a weakexchange account or someshit to use buttfunder
22:35 Diablo-D3 to move btc in and out, yes
22:35 Diablo-D3 I think its retarded
22:36 Diablo-D3 I wish Ukto would just let people move money out of accounts without weex
22:36 dub anyway I will forever remember you as teh guy that jipped me for a satoshi
22:36 Diablo-D3 dub: except you wern't jipped
22:36 dub thats right I was gypped
22:36 Diablo-D3 thats even worse
22:36 Diablo-D3 btw, I need to talk to ukto
22:36 Diablo-D3 and have all unclaimed dividends sent back to DMC
22:37 dub just send them to me along with teh outstanding AMs and we're square
22:37 Diablo-D3 like I said, friedcat doesnt do fractional shares
22:37 Diablo-D3 otherwise I actually would
22:48 dub ;;rated Diablo-D3
22:48 gribble You rated user Diablo-D3 on Wed Dec 19 17:18:02 2012, with a rating of 1, and supplied these additional notes: fulfilled mining contract and multiple glbse share txns.
22:48 dub may need to review this
22:49 VanCleef_ friedcat is a scam
22:49 pankkake everything is a scam
22:51 Apocalyptic scammar erywhere
22:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 18 @ 0.063 = 1.134 BTC [+] {2}
23:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 200 @ 0.00068 = 0.136 BTC [-]
23:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.36909319 BTC [-]
23:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.00267 = 0.267 BTC [-]
23:11 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 43 @ 0.0056879 = 0.2446 BTC [+]
23:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 1 @ 0.3690922 BTC [-]
23:25 thestringpuller get lucky has 132 million plays
23:26 dub talk about riding their reputation
23:26 dub that album sucks
23:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0055004 = 0.275 BTC [-]
23:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 934 @ 0.00050558 = 0.4722 BTC [-] {3}
23:46 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 79 @ 0.00568822 = 0.4494 BTC [+] {4}
23:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2734 @ 0.00082493 = 2.2554 BTC [-]
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