Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2013-10-05 | 2013-10-07 →
00:00 pankkake lol
00:00 dexX7 why should they use picostocks lol
00:00 nejon based on how clueless some support people can be
00:00 dexX7 nothing against picostocks though
00:00 pankkake yes, 1) why picostocks 2) why no announcement before actual ipo 3) the support guy didn't say i don't know, he said no stock selling
00:01 nejon yes because he knows they are selling machines
00:01 nejon what they should use then?
00:02 dexX7 bf i think
00:02 nejon and that would make a difference :D
00:02 dexX7 ukyo spends a lot of coins for lawyers to make bf more legit
00:02 pankkake and also would spend the 5 min required to see if it's legit
00:03 nejon maybe you should spend more than 5min too
00:03 pankkake nejon: at that point, I'm starting to think you're the scammer behind it
00:04 nejon based on what?
00:05 pankkake defending an obvious scam
00:05 nejon can you point where I'm defending something?
00:06 nejon anyway I would find it strange if bitfury team member was involved in scam like that
00:07 pankkake what?
00:07 nejon but I guess we will see soon enough
00:07 pankkake see what?
00:07 dexX7 so what's the story behind this sec form?
00:07 pankkake The Securities and Exchange Commission has not necessarily reviewed the information in this filing and has not determined if it is accurate and complete.
00:08 pankkake The reader should not assume that the information is accurate and complete.
00:08 nejon maybe you should ask the support guy about that form too..
00:08 nejon I'm sure he is in the know
00:08 nejon like many people working in support
00:10 dexX7 right now trading hasn't started yet on picostocks
00:11 dexX7 strange
00:11 dexX7 50 btc were paid as "ipo fee"
00:11 ozbot Bitcoin Transaction c5c6436dc53cd90306e6e9f958af32cde67506888ed012e4d57cd34e6bb5460a
00:11 nejon what is strange about that?
00:11 pankkake 50 btc to list on picostocks?!
00:11 dexX7 yes
00:11 pankkake lol
00:12 VanCleef very legit
00:12 dexX7 it's strange, because i wouldn't expect a scammer pay 50 btc for something that could be busted within a few minutes
00:12 nejon ah
00:12 VanCleef gotta spend money to scam money
00:12 dexX7 sure, but all it needs is a word from cointerra to end it
00:12 nejon anyway I'm not convinced by some random support reply
00:13 nejon and why wouldn't leszek verify with cointerra?
00:14 nejon "If You accept the IPO evaluation You can close it at a selected price. After this You have 2 weeks to sign the sales contract with PicoStocks and submit the signed documents to the IPO office. If You miss this deadline the IPO will be canceled (the asset will be withdrawn from the system). You can also cancel the IPO any time yourself if You are not satisfied with the results and
00:14 nejon withdraw the asset. In such case all investments in bids for the shares of this asset will be returned to the investors."
00:14 nejon so it's impossible to scam if the owner of the exchange is not involved
00:14 nejon which I would find very strange if he was
00:16 dexX7 << that account payed the 50 btc
00:16 ozbot PicoStocks : 1BASfHfaxhR3tb1HpHqiLBkSxPnc4A7AYn : User's Bitcoin transfer log
00:16 dexX7 Created:2012-12-22 14:02:50
00:17 dexX7 rephrased: not this account payed the fee, but the fee was payed from the same address
00:19 nejon quite a lot of bitcoins on that account
00:23 nejon that account seems like it's associated with picostock owners
00:24 nejon doesn't really help anything
00:24 dexX7 maybe it's just a transit address
00:25 dexX7 ipo creator -> picostocks transit -> x
00:25 nejon yep
00:25 nejon and ipo fee might have been paid with bank transfer too
00:26 nejon picostocks has that option
00:26 dexX7
00:26 ozbot
00:26 dexX7 here are some names about people involved
00:26 dexX7 i don't know them
00:26 pankkake why bother? if it's legit, cointerra will announce it
00:27 nejon I think they wouldn't announce
00:27 pankkake what
00:27 nejon they have just filed with sec
00:28 nejon sec hasn't made any decision
00:28 pankkake so they certainly would not show it on picostocks then
00:28 nejon what do you know about the legal issues?
00:29 pankkake what the fuck
00:29 nejon dexX7 I think leszek is the main guy
00:29 dexX7 of picostocks?
00:29 nejon he was one of the main investors in bitfury too
00:29 nejon yes
00:29 dexX7 k
00:29 nejon with bioinfobank
00:29 dexX7 and koji, do you know him?
00:29 nejon koji is his account
00:29 nejon on picostocks
00:30 dexX7 ahh i see
00:30 nejon you can see the info on that account
00:30 dexX7 i'm not familiar with ps :)
00:30 nejon I bought some 100thash shares long ago
00:30 nejon have a friend who knows leszek
00:31 dexX7 so, maybe i just don't see it. when does the ipo start?
00:31 nejon it has started already
00:31 nejon but closes after 7th
00:31 dexX7 no asks, no trades, no volume
00:32 nejon total bid volume:2819.29566986
00:32 nejon btc
00:32 dexX7
00:32 ozbot
00:32 dexX7 yes
00:32 dexX7 people placed bids
00:32 nejon there are ipo shares for 8000btc
00:32 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4350 @ 0.00017 = 0.7395 BTC [-]
00:33 dexX7 but the issuer hasn't put up shares for sale
00:33 nejon I'm just trying to find out if this is legit
00:33 nejon would be suprised if leszek was involved in a scam
00:33 nejon he has made a lot of money with bitfury
00:34 nejon and why ruin the reputation
00:34 dexX7 please report back, if you get some information on it
00:34 nejon I've sent a few emails but no response yet
00:35 nejon dexX7 the shares will be put up for sale when the ipo is closed
00:36 nejon and 7th is the deadline
00:36 pankkake grep shares
00:36 ozbot AnandTech | The Rush to Bitcoin ASICs: Ravi Iyengar launches CoinTerra
00:36 nejon after 7th*
00:36 dexX7 now i understand..
00:36 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1027 @ 0.0012746 = 1.309 BTC [-] {2}
00:37 nejon anyway even if the ipo is legit then there is still the thing about cointerra delivering something :)
00:37 dexX7 "The concept the selling of shares is blurring a legal line, especially in the US. We are not sure if that model is possible within our boundaries. There is also the issue regarding dealing with Bitcoin and converting to cash, thus becoming a money service. We do not want to be in any grey area, and we want to be clear with our business model. The goal of CoinTerra is to be a hardware
00:37 dexX7 product company first, rather than a base for Bitcoin distribution."
00:39 nejon
00:39 ozbot dtuur comments on An Insiders Take on CoinTerra & the Bitcoin Mining Sector
00:39 nejon then there is also this
00:40 nejon "CoinTerra will announce other products in the future. Also, chip sales find their way back to smaller scale investors in the form of IPO's and cloud hashing services."
00:40 assbot [BTCTC] [B] [CIPHERMINE.B1] 172 @ 0.00812 = 1.3966 BTC [-]
00:41 dexX7 "in form of ipo's"... sounds more like a project like the 100th mine
00:41 dexX7 but hard to tell
00:42 nejon I'm leaning towards the ipo not being a scam because leszek does really have more to lose than win if he would be involved in that
00:43 nejon he is running the exchange with known identity and he is making a lot of money already with the bitfury equipment
00:49 assbot [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 80 @ 0.01241 = 0.9928 BTC [-] {5}
00:51 assbot [BTCTC] [BMF] 100 @ 0.0155 = 1.55 BTC [+]
~ 23 minutes ~
01:14 pankkake I didn't get my winnings for
01:18 kakobrekla wasnt paid out yet
01:19 jgja is Labcoin moving to direct shares on Monday?
01:19 kakobrekla nejon we all know who nefario is, too.
01:19 kakobrekla ;;seen nefario
01:19 gribble nefario was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 year, 1 week, 4 days, 9 hours, 19 minutes, and 27 seconds ago: <nefario> Those assets are not listed or traded anymore
01:19 pankkake it's weird to show the resolution but not have the payout
01:20 kakobrekla money cums soon after the resolution, up to 24hrs is normal
01:34 kakobrekla's a slow cummer
01:36 pankkake a scummer
01:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 400 @ 0.00026993 = 0.108 BTC [+] {3}
01:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1350 @ 0.00027799 = 0.3753 BTC [+] {3}
01:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 900 @ 0.00027799 = 0.2502 BTC [+] {4}
01:54 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.141 = 2.282 BTC [-]
01:57 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.13 BTC [-]
02:02 assbot [BTCTC] [NASTY-PT] 93 @ 0.00122229 = 0.1137 BTC [+] {2}
02:03 assbot [BTCTC] [NASTY-PT] 100 @ 0.0012 = 0.12 BTC [-]
02:04 assbot [BTCTC] [NASTY-PT] 107 @ 0.00116 = 0.1241 BTC [-]
02:05 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 10 @ 0.0366 = 0.366 BTC [-]
02:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 10 @ 0.11999999 = 1.2 BTC [-] {2}
02:06 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 800 @ 0.00027799 = 0.2224 BTC [+] {2}
02:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 400 @ 0.00028358 = 0.1134 BTC [+] {5}
02:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 534 @ 0.0029 = 1.5486 BTC [-] {3}
02:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 410 @ 0.0029 = 1.189 BTC [-]
02:19 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 26 @ 1.25746153 = 32.694 BTC [+] {4}
02:27 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 31892 @ 0.00015272 = 4.8705 BTC [-] {5}
02:42 mircea_popescu
02:42 mircea_popescu basically, it does.
02:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1700 @ 0.00085412 = 1.452 BTC [+]
02:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4986 @ 0.00084993 = 4.2378 BTC [-] {2}
~ 17 minutes ~
03:13 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 8069 @ 0.00014168 = 1.1432 BTC [-] {8}
03:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 500 @ 0.00028844 = 0.1442 BTC [+]
03:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 500 @ 0.00028844 = 0.1442 BTC [+]
~ 15 minutes ~
03:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 3 @ 0.11 = 0.33 BTC [-]
~ 34 minutes ~
04:08 Vexual good day gents
04:14 phish .d
04:14 ozbot 148819199.80509 | Next Diff in 42 blocks | Estimated Change: 27.4550% in 0d 4h 58m 59s
04:21 phish ;;genrate 30000
04:21 gribble The expected generation output, at 30000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 148819199.805, is 0.101379361754 BTC per day and 0.00422414007307 BTC per hour.
04:21 mircea_popescu heya.
04:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5773 @ 0.00084887 = 4.9005 BTC [-]
04:26 Vexual How are you MP?
04:27 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 9 @ 0.01189999 = 0.1071 BTC [+]
04:34 mircea_popescu great.
04:39 Vexual That is good to hear, I am having a quiet evening watching a sliver of the moon sitting on a beautiful sunset. It feels as though everything is right in the world.
04:54 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 250 @ 0.00121157 = 0.3029 BTC [-] {4}
04:58 Vexual
04:58 ozbot Solar activity drops to 100-year low, puzzling scientists - Times Of India
05:03 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 35505 @ 0.00013024 = 4.6242 BTC [-] {10}
05:10 mircea_popescu its man made.
05:10 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 822 @ 0.0001226 = 0.1008 BTC [-]
05:11 Vexual indeed, 10,000 year model is no good with the cosmos
05:11 mircea_popescu esp when it's a 55 year model extrapolated through the use of purpose-tailored math.
05:15 Vexual dont get met started on the misuse of orbital telescopes
05:15 mircea_popescu :p
05:18 Vexual
05:18 ozbot Patience - YouTube
05:22 mircea_popescu this has got to be the best google translate ever :
05:23 Vexual savage
~ 35 minutes ~
05:58 jurov just a morning wisdom
06:00 b0n1 are the passwords of bitcointalk salted? If so, were the hackers able to read out the salted random numbers?
06:04 mircea_popescu The whole enterprise of counting publications as a means to evaluating research excellence is pernicious and completely absurd. If a 12 year-old were to write 'I fink that Enid Blyton iz bettern than that Emily Bronte bint cos she has written loads more books' then one could reasonably excuse the spelling as reflective of the stupidity of the mind that produced the content. What we now have in academia is a situation
06:04 mircea_popescu where intelligent men and women prostitute themselves to an ideal which no intelligent person could believe.
06:05 mircea_popescu b0n1 as far as anyone knows they were not salted but put through 7500 iterations of whatever goop.
06:12 pankkake that's pretty much what all scientists say - or maybe I have biais on those I know
06:12 pankkake and yet, it goes on
06:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 40 @ 0.002979 = 0.1192 BTC [+] {2}
06:16 Vexual
06:16 ozbot Bob Marley Babylon System Demo 1979 - YouTube
06:20 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5978 @ 0.00012292 = 0.7348 BTC [-] {3}
06:22 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 13000 @ 0.0001227 = 1.5951 BTC [-] {2}
06:22 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 90 @ 0.0098 = 0.882 BTC [-]
06:33 Vexual a funny thing i have noticed about university et al, is that professors will get students to write and submit papers that for the basis of what they want to say later
06:33 Vexual *form
06:34 Vexual form over substance
06:34 assbot [BTCTC] [B] [CIPHERMINE.B1] 40 @ 0.00812 = 0.3248 BTC [-]
06:34 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.0816 = 0.2448 BTC [+]
06:36 Vexual it can be called gruntwork, but when someone else is pulling the strings...
06:36 assbot [BTCTC] [ESECURITYSABTC] 3 @ 0.1346 = 0.4038 BTC [+]
06:39 jurov ;;bc,stats
06:39 gribble Current Blocks: 262051 | Current Difficulty: 1.4881919980509263E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 262079 | Next Difficulty In: 28 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 3 hours, 6 minutes, and 39 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 189402885.915 | Estimated Percent Change: 27.27046
06:40 jurov lol it's going to be 30% again?
06:40 pankkake and this despite the many ddoes
06:41 Vexual theres some facinating data mining going on in neroscience that throws the convention oh "hypothesis" out the window
06:47 Vexual imaging crazy brains is cool science
06:49 Vexual and when those wizards release their tools to the genetecists, boom, info 2.0
06:57 Vexual psychiatry, where philospohy meets science
07:00 assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 52 @ 0.01 = 0.52 BTC [-]
07:00 Vexual datamining with obscure data. dem patents
07:01 assbot [BTCTC] [PAJKA.BOND] 26 @ 0.008002 = 0.2081 BTC [-]
07:03 Vexual its a pity how all the good shit is fully funded
07:07 jurov the shit i'm reading sometimes
07:08 jurov i should stop
07:08 Vexual is america still a thing?
07:09 jurov it's a hypothesis
07:10 Vexual its people and acres and a spirit of innovation
07:10 jurov and bald eagles
07:10 Vexual but theyre all mental
07:12 Vexual weve got fucking wedge tailed eagles which are way more boss, and would beast a bald eagle in any competition imaginable except baldness, and we just go about our business and don't parade our awesome eagles much very oft at all
07:13 pankkake "Now, I I only had a government..."
07:13 pankkake is fun
07:13 ozbot 'MURICA FUCK YEAH!
07:14 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.25 BTC [-]
07:25 Vexual australia is best ralia
07:37 Vexual also mining lease fees ahvent changed for 100 years, and we got rocks
07:39 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7800 @ 0.00014788 = 1.1535 BTC [+] {4}
07:39 Vexual kennilworth investors bought the operators a landcruiser and some salaries
07:40 Vexual the magnetic imaging was done,it was double talk and paper pushing
07:41 Vexual real miners never own the land where the lease is
07:42 Vexual unless it wasnt owned before
07:46 Vexual mining warden is nearly as boss as queen here
07:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 100 @ 0.0029 = 0.29 BTC [-]
07:55 Vexual goes like this
07:56 Vexual applicant: i want 100 hectares as bordered by hese coordinates
07:56 pankkake so kenilworthnothing is a scam?
07:57 Vexual warden: are the borders runnung north south and east west and do you have the $374 and the approprate form
07:57 Vexual applicant: yes
07:57 Vexual warden: will you attempt to mine the and in your lifetime?
07:57 Vexual applicant: yes
07:57 Vexual warden: the court accepts the license
07:58 Vexual pankkake, how much money did they get?
07:59 pankkake I don't know, didn't follow it much
07:59 Vexual i dont think its a scam by australian standards, but i'm guessing if they wanted they could chase burnside for more money
08:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [XBOND] [PAID] 0.69348300 BTC to 1`386`966 shares, 50 satoshi per share
08:00 Vexual are they listed on the asx too? its well dodgy
08:02 Vexual its about what one would expect with a speculative mining lease multiplied by bitcoin 2013
08:04 Vexual and i'd say if the ira was a bother to uncle sam, their names might ring bells with prism
08:05 Vexual but weve got more war criminals and psycopaths per capita than south amrica, so who cares
08:06 Vexual freedom fighters, whatever your fancy
08:09 pankkake I have a hard time understanding your points
08:10 Vexual the world isnt big enough for speculative leaseholders anymore
08:10 Vexual what you want is smart dudes, on the ground, mining in cheap labour countries
08:10 Vexual gold in the philippines and africa
08:11 Vexual people skills
08:12 Vexual not buying diggers incase the land is profitable
08:13 Vexual coz when the go bankrupt, they keep the diggers in the shed until after the creditors are paid, and noone stops them
08:14 Vexual its the third oldest trick in the book, after selling your cooch and "get em hooked and jack up the price"
08:15 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 516 @ 0.0029 = 1.4964 BTC [-]
08:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 37 @ 0.00285003 = 0.1055 BTC [-]
08:17 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.25 = 3.75 BTC [-] {3}
08:22 Vexual kenilworth is a mining lease taken out on a family farm with no intention of ever mining or allowing it to be mined, if there's even anything there
08:24 Vexual new landcruiser.
08:25 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [BTC-GROWTH] 10 @ 0.08 = 0.8 BTC [-]
08:32 Vexual im gonna have to get a gun like mp if i keep talking shit on the internet
08:33 Vexual i imagine he had a german made 45 pistol
08:33 Vexual the kind of thing that stops a conversation abruptly
08:39 Vexual i imagine one can be a gentleman and own a gun in romania, but i might be wrong
08:42 Vexual manila, now there you buy a $10 license and its cod machine pistols
08:44 Vexual is just that little bit right of guam you know
08:48 Vexual pankkake was it you talking of laying new sea cables the other day?
08:48 pankkake no
08:48 Vexual oh
08:53 Vexual are you asian?
08:54 Vexual coz asia is the place to lay cable
08:56 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.0120685 = 0.6034 BTC [+] {4}
08:56 Vexual
08:56 Vexual goat
08:59 Vexual coming soon to the crime section of bankok international airbort bookshop
09:00 Vexual how dpr1.0 framed dpr2.0 for his own murder
09:01 Vexual everyone gets off and they take more acid
09:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 136 @ 0.001244 = 0.1692 BTC [-]
09:02 Vexual
09:02 ozbot Scott McKenzie - San Francisco REMIX - YouTube
09:03 phish .d
09:03 ozbot 148819199.80509 | Next Diff in 13 blocks | Estimated Change: 26.9513% in 0d 1h 30m 32s
09:04 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 11 @ 1.26 = 13.86 BTC [+]
09:05 Vexual cexio 2002
09:06 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.263 BTC [+]
09:18 Vexual no riddles today, theres a solar storm coming in three days
09:19 Vexual id bitbet it, but it would be immoral
09:23 Vexual yes i mean a coronal ejection from the sun
09:24 Vexual quantify the magnitude you say?
09:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B] [XBOND] 1308 @ 0.00125214 = 1.6378 BTC [+] {6}
09:26 Vexual i say print out your bitcoin wallets just in case
09:32 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 68 @ 0.01206999 = 0.8208 BTC [+]
09:33 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 405 @ 0.01214887 = 4.9203 BTC [+] {3}
09:38 Vexual
09:38 ozbot Happy Mondays - Step On - YouTube
09:42 jurov - plan to establish bitcoin certificate authorities
09:43 jurov But concerns over certificate security irritate Hearn. “The reality is that [certificate technology] is the best we’ve got, it’s being improved via initiatives like cert transparency, and it has a track record of stopping worst case adversaries.”
09:44 Vexual i want afuckin refund
09:44 jurov not a single word who shall manage the root certificate
09:45 jurov Vexual: sorry to break your happy mood
09:45 Vexual ya cant
09:49 jurov oh it's prolly meant to build on existing SSL CA infrastructure?... god save us
09:49 Vexual seems like bitcoin devs are going beyond what is required of the blockchain
09:50 jurov oh, they do it since satoshi left. except when they have to fix the breakage.
09:51 Vexual but we dont have to bip
09:51 Vexual satoshi left ike dpr1.0
09:52 Vexual except satoshi didnt keep getting a paycheck
09:52 Vexual hey i made a disruptive thing, im audi
09:54 jurov you mean like we "don't have to" buy a recognized ssl certificate?
09:55 jurov i can see where this is supposed to go... to provide "SSL-secured(r)(tm) bitcoin deposit address"
09:55 jurov you'll have to pay CA scammers for ssl cert?
09:55 Vexual dont make me say it
09:56 jurov cause, how else will the poor customer be sure the address is really yours?
09:56 Vexual read
09:56 jurov makes me sick... hopefully this won't fly
09:57 Vexual it will, you dont need to use it
09:58 jurov me not. but what if i get inquiries like "but my wallet says coinbr deposit address is untrusted!!!"?
09:58 Vexual :)
10:00 Vexual relax
10:00 pankkake bitcoin developers using broken CA system when they have… namecoin
10:01 Vexual ill grant you its more kinds or irony than a trilemma post, but just like them, don't lose no sleep
10:01 jurov pankkake: this. or the addy can be verified in distributed manner by other my customers gpg signing it
10:03 jurov heck, or even btc-signing it
10:05 Vexual my handspan exceeds my inet nippular siastance
10:05 Vexual *inter
10:05 Vexual *distance
10:06 jurov and what does it mean? heightened testosterone?
10:06 Vexual marfans?
10:08 jurov kleptomania?
10:10 Vexual no
10:11 Vexual i just like vectors
10:11 Vexual where do you live jurov?
10:12 Vexual i like to work out the geographical crow flight half way point
10:13 Vexual ill also just get your mothers maiden name for your star chart
10:14 jurov wait, they use what now in star charts?
10:14 Vexual penis size?
10:15 Vexual its just for the chart
10:15 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 84 @ 0.001221 = 0.1026 BTC [-]
10:15 jurov and i did tell where i live several times already, do your research
10:16 Vexual did you?
10:16 Vexual ddid i?
10:16 assbot [BTCTC] [PETA-MINE] 8 @ 0.4625 = 3.7 BTC [+]
10:16 Vexual i actually am interested in halfway
10:16 Vexual unlike your mother or your penis
10:17 Vexual as a bonus you get to knpow the direction to avoid
10:18 jurov as a result of half-assed research?
10:18 jurov if, then i want full-assed one
10:19 Vexual well im gessing its somewhere in the middle of the pacific'
10:20 Vexual see how i dropped the u?
10:20 jurov no idon't want to see what ur doing with the keyboard
10:21 Vexual i always eat the extra enter key
10:22 VanCleef vexual pinoy ka ba?
10:22 VanCleef muzta?
10:22 Vexual shabbadabba
10:22 VanCleef siiiiige
10:22 Vexual yeah i dont know what that is
10:23 Vexual where are u vancleef? holland?
10:23 VanCleef brazil
10:23 jurov i didn't considered human tallow there edible
10:23 jurov *consider
10:24 Vexual human tallow? fork man
10:24 Vexual are u dutch vancleef?
10:24 jurov on the other enter key
10:24 Vexual our halfway is pacific ocean
10:24 VanCleef i'm not a filthy dutchmen
10:25 Vexual why so van?
10:25 VanCleef because i use soap
10:26 Vexual to the root?
10:26 VanCleef i dont believe in your magic
10:26 Vexual i dont undertsnad the connection
10:26 jurov i think our halfway is the atlantic then
10:28 Vexual wise
10:28 Diablo-D3 ;;ticker
10:28 gribble MtGox BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 135.01509, Best ask: 135.49499, Bid-ask spread: 0.47990, Last trade: 135.00505, 24 hour volume: 3673.53219031, 24 hour low: 135.00505, 24 hour high: 138.00000, 24 hour vwap: 136.56759
10:30 Vexual vancannibal, our halfway could be mauritius if we went the ,ong way
10:33 Vexual sau paulo
10:36 Vexual your dad made a machine
10:40 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7574 @ 0.00013347 = 1.0109 BTC [-] {6}
10:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 10 @ 0.0124 = 0.124 BTC [+]
10:44 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 1 @ 0.12 BTC [+]
10:47 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7574 @ 0.0001304 = 0.9876 BTC [-] {2}
10:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 1.2889 = 3.8667 BTC [+] {2}
10:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3500 @ 0.00084843 = 2.9695 BTC [-] {2}
10:59 assbot [BTCTC] [B] [CIPHERMINE.B1] 20 @ 0.0082 = 0.164 BTC [+]
11:00 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 80610 @ 0.00012366 = 9.9682 BTC [-] {6}
11:00 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1116 @ 0.00129789 = 1.4484 BTC [+] {2}
11:02 Vexual
11:03 assbot [BTCTC] [B] [CIPHERMINE.B1] 180 @ 0.0082 = 1.476 BTC [+]
11:08 Vexual
11:13 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.29000001 = 2.58 BTC [+]
11:14 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6450 @ 0.0001517 = 0.9785 BTC [+] {3}
11:14 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 1.3 = 3.9 BTC [+] {2}
11:16 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.29000001 = 2.58 BTC [-]
11:22 Vexual there was a storm on the 3rd, i might be wrong
11:22 Vexual fuck it, let it ride
11:22 Vexual 10/10/13
11:37 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 1.28 BTC [-]
11:41 assbot [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 29 @ 0.01256896 = 0.3645 BTC [+] {3}
11:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 256 @ 0.00066004 = 0.169 BTC [-] {3}
11:43 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 212 @ 0.00065094 = 0.138 BTC [-] {2}
11:49 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.266 BTC [+]
11:52 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [BTC-GROWTH] 5 @ 0.08 = 0.4 BTC [-]
11:53 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 8 @ 1.298875 = 10.391 BTC [+] {2}
12:00 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 13 @ 1.299 = 16.887 BTC [+]
12:02 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 8 @ 0.04197 = 0.3358 BTC [+]
12:07 Jere_Jones ThickAsThieves: Your presence is requested in #asicminer
12:20 mircea_popescu any competition imaginable except baldness << lmao
12:24 mircea_popescu <pankkake> so kenilworthnothing is a scam? << it's an amazing business minus the amazing and the business part.
12:24 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
12:24 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
12:26 mircea_popescu jurov that dude is retarded jesus.
12:27 jurov who? vexual?
12:28 mircea_popescu no hearn & co.
12:28 mircea_popescu "certificates are shit but nevertheless i don't understand anything and really want to matter so here's my authoritative opinion on shit i really have no business discussing
12:29 mircea_popescu please pay attention to me because i hjave a proven track record of having accidentally forked the chain and i really suck at coding"
12:32 mircea_popescu anyway, forget about power rangers. here : The programmer’s wife tells him: “Run to the store and pick up a loaf of bread. If they have eggs, get a dozen.”. He comes back with 12 loaves of bread.
12:33 VanCleef < mircea_popescu> H<HpankkakeH>H so kenilworthnothing is a scam? << it's an amazing business minus the
12:33 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
12:33 VanCleef amazing and the business part. - lol
12:33 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
12:35 mod6 ;;bc,stats
12:35 gribble Current Blocks: 262097 | Current Difficulty: 1.8928124928103292E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 264095 | Next Difficulty In: 1998 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 16 hours, 46 minutes, and 36 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 326660200.57 | Estimated Percent Change: 72.57927
12:37 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: "I gave the fool an ax, so he would bring some twigs; so to the mosque he ran, and smashed the door to sticks."
12:37 asciilifeform (impromptu hack of a translation from russian, originally of a persian rhyme, that i read as a kid.)
12:38 asciilifeform (re: programmer & his bread.)
12:40 mircea_popescu :p
12:40 mircea_popescu about the ddoses : i suspect bitcoin mining will fundamentally change the way internet adressing works.
12:41 mircea_popescu the problem is that even if you aren't trying to do a 50% attack, it is now more lucrative to ddos someone than to increase your mining farm.
12:41 mircea_popescu if you hold 10% of hashpower and another dork holds 10% of hashpower, you can either spend mns of dollars to add another 1% to your hashing or to knock him offline
12:41 mircea_popescu never before has it actually been millions of dollars in cash for ddosing a target.
12:42 asciilifeform knocking the competing miner offline helps all of the survivors, not just you, though
12:42 mircea_popescu and quite frankly nothing else happening on the internet today matters by comparison, so it'll have to change.
12:42 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah. which is why you can probably just start it and they'll pile in.
12:42 mircea_popescu becomes very much lord of the flies.
12:43 asciilifeform when rats in a box, they eat each other, the last one dies of its wounds, and the box will eventually contain something else.
12:45 mircea_popescu exactly.
12:45 mircea_popescu this is much more of a problem for the future than anything the retardevs are fiddling with.
12:46 asciilifeform the sad part is that this isn't even a hard problem.
12:46 mircea_popescu im not so sure.
12:48 asciilifeform trivial solution: a kind of reverse mining pool, where people are paid small btc continuously to run single-purpose proxies
12:49 asciilifeform that makes your mega-asic-cluster look like a mining botnet
12:49 asciilifeform nothing to ddos
12:50 asciilifeform or, more intelligently, solo mining distributed over multiple independent proper btc nodes.
12:51 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 1343 @ 0.001221 = 1.6398 BTC [-]
12:55 KRS1 wouldnt that make it more robust and less prone to failure
12:55 assbot [BTCTC] [B] [CIPHERMINE.B1] 212 @ 0.0082 = 1.7384 BTC [+]
12:58 assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 124 @ 0.0025 = 0.31 BTC [-]
12:59 assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 164 @ 0.002501 = 0.4102 BTC [+]
12:59 mircea_popescu the latter would be the ideal solution.
12:59 mircea_popescu my secret hope is that THIS is what will end up resolving the "not paid to convey tx" problem
12:59 mircea_popescu you will be paid, by the miners who don't want to be ddos'd to shit.
13:00 mircea_popescu if that indeed is how the chips fall i'll be quite impressed with satoshi's genius, for originally i thought the node pauyment problem was oversight.
13:02 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 18000 @ 0.00016296 = 2.9333 BTC [+] {6}
13:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 115 @ 0.01255 = 1.4433 BTC [-] {2}
13:03 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0001749 = 0.3498 BTC [+]
13:06 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 4832 @ 0.000175 = 0.8456 BTC [+]
13:06 kakobrekla fuckin microtik, pressed the wrong button, lost an hour of life.
13:07 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2000 @ 0.0001787 = 0.3574 BTC [+]
13:08 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2458 @ 0.0001788 = 0.4395 BTC [+]
13:08 mircea_popescu kakobrekla same thing happened to me earlier.
13:09 mircea_popescu was fondling this chick, accidentally touched the button, one hour later i was back on my feet.
13:09 kakobrekla :p
13:09 pankkake I'm not sure I understand this analogy
13:10 pankkake also, microtik does not respect your freedoms
13:10 mircea_popescu < loller.
13:10 ozbot Urbit - Tea at the Palaz of Hoon
13:11 jurov what? and bitches do respect?
13:12 mircea_popescu totally.
13:12 jurov mircea i read that yest, had brain meltdown, filed it for later
13:12 mircea_popescu if they don't it's the little room for them.
13:12 mircea_popescu jurov for the record, i'm not pushing it, asciilifeform is pushing it. imo the guy's walking around with shoes too large for his feet. but anyway.
13:14 jurov yea i know it's originally from him.. and i understood so far he sems to intend to implement some
13:14 jurov insanely simplified functional language
13:14 jurov in , say, 500 transistors
13:14 jurov and thus make provably correct hardware
13:15 mircea_popescu basically, let's take all the reason people don't use forth and add mud.
13:16 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 10001 @ 0.0001787 = 1.7872 BTC [-] {2}
13:18 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.01250002 = 0.3125 BTC [-]
13:19 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 78 @ 0.01250001 = 0.975 BTC [-] {2}
13:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 477 @ 0.01250041 = 5.9627 BTC [+] {2}
13:26 mod6 this urbit thing is neato
13:31 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 63 @ 0.01288959 = 0.812 BTC [+] {4}
~ 19 minutes ~
13:51 nubbins` hi
13:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 52 @ 0.01289999 = 0.6708 BTC [+]
13:53 nubbins` mircea_popescu: i've got a list of magistrate judges that were serving in 1993, but your blog thinks i'm a robot.
13:53 mircea_popescu heya!
13:54 mircea_popescu you need to give it a few seconds after you load a page, otherwise if you just paste shit in
13:54 mircea_popescu it will spit
13:57 nubbins` hmm, been on the page for a good 10 minutes now
13:58 nubbins` n/m, there we go
13:58 nubbins` there were apparently only 46 magistrage judges in 1993
14:00 mircea_popescu nubbins` 46 ?
14:00 mircea_popescu no fucking way ?!
14:00 nubbins` i know, that's not even one per state
14:00 nubbins` and new jersey had like 5
14:00 mircea_popescu hmmmm
14:00 nubbins` i guess there are other types of judges besides magistrate judges
14:00 mircea_popescu you know magistrature is relatively recent ...
14:00 mircea_popescu well yes, district judges.
14:00 mircea_popescu holy shit no fucking way 46 ?!
14:01 nubbins` yep
14:01 nubbins`
14:01 nubbins` CSV dump
14:01 nubbins` "Bankruptcy and Magistrate service" is the final column
14:01 mircea_popescu The directory includes the biographies of judges presidentially appointed during good behavior who have served since 1789 on the U.S. District Courts, the U.S. Courts of Appeals, the Supreme Court of the United States, the former U.S. Circuit Courts, and the federal judiciary's courts of special jurisdiction.
14:01 mircea_popescu it's the presidentially appointed
14:01 mircea_popescu i thought they get appointed by the court itself
14:01 nubbins` a ton of them got appointed by clinton in late oct 1993
14:02 mircea_popescu hmmm
14:02 mircea_popescu you know you might be right even.
14:03 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 48 @ 0.03766228 = 1.8078 BTC [-] {5}
14:04 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.00013013 = 0.6507 BTC [-] {3}
14:04 nubbins` anyway, i probably precluded myself from any of that bounty by posting that info so early
14:04 mircea_popescu why ?
14:04 nubbins` well, i just saved someone a bunch of work
14:05 mircea_popescu still gets allocated to you
14:05 nubbins` o
14:05 nubbins` anyway, fun task
14:06 nubbins` #2 is a LOT more work
14:06 mircea_popescu yeah.
14:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 3 @ 1.335 = 4.005 BTC [+]
14:10 Namworld [14:04] <@assbot> [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 5000 @ 0.00013013 = 0.6507 BTC [-] {3}
14:10 Namworld lol
14:11 Namworld 1 month to fall to 1/30th of price
14:13 mircea_popescu but what a month.
14:14 kakobrekla !t bt labcoin
14:14 assbot [BTCT:LABCOIN] 1D: 0.0001226 / 0.00017 / 0.0002495 (591825 shares, 101.2 BTC), 7D: 0.0001226 / 0.00024 / 0.0004 (3022640 shares, 713.3 BTC), 30D: 0.0001226 / 0.00149 / 0.003989 (16872541 shares, 25162.5 BTC)
14:22 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [DMS.SELLING] 60 @ 0.005011 = 0.3007 BTC [-]
14:23 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 1.33899999 BTC [+]
14:25 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.251 = 3.753 BTC [-]
14:26 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 502 @ 0.00129843 = 0.6518 BTC [+] {4}
14:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.3 = 2.6 BTC [-]
14:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 700 @ 0.01341969 = 9.3938 BTC [+] {7}
14:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 4865 @ 0.00028845 = 1.4033 BTC [+]
14:43 mircea_popescu mod6 might interest you then
14:45 assbot [BTCTC] [PETA-MINE] 3 @ 0.51 = 1.53 BTC [+]
14:51 mod6 I just saw that. :)
14:51 mod6 This thing is pretty neat, might take me some time to learn hoon tho.
14:52 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [DMS.SELLING] 26 @ 0.005012 = 0.1303 BTC [+]
14:52 KRS1 oh cool complimentary trilema articles
14:53 mod6 I don't wanna get too far off course just yet. Gotta wrap up this current bitotter work and get further along with my look into cramer-shoup
14:55 mod6 i kinda think the idea of the urbit ship being virtual real estate. Can only be transfered 9 times before it has no value.
14:56 nubbins` "And then for each of these individually compile a record showing all their rulings, orders and decisions which in any way touched upon individual rights of privacy, broadly construed so as to include anything relating to the production of communications of private persons in any written form, limited to an adversarial proceeding in which the US Government, or any agency or representative thereof w
14:56 nubbins` party, with proper case reference by number and where available link to published court proceedings"
14:56 nubbins` ^^^ is this restricted to the period of time when they were a magistrate judge?
14:56 benkay_ mod6 it's not a permanent thing
14:56 mod6 Strange. Yet, kinda cool at first look here. I'll play with it a bit.
14:56 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.3 = 5.2 BTC [+]
14:57 mircea_popescu nubbins` yup
14:58 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 20 @ 1.23205 = 24.641 BTC [-] {3}
14:58 nubbins` ok, great
14:58 mircea_popescu obviously if they become a senator it's moot
14:58 nubbins` yeah
14:58 nubbins` this is going to be a very small list
14:58 nubbins` to my surprise
14:59 nubbins` well, wait now
14:59 nubbins` i mean, some of these judges are still judges
14:59 nubbins` just not magistrate judges
14:59 mircea_popescu hm ?
14:59 nubbins` for example, Africk has issued privacy rulings in 2005 and 2013, but was only a magistrate judge from 1990-2002
15:00 mircea_popescu well as long as he still issued rulings, you wan them
15:00 nubbins` sure
15:01 mircea_popescu how do you establish he's only issued so in 2005 and 2013 ?
15:04 nubbins` searched records from us gov printing office
15:05 nubbins` to be fair, i used the word "privacy" as a search qualifier, so i may have missed privacy-related rulings that did not use the word "privacy"
15:05 mircea_popescu indeed.
15:05 nubbins` but i suspect that the number of said rulings would be vanishingly small
15:05 mircea_popescu broadly construed so as to include anything relating to the production of communications of private persons in any written for
15:06 mircea_popescu i don't think there's any way to avoid going through his caselist
15:06 mircea_popescu you can sort to exclude cases where govt is not a party, and maybe cases where no persons are parties,
15:06 nubbins` yeah, that removed most of the chaff
15:06 mircea_popescu but otherwise you kinda have to skim the complaints
15:07 nubbins` can a court visit the issue of privacy without using the word, though?
15:08 nubbins` i mean, they can talk all they want about communications in any written form, but unless the word "privacy" or "private" comes up, they're not really discussing privacy, are they?
15:12 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 50 @ 0.01304204 = 0.6521 BTC [-] {4}
15:14 mircea_popescu yes they are.
15:14 mircea_popescu if Joe is ordered to produce the letter Moe sent him during discovery of Jane's divorce,
15:14 mircea_popescu this qualifies.
15:14 mircea_popescu arguably the part where privacy is touched upon without being specifically said so is more important than the other.
15:16 nubbins` arguably i could exclude all such cases and still win a fat bounty if nobody produces evidence that i left out any rulings
15:16 mircea_popescu arguably.
15:16 nubbins` that's probably what i'm going to do, fyi
15:17 mircea_popescu well, free market of bitcoin.
15:17 mircea_popescu it's how mining works too.
15:17 nubbins` wait, mining works?
15:17 nubbins` lel, &c
15:17 mircea_popescu ;;estimate
15:17 gribble Next difficulty estimate | 280954568.202 based on data since last change | 212713646.91 based on data for last three days
15:17 mircea_popescu holy shit!?
15:18 nubbins` yeah, lots of sad pandas with usb block erupters today
15:18 nubbins` not just today, of course
15:18 mircea_popescu lol pity the forum isn't up so i could forcefeed everyone -pr's buffett quote
15:19 nubbins` take consolation in the fact that they're quietly worrying while hitting F5 on /r/bitcoin
15:20 nubbins` now, if you'll excuse me, i'm told there is a cat in my bed that i must go bother
15:20 mircea_popescu bother all the cats.
15:22 saulimus is there a precise time announced when btct will disable trading?
15:25 dub does anyone give a fuck?
15:27 KRS1 hmm
15:27 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 156 @ 0.001221 = 0.1905 BTC [-]
15:28 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 4 @ 0.0414 = 0.1656 BTC [+] {2}
15:34 kakobrekla yes, a negative fuck.
15:35 mod6 don't destroy the universe!
15:36 kakobrekla :)
15:39 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.22 BTC [-]
15:41 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 30 @ 0.0131 = 0.393 BTC [-] {2}
15:42 mircea_popescu you can't unscrew a pregnant lightbulb.
15:43 kakobrekla 18:40.43 ( mircea_popescu ) about the ddoses : i suspect bitcoin mining will fundamentally change the way internet adressing works.
15:43 kakobrekla doesnt p2pool solve this already?
15:43 mircea_popescu not large enough yet i don't think, and has other problems
15:43 mircea_popescu (does it work with mm yet ?)
15:44 kakobrekla i dont think mm is an issue
15:45 KRS1 thats pretty deep
15:46 kakobrekla apparently mm already works with p2pool
15:46 mircea_popescu a ok
15:47 mircea_popescu then pretty cool, maybe it gets more widely used.
15:47 kakobrekla it will if there will be a need for it
15:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 25 @ 0.0134 = 0.335 BTC [+]
15:56 Apocalyptic <KRS1> thats pretty deep // indeed
15:57 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.0134 = 1.34 BTC [+]
16:05 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.16 BTC [-]
16:16 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 12000 @ 0.00016 = 1.92 BTC [+]
16:20 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.12005 = 0.2401 BTC [+] {2}
16:26 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 2 @ 0.12 = 0.24 BTC [-]
16:26 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.08107 = 0.2432 BTC [-] {2}
16:35 assbot [BTCTC] [MININGCO.ETF] 8 @ 0.01319374 = 0.1055 BTC [+] {3}
16:43 ThickAsThieves "Has anyone started a "Yelp" for bitcoin: Exchanges, clients, vendors, and mining hardware?"
16:43 ThickAsThieves lol, reddit has gone full reddit
16:45 ThickAsThieves it's not enough to tell every bitcoin thing how it should be working, now they will rate how well it does so
16:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 1.33899 BTC [+]
16:54 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.33899 = 2.678 BTC [+]
16:54 assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.0014 = 0.14 BTC [+]
16:55 assbot [HAVELOCK] [HIM] 1 @ 0.11110001 BTC [-]
16:55 assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 100 @ 0.0012 = 0.12 BTC [-]
16:56 assbot [BTCTC] [BITVPS] 135 @ 0.00114012 = 0.1539 BTC [-] {3}
16:58 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CBTC] 1239 @ 0.00028 = 0.3469 BTC [-]
17:07 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.2 = 2.4 BTC [+]
17:10 dub
17:10 ozbot Terrible real estate agent photographs
17:11 dub having just spent a year or so looking for a house I could have contributed some reat content
17:13 dexX7_ xD
17:19 jurov i like this vampire one
17:20 jurov and horse, too
17:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 1.33899999 = 13.39 BTC [+] {2}
17:30 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 1.34 BTC [+]
17:31 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 598 @ 0.00016799 = 0.1005 BTC [+] {2}
17:33 nubbins` man, when i was in the market for a house, i saw some crazy shit
17:33 nubbins` one house had a moat cut into the concrete slab in the basement
17:34 nubbins` another had a dirt floor
17:34 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.3 BTC [+]
17:39 dub I put an offer on one where they'd left grow lights behind in the basement
17:39 dub behind an obvious fake wall
17:42 nubbins` hahaha
17:43 nubbins` yeah, i've seen a few houses with "rooms" in the basement
17:43 nubbins` no light fixtures, just hooks in the ceiling and ventilation everywhere
17:44 nubbins` i ended up buying the row house with the schizophrenic hooker w/ tourette's next door, so uh, victory nubbins`
17:49 freshcoin !hax
17:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 1.34198 = 6.7099 BTC [+] {2}
17:50 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1000 @ 0.000168 = 0.168 BTC [+]
17:56 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 5 @ 1.31179999 = 6.559 BTC [+] {3}
17:57 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 14 @ 0.0415 = 0.581 BTC [+]
18:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 195 @ 0.00287127 = 0.5599 BTC [+] {3}
18:03 jborkl Kncminer smoking out
18:04 assbot [HAVELOCK] [NEOBEE] 50 @ 0.00285104 = 0.1426 BTC [+]
18:04 jborkl
18:04 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
18:04 nubbins` oof
18:04 kakobrekla hardcore
18:05 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 3 @ 1.32 = 3.96 BTC [+]
18:07 kakobrekla where is this from jborkl, their lab or shipped miner?
18:08 jborkl I think shipped miner, I found it on their forum posted by a regular user
18:08 kakobrekla aha
18:09 jborkl Ther are two units reported burned from what I can see
18:10 dub toasty
18:10 dub I just heard alberto is behind labcoin
18:10 jborkl
18:10 ozbot imgur: the simple image sharer
18:10 nubbins` alberto european styling gel?
18:10 kakobrekla BDT alberto?
18:10 kakobrekla you gotta be shitting me
18:11 jborkl Who is Alberto?
18:11 nubbins`
18:11 dub bitscalper, bit day trade, etc
18:11 kakobrekla guys 20k btc iirc
18:11 kakobrekla eh
18:11 kakobrekla owes
18:11 kakobrekla to the guys
18:12 dub
18:12 kakobrekla yeah
18:12 kakobrekla scammer
18:15 kakobrekla >>Alberto Armandi, an ex-boyfriend of Alessia
18:15 kakobrekla zomg
18:15 kakobrekla
18:15 ozbot An overview and update of the Labcoin scam |
18:16 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 7161 @ 0.00017036 = 1.2199 BTC [+] {2}
18:16 dexX7_ kakobrekla: << summary
18:16 kakobrekla i hope two things happen here,
18:17 kakobrekla 1. people lose as much money as possible
18:17 kakobrekla 2. AA goes to jail
18:18 dexX7_ sounds fair
18:18 kakobrekla i know all about AA and his failures, even spoke to him on skype a year or so ago, total retard
18:18 kakobrekla i just wasnt sure it was behind labcoin
18:18 kakobrekla though i made that joke a while ago
18:19 kakobrekla that it would be extra funny if AA is behind it
18:19 dexX7_ all that above is speculation though
18:20 dexX7_ this is one of the newest clues: (from the frist q&a on aug 8 - still needs confirmation) [11:41:30] * labcoin_dev ( has joined #labcoin
18:20 kakobrekla lmao
18:21 kakobrekla makes sense
18:21 kakobrekla since he cant show his face around anymore
18:21 dexX7_ he's most likely in hong kong right now
18:22 kakobrekla nothing will come out of it
18:22 kakobrekla except he made some coin again
18:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 42 @ 0.01349975 = 0.567 BTC [+] {3}
18:25 kakobrekla i see ppl haveing lots of problems running kncminers
18:26 nubbins` are they expected to ROI? i seem to recall figuring at one point that people would need them in-hand in september in order to break even
18:26 blastbob1 kakobrekla: 34 of 36 boards are working fine :)
18:26 kakobrekla so you ordered like 9 of those ?
18:27 blastbob1 have 27 in total
18:27 blastbob1 got 9 for now
18:27 blastbob1 rest should be hashing coming week
18:27 kakobrekla not bad
18:28 blastbob1 had problem with the recommended 850w choice
18:28 blastbob1 first firmware pulls 4.4amps
18:29 blastbob1 so it killed the fuse on the PSU
18:29 kakobrekla cooling is adequate?
18:29 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2212 @ 0.0001331 = 0.2944 BTC [-]
18:29 blastbob1 yea
18:29 blastbob1 DC with good flow
18:31 kakobrekla shame you have to have external ugly atx psu
18:31 blastbob1 yea, got messy in the racks
18:32 assbot [BTCTC] [COGNITIVE] 3 @ 0.09833333 = 0.295 BTC [+] {3}
18:32 kakobrekla got any pics?
18:33 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 25545 @ 0.00013093 = 3.3446 BTC [-] {7}
18:33 blastbob1
18:33 ozbot Mining update | 2GMTA Blog
18:35 kakobrekla a, you are running addiction?
18:35 blastbob1 yea Tyrion and me
18:35 kakobrekla who is Tyrion
18:35 blastbob1 Tyrion70 on btctalk
18:35 kakobrekla a i see he is here too, k
18:37 blastbob1 yea
18:37 assbot [BTCTC] [RSM] 99 @ 0.003005 = 0.2975 BTC [-]
18:39 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [DMS.PURCHASE] 81 @ 0.006212 = 0.5032 BTC [+]
18:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6700 @ 0.00084229 = 5.6433 BTC [-] {2}
18:59 jurov ;;bc,stats
18:59 gribble Current Blocks: 262139 | Current Difficulty: 1.8928124928103292E8 | Next Difficulty At Block: 264095 | Next Difficulty In: 1956 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 3 days, 5 hours, 46 minutes, and 48 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 229942987.596 | Estimated Percent Change: 21.48218
19:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [LABCO] 201 @ 0.0006014 = 0.1209 BTC [-] {2}
19:08 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 138 @ 0.01362767 = 1.8806 BTC [+] {3}
19:20 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1160 @ 0.0001301 = 0.1509 BTC [-]
19:24 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 27 @ 0.0138 = 0.3726 BTC [+]
~ 29 minutes ~
19:53 phish ;;genrate 30000
19:53 gribble The expected generation output, at 30000.0 Mhps, given difficulty of 189281249.281, is 0.0797078186573 BTC per day and 0.00332115911072 BTC per hour.
19:53 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.345 = 2.69 BTC [+]
20:04 dub ;;nethash
20:04 gribble 1543918.41334
20:13 Namworld uh... Bitfinex still exists?
20:15 Namworld astonishing
20:23 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.275 BTC [-]
20:28 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 5 @ 1.37 = 6.85 BTC [+]
20:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 1 @ 1.3799 BTC [+]
20:29 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 12 @ 0.037 = 0.444 BTC [-] {2}
20:29 assbot [BTCTC] [CRYPTO-TRADE] 3 @ 0.1401 = 0.4203 BTC [+]
20:31 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [COG.F2] 1 @ 1.5 BTC [+]
20:34 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [DMS.SELLING] 1796 @ 0.00500843 = 8.9951 BTC [-] {7}
20:36 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 24 @ 1.275 = 30.6 BTC [-]
~ 27 minutes ~
21:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6650 @ 0.00083983 = 5.5849 BTC [-] {2}
21:17 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 2 @ 1.38 = 2.76 BTC [+]
~ 20 minutes ~
21:37 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 4 @ 1.328 = 5.312 BTC [+] {2}
21:42 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM100] 100 @ 0.01310044 = 1.31 BTC [-] {8}
21:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7000 @ 0.00083846 = 5.8692 BTC [-]
21:46 assbot [BTCTC] [PETA-MINE] 1 @ 0.45 BTC [-]
21:53 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [BTC-GROWTH] 285 @ 0.0800407 = 22.8116 BTC [+] {2}
~ 16 minutes ~
22:10 assbot [BTCTC] [BASIC-MINING] 93 @ 0.03853763 = 3.584 BTC [+] {2}
22:14 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [DMS.SELLING] 2000 @ 0.00500024 = 10.0005 BTC [-] {2}
22:15 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.328 BTC [+]
22:23 assbot [BTCTC] [FN] [BTC-GROWTH] 35 @ 0.07977142 = 2.792 BTC [-] {2}
22:24 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.3285 = 2.657 BTC [+] {2}
22:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1574 @ 0.00084028 = 1.3226 BTC [+]
22:25 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 13 @ 0.00998992 = 0.1299 BTC [+] {2}
22:33 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 2 @ 1.329 = 2.658 BTC [+]
22:40 assbot [BTCTC] [BTC-BOND] 97 @ 0.00999555 = 0.9696 BTC [+] {3}
~ 21 minutes ~
23:01 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 17 @ 1.329 = 22.593 BTC [+]
23:02 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.333 BTC [+]
23:12 assbot [BTCTC] [ASICMINER-PT] 1 @ 1.38 BTC [+]
23:17 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 20210 @ 0.00013367 = 2.7015 BTC [-] {5}
23:19 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 6155 @ 0.00013216 = 0.8134 BTC [-] {2}
23:26 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 2265 @ 0.000131 = 0.2967 BTC [-]
23:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1915 @ 0.00083846 = 1.6057 BTC [-]
23:29 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 76 @ 0.00136 = 0.1034 BTC [+]
23:31 assbot [BTCTC] [LABCOIN] 1831 @ 0.0001307 = 0.2393 BTC [-]
23:35 assbot [BTCTC] [DMS.MINING] 148 @ 0.00123 = 0.182 BTC [-]
23:47 assbot [HAVELOCK] [VTX] 2 @ 0.36010004 = 0.7202 BTC [+] {2}
23:51 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 1.374999 = 13.75 BTC [-] {2}
23:52 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 1.3985 = 13.985 BTC [+] {2}
23:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6000 @ 0.0008323 = 4.9938 BTC [-]
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