Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-05-16 | 2021-05-18 →
12:01 thimbronion !ticker xbtusd
12:01 lekythion Kraken XBTUSD: 43200.10000
~ 53 minutes ~
12:54 thimbronion billymg: problem was mysql.sock was not where php was expecting it to be.
13:02 thimbronion Admin interface is somewhat snappier on the new machine.
13:15 thimbronion Would prefer actually to use a script to post. Haven't figured out how to do that.
~ 1 hours 32 minutes ~
14:48 billymg thimbronion: don't think i've encountered that hiccup before
14:48 billymg thimbronion: re: post-by-script, you may want to look at
~ 5 hours 50 minutes ~
20:39 thimbronion billy
20:39 thimbronion billymg: ty I'll check that out
← 2021-05-16 | 2021-05-18 →