14:47 |
signpost |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2024-02-09#1032142 << https://www.tradingview.com/x/428EE6hb/ |
14:47 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2024-02-09 09:52:46 billymg: again, no idea why it does this, but i suspect it's the tape painters. and no i don't think it has any predictive value, it's just fun (for me) to watch |
14:48 |
signpost |
I replied earlier but for w/e reason it didn't send. |
14:48 |
asciilifeform |
wb signpost |
14:49 |
signpost |
still looks to me like the amount of hash-power necessary to expend per bitcoin is (by definition) what determines the price floor. |
14:49 |
signpost |
howdy asciilifeform |
14:50 |
asciilifeform |
cost in saecular dough, rather than raw amt per se, determines floor |
14:52 |
* |
asciilifeform wonders, as did ~decade ago, at what pt the +ev thing becomes sabotage of competing mines, vs. adding capacity |
14:52 |
signpost |
mhm. though with the difficulty ratchet, in the long run margin should be falling to near-zero |
14:54 |
signpost |
asciilifeform yeah, the thing necessarily having a huge heat signature doesn't help either. |
14:54 |
signpost |
maybe we get to see btc in wartime, would be interesting. |
14:55 |
asciilifeform |
only necessarily huge if, as now, the irons are concentrated |
14:56 |
signpost |
dorsey has made noise about putting mining hardware in his Square devices, no idea if/where that landed |
14:56 |
asciilifeform |
(vs. see e.g.) |
14:56 |
asciilifeform |
signpost: afaik 100% of claims to do anyffin of the sort, to date, were empty threats |
14:57 |
signpost |
subj of threats, I watched the putin interview yest. |
| |
↖ |
14:57 |
signpost |
no new information for anyone with a pulse, but mildly entertaining |
14:58 |
signpost |
"You are killing [USD] by your own hand!" |
14:58 |
asciilifeform |
the translation to eng was terrifyingly poor |
14:58 |
signpost |
his incredulity at our seppuku went on like that for a bit |
14:58 |
signpost |
ah was it? |
14:58 |
signpost |
curious your thoughts given you didn't need transl |
14:58 |
asciilifeform |
dunno why mr p skimped on translator |
14:59 |
signpost |
maybe wasn't for "us" so much as "look, I tried with these people" |
15:00 |
asciilifeform |
signpost: there wasn't any surprise in the thing from asciilifeform's pov. ^ was likely it. thing was in some ways soft-pedalled, also |
15:01 |
asciilifeform |
d00d asked 'why not started in '14' and p gave 'diplomatic' answ ('we tried peace talks' etc) but not the obv 1 he featured in earlier speeches ('actually we weren't ready in '14 for reich bank boycott etc') |
15:02 |
signpost |
skipped over plenty, wasn't (of course) a real history lesson. |
15:02 |
signpost |
"I am the rightful leader of all slavs", "you are already dead" |
15:03 |
signpost |
"and I tried with you, so remember that when you choke on own blood" |
15:03 |
signpost |
what I heard in it anyway. |
15:04 |
asciilifeform |
was largely replay of earlier statements |
15:04 |
asciilifeform |
btw whole thing is in, what, 8 languages, on his www, so the curious not actually need to watch the films |
15:19 |
asciilifeform |
further oldthrd in re 'heat of miners' ftr. |
15:19 |
bitbot |
(asciilifeform) 2020-12-16 asciilifeform: trinque: in point of fact, could easily hide the mines. that one can read about massive racks full of identical chinesium in operation somewhere, is neither here nor there. yes it is cheaper to operate if you dun have to hide, rather than having to disguise the boxen as cable tv decoders. but entirely optional luxury. |
15:21 |
asciilifeform |
reich is helping (tho at much moar leisurely pace than asciilifeform originally predicted) to make 'coffee warmer miner' a reality (in e.g. ny, bans on mining farms, even when operated by private hydro plant, and similar recent lulz) |
| |
~ 42 minutes ~ |
16:03 |
asciilifeform |
algo for 'coffee miner' is imho obv. and iirc restated at least coupla times in l0gz; |
16:05 |
asciilifeform |
rsa pubkey of operator baked into mask rom. box (sold for cost of shipping) accepts strictly signed work turds and emits outputs (if found magick nonce) rsa'd to $key. |
| |
↖ |
16:06 |
asciilifeform |
boxes communicate over the equiv. of a pestnet, somewhere on which the operator sits. |
16:06 |
asciilifeform |
the latter distributes block reward, when such exists, via some combo of the usual 'pool' system and 'lotto' (where reward goes to one lucky host). |
16:07 |
asciilifeform |
for bonus points, make the thing occasionally attempt to mine a segshit-destroyer block, and make known that if found and 'wins war', the spoils are to be shared with the hosts. |
16:09 |
* |
asciilifeform not knows wai no such thing afaik baked to date; can only conclude that political climate aint yet remotely hostile enuff to centralized miners. and/or nobody with half a brain in fact yet has access to the req'd fab capacity to try 'toaster' approach. |
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↖ |
16:12 |
asciilifeform |
if ^ done correctly, erryone who currently owns e.g. space heater, will throw it out and replace with subj. |
16:13 |
asciilifeform |
(iirc mp contemplated 'water heater miner' in '14, tho not said precisely how. above -- is how.) |
16:14 |
asciilifeform |
let the hosts supply the req'd joules. (and do their own arithmetic re whether +ev. and if you own a space heater, this'll always be +ev, standard space heater does not mine...) |
16:15 |
asciilifeform |
the tricky bit is to make supplying the irons -- ideally, at cost -- +ev for vendor. |
16:17 |
asciilifeform |
(other -- formerly tricky -- bit: to make electrically 'cheating' the box -ev. but asciilifeform conveniently made this easy, published constant-current rsa algo...) |
16:22 |
asciilifeform |
goes almost without saying, that whole mechanism gotta sit on 1 die. |
16:23 |
asciilifeform |
if you use 'generic' miner + whatever external crapola, folx will simply pick the units apart to get at the former. |
16:25 |
asciilifeform |
(picking at ~the die~ can be safely considered to cost > the expected lifetime ev of a unit -- again, if built correctly) |
16:26 |
asciilifeform |
anyways ^ is sufficient recipe, if sumbody actually has the courage... |
16:37 |
asciilifeform |
http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2024-02-13#1032184 << on further thought, the part re output can be safely omitted... |
16:37 |
bitbot |
Logged on 2024-02-13 16:05:31 asciilifeform[signpost|jonsykkel|billymg]: rsa pubkey of operator baked into mask rom. box (sold for cost of shipping) accepts strictly signed work turds and emits outputs (if found magick nonce) rsa'd to $key. |
16:37 |
asciilifeform |
i.e. not even need const-time rsa |
| |
~ 2 hours 15 minutes ~ |
18:52 |
asciilifeform |
... in further thought, for miner above, vendor would need to charge at least enuff so that nobody decides to use'em for boat anchors / gold reclamation / similar. |