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← 2023-09-29 | 2023-10-02 →
13:26 unpx signpost: I'm still waiting for an explaination about "online codes are not DHT for signpost" thing.
13:30 unpx <<< I see this and the only thing I can do is waiting March to get money from an internship and throw them to the problem or something. Trying to finish what I started by then.
13:30 dulapbot Logged on 2023-09-27 11:09:18 asciilifeform: naturally this requires irons, to interface to heathen net, which actually implement pest (and ~only it~, not anyffin else, not linux, not bsd ip stack, not porous intel/broadcom/etc nic, etc.)
13:31 signpost this is a rude way to prompt a conversation
13:31 signpost what is it you wanted to understand?
13:33 unpx Currently, the things a cryptographer can do as internship is IAM and other authn/z stuff. Or using blockchain where it is not needed. Will see which silly company will require my knowledge, hope not another bank. (dunno if ppl are still using DES for bank transactions)
13:41 unpx signpost: rude? Anyway, I would like to study the current DHT protocol and see what I can do.
13:41 dulapbot Logged on 2022-07-25 23:35:28 crtdaydreams[asciilifeform]: << when mentioned earlier, flamed
13:41 dulapbot Logged on 2023-09-22 04:42:58 unpx[asciilifeform]: <<< after reviewing it better, bdl is exactly what I said, a "spray and pray". And you even extend the message length in hope the receiver is able to solve the random jigsaw. At that point you just run a DHT as ascii e
13:42 signpost a DHT is aside the question of a transfer protocol.
13:42 signpost I don't know why it keeps coming up.
13:43 signpost and yes, "I'm still waiting for an explanation" is rude. ask a specific question if you have one.
~ 57 minutes ~
14:40 * asciilifeform still not grasps where the hell anyffin resembling a dht could belong in pest
14:41 asciilifeform dht as familiar to asciilifeform concerns p2p nets where yer pulling chunks of a warez from 'over9000' strangers
14:50 asciilifeform << can't help but picture sumbody, sumwhere, still reading the leaked win2k src from 2003...
14:50 bitbot Logged on 2023-09-29 17:54:00 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: << /me has been giving this a lot of thought recently, interesting that it's come up in parallel. Working on reading through item.
14:50 dulapbot Logged on 2023-09-29 14:55:42 gregorynyssa[asciilifeform]: Are you still working on your own HDL language to compete against Verilog and VHDL?
14:52 * asciilifeform still curious what annoying thing folx expect a boobytrapped fpga synth toolchain to do, aside from uploading yer src to pastebin for public to laff at or perhaps formatting yer hdd
14:53 asciilifeform << could try, lol, reading the logs? (on the same fucking page...!)
14:53 bitbot Logged on 2023-09-29 17:57:56 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: asciilifeform: ^ is above true? I'm envisioning something based on s-expr. Would like to know what headway you've made on an alt HDL
14:55 asciilifeform ... if asciilifeform 'made headway' on $problem, posts to www, mentions in logs. if you dun see it in either, then not made headway. is, usually, that simple.
14:56 * asciilifeform mind boggled that -- how many times said 'for ~3y nao , working 80+h/w on commercial liquishit' but somehow goes in 1 ear, out of other
~ 8 hours 33 minutes ~
23:29 crtdaydreams << was asking if you'd even developed a rudimentary idea of what you want, obviously as you've stated you haven't poked a stick at it
23:29 dulapbot Logged on 2023-10-01 14:51:25 asciilifeform: << could try, lol, reading the logs? (on the same fucking page...!)
23:29 bitbot Logged on 2023-09-29 17:57:56 crtdaydreams[jonsykkel|signpost]: asciilifeform: ^ is above true? I'm envisioning something based on s-expr. Would like to know what headway you've made on an alt HDL
23:32 crtdaydreams if you think s-expr based hdl is retarded, fuckin say so
23:40 crtdaydreams ecp5 is sufficient for metacircular hw ftr. it's possible to load frames without reintializing the whole board, the caveat is that the 85 "sea-of-gates" board hasn't been fully documented and the addressing for the frames are non-linear (because fuckyou)
23:42 crtdaydreams the smaller 45 chip has been fully documented tho
~ 16 minutes ~
23:58 crtdaydreams even if just "faux lisp hdl" akin to cl-who
← 2023-09-29 | 2023-10-02 →