Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2023-06-10 | 2023-06-12 →
19:38 signpost << 3d structure editor when.
19:38 bitbot Logged on 2023-06-10 13:11:38 jonsykkel: << hold some key on kb, prog starts highlighting thing it thinks ur looking at, release key when happy, cursor jump there
19:38 dulapbot Logged on 2023-06-10 12:52:43 asciilifeform: jonsykkel: crapple reportedly is pushing eye trackers, imho quick path to discovering entirely new class of repetitive grunt injuries lol
19:38 signpost I want to see the whole damned symbolic graph of a program sanely.
19:39 signpost (somewhere other than my imagination after staring at text long enough)
← 2023-06-10 | 2023-06-12 →