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← 2023-03-24 | 2023-03-26 →
13:20 asciilifeform !!ticker btc usd
13:20 deedbot $27,691
~ 8 hours 22 minutes ~
21:42 jonsykkel wat about doing like this:
21:42 jonsykkel u sign a part (line of code, function, library, prog, os, etc) along with formal english lang spec that says wat it dose.
21:42 jonsykkel the signature means "i promis that this here piece of code does wat the attached spec says"
21:42 jonsykkel if ur thing has dependencys, u include the specs for these in the ball that u sign, making the statment "i promis that my code does wat the atached spec for it says, ASSUMING the implementations of dependencys also follow attached specs for these"
21:42 jonsykkel a prototipe that dosnt fully conform to an alredy existing spec could have spec+adendum atached and signed. "i promis that code does as atached spec says EXEPt blabla.."
21:43 jonsykkel solves to some extent problem of "wtf does signture mean", and gives the option of decoupling dependency implementations from descriptions of their semantics
21:43 jonsykkel any changes to the prog, prog spec or dependency specs will be in the vpatch diffs
21:43 jonsykkel example http://zzz.st/up/olNWGD1z/example.png
← 2023-03-24 | 2023-03-26 →