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06:19 crtdaydreams https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXJ5bZ8hq34 hits harder now
~ 3 hours 57 minutes ~
10:16 cgra asciilifeform, in an attempt to enumerate sources that provide hints of specific pest messages' existence i came up with a following list: 1) an other message's self-chain or net-chain, 2) prod, 3) inv, 4) station operator (say, a manual getadata), and here's the question: 5) somebody else's getdata
10:18 cgra any objections in using an unknown hash in somebody else's getdata as a trigger to send own getdata?
~ 55 minutes ~
11:13 asciilifeform cgra: from asciilifeform's pov -- massive potential for wasted bw ( sumbody gets 1 packet from a peer of his, and entire net is nao sending futile getdata's to one anuther ?! )
11:15 cgra asciilifeform, right
11:15 asciilifeform anyffin with potential for 'amplifications' aint even a 'measure 7 times, cut once' situation but 'measure over9000 times'
11:17 cgra a reasonable rule of thumb
11:18 asciilifeform the point of getdata is to 1) attempt to close gaps in yer chain 2) retrieve a possibly awol 'spearhead' (the prod case)
11:18 asciilifeform both imho adequately covered by the current logic
11:20 asciilifeform ( with the 1 possible exception of 'reply chains', fwiw )
11:21 asciilifeform come to think of it, even the latter oughta be covered by selfchain and not need special case.
11:28 cgra asciilifeform, perhaps another footnote to consider being added to spec, that 'why resist the urge of requesting an unknown want-hash'
~ 59 minutes ~
12:28 asciilifeform cgra: not that asciilifeform is opposed to making such a note, but if also went & made a similar note re: erry possible footshot he could think of , spec would be over9000 pgs and take anuther 20yrs to finish...
12:29 asciilifeform maybe after spec is done (or at 'liquid helium' kelvin version, at any rate) could write a 'rationale' to go with it, like the ada people
12:29 asciilifeform but atm this is a bridge too far imho
12:30 asciilifeform for nao, the logs, with threads like this one, will have to suffice.
12:34 asciilifeform there are prolly over9000 mis-optimizations one could make in pest that would ultimately make it unusable or impractical bordering on unusable (a la 'gnutella', say)
12:34 asciilifeform asciilifeform's concern re protocol atm is to determine whether he ~already~ made such a footshot.
12:36 asciilifeform see e.g. this thread.
12:36 bitbot Logged on 2022-12-28 18:25:46 asciilifeform[6]: phf: i'm inclined to agree, i.e. 'let's have jpgs in chain, but Use Moderately' but plagued by suspicion that even very light use of it will be very painfully heavy for even a small pestnet with well-behaved inhabitants
12:37 asciilifeform the ancients were not immune. early arpa, for instance, had to be manually rebooted on at least 1 occasion on acct of packet storm.
12:38 asciilifeform this was survivable because there was only $smallint # of stations and the operators had working telephones and knew one another.
12:39 asciilifeform and they had a strong interest in making the thing stand up.
12:41 asciilifeform whereas if, hypothetically, next yr there is a pestnet with 400 people, and someone discovers 'magick packet' that floods it to the point of unusability, even after 'fix', 395 of'em will go back to 'telegram' or whatever and that'll be it.
12:42 signpost world's looking like fragmented internet with intermittent access may be in our near future, too.
12:42 signpost quite important to get pest right imho.
12:43 asciilifeform signpost: in particular, the part where 'hypothetically work via radio' and 'not rely on ip carrier' imho.
12:44 signpost yep. not that anyone's owed, but the time for your item's coming, I think.
12:45 asciilifeform ideally would at least demonstrate that it is ~possible~ before actually needed.
12:45 asciilifeform as in the old proverb re inventing the parachute on one's way down from empire state building.
~ 41 minutes ~
13:27 cgra http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-29#1021644 << yeah, is fine, just another nitpick of mine. and i prolly had a slightly wrong impression on how much of that 'rationale' you intended to do right away
13:27 bitbot Logged on 2023-01-29 12:28:14 asciilifeform[5]: cgra: not that asciilifeform is opposed to making such a note, but if also went & made a similar note re: erry possible footshot he could think of , spec would be over9000 pgs and take anuther 20yrs to finish...
13:34 asciilifeform cgra: asciilifeform appreciates commentary re spec, and in fact key moving parts of the current protocol were on advice from other people (e.g. orig. spec not even had 'getdata')
13:35 asciilifeform (instead had ludicrous kludge where packets were to be ack'd etc)
13:35 asciilifeform ( & see also phf's point re designing p2pisms )
13:35 bitbot Logged on 2022-12-25 12:57:51 phf[awt]: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2022-12-25#1019348 << but on the other hand we don't want to discourage you writing experimental code, because unlike athena born as she was from the forehead of her father, distributed code has too much emergent behavior to attempt to reason it from first principles
13:36 dulapbot Logged on 2022-12-25 12:47:42 asciilifeform: starts to think that in the process of posting this, reduced it to a trivial snoar. apologies to those who bored to tears.
13:38 asciilifeform not even to mention the fact that awt independently conceived of ~80-90% of the thing and baked pre-pest proto , with only coupla ln of log to go from, back in '21
13:38 asciilifeform ( in fact wrote & posted his 'alcuin' while asciilifeform was still sweating out 1st spec )
13:39 asciilifeform in asciilifeform's lights, pest is an 'obvious, in retrospect' item, that 'could have existed in 1990s', but -- 'devil in details'.
13:44 asciilifeform ... and many of these details, imho, can only be nailed down empirically.
13:46 asciilifeform returning to this point, imho is major reason wai the luby thing aint optional luxury, but key moving part --
13:46 bitbot Logged on 2023-01-29 12:42:39 signpost: world's looking like fragmented internet with intermittent access may be in our near future, too.
13:47 asciilifeform conceivable that 'i have things with hashes h1, h2, ... h_n' 'i need h2' etc will at some pt be the primary, 'usenet-like' mechanism so to speak at all
13:48 cgra http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-29#1021672 << can easily agree. while though my brain-wiring is prolly in feather-weight class for this serious design biz
13:48 bitbot Logged on 2023-01-29 13:44:18 asciilifeform[5]: ... and many of these details, imho, can only be nailed down empirically.
13:49 asciilifeform fwiw the 'serious designers' gave us luldesigns like tcp.
13:49 signpost asciilifeform: I published the most recent revision to the python one. it's possible my dumb head is the reason why it's currently not able to do more than a coupla megabytes per second in transfer speed.
13:49 signpost that said, super-speed might not be priority number one. it does stand up to loss of packets as expected
13:50 asciilifeform signpost: coupla mB/s as what fraction of the avail. bw ?
13:50 asciilifeform (if bw was e.g. 100mb/s -- is pretty good)
13:50 signpost this is where encoder and decoder are sitting on the same box, so localhost traffic.
13:50 asciilifeform a
13:50 signpost bottleneck is the coder
13:50 asciilifeform bottleneck is prolly the py proggy aha
13:50 signpost not saying I give up, just stating current status
13:51 cgra signpost, =cpu-bound?
13:51 asciilifeform imho that's actually pretty good, asciilifeform expected 100s of kB/s
13:54 * signpost running the profiler, sec
13:54 signpost yeah, it's not obscenely slow, but not saturating my pipe
13:55 cgra signpost, was it the jetbrains thingy you're profiling with?
13:57 signpost yeah, but that doesn't give me a sense of memory churn, does it?
13:57 signpost open to suggestions on the proper way to instrument this thinger
13:57 signpost http://trinque.org/2023/01/18/ocpy_squirt_slurp/ << latest src
14:00 signpost one problem I have is that if I send too quickly, the receiving end misses some. I assume this is because I don't know how to write socket code properly.
14:00 signpost http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=zlJ- << e.g., sending with $cpuCount number of worker processes
14:00 * cgra might try own hand on it tonight, to grasp better
14:00 signpost http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=qbNP << missed 3/4 on receving end
14:01 signpost (also measurements here are megabytes not megabit)
14:03 signpost http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=OZKZ << single-core send is received properly
14:04 signpost I set the recv buffer to larger than the file that's being sent, so I'm assuming there's pebkac going on with my socket code. would welcome anyone taking a look and seeing what I'm doing wrong.
14:09 signpost oh, I'm an idiot.
14:09 signpost /proc/sys/net/core/rmem_max limits what one can set on his socket.
~ 19 minutes ~
14:28 signpost ok, found a few solvable problems. one's that I was a derp and didn't init a prng each post-fork. they're all getting the same state pre-fork, which ruins the distribution of check-block degree (number of edges from a check-block to its constituent message blocks)
14:29 signpost two is that the decoder doesn't eat udp packets fast enough, which was known. there's a barrier there in that python's not good at parallel code, and the decoder needs to share an mmap'd file among workers. advice welcome.
14:29 signpost I don't know that it's feasible to share access to the received file among processes rather than threads.
14:30 signpost I cranked net.core.netdev_max_backlog way up too, and now decoding works no matter how many workers are sending packets.
14:31 signpost seems like at this juncture it'd be better to jump over to C with this serving as experience, but if anyone has better advice to improve the python version that'd be mighty welcome, since blatta's also python
14:31 * signpost afk a bit
14:32 signpost http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=8Kb-
~ 3 hours 8 minutes ~
17:41 cgra apparently no quick signpost ocpy try for me: i'm somewhat stuck with py3.5 and <=2019-12 scipy/numpy, and a couple of superficial code adjustments weren't enough. current show-stopper being scipy 1.4.1 (newest i can 'pip install') trying to use numpy.random.Generator.random_sample(), but not there. in numpy 1.16.3, there'
17:41 cgra s not even numpy.random.Generator (versions tested chosen per various git history adventures and too numerous details)
17:48 signpost why are you trying to use older deps than are specified in requirements.txt ?
17:49 cgra stuck with py3.5 atm etc older shit
17:49 cgra thought i'd try my luck
17:51 signpost meaning no serious disrespect, this "I'm going to use imperial tech, but at a version I've sanctified by whatever ritual" thing is a wank.
17:53 signpost ocpy's an algo demonstrator, nothing more
17:53 cgra imperial here meaning 'ubuntu', 'systemd' etc? old, new all the same
17:55 signpost yeah, meaning I don't see a lot of daylight between py27, py35, etc.
17:55 signpost python's foundational ideology is "yay Everyone can Program (TM)" since first version.
17:56 cgra right
17:56 signpost would take patches that make the thing work on older versions I guess, but I think it's a waste of anyone's time.
17:56 signpost better to suss out if the algorithm's impl is sane-ish, then write the thing in an adultlang.
17:57 signpost probs time for the C version, which can be used by just about anything directly or by ffi
18:07 cgra signpost, do you also find pointless sticking to older imperial softs in general? may as well upgrade OS when auto-update is pushed? or update only when have to? my old py is a product of the latter
18:12 signpost let's take the example of running blatta on py27
18:13 cgra (to be clear, not suggesting signpost should go rewrite ocpy in py27)
18:13 signpost I don't recall what specific recv method it uses, but say it's this one
18:13 signpost y'all patching your py27 by hand?
18:14 signpost py3 versions are also susceptible, perhaps it happens not py3.5, but again, you're going to maintain this yourself?
18:15 signpost only way you actually get to where the affectation of "not going to upgrade" wants to go is to drastically cut away complexity which would include all of python.
18:15 * signpost wrote pentacle for this, and even there one can go "omg, there's a perl in it"
18:15 signpost at least in that case the perl isn't opening sockets
18:17 signpost "the master's ass graced this particular wordpress version. you can still see the crease and smell his cigars."
~ 16 minutes ~
18:34 cgra signpost, keeping thinking that letting the old, smaller pile steam, instead of increased & shuffled mass (~upgrade), is less bad. is this an obvious brain mis-wiring?
18:38 * cgra got to hit the bed for a while. talk later
18:39 signpost what's miswired is a bunch of d00ds all using different sanctified versions of these things.
18:39 signpost barrier to rapid collaboration
18:39 * signpost would sooner make sure ocpy works on dulap, for example, but you're on ???buntu
18:40 signpost http://trinque.org/src/pentacle/build/ << or I would gladly target someone's python pbuild here.
18:41 signpost but again, if it's going to be some old version, are you going to patch the thing's remote exploits, because in both blatta and ocpy we're talking about networking code, or what?
~ 56 minutes ~
19:37 asciilifeform signpost: old py had remote exploits in naked network stack ?!
19:38 * asciilifeform fwiw has a working py2.7 errywhere, as that's what logotron & v.py were baked in
19:39 asciilifeform on 1 box have py3.sumthing for ice40ism
19:39 asciilifeform + whatever's on the crapple (nfi, prolly 3.x)
19:40 asciilifeform http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-29#1021739 << is part of wai asciilifeform set out to write a portable cpp pestron (deliberately constrained to cpp11, i.e. builds in gcc 4.9 & elsewhere)
19:40 bitbot Logged on 2023-01-29 18:39:10 signpost: barrier to rapid collaboration
19:41 asciilifeform (initially thought to glue the guism to jonsykkel's, but turned out to be over9000 gnarlier, interestingly)
19:43 asciilifeform cpp11 aint ada, but did steal some of the civilized pheatures (e.g. for-each) and if written carefully, does help to keep a lid on rampant pointerism etc. and make for a readable proggy
19:45 signpost yeah, not criticizing cgra directly here, but making the broader point that relying on any of this shit is a tarpit.
19:45 * asciilifeform has been testing each piece on crapple's compiler, sometimes uncovering & zapping implicit reliances on poorly-defined behaviours. will say more re subj later.
19:46 signpost and it's not less-tarpit by swimming in older tar.
19:48 signpost http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-29#1021747 << yep, seems sane, and I've got a gcc-4.9 builder cemented in place with minimum deps
19:48 bitbot Logged on 2023-01-29 19:40:49 asciilifeform[4]: http://logs.bitdash.io/pest/2023-01-29#1021739 << is part of wai asciilifeform set out to write a portable cpp pestron (deliberately constrained to cpp11, i.e. builds in gcc 4.9 & elsewhere)
19:49 signpost one's really signing up to own python if you intend to rely on an old version longterm
~ 1 hours 11 minutes ~
21:00 asciilifeform signpost: asciilifeform's plan for python is (as discussed prev.) 'throw out the pythonisms', rather than 'care for it long-term' fwiw.
21:01 asciilifeform ditto perl.
21:02 signpost of exactly same opinion.
~ 55 minutes ~
21:58 signpost shitty thing about perl is all the autotools trash demands it. one doesn't want to use it for anything new, but didn't wanna pack gcc without the tools for all generated srcs
21:58 asciilifeform fairnuff
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