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← 2022-08-07 | 2022-08-10 →
10:42 phf http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-06-14#1106932 << what's the impression after however long it's been couple of months. also did you ever figure out custom os build, or gave up on that?
10:42 bitbot (asciilifeform) 2022-06-14 signpost: in other fetishes, mudila phone now works. had to get a new sim card and factory reset.
~ 3 hours 14 minutes ~
13:56 signpost phf: it feels a little cheap, plastic squeaks and flexes a bit.
13:56 signpost I haven't tried to build my own OS image for it yet. last I was looking into it you could only run custom builds in their simulator due to a dependency on some closed binturd for the eink display.
13:57 signpost can't really recommend it atm
13:58 signpost I guess the idea re: customization is you beg your changes into their official build via shithub, which isn't interesting.
13:59 * signpost currently focused on getting a lisp version out of my online-codes impl.
← 2022-08-07 | 2022-08-10 →