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← 2022-06-28 | 2022-06-30 →
01:03 awt signpost: makes sense
~ 13 hours 20 minutes ~
14:23 awt $ticker btc usd
14:23 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $20026.41
14:23 awt Damn I always miss the sub 20k level
14:28 * asciilifeform misses 'abstractly', as has nobody to buy from (won't use goxes)
14:30 awt A mutable web UI for pest might not be that hard to put together. Wouldn't even require js.
14:35 awt lol why hope for cheapcoinz if even then you can't buy them?
14:43 shinohai I won't KYC either, usually get BTC from shitcoin consulting, but the sad thing is *no one hires you* when exchange rate is this low. So haven't had any coins in months now. :(
~ 41 minutes ~
15:24 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/pest/2022-06-29#1008237 << hypothetically, for some value of 'cheap', sumbody in l1 might offer to sell
15:24 dulapbot Logged on 2022-06-29 10:33:18 awt[asciilifeform]: lol why hope for cheapcoinz if even then you can't buy them?
15:31 asciilifeform shinohai: wai would the consulting dry up or otherwise depending on exch rate ?
15:34 shinohai asciilifeform: I believe their thought process to be "You charge $1K USD to do `x` job, paid in BTC - so we pay you 0.05 and then 1-2 weeks later price skyrockets and that 0.05 is worth $2500!!!!"
15:34 shinohai i.e. they always think solely in fiat terms.
15:35 asciilifeform hm but if they thought in fiat terms, and given that they aint averse to using goxes, would expect they'd think e.g. 'it's still 100$ no matter what exch rate is' neh
15:35 asciilifeform i.e. client can walk straight to a gox and pay you the '100$' regardless of exch rate
15:36 asciilifeform ( so long as takes care to do it at the time of the deal, rather than some unspecified later )
15:36 shinohai One would think, but above is the main objection I get - nevermind that year or so later it could do exact same thing or even 4x in fiat terms.
15:37 * shinohai suspects this is why so many folks now try to offer you "tether" coinz .....
15:39 asciilifeform would naively expect algo would be 1) contract shinohai to do $job for $x 2) immediately buy $x of btc at gox 3) wait for $job result 4) send the coin
15:39 asciilifeform then no 'exch risk'
15:42 shinohai Folks in the shitcoin sewers rarely have ideas like that it seems, the folks behind "zclassic" being notable exception. Paid 50% of agreed fee up front, no quibbling or questions asked at all.
~ 5 hours 17 minutes ~
20:59 awt Just counted the number of lines after a "full" sync using a copy of the #pest logs. Missing about 600 lines out of 4405 total.
21:01 awt jonsykkel: did you do anything to test syncing wild logs or verify all logs synced?
21:08 awt I found that syncing selfchain only resulted in a full sync of all lines originating from a station, but following netchain doesn't seem to work all that well.
21:19 asciilifeform awt: at the risk of pedantry, in 'A GetData Message may be emitted by a station... ...in possession of a Message for which the SelfChain or NetChain antecedent has not been received'
21:19 asciilifeform i.e. either oughta trigger getdata.
21:25 awt asciilifeform: yeah that is what *should* be happening in blatta.
21:28 awt Seems like right now some antecedents are unreachable for some reason.
~ 16 minutes ~
21:44 awt Sadly I can't link to the relevant logic right now: http://btcbase.org/patches/9978-bugfixes/tree/blatta/lib/message.py
~ 36 minutes ~
22:20 asciilifeform aa makes sense
22:24 asciilifeform awt: seems like the relevant logic is in station.py tho
22:24 asciilifeform in 'report_error'
22:34 asciilifeform awt: the logic in clean_getdata_requests dun make sense to asciilifeform
22:35 asciilifeform if (self.getdata_requests.get(message_hash) <
22:35 asciilifeform time.time() - self.state.get_knob('getdata_requests_expiration_seconds')):
22:35 asciilifeform del self.getdata_requests[message_hash]
22:39 asciilifeform awt: e.g. this is how oughta work
22:40 asciilifeform awt: seems to me that in your current blatta, getdata's expire immediately
22:41 asciilifeform may explain wai often enuff they go unanswered
22:44 asciilifeform or hm, nm
22:45 asciilifeform the given algo, while seems 'backward', oughta work
← 2022-06-28 | 2022-06-30 →