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← 2022-05-26 | 2022-05-28 →
12:05 shinohai $ticker btc usd
12:05 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $28848.85
~ 3 hours 10 minutes ~
15:16 awt $ticker btc usd
15:16 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $28706.06
~ 3 hours 44 minutes ~
19:00 billymg !c net-summary
19:01 billymg hrm
19:02 billymg might just be catching up, i was able to peer with it from my primary station. realized my ec2 security group rule for the blatta station's port was configured as a TCP rule instead of UDP
19:04 asciilifeform billymg: unrelatedly, asciilifeform has 3 'new' dulaps on the way
19:04 asciilifeform ( along with 4 spare ps )
19:05 billymg asciilifeform: still interested
19:05 * asciilifeform if can get 2-3 new folx interested, will finally upgrade the upstream service to 42u/20amp/1G/s
19:05 asciilifeform as it is, there's room for exactly 1 new dulap, billymg has 'dibs'
19:06 billymg i'd like to get off ec2, was a last ditch solution while waiting on the dulap
19:06 asciilifeform if anyone else interested, plox to ping asciilifeform .
19:06 asciilifeform these can hold up to 512MB of ecc ram.
19:06 asciilifeform err, GB lol
19:07 asciilifeform iirc theoretically 1TB, but difficult to get the requisite sticks
19:12 crawlerbot billymg: last reconnect: just now; last restart: just now
19:12 billymg oh wow
19:12 billymg i guess crawlerbot is going to respond to commands from a long time ago
19:13 crawlerbot billymg: my valid commands are: src, uptime, help, net-summary, version, trb-status
19:14 * billymg will wait while the getdata replay finishes
19:17 billymg so that takes care of my peer issue with crawlerbot at least, /at now shows us directly connected. unfortunately that doesn't help me in debugging the peer issue with shinohai, signpost, and mod6
19:19 shinohai billymg is yer ip still ?
19:19 billymg asciilifeform: looking forward to having a grownup box soon. i'm still going to get mine going here in cr too, just waiting on some new drives atm before i can put an OS on it
19:19 signpost /at
19:19 signpost whoops
19:20 billymg shinohai: yep, that's correct
19:22 billymg !c net-summary
19:22 shinohai This is a head-scratcher as I have you peered, though you aren't in peer list
19:22 shinohai (Currently using smalpest since it displays peers properly)
19:24 billymg shinohai: i haven't tried smalpest yet, i might give it a shot just to rule out a bug in blatta
19:24 crawlerbot Bitcoin Network (IPv4 Nodes Active Within the Last 48 hours) Global: 7928; TRB-Compatible: 32; TRB: 11
19:24 crawlerbot TRB-Compatible by Country: United States: 5; Germany: 4; United Kingdom: 3; Romania: 3; Russia: 3; Singapore: 2; Ukraine: 1; Australia: 1; Italy: 1; Mexico: 1; United Arab Emirates: 1; Poland: 1; South Africa: 1; France: 1; Sweden: 1; Chile: 1; Belgium: 1; Bulgaria: 1;
19:24 crawlerbot TRB by Country: United States: 6; Canada: 1; Romania: 1; Lithuania: 1; France: 1; New Zealand: 1;
19:24 billymg !c uptime
19:24 crawlerbot billymg: last reconnect: 13m ago; last restart: 13m ago
19:26 shinohai I'm using blatta as busybot 's station, and haven't had any issues with 'em talking to one another.
19:27 billymg not sure why the delays
19:27 billymg yeah, i just meant to rule out a bug for why some of my peerings don't work
19:28 billymg because to me is a head scratcher also
19:36 billymg !c trb-status
19:36 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738166, v=99999, Romania - peers: 135 - last probed: 27m ago
19:36 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738166, v=99999, United States - peers: 86 - last probed: 27m ago
19:36 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738166, v=99999, Canada - peers: 76 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Busy? (No answer in 15 sec.)), h=737931, v=99999, United States - peers: 54 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738166, v=70001, United States - peers: 48 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738010, v=99999, United States - peers: 48 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=671433, v=99999, New Zealand - peers: 26 - last probed: 25m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738035, v=99999, United States - peers: 33 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Busy? (No answer in 15 sec.)), h=738161, v=99999, Lithuania - peers: 31 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738035, v=99999, United States - peers: 18 - last probed: 27m ago
19:39 crawlerbot (Alive), h=738165, v=88888, France - peers: 45 - last probed: 27m ago
~ 1 hours 5 minutes ~
20:45 * shinohai likes how bots are starting to populate pestnet ....
20:45 shinohai $uptime
20:45 busybot The bot has been up for: 35 days 4 hours 23 minutes and 18 seconds
20:45 shinohai dat stability.
20:52 asciilifeform a++
← 2022-05-26 | 2022-05-28 →