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← 2022-02-18 | 2022-02-20 →
00:01 awt asciilifeform: he addressed that issue with theh proposal for use of cookies
~ 1 hours 22 minutes ~
01:23 asciilifeform awt: hm
01:24 asciilifeform awt: would work, i suppose, but rather kludge
~ 14 hours 1 minutes ~
15:25 whaack awt: happy to update, let us know when
15:26 whaack http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-02-18#1079962 << would like to , but i don't have the iron to do it on
15:27 whaack asciilifeform: (et all) what should i expect to pay in heathen hosting for 2 Ghz + processor, 4GB RAM, 2 TB SSD?
15:27 whaack derp, didn't meant o be typing in pestnet but i guess i'll continue here
~ 47 minutes ~
16:14 asciilifeform whaack: assuming q is re a genuine physical leased box; answr depends heavily on geography. also observe that most vendors give handful of particular setups, you cannot necessarily get x ram, y disk, etc
16:15 asciilifeform whaack: in usa typical cost of a box as described is 200-300 $ last i knew
16:15 asciilifeform (monthly)
16:15 asciilifeform whaack: in eureich, moar. in ex-sovokistan, less
16:22 whaack asciilifeform: ty
16:22 asciilifeform np
~ 1 hours 53 minutes ~
18:16 whaack awt: signpost: Origin of Consciousness book... what a trip, thank you for the recommendation
18:16 whaack still reading, at the part about the schizos
~ 1 hours 14 minutes ~
19:31 signpost glad you're enjoying it.
19:31 signpost imho it and other works point to individual being emerging from the distributed meat computer processing language.
19:33 * signpost has a blog post concerning this he oughta finally squeeze out, but it's one of those permanently dissatisfying ones, rewritten many times.
19:35 signpost whaack: has he discussed the "old gods" of say assyria going silent yet?
19:36 signpost seems to me we're seeing a comparable breakdown post "death" of western god, silence of the atomic-soul-before-monogod. timely that we just had a breakthrough in consensus algorithms.
19:40 signpost this was what motivated me to take part in the republic, the need for revolution in construction of self, but in hindsight it was a kind of cargo-cultism similar to ever-more-elaborate ritual engaged in by priesthoods to access the gods once they went silent.
19:47 signpost nietzsche said this breakdown separates us into the "last men" and the "ubermensch". former is a shattered form, infantile and schizophrenic. perhaps jaynes' bicamerals, whatever precedes constructing an integrated self-narrative.
19:48 asciilifeform signpost: could speculate re 'schizos supply the rare rng input, priests constructively interpret it to empower and fatten selves' etc. but difficult to anchor conclusively to fact
19:49 signpost latter is a creature who can wield authorial voice. these aren't new, scattered throughout history.
19:49 signpost I considered mp one when he was well.
19:49 signpost authorial here means in the deepest sense, authoring the *gods* of other men.
19:50 asciilifeform it's a talent, like e.g. music, but the 'instrument' is meat
19:50 signpost yeah, wouldn't disagree really.
19:51 asciilifeform what kinda music gets played there, depends largely on what, if anything, the 'musician' believes in
19:52 asciilifeform ( if 'nuffin' -- what yer left with is a coupla GB of cock pics, in the end )
19:52 signpost deadliest is when the man believes reality submits to him.
19:52 signpost yep
19:52 signpost reality submits to nothing.
19:52 signpost other men, sure.
19:52 signpost this isn't much before the cosmos.
19:53 asciilifeform not entirely 'to nothing', electron does not go 'where allah wills' entirely.
19:54 signpost yeah, if we're supposing there is something "authorial" at the base of reality, submission there too, but not to men.
19:55 asciilifeform but folx w/ talent for 'moving meat' largely at the end of the day only interested in that, rather than anyffin else, is addictive, a la heroin
19:57 * signpost considers this in the vicinity of "compulsive masturbator"
19:57 asciilifeform aha, special case of compulsive masturbator, who uses hands of others instead of own.
20:02 signpost this "what the musician believes in" is difficult, of course.
20:02 signpost requires him to shed his clothes, etc., face the other, the classical heroes journey.
20:03 signpost *hero's
20:04 signpost apparent in mp's output was "why shouldn't the entire world be destroyed at the moment of my death?"
20:05 signpost hell, universe, however broad one wants
20:07 signpost it's not arbitrary to a mind in this kind of destructive rebellion. it *should*. imho that says much.
20:08 signpost nietzsche called this something like "wanting revenge upon memory" iirc
~ 21 minutes ~
20:29 asciilifeform to narcissist, universe starts an' ends with.. him. 'newz at 11'
20:30 asciilifeform (recall last decree of old man adolph, 'dynamite errything!!!')
~ 19 minutes ~
20:49 * signpost would expect one of these to say "what does it matter how things are left after I'm dead", yet, appears to matter.
20:49 signpost belies something imho.
20:50 signpost if it didn't matter at all, why bother with dynamite. crunch the cyanide and get gone.
~ 16 minutes ~
21:07 whaack signpost: no, don't think i've gotten to old gods dying yet, but i read late into the night barely being able to keep my eyes poen so it's possible i missed it
21:07 * whaack will be rereading this book shortly
21:08 signpost he'll get to discussing the role of old stone totems, etc., in conjuring hallucinatory voices.
21:11 whaack signpost: pretty sure i have not gotten there
21:13 whaack so far the most mind blowing part of the book for me was his comments on what consciousness is not, and the idea that consciousness was installed ala software on the brain via language after the brain had been running for a while without conscoiusness installed
21:13 whaack i have heard that kids who do not learn how to speak a language by age 5-7 or so can never learn to do so later in life
21:15 whaack i'm curious whether these kids who never learn a language are conscious, and whether the fact that you don't remember years 0-4 are intimately tied with the fact that you are still installing language software during those years
21:20 signpost certainly wherever we decide to draw the line for consciousness, there are many such developmental boundaries which enable or preclude kinds of thought.
21:22 signpost say, learning to use the subjunctive, modeling other people's minds/drives/etc, dispassionately introspecting base impulses, so on.
21:23 * signpost could easily believe that most of the things walking around don't meet the bar for long-dead civilizations, let alone those that recently walked on the moon.
← 2022-02-18 | 2022-02-20 →