Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2022-01-20 | 2022-01-22 →
01:46 signpost I'm gonna sign the horror even.
01:46 signpost :D
01:46 signpost but yes, all *subsequent* patches better damned be small.
01:48 * signpost is doing the gruntwork to actually separate distinct software into distinct vpatches, and the musl-specific tweaks also into own patches.
01:48 signpost this is what remains before a first release.
01:48 signpost got dulap build going with that 2016 gnat btw. works great.
01:49 * signpost will leave a disk installer for a subsequent patch, plan to port the cuntoo installer over.
~ 1 hours 16 minutes ~
03:06 asciilifeform nifty
03:06 * asciilifeform used that gnat, iirc, prior to ave1's thing
~ 17 hours 7 minutes ~
20:14 PeterL hello, am I working again?
~ 1 hours 17 minutes ~
21:31 asciilifeform PeterL: loox like
21:44 PeterL yeah, I saw that it was in the log
← 2022-01-20 | 2022-01-22 →