Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-10-12 | 2014-10-14 →
00:00 Adlai the hilarious thing is how enforcement of a safety regulation is inversely proportional to how likely it is to be necessary for the current situation
00:01 Adlai so you get lots of great rules, but only the most tedious and irrelevant ones are actually enforced
00:01 Adlai causing soldiers who don't understand the background behind any of it to believe all the rules are uniformly irrelevant
00:13 mats_cd03 nice knowing you guys
00:13 assbot Mass. Patient Isolated, Transported for Possible Ebola Symptoms | NECN
00:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 39500 @ 0.00073844 = 29.1684 BTC [-] {2}
00:18 mircea_popescu Adlai i dunno, ask carlin eh
00:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31372 @ 0.00073988 = 23.2115 BTC [+] {2}
00:18 Adlai y u mek me cry
00:18 mircea_popescu and what's an example of a great rule ?
00:19 Adlai wearing fireproof gloves when handling AFV engine innards
00:20 Adlai but you're also supposed to wear them for pretty much everything else you do, and you only get called out on not wearing them when higher-ups can actually see your hands, ie, not when it's actually important to wear them
00:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11550 @ 0.00074009 = 8.548 BTC [+]
00:26 mircea_popescu i doubt that's such a great rule.
00:27 mircea_popescu why would there be fire coming out of the engine ?
00:30 Adlai there shouldn't be, but it can get hot enough to burn your hands, and stays that hot for longer than the average soldier would expect
00:31 mircea_popescu isn't it actually bad for the parts to work on them while too hot to touch ?
00:31 mircea_popescu as in, tigthen a screw, once it cools it's screwed ?
00:31 Adlai i've never seen anybody do that level of work on a hot engine, usually it's just things like oil checking
00:32 mircea_popescu that's visual inspection ne ?
00:32 Adlai there's even one oil check that's supposed to be done while the engine is running although nobody ever did that
00:32 mircea_popescu they don't still use the retractable thinger do they ?
00:32 Adlai yes, m113 engine has those
00:33 mircea_popescu o.O
00:33 mircea_popescu better safety rule... put some damned electronics on the engine block
00:33 Adlai you pull it out, wipe it clean, put it back in, pull it out again, find a light source, see that the oil smeared all over while you were carrying it, wipe it off, etc
00:34 Adlai some of these fuckers are over 50 years old
00:34 mircea_popescu anyway, people doing fine movements generally don't want to wear gloves because bulky and unwieldy
00:35 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> well there's always a cab in ny...
00:35 ben_vulpes <asciilifeform> they can move to usa and massage machines, yes. << bashed
00:35 Adlai of course, people hate wearing these gloves
00:36 Adlai a better safety rule would only require them during the actually dangerous operations
00:36 Adlai but it would probably be ignored since "ALWAYS WEAR THEM" is much easier to enforce for stupid supervisors
00:36 mircea_popescu see, when i think great safety rule i think things like "don't place your heaviest pans highest in your kitchen"
00:36 mircea_popescu costs you just as much to put them there as anywhere else
00:36 mircea_popescu but you WILL get a bump or two if you break it
00:37 Adlai don't ask me about kitchen safety, i nearly burned my house down yesterday
00:37 ben_vulpes not that you get the energy back from putting them up high...
00:37 Adlai at least i had the good sense not to throw water on the burning oil O_o
00:38 mircea_popescu or rub it all over your butt
00:39 mircea_popescu incidentally, this guy married the hottest chick i ever saw. like 19 too, some hick chick.
00:40 mircea_popescu she spent the honeymoon in the hospital because she rendered some fat, and then poured in a large, thick glass container
00:40 mircea_popescu which cracked and spilled all over her
00:40 mircea_popescu doctor spent like three hours extracting hot oil and glass shards from her crack and legs
00:41 Adlai how do you even find all the shards in a case like that
00:41 ben_vulpes ain't no training going to fix that kind of stupid
00:41 mircea_popescu they have a special thingee
00:42 mircea_popescu refraction something or the other
00:42 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes she was the fucking stereotipical dumb hottie.
00:42 ben_vulpes refract through thigh flesh?
00:42 ben_vulpes color me unconvinced.
00:42 Adlai well you could train people to just not cook at home, either eat out or order takeaway
00:42 Adlai we can draw the line at microwaving leftovers
00:42 ben_vulpes no no you train them to cook *for* you.
00:42 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes if you put a high powered flashlight against your palm you'll see some light go through a mm or two
00:42 Adlai sounds like that's what she was trying to do
00:42 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: ever read ringworld?
00:42 mircea_popescu dun think so
00:43 ben_vulpes one of the more entertaining devices is the human "birth lotto"
00:43 ben_vulpes this leads to a breeding of the populace for luck
00:43 ben_vulpes book features an extraordinarily clumsy girl who is also extremely lucky.
00:43 ben_vulpes hijinks ensue.
00:43 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: three hours extracting hot oil and glass shards from her crack and legs << try this on for size:
00:43 assbot - " , -..."
00:43 mircea_popescu nod a bad premise
00:43 mircea_popescu lol assbot has it eh
00:43 ben_vulpes niven yo
00:44 ben_vulpes known for the "not a bad premise" book
00:44 ben_vulpes see also "mote in gods eye" "gripping hand"
00:44 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes anyway, she was just... i dunno, her bubble was neverendingly shockingly short. you could rarely predict what she won't foresee
00:44 ben_vulpes sounds like fun, at a distance, and on someone else's bill.
00:44 mircea_popescu my thoughts exactly.
00:45 ben_vulpes i'm content with being the dish-breaker and singer of things around these parts.
00:45 ben_vulpes the office has dubbed me the {{oaf,hulk}}
00:45 mircea_popescu asciilifeform оклематься ?
00:45 ben_vulpes refrain is: "BEN SMASH"
00:46 mircea_popescu ben smash, ben hurr, ben derp!
00:46 ben_vulpes half the time it's entirely on purpose, as the thing was never built for use outside delicate programmer hands.
00:46 decimation mircea_popescu: in the us all of the old 'glass cookware' that used to be made of borosilicate has been switched to plate glass
00:46 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: ~= 'shake it off'
00:46 ben_vulpes decimation: and not just plate, but pre-stressed plate!
00:47 mircea_popescu decimation uh... why ?
00:47 ben_vulpes decimation: so as to not just crack when over-stressed, but to rupture catastrophically!
00:47 mircea_popescu anyway, this device would have been fine, if she knew how to pour
00:47 Adlai more efficient selection against stupidity?
00:47 mircea_popescu Из полузапретных катакомб, ahahha wtf.
00:47 decimation because it's cheaper and supposedly 'shatters better' when dropped
00:47 assbot Now I Know – The War Against Pyrex
00:48 decimation it's another example of hidden inflation
00:48 ben_vulpes 'cept that pyrex doesn't shatter when dropped.
00:48 mircea_popescu << check this ecommerce site.
00:48 assbot Home - Hick Chick Tours
00:48 mircea_popescu decimation what the fuck jesus.
00:49 decimation "As a result, the drug trade needed to find another way to obtain borosilicate glass. The unintended consequence of World Kitchen’s switch? An uptick in theft from an unlikely place. As PopSci so eloquently notes, “[the crack-making] industry was forced to switch from measuring cups purchased at Walmart to test tubes and beakers stolen from labs.”"
00:49 * ben_vulpes misses the good stuff
00:49 ben_vulpes ahhhh-merica.
00:50 * Adlai loves the taxis in NYC tho
00:50 ben_vulpes good god how
00:50 ben_vulpes how can one love anything about nyc
00:50 ben_vulpes actually no hang on
00:50 ben_vulpes the great wall of garbage once per week was pretty cool
00:50 Adlai getting locked into the cab until you pay
00:50 ben_vulpes also the giant wall of black slush during snowfalls
00:50 Adlai junkie-proof walls keeping the cabbie secure
00:50 Adlai what's not to love
00:50 ben_vulpes hm
00:50 ben_vulpes that shoe store on 14th is p cool
00:51 decimation one wonders if usg didn't pressure corning as part of the 'war on useful objects' err 'war on drugs'
00:51 ben_vulpes but the 'choclatier' next door was always the wackness
00:51 mircea_popescu basically in another decade the us will be like africa.
00:51 decimation why do you need a 'tour' to pub crawl?
00:51 ben_vulpes will be?
00:51 mircea_popescu "sure we have very good everything here sir, made of straw, good quality top notch"
00:51 ben_vulpes portland already wants me to sort my compostables for them
00:52 mircea_popescu <ben_vulpes> how can one love anything about nyc << i love the taxis there too
00:52 mircea_popescu haven't been since like 2003, but anyway.
00:52 ben_vulpes i mean you pay them, they go places, it's a simple exchange
00:52 ben_vulpes but love?
00:52 ben_vulpes that's a bit strong
00:52 mircea_popescu ever told you about my find a hotel adventure ?
00:52 ben_vulpes noooo
00:52 mircea_popescu i take a cab out of grand central, tell the kid i want a hotel, kinda close and not too expensive
00:53 mircea_popescu he takes me to a hotel like ten blocks away, costs me 100 a night. nice room and everything.
00:53 mircea_popescu black kid, too.
00:53 Adlai mircea_popescu: you should see the touchscreen computers they have now to keep passengers from yakking at the cabbies, complete with a GPS map of your path through the city... almost feels like an airplane
00:53 ben_vulpes pfwat
00:53 Adlai pfyes
00:53 ben_vulpes 100/D in nyc?
00:53 ben_vulpes not you, Adlai
00:54 mircea_popescu whole thing took ten minutes, that guy probably did more for me than half the gradschool educated people i ever employed, on a percentile basis
00:54 Adlai FINE
00:54 ben_vulpes i'm familiar with those too, Adlai
00:54 mircea_popescu Adlai but i like talking to the cabbies.
00:54 ben_vulpes the NYC version is really awesome, what with rebooting into "LOUD MODE"
00:54 ben_vulpes in pdx that shit starts up muted
00:54 ben_vulpes you can even derp your card in before the trip ends to expedite egress from vehicle
00:54 mircea_popescu ifucking hate lcds in neckrests.
00:55 mircea_popescu and i wouldn't poay with a card wtf.
00:55 Adlai mircea_popescu: actually the one cabbie i had an heart2heart with tracked us down ten minutes later to return my friend's iphone whateverthelatestis
00:55 ben_vulpes and we have a functioning economy, so cabbies don't lock the door
00:55 ben_vulpes actually i should say
00:55 ben_vulpes i have a healthy relationship with my cab co's and they don't lock the door on me
00:55 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: bad bezzlar!
00:55 decimation London cabbies are amusing too. I remember one bitching about Pikeys squatting on some farmer's land and appealing to the EU court of human rights
00:56 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes you know what ? i have never used a cc at a pos. ever.
00:56 Adlai he was really nice considering my friend's dog got cabsick all over the backseat
00:56 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: and i've not carried cash routinely since i stopped doing that thing that entailed always carrying cash. so?
00:56 mircea_popescu fuck that, i'd rather go naked.
00:57 ben_vulpes roll with cash in the states, get robbed by cops.
00:57 mircea_popescu man must always carry enough cash to bribe a first instance judge
00:57 mircea_popescu you never know.
00:57 asciilifeform or even by ordinary robbers
00:57 decimation ben_vulpes: how quickly do you think people in the us would start using cash if suddenly say the FDIC went away?
00:57 asciilifeform (in usa, stolen cc is usually a non-issue, max liability is ~500 usd by statute)
00:57 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7378 @ 0.00074009 = 5.4604 BTC [+]
00:57 mircea_popescu decimation i think he may have a point with the cop robbery
00:57 ben_vulpes decimation: more likely to run a tab with your local providers, as I do.
00:58 decimation yeah that's how they did it in 'frontier times'
00:58 ben_vulpes actually mircea_popescu this is why i don't carry cash. all of my local providers know who i am and extend me credit at my request.
00:58 decimation go to local store, run a tab, owner knows where you live..
00:58 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes suppose you meet a super hot chick.
00:58 mircea_popescu ask her for credit too ?
00:58 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: how do you settle the tabs? sacks of gold, delivered on mules?
00:58 mircea_popescu asciilifeform he does rockets.
00:58 mircea_popescu wednesday evening, goes on balcony, starts firing
00:59 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: nah, she asks me for credit
00:59 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: pay with cash, get discount as merchants don't report cash intake and don't pay cc processing fees.
00:59 asciilifeform all of my local providers know who i am and extend me credit at my request << this must be some other usa i've never been to
00:59 ben_vulpes ofc i have to book the withdrawal as "profit", but...
00:59 mircea_popescu you're exactly like a fucking mobster.
00:59 asciilifeform or the planet from eric frank russel's 'and then there were none' tale
00:59 decimation I've settled a few 'ebay' transactions where the tax was 'forgiven' if paid in cash
01:00 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: high praise, not deserving
01:00 ben_vulpes i know a few tricks, that's about all.
01:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i had this grocery store owner (african woman) that actually imported shit at my request. and delivered it, too.
01:00 mircea_popescu it's possible, just gotta not live in wa-shit-ton i guess
01:00 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: you live in the heart of the beast. i live in the heart of cascadia. our worlds are light years apart.
01:00 asciilifeform in nyc?
01:00 mircea_popescu asciilifeform mass
01:01 decimation "the hills are high and the emperor is far away"
01:01 asciilifeform actually i have reasons to suspect that there are closed communities of people living approximately like people, even here
01:01 asciilifeform but membership is generally by birth.
01:01 decimation asciilifeform: I'm sure there are. In NYC the famous example is the jews
01:01 mircea_popescu yeah but you don't like the sewers
01:01 ben_vulpes quite literally, decimation. our hill is so high that our water supply flows from it.
01:01 ben_vulpes ;;google bull run
01:01 gribble First Battle of Bull Run - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; The Battle of Bull Run Summary & Facts | <>; Bullrun: <>
01:01 ben_vulpes ah, fy google
01:01 ben_vulpes ;;google bull run reservoir
01:01 gribble Bull Run River (Oregon) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Bull Run Watershed | The City of Portland, Oregon: <>; Portland's Water System | The City of Portland, Oregon: <>
01:02 ben_vulpes watershed, dorp.
01:02 decimation ;;google nyc jew bus
01:02 gribble Vamoose Bus - NYC | Maryland | Virginia: <>; Bus Segregation of Jewish Women Prompts Review - <>; Women Riding Brooklyn's B110 Bus Told To Sit In The Back ...: <>
01:02 ben_vulpes anyways, sleep beckons and i gotta be on point for the boys next week.
01:03 ben_vulpes leadership, as they say, starts at 6.
01:04 asciilifeform idleness is on duty 24/7!
01:05 Adlai lazyness waits for everybody
01:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24625 @ 0.00073982 = 18.2181 BTC [-] {2}
01:22 mircea_popescu !up indiancandy1
01:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 61551 @ 0.00074264 = 45.7102 BTC [+] {2}
01:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21690 @ 0.00074281 = 16.1115 BTC [+] {2}
01:33 mircea_popescu "Fuck yes we can. I have student loan debt. Am I going to pay it ? Nope. Not ever. Over my dead fucking body will they get a penny from me.
01:33 mircea_popescu Why? Because I don't want to fund the evil banksters who prey on impressionable young 18 year olds who don't know jack shit about the world, 18-year olds who are pressured by society into college they can't afford."
01:33 mircea_popescu lol this is going to end well
01:35 TheNewDeal has to be a usian, amiright?
01:35 decimation sounds like the people who just stop paying taxes, irs comes, gasenwagen, gulag
01:36 decimation
01:36 assbot Argentina Debt Crisis: U.S. Demands 1.5 billion cash (Bitcoin to Rescue?) | Page 2 |
01:36 decimation heh the next post: "Huh? You had a choice to go to uni and further your education. Be a man and stand by your decisions. "
01:37 pete_dushenski good evening b-a
01:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24166 @ 0.00074098 = 17.9065 BTC [-]
01:37 decimation reminds me of:
01:37 assbot Missionary doctors treating Ebola in Africa: Why people are suspicious of missionaries.
01:37 pete_dushenski congrats be to cazalla BingoBoingo and mircea_popescu for the qntra announcement!
01:37 mircea_popescu TheNewDeal yep
01:38 mircea_popescu decimation not so. usually it takes about 10 years
01:38 mircea_popescu IF you have a lot of money.
01:38 cazalla pete_dushenski, ty
01:38 mircea_popescu most poor people get that added benefit, thatthey can just forego the irs altogether
01:38 decimation mircea_popescu: yeah if you have a semi-competent tax lawyer you can probably avoid jail, just pay the fine
01:38 mircea_popescu ;;rated cazalla
01:38 gribble You rated user cazalla on Fri Oct 10 19:05:29 2014, with a rating of 2, and supplied these additional notes: chief editor..
01:39 pete_dushenski the mpex-qntra relationship is quite the crafty little construction. puts other efforts to shame.
01:39 mircea_popescu decimation the thing is they work on a per dollar basis. if there's nothing to steal they can't afford to prosecute you.
01:39 decimation for poor people in the us, taxes pay you
01:39 pete_dushenski though the only other effort that comes to mind is that of ltb (andreas' first home) with their broke back counterparty baloney. so not much comp but...
01:39 decimation
01:39 assbot EITC Home Page--Its easier than ever to find out if you qualify for EITC
01:43 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: where is that quote from? "Fuck yes we can...."
01:44 pete_dushenski oh and my apologies for the penguirker spam earlier. i was changing hosting plans and had to rejigger the whole meal deal.
01:44 mircea_popescu decimation linked it above
01:45 pete_dushenski the upside is now i have an avatar for commenting on other blogs and that contravex has a snazzy new recent comments sidebar.
01:48 mircea_popescu good for you!
01:48 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: i had actually read that qntra "pending announcement" bit in the logs, though meanwhile forgotten. in my defense, you never mentioned much in the way of terms or wtf you were even alluding to :D
01:49 mircea_popescu :p
01:50 pete_dushenski o and contravex's footnotes now have the proper indentation so you can now see all the roman numerals :)
01:50 decimation pete_dushenski: what blogging system do you use?
01:50 pete_dushenski wordpress
01:51 pete_dushenski unfortunately the switch over meant some updates (spit) and whatnot
01:53 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski sent you a pingback. fix the hole will you.
01:54 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: i'm on it.
01:55 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you too.
01:55 mircea_popescu who else is running wp blogs ?
01:56 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: which contravex article did you ping?
02:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18600 @ 0.00073751 = 13.7177 BTC [-] {2}
~ 18 minutes ~
02:21 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31585 @ 0.00073741 = 23.2911 BTC [-] {2}
02:21 penguirker New blog post:
02:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5688 @ 0.00073816 = 4.1987 BTC [+]
02:28 Adlai kakobrekla: so you like lisp?
02:29 Adlai try writing the shortest possible quine in ansi cl. if you want to check the answer, it was just in #lisp and there are public logs, but try yourself before you check.
~ 15 minutes ~
02:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21095 @ 0.0007392 = 15.5934 BTC [+] {2}
02:57 mircea_popescu ;;later tell pete_dushenski your latest.
02:57 gribble The operation succeeded.
02:58 mircea_popescu <string>Pingback from to registered. Keep the web talking! :-)</string>
02:58 assbot O hai let me wanna-be! pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
02:58 assbot The Six Pillars For Surviving in Computer Times | Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
~ 34 minutes ~
03:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8900 @ 0.00073862 = 6.5737 BTC [-]
03:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18700 @ 0.0007381 = 13.8025 BTC [-]
03:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27100 @ 0.00073707 = 19.9746 BTC [-] {2}
~ 29 minutes ~
04:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15800 @ 0.00073813 = 11.6625 BTC [+]
04:18 thickasthieves ;;ticker
04:18 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.17, Best ask: 381.7, Bid-ask spread: 1.53000, Last trade: 381.88, 24 hour volume: 15955.10289135, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 383.6, 24 hour vwap: 369.666559785
~ 18 minutes ~
04:37 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3225 @ 0.00073683 = 2.3763 BTC [-]
~ 19 minutes ~
04:56 Adlai any o yall believe trustless currency via proof of work was invented as a tool for tracking rather than liberation?
04:56 Adlai (when phrased this way it does make me consider that conspiracy a lot less likely)
~ 17 minutes ~
05:14 xanthyos oh wow davidlatapie at first glance i thought you might be davidldubuc
05:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20939 @ 0.00073544 = 15.3994 BTC [-] {2}
05:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24007 @ 0.00073831 = 17.7246 BTC [+] {4}
05:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32650 @ 0.00073998 = 24.1603 BTC [+] {2}
05:57 xanthyos it's amazing how often i get threatened by someone caught speechless in the onslaught of my verbal abuse with a gun.
05:57 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
05:57 xanthyos like they've gotten so worked up they forgot the nature of the internet.
05:57 xanthyos please shoot my image.
05:59 wyrdmantis with a gun?
06:00 xanthyos yes
06:00 xanthyos they threaten to kill me, i've had automatic weapons pulled angrily
06:00 xanthyos and pointed at webcams
06:02 wyrdmantis lol unbelievable
06:02 xanthyos it's the go-to solution
06:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16150 @ 0.00073881 = 11.9318 BTC [-]
06:17 wyrdmantis any fresh news on the "bitcoin regulation" front?
06:18 Adlai last i checked the network is properly regulating mining fees and preventing double spends, so i'd say it's going well!
06:21 wyrdmantis yeah Adlai, i'm referring to the lawyer's trying to put out a legal framework, and such nonsense, for the sake of knowing :)
06:22 fluffypony which country? South Africa doesn't seem to give a crap.
06:25 wyrdmantis Russia for example
06:25 wyrdmantis but i think no fresh news
06:26 Adlai how fresh is fresh? only heard this one last week:
06:26 assbot - Federal Council publishes report on virtual currencies such as bitcoin
06:28 wyrdmantis fresh as you like :D Thanks a lot Adlai!
06:32 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49099 @ 0.00074065 = 36.3652 BTC [+] {2}
06:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 79201 @ 0.00074101 = 58.6887 BTC [+] {2}
06:46 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6286 @ 0.00074284 = 4.6695 BTC [+]
06:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6350 @ 0.00074284 = 4.717 BTC [+]
06:52 * jurov catches s.qntr mention in the lawgs
06:52 * jurov scrolls frantically
06:55 RagnarDanneskjol hurry!
~ 16 minutes ~
07:11 jurov s.qntr added to coinbr
07:26 cazalla was bitbet the first to use no account betting?
07:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18946 @ 0.00073553 = 13.9354 BTC [-] {2}
07:28 thestringpuller cazalla no
07:28 thestringpuller there was another but wasn't trustworthy for sports betting long ago
07:28 thestringpuller like 2012?
07:36 cazalla well, qntra is inaccessible
07:37 RagnarDanneskjol oh no - too much attention
07:37 RagnarDanneskjol now the whole world's watching
07:40 cazalla its getting the fuck pingbacked out of it
07:40 cazalla WordPress/3.8.4;; verifying pingback from
07:40 cazalla WordPress/4.0;; verifying pingback from etc etc
07:42 cazalla for reference, looks like that same dude who did pingback spam to trilema, at least i'm guessing
07:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38950 @ 0.00074218 = 28.9079 BTC [+]
~ 25 minutes ~
08:09 cazalla well, i had an article to post but this fuck continues to dos the site so i guess i'll get some sleep
08:10 cazalla i know ya in here, ya fuck
08:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10962 @ 0.00074296 = 8.1443 BTC [+] {2}
08:23 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 41400 @ 0.00074305 = 30.7623 BTC [+] {4}
08:29 * Adlai manages to load after a while of waiting
08:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21298 @ 0.00073799 = 15.7177 BTC [-]
08:45 jurov <Adlai> and yes, it's fair to say that i was "mistreated" by never having to work for money until i stopped accepting my parents' charity << this is patently false
08:46 jurov i was getting disability pension since 15 and study at uni was free
08:46 jurov despite that, i started working during studies
08:47 Adlai why is what i said false though? you don't know me!
08:47 jurov as sysadmin in small company (i explicitly avioded big business and its bureaucracy)
08:47 * Adlai is a special snowflake
08:47 wyrdmantis %s
08:48 Adlai
08:48 jurov lol Adlai if parents threw you at 18 onto the street
08:48 jurov you'd say you were mistreated, either
08:48 Adlai flatmate had to work for spending money his entire life
08:49 Adlai field trip lunch money, movies on weekends, etc
08:49 Adlai he just had zero allowance his entire life
08:49 Adlai his parents gave him food, shelter, and access to the crappiest indoctrination taxes can subsidize
08:50 Adlai now he gets up in the morning every day to work because he does not rack dishiprin
08:51 jurov rack what?
08:51 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9500 @ 0.00073445 = 6.9773 BTC [-] {3}
08:51 Adlai
08:51 assbot You rack disciprine - YouTube
08:54 jurov um.. afaik usually people work because they won't have the discipline otherwise
08:55 kakobrekla they just dont know better.
08:56 kakobrekla i understood this pretty quickly so i never got employed.
~ 16 minutes ~
09:13 Adlai kakobrekla: quine!
09:17 kakobrekla yes lisp. i recently started learning the thing thanks (or not?) to our resident mad scientist asciilifeform.
09:18 davout ohai
09:18 kakobrekla hi
09:19 kakobrekla Adlai check up his blog if you havent yet.
09:20 Adlai ?
09:20 * Adlai hasn't yet, kakobrekla
09:20 kakobrekla
09:21 assbot Loper OS
09:22 Adlai asciilifeform: /join #lisp
09:22 kakobrekla hehe
09:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19658 @ 0.00073413 = 14.4315 BTC [-]
~ 24 minutes ~
09:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38700 @ 0.00073411 = 28.4101 BTC [-] {2}
10:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30950 @ 0.00073461 = 22.7362 BTC [+]
10:22 ThickAsThieves wall st bleeding
10:25 chetty ThickAsThieves, Monday in Oct :)
10:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30526 @ 0.00073579 = 22.4607 BTC [+] {2}
10:28 thestringpuller ;;ticker
10:28 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 383.94, Best ask: 383.98, Bid-ask spread: 0.04000, Last trade: 383.94, 24 hour volume: 18703.97847566, 24 hour low: 358.56, 24 hour high: 388.0, 24 hour vwap: 375.509938976
10:31 BingoBoingo ;;later tell mircea_popescu thedrinkingrecord and qntra should both be patched nao
10:31 gribble The operation succeeded.
10:37 thestringpuller mike_c: bitcoins first actuarial scientist
10:38 mike_c do i get a plaque with that?
10:38 ThickAsThieves organofcorti was first probly
10:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9470 @ 0.00073727 = 6.9819 BTC [+]
10:51 thestringpuller i thought for a second it said "Do i get a plague with that"
10:52 ThickAsThieves same thing
10:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9242 @ 0.00073727 = 6.8138 BTC [+]
11:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25938 @ 0.00074337 = 19.2815 BTC [+] {2}
~ 31 minutes ~
11:35 penguirker New blog post:
11:49 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8688 @ 0.00074351 = 6.4596 BTC [+] {2}
11:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4962 @ 0.00074355 = 3.6895 BTC [+]
11:54 ben_vulpes god i love qntra
11:56 ThickAsThieves almost as cool as vanads
11:56 ThickAsThieves ;)
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.15639117 BTC to 16`099 shares, 7183 satoshi per share
12:00 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 0.78199184 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 68 satoshi per share
~ 20 minutes ~
12:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13950 @ 0.00074288 = 10.3632 BTC [-]
~ 15 minutes ~
12:36 ThickAsThieves "Just wanted to let you know you should no longer have any issues with instant transactions through your Circle account. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your patience and support."
12:39 mats_cd03 "Until the next time there's serious volatility."
12:40 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 304 @ 0.12404455 = 37.7095 BTC [-] {30}
12:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18100 @ 0.00074355 = 13.4583 BTC [+] {2}
12:46 ThickAsThieves pretty much
12:49 thestringpuller volatility shouldn't be an issue if your liquidity pool is deep enough. does this mean they aren't operating with enough supply?
12:52 mats_cd03 what would you propose they do? continue operating at a fiat loss indefinitely?
12:53 thestringpuller i thought bitcoin businesses shouldn't hold profit in fiat.
12:53 thestringpuller so price disparity should be moot with a deep enough supply...
12:53 mats_cd03 they live in a different world than we do.
12:54 thestringpuller so does my imaginary friend.
12:56 penguirker New blog post:
12:57 kakobrekla what do they do?
12:57 kakobrekla BingoBoingo maybe add a word about that?
12:57 kakobrekla (cmon, more shares!)
12:59 mike_c bingo gets, what, 1.4 shares per word? not bad.
13:00 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: updated
13:02 kakobrekla cool
13:05 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 200 @ 0.09890927 = 19.7819 BTC [-] {23}
13:13 BingoBoingo Also, small navigation improvement on Qntra, there are now geography categories attached to relevant posts. The Categories are the continents + Russia. Might make browsing for certain kinds of stories easier for people.
~ 15 minutes ~
13:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20262 @ 0.00074096 = 15.0133 BTC [-] {3}
13:30 * Adlai is stuck without X after a borked reboot, but qntra looks alright in framebuffer w3m
13:31 mircea_popescu hey kakobrekla << check out all the pentesting
13:31 assbot BitBet - Bitcoin to drop under $260 before November :: 2.57 B (20%) on Yes, 10.18 B (80%) on No | closing in 6 hours 28 minutes | weight: 3`249 (100`000 to 1)
13:33 kakobrekla some heavy shit.
13:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14000 @ 0.00073464 = 10.285 BTC [-]
13:34 TheNewDeal can't tell if you two are joking or are serious?
13:34 kakobrekla thats the beauty of it.
13:36 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
13:36 BingoBoingo !b 2
13:41 Adlai holy shit, bitbet is painful in w3m
13:42 kakobrekla is it?
13:42 kakobrekla let see
13:46 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
13:47 Adlai
13:47 assbot dpaste: 3X9Y71M
13:47 Adlai surprisingly painless to do that once you get familiar with tmux
13:49 devthedev BingoBoingo: Are articles written by yourself of cazalla calculated into the "wordcount of qualified articles published"?
13:53 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 16600 @ 0.00073544 = 12.2083 BTC [+]
13:53 BingoBoingo devthedev: I am pretty sure they do.
13:55 mircea_popescu Disappointingly, Matt brushed it off thus:
13:55 mircea_popescu “This tradeoff in pingback’s design has been there for a decade now,” he said via email. “It’s seldom used outside of experimentation because it gets shut down by anti-spam providers like Akismet or web hosts when used at any scale, and there are cheaper, easier, and more effective ways to DDOS sites. That’s why no serious attacks (above 2gbps) use it.”
13:55 mircea_popescu mullenweg is a total fucktard.
13:55 mircea_popescu devthedev of course.
13:55 devthedev Alright
13:56 mircea_popescu Adlai what's that ?
13:56 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: That's the fucktard's case for not fixing obvious hole?
13:56 mircea_popescu yes.,
13:56 mircea_popescu have you ever heard anything pareil ?!
13:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13200 @ 0.00073544 = 9.7078 BTC [+]
13:57 mircea_popescu i have a good mind to ddos wordpress with it tbh.
13:57 Adlai mircea_popescu: something bad happened to my graphics server so i'm stuck communicating with the world in text
13:58 mircea_popescu Adlai it's pretty much designed to work fine in lynx
13:58 Adlai bitbet or qntra?
13:58 mircea_popescu bitbet
13:58 mircea_popescu i don't think qntra is designed to anything, just yet
13:58 BingoBoingo Reading up on this the fixed a similar problem with trackbacks back in 2.8, I don't know why it would be their position to make a sharp edge like this the default when the push themselve to people looking for feather cushions.
13:59 mircea_popescu total bs, they never fixed it
13:59 mircea_popescu the bug affects the codebase all the way through, to the first introducton of xlmrpc back in 2004 or w/e
13:59 bounce therefore, it must be a feature
13:59 mircea_popescu they made in the interval about 10 different claims to "having fixed it"
14:00 mircea_popescu the way wp codebase works is indicative of what naggum described, the problem of maggots wanting the status of coder and so writing code for the sake of being coders.
14:00 mircea_popescu it's also a glimpse into bitcoin's future, if usgavin and the power retard crowd have their way
14:01 mircea_popescu but just as an indication of the problem : w3 total cache, version 8.5 ? 250kb. w3 total cache, version 9.2 ? 1,8 mb
14:01 mircea_popescu read it an d fucking weep, 1.8mb of caching code.
14:01 Adlai mircea_popescu: ah, w3m is installed instead of lynx because it's ~65% smaller
14:01 * Adlai fiddles
14:01 mircea_popescu then derps derp about 50mn lines of code. seriously, bitch ? that's your caching ?
14:02 mircea_popescu Adlai im pretty sure you can view bitbet in emacs if it comes to it.
14:03 * Adlai M-x package-install w3
14:07 kakobrekla shit i got distracted by a pussy and a pair of tits.
14:07 mircea_popescu piss the only thing missing ?
14:07 kakobrekla so it it acceptable in lynx?
14:07 mircea_popescu pretty much yes
14:08 kakobrekla then i shall not bother with w3m
14:08 mircea_popescu maybe you do that after it gets hacked, as punishment.
14:09 kakobrekla nah, you get the punishment of recoding it from scratch for trusting me in the first place.
14:09 mircea_popescu hm
14:09 mircea_popescu that is severe and unusual.
14:09 kakobrekla life is such.
14:12 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
14:12 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.93, Best ask: 381.35, Bid-ask spread: 0.42000, Last trade: 380.93, 24 hour volume: 21186.09124849, 24 hour low: 364.06, 24 hour high: 388.0, 24 hour vwap: 377.044702795
14:12 mircea_popescu o noes
14:13 kakobrekla hooray, meat!
14:14 mircea_popescu lol
14:14 mircea_popescu eat two chickens today kako
14:14 mircea_popescu you never know what tomorrow brings.
14:15 kakobrekla shit i still dont even know what today brought.
14:15 mircea_popescu "<kakobrekla> i got distracted by a pussy and a pair of tits." ?
14:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1588 @ 0.0007385 = 1.1727 BTC [+]
14:17 Apocalyptic <ThickAsThieves> [16:22:45] wall st bleeding // again ?
14:18 Apocalyptic this is bleeding everyday for a while it seems
14:19 mircea_popescu muyeah
14:23 chetty <Apocalyptic> <ThickAsThieves> [16:22:45] wall st bleeding // again ?//seems to have mostly recovered since then
14:23 Apocalyptic yeah that's what I just saw
14:24 ThickAsThieves tis why i stopped trading stocks
14:24 ThickAsThieves gs and friends troll traders hard
14:24 ThickAsThieves waste of time learning that game
14:24 pete_dushenski ;;later tell cazalla: so regards to finding additional author, on the about page i added must be in wot + 6 months #b-a logs << yeshiva as prereq. smart.
14:24 gribble The operation succeeded.
14:24 wyrdmantis A question for developers: if i wanted (only theoretically) to build a scamcoins exchange like bittrex, what language/framework is best to use? A guy has opened one in node.js. I think he's gonna get hacked very soon.
14:25 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: added the necessary code to the necessary file and the necessary pingback to the necessary article :D
14:25 mircea_popescu ty!
14:26 pete_dushenski my pleasure.
14:26 mircea_popescu wyrdmantis whenever you wish to build something hardened, you are advised to use the lowest level tools you can use.
14:26 mircea_popescu this is why bunkers are made out of steel and concrete, even while luxury items are made out of silk and glass.
14:27 kakobrekla eh
14:27 kakobrekla steel is at the same level as glass
14:27 mircea_popescu yeah shitty analogy
14:27 mircea_popescu except you know, some stuff manages to be basic and advanced at the same time.
14:28 wyrdmantis a friend asked the guy about db and got insulted and then silence. WTF people are so dumb. And yeah, node.js doesn't seem low level at all.
14:28 mircea_popescu node.js is a great toolset to build your gf a dildo with.
14:28 Apocalyptic heh
14:29 Apocalyptic pretty much
14:29 mircea_popescu what's the worst that'll hapen, it'll fuck her in the ass ?
14:29 mircea_popescu FEATURE!
14:29 kakobrekla in both cases, if you want to do it well or if you want to do it fast, you will want to use tools you know well
14:29 wyrdmantis the exchange is this
14:29 assbot BetaShareX - Cryptocurrency Exchange
14:30 thestringpuller mircea_popescu: npm install dildo.js
14:30 Apocalyptic I thought the exchange mania has stopped, guess not
14:30 kakobrekla that never stops
14:30 wyrdmantis i don't want to do an altcoin exchange, that's sure
14:30 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic idol worshipping hasn't stopped either, it just moves further to the outskirts
14:31 kakobrekla shit even i had one coded but didnt put it live
14:31 mircea_popescu wyrdmantis it is a very shitty spot to be in, running one of those, because the shitcoins are often badly written, such as was the case with xrp.
14:31 mircea_popescu then people will find how to ewxploit one, trade it for all the others you hold
14:31 mircea_popescu and the idiots "using" your "service" won't understand that they're all equally worthless, so...
14:31 mircea_popescu buncha bad blood for no good reason.
14:32 Apocalyptic yeah, that's the main reason I didn't want shitcoins in x-bt
14:33 kakobrekla aha thats why theres no coins listed :)
14:33 mircea_popescu lol hater.
14:33 mircea_popescu he has atc doesn't he ?
14:33 wyrdmantis i hope someone nuke it, arrogant dev is arrogant he insulted my friend
14:33 thestringpuller yea that's the atc exchange I think is used in MPIF
14:34 Apocalyptic well one could argue LTC is a shitcoin too, and it wouldn't be far from the truth
14:34 mircea_popescu lol @this guy
14:34 Apocalyptic so i guess it has one after all
14:34 mircea_popescu wyrdmantis did he insult your friend badly ?
14:34 Azelphur wyrdmantis: to answer your earlier question, the answer is the framework your developer is most proficient in using
14:35 kakobrekla actually i think bash is wrong here. ltc is silver.
14:35 mircea_popescu Azelphur so php ?
14:35 kakobrekla (as silver is shit)
14:35 danielpbarron wall street journal recently published an article featuring some of the more well known scamcoins
14:35 Azelphur mircea_popescu: if you're good at PHP, use it. It's not the greatest of languages but it's perfectly functional.
14:35 mircea_popescu just trolling for lolz
14:35 Apocalyptic php=====functional returns false here
14:35 Azelphur :P
14:35 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic it's functionally functional then
14:35 Azelphur mircea_popescu: coding in PHP is one of the few socially acceptable forms of insanity
14:35 wyrdmantis Azelphur thanks
14:36 Azelphur wyrdmantis: welcome, I know it's a bit of a non-answer
14:36 * danielpbarron used to code stuff in php
14:36 kakobrekla its what i said really.
14:36 mircea_popescu you all keep bashing it, but wordpress' xmlrpc is written in php
14:36 Azelphur danielpbarron: me too :)
14:36 mircea_popescu and wordpress' xmlrpc is the best thing in the world
14:36 bounce ergo, php is the bees' knees and the "fractal of bad design" guy has it ALL WRONG
14:36 Apocalyptic I just saw a few vulns for that one, it seems to be recurrent
14:37 Azelphur mircea_popescu: indeed, goes back to what I said really, the quality of code produced is dependant on the programmer and not the language
14:37 wyrdmantis mircea_popescu not so badly, but in a very arrogant way, and then no more technical answers
14:37 mircea_popescu actually i have seen tight php.
14:37 mircea_popescu it was mostly transliterated perl
14:37 mircea_popescu harharhar :D
14:38 bounce leveraging a write once language to help produce tight code in a notoriously sloppy language. can't you just taste the synergy?
14:38 mircea_popescu either that or the dingleberry
14:38 Azelphur that said there are other considerations, some languages/frameworks have limitations / specialties that others don't
14:39 Azelphur eg if you try and do realtime in django you're going to have a bad time.
14:39 mircea_popescu is django actually named to suggest "d, j and go" ?
14:40 * Adlai concludes that w3m is preferable to lynx
14:40 mircea_popescu Adlai why that ?
14:40 Azelphur mircea_popescu: nah, was named after a guitarist.
14:42 Adlai mircea_popescu: images don't display at all with lynx/links
14:42 Adlai and they're bulkier both in size and speed
14:42 mircea_popescu hm
14:45 kakobrekla didnt someone make cli interface?
14:45 Apocalyptic %d
14:45 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 319014.53 in 235 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.01
14:45 Azelphur kakobrekla: for MPEX? that was me.
14:46 Azelphur
14:46 assbot Azelphur/pyMPEx GitHub
14:46 mircea_popescu i think FabianB did too. or no wait
14:46 kakobrekla !s bitbet cli
14:46 assbot 1 results for 'bitbet cli' :
14:46 mircea_popescu it was this italian chick maybe ?
14:46 mircea_popescu kakobrekla yeah, yeah they did!
14:46 kakobrekla 1 hit:
14:46 assbot Logged on 19-06-2014 01:29:12; kakobrekla: ;;rate punkman 1 bitbet cli dev
14:46 kakobrekla lel
14:46 mircea_popescu up punkman1
14:46 kakobrekla ty log
14:46 bounce
14:46 assbot The Voice Harvesters: Bureaucrats, businesses gather more than 65 million people's voiceprints | Fox Business
14:47 mircea_popescu Adlai you should check his code out btw, it's actually better if you want lightweight/text only than any browser
14:48 mircea_popescu bounce incidentally, since you bring it up : most idiots of the "irc is not irl" and "i trust real people" variety fail to understand that with modern computers i can make any one person to say any one thing. just give me a collection of their voice recorded.
14:48 mircea_popescu stuff here is not nearly as falsifiable as the "trustworthy" phonecall.
14:49 thestringpuller i used to do that with tape recorders in my pops office back in the day
14:49 thestringpuller that little home alone tape recorder thing
14:49 mircea_popescu right, it's been iffy for 30+ years
14:49 mircea_popescu but it's plain dead by today.
14:50 mircea_popescu much like the "signature", ie, scribbling down on paper. fuck me, i have bills in this room issued by 6 different governments, they all have a signature on them
14:50 mircea_popescu and i bet you the dude in question never touched any of the bills he "signed"
14:50 thestringpuller signature stamps for the government
14:51 kakobrekla ohai!
14:51 kakobrekla what the url to that thing again pls?
14:51 punkman what someone is gonna use bitbet cli?
14:52 bounce heh, it's actually worse than that. when gov't people talk about "signature management", these days that's plugins for their document management systems that govern copy/pasting pictures of signatures into "documents" that later may or may not end up getting printed.
14:52 punkman it's here but gotta upload updated version
14:52 assbot abfg / — Bitbucket
14:53 bounce anyhow barclays already rolled this out for their "wealthiest clients", so this sounds like an invitation to make good use of a tape recorder.
14:53 kakobrekla mp: link this and btcalpha from faq?
14:55 mircea_popescu kakobrekla surely.
14:55 mircea_popescu bounce it's been going on for a while, this scam. most brokers with high value accounts have been pretty spooked back in the 90s already
14:55 mircea_popescu easiest sell for "bitch, use gpg" i ever had to make.
14:56 mircea_popescu once the guy hears "non repudiable, just keep the blob" eyes light up like an xmas tree
14:58 bounce rather gigantic mismatch between what the technology can do and understanding what it needs to do.
14:58 mircea_popescu word.
14:59 bounce but then, selling a totally complex fancy buzzword-laden magic (voice or otherwise) box counts as "innovation", whereas installing a mail client with decent gpg support does not.
15:00 mircea_popescu that's not how you do it. you gift the guy a laptop and explain how to use it.
15:00 mircea_popescu "gpg support" in clients is for the birds.
15:01 mircea_popescu best gift you'll ever make, incidentally. for the 500 bux or w/e an old laptop costs you're probably going to get a yachtful of champagne
15:03 bounce that's the price of a new laptop these days. cheapo, but anyhow.
15:04 chetty sounds like a business plan, laptops with gpg installed plus instructions, name it lots of fancy words ...
15:05 bounce needs a bit of buy-in since the other side needs something comparable.
15:05 bounce s/comparable/compatible/
15:05 mircea_popescu bounce well if you're giving them away supposedly you got your own system
15:06 bounce yesh, but it doesn't scale. then again, maybe it doesn't need to. until it does, of course.
15:06 mircea_popescu what od you mean it doesn't scale lmao
15:06 mircea_popescu you know what else doesn't scale this way ?
15:06 mircea_popescu THE INTERNET
15:06 asciilifeform gpg.. yachtful << nope. they'd rather buy pwndildoes from 'crypto ag.' it's a 'technolordosis' signal to their master.
15:07 mircea_popescu o shit, you need a computer at home to email ? o yea, totally, email doesn't scale
15:07 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not anyone i'd work with.
15:07 mircea_popescu vote with your money stan. it's a very powerful concept.
15:07 bounce not that sense. in the sense that some people will thus end up with N (>>20) laptops to talk to N people.
15:07 mircea_popescu bounce what ?!
15:07 asciilifeform (and yes, i intend to write a post re: 'technolordosis.' for the lack of a better term, my current mental name for the deer/hunter symbiosis of voluntary chumpitude previously discussed on many occasions)
15:08 mircea_popescu i must be missing like 20 laptops in here then ?!
15:08 asciilifeform to vote with money, one first needs... money.
15:09 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah but we were kinda discussing large accounts and personal brokers hiar.
15:09 asciilifeform i sorta assumed fat fiat accounts on fiat brokers.
15:09 bounce anyhow, I don't have contact with personal brokers so no opportunity to try and test market uptake
15:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that's exactly what it is.
15:10 mircea_popescu bounce no but i mean, people like shrem or ulbricht or w/e ? that's the right move in their position. hire lawyer, make it conditional upon all communication going through gpg
15:11 mircea_popescu a lawyer readily understands the value of ACTUAL attorney-client privilege
15:11 mircea_popescu as opposed to constructive
15:12 bounce why aren't lawyers speaking up when there's yet another law mandating massive snooping on everyone with a few of those constructive bones thrown in? lack of understanding that actual is possible?
15:12 mircea_popescu you get much better counsel once he gets familiar with the safeties provided by cryptography, too. so it's win-win
15:12 mircea_popescu bounce because of the individual effect. why didn't people in leningrad speak up ?
15:13 mircea_popescu why didn't the workers speak up before unions ?
15:13 mircea_popescu because on his own, aperson is just a person.
15:13 mircea_popescu once you give them a means to speak up they will.
15:14 mircea_popescu hence why "providing nucleation" is so important
15:14 asciilifeform ulbricht << unless he's learned to grind rsa in his head, how is this to happen? his jailers will otherwise have the key at their leisure.
15:14 mircea_popescu nah
15:14 mircea_popescu he meets with lawyer
15:15 mircea_popescu lawyer has everything that comes in and everything that comes out crypted
15:15 mircea_popescu they uncrypt in the cell and talk.
15:15 mircea_popescu only way to do it.
15:16 asciilifeform afaik the whole client-attourney privilege thing is a dead letter in usaschwitz. (the buggers can do as they please and parallelconstruct.)
15:16 mircea_popescu no, it's not.
15:16 mircea_popescu they'll make copies of the gpg'd blobs at the most
15:16 mircea_popescu which... whatevs.
15:17 asciilifeform seriously suggesting that a prisoner in usa can keep a key secure (other than one which fits in his head) ?
15:19 chetty I dont think lawyers get into cells anymore either, isn't it telephones and glass?
15:22 asciilifeform IANAL - but afaik, usg claims a total right to control the communications of prisoners. and lawyers who are suspected of stretching the official rules (e.g., getting a message out to your mother, whatever) can be effectively fired by usg.
15:25 chetty practically the definition of police state
15:31 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not so.
15:32 mircea_popescu there's exactl;y nothing the prosecution can do to nosy into the defense briefs, abnd they wouldn't even dare ask because they've got no way to know if they're being set up for a mistrial or what.
15:32 mircea_popescu and if in fact it does result in a mistrial for counsel tampering & conspiracy, the da in question can very well go to jail on the spot
15:32 mircea_popescu doesn't even get a trial, the judge can just sentence him for contempt, six months, no problemo
15:32 mircea_popescu and if he DOES get held in criminal contempt he gets disbarred, and might as well learn a new trade.
15:32 mircea_popescu so, no. ain't happening.
15:33 chetty back when there were real judges ..
15:33 mircea_popescu chetty it's not a task any of the pencildicks would take regardless.
15:33 mircea_popescu and if they weren't pencidlicks they'd be here with me, rather than over there with the sops.
15:33 chetty matter of who they are more afraid of
15:34 mircea_popescu quite so.
15:35 asciilifeform mega-lol. nothing of the kind, afaik, has happened in many years. how could it, with tame judges, tame da-s, tame legislature, ... , etc.
15:35 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: still think 'rule of law' thing is still a thing in usa? seriously?
15:35 mircea_popescu the only reason it's never happened to date is simply that a da wouldn't have made it that far if he were insane enough to try something like you propose.
15:36 mircea_popescu asciilifeform not rule of law. but plenty of upstanding individuals regardless. enough so to readily be leveraged into serious trouble for bureaucratic miscreants
15:36 asciilifeform when they do 'this', it won't look like a 'this.' it'll look like a parallel-whatever - dumb prisoner gave his key to 'Bubba' in exchange for butseks, etc.
15:36 mircea_popescu except if the defense counsel testifies to it.
15:37 mircea_popescu which is what i said. they wouldn't even dare ask, because they don't know if it's a set-up.
15:37 mircea_popescu moreover, your example doesn't actually work.
15:38 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 10 @ 0.12999958 = 1.3 BTC [+] {3}
15:42 ThickAsThieves Circle is funny, theyre supposedly no-fee, which is only really true when selling, but when you sell, they pay nearly 1% premium bonus
15:42 ThickAsThieves my best guess is they get more than that when you buy
15:42 kakobrekla punkman just tried the cli and got trapped in ddos jail :)
15:42 ThickAsThieves and have some kinda scheme going
15:43 punkman kakobrekla: after trying to "update" I assume
15:43 kakobrekla correct
15:44 kakobrekla current settings are maxretry = 200, findtime = 120, bantime = 3600 - you think you can get around that?
15:45 punkman kakobrekla: it even sleep 1 sec inbetween requests, what more do you want
15:46 punkman :P
15:46 kakobrekla huh?
15:46 kakobrekla wouldnt trip it with 1s sleep
15:46 punkman
15:46 assbot abfg / / source / bitbetlib / — Bitbucket
15:47 kakobrekla as you would be hitting 120 out of 200 per 2min.
15:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25000 @ 0.00074191 = 18.5478 BTC [+]
15:52 kakobrekla maybe python second is different from my second. the only logical explanation.
15:53 punkman PHP seconds are probably longer
15:53 kakobrekla its actually haproxy we are talking about.
15:54 punkman just run update on mine and it worked
15:54 kakobrekla yeah cause you had a small update.
15:54 kakobrekla less than 200 req.
15:54 punkman well I'll make it sleep longer I guess
15:56 kakobrekla idk 1 per second constantly should be working.
15:56 penguirker New blog post:
15:56 kakobrekla imma test it
15:58 mircea_popescu kakobrekla << check it out, lol.
15:58 assbot News And Score Enable Bitcoin Betting
15:58 BingoBoingo %d
15:58 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 318823.44 in 234 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.02
15:59 kakobrekla "for some time" < some years yes.
15:59 BingoBoingo All of the Years
16:00 penguirker New blog post:
16:01 pete_dushenski ^spreading the word :D
16:01 mircea_popescu lol tsla under 225 ? heh
16:02 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski cool!
16:02 pete_dushenski the author reqs tipped me over the edge.
16:03 ThickAsThieves wow listen to thiel
16:03 assbot Peter Thiel: Bitcoin needs a payment system to work - YouTube
16:03 pete_dushenski and that crafty little stock issuance model pushed me up the hill!
16:03 ThickAsThieves Thiel officially has been compromised
16:03 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves he's basically saying "paypal isn't dead"
16:03 mircea_popescu he's stuck doing it, no ? his thing.
16:03 ThickAsThieves he goes past that
16:04 mircea_popescu well if anyone does a transcription i'll skim it
16:04 ThickAsThieves saying bitcoin is hard to transact and only good for illegal stuff
16:04 mircea_popescu but im not listening to thiel drone.
16:04 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves teh party line change identified last week solidifies eh ?
16:04 mircea_popescu hehehe
16:04 ThickAsThieves it's total fudpropaganda
16:04 Apocalyptic ThickAsThieves, so basically what clueless people have been saying for years now ?
16:05 ThickAsThieves it's like watching a politician lie
16:05 ThickAsThieves i guess that's exactly what it is
16:05 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic now we know that they HAVE in fact been defeated, oct 5th
16:05 mircea_popescu and it smarts.
16:05 mircea_popescu << never 4get!
16:05 assbot This is how much I rule (today) pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
16:06 ThickAsThieves bitcoin up $100 since, thanks!
16:06 mircea_popescu anyway, anyone with serious long term btc plans better get your criminal suits ready
16:06 mircea_popescu looks like we *will* be killing people before this is over.
16:07 penguirker New blog post:
16:07 ThickAsThieves now with more new!
16:08 Apocalyptic ;;seen pankkake
16:08 gribble pankkake was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 1 week, 1 day, 6 hours, 27 minutes, and 11 seconds ago: <pankkake> here is 0.000195.
16:08 mircea_popescu !up xinxi
16:08 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: you really thought they'd surrender, just like that ?
16:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37900 @ 0.00074148 = 28.1021 BTC [-] {2}
16:08 mircea_popescu i didn't think anything tbh.
16:08 mircea_popescu people get their chances, they use them or not, fuck i care.
16:09 mircea_popescu anyway, from what i recall and from everything i've read, illegal periods are the best part of any revolution. i imagine they'll be loads of fun for the reaction just as much.
16:10 punkman kakobrekla: tried bigger update didn't see any errors
16:10 mircea_popescu certainly stalin had a better time of it in the 1914s than in the 1954s
16:12 xinxi ;;eauth wangxinxi
16:12 gribble Request successful for user wangxinxi, hostmask xinxi!8984fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Get your encrypted OTP from
16:12 kakobrekla fml 1 per second is no good.
16:12 mircea_popescu xinxi are you the guy that did the chinese version of anjiecast's article by any chance ?
16:13 xinxi ;;everify freenode:#bitcoin-otc:475b46ba59f944113e1beb804513bdb6c01c4eb89cf8c8e1cde797d8
16:13 gribble You are now authenticated for user wangxinxi with key 331894345B459329
16:13 punkman uploaded new version, hopefully sexy colors don't break your term
16:13 kakobrekla it indeed is sexy.
16:13 xinxi which article are you talking about?
16:14 mircea_popescu !s
16:14 assbot 3 results for '' :
16:14 mircea_popescu hm weird.
16:14 mircea_popescu let me dig for a second
16:14 mircea_popescu < there we go
16:14 assbot Logged on 11-10-2014 02:49:02; mircea_popescu: ;;later tell princessnell check it out, you're big in china
16:14 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2412 @ 0.00074093 = 1.7871 BTC [-]
16:15 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: anyway, anyone with serious long term btc plans better get your criminal suits ready << pinstripes ok?
16:15 mircea_popescu im not even sure what the fashion is, this time around
16:15 pete_dushenski i think double-breasted is coming back
16:15 mircea_popescu best check with our insider designer fashionistas i guess ?
16:16 pete_dushenski just trimmer now
16:16 xinxi no I am not that guy. but i am just curious how you know i am chinese.
16:17 BingoBoingo <pete_dushenski> mircea_popescu: anyway, anyone with serious long term btc plans better get your criminal suits ready << pinstripes ok? << I'll probably just break out the old Party Toga from College.
16:17 pete_dushenski xinxi: haha um… your name?
16:17 mircea_popescu xinxi * xinxi (8984fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined #bitcoin-assets ?
16:17 ThickAsThieves just wear black
16:17 ThickAsThieves all that really matters
16:17 mircea_popescu i dun like black so much.
16:18 ThickAsThieves well youre in ba
16:18 xinxi ok. you guys are good at this.
16:18 xinxi the article is good.
16:18 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: oct 5th never 4get! << but i thought sept 26 was your day?
16:19 pete_dushenski two in two weeks might be a bit much!
16:19 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski as time goes by i keep acumulating days it seems
16:19 BingoBoingo <ThickAsThieves> just wear black << Party today is basically just black oil cloth with some sort of gold fabric for the sash. Definitely heavier than togas worn by those three times my weight
16:19 xinxi do you trade here?
16:19 pete_dushenski xinxi: which article?
16:19 mircea_popescu ;;rate xinxi 1 Guy's Chinese, what more can you ask for.
16:19 gribble Error: User doesn't exist in the Rating or GPG databases. User must be GPG-registered to receive ratings.
16:19 mircea_popescu ;;rate wangxinxi 1 Guy's Chinese, what more can you ask for.
16:19 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user wangxinxi has been recorded.
16:20 mircea_popescu xinxi now you can self-voice. pm assbot !up after you identified with gribble.
16:20 xinxi great. thanks
16:20 mircea_popescu %d
16:20 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 318823.44 in 234 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.02
16:20 mircea_popescu two hundred, good god.
16:20 Apocalyptic this feels like a decade
16:21 mircea_popescu X-Rob excuse me sir, which week is this ? 5th ? 6th ?
16:21 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you recall ?
16:21 X-Rob I honestly have no idea
16:21 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I'll check statements
16:21 X-Rob and I'm in the middle of a bastard CVE at the moment
16:21 kakobrekla punkman yeah no need to prolong the sleep, it now actually is 200 per 120s.
16:21 xinxi ;;gettrust wangxinxi
16:21 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask wangxinxi!8984fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user wangxinxi to user wangxinxi: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 0 via 0 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon Oct 13 16:19:46 2014
16:21 mircea_popescu X-Rob aite, no worries.
16:21 ThickAsThieves hey we bumped into the guy that fucked up the atc diff, in another chan
16:22 ThickAsThieves railzand
16:22 mircea_popescu xinxi it's cached so give it like an hour to propagate ?
16:22 X-Rob ThickAsThieves: yeeeeessss...
16:22 mircea_popescu ThickAsThieves he was here, it's captured on trilema.
16:22 ThickAsThieves oh
16:22 kakobrekla (before it was 100 per 120 for some known but retarded reason)
16:22 mircea_popescu kakobrekla as per carlin's "ways to keep programmers on their toes" : announce 120, implement 100. that should hold them for about half an hour.
16:22 kakobrekla :)
16:23 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu, X-Rob: Going by trading statements... This seems like week 9
16:23 mircea_popescu ;;gettrust assbot wangxinxi
16:23 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask wangxinxi!8984fa09@gateway/web/freenode/ip. Trust relationship from user assbot to user wangxinxi: Level 1: 0, Level 2: 1 via 1 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Mon Oct 13 16:19:46 2014
16:23 X-Rob BingoBoingo: Awesome!
16:23 mircea_popescu there you go.
16:23 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo o so he's finally off the hook ? god damed!
16:23 X-Rob Heh
16:23 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: anyway, from what i recall and from everything i've read, illegal periods are the best part of any revolution. i imagine they'll be loads of fun for the reaction just as much. <<
16:23 assbot Stewie: Oh, goody - Reaction GIFs
16:23 mircea_popescu just as i was enjoying the deal ;/
16:24 X-Rob I'm happy to hang around, mircea_popescu
16:24 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well you could always sign him again.
16:24 xinxi I need to go to sleep now. It's 4:24 am here.
16:24 xinxi ttyl
16:24 BingoBoingo Keep his hash in friendly hands for the next diff drop.
16:24 mircea_popescu wow check it out, they still sleep in china.
16:24 pete_dushenski xinxi: cheers
16:24 xinxi cheer
16:24 xinxi cheers
16:25 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: from 4:30-6:00am...
16:25 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo yeah ima going to try and make him give me moar for less seeing how the estimated difficulty increase never materialised!
16:25 xinxi I sleep in Singapore
16:25 mircea_popescu 0.21 next round X-Rob ? :D
16:25 asciilifeform from we-hate-laptops-dept. news: it is well known that you can only buy lcd panels with 6-bit colour channels now. the latest ones look just like cheap newsprint when the dithering (e.g. gray screenfull) kicks in.
16:25 X-Rob mircea_popescu: Mmmmm. Sounds plausible. I won't turn anything off.
16:25 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yeah srsly, the terminal suffers so!
16:25 X-Rob you've still got this week anyway
16:26 X-Rob and for the next couple of weeks I'm in the US.
16:26 mircea_popescu yup ima pay you now and we can talk about it once you're free
16:26 mircea_popescu laters!
16:26 asciilifeform but interestingly, only some people can see it (showed it to one fellow, he could, other - not)
16:27 mircea_popescu yeah vision in human is widely variant
16:27 mircea_popescu better classifier than skin tone actually.
16:27 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: so no macbook pro retina? ;)
16:27 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> but interestingly, only some people can see it (showed it to one fellow, he could, other - not) << colorbliness being incredibly common is super open secret sort of disabilitit
16:27 ThickAsThieves yeah sound slike you need a macbook
16:28 penguirker New blog post:
16:28 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: apple ships 6-bit only for several years now.
16:28 BingoBoingo <ThickAsThieves> yeah sound slike you need a macbook << Macintosh portable seems like better value proposition
16:28 ThickAsThieves really? then i guess you need to carry an imac around
16:29 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: no, seriously - apple -only- ships 6-bit panels. in all products. since '08 or so.
16:29 asciilifeform ThickAsThieves: because, afaik, that is the only kind being produced. anywhere.
16:31 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: Macintosh portable seems like better value proposition << my mom had one of these when i was young. she used to take it on business trips to russia.
16:32 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Best value proposition though is Ti-89
16:32 pete_dushenski can't really irc with one...
16:33 BingoBoingo Why not? Has serial connection
16:34 pete_dushenski hm. i guess so.
16:35 pete_dushenski or this:
16:35 assbot TI-Nspire CX CAS - Math. Science. Algebraic Precision. All on One Handheld. by Texas Instruments - US and Canada
16:35 danielpbarron still got my ti-89; that was my favorite toy in school / used it in non-math classes instead of paying attention
16:35 BingoBoingo STFU, need color computer. You need color go outside. Find girl and take on date. Much color there. Computer just needs === True
16:35 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: The nspire uses Arm turd
16:36 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: til
16:39 danielpbarron i like color terminal; i color nicknames based on WoT rating
16:41 bounce value proposition for what?
16:41 BingoBoingo Calculating missile routes.
16:42 bounce how about a hp50g then?
16:44 BingoBoingo Sounds interesting
16:44 danielpbarron i wonder if i can get any of the freetalklive derps to join -assets / been tweeting at them for a while now
16:45 BingoBoingo Who are they?
16:45 danielpbarron they think they are in Bitcoin and are on over 100 radio stations in the US
16:46 BingoBoingo Ah
16:49 danielpbarron not sure if they are government plants or just really naive
16:53 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Well you have to consider the idiots who write us off for suggesting Hearn or Gavin could be coopted and have interest agaisnt Bitcoin.
16:54 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: BingoBoingo: in exactly the same place as the goats growing recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (antidote+prophylactic against organophosphate poisoning, $30k+ a dose at current production methods) << steepish. but is one dose enough?
16:54 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: For obolacare, one is never enough
16:55 pete_dushenski sure. but goats are presumably for private parties only, neh?
16:55 pete_dushenski the politburo types...
16:55 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, one of them wants to write me off for suggesting that altcoins are not a thing, and another outright bashed bitcoin in favor of whatever scamcoin of the month he fancies
16:56 BingoBoingo danielpbarron: Ah so these are warrior forum sorts. Also know as the Glen Beck will say anything so long as it keeps Goldline happy.
16:56 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: Maybe?
16:57 devthedev danielpbarron: freetalklive?
16:57 danielpbarron devthedev, ya
17:00 devthedev ha,
17:00 assbot If ISIS takes Baghdad... just... wow. Freaking US better do SOMETHING other than shooting spitballs at them from the sky. /hashtag/ISIS?src=hash /hashtag/ISIL?src=hash /hashtag/USA?src=hash
17:04 BingoBoingo
17:04 assbot Secretive X-37B Military Space Plane Could Land On Tuesday - Slashdot
17:05 pete_dushenski asciilifeform: Adlai: now go and see reaction time vs. intelligence (take your pick of any known simple test for either of the two). disturbingly close. 0.8, if i recall. << til again! this would explain why i was one of the very few non-asian kids playing badminton at a high junior level.
17:05 pete_dushenski diametric: i'll change my nick for 10 bitcoin. << for 10 bitcents it might be worth it do not confuse you with decimation
17:06 mircea_popescu <danielpbarron> they think they are in Bitcoin and are on over 100 radio stations in the US << worst comes to worst we'll have some lulz.
17:07 mircea_popescu lol if. what if.
17:08 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski this would explain why i was one of the very few non-asian kids playing badminton at a high junior level. << well, either that or the other kids thinking badminton's for fags and nobody having translated the memo in azn ?
17:12 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: ya asian kids don't hockey so well.
17:12 pete_dushenski that's pretty much the extent of the needed translation: "you're small and frail. go play badminton."
17:14 pete_dushenski as a result, the asian kids and i aren't suffering from the braindamage of a few dozen concussions mixed with cum crackers.
17:14 pete_dushenski fags 1: hockey 0
17:17 BingoBoingo pete_dushenski: There aren't very many black or hispanic hockey player either, thoughts from up north?
17:17 TheNewDeal they just don't play
17:17 TheNewDeal it's not that they would be bad
17:17 BingoBoingo The few that play do tend to be really good.
17:17 mod6 There was a black kid I played with. Broke his arm.
17:18 pete_dushenski BingoBoingo: there aren't that many of either of those peoples who find their way into the arctic. they prefer equatorial zones.
17:18 thickasthieves ;;ticker
17:18 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 395.45, Best ask: 395.74, Bid-ask spread: 0.29000, Last trade: 395.77, 24 hour volume: 21705.15008897, 24 hour low: 368.07, 24 hour high: 396.89, 24 hour vwap: 379.96685681
17:20 mod6 %ob
17:20 atcbot 7k@266 99k@255 30k@225 | 2k@195 45k@190 4k@185
17:24 mod6 ;;bc,stats
17:24 gribble Current Blocks: 325197 | Current Difficulty: 3.500248202613323E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 326591 | Next Difficulty In: 1394 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 4 hours, 6 minutes, and 18 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36634046167.6 | Estimated Percent Change: 4.66128
17:25 mod6 %d
17:25 atcbot [ATC Diff] Current Diff: 1878190.93 Est. Next Diff: 318823.44 in 234 blocks (#46368) Est. % Change: -83.02
17:25 thestringpuller %tlsb
17:25 mod6 bzzt
17:25 thestringpuller %tslb
17:25 atcbot Time Since Last ATC Block (#46134): 1 hour(s), 38 minutes
17:25 thestringpuller :(
17:25 mod6 :>
17:25 mod6 %p
17:25 atcbot >> No data returned from << [PityThePool Hashrate]: 1301.09 GH/s [iSpace Pool Hashrate]: 2.03 TH/s [P2P Hashrate]: 1.63 TH/s
17:25 assbot [HAVELOCK] [CFIG] 75 @ 0.03704643 = 2.7785 BTC [-] {9}
17:26 mod6 how's it hangin tsp?
17:26 pete_dushenski ;;bc,stats
17:26 gribble Current Blocks: 325198 | Current Difficulty: 3.500248202613323E10 | Next Difficulty At Block: 326591 | Next Difficulty In: 1393 blocks | Next Difficulty In About: 1 week, 2 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes, and 50 seconds | Next Difficulty Estimate: 36583567526.4 | Estimated Percent Change: 4.51707
17:27 X-Rob mircea_popescu: I'm happy to take .21btc, but you're ripping yourself off.
17:27 mircea_popescu <pete_dushenski> as a result, the asian kids and i aren't suffering from the braindamage of a few dozen concussions mixed with cum crackers. << they still do the cum crackers ?!
17:27 pete_dushenski o most definitely.
17:27 X-Rob .17 is more realistic
17:27 mircea_popescu X-Rob i was just being ironic and everything
17:27 X-Rob 8)
17:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 35850 @ 0.00073966 = 26.5168 BTC [-] {2}
17:30 BingoBoingo O.o xanthyos
17:30 BingoBoingo !up xanthyos
17:30 BingoBoingo ;;ident xanthyos
17:30 gribble Nick 'xanthyos', with hostmask 'xanthyos!', is identified as user 'xanthyos', with GPG key id B62E7295387001E9, key fingerprint DB744745C970CF95E27AE214B62E7295387001E9, and bitcoin address None
17:31 xanthyos gribble and chanserv are fighting over who wants to authenticate me
17:31 xanthyos guess chanserv has to go first
17:34 pete_dushenski mircea_popescu: there's no age limit, you can be an adult at about 12. << thus, bar/bat mitzvah.
17:35 pete_dushenski treat the wee jooz like adults from that point on and maybe they can run a bank, movie studio, etc. without fucking it up.
17:39 bounce so you're advocating the jooz should run teh coontry now? like the big joo conspiracy isn't a bad thing or something.
17:39 mod6 %vwap s.mpoe
17:40 mod6 bah
17:40 mod6 $vwap s.mpoe
17:40 empyex mod6: S.MPOE 1 day: average: 0.00073908 high: 0.00074368 low: 0.00073411 volume: 1783412 btc: 1318.08000386 7 day: average: 0.00074037 high: 0.00074875 low: 0.00073411 volume: 5366781 btc: 3973.38786209 30 day: average: 0.00074688 high: 0.0007685 low: 0.00073411 volume: 21693517 btc: 16202.4226007
17:40 pete_dushenski bounce: more that they're on to something. something that in some times and places is widely emulated. others, not.
17:41 bounce plenty tribes have that sort of ritual. them jooz still see themselves as a tribe, so it fits.
17:42 pete_dushenski being a numerate, literate adult is a worthwhile goal, neh?
17:42 bounce not unrelatedly, confirmation in the catholic church.
17:42 kakobrekla BingoBoingo >Surveillance Mogul: Make Bitcoin Like Paypal < last link/sentence is a bit off
17:43 BingoBoingo Alignment corrected
17:46 thestringpuller mod6: it makes me sad to see the block lagging for ATC
17:46 BingoBoingo Oh, the things wrong with this web design
17:46 assbot Home | CITIZENFOUR
17:48 xanthyos actually it's mostly the goyim who project the tribal label onto the jews
17:48 BingoBoingo %tslb
17:48 xanthyos the majority of jews are secularists
17:48 atcbot Time Since Last ATC Block (#46135): 0 hour(s), 20 minutes
17:49 pete_dushenski ben_vulpes: how can one love anything about nyc << pretty much my thoughts exactly, being the soul-depleting shithole that it is.
17:50 xanthyos nyc is a nice place if you don't have to drive in it
17:50 xanthyos except when it's too hot, or cold, or smelling like pee
17:51 xanthyos or garbage water
17:51 thestringpuller good evening hanbot
17:51 * thestringpuller hat tip
17:52 hanbot howdy
17:52 pete_dushenski xanthyos: last time i was there is was cold, humid, and all too smelly. didn't leave an impression that i'm eager to rekindle.
17:54 mod6 thestringpuller: ya, it's been like that from jumpstreet
17:57 BingoBoingo !up CryptoGoon
17:57 BingoBoingo !up hguux
18:00 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 33393 @ 0.00073836 = 24.6561 BTC [-] {2}
18:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4723 @ 0.00073676 = 3.4797 BTC [-]
18:05 BingoBoingo !up hagbardgroup
18:07 mod6 thestringpuller: here you can see the diff chart (180 days), - that's when they mined the shit out of it driving the diff up by 4x
18:08 mod6 just before aug 15
18:12 mod6 alas:
18:12 assbot The woes of Altcoin, or why there is no such thing as “cryptocurrencies” pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
18:15 mod6 ;;ticker
18:15 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 401.85, Best ask: 402.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.15000, Last trade: 401.8, 24 hour volume: 25083.84738000, 24 hour low: 368.07, 24 hour high: 405.0, 24 hour vwap: 383.112657872
18:15 mod6 speaking of the one and only...
18:16 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
18:16 BingoBoingo !b 5
18:30 mod6 << herp^derp
18:30 assbot Surveillance Mogul: Make Bitcoin Like Paypal
18:35 penguirker New blog post:
18:36 kakobrekla awww, so close to Shadap
18:37 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
18:37 BingoBoingo !b 2
18:44 assbot ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
18:44 PeterL !up nanjashogun
18:44 PeterL !up ninjashogun
18:44 ninjashogun thanks, peter
18:45 PeterL yw
18:45 PeterL havn't you been around here a while? why no self-voicing?
18:46 mats_cd03 he doesn't have any fans
18:46 PeterL ninjashogun: I'm the startup founder you talked with before - I hvae the two projects/companies farther along, that I don't think we discussed, and I bleieve we discussed the solar plane in depth. << yes, I remember that conversation
18:46 ninjashogun PeterL, I only have troll ratings and one from Adlai
18:46 PeterL I think I understand why
18:47 ninjashogun PeterL not sure what hte voice requirements are exactly.
18:47 PeterL you just have to have a positive L2 from assbot
18:47 PeterL ;;gettrust assbot ninjashogun
18:47 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask ninjashogun!~User@unaffiliated/ninjashogun. Trust relationship from user assbot to user ninjashogun: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -4 via 4 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Thu Jun 26 19:05:58 2014
18:47 ninjashogun Also, I think that the trolls "won" because I'm not able to rate positively the people I have had good connectoins with (gribble says I 'don't qualify') so obviously they won't reciprocate. My ratings look like a troll's.
18:48 ninjashogun For exmaple, i would rate you a 1 (easily) based on our previous conversation, but it wouldn't accept it.
18:49 ninjashogun Someone said I should 'start over' and just make a new account, but I only have 1 entry in WoT (this one, where I'm authenticated) and I prefer to remain sane and normal until troll ratings come around.
18:49 kakobrekla omg adlai what have you done.
18:50 ninjashogun kakobrekla, relax, Peter gave me voice :)
18:50 ninjashogun and hello to you too.
18:50 PeterL I didn't see what adlai did, so this is not his fault
18:51 kakobrekla suspekt everythink
18:51 ninjashogun kakobrekla, :)
18:52 PeterL ninjashogun: it does not inspire trust that you come here under different names
18:52 ninjashogun I didn't. This is hte only WoT entry.
18:54 ninjashogun PeterL even though as you can see I am immediately being trolled :) It's okay though, I guess this is part of the process. I saw totally normal people being driven out of here by the trolling. It's like a rite of passage though, I don't mind.
18:54 PeterL and as to our previous conversation, solar power increases as the square of the scale, weight increases as the cube of the scale, so while solar power might work for model airplanes it will be infeasible for carrying things
18:54 ninjashogun PeterL as I mentioned before I prefer to discuss this privately. This is a logged channel.
18:55 ninjashogun if you want to google why, search >patent law public disclosure< -- e..g.
18:55 assbot Public disclosure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
18:55 ninjashogun (for anyone following along, this is quite different than being private for hte sake of not fucking a product launch up.)
18:56 PeterL what about being private for not wanting to be proven an idiot?
18:57 ninjashogun PeterL, that's an interesting tone you strike. Out of curiosity, have you ever made anything? (other than promises)
18:57 ninjashogun I mean actually made something.
18:57 PeterL can you be more specific by "thing"?
18:58 kakobrekla ninjashogun i wonder how come you scalped Adlai for a rating, was it because he is fresh and got a rating from mp
18:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14700 @ 0.00074185 = 10.9052 BTC [+] {2}
18:59 ninjashogun kakobrekla, he's just a normal guy. we just talked online. (no transactions or anything.)
18:59 kakobrekla from all the normal guys...
18:59 BingoBoingo I dun think Adlai knows better yet
19:01 ninjashogun BingoBoingo, what, that it's better to troll than to have a normal conversation and discuss something? No, he doesn't seem to have caught on. He also isn't very active in these channels though.
19:02 BingoBoingo ninjashogun: Stuff like Wi-Fi more secure than wires makes it hard to give your other ideas charitable interpretations, and I tried god damn it.
19:03 bounce ninjashogun, according to you this channel must be full of "trolls". why then are you even here?
19:03 ninjashogun BingoBoingo, reading my message to you on CNN is more secure than a wired link, if the former uses PKI and the latter doesn't. I'm sorry you don't know this distinction.
19:03 BingoBoingo
19:03 assbot Confirming that /newsweeklied is the legitimate legal defense fund for Dorian /ethankirschner, /aantonop
19:03 ninjashogun you can read about it here -
19:03 assbot Public key infrastructure - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38400 @ 0.00074269 = 28.5193 BTC [+] {3}
19:03 ben_vulpes ninjashogun: a solar plane?!
19:03 PeterL ninjashogun: I didn't realize about the public disclosure thing, but it makes sense in the sense that patents last a certain number of years from when the thing is invented, and this keeps people from only filing the patent years later when they realize it is worth money
19:04 BingoBoingo ninjashogun: What is easiest for the back van across the street to intercept though?
19:04 ninjashogun bounce - it's not only full of trolls. Even though PeterL has just resorted to calling me an idiot (in keeping with this channel) he makes a good point about volume and weight. (Poorly expressed.)
19:04 ninjashogun PeterL - yes, we discussed this previously, it was a condition of speaking with you about it.
19:04 bounce that doesn't answer the question
19:04 PeterL I didn't exactly call you an idiot, but if the shoe fits ...
19:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13576 @ 0.00073971 = 10.0423 BTC [-]
19:05 ninjashogun PeterL - Your point is okay but of course this is a counterexample in the sense that this has a payload, and flies indefinitely. So the question is more one of degree than absolute feasability.
19:05 assbot NASA Helios - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
19:05 ben_vulpes hey why not an air-breathing mach-5 vehicle?
19:05 ben_vulpes if the brits can do it, why can't ninjashogun?
19:05 ben_vulpes after all, all he needs is capital and then the magic will happen!
19:05 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes> hey why not an air-breathing mach-5 vehicle? << H00000000H
19:06 * ninjashogun rolls eyes.
19:06 bounce I'd say "whoosh" but the sonic boom disagrees
19:06 BingoBoingo !up jaggered
19:06 ben_vulpes ;;google sabre engine
19:06 gribble SABRE (rocket engine) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; Reaction Engines Ltd - The SABRE Engine: <>; Reaction Engines Ltd - SABRE: How it works: <>
19:07 BingoBoingo bounce: No, I'm proposing H00000000H as the fuel
19:07 PeterL ninjashogun: NASA also put a guy on the moon, but there are no companies doing that (yet)
19:07 penguirker New blog post:
19:07 bounce fuel? that would be a little inefficient.
19:08 ninjashogun PeterL, well, sure, but if you call me an idiot and make an impossibility argument, then a counterexample weakens your case. It also makes it hard to collaborate. It's why I wondered if you ever got any projects to fruition, i.e. actually made anything. There is a continuum from idea through execution and name-caling isn't usually on there.
19:09 PeterL I'm a chemist, I try to work with things that are possible
19:09 ben_vulpes bitbet, mpex, qntra, war of life...
19:09 BingoBoingo bounce: Nah, just build more rockets under it then sail the interstallar medium on inertia
19:09 ben_vulpes no execution around, nope.
19:09 ninjashogun PeterL - in chemistry, if something exists it doesn't imply that it's chemically possible?
19:10 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Well... s.qntr lacks shares atm
19:11 bounce so what would the expected phase of that stuff be? though note that O usually doesn't count as /fuel/
19:11 BingoBoingo on the plus side s.qntr hopefully will help jurov with +coinbr
19:11 PeterL well, we have heavy metals because fusion happened in stars, but I am not going to try making useful quantities of gold and silver in my lab
19:11 ninjashogun PeterL good point.
19:11 kakobrekla BingoBoingo i dont use twitter but i fink it would be appropriate for qntra to get a feed. just a suggestion.
19:11 BingoBoingo bounce: The expected phase is reacting so hard.
19:11 bounce except that. sheesh.
19:11 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Sgornick set one up and cazalla took it off him
19:12 ninjashogun PeterL - It actually matches something really intreresting from patent law. Chemistry is actually one of the sciences where you need to fully e.g. synthesize the thing, actually make it, since it's considered an "unpredictable" art. In other areas it's just enough for it to be obvoius that the design works a certain way.
19:12 BingoBoingo kakobrekla:
19:12 assbot Qntra (@qntra) | Twitter
19:12 kakobrekla is it working?
19:12 PeterL speaking of s.qntr
19:12 assbot Infinitely inflating stock S.QNTR | BTC Scoop Blog
19:12 kakobrekla sort of working i see , cool :)
19:12 ninjashogun see for example. Patents in chemistry are super super specific, based on actually synthesized things with very precise enablement steps only, and don't cover classes of things at all.
19:12 assbot Heightened Enablement in the Unpredictable Arts « UCLA Law Review
19:14 * dub read Hieghtened Entitlement
19:14 kakobrekla should link it from the homepage
19:15 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: Will happen eventualy. At least RSS is on the homepage.
19:15 PeterL some of the work I do is "let's synthesize X because it will work like Y (maybe?), which Other Company has a patent on"
19:15 cazalla BingoBoingo, not yet i didn't
19:15 kakobrekla BingoBoingo feel free to say 'fuck off already'.
19:16 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: And end the jokes?
19:16 kakobrekla those cant be fucked off
19:16 BingoBoingo kakobrekla: This is your chance to avenge all of the BitBet slurs.
19:16 kakobrekla hehe
19:18 BingoBoingo Anyways fucking off is fun
19:19 BingoBoingo And unlike MtGox I hack on live php withou knowing php or crashing the thing. All of those ======== make php friendly like that.
19:20 kakobrekla always add 'yet' with such things.
19:21 BingoBoingo ... yet.
19:22 BingoBoingo ... so far.
19:22 ben_vulpes ninjashogun, PeterL: I know! let's build a rocket with RFNO!
19:22 ben_vulpes it's totally possible! we should totally do it!
19:22 kakobrekla ;;google libratax
19:22 gribble LibraTax - Accounting and tax software for Bitcoin, Ripple, and other ...: <>; LibraTax (@Libra_Tax) | Twitter: <>; LibraTax Looks To Solve Bitcoin Tax Accounting-Related Woes ...: <>
19:22 ben_vulpes it's even a good idea (tm)!
19:22 PeterL what's rfno?
19:23 assbot ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
19:23 kakobrekla !s libratax
19:23 assbot 0 results for 'libratax' :
19:23 kakobrekla libratax, sounds as good as freedeath
19:24 BingoBoingo ;;ud libra
19:24 gribble | People born between September 24 and October 20. 7th sign. Represented by scales. Opposite sign = aries Gets along with = aries, libra, aquarius, g...
19:25 * BingoBoingo kinda anticipated an Italian bra
19:25 xanthyos i was born on 9/26 and my mortal enemy is an aquarian. horoscopy isn't science
19:26 xanthyos actually more than one
19:26 mike_c you may not believe in astrology, but astrology believes in you.
19:26 xanthyos i have 3 distinct aquarian enemies
19:26 xanthyos astrology and oroscopy arent' the same
19:26 xanthyos stars vs sun
19:26 xanthyos not that either is legit
19:26 kakobrekla cause star is not a sun
19:26 mike_c hehe
19:26 ben_vulpes PeterL: red fuming nitric oxide
19:27 ben_vulpes one of the neater rocket fuels around
19:27 BingoBoingo Colonoscopy is pretty legit though.
19:27 xanthyos horo - horus - sun, astr- - star
19:27 xanthyos the ancients didn't see the sun as a star
19:27 PeterL ben_vulpes: sounds like something fun to work with
19:28 mike_c who crappe don the logs this time?
19:28 mike_c ahh, peterl
19:28 mike_c upping ninjashogun is so masochistic.
19:29 PeterL sorry, I didn't think it was that bad?
19:29 mike_c how many times has he asked you for money?
19:29 PeterL when I upped him I didn't realize it was the same crackpot I had talked to before
19:29 BingoBoingo PeterL: Over time he seems less bad, until he seems souper bad again.
19:31 asciilifeform << mega-lol
19:31 assbot NSA Mind-Bender: We Won't Tell You What Info We Already Leaked to the Media | WIRED
19:33 kakobrekla lol
19:33 mike_c [19:33] <ninjashogun> have you had a look at the logs? Usually it's barely legal porn and random derping.
19:33 mike_c can't argue with that.
19:35 kakobrekla shiiiiiiiiiiiii
19:35 kakobrekla iiiiiiiiiiit.
19:35 mike_c when is b-a going to list itself on mpex and pay shares based on line count?
19:36 kakobrekla first we need to start charging for them lines
19:39 RagnarDanneskjol
19:39 assbot Time-lock encryption -
19:40 asciilifeform RagnarDanneskjol: same idiocy as the 'asic resistant altcoin' problem.
19:40 asciilifeform RagnarDanneskjol: you can easily come up with a non-parallelizable problem, but asking that 'no one have unfair advantage' is absurd.
19:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2200 @ 0.00073676 = 1.6209 BTC [-]
19:45 RagnarDanneskjol yes, ultimately limited to a single dedicated timekeeping box. still, he managed to flesh out the concept well
19:46 asciilifeform there is no concept. the idea of releasing a crypted turd sans key is ancient.
19:46 asciilifeform hell, captain kidd supposedly did it at his hanging.
19:46 RagnarDanneskjol i knnow
19:46 asciilifeform but it is in no sense a 'time lock.'
19:46 asciilifeform for one thing, the clock doesn't tick unless someone actually gives a damn.
19:48 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 30 @ 0.11147999 = 3.3444 BTC [-] {4}
19:51 RagnarDanneskjol successive squaring.. etc. but yes I concede your point. sorry, am at work righ now, unprepared to hash it out further
19:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: i discovered that the machine with the dithering lcd wasn't just dithering. it has a 'pentile' screen (hard-wired white pixel in the middle of each rgb element! for fraudulently increased apparent brightness.) had no idea this even existed.
19:54 asciilifeform not every day one discovers a totally new scamatron, on own skin.
19:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 55100 @ 0.00073599 = 40.553 BTC [-] {3}
19:57 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i recall this being discussed before somewhere
19:57 asciilifeform i'm sure it was
19:57 asciilifeform but, missed it. didn't even suspect there was any further to go, through the already abysmal floor lcd quality dropped to.
19:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2350 @ 0.0007359 = 1.7294 BTC [-]
19:59 mircea_popescu i doubt the trend towards worse quality will change before sound money is reintroduced
19:59 mircea_popescu generally fake money regimes induce this inflation-through-lowering-quality economic aberration
19:59 asciilifeform what is interesting is that genuine product becomes unavailable at any price.
20:00 asciilifeform short of financing its entire r&d starting from ore.
20:00 * BingoBoingo waits for the cold unforgiving march of money to turn cardano toolchain into workstation.
20:00 mircea_popescu well yes.
20:00 mircea_popescu kinda why soviets became unpopular in central europe in the 80s
20:00 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: this story is actually about a machine involved in my day job
20:01 mike_c aren't those IPS screens supposed to be the shit?
20:01 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: I know, but... Nothing happens in isolation
20:01 asciilifeform mike_c: ips in a laptop?
20:01 mike_c dunno. am researching now, usually a good idea before opening one's mouth.
20:02 asciilifeform mike_c: they exist, in theory, but nothing with 1000+ rows of pixels
20:03 mircea_popescu asciilifeform sure, they exist, but not really feasible for laptop from what i recall
20:03 mircea_popescu too much power draw or something
20:05 * asciilifeform used that thing again for half hour, to test, and now has a truly astonishingly-powerful headache
20:06 mircea_popescu!/charts << gotta say this is one of the few pages implementing graphs correctly
20:06 mircea_popescu ty mod6
20:06 kakobrekla i have ips screen on lappy
20:06 mircea_popescu asciilifeform yep i have the same problem with newer laptops
20:06 asciilifeform kakobrekla: resolution ?
20:06 kakobrekla it fails on that yea.
20:06 mike_c mircea_popescu: what do you like about the graphs?
20:06 mircea_popescu mike_c that they run on my browser.
20:07 penguirker New blog post:
20:07 mike_c heh. i haven't gotten into svg yet, seems worthwhile though.
20:09 mircea_popescu ninjashogun: For exmaple, i would rate you a 1 (easily) based on our previous conversation, but it wouldn't accept it. << such pandering.
20:09 asciilifeform the most infuriating thing is that the easiest way to increase vertical resolution (the only kind that really matters to me) is to turn the display 90 degrees, which is not doable on laptop.
20:09 asciilifeform on every 'real' computer i own, i do it
20:10 mircea_popescu asciilifeform in a sense, the fact that everyone today uses computers with porn screens, rather than coding screens
20:10 mircea_popescu is clear proof the trolls have won.
20:11 BingoBoingo Like the world's biggest walmart
20:11 asciilifeform can't even imagine a respectable porn aficionado enjoying these
20:11 asciilifeform at least, not for still shots
20:11 mircea_popescu asciilifeform point being, they're cinematic screens (wider than tall) rather than coding screens (taller than wide)
20:12 asciilifeform this, yes
20:12 asciilifeform incidentally, notice xerox and original mit lisp machines - had correct (vertical) displays.
20:12 asciilifeform but no, modified television for everybody. to this day.
20:12 mircea_popescu so in bitbet board kako proposed a motion to give punkman 10k shares too, which passed. you got a mpex acct ? or coinbr ?
20:13 mircea_popescu asciilifeform it's what im sayin'.
20:15 mircea_popescu all this ninjashogun bs polluting the logs... i keep skipping, who knows what valuable contribution of some legitimate participant falls through cracks thusly
20:15 kakobrekla we need like personalized filter
20:15 asciilifeform it really is time to start charging him for the privilege of using #b-a as a public urinal
20:15 assbot Last 3 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:15 BingoBoingo !b 3
20:15 mircea_popescu yeah srsly i dunno why people keep upping him.
20:16 mircea_popescu up some porn star or something, at least boobs.
20:16 kakobrekla i do wat i want
20:16 kakobrekla o wait, it wasnt me.
20:16 asciilifeform presumably to keep him addicted while the pay toilet coin hopper is wired in.
20:16 mircea_popescu yeah, and then he'll ipo b-a voice on cryptsy
20:16 mircea_popescu and you'll end up with 50 kids each contributing a nickle towards it
20:17 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo: And unlike MtGox I hack on live php withou knowing php or crashing the thing. <<< this is pretty much why people like php
20:18 kakobrekla its like lisp in that sense
20:18 kakobrekla lel
20:18 mircea_popescu lmao
20:18 BingoBoingo It's a language you don't need to know to fix... so far...
20:18 mircea_popescu pretty much like a kitchen appliance
20:19 BingoBoingo If it gets really bad drop it on the counter
20:20 mircea_popescu assbot: NSA Mind-Bender: We Won't Tell You What Info We Already Leaked to the Media | WIRED <<< i was having a lulz earlier at that
20:20 mircea_popescu kinda reminescent of all sorts of bureaucratic nonsense early on in the snowden saga, when they still thought they're living in old world
20:21 BingoBoingo I still can't get over the misguided web design of the Snowden film website
20:22 mircea_popescu mike_c: when is b-a going to list itself on mpex and pay shares based on line count? <<
20:22 kakobrekla well it does resemble a coil
20:22 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: this works especially well on a cheap 'ups'.
20:23 mircea_popescu lmao omfg.
20:23 mike_c hehe
20:23 mircea_popescu this somehow has not occured to me
20:26 mircea_popescu i suppose the best way is to plug a router into itself and then the ups into itself making the coils go through each other
20:26 mircea_popescu seti was doing it wrong
20:26 BingoBoingo
20:26 assbot Arrest total upped to 42 at Ferguson police station on 'Moral Monday,' more events elsewhere : News
20:26 mircea_popescu 42 n ot bad
20:28 BingoBoingo At this point if St Louis gets an obola case, whites and blacks will prolly agree it is ebama's fault
20:28 mircea_popescu asciilifeform: hell, captain kidd supposedly did it at his hanging. << this.
20:30 mircea_popescu << wow lok at that, s.qntr got a fan
20:30 assbot Qntra Reaffirms That The WoT And IRC Yeshiva Are In No Way Optional - Contravex: A blog by Pete Dushenski
20:30 cazalla yeah but then qntra went and relaxed the guidelines, if need be anyway
20:31 mircea_popescu like how ?
20:31 BingoBoingo Taleb could probably get an article in without 6 months reading.
20:31 cazalla 6 months logs part
20:32 mircea_popescu well yea, but i mean, the only way to verify that part is through what the people say
20:32 mircea_popescu as in, does this guy show understanding comensurate with a semester's reading
20:33 mircea_popescu not like ninjashogun can come and say "hei guise, i got 6months in, that's it rite ???"
20:34 BingoBoingo Well I dunno that ninjashogun has ever read anything. It might taint his seekrit ideas with prior art.
20:35 mircea_popescu there is that yea
20:36 BingoBoingo It is a disease of a lot of the swiftly discountable crackpots
20:36 asciilifeform my favourite hypothesis re mr. spam is that he is a scammer masquerading as an incompetent usg case officer.
20:36 assbot Last 7 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
20:36 BingoBoingo !b 7
20:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Why can't he be both?
20:37 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i don't think anyone but you really sees the usg case officer angle.
20:37 mircea_popescu not the right kind of derp.
20:37 BingoBoingo I can see it.
20:37 mircea_popescu maybe im just out of touch
20:38 BingoBoingo Asks a lot of unanswerable questions about net worth. Derpy scammer is an angle usg has prolly tried before in tax cases.
20:39 asciilifeform basic case master recipe from both sides of cold war - pretend to be an unrelated animal that nevertheless merits close access to the chumper's personal guts.
20:39 asciilifeform e.g., a priest.
20:39 BingoBoingo The impression of incompetence offers tha failed agent quite a bit of plausible deniability
20:39 asciilifeform or 'co-phounder'
20:39 assbot ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
20:39 asciilifeform co-flounder?
20:39 nubbins` wait, ninjashogun is a plant?!
20:39 mircea_popescu reviewing records, it seems i've been on the capitulating side of this argument once before
20:39 nubbins` but i opened my books to that guy
20:40 mircea_popescu i dunno...
20:40 nubbins` receipts, invoices, everything
20:40 mircea_popescu nubbins` oh you
20:40 nubbins` ;/
20:40 asciilifeform nubbins`: at least you didn't open up for the spores
20:40 asciilifeform or didja.
20:40 mircea_popescu well there was that threesome in the woods...
20:40 nubbins` the... spores...
20:41 mircea_popescu someone should make a bitcoin scammer cartman. sort of a karpeles - tom van dyke - rpietilla mix.,
20:41 mircea_popescu RESPECT MAH OPPORTUNITAH
20:42 mircea_popescu his hat could be a silver cup.
20:42 BingoBoingo I thought the tradehill crowd played that out already
20:42 BingoBoingo except they kept their Cartmanland
20:42 mircea_popescu srsly we need a good cartoon maker in here.
20:43 mircea_popescu !up menahem
20:43 BingoBoingo Well in 2016 should be able to afford the south park guys
20:43 mircea_popescu i'd rather give some young uns a boost.
20:44 mircea_popescu otherwise it feels just like jenifer lopez' mom winning the lottery
20:44 asciilifeform <ninjashogun> this really is ridiculous. Again, straight out of --- straight harassment and trolling. Because you don't want to actually work on shipping product.
20:45 asciilifeform ^ from our friend, mr spam
20:45 * asciilifeform inspects apparently-broken killfile
20:45 BingoBoingo Maybe ur using killfile wrong?
20:46 mircea_popescu "o look guise, i have an article which sais people make fun of idiots! therefore your making fun of my idiocy is rendered null and void!11"
20:46 mircea_popescu what is this, the special internets ?
20:47 BingoBoingo No, special internets has shorter bus and pipes
20:48 BingoBoingo !up mpmcsweeney
20:48 * asciilifeform will probably have to switch to whitelist soon.
20:49 asciilifeform would be interesting to have #b-a-voiced-only pm whitelist plugin.
20:49 mircea_popescu you can probably write it
20:49 asciilifeform i could, yes. perhaps in peacetime.
20:49 mircea_popescu it's an interesting idea anyway. what do most people use, irssi ? xchat ?
20:50 mircea_popescu emacs ?
20:50 asciilifeform presently xchat
20:50 BingoBoingo xchat atm
20:50 asciilifeform anyone fess up to emacs ?
20:50 menahem weechat
20:51 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: emacs would be interesting if Stallman surrended and just had it replace Hurd in his grand scheme
20:51 mircea_popescu "bingbot 0.0.0 Ben AsselstineBingbot turns you into an IRC cyborg. When someone says "uptime" to you, it answers them back with your uptime. When someone says "vi?" to you, it answers them back with the last file you opened in vim. When someone says "search: foo" to you, it gets a random link to a gif on and shows them that. written in c++, requires glibmm, curlpp and sigc++."
20:51 mircea_popescu holy shit. what is wrong with people
20:51 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: elisp is a terrifyingly pre-1970s-style crock of shit. e.g., brings back the infamous 'funarg problem'
20:52 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: is there one which invites strangers to format your hd?
20:52 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Still better than the x86 is nothing but shims all the way down problem
20:52 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: you're more than welcome to boot straight into emacs even now.
20:53 mircea_popescu asciilifeform on the basis of that description, easily extensible
20:53 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: in fact, when, as a boy, i first read of lisp machines, i somehow thought this is how they worked.
20:53 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Last time I tried that I realized I dun really know how to emax
20:53 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: you may have to break down and get the book.
20:53 BingoBoingo Yeah
20:53 asciilifeform if you don't have a greybeard to apprentice with.
20:54 BingoBoingo None around here who won't steal my jools
20:55 asciilifeform <ninjashogun> You seriously need to stop with the trolling. It is extremely unprofessional. I've already apologized for hurting your feelings.
20:55 asciilifeform <ninjashogun> You also repeatedly mention me in a negative light, despite my not saying anything to you. Just stop.
20:55 asciilifeform what is even the deal with xchat. / ignore user ALL doesn't seem to work.
20:55 mircea_popescu so, how to break up with a girl subtler than sublte ?
20:55 mircea_popescu bring her begonias
20:56 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: I thought carnations were the way.
20:56 mircea_popescu no but see... be-gone-yas
20:58 BingoBoingo Ah, around these parts carnations are "funeral flowers" So you bring the carnations and ask the girl if they remind her of anything. Inevitably she mentions an older relative. Then... That's about where we're at nao.
20:58 ben_vulpes i fess up to emacs
20:58 Apocalyptic <asciilifeform> what is even the deal with xchat. / ignore user ALL doesn't seem to work. // you have to provide a hostmask for <user>
20:58 ben_vulpes erc
20:58 ben_vulpes works for me
20:58 mircea_popescu it works srsly.
20:58 ben_vulpes plus extensible with stallisp
21:00 * danielpbarron uses irssi
21:00 BingoBoingo Might have to try begonias next time
21:01 ben_vulpes irssi's okay. wacky wacky architecture tho.
21:01 BingoBoingo How much did ebama pay her to spread obola?
21:01 assbot NBC's Medical Correspondent is Quarantined for Ebola, Goes Out Anyway
21:02 mircea_popescu jesus.
21:02 ben_vulpes o.O
21:02 mircea_popescu did she bareback a bunch of dudes at least ?
21:03 BingoBoingo Who know?
21:03 BingoBoingo The thing about ebola is that people talk about it either like it's the flu and easy to spead or GRIDS which is hard to spread when it is in the middle, but leaning closer to the flu
21:04 mircea_popescu actually it's pretty close to aids from what i gather.
21:04 BingoBoingo But this shit doesn't work in two dimesions, because sweat can't spread GRIDS or the flu
21:07 asciilifeform i'd like to see which one of us gets kicked off freenode first, for 'harrassing' mr spam.
21:07 danielpbarron lol
21:07 mircea_popescu uh
21:07 BingoBoingo And it really is GRIDS rather than AIDS to shame the system that could not forsee that most cases would happen to hetrosexual african women.
21:07 mircea_popescu what is this, lala land ?
21:07 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo come again ?
21:08 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: The actual demographics of AIDS vs the history of AIDS naming
21:09 mircea_popescu ah
21:09 mircea_popescu anywya, it'll be hilarious once it comes out that whites actually have some natural resistence to the disease, which blacks do not. that sort of thing is what makes one suspect god is in it for the lulz.
21:10 xanthyos <+mircea_popescu> no but see... be-gone-yas << this cryptic breakup pun is pilkingtonian
21:10 mircea_popescu :p
21:12 asciilifeform i suspect that quarantine on certain people will be enforced very honestly, while on others (as above example) - not quite.
21:12 asciilifeform no historical example of this, afaik, but the totalitarian state is a rather young thing
21:12 asciilifeform (though biowar is ancient...)
21:13 BingoBoingo asciilifeform> no historical example of this, afaik, but the totalitarian state is a rather young thing << Not so young, socrates tried to implement it
21:13 xanthyos the fema camps full of empty coffins have already been built
21:13 asciilifeform xanthyos: that story never made sense - why would we get own coffins
21:13 asciilifeform what's wrong with old-fashioned mass grave.
21:14 asciilifeform coffins! what luxury americans expect.
21:14 asciilifeform how many of, e.g., stalin's, clients, got coffins.
21:14 xanthyos it's more believable as a conspiracy theory if they don't go to the extent of telling the people there will be mass graves
21:14 asciilifeform the hilarious part is, i can actually believe that they'd stockpile coffins.
21:14 xanthyos maybe only the front row is coffins
21:15 asciilifeform !s beetle men
21:15 assbot 2 results for 'beetle men' :
21:15 xanthyos maybe there's a lobbyist in washington who works for big coffin
21:15 nubbins` make em the right shape, you can nest 'em like wading pools.
21:15 nubbins` after all, what is a coffin but an oblong Rubbermaid storage bin?
21:15 asciilifeform the rule-following beetle men, they will read 'victims must be buried in coffins' and literally order it done, in precisely that way
21:16 asciilifeform identical 'rubbermaid' ones, made under contract #something, yes.
21:16 asciilifeform if they're used, it'll be 3-4 clients per.
21:17 asciilifeform otherwise, where to pack them all.
21:17 BingoBoingo I like the people who say "come on obola isn't zombie plague" not realizing that unlike pretend zombie plague obola leaves people real dead.
21:17 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> xanthyos: that story never made sense - why would we get own coffins << it makes perfect sense if you consider it for the communicatioon exercise it actually is.
21:17 asciilifeform actually it is quite like the zombie plague
21:17 mircea_popescu what';s better than a large pile of symbolically meaningful items.
21:17 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Indeed
21:17 asciilifeform in that, before final resting place, you get to amble about and infect.
21:17 xanthyos ethanol prices go up because corn is used to make coffins from biodegreadeable vegetable cellulose
21:18 BingoBoingo Also look how far people travel in their last days
21:18 asciilifeform the more developed a welfare state, the juicier a target it will appear to these travellers.
21:19 asciilifeform if there is an 'x' such that 'if only i can make it to x, i might live' - that's where they'll go.
21:19 BingoBoingo Surprised moiety isn't returned asking for obola asylum in Australia
21:20 nubbins` if only i can make it to terminus
21:20 xanthyos heh i was thinking terminus as wel
21:20 xanthyos :/
21:21 nubbins` <joecool> kyrio: hm, i had it in wikipedia for awhile that Seal's face was mauled by dogs as a child, stayed up for a year or so
21:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17000 @ 0.00073802 = 12.5463 BTC [+]
21:29 assbot [HAVELOCK] [AM1] 24 @ 0.09906876 = 2.3777 BTC [-] {8}
21:30 asciilifeform << with lit citations.
21:30 assbot CIDRAP: "We Believe There Is Scientific Evidence Ebola Has The Potential To Be Airborne" | Zero Hedge
21:31 danielpbarron put patient in catapult
21:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32817 @ 0.00073757 = 24.2048 BTC [-]
21:33 asciilifeform
21:33 assbot Internet Scientific Publications
21:34 BingoBoingo danielpbarron> put patient in catapult << Not necessary, warm humid atmosphere is probably sufficient. Or ISIS member with bomb vest.
21:35 asciilifeform << unrelated but somehow familiar
21:35 assbot Radioactive material cleaned from Boise apartment - Idaho Press-Tribune: Local
21:35 danielpbarron i was also thinking explosion, but wanted to point out this isn't reall an innovative idea
21:35 thickasthieves <+mircea_popescu> seti was doing it wrong /// no, no, like this:
21:35 assbot Amazing Resonance Experiment! - YouTube
21:36 asciilifeform thickasthieves: that experiment, described in 'flying circus of physics' among other places, was traditionally done with a violin bow.
21:36 asciilifeform no computer needed.
21:38 thickasthieves it's awesome thought
21:38 thickasthieves though
21:39 assbot drawesome +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
21:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform> the more developed a welfare state, the juicier a target it will appear to these travellers. << now this is an interesting point.
21:39 BingoBoingo !up drawesome
21:41 mircea_popescu thickasthieves well good teaching aid. otherwise kinda banal.
21:41 mircea_popescu not to detract or anything.
21:42 decimation "the rule-following beetle men" << asciilifeform - the same ones who would conspire to breach attorney-client privilege ;)
21:43 mircea_popescu most certainly not.
21:43 mircea_popescu only after it's the done thing would they flock to do it. but for now, they won't hear of it.
21:43 drawesome Thanks BingoBoingo
21:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 17897 @ 0.00073559 = 13.1649 BTC [-] {2}
21:44 BingoBoingo drawesome: So what do you do?
21:44 drawesome BingoBoingo, I'm just looking
21:44 mircea_popescu so then... drlooksome ?
21:45 drawesome :p lol
21:46 BingoBoingo What if he's just looking... in awe?
21:54 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23700 @ 0.00073757 = 17.4804 BTC [+]
22:08 thickasthieves obv he's awesome at drawing
22:10 decimation "Last week, a dog belonging to an Ebola-infected nurse was euthanized in Spain, causing a national outcry. " << wtf
22:13 ben_vulpes > paintball gun
22:13 ben_vulpes > pepperspray balls
22:13 ben_vulpes ^^ this is a thing?!?
22:13 mircea_popescu decimation the press is readily reporting "national outcries" of some topics but not others.
22:14 ben_vulpes
22:14 assbot Pepperball
22:14 ben_vulpes oh shit
22:14 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes old thing no ?
22:14 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: Pepperball is an over the counter thing
22:16 nubbins` cool
22:16 nubbins` not in canada it ain't
22:16 ben_vulpes hey i'm an insulated american't
22:16 ben_vulpes my naive schoolby wonder should be a thing of joy for you jaded internet fags
22:17 nubbins` so alice and bob enter a room, the entrance of which is controlled by carol
22:17 nubbins` you with me so far?
22:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2822 @ 0.00073757 = 2.0814 BTC [+]
22:21 mircea_popescu ya
22:23 ben_vulpes antici....
22:25 BingoBoingo look at Andreas derp his innocence
22:25 assbot Confirming that /newsweeklied is the legitimate legal defense fund for Dorian /ethankirschner, /aantonop
22:25 mircea_popescu << clearly, the cloud is the answer.
22:25 assbot Snapchat Hacked: 'The Snappening' - Business Insider
22:26 BingoBoingo AndreasMAntonopoulos ‏@aantonop 1m1 minute ago
22:26 BingoBoingo @BBoingo No, I remember the time I tweeted source code that didn’t contain malware. Later, they added an executable with malware. Troll
22:26 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo o i see, "troll" is it ?
22:27 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: WOO HOO HOO HOO WEBAPPS AND SOCIAL MEEEEDYA
22:27 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes probably the next logical step is declaring social media users chattel and starting markets for their buying and selling.
22:28 mircea_popescu "knock knock" "who's there ?" "i am from b-a ma'am. i bought your daughter on otc. bring her out, don't bother packing anything"
22:28 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Yes, pointing out Andreas spreads malware is now troll.
22:28 mircea_popescu guy goes around neighbourhood in his vw van, taking deprs to their new basements...
22:29 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo recall scammers calling mpoe-pr a troll back in the day ?
22:29 danielpbarron BingoBoingo, it's distruptive and rude!
22:29 mircea_popescu idiots are so inventive, i swear.
22:29 BingoBoingo Such repetition on their part.
22:30 BingoBoingo Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if obola was a greek thing
22:30 mircea_popescu um.
22:30 mircea_popescu of course it is ?
22:30 mircea_popescu ;;google oboloi
22:30 gribble Obol (coin) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; oboloi - Wiktionary: <>; Ancient Greek Money and Coins - <>
22:31 BingoBoingo lol
22:31 danielpbarron EbolaCoin - the fist cryptocurrency to support ebola research!
22:31 mircea_popescu why research ? suport the virus!
22:32 danielpbarron proof of infection
22:33 cazalla so the guy behind that australian bitcoin group, sam lee, is the same guy behind bitcoin reserve who got tricked into clicking a link which gave the attacker access to his gmail lol
22:33 BingoBoingo cazalla: Update his poast to roast?
22:33 cazalla from july
22:33 assbot Melbourne-based bitcoin fund lost $70,000 in a cyber-attack caused by US Marshals Service
22:33 nubbins`
22:33 assbot [Auction] 2 entire full toe-nail freshly ripped off!
22:34 nubbins` probably nsfa
22:34 cazalla BingoBoingo, i will update it
22:35 mircea_popescu nubbins` i wonder how much btc for a lb of human clits.
22:35 mircea_popescu i mean, pheasant tongue only takes decadence so far.
22:35 nubbins` my friend has three pheasants
22:35 nubbins` wait, no, partridges
22:36 nubbins` no, wait. he has phimosis
22:36 mircea_popescu !up chiral
22:36 chiral \o/
22:36 chiral winning
22:37 chiral im telling the news
22:37 mircea_popescu aha ?
22:37 thickasthieves welcome to the celebration of all that is perverse!
22:37 chiral :>
22:37 cazalla here he is discussing it
22:37 assbot Interview: Sam Lee - Silk Road auction hacking victim. - YouTube
22:37 mircea_popescu lol wait. he got owned by the usms while using usg operated silk road ?!
22:38 mircea_popescu !up PinkPosixPXE
22:38 cazalla the attacked got his details from the usms list that they leaked and then pretended to be a journalist to rope him in
22:38 cazalla attacker*
22:38 mircea_popescu intereskin
22:39 asciilifeform declaring social media users chattel and starting markets for their buying and selling << this is sorta SOP already...
22:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 44298 @ 0.00073464 = 32.5431 BTC [-]
22:39 decimation !up adlai
22:39 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i meant physically.
22:39 mircea_popescu obviously their virtual personas have long been a commodity
22:39 mircea_popescu but maybe it's time for the 4th wall to be breached
22:40 thickasthieves zonky: "yeah i wrote a calculator in ether, now i have to pay my computer to do math. ether is the future"
22:40 thickasthieves zoinky*
22:40 thickasthieves lol
22:41 mircea_popescu lol
22:43 BingoBoingo asciilifeform> declaring social media users chattel and starting markets for their buying and selling << this is sorta SOP already... << I mean Thiel was an early facebutt investor
22:44 kakobrekla he saved passwords in his chrome browser.
22:44 mircea_popescu it was built from the ground up with security in mind
22:45 mircea_popescu oops, i mean... it was butt from the security up with a ground mind
22:45 thickasthieves i knew these austrian guys that used to say "i made a castle" when they made a big shit
22:46 thickasthieves dunno if that's a thing in german or whatever
22:46 decimation Thiel implied that facebook was a general failure << << "And so we would like to say Facebook is a specific success, it must mean some general success. And so Facebook is a great business,and therefore it will solve all the world’s problems. And I think the modality I prefer to think of is, that there are specific
22:46 kakobrekla hm, i heard that before.
22:46 decimation successes but they may be symptomatic of general failure"
22:46 kakobrekla the castle thing
22:47 mircea_popescu today i learned that my name in chinses (米炮) has cannon in it!
22:47 mircea_popescu !up gsdgdfs
22:47 thickasthieves and a butthole icon
22:47 mircea_popescu uh... ?
22:47 kakobrekla eh my name has tits in english
22:47 thickasthieves first icon looks like a brownstar
22:47 thickasthieves sexond looks like stick man gettng a bj
22:48 thickasthieves maybe it's just my font
22:48 mircea_popescu thickasthieves you know... this is either pareidolia or else wife's been away for too long ?
22:48 BingoBoingo <kakobrekla> eh my name has tits in english << But it means dick
22:48 thickasthieves being around you too long is much more likely
22:49 mircea_popescu we're thousands of miles apart!
22:49 mircea_popescu !up bitspill_
22:49 thickasthieves or are we?
22:49 mircea_popescu !up rdekley_
22:51 thickasthieves i had to look up Pareidolia
22:51 thickasthieves yeah i do that a lot
22:51 thickasthieves i also like pointing out people that look like people
22:51 thickasthieves and ethnic traits
22:52 thickasthieves and naming fonts on signs
22:52 thickasthieves etc
22:54 thickasthieves i guess it's all pattern recognition, i'm a true american!
22:56 mircea_popescu !up timeaftertime
22:56 timeaftertime yo any cult chirstians in here?
22:57 mircea_popescu luke-jr_ and danielpbarron
22:57 thickasthieves talk to luke-jr
22:57 kakobrekla luke also does child rapes, 20bux.
22:57 timeaftertime who's luke jr?
22:57 decimation I'm a Christian
22:57 timeaftertime who's danielpbarron
22:57 mircea_popescu timeaftertime the log is in the topic, use it.
22:57 timeaftertime decimation: what cult do you belong too?
22:58 thickasthieves what bridge do you live under?
22:58 timeaftertime thickasthieves:
22:58 assbot luke-jr_ +v failed; L1: 0, L2: 0
22:58 thickasthieves wassat?
22:58 mircea_popescu !up luke-jr_
22:58 decimation ;;dict cult
22:58 gribble wn: cult n 1: followers of an exclusive system of religious beliefs and practices 2: an interest followed with exaggerated zeal; "he always follows the latest fads"; "it was all the rage that season" [syn: {fad}, {craze}, {furor}, {furore}, {cult}, {rage}] 3: followers of an unorthodox, extremist, or false religion or sect who often live outside of conventional society under the (1 more message)
22:58 mircea_popescu furore ? srsly ?
22:58 thickasthieves TIL ;;dict
22:58 mircea_popescu it's not even what it means.
22:59 luke-jr_ yeah, I was going to object to cult, but the dictionary says it's okay
22:59 timeaftertime lets google danielpbarron
22:59 thickasthieves logs link has a search
22:59 thickasthieves also you can use !s in here and with assbot
22:59 thickasthieves !s danielpbarron
22:59 assbot 2226 results for 'danielpbarron' :
22:59 thickasthieves there, stalk away
23:00 mircea_popescu im kinda curious what the mix of computer programming and neoprotestant fervor will yield.
23:00 mircea_popescu i mean it did mate with rock to yield that xtian rock thingee
23:00 mircea_popescu it's pretty fertile
23:00 timeaftertime how about Luke-Jr
23:00 timeaftertime hes a calvinist
23:00 Luke-Jr no
23:00 thickasthieves i had a christian punk band on my label in the 2000s
23:00 mircea_popescu punk ?!
23:00 thickasthieves yep
23:01 Luke-Jr I'm Catholic
23:01 mircea_popescu The Glam Nuns Band would be pretty rad.
23:01 thickasthieves just melodic skater punk, not mohawkz and chainz
23:01 mircea_popescu skanker punk is now punk ?!
23:01 thickasthieves lol
23:01 thickasthieves skateboarder
23:02 thickasthieves cali style punk
23:02 timeaftertime Darwin clearly does not believe anyone but Darwin Fish is faithfully teaching the truth of God's Word.
23:02 timeaftertime that = cult
23:02 timeaftertime
23:02 assbot A True Church | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
23:02 thickasthieves there's actually a dedicated punk christain label
23:02 timeaftertime i dont care
23:02 thickasthieves Tooth & Nail Records
23:03 mircea_popescu o look, << no bitcoin
23:03 assbot Partner With CARM | Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry
23:03 mircea_popescu !down timeaftertime
23:03 mircea_popescu come back when you've fixed it.
23:04 Luke-Jr timeaftertime: why link that heretical site?
23:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23618 @ 0.00073752 = 17.4187 BTC [+]
23:04 nubbins` groan
23:05 nubbins` "time after time" is now in my head, notbad.jpg
23:05 thickasthieves me too
23:06 nubbins` ;;google time after time
23:06 gribble Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - YouTube: <>; The Voice UK 2014 Blind Auditions Sophie May Williams 'Time After ...: <>; Eva Cassidy - Time After Time - YouTube: <>
23:06 thickasthieves such singalongability
23:06 nubbins` sindy lopper
23:07 mircea_popescu
23:07 assbot Cyndi Lauper - Time After Time - YouTube
23:07 mircea_popescu not bad.
23:07 nubbins` sɪndi lawpər
23:08 nubbins` her boyfriend does not like her new haircut
23:10 thickasthieves some of the cover versions are pretty good too
23:11 thickasthieves i dont remember this video at all, lol
23:12 Luke-Jr well, he sure was boring
23:13 mircea_popescu misguided dedication usually ends up that way
23:13 Duffer1
23:13 assbot Cyndi Lauper - The Goonies 'R' Good Enough - YouTube
23:15 nubbins`
23:15 assbot A Diamond is Forever and Other Fairy Tales: The Relationship between Wedding Expenses and Marriage Duration by Andrew M. Francis, Hugo M. Mialon :: SSRN
23:19 kakobrekla 20:21:35: <ehird> I hope asciilifeform open sources his FPGA flash disk card < heh, somewhere on irc, in 2009.
23:20 asciilifeform kakobrekla: he was probably talking about a gizmo i was considering building long ago - an esdi hard disk emulator (for use in ancient 'symbolics' lisp machine.)
23:20 kakobrekla no need for that anymore eh
23:20 asciilifeform the ancient hdd in these (such as my 3620) is always the most fragile part, being mechanical and very old (1986 in my case)
23:20 asciilifeform still very much a need - for folks who really give a damn
23:20 Luke-Jr kakobrekla: why not? it might still be interesting
23:21 asciilifeform those 'fujutsu eagles' won't run forever.
23:21 asciilifeform *fujitsu
23:21 Luke-Jr nubbins`: nice, I spent $0 on marriage ;P
23:23 dub you don't have a wife you have a slave
23:23 X-Rob asciilifeform: they already exist.
23:23 asciilifeform they do. golden toilet, cost $maxint.
23:23 dub surprising luke and mp don't get along better
23:23 asciilifeform and, last i tried to buy, wasn't even available where claimed.
23:25 BingoBoingo
23:25 assbot Confirming that /newsweeklied is the legitimate legal defense fund for Dorian /ethankirschner, /aantonop
23:25 BingoBoingo @aantonop Wait, you are the one with victims, but I am the troll? @DanielJonss @DorianSatoshi @newsweeklied @ethankirschner
23:25 mircea_popescu nubbins` great paper lol
23:26 mircea_popescu dub don't knock slavery as a domestic arrangement. beats any alternative.
23:26 X-Rob asciilifeform: so now I'm intrigued and trying to find one myself, and ... you appear to be right
23:26 mircea_popescu o look... i made a pun!
23:27 BingoBoingo The truly scary thing is that as periperal as Andreas is... I think he has more fans than compromised Gavin and Hearn together.
23:27 BingoBoingo Fuck astroturf is expensive
23:28 asciilifeform X-Rob: there aren't all that many folks who actually want to -use- museum-grade machinery with any regularity.
23:28 asciilifeform X-Rob: people mostly get by with ancient disks.
23:28 BingoBoingo Or compact flash
23:29 X-Rob asciilifeform: I'm a collector of old Z80 hardware.
23:29 BingoBoingo generally plugs into IDE
23:29 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: the whole discussion was a modern-flash to esdi adapter
23:29 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: no ide or scsi in these
23:29 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo you're only computing one variable. his superficial fans aren't realyl worth all that much
23:29 X-Rob ST-506 is the way to go
23:29 BingoBoingo Wait, people use adapters and don't just cup their balls and ope shit works?
23:30 mircea_popescu Dot TK is the only top level domain name registry that provides free domain names. Get your free domain name today, before it's gone.
23:30 mircea_popescu uh.
23:30 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: entirely different protocols. prior to modern-age ata and scsi, disk interfaces generally were more involved with the actual drive mechanics (head selection/motion, etc)
23:30 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo you're only computing one variable. his superficial fans aren't realyl worth all that much << On this axis. I've met fans of his IRL which I can't understand.
23:30 asciilifeform disks didn't really have on-board controllers as such. just an analogue amp.
23:30 nubbins` free as in
23:30 X-Rob
23:31 X-Rob that appears to be the closest, asciilifeform
23:31 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo well, worthless in any sense we'd care. obviously he can sell them shaving cream or w/e it is he does for a living.
23:32 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: Well these are the sorts of fucktards that wear "please rob me" BTC t-shirts and slacks
23:32 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Are you using 1/8" or 1/4" plugs to talk to thise disks
23:33 asciilifeform BingoBoingo:
23:33 * asciilifeform doesn't get the eight-inch reference here
23:33 mircea_popescu "Mirror site if this site is slow"
23:33 mircea_popescu jesus remember the days pure html sites had problems with cpu usage ?
23:33 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: two ribbons.
23:33 X-Rob asciilifeform: that's very very current stuff. 2 weeks old.
23:33 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: You see that's the mistake. Talk to every device as if the conversation is an accident. Use the auido plugs.
23:34 BingoBoingo What is audio but undisciplined serial?
23:34 nubbins` btc slacks!!
23:34 asciilifeform i bet BingoBoingo built his own 'covox speechthing' clone in the '90s like the rest of us.
23:36 asciilifeform original (which no one i know ever touched) --- ; typical clone ---
23:36 * BingoBoingo didn't have computer till this century, simply shocked self with disposable camera capacitor and then got the point
23:36 ben_vulpes <danielpbarron> proof of infection << now i want a coin with proof of infraction
23:36 asciilifeform proof of infarction.
23:36 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Wait, people made those in sufficient quantity to make labels?
23:37 X-Rob asciilifeform: I played around with the Vortrax when I was a young bloke. That was a precursor to that I believe.
23:37 ben_vulpes it was either going to be you or mircea_popescu, asciilifeform :P
23:37 BingoBoingo <ben_vulpes> <danielpbarron> proof of infection << now i want a coin with proof of infraction << artery, needle, glue
23:37 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: 'covox' was an actual product. and there was a similar item, 'disney sound source' (yes!)
23:37 BingoBoingo WTF did I miss.
23:38 X-Rob oooh, hang on
23:38 BingoBoingo Now you're going to tell me fuckign Amiga actually outdid Macs and used a 6860 chip
23:38 X-Rob is that the old crappy parallel-to-audio-out crappy sound thing?
23:38 asciilifeform X-Rob: yes, precisely that one
23:38 X-Rob bahahaha
23:38 X-Rob I made one of them!
23:38 X-Rob bunch of resistors and a parallel port
23:38 X-Rob I was so happy.
23:39 kakobrekla afaik resistor ladder dacs are still the shit these days
23:39 mircea_popescu ^
23:39 mircea_popescu mostly because by now they can be made within microohm
23:39 asciilifeform ^
23:39 asciilifeform there are not so many ways to do a dac.
23:40 kakobrekla ^
23:40 ben_vulpes ^
23:40 kakobrekla just thought i would fit in
23:40 mats_cd03 ^
23:40 ben_vulpes hey this is the wrong kind of dac for this channel
23:40 asciilifeform << french built-in covox!
23:41 ben_vulpes how can i dissipate max energy with other people's public keys, i ask you
23:41 BingoBoingo Why did USB ever become a thing when microphone is much good nao
23:41 X-Rob aww man that brings back me playing kings quest and leisure suite larry
23:41 X-Rob with my computer MAKING REAL SOUNDS. IT was amazing.
23:41 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:41 asciilifeform it was.
23:42 mircea_popescu we should have a bot that processes BingoBoingo's last six lines and calculates his blood alcohol
23:42 asciilifeform microphone << as a kid, i had some cassettes from my brother, who had bk-0010 at school. all i could do was throw them in a tape deck & listen.
23:42 X-Rob asciilifeform: I have some kids. They're... 9 and 6. These kids will never know what it's like to not have internet. This AMAZES me.
23:43 asciilifeform X-Rob: they might learn very soon...
23:43 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> !up PinkPosixPXE << now this is one of the better handle's i've seen lately
23:43 mircea_popescu X-Rob like, remember back before dlh ? kids had to actually work for their gaming experience ?
23:43 X-Rob asciilifeform: who's bombing whom?
23:43 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes ikr ?
23:44 asciilifeform X-Rob: no need for nukefest, there are other variants.
23:44 X-Rob mircea_popescu: Pfft. These bastards with their saves and retries and everything. When we lost our third life, we had to start again from world 1, level 1!
23:44 asciilifeform (though nobody cancelled nukes)
23:44 ben_vulpes !up PinkPosixPXE
23:44 X-Rob Well if they could hold off for a while, I'm off to the US this week for a fortnight
23:44 ben_vulpes you still around, PinkPosixPXE?
23:44 X-Rob at least let me get back to australia
23:44 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> we should have a bot that processes BingoBoingo's last six lines and calculates his blood alcohol << Note how much controls along this axis have improved though
23:45 mircea_popescu i struggled my entire childhood with captain comic
23:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4484 @ 0.00073687 = 3.3041 BTC [-]
23:45 asciilifeform
23:45 mircea_popescu eventually finished it as an adult, playing with my also adult sister
23:45 mircea_popescu BingoBoingo true
23:45 mircea_popescu ;;google captain comic
23:45 gribble Captain Comic - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: <>; RGB Classic Games - Play The Adventures of Captain Comic online: <>; Captain Comics, Boise, ID | Comics, Cards, Games, Posters, Cards ...: <>
23:45 ben_vulpes asciilifeform:
23:46 ben_vulpes joke in url
23:46 asciilifeform comic << lol, grandfather of 'commander keen'
23:46 mircea_popescu mhm
23:46 mircea_popescu stupid fucking lamp
23:46 mircea_popescu and stupid fucking capslock teleport
23:46 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> im kinda curious what the mix of computer programming and neoprotestant fervor will yield. << have you met TempleOS yet?
23:46 mircea_popescu 200 holes
23:46 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes that's just a spec i bet.
23:46 asciilifeform ben_vulpes: came up here several times
23:47 ben_vulpes asciilifeform: for all his sin-sistience, mircea_popescu does miss things in the logs
23:47 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> BingoBoingo true << I really can't blog drunk nao without excess effort and no golden toilets were purchased. FUKU NBC
23:47 ben_vulpes templeos is esoteric enough to have slipped his radar
23:47 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: spec for carving kiwis, or a zealotous os?
23:47 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes i didn't miss templeos!
23:48 ben_vulpes ;P
23:48 mircea_popescu and a spec as in, spec of dust.
23:48 * ben_vulpes rolls eyes
23:48 ben_vulpes no srsly we run templeos in production
23:48 ben_vulpes btcd on templeos
23:48 mircea_popescu don't rolls your eyes at me, mista!
23:48 * ben_vulpes doesn't even know if that's possible
23:49 ben_vulpes maybe a spec
23:49 ben_vulpes IN GODS EYE
23:49 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: templeos is nice if you know what to expect.
23:49 asciilifeform
23:49 assbot Captain Comic : Full walkthrough (PC Version) - YouTube
23:49 BingoBoingo basically temple os offers an giant x86-64 box of sand.
23:50 BingoBoingo And... nothing else.
23:50 ben_vulpes <nubbins`> sindy lopper << sindy loper << a+++ would boot again
23:50 BingoBoingo No sanity checks
23:50 BingoBoingo No angels from heaven.
23:50 BingoBoingo Pretty much temple os is the 40 years stumbling around the sainai
23:50 nubbins` bed time
23:51 ben_vulpes aw c'mon nubbins` it's only what 1130?
23:51 ben_vulpes 2330?
23:51 cazalla
23:51 assbot Confirming that /newsweeklied is the legitimate legal defense fund for Dorian /ethankirschner, /aantonop
23:51 cazalla legitimate but now it may be a scam
23:52 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> o look... i made a pun! << had to look twice
23:53 ben_vulpes can't tell if light logs or light fiatcorp workload
23:53 BingoBoingo cazalla: he called me troll because I said true he spread malware
23:54 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: presumably in his mind, it somehow 'doesn't count' if you spread 'unknowingly' - just like spreading obola is 'unknowing' until satan signs your death certificate with the word
23:54 cazalla BingoBoingo, he will be in town next month, perhaps i take the video camera for an exclusive
23:56 * asciilifeform read 'newsweeklied' in the style of 'horst wessel lied' - should probably go to sleep
23:56 BingoBoingo Fuck, even tradefartress at least pretended to be ashamed when he was "haxxed"
23:58 mircea_popescu cazalla harassing dimwitted bums may be a waste of time
23:59 ben_vulpes BingoBoingo: what to expect << i expect nothing, and so to be pleasantly surprised. is this a contradiction?
23:59 BingoBoingo ben_vulpes: No, we know you identify as dog. Kind of dog is import nao.
23:59 ben_vulpes << tonight's reading
23:59 assbot Art and the Empire City: New York, 1825–1861 | The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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