Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2014-10-11 | 2014-10-13 →
00:07 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 137 @ 0.01090509 = 1.494 BTC [+]
00:09 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.EXCH] 164 @ 0.01391002 = 2.2812 BTC [-]
00:21 mthreat mats_cd03: what kind of legal research are you doing?
00:21 mats_cd03 that related to your donation, mthreat
00:21 mthreat which donation
00:23 mats_cd03
00:23 assbot So who’s running the Courts circus ? pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
00:30 mthreat mats_cd03: ok.. I asked because I did legal research and wrote briefs for 4 years.. maybe I can give some advice on legal research methods. Like using the West Key system,e tc
00:30 mats_cd03 i suspect i'm overlooking something simple, but i guess ill figure it out after i get through a few more judges
00:30 mats_cd03 i'd welcome any advice you have to offer
00:32 mthreat first, it's been 15 years since I did this. I was in prison, so books only, no computers. But I'm 99% sure the west key systems is still teh same, it's just online now. (It was online then, actually, but I wasn't).
00:32 mthreat so anyway, the west key system is a classification system. These days it's like 'tagging'. Each case is tagged with a set of "west keys", which are numbers that indicate what aspects of law the case relates to.
00:32 mats_cd03 i'm currently using westlaw, which is referenced to the west key system
00:33 mthreat right. So let's say you have a case that is relevant to whatever topic you're researching, for example, search and seizure of a vehicle or something. At the start of the case, it lists all the west key items, and 1 or more of those will be for the search and seizure aspect.
00:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24246 @ 0.00073833 = 17.9015 BTC [-] {2}
00:34 mthreat You can then take taht west key number, and it cross-references other cases relating to that same issue.
00:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26600 @ 0.00073789 = 19.6279 BTC [-] {3}
00:35 mthreat not sure if this helps... maybe you already figured it out.
00:40 mats_cd03 my understanding of the digest system is shallow, and i've been hesitant to do any serious filtering in the event i miss something
00:40 mats_cd03 but it might be helpful for me to learn more about it, so i appreciate the advice
00:42 mthreat are you in a city witha law school?
00:42 mthreat if so, you can probably go by the law library of the school and ask the person behind the desk to help you learn how to research what you're trying to research.
00:45 pete_dushenski nubbins`: ask an albertan what he thinks of a quebecer << albertans think that quacks have the super duperest most corrupt construction industry and the the highest taxes imaginable. both of these are true, but only relative to the rest of canada.
00:49 pete_dushenski kakobrekla: so the 1.2k a month guy wont be coming back? << rip little dude.
00:50 pete_dushenski kakobrekla: ah so we are measuring traffic now? whats next, installing windows on our servers? << next is paying people to write for qntra instead of assuming they gangsta like us ;)
00:51 pete_dushenski actually, this raises a question i might've missed in the logs...
00:51 pete_dushenski !s qntra pay
00:51 assbot 0 results for 'qntra pay' :
00:51 pete_dushenski ;;later tell mircea_popescu are you paying the lovely folks over at qntra ?
00:51 gribble The operation succeeded.
00:52 pete_dushenski or maybe it's just community service ?
00:55 cazalla something like that but ya never know what these things might turn into
00:59 RagnarDanneskjol i might be interested if you're considering sponsorship/investors cazalla
01:00 RagnarDanneskjol not might, am
01:02 cazalla not at this time, it's only 2 weeks old, maybe it dies tmw who knows
~ 28 minutes ~
01:30 pete_dushenski
01:30 assbot Monkey Meat and the Ebola Outbreak in Liberia - YouTube
01:31 pete_dushenski
01:31 assbot The Fight Against Ebola (Full Length) - YouTube
~ 17 minutes ~
01:48 cazalla i love you ebolachan
01:50 mats_cd03
01:50 assbot Cure for Type 1 diabetes imminent after Harvard stem-cell breakthrough - Telegraph
~ 34 minutes ~
02:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29700 @ 0.00073783 = 21.9136 BTC [-] {3}
~ 17 minutes ~
02:42 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4596 @ 0.00073766 = 3.3903 BTC [-]
02:54 decimation << lois lerner (the usg bureaucrat who targeted mostly conservative groups for 'preferential' tax auditing - now retired and making $100k per year from usg pension) was 'targeted' while walking her dogs in Bethesda. She tries to run into a neighbor's house to 'call the police' and 'hide' - the old man of the house shows up and instructs her to leave immediately
02:54 assbot Lois Lerner tries busting into neighbor's home to evade questions - YouTube
02:56 decimation I post this because I think it serves as a warning to usg bureaucrats - there may come a day when your 'successful career' might be seen in a very different light by your peasant neighbors.
~ 19 minutes ~
03:15 gabriel_laddel ;; google site: what his unhappy life can teach us
03:15 gribble Georg Ritter von Flondor, and what his unhappy life can teach us pe ...: <>; Leonard Cohen, and what his unhappy life can teach us pe Trilema ...: <>; The peeconomy pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: (1 more message)
03:16 decimation gabriel_laddel: indeed.
03:27 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13100 @ 0.00073766 = 9.6633 BTC [-]
03:34 decimation ;;ticker
03:34 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 360.7, Best ask: 360.82, Bid-ask spread: 0.12000, Last trade: 360.7, 24 hour volume: 7712.65743525, 24 hour low: 352.1, 24 hour high: 366.0, 24 hour vwap: 359.999133778
03:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 42616 @ 0.00073742 = 31.4259 BTC [-] {3}
~ 31 minutes ~
04:07 cazalla anyone ever heard of people buying fkn rattlesnakes from silk road type sites before?
04:07 penguirker New blog post:
04:08 fluffypony lol
04:10 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13000 @ 0.00073731 = 9.585 BTC [-]
04:12 fluffypony has this been discussed yet?
04:14 fluffypony by DanMAbraham
04:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7300 @ 0.0007373 = 5.3823 BTC [-] {2}
04:30 RagnarDanneskjol spkg of creative pursuits..
04:30 * RagnarDanneskjol just discovered this
04:30 assbot Asylum, Chapter One pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
04:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24850 @ 0.00073839 = 18.349 BTC [+] {2}
04:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8247 @ 0.00073862 = 6.0914 BTC [+]
04:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1950 @ 0.0007373 = 1.4377 BTC [-]
04:55 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10200 @ 0.00073866 = 7.5343 BTC [+] {2}
04:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14334 @ 0.0007373 = 10.5685 BTC [-]
04:57 RagnarDanneskjol
04:57 assbot 403 Forbidden
04:57 RagnarDanneskjol [Bayesian regression and Bitcoin]
05:05 RagnarDanneskjol
05:05 assbot BitProperty by Joshua Fairfield :: SSRN
05:09 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26898 @ 0.00073914 = 19.8814 BTC [+] {2}
~ 22 minutes ~
05:31 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32300 @ 0.00073749 = 23.8209 BTC [-] {2}
~ 32 minutes ~
06:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 29006 @ 0.00073874 = 21.4279 BTC [+] {2}
06:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1833 @ 0.00073704 = 1.351 BTC [-]
06:14 cazalla !s adbit
06:14 assbot 0 results for 'adbit' :
06:19 mircea_popescu xanthyos: << political correctness will be the end of us all. an avoidable plague will soon be upon us because of bureaucracy and cowardice <<< you know, it IS possible that a cnn "panelist" isn't the end all, be all font of truth and wisdom.
06:19 assbot CNN| US can't cut flights to Liberia | Ebola | slavery
06:20 mircea_popescu cazalla The book is available to purchase as a paperback via Amazon India or via Amazon Kindle << are those qntra's amazon links ? ie, you make comission ?
06:21 cazalla no
06:21 cazalla it shouldn't have an affil code at all
06:21 mircea_popescu well as a general policy, links to stuff like that (amazon, ebay, artist's own ecommerce site, etc) either hapen through an aff link and income is then reported or don't happen
06:22 gabriel_laddel ;; google polites
06:22 gribble Pseudo-racism, faux sexism : the socialist verbal menagerie - Trilema: <>; The sharp friar and the golden jew discuss your options pe Trilema ...: <>; Terms of Endearment pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.: (1 more message)
06:23 cazalla so you don't want me to link to amazon? i don't think it's worth the time to setup an affiliate code for qntra with amazon, might net $10 a year at best
06:24 mircea_popescu well yeah, if it's not worth linking it's not worth linking.
06:25 cazalla would it not be worth linking for the reader though?
06:25 mircea_popescu that's a complicated discussion. maybe. on the other hand, plenty of people are put off by seeing amazon/ebay links, makes them mentally dioscount the whole page/site as "one of those"
06:26 mircea_popescu even worse perhaps for bitcoiners, who aren't great fans of either, or what they stand for.
06:26 cazalla which is why there is no affiliate code included with the link, i avoid the same shit
06:27 cazalla general links is something i wanted to discuss anyway
06:28 mircea_popescu i have no idea what their codes look like, i go by "is there anything past the address". in this case << makes me think that's an affiliate code.
06:28 cazalla nofollow everything? leave all links the same, nofollow anyone not in #b-a? which would be best
06:28 mircea_popescu whether it is or it isn;t, people on the internet don't spend much time to reach a conclusion
06:28 mircea_popescu i wouldn't really go that far. let them be, as long as they're worth linking they're worth linking.
06:29 mircea_popescu it's just, there's the world wide web, whioch is a collection of text, and then there's the paypal-blergh, which is a collection of bs. linking to a blog/webpage is different from linking to an online shop
06:30 mircea_popescu cazalla and fwiw, i see no problem promoting the ravi guy, if he makes a sale or two out of the feature even better, he's ok. but generally speaking.
06:31 cazalla righto, i'll just dump anything that might be perceived as an aff link
06:32 cazalla just so it's clear though, i have no intention of inserting aff codes to skim
06:33 mircea_popescu that could be a legitimate revenue source for qntra, if it grows up a little.
06:33 mircea_popescu not, obviously, publish for the links. but, plenty of people in the speaking business have books they're trying to push, it'll be pretty hard to keep them out as the site grows.
06:34 mircea_popescu so a site acct may be the least evil solution to a dilemma. not much of a consideration until it's actually big.
06:35 cazalla i'd rather just point the reader to the author's website and they can go from there than bother with amazon affill
06:36 mircea_popescu yeah, also not a bad solution.
06:36 BingoBoingo mats_cd03: If you have access to a law library the law librarians usually have JD's and may have some tricks from school. Otherwise it is a grind.
06:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 18150 @ 0.00073699 = 13.3764 BTC [-] {2}
06:36 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 how are you proceeding anyway ? which keys are you reading ?
06:39 mircea_popescu mats_cd03: my understanding of the digest system is shallow, and i've been hesitant to do any serious filtering in the event i miss something <<< in computers generally, understood as the php-machine (ie, text processing, the actual porn that drove early computing), this approach has proven flawed. it is more effectual and more efficient to make a set of filters that delivers *something* and then make more passes with
06:39 mircea_popescu better filters. a braindamaged 1950s version of agile, if you wish.
06:41 mircea_popescu pete_dushenski: ;;later tell mircea_popescu are you paying the lovely folks over at qntra ? << whadda ya know, you did miss it in the logs :D
06:41 assbot Logged on 09-10-2014 03:53:20; mircea_popescu: the reveal, late oct/early november
06:43 mircea_popescu decimation: lois lerner was 'targeted' << interesting how meta that country is getting. so, sane people worry about being struck, usians worry about being "targeted" because it may stand for being struck ?
06:44 mircea_popescu what's next ? cuz once started the meta train never ends.
06:46 mircea_popescu cazalla: anyone ever heard of people buying fkn rattlesnakes from silk road type sites before? << yes, actually, i knew a derp raising pot and poisonous reptiles in romania. fortunately he had no idea what the web is, but otherwise, exactly what lanky ragaddy hair hippy you'd expect for the role.
06:47 mircea_popescu fluffypony: has this been discussed yet? << lol! who's "moar"
06:47 BingoBoingo moar is that DanMAbrahams guy
06:47 mircea_popescu a it is ? so who's he ? what's he do ?
06:48 mircea_popescu jesus i sound like fucking gaggi already.
06:48 mircea_popescu *:
06:48 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol just discovered this << ha! so what did you think ?
06:48 assbot Asylum, Chapter One pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
06:49 BingoBoingo mircea_popescu: He's this guy
06:49 assbot The Cargo Cultist, a Dialogue | Bingo Blog
06:50 BingoBoingo He just kind of derps and wants to be famous
06:50 BingoBoingo !s DanMAbraham
06:50 assbot 6 results for 'DanMAbraham' :
06:50 mircea_popescu aha ?
06:51 RagnarDanneskjol i just got to the third chapter. rather interesting, nice atmosphere. can see a decent screenplay in there
06:51 mircea_popescu o he's here i see
06:51 mircea_popescu ;;seen moarrr
06:51 gribble moarrr was last seen in #bitcoin-assets 8 weeks, 6 days, 16 hours, 49 minutes, and 53 seconds ago: <moarrr> BingoBoingo: nope
06:52 mircea_popescu ;;rate moarrr 1 Guy's black and he drew me on a blackboard. In white chalk.
06:52 gribble Rating entry successful. Your rating of 1 for user moarrr has been recorded.
06:52 mircea_popescu RagnarDanneskjol yeah, it was optioned at some point but it never came to anything.
06:54 RagnarDanneskjol nice. I'll point it to some hollywood guys I know, might have legs
06:55 mircea_popescu im pretty sure it expired by now anyway, it was a 2004 run. so go right ahead.
06:56 mircea_popescu prolly will need some fixing tho.
06:56 RagnarDanneskjol oh that old wow
06:57 mircea_popescu well yes lol, i'm not 16.
06:57 RagnarDanneskjol i think youre the same age as me exactly
06:57 mircea_popescu i think we're all the same age exactly
06:57 RagnarDanneskjol heh
06:58 mircea_popescu THE AGE OF REASON, MOFO!
06:59 mircea_popescu so cash went "On a Sunday morning sidewalk, I'm wishing, Lord, that I was stoned. 'Cause there's something in a Sunday that makes the body feel alone. And there's nothing short a' dying that's half as lonesome as the sound of the sleeping city sidewalk and Sunday morning coming down."
06:59 mircea_popescu obviously about mobile or whatever other repugnant old dixie hellhole he normally inhabited
07:00 mircea_popescu but i tell you he coulda said it about buenos aires, comuna 1 just as well
07:00 mircea_popescu it looks postapocalyptic out there.
07:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11100 @ 0.00073949 = 8.2083 BTC [+] {2}
07:08 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23571 @ 0.00074049 = 17.4541 BTC [+] {2}
07:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 34600 @ 0.00073856 = 25.5542 BTC [-]
07:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 1830 @ 0.00073856 = 1.3516 BTC [-]
07:25 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3614 @ 0.00073742 = 2.665 BTC [-]
07:28 penguirker New blog post:
07:29 mircea_popescu cazalla "wherein transactions may may be credited for amounts far greater than the actual amount"
07:30 BingoBoingo fixed
07:30 mircea_popescu o look at that shit! "A network-wide weakness in how both Ripple and Stellar communicated transactions was exploited by an unknown third-party to to deposit false IOUs through Ripple/Stellar"
07:31 mircea_popescu compare and contrast with
07:31 assbot RIPple, the definitive discussion. pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
07:31 mircea_popescu mp : "Fatal congenital defect #1. Ripple requires any participant to trust other participants blindly." ; derps "oh mp you don't understand how it works!11"
07:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7950 @ 0.00073742 = 5.8625 BTC [-]
07:35 RagnarDanneskjol contrast with this:
07:35 assbot Virtual Currency Trading Wars: Bitcoin Versus Ripple XRP
07:37 mircea_popescu "After 30+ hours of research and numerous meetings on the topic, we finally feel we have a strong understanding of Ripple and its place in the financial world versus Bitcoin."
07:37 mircea_popescu apparently, 30+ hours of research and "numerous meetings" are not sufficient grounding for an informed opinion.
07:37 BingoBoingo In the long run it seems qntra is going to end up reporting on a lot of Trilema predictions being realized
07:37 mircea_popescu i guess the original lulz, "3 years' experience" has meanwhile morphed into "30+ hours' research" ? what's next ?
07:38 mircea_popescu "Jaron Lukasiewicz is the CEO and Founder of Coinsetter, a New York City-based company that offers a high performance ECN trading platform and exchange for bitcoin."
07:38 mircea_popescu way to fuck up, jaron.
07:38 RagnarDanneskjol I know him, nice kid - still reefuses to see the light, been trying to get him on WoT for years... i recall mpoepr also had a nice exchange with him on the forum years back when he announced coinsetter
07:38 mircea_popescu so what's his problem ?
07:38 mircea_popescu other than 30 hours' research that is.
07:39 RagnarDanneskjol too much venture cash, not enough time to burn it
07:40 mircea_popescu very sad way to spend a youth.
07:40 RagnarDanneskjol yep
07:40 mircea_popescu i mean they don't get it, because at 29 it seems like it's forever.
07:40 mircea_popescu i know numerous such wrecks, trying to make ends meet at 40something, after having run exactly on those premises, "too much opm, too little time to think" a decade or two ago
07:41 gabriel_laddel ;; ud opm
07:41 gribble | OPM. Other People's Money - what you need to get rich. From the adage, it takes money to make money, and to gain wealth you need a small fortune, which, ...
07:41 mircea_popescu other people's money.
07:41 RagnarDanneskjol huh
07:43 mircea_popescu generally it's not understood that money is a burden, not a boon, and this current child porn cultural trend (i don't just mean squirreling away pictures of 12 yo girls split open, i mean the actual trend, a widespread and cvasi universal obsession with youths) is mixing the worst ingredients : child-hydrazine with money-methanol (it WILL make you blind, if you drink it!)
07:43 mircea_popescu so far all that's coming out of this recipe are wrecks.
07:50 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
07:50 BingoBoingo !b 2
07:51 mircea_popescu anyway, this is the deeper meh fuck it, ima go write an article.
07:54 gabriel_laddel I was in the DFJ offices (Draper Fisher Jurvetson, VC firm) at one point and they had the big stop sign with the lettering "DON'T THINK" "DO". this from the same people who invested in d-wave. idiots. and people wonder why everything is breaking / broken. Don
07:54 gabriel_laddel t kill the goose that lays the golden eggs.
07:58 gabriel_laddel !s the endgame is obvious
07:58 assbot 0 results for 'the endgame is obvious' :
08:00 gabriel_laddel here:
08:00 assbot Logged on 25-12-2013 19:19:40; asciilifeform: well, eventually all the coin will be in the hands of people with brains.
08:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 24762 @ 0.00073688 = 18.2466 BTC [-] {3}
08:02 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] 120 @ 0.01074017 = 1.2888 BTC [-] {4}
08:04 RagnarDanneskjol
08:04 assbot But first, let me take the worlds longest selfie (Video) : theCHIVE
~ 24 minutes ~
08:29 BingoBoingo !up brianhoffman
08:32 RagnarDanneskjol aside from cringeworthy derpish content, the c-setter *company* blog actually has spammy ad links hiding in 'You may also like:' posts - wow, that's a first
08:36 BingoBoingo Yeah, not very pro given their professed aims
08:37 thickasthieves wait, Ripple has a vuln? lololol
08:38 Apocalyptic Nejc must be happy to run a gateway
08:39 thickasthieves so basically all the btc in ripple is fake
08:42 thickasthieves i have to agree with cazalla that putting aff links is crap
08:42 thickasthieves find a less abstracted form of payment
08:44 thickasthieves i might also suggest qntra have a news/press release/leaks solicitation area
08:45 BingoBoingo ^ good idea
08:45 thickasthieves also you have to people in #qntra and we're lonely
08:46 thickasthieves two
08:46 thickasthieves *
08:46 RagnarDanneskjol I been there for weeks - finally someone joined me
08:47 thickasthieves qntra hasnt existsed for weeks :P
08:47 RagnarDanneskjol yes, just about 2
08:47 thickasthieves hehe
08:47 RagnarDanneskjol i had a nice topic header - gone now
08:48 thickasthieves qntra wordpress is still loading super slow for me
08:48 thickasthieves something up with your cache plugin i assume
08:50 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: caching plugin?
08:54 RagnarDanneskjol i guess he means these:
08:54 RagnarDanneskjol <script type='text/javascript' src=''></script>
08:54 RagnarDanneskjol <script src="" type="text/javascript"></script>
08:58 RagnarDanneskjol that and/or addLoadEvent
08:59 thickasthieves yeah it's probly jetpack
08:59 BingoBoingo hmmm
09:00 BingoBoingo try nao
09:02 RagnarDanneskjol just hacked it right out of there i see
09:05 BingoBoingo Well it is what powers WP stats we had before quantcast. Not a cacheing plugin.
09:08 BingoBoingo but thickasthieves is it loading faster for you?
09:09 thickasthieves nope
09:09 BingoBoingo Then that wasn't the problem
09:10 thickasthieves is get This Webpage is not available for a while, then it eventually loads
09:10 thickasthieves sry,
09:10 thickasthieves "This webpage is not available" (chrome message)
09:10 BingoBoingo ... Well could it be your isp?
09:10 thickasthieves no other website does it
09:11 thickasthieves ive never even seen it before
09:11 BingoBoingo ;;later tell cazalla thickasthieves is having connectivity issues with the qntra
09:11 gribble The operation succeeded.
09:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 32344 @ 0.00074057 = 23.953 BTC [+] {2}
09:14 thickasthieves fwiw tablet beahaves similarly, except it just handgs instead of showing error page
09:19 BingoBoingo quantcast's tracking pixel is slow. Dunno why you browser wouldn't render your page over that though
09:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21900 @ 0.000742 = 16.2498 BTC [+]
09:29 dub 1
09:29 dub check 1
09:30 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: Try now
09:34 BingoBoingo !up pi07r
09:39 kakobrekla >Bitcoin deposits may take up to 120 minutes to process.
09:39 kakobrekla srsly.
09:39 thickasthieves haha i see your little smiley face, but the problem is still showing
09:39 thickasthieves kako, mpex?
09:39 thickasthieves ;)
09:40 kakobrekla im just checking out vultr
09:40 kakobrekla they added btc payments recently
09:40 kakobrekla but wtf 120 min
09:41 kakobrekla for 5$ confirmation
09:44 BingoBoingo WFT indeed
~ 15 minutes ~
10:00 thickasthieves
10:00 assbot U.S. and U.K. Plan Banking War Game to Test Crisis Defenses - Bloomberg
10:00 RagnarDanneskjol ooh cool
10:08 mircea_popescu that took a while.
10:09 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: Does qntra load better for you nao?
10:10 BingoBoingo <thickasthieves> haha i see your little smiley face, but the problem is still showing < smiley is WP/jetpack
10:10 thickasthieves bingoboingo, nope, i can also add that it seems like it might only happen on the 2nd thing i click on
10:10 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel theyre all like that, finance's been taken over by aluminum siding salesmen in the us.
10:10 thickasthieves the first seems to load quickly every time
10:11 mircea_popescu which is what osama wanted, actually. that was the fucking point of killing most of the financial minds over there : they'd be irreplaceable, for one thing,
10:11 mircea_popescu but what;'s much worse : they WILL be replaced. ruining things forever.
10:11 mircea_popescu cleannest surgical strike in the history of surgical strike, guy took out a country the size of a continent in one evening.
10:11 thickasthieves bingo i have a ss i'm making that might be useful
10:11 mircea_popescu <BingoBoingo> ^ good idea << meh, not so great.
10:12 mircea_popescu i'd rather see aff links put deliberately than allowing random derps to send their "press releases". it'll turn it into a trade mag, which is bad.
10:12 thickasthieves that's the editors problem
10:12 mircea_popescu <BingoBoingo> hmmm << toldja wp stats suck.
10:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 23585 @ 0.00074003 = 17.4536 BTC [-] {2}
10:13 BingoBoingo <mircea_popescu> i'd rather see aff links put deliberately than allowing random derps to send their "press releases". it'll turn it into a trade mag, which is bad. << I'm thinking more a known slush pile, but I guess the contact page already offers that function
10:15 mircea_popescu i guess thickasthieves has a point, how's that different from someone being an author. it all boils down to sending stuff to cazalla see if he approves it.
10:15 thickasthieves BingoBoingo
10:15 assbot imgur: the simple image sharer
10:16 mircea_popescu wow holy shit wp4 uses jstemplate ?!
10:20 mircea_popescu < the latest in triggers.
10:20 assbot Money, fucking and lying pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
10:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9933 @ 0.00073972 = 7.3476 BTC [-]
10:23 thickasthieves mp, typo "thee" = three
10:24 mircea_popescu fixt ty
10:28 RagnarDanneskjol ;;ud cuntstock
10:28 gribble Google found nothing.
10:28 penguirker New blog post:
10:29 RagnarDanneskjol thats a first
10:29 mircea_popescu like livestock
10:29 mircea_popescu except livelier.
10:30 RagnarDanneskjol i get it very clever - imma send this to him today
10:30 mircea_popescu to whom ?!
10:30 RagnarDanneskjol jaron
10:30 mircea_popescu o.O
10:30 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13827 @ 0.00073815 = 10.2064 BTC [-]
10:30 mircea_popescu well what could it hurt.
10:30 RagnarDanneskjol should be the best day of his life
10:32 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: Want to give it another go?
10:35 RagnarDanneskjol !up deedBot
10:35 deedBot
10:35 assbot PoR -
10:37 mircea_popescu !up ug_
10:40 kakobrekla >Open a ticket to unblock port 25. I got a response within an hour saying that port 25 is unblocked and they've sent me a link for some anti-spam policy. No other questions asked. You have to pay $5 per each spam email you send, but if your server was hacked, you are not responsible.
10:40 kakobrekla lol!!
10:40 mircea_popescu uh ?
10:41 kakobrekla broked policy
10:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3100 @ 0.000742 = 2.3002 BTC [+]
10:49 thickasthieves sry bingoboingo, still problemz
10:49 thickasthieves also tried Opera, same deal
10:50 RagnarDanneskjol kakobrekla - would you pls help me out and kick deedbot
10:52 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12150 @ 0.000742 = 9.0153 BTC [+]
10:53 thickasthieves just tested on firefox via cellular connection, no issues
10:55 thickasthieves bingoboingo if you need anything else from me to test pm, i'm polluting the chan :)
10:55 thickasthieves ;;ticker
10:55 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 363.02, Best ask: 364.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.98000, Last trade: 364.25, 24 hour volume: 10774.12872505, 24 hour low: 352.5, 24 hour high: 366.0, 24 hour vwap: 360.510032128
10:56 kakobrekla RagnarDanneskjol how does kicking help, it will still be online
10:57 RagnarDanneskjol mmm - thought that would throw it off alltogether, guess not. will have to do it the hard way
11:01 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5911 @ 0.00074214 = 4.3868 BTC [+] {2}
~ 15 minutes ~
11:16 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10350 @ 0.00073667 = 7.6245 BTC [-]
11:21 mats_cd03
11:35 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 56032 @ 0.00073631 = 41.2569 BTC [-] {4}
11:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 11968 @ 0.00073625 = 8.8114 BTC [-]
11:40 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 20660 @ 0.00073622 = 15.2103 BTC [-] {3}
11:40 kakobrekla !s
11:40 assbot 0 results for '' :
11:41 kakobrekla at least its not using x86 it seems, hehe
~ 18 minutes ~
11:59 assbot [HAVELOCK] [B.MINE] [PAID] 1.15308699 BTC to 16`053 shares, 7183 satoshi per share
12:01 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] [PAID] 5.09444684 BTC to 1`149`988 shares, 443 satoshi per share
12:03 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6232 @ 0.00073733 = 4.595 BTC [+]
12:03 mircea_popescu check it out, website still exists
12:03 assbot Frank Rosenthal - Casino Movie - Free Sports Picks - Free Live Odds - Sportsbook & Casino Information
12:07 mthreat look my what L-39 jet researched turned up:
12:07 assbot Bitcoin Jet » Introducing the world to Bitcoin through the thrill of the best aviation demonstration anywhere.
12:07 mthreat *research
12:08 mircea_popescu iirc they do show flights
12:09 mthreat yeah they go to the shows, etc
12:16 mircea_popescu Cadet Clevinger was court-martialed for breaking ranks while in formation, felonious assault, indiscriminate behavior, mopery, high treason, provoking, being a smart-guy, listening to classical music, and so on.
12:17 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 31267 @ 0.00073856 = 23.0926 BTC [+] {2}
12:22 mthreat mopery? i'll have to google that
12:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38350 @ 0.00073637 = 28.2398 BTC [-] {3}
12:30 RagnarDanneskjol !up RagnarsBitch
12:42 mircea_popescu !up jacoblyles
12:45 kakobrekla <mthreat> look my what L-39 jet researched turned up: < does it crash like btcusd?
12:45 assbot Bitcoin Jet » Introducing the world to Bitcoin through the thrill of the best aviation demonstration anywhere.
12:45 mircea_popescu ow shit
12:47 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 6100 @ 0.00073611 = 4.4903 BTC [-]
12:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 37600 @ 0.00073607 = 27.6762 BTC [-] {2}
12:59 Bet placed: 2 BTC for Yes on "Tesla stock below $225 in 2014" Odds: 75(Y):25(N) by coin, 73(Y):27(N) by weight. Total bet: 3.3701311 BTC. Current weight: 59,604.
13:13 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 21700 @ 0.00073838 = 16.0228 BTC [+]
~ 20 minutes ~
13:33 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8127 @ 0.00073995 = 6.0136 BTC [+]
13:43 oglafbot
13:43 assbot Isle of tits
~ 20 minutes ~
14:04 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 5000 @ 0.00073838 = 3.6919 BTC [-]
14:05 mircea_popescu ;;ticker
14:05 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 364.17, Best ask: 364.79, Bid-ask spread: 0.62000, Last trade: 364.13, 24 hour volume: 10307.11723052, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 366.0, 24 hour vwap: 361.281244324
14:15 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 4513 @ 0.00073644 = 3.3236 BTC [-]
14:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 3302 @ 0.00074268 = 2.4523 BTC [+] {2}
14:28 BingoBoingo !up indiancandy1
14:28 indiancandy1 hi babies
14:28 BingoBoingo Hi movie star
14:32 mircea_popescu heya indiancandy1
14:32 indiancandy1 how are you all
14:37 mircea_popescu not bad, actually. yourself ?
14:37 indiancandy1 im gd
14:37 indiancandy1 im hungry
14:37 indiancandy1 but im on diet
14:37 indiancandy1 cnt eat 2 much#
14:38 mircea_popescu so eat some letters then!
14:39 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 25200 @ 0.00073863 = 18.6135 BTC [-] {2}
14:44 indiancandy1 soo mp
14:44 indiancandy1 whats new dude
14:44 indiancandy1 what is the 411
14:50 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10700 @ 0.0007359 = 7.8741 BTC [-] {2}
14:50 assbot [HAVELOCK] [PETA] 5768 @ 0.00061635 = 3.5551 BTC [+] {11}
14:51 xanthyos 133757 <+indiancandy1> cnt eat 2 much#
14:51 xanthyos 133817 <+mircea_popescu> so eat some letters then!
14:51 xanthyos heh
~ 21 minutes ~
15:12 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 26700 @ 0.00073542 = 19.6357 BTC [-] {3}
15:18 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13222 @ 0.00073502 = 9.7184 BTC [-]
15:20 xanthyos << is this zooey deschanel?
15:21 penguirker New blog post:
15:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19884 @ 0.00073495 = 14.6137 BTC [-]
15:24 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27097 @ 0.00073544 = 19.9282 BTC [+] {2}
15:32 thickasthieves xanthyos, it's just sposed to look like her, clickbait
15:39 xanthyos thickasthieves: googling for a confirmation of a deschanel arrest led me to this closed captioning error:
15:39 assbot Zooey Deschanel misidentified as Boston Marathon bombing suspect by Fox TVs closed-captioning | The Sideshow - Yahoo News
15:40 thickasthieves lol
15:41 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 7050 @ 0.00073524 = 5.1834 BTC [-] {3}
15:52 cazalla mircea_popescu: cazalla "wherein transactions may may be credited for amounts far greater than the actual amount" BingoBoingo posts his own articles and it's difficult to play editor while zzz
15:52 cazalla <BingoBoingo> thickasthieves is having connectivity issues with the qntra <<< tat mentioned it before but seems to be the only one experiencing it, it loads fine here so not sure what i can do
15:53 BingoBoingo cazalla: Yeah, thought it was just a TaT issue
15:55 cazalla thickasthieves: i might also suggest qntra have a news/press release/leaks solicitation area <<< a good idea for the future, i don't think we have enough authority that people will come to us yet but in time they will, hopefully
15:57 thickasthieves fake it til you make it, what kinda amurican are you?
15:58 cazalla mircea_popescu: i'd rather see aff links put deliberately than allowing random derps to send their "press releases". it'll turn it into a trade mag, which is bad. <<< it might result in good stories, failing that, scammers out themselves, win win
16:00 penguirker New blog post:
16:00 penguirker New blog post:
16:00 penguirker New blog post:
16:00 penguirker New blog post:
16:03 xanthyos using the public log to declare now before anyone can steal my idea that i am modifying the amphibious bike design to have parallel water screws instead of a loud splashy paddle for its propeller
16:04 xanthyos need to contact grant imahara of mythbusters to build me a prototype
16:05 xanthyos patent pending!
16:07 xanthyos and broad "wings" so that the bike and rider's weight can be displaced in water with minimal sinkage
16:07 xanthyos any engineers in here?
16:14 kakobrekla when i was a kid i got to know the real inventor of the water scooter (his prototype was stolen and replicated). anyway, i did get to ride his underwater bike prototype.
16:14 jurov is the rider exposed to water?
16:15 wyrdmantis bitcoin core is the only way to have a full node on my computer?
16:15 wyrdmantis Or there are other method?
16:16 wyrdmantis s
16:16 thickasthieves !s pankkake node
16:16 assbot 40 results for 'pankkake node' :
16:17 thickasthieves
16:17 assbot Setting up a Debian-based Bitcoin node | pankkake
16:18 jurov wyrdmantis: btcd
16:20 wyrdmantis Thanks!
16:21 thickasthieves ;;ticker
16:21 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 371.92, Best ask: 373.99, Bid-ask spread: 2.07000, Last trade: 371.92, 24 hour volume: 12790.39103437, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 378.33, 24 hour vwap: 364.171867667
16:21 thickasthieves ;;estimate
16:21 gribble Next difficulty estimate | 36597298660.0 based on data since last change | 36214892300.9 based on data for last three days
16:22 xanthyos wyrdmantis: the base has to be wide enough to displace the rider and bike's weights in water but narrow enough to be conveniently transported
16:22 xanthyos this would work on all bike types
16:23 xanthyos the rear wheel connects to 2 pontoon-ish waterscrews that are fully underwater so the propulsion is silent
16:23 xanthyos and the steering column controlls the rudder
16:24 xanthyos water riders are responsible for their own life vests just as road riders are responsible for helmets
16:24 xanthyos let the legal team handle that
16:25 xanthyos any open source CAD apps?
16:30 chetty haha money laundering takes a new twist, I been hearing folks talk about how to sterilize cash
~ 15 minutes ~
16:45 mats_cd03 mircea_popescu: i haven't been using the west key system to search. instead, i've been filtering for proceedings involving USG and then pruning for terms like wiretap, warrant, email, hard drive, paperwork, and suppression of evidence.
16:45 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 27250 @ 0.00074146 = 20.2048 BTC [+]
16:46 mats_cd03 then reverting the filter and reading every remaining case to avoid missing anything.
16:47 ben_vulpes <xanthyos> any open source CAD apps? << pretend to be a student, download Inventor
16:51 mircea_popescu indiancandy1 what's a 411 ?
16:51 mircea_popescu !up indiancandy1
16:54 mircea_popescu thickasthieves> fake it til you make it, what kinda amurican are you? << he's an aussie lol
16:56 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14400 @ 0.00073987 = 10.6541 BTC [-]
16:59 thickasthieves :)
17:00 thickasthieves i really dont see soliciting leads and leaks as something related to the size of your britches anyway
17:00 thickasthieves it's more indicative of what kinda place youre running
17:00 mircea_popescu leads and leaks are not much to do with pr bs
17:01 thickasthieves well some PR is news
17:01 mircea_popescu mno.
17:01 thickasthieves myes.
17:03 thickasthieves if raises $1b in venture capital and releases a press release informing the world, some bitcoiners might be interested in that as a news development, no?
17:07 kakobrekla only when derp is issued
17:08 mircea_popescu i guess what you mean is that the better pr is built atop of news
17:08 mircea_popescu sure, but anyway.
~ 17 minutes ~
17:25 thestringpuller what's the point of a bitcoin company raising fiat capital if they can't use it to purchase btc
~ 23 minutes ~
17:48 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 8300 @ 0.00073873 = 6.1315 BTC [-]
17:54 Adlai chetty: what does "sterilize cash" mean?
17:55 Adlai autodesk are actually moving towards open source for their newer products, although since it's a bottom-up effort, existing products will remain closed source indefinitely
17:55 * Adlai worked there for a while
17:57 xanthyos i found a warez copy of autocad for a teacher of a class i took in high school, and he said that i'd get an A no matter what
17:58 xanthyos in retrospect, what an irresponsible teacher. i learned nothing about cad use and played the hamster dance all semester long
17:58 * Adlai wasn't aware that the hamster dance could be anything but danced
17:59 wyrdmantis btcd up and running! sweet!
17:59 xanthyos it was a meme back in 1999
17:59 xanthyos played a section of the opening music to disney's animated robin hood
18:00 xanthyos
18:00 assbot Original Hampster Dance from 1997 (hamsters dancing online) - YouTube
18:13 thickasthieves ;;ticker
18:13 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.07, Best ask: 381.0, Bid-ask spread: 0.93000, Last trade: 382.22, 24 hour volume: 13450.59317102, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 383.01, 24 hour vwap: 365.375474836
18:14 chetty <Adlai> chetty: what does "sterilize cash" mean?//people are getting worried about 'germs' getting passed around on money
18:15 bounce <mircea_popescu> i have no idea what their codes look like, i go by "is there anything past the address". in this case << makes me think that's an affiliate code. << the only thing that actually matters is the item code; what looks like the title is replacable fluff.
18:16 Adlai one of my earliest memories of being factually incorrect is being informed that cash is the dirtiest object i touch on a daily basis
18:17 * Adlai thought it was batteries or something. dunno, this was in preschool.
18:17 Adlai expired batteries are pretty gross though. i'd rather throw out an appliance than clean a bay that held expired batteries.
18:19 xanthyos Zechariah 9:9New King James Version (NKJV)
18:19 xanthyos The Coming King
18:19 xanthyos 9 .Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!
18:19 xanthyos Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!
18:19 xanthyos Behold, your King is coming to you;
18:19 xanthyos He is just and having salvation,
18:19 xanthyos Lowly and riding on a donkey,
18:19 xanthyos A colt, the foal of a donkey.
18:19 xanthyos hillary clinton
18:19 bounce what with the sermon?
18:19 xanthyos i meant for it to all paste as one line
18:20 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 10450 @ 0.00073898 = 7.7223 BTC [+]
18:21 mircea_popescu bounce ah bitbet style huh
18:21 Adlai that still doesn't answer bounce's question :P
18:25 Adlai any of you watching the th1btc drama?
18:27 Adlai background: bitfinex created a cloud mining contract for a fixed time period, so its value *should* continuously decrease... but by making it possible to trade and loan as margin, they've created quite a bizarre asset which has everybody in the forums and reddit screaming about manipulation now
18:28 danielpbarron xanthyos, << scroll up for context
18:28 assbot Logged on 31-03-2014 20:40:50; mircea_popescu: artifexd i dunno, it's been illo tempore policy that people accidentally spamming or otherwise unintentionally misbehave contribute to the port fund
18:28 Adlai my theory is there's no single manipulator. traders want to short, shorting requires borrowing the contract, borrowing requires lenders, lending requires buying. so trader A has to buy before trader B can short.
18:28 Adlai rather than shorts causing a sell today and a buy later, shorts here require a buy then sell, and later on a buy followed by a sell of the lender cashing out
18:32 chetty uhoh now this is serious:
18:36 * Adlai had chocolate for dinner, shit
18:38 kakobrekla Adlai whats the drama
18:39 dub obola
18:39 Adlai chocolate will be the vector for the globola outbreak
18:39 kakobrekla no i mean <Adlai> any of you watching the th1btc drama?
18:40 Adlai oh, multiple threads full of lemmings crying manipulation. i hadn't paid this thing any attention until i saw this enough times to be sick of it.
18:40 Adlai (second this refers to cries of manipulation)
18:40 kakobrekla ah
18:41 kakobrekla i guess they are too smart to be here
18:41 Adlai
18:41 assbot TH1 Contract Manipulation - Do not short : BitcoinMarkets
18:41 assbot TH1BTC Speculation Thread - Bitfinex Cloud Mining Contract
18:41 Adlai right, they're busy making money off telepathically preempting The Manipulator
18:42 * Adlai is just eyeing that spread
18:45 thestringpuller ~_~
18:45 thestringpuller ;;ticker
18:45 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 380.71, Best ask: 380.99, Bid-ask spread: 0.28000, Last trade: 381.0, 24 hour volume: 13751.74284801, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 383.6, 24 hour vwap: 366.149981911
18:45 nubbins` Adlai, chetty uh.. sterilization has a specific meaning in economics (not sure if you're having a lel or not)
18:46 thestringpuller well at least the drama is affecting the price
18:46 thestringpuller nubbins`: so no more posters :(
18:46 thestringpuller Poster lost in the sands of time forever.
18:46 xanthyos will there be demand for blood diamonds if there's any chance it was ebola-contaminated blood?
18:46 Adlai nubbins`: sometimes context-free lels are the best?
18:46 nubbins` Adlai always
18:46 nubbins` thestringpuller :| okay, you can have mine
18:47 thestringpuller Nah nubbins` !!!
18:47 thestringpuller you too nice
18:47 thestringpuller I'll just take refund/credit on future project or something
18:47 thestringpuller we can discuss later
18:47 Adlai there will always be demand for blood diamonds, you can't put the Magnificent Bitcoin Gem on a ring
18:56 assbot ninjashogun +v failed; L1: 0, L2: -4
18:56 thestringpuller !up ninjashogun
18:56 ninjashogun thanks
18:57 thestringpuller ;;getturst assbot ninjashogun
18:57 gribble Error: "getturst" is not a valid command.
18:57 thestringpuller ;;gettrust assbot ninjashogun
18:57 gribble Currently authenticated from hostmask ninjashogun!~User@unaffiliated/ninjashogun. Trust relationship from user assbot to user ninjashogun: Level 1: 0, Level 2: -4 via 4 connections. Graph: | WoT data: | Rated since: Thu Jun 26 19:05:58 2014
18:58 thestringpuller wow thosea are some scary ratings ninjashogun
18:58 ninjashogun they're just trollish ratings. The positive rating isn't merited either.
18:59 ninjashogun None of those are based on trades or knowing me in real life.
18:59 bounce how does that relate to you hanging out here, where those ratings come from?
18:59 ninjashogun I mean they give the impression of being based on something (transactions with me etc).
18:59 Apocalyptic thestringpuller, you don't know the fellow ?
19:00 kakobrekla verbal transactions count.
19:00 ninjashogun kakobrekla, yes of course they do.
19:00 kakobrekla verbal is actually the wrong word here. hehe
19:00 ninjashogun ?
19:00 ninjashogun What did you mean then?
19:00 ben_vulpes text action
19:01 bounce hot text on text action
19:01 thestringpuller Apocalyptic: i only rate people when I do extensive interactions with them. or interactions highly dependent on trust.
19:02 thestringpuller thus in that context I not know ninjashogun.
19:02 Apocalyptic i didn't ask about rating, but he made some voice here a while ago
19:02 ninjashogun Let's talk about something interesting. Did you guys see htat Reddit's investors are giving 10% of their series B round to the reddit community? (
19:02 Apocalyptic *noise
19:02 thestringpuller !s reddit stock crypto
19:02 assbot 0 results for 'reddit stock crypto' :
19:03 thestringpuller !s reddit stock
19:03 assbot 3 results for 'reddit stock' :
19:03 ben_vulpes damn ninjashogun you can't even be arsed to use the convenient logsearch?
19:03 mircea_popescu Adlai it's pretty well established that bitfinex are derpy already.
19:03 thestringpuller i dunno where we've discussed it to be honest. so the log search is not helping me. i'm also an idiot with archival retrieval sooo
19:04 Adlai beautifully understated
19:04 kakobrekla (so is kraken btw)
19:04 kakobrekla just retarded in a different way.
19:04 Adlai which way?
19:04 kakobrekla !s kraken
19:04 assbot 253 results for 'kraken' :
19:05 kakobrekla blah gribble
19:05 ninjashogun No, those log searches don't show anything. But at least I personally think it's big news. This is from sept 30th.
19:05 mircea_popescu !down ninjashogun
19:05 kakobrekla !s kraken -gribble
19:05 assbot 134 results for 'kraken -gribble' :
19:05 mircea_popescu see ? wasn't even that far off!
19:06 Adlai LOL i didn't realize one could "welsh" on a bet, that's a new slur to me
19:07 kakobrekla and to add more to the logs, today from Darko (kraken) : The documentation on the partial payment feature is very poor. Even the Stellar Development Foundation only learned of the issue this past week. Even though there was an update to the Stellar code base to remove the feature, we are nonetheless taking the Stellar gateway offline until we can fully evaluate everything ourselves. Overly cautious perhaps, but we'd rather be overly
19:07 mircea_popescu it's not a slur, it's true :D
19:07 kakobrekla cautious in a situation like this.
19:07 kakobrekla lulz
19:08 mircea_popescu kakobrekla they all got raped because they thought themselves smarter than the b-a crowd.
19:08 mircea_popescu gotta implement ripple and css yo!
19:08 kakobrekla
19:08 assbot Logged on 03-04-2014 19:15:23; kakobrekla: kraken will trade you dead grandmother if the logo is nice.
19:08 thestringpuller interesting idea: way to tie entities to Web of Trust identities?
19:08 mircea_popescu quite
19:09 thestringpuller like a directory of sort.
19:10 kakobrekla well since you worked with their api Adlai , you prolly noticed their rate limits
19:10 kakobrekla prolly the most retarded setup on this planet.
19:11 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 38300 @ 0.00073892 = 28.3006 BTC [-] {2}
19:11 Adlai that doesn't make them derpy, just drastically lacking in infrastructure... which is a little derpy for an exchange
19:11 kakobrekla that is just one of the 1000 and 1 fails of kraken
19:13 Apocalyptic Adlai, you're familiar with the "same deposit address to multiple customers" issue ?
19:13 kakobrekla as for the infrastructure - i am quite confident they have less than half of what they had a year ago
19:14 Adlai Apocalyptic: link?
19:14 Apocalyptic it's on btctalk, I'm confident you can find it yourself
19:15 Adlai a link is a link even when it's not a url :)
19:15 mircea_popescu Adlai it's how they squandered their original trust capital
19:16 * Adlai doesn't understand why they haven't turned on the margin engine
19:16 Adlai it seems as though all the software is in place, and this is obviously a feature that the average trader loves to use
19:16 Adlai (otherwise why would people still be on bitfinex)
19:19 kakobrekla afaik bfx is loose on dox if you dont withdraw fiat
19:19 Adlai another beautiful understatement
19:19 kakobrekla (and possibly dposit)
19:19 Adlai they don't know anything about me other than an email address
19:20 kakobrekla i dont know the details - not registered.
19:24 mircea_popescu <<< so this is a little bit of news
19:24 assbot S.QNTR last @0.00000000
19:24 mircea_popescu congrats cazalla & BingoBoingo
19:25 cazalla and this is what i link to from qntra?
19:25 mircea_popescu also pete_dushenski, mike_c, RagnarDanneskjol, other interested parties ^
19:25 mircea_popescu cazalla yeah put in a footer somewhere.
19:26 cazalla ok
19:27 Adlai seems to have some ssl issue?
19:27 kakobrekla ssl has issue with qntra prolly
19:27 Adlai well, the certificate is issued for a different domain name
19:28 cazalla that's interesting
19:28 kakobrekla also is there a point in ssl if its optional
19:29 Apocalyptic <Adlai> seems to have some ssl issue? // just got the error
19:29 cazalla i didn't reg an ssl cert, the domain was dropped by at some point i believe
19:29 mircea_popescu cazalla srsly, just ditch https altogether
19:29 Apocalyptic the ssl cert provided seems to be for *
19:29 mircea_popescu it doesn't actually add any security, costs money and adds complexity.
19:30 cazalla i never added it so how do i remove it
19:30 Apocalyptic mircea, it at least adds security in the sense of preventing sniffing by some derps
19:30 kakobrekla green icon is nice though.
19:31 cazalla battlequest looks good
19:31 mircea_popescu Apocalyptic sniffing what ?
19:32 Apocalyptic the transmitted data
19:33 mircea_popescu but it's a news website.
19:33 Apocalyptic I know, I thought your statement was general and not related to qntra
19:33 mircea_popescu cazalla you don't really need to do anything.
19:34 cazalla i assume it'll go away once cert expires
19:34 mircea_popescu nah
19:34 mircea_popescu it'll just bitch about expired cert then
19:34 mircea_popescu but w/e, people gotta learn to get off https
19:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 14189 @ 0.0007364 = 10.4488 BTC [-]
19:35 mircea_popescu i suppose the user-friendliest solution would be to get a cheapo cert and then redirect it via mod_rewrite
19:36 kakobrekla they wont learn
19:37 mircea_popescu hey, its a parade over here!
19:37 kakobrekla hehe
19:37 kakobrekla sry sry
19:37 * kakobrekla winds off
19:39 dub BREAKING: MPEx IPOs bitcoin drama. You'll Never Believe Wat Happens Next
19:39 assbot Last 1 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
19:39 BingoBoingo !b 1
19:41 BingoBoingo !t m s.qntr
19:41 assbot Um, shouldn't you be with your own tribe or somethin'?
19:43 mircea_popescu lol
19:43 mircea_popescu who/what had that tagline ? "you won't believe what happens next"
19:43 cazalla that youtube video from other week
19:43 mircea_popescu kakobrekla no i meant literally. peruvian day parade.
19:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12400 @ 0.00073987 = 9.1744 BTC [+]
19:50 BingoBoingo %v
19:50 atcbot [X-BT VWAP] Bid: 185 Ask: 225 Last Price: 225 30d-Vol: 170k 30d-High: 266 30d-Low: 180 30d-VWAP: 198
19:51 kakobrekla so, rain on?
19:52 mircea_popescu lol
19:52 mircea_popescu no nudity
19:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: in cryptography, every constant's a salt. you're well advised to change ALL constants << and turn wrong knob, die by pollard rho or similar.
19:54 mircea_popescu asciilifeform that's for small primes neh ?
19:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: not hard to see why schneier and his owner would tell us 'don't homebrew crypto', but the propaganda has a basis in honest fact - average 'k00l d00dz' programmer will hang himself with own gun
19:54 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: yes. for the exponent example specifically, see coppersmith's attack.
19:54 mircea_popescu ideally, by the time he's old enough to have a gun he has enough experience with peashooters to know better.
19:55 mircea_popescu provided he's given peashooters as a kid and encouraged to shoot himself till he gets tired of it.
19:55 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: interestingly, cryptography does not work this way. you can walk around for years as a zombie, while not knowing that you're really blown your brains out years ago and ought to rest in the grave.
19:56 mircea_popescu also true
19:56 mircea_popescu still, you gotta gimme something. don't use standard stuff, don't homebrew, what then ? wait for god ?
19:56 asciilifeform nah
19:56 asciilifeform rewire, homebrew. but do occasionally study how the damn thing works.
19:58 Adlai i've been seeing "you won't believe what happens next" since the first banner ads
19:58 * asciilifeform finds it quite impossible to imagine anything other than a mutilated corpse following 'won't believe what happens next' phrase.
19:58 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 19850 @ 0.00073936 = 14.6763 BTC [-]
20:03 BingoBoingo * asciilifeform finds it quite impossible to imagine anything other than a mutilated corpse following 'won't believe what happens next' phrase. << Woodchipper fan fiction
20:08 BingoBoingo
20:18 thestringpuller %t
20:18 atcbot [X-BT] Bid: 185 Ask: 225 Last Price: 225 24h-Vol: 0k High: N/A Low: N/A VWAP: N/A
20:21 penguirker New blog post:
20:22 dub stay classy mp
20:23 * asciilifeform is able to identify the smaller devices in the upper right hand corner of photo, but not the large rectangular apparatus.
20:27 RagnarDanneskjol << cazalla - one day hanging by a thread, next day listing on biggest exchange in teh universe
20:27 assbot Logged on 12-10-2014 05:02:00; cazalla: not at this time, it's only 2 weeks old, maybe it dies tmw who knows
20:27 cazalla RagnarDanneskjol, lol, what did you expect me to say
20:27 RagnarDanneskjol nothin, just sayin
20:29 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 15550 @ 0.00073936 = 11.497 BTC [-]
20:29 cazalla so regards to finding additional author, on the about page i added must be in wot + 6 months #b-a logs, i'm happy to loosen requirements if article quality is up to par, what do people think?
20:29 cazalla additional authors*
20:30 asciilifeform cazalla: how does this work again? people submit items written for the occasion? or are they licensed from other sites ?
20:30 BingoBoingo Well, writing sample as audition seems like a solid process
20:30 asciilifeform or is there a set of staff authors ... ?
20:30 cazalla ideally they find some news, verify rumour, something of interest to readers that is original
20:31 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Everything for the occasion. Maybe eventually a staff? Qntra only pays in equity though.
20:31 cazalla licensing content wouldn't work
20:31 asciilifeform then find << which they ? that was the q
20:32 cazalla they as in anyone that wants to contribute to the site and earn equity
20:32 asciilifeform aha
20:32 * asciilifeform was confused by talk of 'finding authors' earlier.
20:32 cazalla i didn't really make it clear
20:33 BingoBoingo Food for thought. Bone wax is an actual product applied to living bone.
20:36 mats_cd03
20:36 assbot Ex-Fed Chair Bernanke: wanted to stop AIG default, not punish firm| Reuters
20:41 mod6 ole Edward Quince
20:41 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: re: 'youth' article: when americans repeat the maxim 'don't waste your youth', generally they aren't talking about purely chronological age. what they really mean is 'youth' in the sense of the larval cycle where you are supported by external wires (parents, student debt, etc.)
20:42 asciilifeform for some of the people in question, this has been artificially extended into 20s, 30s, and on.
20:43 mats_cd03 i am realizing the West Key system is not going to be helpful in doing this legal research
20:43 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 48211 @ 0.00073846 = 35.6019 BTC [-] {2}
20:43 mats_cd03 guess ill go to the harvard law school library and bug some librarians for tips
20:44 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 30031 @ 0.00073575 = 22.0953 BTC [-]
20:44 RagnarDanneskjol harvard law library is open to public?
20:46 RagnarDanneskjol oh
20:46 assbot Access for Guests
20:46 asciilifeform it is possible to pay one's way into most academic libraries.
20:46 asciilifeform but price varies.
20:46 * asciilifeform long-time practitioner of this dark art
20:47 BingoBoingo chetty: Have you found anything concrete on sterilizing cash yet?
20:48 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: in the literal sense?
20:49 mats_cd03 i know a guy that knows a guy.
20:49 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Yeah. Beause obola
20:50 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: if so, the simplest device is... a bank. the infected cash is brought to the bank, and given to the hapless devil inside. afterwards, one walks six metres to the cash machine and withdraws clean cash (generally, where i live, only newly-printed money is ever placed into the cassette, to avoid jamming rollers.)
20:50 RagnarDanneskjol
20:50 assbot Logged on 01-10-2014 10:07:21; RagnarDanneskjol:
20:50 Adlai technically (the best kind of) speaking, isn't material contaminated with ebolavirus still considered "sterile"?
20:50 Adlai "free from bacteria or other living microorganisms; totally clean"
20:51 BingoBoingo Adlai: Depending on where one places their cut off for "life" it could be. I'm of the opinion that fire meets the minimum qualifications for living though.
20:52 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> BingoBoingo: if so, the simplest device is... a bank. the infected cash is brought to the bank, and given to the hapless devil inside. afterwards, one walks six metres to the cash machine and withdraws clean cash (generally, where i live, only newly-printed money is ever placed into the cassette, to avoid jamming rollers.) << Out I get some used, but pressed bills out of the cash machine
20:54 Adlai another possibility is to wash your hands before you eat, and use straws instead of benjies
20:54 asciilifeform use straws instead of benjies << heresy
20:55 RagnarDanneskjol lel
20:55 Adlai ok, this is the first time i've watched a video trailer for a book:
20:55 assbot GOD IS A GAMER by Ravi Subramanian - The official book video - YouTube
20:55 Adlai makes me just want to wait until the movie comes out
20:56 asciilifeform there was, if i recall, a trailer for neal stephenson's 'anathem'
20:56 BingoBoingo Well, ethylene oxide seems like a promising canidate agent
20:56 cazalla Adlai, it's pretty common
20:57 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: seems as if you're still thinking of the whole thing as a natural disaster - rather than open biological warfare by usg against own subjects
20:58 BingoBoingo Could be both
20:58 * asciilifeform admits he expected an honest, traditional firing squad, like a chump.
20:59 asciilifeform at any rate, the difference between disaster and war is that dodges don't work against war - it responds in kind.
20:59 BingoBoingo
20:59 asciilifeform earthquakes don't chase you if you run.
21:00 Adlai firing squads take a long time and use too much manpower (Eichmann et al, 1942)
21:00 assbot Last 5 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:00 BingoBoingo !b 5
21:02 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 13265 @ 0.00073509 = 9.751 BTC [-]
21:08 asciilifeform 'Perhaps even more disturbing, evidence suggests that policymakers—from cadets at West Point to senators on the Intelligence Committee to Supreme Court Justices—are referencing fake spies to formulate and implement real intelligence policies...'
21:09 asciilifeform ( << loltron )
21:10 * Adlai is a bit puzzled by the incentives arising from s.qntr's share model... authors are incentivized to write the longest possible article which will pass review, while the editor is incentivized to pick the shortest available article on a specific subject
21:11 Adlai that doesn't necessarily produce the "best" content, although trying to incentivize "better" content through share distribution might be misguided
21:17 cazalla Adlai, providing contributors adhere to quality guidelines, i don't see long articles to be a problem for the website
21:18 decimation asciilifeform: that 'spytainment' paper is hilarious. I especially like the part about re-classification of previously publically released material.
21:18 cazalla if anything it will act as motivation for them to contribute a lot of quality content and possibly earn more than they would have by publishing it elsewhere
21:18 Adlai cazalla: problem != (dis)incentive
21:19 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 22035 @ 0.00073739 = 16.2484 BTC [+]
21:19 decimation One cannot imagine a better situation for allowing bureaucrats unlimited freedom of action than to create a massive propaganda apparatus (hollywood) which everyone (including dear leaders) believe to be the truth.
21:19 cazalla and why would i be incentivised to write short articles? i can earn from the same pool of shares other authors do
21:20 Adlai decimation: after one of the snowden leaks, there were some emails sent around govt networks asking people not to open the leaked documents on workstations with lower clearance than the leaks
21:20 asciilifeform quite a bit of very interesting (though, naturally, unproven) turds on cryptome today
21:20 asciilifeform pertaining to the crown jewels.
21:20 Adlai i'm imagining a situation where authors are competing, i realize that qntra has a smaller author pool atm
21:20 asciilifeform (eci)
21:21 penguirker New blog post:
21:22 decimation one wonders if usg actually keeps anything secret or just fills out paperwork to that effect
21:26 Adlai how does qntra plan to monetize?
21:27 BingoBoingo Eventually
21:28 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 45650 @ 0.0007343 = 33.5208 BTC [-] {3}
21:28 xanthyos much of the btc criticism i read online hearkens back to mtgox, like mtgox is this powerful buzzword that trumps all arguments, like rudy giuliani did with "9/11"
21:29 mircea_popescu <cazalla> so regards to finding additional author, on the about page i added must be in wot + 6 months #b-a logs, i'm happy to loosen requirements if article quality is up to par, what do people think? << yah if they're in the wot at all and they submit something that's decent should be ok
21:29 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> or is there a set of staff authors ... ? << set as in brothel. anyone can submit for an audition
21:29 asciilifeform << now we know what drawer in the indiana jones vault contains rsa pill.
21:30 asciilifeform (or, is to contain.)
21:30 Adlai BingoBoingo: "how" is the key word :)
21:30 mircea_popescu <asciilifeform> larval cycle where you are supported by external wires (parents, student debt, etc.) << clearly spending your own money as you see fit should be a better position than begging mom/govt. so if that's what it is then... yeah, waste it. it sucks.
21:31 BingoBoingo Well, there's a timeline to answer how beyond what is contained in the listing document. Any or all of the methods proposed there may be considered.
21:31 * Adlai looks at the listing again
21:31 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: 'better to be rich and healthy than poor and disease-ridden', yes.
21:32 mircea_popescu * Adlai is a bit puzzled by the incentives arising from s.qntr's share model... authors are incentivized to write the longest possible article which will pass review, while the editor is incentivized to pick the shortest available article on a specific subject << works i guess.
21:34 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i've yet to meet adults that made less than teenager allowance.
21:34 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: use formula from earlier thread, 'wage per minute of actual work minus rent'
21:35 asciilifeform for teenager, rent can usually be set to null
21:35 asciilifeform rephrase, if you like, as 'unit of discretionary income per unit of lost free time.'
21:35 mircea_popescu this is plainly untrue. if teenager rent is null then pretty much any woman's rent is also null.
21:36 mircea_popescu if you're going to put up with parenting level bullshit you might as well answer one of those "will rent for cocksucking" craigslist ads.
21:36 asciilifeform not every parent is a visisector
21:36 mircea_popescu eh get out.
21:36 mircea_popescu any helicopter mom can run the mouth for longer than anyone can maintain an erection.
21:37 mircea_popescu cocksucking's by far the better deal.
21:37 assbot Last 10 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:37 BingoBoingo !b 10
21:37 Adlai lolololol
21:38 Adlai there's a doonesbury somewhere out there where mike's dad gives him a bill for all his parenting, including his share of rent
21:38 mircea_popescu i think a vanishingly small minority of parents actually adds value through parenting.
21:38 Adlai text is too small to find it quickly through google images -> /me gives up
21:38 mircea_popescu the vastmajority should be charged for it.
21:38 decimation I have a friend who made his teenagres pay the utility bills
21:38 mircea_popescu much like the vast majority of people writing should be charged
21:38 mircea_popescu per word.
21:39 kakobrekla per letter offers better provisioning
21:40 Adlai obligatory rothbard quote, "the purely free society will have a flourishing free market in children"
21:40 mircea_popescu no, let them try to use all nine letter words :D
21:40 mircea_popescu Adlai and be better off for it, too.
21:41 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
21:41 asciilifeform i wish we could ask herr rothbard about the market value of... ebola.
21:41 devthedev Thanks BingoBoingo
21:41 asciilifeform per gram.
21:41 mircea_popescu incidentally, this isn't some sort of crazy altenrate world. one of the chief pillars of english prosperity, not just financial but espexcially intellectual, was the flourishing free market in children they had.
21:41 mircea_popescu pretty much every snotty brat got shipped off to slave labour at the age of about 7.
21:41 decimation in the ancient world it is my understanding that selling children into slavery was in some cases the 'social safety net'
21:41 mircea_popescu the process built like 99% of any english speaker worth a name in all history.
21:42 mircea_popescu decimation in the modern world too
21:42 decimation mircea_popescu: not to mention they sent their criminals and 'surplus young men' into slavery in the colonies
21:42 mircea_popescu you can still buy an indian girlie today.
21:42 Adlai at what point does a child sold into slavery become free?
21:43 mircea_popescu Adlai in england you mean ? usually when he's old enough and skilled enough to practice a trade
21:43 mircea_popescu except if a woman. women rarely emancipated.
21:43 mircea_popescu dub what part of tuna do you find unclassy ?
21:43 Adlai whenever i think about such ideas, my disgust at the theoretical treatment of people turns into disgust at the actual way we treat animals today
21:43 Adlai and then i stop thinking about it because bacon
21:44 mircea_popescu your disgust is misplaced.
21:44 mircea_popescu the only disgusting thing is that a minority of kids today are mistreated by not being so treated.
21:44 Adlai you think we treat animals (including people) well?
21:44 asciilifeform Adlai: the 'animal rights' folks have it backwards. i've met people who envy the pigs.
21:44 decimation Adlai: do you think it is more 'humane' to pay to keep the humans in shitholes with nothing to do?
21:44 mircea_popescu Adlai i think english speakers mistreat their children horribly.
21:45 kakobrekla told you he will get along just fine.
21:45 mircea_popescu lol
21:45 Adlai i'm not sure what's humane or better, but i'm open to the possibility of there being better treatments than what we do now
21:46 Adlai and yes, it's fair to say that i was "mistreated" by never having to work for money until i stopped accepting my parents' charity
21:46 Adlai on one hand i'm pretty pleased about that, it enabled me to have tons of free time growing up, and i think i used it reasonably well
21:47 Adlai on the other hand, that child grew into a "psychologically unemployable" adult
21:47 kakobrekla lol
21:47 Adlai kakobrekla: what's wrong with a little dissent :P
21:47 decimation I suspect that few of the young apprentices that mircea_popescu mentioned ended up dispising the masters who showed them how dumb they were
21:48 asciilifeform psychologically unemployable << waitwat, what do you eat...?
21:48 Adlai debt!
21:48 assbot Last 2 lines bashed and pending review. ( )
21:48 asciilifeform !b 2
21:49 Adlai :D
21:52 asciilifeform keep the humans in shitholes with nothing to do << where is this done, outside of u.s. prisons ?
21:52 asciilifeform (and schools, but i repeat myself)
21:53 decimation and 'neighborhoods' in the city
21:53 asciilifeform decimation: gedankenexperiment. what stops these folks from, e.g., opening a textbook & studying physics, math, greek, whatever ?
21:54 asciilifeform everyone 'has something to do'
21:54 asciilifeform not everyone has a chap with a stick standing behind, ready to whack
21:54 asciilifeform but not everyone needs.
21:55 Adlai mircea_popescu: maybe make link to instead of https?
21:55 assbot S.QNTR last @0.00000000
21:55 assbot - The #1 Bitcoin Site For News, Views & Commentary
21:55 decimation asciilifeform: well, the aforementioned English devised a system where every such chap has a stick-wielder nearby
21:55 asciilifeform that is one way to ensure that everyone who needs the stick, gets the stick, yes.
21:56 decimation in the us, wielding the stick is generally banned, as is wielding wet noodles or signs that say 'stick'
21:56 asciilifeform there is still a stick.
21:56 asciilifeform and it will swing, and take your head clean off, if it must
21:56 devthedev What do you think would be the best way to handle MPEx shares for Qntra?
21:56 asciilifeform when you do certain things
21:56 cazalla give him the stick, DON'T give him the stick
21:57 decimation you mean the cruel discipline of nature?
21:58 BingoBoingo ;;ticker
21:58 gribble Bitstamp BTCUSD ticker | Best bid: 373.65, Best ask: 374.9, Bid-ask spread: 1.25000, Last trade: 373.65, 24 hour volume: 14684.35561064, 24 hour low: 354.71, 24 hour high: 383.6, 24 hour vwap: 367.905500141
21:58 Adlai BingoBoingo: where in the listing document is there any mention of anything which generates revenue?
21:58 asciilifeform decimation: nah. homeland severity, war on drugz, etc
21:58 BingoBoingo Adlai: Section 1, definitions
21:59 * Adlai atard
21:59 Adlai beautifully vague, but i guess that's appropriate at such an early stage
22:00 decimation asciilifeform: yes, it is sad that in the us, the gov't has the right to arbitrary invade your person, yet generally forbids those who are put in authority over children the same power
22:02 decimation and by 'invade your person' I mean 'subject to arbitrary measures of physical control'
22:02 BingoBoingo << IBM being IBM
22:02 assbot WebSphere DataPower, Version 6.0.0, Information Center
22:02 BingoBoingo JSON as XML
22:03 Adlai yes that was linked in #lisp a while back
22:04 BingoBoingo Ah, I only have so many channels open at a time.
22:04 asciilifeform
22:04 assbot 500 Internal Server Error
22:06 * Adlai is doing well, down to ~20 from >50
22:06 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 9609 @ 0.00074003 = 7.1109 BTC [+] {2}
22:08 decimation
22:08 RagnarDanneskjol Adlai at what point does a child sold into slavery become free? psychologically unemployable, et.. <
22:08 assbot Money, fucking and lying pe Trilema - Un blog de Mircea Popescu.
22:09 mircea_popescu <decimation> I suspect that few of the young apprentices that mircea_popescu mentioned ended up dispising the masters who showed them how dumb they were << actually, if the periodic apprentice riots are anything to go by, they probably resented their masters to their grave.
22:10 mircea_popescu so what of it, kids loving their father is the seal of fathering failure.
22:10 decimation heh good point - except for the few who became masters themselves
22:11 mircea_popescu <devthedev> What do you think would be the best way to handle MPEx shares for Qntra? << whatr do you ean handle ?
22:11 BingoBoingo !up devthedev
22:11 mircea_popescu "what do you mean handle" i meant
22:12 mircea_popescu <decimation> and by 'invade your person' I mean 'subject to arbitrary measures of physical control << they still doing the "freeze" kindergarten game in airports ?
22:12 Adlai mircea_popescu: isn't much of what you say about anglophonia relevant for many other places too?
22:12 devthedev I'm trying to gain knowledge of which brokerage would be best.
22:13 mircea_popescu not that many. nordic countries mostly.
22:13 mircea_popescu devthedev prolly jurov's coinbr
22:13 decimation mircea_popescu: yes, except they arbitrarily add on various 'strip' features, like your shoes, bags, etc
22:13 mircea_popescu we kinda had that,
22:13 mircea_popescu but you had to be careful or else the adults might catch on.
22:14 decimation the latest thing is that if you pay the tsa $70 you can get your name on a list, so that you go through security 'the way it was before 2001'
22:14 decimation
22:15 RagnarDanneskjol !up RagnarsBitch
22:15 * Adlai while reading RagnarDanneskjol's link, wonders whether mircea_popescu has seen
22:15 assbot George Carlin - Children Are Our Future - YouTube
22:15 decimation "I'm an official friend of usg, here's my pass from Stalin"
22:15 asciilifeform decimation: nah, that'd be whatever document officials carry
22:16 mircea_popescu !s carlin from:mircea_popescu
22:16 assbot 7 results for 'carlin from:mircea_popescu' :
22:16 asciilifeform any chumper can fork over the hundy and get the 'precleared' thing.
22:16 mircea_popescu decimation do they refund it if you blow up a plane after all ?
22:17 Adlai the agent refunds it if they want to see you naked when you arrive at the airport
22:17 * asciilifeform has considered applying for the pass to see if he'd get one
22:18 mircea_popescu tbh, if i were sitting on the iron throne in question, i'd have the agents naked
22:18 mircea_popescu actually fuck it. nudist flights. poland style!
22:18 asciilifeform this was actually proposed
22:18 asciilifeform forget by whom
22:18 asciilifeform next step was, i think, 'knockout flights' - with anaesthesia
22:18 mircea_popescu i think it' sstill done in germany/poland
22:18 mircea_popescu was the rage in the 80s
22:19 asciilifeform the answer is, of course, the humble fat bomb.
22:19 asciilifeform (or uterus bomb, or variations thereof.)
22:19 asciilifeform i for one am quite curious what the first successful use of a uterus bomb will do to 'security theatre.'
22:20 decimation mircea_popescu: I believe usg officially values passengers at $170k per head:
22:20 assbot What are your rights if your plane crashes?
22:20 mircea_popescu decimation it's about fair tbh.
22:20 decimation whatever happened to those 'red faction' chaps that were using high-end shaped charges in the 80's?
22:20 mircea_popescu if you do actuarial averages, about the best construction you can come up with
22:21 decimation I think you wrote about the tyranny of infinite liability
22:22 decimation
22:22 assbot Logged on 29-09-2014 20:16:36; mircea_popescu: any state purporting to enforce strict liability is pure stalinism and nothing but.
22:22 mircea_popescu this is mere tort.
22:22 decimation ask any engineer 'how safe' the bridge should be, and he will ask how many people it should kill in a reasonable lifespan
22:23 BingoBoingo decimation: Bridge kills no people in it's lifespan because users are warned of the expiration date upon which it will self bomb
22:24 decimation the point being everything is a tradeoff, and many errors of government come from trying to assume the value of something to be infinity - or zero.
22:24 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: win98 crashes, self-bomb goes off in rush hour.
22:25 mircea_popescu win.
22:25 mircea_popescu << check out the 80s lmao.
22:25 assbot George Carlin - New Jersey (Audio Only) - YouTube
22:27 mats_cd03 my brain keeps parsing S.QNTR as squinter
22:27 mats_cd03 perhaps my brain is telling me to write for qntra.
22:27 mircea_popescu try it and see
22:27 BingoBoingo mats_cd03: That just might be the case
22:27 decimation I read it as 'squitter'
22:27 mats_cd03 the only thing i have in mind is bitbet audit 2
22:28 mats_cd03 and i plan to wait until brk-a bet concludes to do that
22:28 decimation
22:28 assbot Squitter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
22:28 mircea_popescu six months or so to go ?
22:33 decimation so reading about in the [b]logs was useful. has anyone used ''?
22:34 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 49700 @ 0.00073896 = 36.7263 BTC [-] {2}
22:34 thickasthieves decimation, kako tried it earlier today
22:35 decimation it seemed to be among the best deals in 'kvm' hosting
22:35 thickasthieves btw bingoboingo, the error is gone, and grats to you and cazalla on the IPOhood
22:36 BingoBoingo thickasthieves: Thank you
22:36 thickasthieves no grats for mp
22:36 thickasthieves :)
22:36 mircea_popescu whai not ?
22:36 thickasthieves keeps you grounded of course
22:37 BingoBoingo decimation: I think kakobrekla is giving them a spin. I've read mixed reviews.
22:37 thickasthieves but no, thank you for giving it a go, i always like to see the new b-a bizs
22:38 decimation ah I see his note in the log, thanks for the tip. I wonder what kind of processor they are using
22:40 BingoBoingo decimation: Their copy says something intel and something recent.
22:42 penguirker New blog post:
22:43 thickasthieves omg i'm going to reddit to try to get mpex to support bitcoin, they only take words now!
22:44 mike_c you could buy from starving authors
22:45 thickasthieves what do i look like?!
22:45 thickasthieves :)
22:46 thickasthieves so, wall st gonna bleed out this week?
22:47 asciilifeform thickasthieves: heard EBLA is doing great.
22:47 asciilifeform promising stock.
22:47 asciilifeform (or is it OBLA... ?)
22:48 BingoBoingo It's EBMA and OBLA
22:48 asciilifeform
22:49 thickasthieves that's some high-rez
22:49 asciilifeform meant to be printed, i think.
22:49 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: (no, it’s not all physiology, there’s a lot to the functioning of the brain that’s purely cultural, and thus ethnic, and thus sure black kids immersed into white culture could in principle get the same IQ measurements as white kids while black kids from Africa or the ghetto never will) << lolno.
22:49 asciilifeform
22:49 asciilifeform etc
22:49 cazalla good luck ebola!
22:53 diametric asciilifeform: for what its worth, there is actually no direct flights from west africa to here.
22:53 diametric so theres no flights to stop.
22:53 asciilifeform indirect ones.
22:53 diametric but that would be tantamount to stopping all inbound flights.
22:53 asciilifeform homeland severity knows what your claimed origin point is.
22:54 diametric honestly, though, ebola has an R0 of 2, its less serious than measles which thanks to anti-vax nutters is making a huge comeback. If theres anything to honestly be really worried about, its measles.
22:54 asciilifeform (can fake it, sure. in rich country, penalty - deportation; poor countries - bullet)
22:55 diametric i find it kind of interesting though, you were in the camp of ebola isn't a serious problem for a first world country when we talked about it a few months ago.
22:55 decimation diametric: even assuming that ebola doesn't transmit very well, wouldn't it make sense to attempt some level of quarantine?
22:55 * asciilifeform bought the party line from u.s. army textbook on subject earlier
22:56 diametric decimation: of course, but i think thats happening. (re; the idiot that sneezed and said "sorry i came from africa"
22:56 decimation
22:56 assbot The Coming Plague | West Hunter
22:57 decimation
22:57 assbot Disaster in the South Pacific | West Hunter
22:57 decimation "Washington didn’t micro-manage American Samoa, not being all that interested. A policy of benign neglect was interpreted by Poyer as an opportunity to act on his best judgment, in the finest traditions of the US Navy. He imposed quarantine. That was harder that it sounds, because of the frequent family visits between West Samoa and American Samoa – but Poyer also had the support of the local chiefs, who understood how
22:57 decimation serious imported epidemics could be. The people of American Samoa self-blockaded, on top of official quarantine: they sent out canoes to stop any and all visitors. They never had a single case."
22:57 asciilifeform
22:57 assbot Their Lying Eyes | West Hunter
22:58 diametric man its feeling a bit like fox news in here, trying to convince me I already have ebola
22:59 asciilifeform what does fox news prescribe for ebola ?
22:59 diametric jesus
22:59 asciilifeform t-shirt with elephant logo to be buried in ?
22:59 diametric take two every night.
22:59 asciilifeform lol
22:59 decimation diametric: this is one of these 'tough calls' that the man-children who pretend to run the usg need to actually make
22:59 BingoBoingo <asciilifeform> what does fox news prescribe for ebola ? << The more important question is where are those magic tobacco plants growing those antibodies
23:01 decimation asciilifeform: it seems that guy (Mr. Cochran) has some axes he is grinding
23:01 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: in exactly the same place as the goats growing recombinant butyrylcholinesterase (antidote+prophylactic against organophosphate poisoning, $30k+ a dose at current production methods)
23:02 asciilifeform that is - just enough for the Folks Who Matter (tm)
23:03 diametric we're still only sitting at one infection contracted in the US, a nurse that didn't follow the proper protocol when dealing with the index patient (who is now dead). I'm not seeing the incoming pandemic yet.
23:03 decimation diametric: if you read my first link above, the guy comes to the same conclusion
23:03 decimation the question is, how many extra us citizen deaths are worth not 'shutting down' travel from africa, whatever that means?
23:03 asciilifeform no big secret that the policy is to wait for the pandemic, yes.
23:04 asciilifeform after pandemic, the flights will shutter. but different ones - flights out of usa.
23:04 asciilifeform because who in their right mind will let these land?
23:05 diametric its deja vu for me, i had this nearly identical conversation with a friend over sars way back when.
23:05 diametric and then again for swine flu
23:05 The20YearIRCloud And we started monitoring almost immediately
23:05 asciilifeform fatality for swine flu was close to nil.
23:06 The20YearIRCloud If my understanding was right, the infection rate from swine flu was higher, but overall mortality was less
23:06 decimation diametric: yeah the difference is we know the fatality rate for ebola is double digits
23:06 The20YearIRCloud A girl in my town came very, very close to death from swine flu, but normal flu kills quite a few each year
23:06 dub we don't know that
23:06 diametric we know the fatality rate for ebola if you're a poor african man is double digits.
23:06 decimation although to be fair, we don't know how people with actual medical care will fair
23:06 decimation diametric: yeah that's a good point
23:06 asciilifeform so far, 50% (sample of... 6 ?)
23:07 asciilifeform the thing is, 'actual medical care' for the afflicted is possible when you have a handful.
23:07 diametric 6?
23:07 asciilifeform and doctors are willing to approach them, and resources available
23:07 BingoBoingo If they survive ebola die by the bill
23:07 The20YearIRCloud It's high in the US too, the difference is here it's not as liekly transmissable, nor as lethal, and there's extreme economic incentive to prevent or treat it
23:07 asciilifeform how transmissible - let's ask again next month.
23:07 The20YearIRCloud The flu kills plenty in Africa too, but our death rate from yearly flu is something like 0.02%
23:08 diametric asciilifeform: we know how transmissible, even in a country like africa where large families share rooms, the average person only infects 1.5 other people.
23:08 dub where are teh bitbets? 50K US deaths by chrimbus
23:08 decimation right, so r < 1.0
23:08 diametric I've heard numbers ranging from 0.5 to 2 for r
23:08 diametric which is nothing compared to 18 of measles.
23:09 mircea_popescu so these people here are fucking obsessed with dolce de leche
23:09 diametric pertussis is like 15 or something.
23:09 mircea_popescu i expect they make furniture out of the thing too
23:10 mircea_popescu so i go buy chocolate dipped figs. only to discover, the motherfucking figs
23:10 mircea_popescu ARE STUFFED IN TURN
23:10 mircea_popescu with dolce de leche
23:10 asciilifeform diametric: measles is entirely uninteresting to the vaccinated.
23:10 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel which part and wherefore
23:10 * asciilifeform is quite certainly obsessed with dulce de leche...
23:10 decimation diametric: I agree with you that ebola in the us likely has r << 1.0, and will not be a pandemic
23:10 diametric asciilifeform: it shouldn't be, thanks to your local anti-vaxxers who are breeding colonies of non-vaccinated measles carrying people, new mutations are likely.
23:11 decimation but that's cold comfort for the couple of people who will die because "we can't control travel from africa"
23:11 diametric so far nobody has died from uncontrolled travel from africa.
23:11 asciilifeform the nurse still lives?
23:11 diametric yes
23:12 decimation that's true, there's only been one case of transmission in the us, the nurse in texas
23:12 diametric the only person in the US that has died from ebola was the african guy that came here and was already very sick.
23:12 mircea_popescu <diametric> honestly, though, ebola has an R0 of 2, its less serious than measles << this is relying on a whole string of assumptions.
23:12 mircea_popescu like saying "this hooker's like 50 lbs, she's a lot less dangerous than mike in accounting"
23:12 mircea_popescu sure, but the hooker's got aids and a heroin habit.
23:12 diametric less serious in the chances of you getting ebola.
23:13 diametric than say of an unvaccinated person getting measles.
23:13 mircea_popescu this may be true on an individual level. but large scale biologic phenomena have their own emergent properties.
23:13 diametric asciilifeform: it kind of surprises me. if anything, i feel as though the media, and in part the usg, is making ebola sound way more serious in order to keep people in a state of panic. and you're falling right for it.
23:14 mircea_popescu in short, you have nfi what happens once it reaches the magical 2% i think it was ?
23:14 Adlai growing up against a backdrop of sars and assorted flu mutations has vaccinated me against pandemophobia
23:14 decimation diametric: I agree with you that 'anti-vaxxers' are a bigger threat than ebola
23:14 Adlai ebola seriously could not be lower on my waiting list of fuckstogive
23:14 decimation at least in the us
23:14 asciilifeform ebola is interesting not because 'it's coming' but because usg clearly intends to let it walk at leisure.
23:15 diametric decimation: 2013 was the worst in the last 17 years for measles, entirely due to anti-vaxxers. last thing i want, is measles moving around, and having more chances to mutate.
23:15 diametric asciilifeform: i'm not sure how you've come to the conclusion based on a single nurse that didn't follow the rules getting ebola to the usg has let it walk at leisure.
23:15 asciilifeform spanish nurse also did not follow rules?
23:15 diametric she touched her fucking eyes the last i heard.
23:15 asciilifeform after how many nurses do we conclude that they are all simply tired of living?
23:15 diametric with her gloves.
23:16 asciilifeform or that 'the rules' are not quite, the rules
23:16 Adlai i'm more scared of a friend overestimating his own drunk/high driving abilities and killing me before widespread deployment of self-driving cars, than i am of dying of any pandemic, ever
23:16 diametric asciilifeform: well a lot more than 2 right now.
23:16 mircea_popescu Adlai sure, but again, the mass effects are of concern.
23:16 Adlai yeah they really need to release that sequel already
23:16 mircea_popescu for instance, if a fire breaks out in a crowded place, being trampled is more dangerous than being burned
23:17 Adlai note to self: winds are calmest at the epicenter
23:17 asciilifeform in usa, we know how to get trampled even without fire
23:17 diametric unless you're at a great white concert.
23:17 dub you forget this is libertard holy grail, fully half of all bitcoiners are sitting in the bunker cleaning ar15 right now
23:17 asciilifeform in fact, the yearly holiday where this traditionally takes place is coming soon
23:18 diametric its not black friday until a walmart patron is trampled to death.
23:18 asciilifeform dub: we're cleaning stone knives, most can't afford auto
23:18 BingoBoingo <dub> you forget this is libertard holy grail, fully half of all bitcoiners are sitting in the bunker cleaning ar15 right now << AR-15 is rather heavy for a walk to the exit
23:18 Adlai TIL
23:18 assbot Epicenter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
23:18 decimation dub: are you saying that obama is walking ebola to keep the republicans at home for the elections?
23:18 mircea_popescu <dub> where are teh bitbets? 50K US deaths by chrimbus << make it.
23:19 asciilifeform badbet?
23:19 asciilifeform like 'reichstag burns' given in faq ?
23:19 mircea_popescu dub moar like on reddit
23:19 mircea_popescu asciilifeform i dun see it. pandemic is act of god.
23:19 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: IQ isn't all physiology, ie, genetics. Your iq is in part dependent on your epileptics. So, yes, "there’s a lot to the functioning of the brain that’s purely cultural, and thus ethnic" but that "black kids immersed into white culture could in principle get the same IQ measurements as white kids" does not follow. Blacks have smaller brains and lower iq because of their genetics - placing them in a
23:19 gabriel_laddel 'white' environment does not fix this. see,
23:19 mircea_popescu eminently insurable.
23:19 asciilifeform except when not
23:19 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel epileptics ?!
23:19 asciilifeform !!
23:19 asciilifeform spellchecker blip ?
23:20 asciilifeform probably meant 'epigenetics' ?
23:20 decimation seems like a 'force majeure' clause to me
23:20 mircea_popescu anyway, the brain size is not necessarily a predictor of anything. my amd quad is smaller than an old pentium
23:20 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: fml, spellchecker. epigenetics.
23:20 diametric the incoming ebola pandemic is brought to you by the evil nazi atheist muslim obama, and his horde of unbelieving non-republican swine that infect our great god fearing nation.
23:20 mircea_popescu the genetics underpinnign cognitive function is debatable and poorly understood.
23:20 mircea_popescu hence "could in principle" is correct.
23:21 penguirker New blog post:
23:21 mircea_popescu it doesn't mean much more than, this empty bottle of soda could in principle be gasoline.
23:21 Adlai it's amazing just how unrelated brain volume and intelligence are
23:21 assbot AMAZING COMPANY!
23:22 decimation diametric: a nontrival portion of the us population probably believes this
23:22 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 12484 @ 0.00073937 = 9.2303 BTC [+]
23:22 diametric decimation: i know.
23:22 diametric my aunt is one of them.
23:22 asciilifeform Adlai: now go and see reaction time vs. intelligence (take your pick of any known simple test for either of the two)
23:22 diametric she once told me she literally believes obama is the anti-christ.
23:22 asciilifeform Adlai: disturbingly close. 0.8, if i recall.
23:22 mircea_popescu decimation diametric would one of you consider perhaps changing nick ? you're hitting a total blind spot with me, you're like figs and dates, i keep confusing you!
23:23 asciilifeform diametric: << relevant
23:23 assbot The Perry Bible Fellowship
23:23 Adlai asciilifeform: interesting. the only correlation i can think of for reaction time would be that of overall size, or rather, the length which nerve signals need to travel
23:23 diametric i'll change my nick for 10 bitcoin.
23:23 asciilifeform lol!
23:23 Adlai spiders move so quickly because their brain is right there
23:23 mircea_popescu i am but a poor evil overlord!
23:24 mircea_popescu Adlai nah. because they're hidraulic
23:24 mircea_popescu they don't use muscles.
23:24 asciilifeform Adlai: if i recall, hypothesis involves impedance matching - same reason folks with damaged myelin sheaths lose theirs.
23:24 Adlai why not both?
23:24 mircea_popescu Adlai because similar sized insects aren't that fast.
23:24 mircea_popescu take a small slug
23:24 asciilifeform Adlai: better impedance matching - smoother function of nervous system, both central and peripheral, all else equal
23:25 * Adlai is not knowledgeable enough about slug anatomy to respond
23:25 asciilifeform i suspect you'll get an even tighter number if you factor out arm length (test for reaction time usually involves light and buttons)
23:26 Adlai what is a "known simple test" for "intelligence", though?
23:26 mircea_popescu asciilifeform as far as i recall the better studies were done by the russians, measuring eye movements
23:26 asciilifeform Adlai: pick your favourite.
23:26 Adlai or rather, "which intelligence"?
23:26 mircea_popescu to focus and to adjust.
23:26 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: yes, i did read that one.
23:26 Adlai ooh, that's good
23:27 mircea_popescu eyes are remarkably even across populatiobs
23:27 mircea_popescu even when ethnically disjunct
23:27 Adlai a lot less nerve length, and less variance between individuals
23:27 mircea_popescu quite.
23:27 mircea_popescu it's what i mostly use to score individuals in proxmity, too.
23:27 Adlai the really steady metric is distance between pupil centers
23:28 Adlai really useful for computer vision
23:28 Adlai
23:28 assbot Interpupillary distance - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
23:28 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: "the genetics underpinnign cognitive function is debatable and poorly understood." really now? I looked into this, there is no debate on the matter of race / iq / genetics (there is however, lots of screaming). What genes specifically determine iq is definitely up for debate.
23:28 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: it's what i mostly use to score individuals << whatchado, flip the lights on & off and watch the pets sort out the room ?
23:28 decimation
23:28 assbot PLOS ONE: Strong Genetic Influence on a UK Nationwide Test of Educational Achievement at the End of Compulsory Education at Age 16
23:29 BingoBoingo <Adlai> what is a "known simple test" for "intelligence", though? << Measured intoxication
23:29 mircea_popescu asciilifeform nah, just watch people respond to stimuli.
23:29 Adlai BingoBoingo: ?
23:29 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: from linked paper "National IQs have been reported for 192 countries around the world. The results show that the average IQ for East Asians centers around 106; for Whites, about 100; for US Blacks about 85, and for sub-Saharan African Blacks about 70. The same rank-order of race differences is found for ‘‘culture-fair’’ tests and reaction-time measures. Reaction-time tasks are so easy that al
23:29 gabriel_laddel l children can do them in less than one second. More intelligent children, measured by conventional IQ tests, perform faster on these tasks. East Asians average faster reaction times than Whites who, in turn, have faster reaction times than Blacks."
23:29 BingoBoingo Adlai: Get someone to hit a controlled amount on a breathalyzer and have them do math
23:30 Adlai that only tests "intelligence" as it relates to the types of "math" in your test
23:30 asciilifeform how come we never hear anyone arguing that there is no such thing as 'strength'
23:30 mircea_popescu lol
23:30 gabriel_laddel Adlai: can't tell if you're trolling.
23:31 * Adlai isn't
23:31 asciilifeform and that a circus weight-lifter isn't the least bit strong, because perhaps my arse muscle is stronger yet than his biceps
23:31 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel there are many countless objections to bring. for instance, the country with a guy at 300 and three guys at 50 is better than the country with three guys at 150 ?
23:31 Adlai "intelligence" is a very nebulous concept. you can get precise measures for precise definitions of it, but i'm not too interested in who can do long division faster in their head
23:32 mircea_popescu averaging nonlinear measurements is a fine example of having passed through college unattained.
23:32 Adlai let's test correlation between reaction time and dual N-back
23:32 asciilifeform Adlai: the army where you live, when you come to enlist, measures strength. do they do it by asking you to carry a crippled fellow man from a burning tank? or using an arbitrary quick test?
23:33 Adlai they don't measure strength when you come to enlist :P
23:33 Adlai where do you think I live?
23:33 asciilifeform perhaps i should move there, and enlist
23:33 mircea_popescu what do they measure now ? "sensitivity" ?
23:33 asciilifeform what else don't they measure ?
23:33 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: well, for what purpose?
23:33 Adlai you should probably not
23:33 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel i dunno, your research papers.
23:33 Adlai when you enlist, they measure "quality" (literal translation) using secret methods
23:34 Adlai everybody goes through the tests, most people know their results, but the actual method of calculating the results is top sekrit
23:34 mircea_popescu what are you in, like finland ?
23:34 BingoBoingo <Adlai> that only tests "intelligence" as it relates to the types of "math" in your test << Well in the later rounds it test how well a brain functions when dampened
23:34 asciilifeform and none of the methods involve a bar bell, scale, measuring tape ?
23:34 Adlai this "quality group" metric is supposed to indicate intelligence
23:35 Adlai physical strength is only evaluated in entrance exams to various units which require it, and these usually test stamina more than raw strength
23:35 decimation asciilifeform: actually the australian army studied this:
23:36 decimation " Current assessments measuring muscular endurance (push-ups and sit-ups), although providing some relationship to firefighting tasks,22–24 do not measure a soldier's ability to lift and carry equipment with the ecological validity of a task-specific assessment. An appropriate assessment would involve lifting and carrying an item in each hand (replicating the hose carry upstairs)."
23:36 asciilifeform lol!
23:36 assbot [MPEX] [S.MPOE] 2750 @ 0.0007398 = 2.0345 BTC [+]
23:36 asciilifeform firefighter carries nothing heavier than a hose?
23:36 asciilifeform say, a man
23:36 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: the paper isn't arguring "better" simply that iq holds for races across environments.
23:36 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel that iq AVERAGES
23:36 mircea_popescu iqs are not linear, and im not even sure they're scalars at all.
23:37 gabriel_laddel mircea_popescu: yes. thank you.
23:37 mircea_popescu hence averages are of vehehery limited usefulness.
23:37 decimation yeah, dr. obvious probably co-wrote that study
23:37 mircea_popescu gabriel_laddel in short, im not denying a lot of work has been done. i'm just saying, i'm skeptical.
23:37 Adlai the only army-wide test which supposedly measures strength that i'm aware of involves pushups and situps, and i can count on one hand the number of times i saw it administered without the vast majority of people cheating
23:38 Adlai cheating = you pair up and count for eachother. the soldier counting is supposed to count out loud, but when there are twenty people counting out loud and one or two officers supervising, you can count by twos, threes, or tens, and they don't notice
23:38 mircea_popescu Adlai apparently testing for intelligence would help this army
23:38 mircea_popescu at least at the officer level.
23:39 mircea_popescu i'd have you court martialed if you counted by three. and i would notice.
23:39 Adlai there's a separate metric for a soldier's applicability to being an officer
23:39 decimation usg tests its officers for intelligence
23:39 * Adlai was top intelligence and zero officer applicability
23:39 mircea_popescu decimation yeah, but they don't really manage to attract that much talent somehow.
23:40 mircea_popescu i dunno what it is, the russians have the secret to this.
23:40 Adlai do intelligent russians have attractive prospects outside of a military career?
23:40 mircea_popescu well there's always a cab in ny...
23:40 asciilifeform they can move to usa and massage machines, yes.
23:41 asciilifeform whether that's 'attactive' - you decide.
23:41 Adlai a large problem for militaries in generalized anglophonia is keeping the military career attractive to local talent
23:41 mircea_popescu well perhaps not running the military like it were an idiot reservation bound for the special olympics might help.
23:41 mircea_popescu if you review the us record, from korea to the latest iraq...
23:42 mircea_popescu i don't think they have YET had any sort of objective.
23:42 mircea_popescu kinda hard to attract smart people that way.
23:42 decimation yeah I agree with mircea_popescu, it's a 'big picture' problem
23:42 Adlai national militaries are still trying to wrap their head around how to fight an enemy that isn't another large military
23:42 decimation modern usg officer is told to pacify locals without using any tools that would actually be effective
23:43 mats_cd03 counterinsurgency has been a staple of various militaries for decades.
23:43 Adlai doesn't mean they're any good at it, yet
23:43 mircea_popescu yeah mats_cd03 has it, look how nicely the russians did everywhere since the 90s.
23:43 mats_cd03 school of americas, what have you. politicians are now executing military policy, thats all.
23:43 decimation they used to be, what about the pacification of germany and japan?
23:43 mats_cd03 they're plenty good at it, just not where you think they'd be good at it.
23:43 mircea_popescu neither of these were hard tasks decimation
23:43 mats_cd03 see: columbia.
23:44 mircea_popescu the germans were thrilled to be relieved from the russians.
23:44 Adlai well and also some wars aren't meant to be over in a week, that doesn't pull a heavy budget
23:44 mircea_popescu the japanese had a bunch of orgasms and were in that female wax phase.
23:44 Adlai war is peace and all that
23:44 mats_cd03 some people, like me, are of the opinion that enough money wasn't spent to quell the iraqi and afghan insurgencies
23:44 mats_cd03 should've been $trillions, instead of $xxx bn.
23:45 mircea_popescu mats_cd03 you probably realise the only correct solution there was to make iraq 51st state
23:45 mats_cd03 see: marshall plan.
23:45 mircea_popescu anything short of that was going to fail.
23:45 mats_cd03 pretty much.
23:45 mircea_popescu so you know... we're not going to do it. well then... why are you here ?
23:45 decimation mircea_popescu: that's obviously the right answer, but note how absolutely no one with anywhere near actual power has even floated that idea
23:45 mircea_popescu ironically, it'd have fixed the crisis, too.
23:45 mats_cd03 misguided politicking, imo
23:45 Adlai this is assuming that it should have been $xxxxxxxxx instead of $0 in the first place
23:46 mircea_popescu decimation in public ? nobody would, either. except for me, i keep talking about all sorts of things that shouldn't be in public, much to everyone's shhock and horror.
23:46 Adlai *awe
23:47 decimation but what about 'freedom of speech' 'marketplace of ideas' and all that other bullshit
23:47 mircea_popescu you familiar with the platonic concept of "the great lie" ?
23:47 mircea_popescu great as in very good, not as in very big
23:47 ben_vulpes <mircea_popescu> i think a vanishingly small minority of parents actually adds value through parenting. << the "how to parent well" resources are well drowned in noise
23:47 decimation like 'the noble lie'?
23:47 mircea_popescu right
23:47 ben_vulpes "beatings, frequently", is probably the best advice i've ever gotten.
23:47 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes also, kids can't parent. it takes adults.
23:48 ben_vulpes when do i become an adult?
23:48 mircea_popescu generally, after you've been hurt and digested it.
23:48 * ben_vulpes noticed no phase change
23:50 Adlai ben_vulpes:
23:50 assbot George Carlin - Old Fuck - YouTube
23:51 Adlai mircea_popescu: kids can't parent. it takes adults. « tell that to eleven-child families in the west bank where the oldest daughters are effectively mothers to the others
23:51 mircea_popescu those aren't children.
23:51 mircea_popescu there's no age limit, you can be an adult at about 12.
23:52 mircea_popescu most english as a single language kids i meet aren't adults at 30.
23:52 The20YearIRCloud Varies greatly person by person
23:52 Adlai seriously how are we defining "adult" here
23:53 asciilifeform mircea_popescu: now try and tell this to american, and usually he will nod enthusiastically, and after you say '...30' he will answer: 'naturally! they won't even agree to sign up for mortgage!'
23:53 mircea_popescu lol
23:53 mircea_popescu Adlai "having been hurt and digested it"
23:53 Adlai although i guess internet arguments are more fun when people don't even know how vastly their assumptions and definitions are outta wack
23:53 Adlai interesting definition...
23:53 mircea_popescu well you can readily fix that, read the log.
23:53 ben_vulpes mircea_popescu: what were your categories again? "learning by watching" "learning by reading" ...
23:54 mircea_popescu ben_vulpes im not sure what's the context ?
23:54 ben_vulpes i'm trying to remember myself
23:54 asciilifeform ...'must piss on the electric fence personally'
23:54 asciilifeform (3rd type)
23:54 ben_vulpes some people must learn by watching and we call them X; some people learn by reading and we call them Y...
23:55 Adlai the best kinds of misunderstandings are the ones not yet present in the logs
23:55 ben_vulpes ah yes ty asciilifeform
23:55 ben_vulpes some must learn by pissing on the fence themselves, and we call them...
23:55 mircea_popescu
23:55 assbot The Male Disease - George Carlin - YouTube
23:56 Adlai one thing i did like about the army is that the core text on safety and risk assesment is titled "Learning from Others' Mistakes"
23:56 Adlai mircea_popescu: waitwaitwait women aren't full of shit and don't want to be in control all the time?
23:56 asciilifeform that's SOP for any serious safety class
23:57 decimation I find watching such movies enjoyable, there's a whole collection here:
23:57 assbot CSB Safety Message Highlighting Important Role of Recommendations Program in Agency Mission - Safety Messges - Multimedia | the U.S. Chemical Safety Board
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