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← 2022-07-07 | 2022-07-09 →
09:18 shinohai https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/25568 << adios Pieter Wuille
~ 1 hours 13 minutes ~
10:32 asciilifeform shinohai: what diff this makes? prb's still prb
10:35 shinohai You know me, I'm just around for the ensuing popcorn drama.
10:43 asciilifeform no obv detectable drama in linked page
~ 17 minutes ~
11:00 mats https://chinatalk.substack.com/p/discourse-power-chinese-reactions
11:04 mats https://www.scmp.com/week-asia/politics/article/3184082/asia-pacific-leaders-nato-summit-sign-strategic-shift-amid
11:05 mats biden admin demonstrates they are far more sophisticated than trump in confrontation with china
~ 5 hours 48 minutes ~
16:53 whaack_temp !e help
16:53 trbexplorer whaack_temp: my valid commands are: src, uptime, version, help, view-height, view-address, view-utxos, view-balance, view-block, view-raw-block, view-tx, view-raw-tx, push
~ 2 hours 54 minutes ~
19:48 whaack_temp i think i may have crashed a lot of blattas by sending an empty message
19:59 asciilifeform whaack: mine's still up fwiw
20:02 shinohai Mine still up as well.
20:02 * shinohai moved it to a new home today, no hiccups.
20:03 asciilifeform a++
20:14 whaack !e view-height
20:14 trbexplorer block_height: 744206
20:14 trbexplorer mins_since_last_block: 48
~ 1 hours 48 minutes ~
22:03 phf asciilifeform: i appear to have nuked your station again
22:03 phf not sure how, because it wasn't unicode
← 2022-07-07 | 2022-07-09 →