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← 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-09 →
16:55 jonsykkel maked program to html from s expresion http://zzz.st/progz/
17:03 asciilifeform jonsykkel: ohey neato
17:03 asciilifeform orig. thrd for ref.
17:03 dulapbot Logged on 2021-09-13 19:51:27 asciilifeform: a civilized replacement (sexprs!!!) for 'markdown' would be an a++ noob project.
17:03 * asciilifeform will try
17:05 asciilifeform phf when you have a chance, see plz if you can get jonsykkel's stuff into http://btcbase.org/patches , would be very handy
17:08 jonsykkel probablty not very plesant to write directly in this format but one could come up with a more human writable syntax that turns into input expression for this
17:09 phf wai not cl-who or similar?
17:10 * asciilifeform was thinking 'cl-who' lol
17:11 jonsykkel havnt looked into that, but html stuff is like 3 lines
17:12 asciilifeform subj
17:13 asciilifeform weighs a little moar than jonsykkel's thing, but handles various headaches (e.g. escapes strings)
17:13 phf well, cl-who is not going to be 3 lines, though other similar systems are about all teh same. main "feature" or cl-who is that it's macrocompiled into a sequence of pre-interpolated string writes. (:p (:b "this is " (str data))) -> (write-string "<p><b>this is") (write-string data)
17:14 phf you know if you're into that kind of thing
17:14 asciilifeform ( see also )
17:14 dulapbot Logged on 2022-01-17 12:12:32 asciilifeform: cgra: was considering to simply use cl-who's existing syntax
17:15 phf btcbase is built with cl-who, i suspect signpost's deedbot and co the same
17:15 jonsykkel is that feature especialy useful?
17:16 asciilifeform jonsykkel: handy when you want to throw a htmturd inside anuther one
17:16 jonsykkel aha
17:17 phf jonsykkel: as far as macro compilation, no, but its presence makes one lean towards it, which means that one is more inclined to use cl-who's syntax, which makes interop with a custom syntax library somewhat harder
17:19 jonsykkel i normally lean away from things that are present
17:19 jonsykkel but ill chek it, maybe my way of doing it is dum
~ 49 minutes ~
18:08 shinohai It's not dum is just puted in a different way!
18:09 jonsykkel thats right
~ 2 hours 5 minutes ~
20:14 verisimilitude Hello again, jonsykkel.
20:15 verisimilitude Consider adding a DOCTYPE element.
~ 18 minutes ~
20:34 jonsykkel sup v-tude
20:35 jonsykkel ye it dosnt output entire html thing just the stuf that goes into <body> or wherever
← 2022-06-07 | 2022-06-09 →