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← 2022-03-28 | 2022-03-30 →
00:20 asciilifeform verisimilitude: not quite literally 'prompt'. simply, in actual practice people typically want to know that the nuke is connected, moar often than want to finally pop it
00:21 asciilifeform ( actual nukes come w/... debuggers. nfi what the american one loox like, but in old log somewhere there's photo of the ru item, circa '70s, big fat 'icecream cart' looking thing w/ various connectors & gauges )
00:22 verisimilitude I'm just joking.
00:22 asciilifeform ( what to 'debug' ? not much, thing is electrically no moar complicated than a trolleybus. e.g. do the detonator squibs have the expected resistance; is the neutron background at various pts what's expected; temperature, humidity; moar or less it )
00:23 verisimilitude I can no longer even look upon the word ``debugger'' fondly, ever since read ``Softword''.
00:23 verisimilitude I prefer a term I started using for a different purpose, ``revealer''.
00:23 asciilifeform iirc was called simply 'test stand'
00:25 asciilifeform re: 1way serial w/out confirmations -- asciilifeform baked e.g. this item in 'tx only' style. theoretically if the box dun answer a button push, can push.. again. thing's been plugged in for 1y+ nao, not once had to push twice lol
00:25 dulapbot Logged on 2021-07-09 11:43:58 asciilifeform: thestringpuller: arduinism is used for quick&dirty things, like this kvm remote.
00:25 verisimilitude I'd've called it ``last stand'', as in ``last stand before launch'', along with the other obvious meaning.
00:25 asciilifeform ( and yes kvm box does say 'yea i switched to hole #n' but what need is there for it. )
00:27 asciilifeform ( all the remote does is shit 'SWn' for n 1..4, depending on which button, outta serial cable at 9600 baud. 5th button alts b/w last 2. )
~ 1 hours 19 minutes ~
01:47 verisimilitude I've had decent success using Emacs' dabbrev-expand lately.
01:47 verisimilitude I've bound it to C-o.
01:48 verisimilitude I can get a decent history by simply opening a file containing much of my writing.
~ 1 hours 44 minutes ~
03:32 vex http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1090048 is this with a view to making money, or just burning coin?
03:32 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-28 16:19:58 signpost: figures there oughta be a few folks here that can afford to go on a small hardware adventure sometime around 2024, assuming north america isn't covered in radioactive cobalt by then.
03:40 vex nosuch, to it's credit, managed to avoid doing either in any appreciable sense.
03:49 crtdaydreams hiya
03:49 vex hey cdd
03:50 crtdaydreams how ya goin' vex?
03:50 vex not too bad, et ou?
03:50 crtdaydreams yeah
03:51 crtdaydreams just been browsing this
03:54 crtdaydreams found "The Birth & Death of JavaScript" very amusing
03:57 * crtdaydreams must go
04:01 vex luckily cdd doesn't stay too far from the workshop.
04:03 vex that nosuch stack. did it go to davey jones'?
04:14 vex even with say, one tenth of the capital, some could set up in like hanoi.
04:14 vex a bunch of engineers under the same roof eating cheap, tripping to shenzen & 5% tax
04:15 vex start tooling up. organic growth, synergy
04:28 vex https://youtu.be/mAcwUt4Om7Y?t=45
~ 37 minutes ~
05:06 vex i'll bring Bia hơi, logistics & marketing to meetings
05:10 vex i'm also good at compliance
05:18 vex the last thing you want is a dirty email from the fcc
~ 1 hours 3 minutes ~
06:21 mangol http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1089851 << since we're on the topic of money and business opportunities, this is still an extra layer of tinfoil beyond what i wear
06:21 bitbot Logged on 2022-03-28 14:08:49 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1089804 << what diff would it make if 1 nsa stooge were to 'buy it from' anuther ?
06:21 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-28 02:10:00 mangol: PG's family is nearly billionaires from ycombinator iirc. norvig is rich from google. even if smbx ip costs a million, they could easily do it
06:22 mangol derp state using rich lispers as stooges?
06:23 mangol asciilifeform: or is this simply meant to be read as "rich lisper tries to do good, suddenly gets the linus / @jack treatment"?
06:24 mangol http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1089824 << i can entertain several motivations, but have trouble believing lispm's are that important
06:24 bitbot Logged on 2022-03-28 13:57:52 asciilifeform: can think of over9000 motivations for the reich to keep the thing dead & deeply buried.
06:31 mangol afaict the leaked version of opengenera is missing a ton of the smbx sauce
06:32 mangol not just the cad
~ 28 minutes ~
07:00 vex that's fast
07:00 vex signpost as skipper
~ 1 hours 9 minutes ~
08:10 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090163 << this is the way
08:10 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 00:13:55 vex: a bunch of engineers under the same roof eating cheap, tripping to shenzen & 5% tax
08:11 crtdaydreams http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090166 << I'll bring home iron fab -- fabbed from home iron
08:11 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 01:05:35 vex: i'll bring Bia hơi, logistics & marketing to meetings
08:20 crtdaydreams I wonder how hard it would be to string together ~multiple~ ice40s on a single board and have a couple running a microcontroller circuit?
08:21 crtdaydreams make them behave like a larger array
08:26 verisimilitude It would be easier to have them be islands with bridges connecting them.
08:35 crtdaydreams I'm not sure if they could work like that.
08:36 crtdaydreams For setting a cell you'd need two pins?
08:37 mangol then you have to live in hanoi and shenzen
08:37 crtdaydreams Perhaps a combination using bridges that are connected to a microcontroller input with diodes.
08:37 mangol is everyone here planning to exit US/EU at some point?
08:37 crtdaydreams In AU. and nope.
08:37 mangol i'd like to stay if at all possible
08:38 mangol AU even worse atm, seems like a test lab for craziest experiments in governance. hopefully you'll fare better in the future
08:39 crtdaydreams imo media hypes it up too much.
08:39 crtdaydreams it's just a bunch of geriatrics who got into their position because of who they knew
08:40 crtdaydreams i.e. mick fuller, former NSW police deputy literally took out scomo's bins.
08:41 mangol from outside it looks like you have a nanny state to rival britain & US
08:42 crtdaydreams when it comes to being labs rats i think city folks are the ones really feeling it
08:42 crtdaydreams out in the sticks nothing changed
08:42 mangol probably right. could be a regional admin thing
08:43 mangol then again, prolly same in every country. nobody bothers to monitor rural areas
08:43 crtdaydreams so mebbe it's been a lot harder on 9-5 office plebs
08:44 mangol AU had a gov't mandated phone app for covid stay-at-home "quarantine" at one point?
08:44 crtdaydreams probably best bet is just find nice place to make unabomber cabin in da woods.
08:44 * crtdaydreams didn't use it
08:44 crtdaydreams app was just dumb.
08:45 mangol everything is nowadays. but instructive how the mask is falling off the empire
08:45 crtdaydreams instantly lost respect for people who unironically used it without being asked, and didn't have the balls to ask for paper when asked
08:46 crtdaydreams my attitude was if you ~really~ want me to sign in anywhere I'll do it, but only on paper and if you ask nicely.
08:46 mangol said around the internets, "we got the gayest possible dystopia"
08:47 crtdaydreams bc. realistically nobody is going to check the paper unless region actually has covid cases, which is logical
08:47 crtdaydreams but being logged 24/7 even when the possibility of covid is incredibly slim is just plain bad opsec
08:48 crtdaydreams this isn't a dystopia
08:48 crtdaydreams a dystopia is what's envisioned in 1984.
08:49 mangol getting there
08:49 crtdaydreams this is just the cycles of history, empires rise and fall
08:50 crtdaydreams anyone who thinks what we've got today is anything close to 1984 clearly hasn't read orwell.
08:51 mangol you think this is peak reich (in terms of elite's power over their subjects)?
08:51 crtdaydreams hah nope.
08:54 mangol i'm seeing some signs that lies are getting less effective and more coercion needs to be applied
08:55 crtdaydreams If you want a pretty good outlook on the future read Revelations in the bible.
08:56 crtdaydreams There's a pretty clear line between the prophesied "Mark of the Beast" and getting a microchip implant to buy/sell on the blockchain.
08:57 mangol sure
08:58 mangol the way things are going, the implant ought to be a cakewalk
08:59 crtdaydreams Peak reich is when you get your High School Certificate as an NFT.
08:59 mangol make sure people can pay for starbucks lattes & play games using the implant
08:59 mangol and it's a done deal
09:00 mangol trade pokemon with people who sit at the same table, etc.
09:00 crtdaydreams Just wire it up to a "tap and go" shitcoin wallet and that's the future.
09:01 crtdaydreams El Salvador is halfway there.
09:01 crtdaydreams They got the gox shitcoin, next step is mandated implants.
09:02 crtdaydreams Won't need coercion if you have economic control.
09:11 mangol covid theater featured plenty of coercion. blm riots got physical as well
09:12 mangol the former is a logical continuation of 9/11 "everything is a threat, better be safe" mentality
09:20 crtdaydreams Well before that, thinking linearly from covid; The precedent has been set that a large % of population is willing to surrender self-sovereignty to gox, so what's to stop them from doing it again? Our well-being is in the gox's interests, right?
09:21 crtdaydreams Getting a microchip implant so you never lose your keys, ID, wallet etc. is all for the greater good!
09:25 crtdaydreams I would like to skirt the doomerisms. I have hope that it won't end up like this. It's not too late to change tack to a cyber-utopia.
09:28 mangol i beliebe we already had cyber-utopia - the silicon valley and wired magazine vibe in the 90s
09:29 crtdaydreams heh. hell even the underground was a utopia of sorts.
09:30 mangol mondo 2000, pirate bay, now bitcoin
09:30 crtdaydreams a) devs release game, b) breakpoints, GOTOs and chiptune, c) demoparty d) release e) repeat
09:30 mangol apple and tesla are recent re-runs of the overground/middle-ground cyber utopia
09:31 crtdaydreams hehe. the hacker quarterly
09:31 mangol and no cyber-utopia is complete without biohacking
09:31 crtdaydreams I'd argue they're far more dystopic. Early apple wasn't.
09:31 crtdaydreams Transhoomanism H++
09:32 mangol the joke is that transhumanism and acceleration actually are the future. but trans = sub
09:32 crtdaydreams lul
09:32 mangol the elite must be lollerskating all the way to the bank with that one
09:33 mangol technologically accelerated dysgenics, soylent, and debt slavery
09:33 crtdaydreams I once argued that I'm trans; I transcend the needs for gender constructs entirely and instead rely on a physical basis.
09:34 crtdaydreams i.e. grade 7 biology.
09:34 mangol A+, new paradigm in genderp studies
09:34 crtdaydreams you could see the gears turning in that one
09:37 crtdaydreams Here's the thing; gender is still a useful construct. It's not a very deep but it does provide a necessary abstraction of mind/body when understanding the psyche and early psychological disorders.
09:38 mangol i was under the impression it's one of the deepest
09:40 crtdaydreams Can't tell if sarcasm or not.
09:41 mangol i can't tell if you were being sarcastic :D
09:41 crtdaydreams I wasn't lol.
09:42 mangol we've reached the singularity. specifically, the Poe's Law singularity
09:42 mangol "Poe's law is an adage of Internet culture stating that, without a clear indicator of the author's intent, every parody of extreme views can be mistaken by some readers for a sincere expression of the views being parodied."
09:42 crtdaydreams ** just googled at same time
09:42 crtdaydreams lol
09:42 crtdaydreams yup
09:44 mangol the only way out is a total collapse of language and a fresh start. the dadaists were right.
09:46 crtdaydreams better start learning mandarin.
~ 40 minutes ~
10:26 crtdaydreams mangol: ever seen Serial Experiments Lain?
~ 1 hours 57 minutes ~
12:24 mangol crtdaydreams: yeah. obligatory for lispers. like "lost in translation" for antisocial nerds
12:26 mangol also illustrative re: above. due to the depth of gender, there are no lains in real life. if people could truly be genderless, there would be plenty.
12:27 mangol i'm fairly sure there are not even any trannies like that
~ 40 minutes ~
13:07 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090174 << very different 'importance' to reich than to archaeologists. reagan's 'starwars'(tm) was a large % of the income, and various pentagon golden toilets -- a large % of the deployed installs.
13:07 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 02:24:00 mangol: http://logs.bitdash.io/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1089824 << i can entertain several motivations, but have trouble believing lispm's are that important
13:08 asciilifeform (of smbx inc. that is)
13:09 asciilifeform iirc noftsker (last ceo) actually wrote a piece appealing for a bailout at one pt, arguing 'national security' concern
13:11 asciilifeform this yielded no megabux, but did set in motion evidently a process whereby ownership of the corpse was passed from stooge to stooge ever since (and on the cheap)
13:13 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090185 << obv. can connect >1, but they won't 'behave like larger array', given propagation delays and sparseness of i/o
13:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 04:21:06 crtdaydreams: make them behave like a larger array
13:15 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090161 << it was in mp's pocket, so asciilifeform has nfi where went. ( likely -- /dev/null )
13:15 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 00:02:31 vex: that nosuch stack. did it go to davey jones'?
13:16 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090176 << indeed was missing quite a few things
13:16 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 02:30:49 mangol: afaict the leaked version of opengenera is missing a ton of the smbx sauce
13:17 asciilifeform $ticker btc usd
13:17 busybot Current BTC price in USD: $47862
13:21 asciilifeform !w poll
13:21 watchglass Polling 15 nodes...
13:21 watchglass : Could not connect!
13:21 watchglass : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.068s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.108s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : (ns562940.ip-54-39-156.net) Alive: (0.111s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : Alive: (0.145s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559 (Operator: asciilifeform)
13:21 watchglass : (pool-71-191-220-241.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.093s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559 (Operator: asciilifeform)
13:21 watchglass : Alive: (0.141s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : Alive: (0.143s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=729559 (Operator: whaack)
13:21 watchglass : Alive: (0.212s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : (ns3140226.ip-54-38-94.eu) Alive: (0.249s) V=88888 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : (static-82-79-58-192.rdsnet.ro) Alive: (0.322s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : Could not connect!
13:21 watchglass : (terebe.ns01.net) Alive: (0.616s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=729559
13:21 watchglass : Alive: (0.254s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Return Addr= Blocks=395328 (Operator: whaack)
13:22 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 100 sec.)
~ 50 minutes ~
14:13 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090172 << recall also how one comes to 'be rich' in the reich. (e.g., and not all that diff. inside usa)
14:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 02:21:10 mangol: derp state using rich lispers as stooges?
14:13 dulapbot (trilema) 2014-04-22 mircea_popescu: one of the best examples is a fellow known as varanul, ie dan voiculescu
14:13 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-21 18:22:34 asciilifeform: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-21#1086901 << the ru oligarchs fwiw were creatures of the reich, whose purpose was to steal & exfiltrate as much as possible of what 80yrs of collective orcish sweat had built. and nao that the brakes were hit on this exfiltration, naturally, 'pig aint gonna get any fatter, time for the knife'
14:15 asciilifeform pick an oligarch, large or 'small' -- gates, thiel, musk, graham, etc. and normally obv. as daylight that the dough came directly from 'printer goes brr'
14:17 asciilifeform concretely, from crown concessions. from 1800s railroad land grants to current day.
14:21 asciilifeform oligarch is expected to use the dough in certain ways, to promote interests of the reich. or gets 'cancelled'. (rare, given as the selection process is effective.)
14:25 mangol venture capital is how reich wealth is passed from one generation of enterpreneurs to the next?
14:28 mangol musk is an interesting example because he's quite recalcitrant. has persistent illusions of agency
~ 3 hours 37 minutes ~
18:05 jonsykkel any math NERDS online?
18:05 jonsykkel re onlinecodes papers: is there a math to turn such probability distribution into a function that takes a random number and returns (without iterating the distribution) a degree? (u put in 100k random numbers u get list of 100k degrees that fit probability distribution)
18:17 signpost jonsykkel: http://trinque.org/2022/02/19/online-codes-in-python-wip/
18:18 signpost oh, without iterating. don't know.
18:19 signpost seems like yes, if you are able to produce the nth prng output. depends on that.
18:20 jonsykkel i guess the function would probably have to be unreasonably complex since method of generating that distribution has weird steps in it
18:21 jonsykkel but no idea cuz math-illiterate
18:22 signpost lemme have some tea and load this thing back into my head, had a bit of a late night.
18:23 signpost also by no means a mathematics expert; more of a "do enough damage that perhaps someone ends up so galled that they fix the idea"-ist.
18:23 jonsykkel probably not worth sacrificing too many cycles on, was mostly curious if theres some simple way to do it
18:24 jonsykkel ah, similar approaches then
18:33 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090312 << various ways. e.g. box-muller transform converts a uniform to gaussian distribution. or see the 'soliton' equation in luby's paper, similar.
18:33 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 14:05:07 jonsykkel: re onlinecodes papers: is there a math to turn such probability distribution into a function that takes a random number and returns (without iterating the distribution) a degree? (u put in 100k random numbers u get list of 100k degrees that fit probability distribution)
18:35 asciilifeform there's no one algo that works for all cases; how to do it depends heavily on what yer transforming into what
18:38 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090310 << not obvious that the 'agency' is the man's rather than reich's. take e.g. musk: all of his ventures have sumthing rather direct to do with reich agenda ( satellite isp to puncture orc greatfirewalls (while naturally maintaining reich's) ; privatized orbital laughs; 'green' lulz )
18:38 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 10:27:34 mangol: musk is an interesting example because he's quite recalcitrant. has persistent illusions of agency
18:39 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090309 << 'passing b/w generations' takes place above musk level, at the 1 inhabited by lizards whose names generally don't litter the fishwrap w/ any regularity ( e.g. the bush clan , rockefellers , et al )
18:39 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 10:24:19 mangol: venture capital is how reich wealth is passed from one generation of enterpreneurs to the next?
18:39 asciilifeform the musks are subordinate to these.
18:39 jonsykkel i see, ill have look at luby paper
18:41 asciilifeform 'entrepreneur' is also a lulzy reich shibboleth. applicable to a fella who bets his house to open a restaurant, arguably, but a musk or graham simply is given reich moneys by the traincar
18:41 asciilifeform ( and not always even makes spectacular circus outta it for any appreciable time; consider e.g. branson )
~ 42 minutes ~
19:23 verisimilitude This wretch takes everything seemingly so seriously.
19:24 verisimilitude ``There is a terrifying and highly effective "method" that criminal hackers are now using to harvest sensitive customer data from Internet service providers, phone companies and social media firms. It involves compromising email accounts and websites tied to police departments and government agencies, and then sending unauthorized demands for subscriber data while claiming the information being requested can't wait for a court orde
19:25 verisimilitude So, the limit is 435 characters.
19:27 verisimilitude ``The reality that teenagers are now impersonating law enforcement agencies to subpoena privileged data on their targets at whim is evident in the dramatic backstory behind LAPSUS$, the data extortion group that recently hacked into some of the world’s most valuable technology companies, including Microsoft, Okta, NVIDIA and Vodafone.''
19:28 verisimilitude It's funny how ``the world's most valuable technology companies'' must never face any consequences for being bested by children. No, but the children themselves should suffer for it.
19:30 verisimilitude ``Nicholas Weaver, a security specialist and lecturer at the University of California, Berkeley, said one big challenge to combating fraudulent EDRs is that there is fundamentally no notion of global online identity.''
19:31 verisimilitude Well, I read the article by this stupid asshole so ye needn't.
19:33 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090335 << 510 - len(nick)
19:33 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 15:24:59 verisimilitude: So, the limit is 435 characters.
19:34 verisimilitude Check the logs and see.
19:34 * asciilifeform too few cycles atm, invites other folx to correct
19:35 verisimilitude http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090334
19:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 15:23:26 verisimilitude: ``There is a terrifying and highly effective "method" that criminal hackers are now using to harvest sensitive customer data from Internet service providers, phone companies and social media firms. It involves compromising email accounts and websites tied to police departments and government agencies, and then sending unauthorized demands for subscriber data while claiming the information being requested
19:35 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090337 << picture if microshit were somehow held to answer for the virii, crashes, data loss, etc it enables
19:35 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 15:27:14 verisimilitude: It's funny how ``the world's most valuable technology companies'' must never face any consequences for being bested by children. No, but the children themselves should suffer for it.
19:35 verisimilitude Yes.
19:36 verisimilitude Well, the HTML logs and dulapbot have conflicting views, I see.
19:38 asciilifeform 'there is no quick and easy way for a company that receives one of these EDRs to know whether it is legitimate' << apparently reich polizei not only never heard of e.g. pgp, but dun even use the faux-pgp used in usg.dod microshitisms
19:39 asciilifeform ( was, yes, 'outlook' plugin, privkey stored on office key card, enabled with n digit (yes) pw )
~ 1 hours 59 minutes ~
21:39 mangol zx2c4 made cgit in addition to wireguard?
21:41 jonsykkel also password gpg thing "pass"
21:41 jonsykkel made everythign aparently
21:45 mangol except money :-(
21:45 mangol tl;dr of this channel
21:46 jonsykkel that us
~ 16 minutes ~
22:03 zx2c4 Hahaha except money
22:03 zx2c4 Mirceaaaaa come back to life and save this channel
22:04 verisimilitude Most of us can lead ourselves just fine.
22:05 verisimilitude I'm an expert in making no money, for I don't write things for which anyone would ever want to pay.
22:05 mangol zx2c4 was referring to mp's lost coin
22:06 mangol i presume
22:06 mangol now "gifted" to all btc owners. in the purest spirit of socialism
22:13 shinohai lmao
~ 39 minutes ~
22:52 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-29#1090359 << chan dun need saving, atm e.g. bw & mains of the box paid up through july. ( after asciilifeform starves -- or, preferably, even before -- move to pestnet )
22:52 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-29 18:02:28 zx2c4: Mirceaaaaa come back to life and save this channel
22:53 asciilifeform zx2c4: iirc you also missed several lulzy years where mp declared asciilifeform persona non grata & couldn't stfu for even 1d re how 'ruined errything'
23:01 zx2c4 Oh nose... I guess that was somewhere along the road of losing his mind or something
23:02 asciilifeform zx2c4: likely alcoholism/substance abuse
23:02 dulapbot Logged on 2020-02-04 22:14:39 asciilifeform: or, for that matter, his (admitted!) cocaine. imho still shows typical effects, even tho supposedly quit.
~ 27 minutes ~
23:30 signpost http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2022-03-28#1089941 << had a feeling in my butt... https://lwn.net/SubscriberLink/889452/953e190af78809a7/
23:30 dulapbot Logged on 2022-03-28 13:48:46 signpost: huh, does this mean early entropy is degraded on old platforms with this patch?
23:32 * signpost has certainly never touched a codebase with such tangled consequences as this.
~ 24 minutes ~
23:57 thimbronion this guy never heard of trb I guess: https://achow101.com/2022/03/syncing-0.5.0
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