Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2021-12-14 | 2021-12-16 →
00:16 signpost chortle
00:16 signpost give it time, give it time
~ 6 hours 55 minutes ~
07:12 mats
~ 1 hours 6 minutes ~
08:18 punkman heh
08:22 punkman "if I buy 10 USDT, can I get $10 back?" can you even do this at the bank, considering withdrawal/transfer fees
08:23 punkman "shoot, in De-Fi, someone can't even tell if they are dealing with a terrorist"
~ 8 hours 13 minutes ~
16:36 shinohai !!v 638F38ED2953EF453F64C0BEAFE3A624CD3FED210D6FFC0DC0DEC9F791F37515
16:36 deedbot shinohai rated jonsykkel 1 << Wrote a pest implementation in C, other goodies at
~ 2 hours 28 minutes ~
19:05 * signpost going to be shamelessly stealing "puted" as a verb, has an appropriate vulgarity to it.
19:07 signpost in other vulgarities, the state dept website for passport renewal still shows *only* two genders!
19:07 signpost how can one live under such conditions
19:08 shinohai Equality for apache attack helicopters NOW
19:10 signpost wherein shinohai discovers a loophole in arms control
19:11 PeterL puted - shortend form of "computed"?
19:12 signpost yerp, but also wrote-code. we will have to defer to jonsykkel for exact usage
~ 3 hours 41 minutes ~
22:53 jonsykkel means to put a thing somewhere, to put,puted,have puted (i puted code, i puted groceries in frige) but i like computed also, will permit any of these
22:57 shinohai Puted: When president of Russia farted.
22:58 jonsykkel way to vulgar this is a christian mirc server
23:02 shinohai kek
← 2021-12-14 | 2021-12-16 →