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← 2021-06-25 | 2021-06-27 →
00:38 magnus you'll know the backup is finished when your bleached bones are cemented into the catacombs, lol...
00:39 magnus I've owned several Fujitsu MO drives... really a shame they ceased all production
00:40 magnus for small-scale backups, did not mind the additional wait... the the gains in reliability
00:41 magnus *in xchange for the...
00:42 magnus however, even MO disks were not immune to eventual delamination, tho faired better in practice than CD/DVD media
00:45 magnus fwiw, I still have some ancient magnetic bubble memory media that is still readable... perhaps 25-30 years old now
00:46 magnus as far as I know, info about the long-term stability of the circular domains (that hold the data) is either unpublished or unknown...
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
01:54 asciilifeform magnus: i have 1980s EPROMs that still 100% readable and pass checksum. (and hold what i wrote to'em ~decade ago 100%, as well)
01:54 asciilifeform notbad backup medium if yer data is a coupla kB. (and use foil sticker.)
01:55 asciilifeform antifuse PROMs -- even better, in this respect. but go and find one today.
01:56 asciilifeform (spoiler: none have been manufactured -- at least publicly -- for decades)
01:56 dulapbot (trilema) 2018-05-17 asciilifeform: all 'otp roms' sold today are actually eproms with the write leg tied to ground.
~ 16 minutes ~
02:12 magnus yeah, bubble memory was not much better... max sizes sold were ~1024kb, iirc
02:13 asciilifeform magnus: you can still get 'new-old stock' sov.made bubble modules on ebay
02:13 magnus ah, I believe this...
02:13 asciilifeform problem is, slooow (it's essentially a magnetic tape with clever mechanism to 'walk' the contents w/out motor)
02:13 magnus iirc, it was also used in machine shops and for mil applications...
02:14 magnus yes, that is a good description... tiny walls on a garnet substrate...
02:14 asciilifeform magnus: still king, iirc, in ru.mil. replaced magnetic core memories
02:14 magnus nice, I believe the US is still using it was well (or did in 80s/90s era hardware)
02:14 asciilifeform laughs at emp, was among the appeals
02:14 magnus yep
02:15 magnus also, no limitations on wear, so can be rewritten indefinitely..
02:15 asciilifeform aha
02:16 asciilifeform unlikely that anything more perfect for storing e.g coordinates of target in icbm -- will be devised
02:17 magnus seems true, unless some sort of MEMs-like creation springs into existance...
02:17 asciilifeform the good, old stuff -- ~works~
02:17 magnus exactly
02:17 asciilifeform and doesn't require micro-anything for its manufacture
02:18 magnus maybe some new tech will be deployed on upcoming venus missions (from multiple countries)
02:18 magnus the crazy specs might result in new-ish designs and materials being used...
02:18 asciilifeform magnus: if, say, the recent israeli moon lander is anything to go by -- these will run on java , divide by zero, and crash into first solid object they pass by
02:19 magnus hahaha!
02:19 magnus indeed
02:19 magnus sadly, prolly likely
02:21 magnus the whole delamination question had me wondering whether all VLSI components are in a state of sin, condemned to eventually fail (owing to variable thermal expansion and time)
02:21 asciilifeform magnus: solder joins (esp. the envirowhiner-imposed pb-free type) fail first.
02:21 asciilifeform 100% of gpu failure, for instance.
02:21 magnus ah, yes...
02:22 magnus esp. for that ^
02:22 asciilifeform (and reason why ~empty~ box from e.g. 'radeon' goes for 200-300$ on 'ebay' atm. scammers stuff 'mined out' cards in'em and resell as 'barely used')
02:22 asciilifeform (subj)
02:22 dulapbot Logged on 2021-05-03 14:31:31 asciilifeform: meanwhile, in unrelated lulz : given 'gpu shortage of 2021', prices 2-3x (or moar) vs 'peacetime' commonplace. and nao hilarious scamology : EMPTY BOXES from videocard selling for coupla hundy $ !
02:23 asciilifeform ... whereas e.g. my 1994 'trident' still worx.
02:24 verisimilitude How does FPGA fabrication fare here; I'll suppose there be no difference.
02:24 magnus lol, yep... still have a few matrox PCI cards hiding in the closet... (and somewhere, VLB card)
02:24 asciilifeform if bga + pb-free + any palpable, to touch, thermal swing -- will fail
02:25 magnus it's difficult to imagine a way out of this conundrum... may not be one, realistically...
02:26 asciilifeform depends what count as 'out'.
02:27 magnus can have component-level tech if willing to sacrifice all performance for most things (farm everything else out to customized ASICs, etc)
02:27 verisimilitude Won't the latest and greatest methods eventually become cheaper and perhaps even accessible to more than three companies?
02:27 magnus but, it sure does paint a dismal path...
02:27 verisimilitude At least, perhaps.
02:27 asciilifeform magnus: twist: 2um is more than enuff if you expurgate the bloat with fire and sword.
02:27 verisimilitude Then yes.
02:28 magnus ah, hmmm...
02:29 verisimilitude Tell me, asciilifeform, surely even that ``huge'' method is enough to discard with the von Neumann design, not being ``transistor-starved'', right?
02:29 asciilifeform verisimilitude: elaborate?
02:30 verisimilitude Surely 2um provides enough transistors for interesting alternative designs, right?
02:31 asciilifeform verisimilitude: well, bolix ivory was a 2um. approx. on par, transistorwise, w/ i486.
02:31 verisimilitude Alright.
02:31 verisimilitude Also, why is it called Bolix here?
02:32 asciilifeform verisimilitude: iirc was called so by contemporaries in src and wherever else needed to be concise. catchy.
02:32 asciilifeform smbx aka symbolics inc.
02:32 verisimilitude Alright.
02:35 magnus okay, the harris rtx 2000 (80s era) might fit 2um...
02:35 magnus (was looking up process tech for older chips)
02:36 magnus so, plenty of useable designs there, and overall more physically reliable (for decades, at least)
02:36 magnus component will not be knocked out by a single cosmic ray strike, anyhow...
02:36 verisimilitude Also, aren't there still many fabricators capable of delivering such?
02:37 asciilifeform designs aint the problem, magnus .
02:38 magnus well, tool chain will always be a limiting prob until it costs/fits in your workroom...
02:38 asciilifeform 'the indian elephant can devour, in one day, 100kg of hay, 50kg of carrots, 30kg of cabbage, 40kg of bread, etc' 'really, is it true, that this elephant eats so much?' 'as for eating, he sure would if he could, but who will let him!'
02:39 magnus lol
02:40 asciilifeform fat lotta good it does to talk about whether manufacturers can deliver x,y,z
02:40 magnus thus, even if 2um is sufficient, the inability to home-fab (ever) pretty much kills the possibility?
02:40 asciilifeform when you don't even have a paltry decamillion$ to pay for the most basic lsi
02:40 magnus sure
02:41 magnus so, component-level designs or nothing, essentially...
02:41 verisimilitude Explain, magnus.
02:42 asciilifeform see past threads on subj.
02:42 dulapbot Logged on 2020-08-22 14:14:33 gregorynyssa: asciilifeform: suppose we don't use any FPGA. suppose you directly owned a fabrication-facility and could perform your own runs on whim. how low does the process-width have to be, for it to be worth your time?
02:42 magnus nothing prevents any of us from cobbling together a 'computer' from basic logic chips and a box of macroscopic parts... but performance will be terrible on every metric...
02:43 verisimilitude Why yes I would prefer the cabbage over the hay, asciilifeform.
02:43 asciilifeform magnus: it is considerably easier to scavenge a working, ~eternal late'80s-early'90s comp, than to build 'refrigerator of 74xxx'+its air conditioner+etc
02:43 magnus true
02:44 magnus and yet, the ability (at least) to create working item from scratch is invaluable... esp. once all archaelogical items are either in museums or melted down...
02:44 * asciilifeform does not see a point to 74xxx wankage, aside from historical reenactment or simple (handful of parts) circuit
02:45 asciilifeform magnus: i seriously rec walking the log, the 'fab question' came up regularly, just about erry yr
02:45 verisimilitude So what, some alternative computing medium be the better hope?
02:45 asciilifeform verisimilitude: hope of what?
02:45 verisimilitude Hope is evil, anyway.
02:45 magnus I would do -anything- to avoid that but... it may come down to that eventually... as all useable hardware will be fritz'd in one way or another...
02:46 magnus verisimilitude: there is no hope, actually...
02:46 verisimilitude This is the hope of actually owning the computer.
02:46 asciilifeform 1st step is to stop being own worst enemy, and stop throwing away perfectly working irons from era when shit worked.
02:48 verisimilitude So the zeroeth step is actually getting those.
02:53 asciilifeform verisimilitude: you know those 32core ecc ram 'dulap' opterons i offer customers at my isp ?
02:54 asciilifeform verisimilitude: well, you can get 2-3 of'em for the cost of 1 minimal crapple slabebox of current make
02:54 verisimilitude I suppose I do well enough.
02:54 verisimilitude That's interesting.
02:54 asciilifeform point being, they aint rare -- yet
02:54 verisimilitude Perhaps I should stop playing exclusively with laptops.
03:01 verisimilitude Say, on this note, I saw that two large companies were facing unreliability with modern processors.
03:02 verisimilitude They called occasionally faulty cores ``mercurial''.
03:04 verisimilitude I agree with the idea pre and post conditions may be used to help thwart this, which reminds me of how early computers did the same, due to unreliable hardware.
03:04 magnus heh, quite the gift for understatement if those cores are running your life support sys...
03:05 magnus yeah, quite impressive imho how well they did with the early (60s era) kit...
03:06 magnus even the highest spec'd parts of the time occasionally failed... so, redundancy in all critical systems was the rules of the day...
03:06 magnus *rule
03:09 verisimilitude In particular, I'm thinking of Alan Turing's Electronic Brain.
03:19 verisimilitude It's bizarre I only now made the connection.
03:20 verisimilitude Redundant checking is barbaric, but pre and post conditions are refined, I suppose.
~ 11 hours 16 minutes ~
14:36 thimbronion I've done some more debugging of the server connection issue. All I can say at this point is that I've verified the number of params being sent, and it matches what's in the included RFC for the SERVER command. I've started looking at the command parsing code. C string parsing yuck.
14:46 asciilifeform thimbronion: neato. don't hesitate to post debug barf etc. here.
14:47 * asciilifeform finally has some time to spend on this today
14:48 thimbronion asciilifeform: also sent distress signal to the ratbox mailing list. Last thread is from 2016 so not expecting a response.
14:49 asciilifeform hm thimbronion , so this was not the end of the story?
14:49 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-22 20:45:00 gregorynyssa: it parses the SERVER command as "SERVER $1 $2 $3" but sends it as "SERVER $1 $2 :"
14:51 thimbronion asciilifeform: so if you set description in the serverinfo block, that fills in what goes after the :. That looks like 3 params to me...
14:55 thimbronion The param parsing code is in src/parse.c in the parse() and handle_command() functions.
14:59 asciilifeform some pretty viscious liquishit, there
14:59 thimbronion asciilifeform: yes for example: where in the hell is the value for min_para set?
15:01 thimbronion I suspect I don't have the brain capacity to grok all the pointer arithmetic going on in there.
15:03 asciilifeform thimbronion: it doesn't look like it actually gets set anywhere
15:03 thimbronion well that would be a problem lol
15:11 * asciilifeform reading rfc; 4.1.4 'server message' defo shows 3 params
~ 51 minutes ~
16:03 thimbronion Sorry for all the join/part noise. Finally got znc to connect to both freenode and dulap.
16:03 asciilifeform thimbronion: congrats & wb
~ 39 minutes ~
16:42 signpost blah! I added descriptions on my end and yep, paired up with gregorynyssa now
16:44 signpost so I gather this thing does zero validation of the config file
16:44 signpost woof.
16:45 thimbronion signpost: what did you set as the description? I've set description on both my test ircds and still can't connect.
16:46 signpost I am adding a connect block for your box on mine right now
16:47 signpost I just put nonsense in the description fields
16:48 signpost thimbronion: on yours I get Received ERROR message from irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Invalid servername.)
16:48 thimbronion signpost: hm I think this might be you: Access denied, No N line for server [unknown@]
16:48 thimbronion which is new
16:49 signpost do I need to swap your passwords around?
16:49 thimbronion signpost: I reversed for you, so you shouldn't have to.
16:50 signpost thimbronion: what's your max_number in class "server" ?
16:50 signpost (so many fucking knobs)
16:51 thimbronion signpost: actually I had commented out your connect block - just added it back in
16:53 thimbronion signpost: max_number is 1
16:53 signpost 2021/6/26 16.53 Link with irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@] established: (TS6 QS EX CHW IE GLN KNOCK ZIP TB ENCAP SAVE SAVETS_100) link
16:53 * signpost belches victoriously
16:54 thimbronion I see a linke established message
16:54 signpost thimbronion: what's your nick on your server?
16:54 thimbronion I'm in the #test chan. Nick is awt.
16:57 signpost cool, thimbronion and I are peered up
16:57 thimbronion Mr. Watson, come here!
16:58 signpost I humbly propose # as the monochan
16:59 signpost btw thimbronion it appears I have lost my connection to gregorynyssa when I achieved one with your server
16:59 signpost gonna fiddle a bit
16:59 thimbronion don't see anyone in #.
16:59 signpost thimbronion: actually, did you happen to change the `sid` value in the config? you may have the same as him.
17:00 signpost weird, I'm in there
17:00 thimbronion my sid is 404.
17:01 thimbronion Now I see you
17:03 signpost 2021/6/26 16.58 Received ERROR message from gregory.nyssa[unknown@]: No matching hub_mask
17:03 signpost investigating wtf that is.
17:12 signpost gregorynyssa perhaps try putting hub_mask = "*"; in your connect blocks
17:13 signpost thimbronion: looks like yours just went away. intentional?
17:13 signpost at any rate, looks like these rusty cans and twine are doing something.
17:20 thimbronion signpost: was not intentional - restarting with upped max_number
17:27 signpost cool, let's see how long this stays connected. I'm meanwhile seeing about bringing in deedbot
17:30 signpost thimbronion: I got the same hub_mask error from your server just now, might need the same setting
17:32 thimbronion signpost: restarted with hub_mask = "*";
17:44 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-06-26#1040779 << concise; but i admit that it will be difficult to use w/ my logger
17:44 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-26 12:58:35 signpost: I humbly propose # as the monochan
17:46 signpost asciilifeform: would logger accept ## ? otherwise #a or something's fine, don't care too much.
17:46 signpost just thought # was amusing
17:46 * signpost meanwhile ripping the nickserv-isms out of deedbot
17:47 asciilifeform signpost, thimbronion : lemme know what's needed to plug in (i have a ratbox ready)
17:55 thimbronion asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=Ty9I
17:55 thimbronion asciilifeform: what ip will your ratbox be at?
17:57 asciilifeform thimbronion: it's on this same box
17:57 asciilifeform (for now will be port 7000; eventually will unplug 'unreal' & swap it in place)
17:57 signpost asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=kHg2
17:57 asciilifeform ty
17:57 signpost will gpggram passwords for irc.problematic.site
17:58 thimbronion asciilifeform: ah ok. What port?
17:58 asciilifeform thimbronion: http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-06-26#1040805
17:58 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-26 13:57:31 asciilifeform: (for now will be port 7000; eventually will unplug 'unreal' & swap it in place)
17:58 thimbronion oh now I see
18:01 asciilifeform signpost: didja ever find out how to per-user pw on ratbox ?
18:02 signpost not yet
18:03 signpost asciilifeform: probably brings in this thing https://services.ratbox.org
18:03 thimbronion asciilifeform: added a connect block for you.
18:11 signpost asciilifeform: http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=7tjL
18:12 asciilifeform signpost, thimbronion : got it, will plug in shortly, ty
18:15 thimbronion just now: 2021/6/26 18.18 Error connecting to dulap: Error during connect() (Connection refused)
18:15 asciilifeform thimbronion: it aint up yet
18:16 thimbronion Ah mkay. Not clear to me when attempts to connect are made, or how often.
18:17 signpost connectfreq = 2 minutes; << I believe this is itt.
18:17 signpost *it
18:23 asciilifeform thimbronion, signpost : port 5000
18:25 asciilifeform Received ERROR message from irc.problematic.site[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
18:25 asciilifeform (and loox like it doesn't even try to activate the other one..?)
18:26 asciilifeform or hm,
18:27 asciilifeform Server irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@] closed the connection
18:27 thimbronion Just updated to port 5000
18:27 signpost 2021/6/26 18.27 Link with irc.dulap.xyz[unknown@] established: (TS6 QS EX CHW IE GLN KNOCK ZIP TB ENCAP SERVICES RSFNC SAVE SAVETS_100) link
18:27 asciilifeform aha, and then, lol, my own client thrown out, w/ 'Bad Nickname'
18:28 asciilifeform '-!- You were killed by irc.problematic.site [(Bad Nickname)] [Path: ]'
18:28 signpost ah feck, lemme recompile with sane nicklen
18:29 asciilifeform still lulzy that a ratbox instance will throw out a hardcoded local op
18:29 asciilifeform this'll have to be patched.
18:29 * asciilifeform also still gnashing teeth at this bug
18:29 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-23 10:29:41 asciilifeform: (aaand it takes 15-20s for login, for no detectable reason. thought 'identd', found the off switch for same, made 0 diff)
18:30 thimbronion signpost: I need to do same.
18:33 thimbronion Apparently nicklen must be "consistent accross entire network"
18:33 asciilifeform we're gonna have to zap all the moronic 'consistencies'
18:33 asciilifeform if a peer eggogs, disconnect peer.
18:33 asciilifeform not machine owner, lol
18:33 signpost myup
18:33 signpost for now, what'd you use for nicklen asciilifeform, 30?
18:33 asciilifeform 32
18:33 signpost aye aye
18:39 thimbronion Restarted with nicklen=32
18:43 thimbronion asciilifeform: Received ERROR message from dulap[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
18:43 asciilifeform thimbronion: just now?
18:43 thimbronion asciilifeform: yes
18:43 gregorynyssa http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-06-26#1040839 << disgraceful.
18:43 snsabot Logged on 2021-06-26 14:33:02 thimbronion: Apparently nicklen must be "consistent accross entire network"
18:43 gregorynyssa it is also a violation of Postel's Law.
18:44 asciilifeform thimbronion: 'Received ERROR message from irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)' on my end
18:44 asciilifeform and signpost's seems to be down (i assume he's recompiling)
18:44 signpost yep
18:45 signpost thimbronion: got 5000 for port on asciilifeform's?
18:45 thimbronion signpost: I do.
18:45 asciilifeform gregorynyssa: or how about where the thing disconnects machine operator rather than peers
18:46 thimbronion for dulap I have the IP as:
18:46 asciilifeform 'Received ERROR message from irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)'
18:46 asciilifeform thimbronion: this is correct. (same box we're speaking into atm on 6667)
18:50 thimbronion Gotta step away for a bit.
18:50 asciilifeform i'ma leave this running
18:50 asciilifeform (so far not connected to anyone)
18:53 * signpost up with 32char nicks
18:55 asciilifeform lol i still get timeouts regularly when connecting ~own~ client to this thing
18:56 signpost asciilifeform: thing claims we are peered now
18:56 asciilifeform seems to be
18:56 asciilifeform or hm
18:56 asciilifeform 'Received ERROR message from irc.problematic.site[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)'
18:56 signpost 2021/6/26 18.55 Link with irc.dulap.xyz[unknown@] established: (TS6 QS EX CHW IE GLN KNOCK ZIP TB ENCAP SAVE SAVETS_100) link
18:56 asciilifeform 3 of these in a row
18:57 asciilifeform 2021/6/26 18.56 Received ERROR message from irc.problematic.site[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
18:57 asciilifeform 2021/6/26 18.56 Received ERROR message from irc.problematic.site[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
18:57 asciilifeform 2021/6/26 18.56 Received ERROR message from irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
18:57 * asciilifeform brb shortly
18:57 thimbronion asciilifeform: did you reverse the pws I provided or leave unaltered?
18:58 asciilifeform unaltered
18:58 * asciilifeform genuinely brb
19:03 signpost got deedbot working. I'll be afk til late evening. deedbot currently sits in #
19:04 * signpost can throw more cycles at this tomorrow too, bbl
19:05 thimbronion Looks like gregorynyssa connected to the net and killed us.
19:05 thimbronion with a short nicklen
19:05 signpost ah
19:05 signpost what a brittle dried turd
19:09 whaack saw a physiotherapist here about my rsi problem. he gave me the thumbs up to type when I don't feel pain, so I'll be around
19:09 whaack i'm happy to try to setup a relay as well in the near future
19:23 asciilifeform welcome to dulapnet, whaack
19:24 asciilifeform whaack: currently folx working on standing up nodes. they aint yet connected to this one tho
19:26 asciilifeform thimbronion: Received ERROR message from irc.alethepedia.com[unknown@]: Closing Link: (Connection timed out)
19:27 asciilifeform and buncha 'Connection to irc.problematic.site activated' but somehow no effect (i.e. '#' is empty)
19:40 asciilifeform in other lulz, scache.c :
19:40 asciilifeform /* * this code intentionally leaks a little bit of memory, unless you're on a network * where you've got somebody screwing around and bursting a *lot* of servers, it shouldn't * be an issue... */
~ 21 minutes ~
20:01 verisimilitude Consider chording, or voice recognition, whaack.
20:03 verisimilitude For the latter, I wouldn't care if I needed to make odd noises rather than speech, no different than learning chording, but haven't found such a system.
~ 50 minutes ~
20:53 whaack fleanode test 1..2..3..
20:54 whaack so i guess the way this "worx" now is i have to check the logs for responses
20:55 asciilifeform whaack: depends w/ whom yer talking ( asciilifeform for instance sitting in 3 atm -- fleanode, dulapnet, and prototype arsenet by trinque et al)
20:55 whaack http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-06-26#1040895 << tbh this sounds awful, i really hope my problem doesn't come to this
20:55 snsabot Logged on 2021-06-26 16:01:45 verisimilitude: Consider chording, or voice recognition, whaack.
20:56 whaack for now i've obtained a clicky keyboard, stuck vitamin b12 in my ass, started taking some magnessium supplements, and have a series of exercises that are meant to stretch the nerves in my arm
20:57 whaack all but the clicky keyboard was based on the advice of a doc'
20:59 whaack asciilifeform: gotcha
21:08 whaack i'm also not convinced that the root cause of rsi is shitty keyboards or keyboard use. maybe the exact same injury gets named 'arthritis' when it occurs to someone elderly who doesn't type. it's possible keyboard use just triggers symptoms of a different problem.
21:21 asciilifeform whaack: i've met folx with 'keyboard disease' who contracted it very clearly from causes wholly unrelated to keyboardism.
~ 52 minutes ~
22:14 thimbronion asciilifeform: I see you on arsenet, but signpost is gone.
22:21 thimbronion Seeing this message occasionally: 2021/6/26 22.22 Attempt to re-introduce server irc.problematic.site from [unknown@]
~ 17 minutes ~
22:38 thimbronion related http://paste.deedbot.org/?id=MHWH
22:39 thimbronion Evidently you gotta daisychain?
22:54 thimbronion asciilifeform: doesn't look from my pov like you have set description: "SERVER irc.dulap.xyz 1 :"
~ 58 minutes ~
23:52 asciilifeform thimbronion: where's this set ?
23:58 asciilifeform http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2021-06-26#1040910 << if this is the case, the only thing, imho, to do will be to throw out the piece of shit and find sumthing that worx. or, if nothing can be found -- write.
23:58 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-26 18:39:26 thimbronion: Evidently you gotta daisychain?
23:58 asciilifeform cuz i aint interested in incatronics. (and suspect other folx similarly uninterested.)
23:58 dulapbot Logged on 2021-06-18 18:35:02 asciilifeform: the troo p2p topology i propose removes all kindsa fundamentally palace-flavoured concepts -- 'joining', 'kicking', 'banning' -- and replaces simply w/ freedom of association, i.e. peering & unpeering.
← 2021-06-25 | 2021-06-27 →