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← 2020-04-02 | 2020-04-04 →
10:35 asciilifeform ./ticker btc usd
10:35 btcinfobot Current BTC price in USD: 6803.91
10:35 asciilifeform !w poll
10:35 watchglass Polling 11 nodes...
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.023s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226 (Operator: asciilifeform)
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.082s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624217
10:35 watchglass : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.097s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624127
10:35 watchglass : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.142s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624119
10:35 watchglass : (pool-108-31-170-3.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.098s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226 (Operator: asciilifeform)
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.112s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.205s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=623162
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.258s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226
10:35 watchglass : Alive: (0.356s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624023
10:35 watchglass : (rev-188-121-168-69.radiolan.sk) Alive: (0.356s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226
10:36 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 20 sec.)
10:39 feedbot http://mvdstandard.net/2020/04/colombian-cruise-ship-sinks-venezuelan-patrol-boat-after-the-latter-rams-reinforced-bow/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Colombian Cruise Ship Sinks Venezuelan Patrol Boat After The Latter Rams Reinforced Bow
10:40 asciilifeform who operates ? that noad last worked nearly 1mo ago !
10:40 snsabot Logged on 2020-03-04 18:43:36 watchglass: : Alive: (0.527s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=620223
~ 2 hours 41 minutes ~
13:21 asciilifeform wb PeterL
13:21 PeterL hi asciilifeform
13:21 asciilifeform PeterL: what've you been up to ?
13:23 PeterL I'm as busy as always, my job was deemed essential so I am still working like normal
13:24 PeterL Other than that, raising 4 kids etc., but I have been keeping up with the logs
13:27 asciilifeform PeterL: similarly, i push bits for a living, would've been entirely unaffected by plague except that i managed to catch it, rotted for a few days, then back in biz.
13:29 asciilifeform nao enjoying the clean air and quiet town, sorta like what mp was gloating about from his bananistan
13:31 asciilifeform expecting to return to various loose ends shortly.
13:31 snsabot Logged on 2020-03-13 22:13:26 asciilifeform: trinque: in miserable tards co., pretty busy. sold out 90% of the avail. amperage of rack. baking a const. time modular inverse finder. solid st. photomultiplier sample due in from germany, delayed by plague. phuctor rewrite ( stalled atm, devising better schema. ) node crawler. various misc. items too small to list.
13:35 asciilifeform PeterL: where is your www btw ? can't seem to find link
13:36 PeterL my blog is at peterl.xyz
13:36 asciilifeform PeterL: ty !
13:36 asciilifeform ( oblig spam : PeterL , want a rk ? i have quite a few avail. )
13:37 PeterL I am considering it, will let you know
13:37 asciilifeform aite
13:37 asciilifeform can do on 1day notice, whenever.
13:38 asciilifeform re : http://peterl.xyz/2020/03/sakura/ : oblig '40s classic .
13:39 PeterL Not sure if it's clear there, but that was my daughter's writing (she's 11)
13:39 asciilifeform aa.
13:40 asciilifeform neato.
13:43 asciilifeform PeterL: added your www to my links bar .
13:43 asciilifeform spyked: plox to add http://peterl.xyz/feed/ to #a when you get a chance, ty
13:45 asciilifeform PeterL: iirc you were a chemist ? didja get to cash in on plague hysteria ?
13:46 PeterL asciilifeform: you said this channel is low volume enough that you don't need deedbot voicing, do you see any benefit to the voicing model for added security? Or do you just expect imprtant things to be in a different medium with a signature?
13:47 PeterL Yes, chemist. We have a couple projects related to plague products, but not a whole lot more than usual
13:48 asciilifeform PeterL: i decided to subscribe to trinque's new bot, but haven't ponied up yet ( warming up a tx sender for past coupla d. ) , and will enable voicing, there are still folx who aint in the wot who occasionally show up, will do my small part to prod'em into civilization
13:48 asciilifeform at the same time chan voice aint any kinda replacement for actual signed texts
13:49 asciilifeform ( e.g. all isp-related service req's are expected to be 1) signed 2) pgp to asciilifeform )
13:49 PeterL When I logged in I was informed there were 2 failed logins, doesn't hurt to remind everybody to have password enforcement turned on
13:49 asciilifeform all answers, ditto, signed by asciilifeform , pgp'd to requester
13:49 PeterL makes sense
13:50 asciilifeform PeterL: there are pw-guessing bots errywhere, i dun expect fleanode is any exception
14:01 PeterL so, strange bug: I was looking at yrc by jfw , it has a v genesis. I checked the sig using gpg, looks ok. When I go v.pl f, it says "yrc_genesis.vpatch (asciilifeform)", which seems wrong.
14:02 PeterL this is with v.pl version 99992 K
14:03 asciilifeform PeterL: possibly you have a mislabeled pubkey file on your box ?
14:03 asciilifeform ( or misnamed sig file )
14:03 asciilifeform cuz i never signed yrc
14:03 PeterL right, the sig is from jfw
14:04 asciilifeform i suspect 'coarse error of pilotage'
14:05 asciilifeform both mine and mod6's vtrons used filename to identify human-readable owner of pubkey
14:06 asciilifeform ( it is expected that operator correctly names'em prior to emplacing in his wot dir )
14:11 asciilifeform PeterL: pretty great v intro btw, imho.
14:11 PeterL thanks
14:13 asciilifeform PeterL: btw my most recent thought re generalization of v if you haven't seen.
14:13 snsabot Logged on 2020-03-19 12:31:38 asciilifeform: elsewhere: this imho is a++ observation. and i'd like to share possible generalization:
14:17 PeterL so if I only have jfw's sig in my wot dir, then it gives me the correct "yrc_genesis.vpatch (jfw)"
14:18 asciilifeform this w/ mod6's vtron ?
14:19 PeterL yes, as modified by diana_coman
14:19 asciilifeform and what happens when add other pubkeys ?
14:21 PeterL looks like it is just putting whoever is first alphabetically into the parens
14:21 PeterL if I take out jfw's key then the flow is just blank, as it should be (should it warm me that there is a patch that does not verify?)
14:23 asciilifeform PeterL: i just now set it up on my box. could not replicate your eggog
14:23 asciilifeform yrc_genesis.vpatch (jfw)
14:23 asciilifeform and that's with 1) mod6's v.pl 2) patches dir containing yrc genesis 3) wot dir containing jfw's pub and mine
14:24 asciilifeform and my pubkey is 1st alphabetically in there, yes. but dun seem to trigger bug.
14:26 asciilifeform ( tho i do get this when attempting press. possibly jfw was using old-fashioned sha512 hashing when he wrote this genesis ? )
14:27 asciilifeform PeterL: note that i do not normally use mod6's vtron ( i prefer mine, as patched by phf for keccak, have been using this since it was published )
14:32 asciilifeform actually strike that, above eggog from *old* v.pl. from current, instead, this mysterious barf.
14:32 asciilifeform ( the current v.pl presses e.g. ffa correctly. so nfi what gives. )
14:32 * asciilifeform is prolly not the man to debug this, hasn't perled in ~decade
14:35 spyked asciilifeform, I suspect that the ada exception comes from the lack of a single press subdir, I'm not sure vpatch was ever meant to handle this kind of structure
14:35 asciilifeform hm indeed jfw's genesis has no subdir
14:36 asciilifeform thinking about it, iirc someone noticed this a few wks ago elsewhere
14:36 asciilifeform still doesn't explain PeterL's bugola tho.
14:44 spyked indeed. could be a number of reasons why this would happen (broken gpg, broken perl?). PeterL, are you using gpg2 by any chance?
14:45 PeterL gpg 2.2.10, should that matter?
14:45 asciilifeform PeterL: Just Say No to gpg2
14:45 asciilifeform it's broken in 9000 ways
14:46 spyked http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-04-03#1009646 <-- meanwhile done
14:46 snsabot Logged on 2020-04-03 13:43:23 asciilifeform: spyked: plox to add http://peterl.xyz/feed/ to #a when you get a chance, ty
14:46 asciilifeform if it's on yer box, all bets are off
14:46 PeterL perl 5.26.2
14:46 asciilifeform oh ty spyked !
14:46 asciilifeform spyked: the 'kosher' gpg is 1.4.10
14:47 asciilifeform err, PeterL ^
14:47 PeterL is there an easy way to downgrade from 2 to 1.4?
14:49 asciilifeform PeterL: mp's classic copy of subj
14:50 asciilifeform remove 2.x ( back up yer privs ) and emplace 1.4.10.
14:50 asciilifeform ./configure && make && make install
14:50 asciilifeform lol
14:50 PeterL ok, thanks
14:50 asciilifeform shinohai: really oughta have prefix other than './' imho
14:50 asciilifeform for that bot
14:50 asciilifeform PeterL: np
14:50 asciilifeform PeterL: thing builds on all, afaik, reasonable unixlikes, w/out modification
14:51 asciilifeform the 1 where i had to patch it was crapple, but i dun expect this concerns you
14:51 PeterL not in this case
14:52 asciilifeform shinohai: interestingly, '-btcinfobot- Error: Not able to parse this command: "./configure && make && make install". Are you sure you spelled it correctly?'
14:52 asciilifeform ^ apparently privmsg ?
14:52 asciilifeform ( not showed up in log )
14:53 asciilifeform imho this is bad practice, bot eggogs oughta go to exact same place where bot invoked, and not else
14:53 PeterL but do you want your channel clogged up with bot errors?
14:53 asciilifeform PeterL: if i triggered it in chan , then hell yes
14:55 asciilifeform eggogs oughta land where the triggering cmd was issued, imho is obv.
14:58 PeterL asciilifeform: the gpg source you linked seems to be gone now
15:00 asciilifeform hmm
15:01 asciilifeform PeterL: i'ma post mine, 1m
15:05 asciilifeform PeterL: perma-copy now here ; signed, by asciilifeform , hash of it, already lived here .
15:06 shinohai asciilifeform: Will look into the privmsg thing when back @ desk. Also guess could change prefix to be same as jhvh1 was or something.
15:07 asciilifeform PeterL: i guess mp nuked that tarball as revenge for when asciilifeform rm'd the dir where had photos of self grimacing at mp, or sumthinglikethat
15:07 asciilifeform shinohai: just pick a !letter, if you dun mind
15:07 asciilifeform q and w taken, errything else afaik open
15:11 asciilifeform PeterL: do remember to verify that hash, and the sig on my manifest , prior to using.
15:11 shinohai Think I recall setting it like that because Telegram requires / as a prefix.
15:12 asciilifeform shinohai: i might be the last 1 left alive who never used 'telegram' etc
15:12 shinohai Necessary evil when one shitcoinz.
15:13 asciilifeform shinohai: how's that ?
15:14 asciilifeform for some reason i thought one could buy/sell shitcoins at goxes, via automated www
15:20 shinohai Well most of shitcoin work I do is "Make this crap build on gcc 7+" type work, and the Shithub owners all congregate there or on Discord.
15:21 asciilifeform aa, these
15:21 shinohai Latest glibc "update" broke ~75% of coins.
15:21 asciilifeform lol!!
15:21 asciilifeform wainot let'em stay broken ?
15:22 asciilifeform just how much do they pay for this sorta honeywagon work
15:22 shinohai Hey, if they wanna pay BTC for my time to fix, I'm taking it.
15:23 shinohai Pay depends. If I have to accept some shitcoin and convert, I usually charge a bit more since I have to load it on an exchange and go through all that.
15:25 shinohai I'd honestly rather abandon that sort of thing and acquire BTC via BingoBoingo 's journalism enterprise, but dunno what's gonna happen there yet.
15:25 asciilifeform i'ma guess none of these folx ever heard of static linking, lol
15:26 shinohai Nope. I suggested using musl, but then mining pools bitch because they can't use African linux to build it like everything else they do.
15:30 PeterL does musl not build on "modern" Linux?
15:32 asciilifeform afaik 'rotor' builds errywhere
15:32 asciilifeform ( recall, 1st builds gcc, then builds musl-gcc , then $target )
15:32 shinohai Sure, but lazy "mining pool techs" don't wanna do anything besides `configure && make`
15:33 asciilifeform lol
15:33 * shinohai isn't even sure any of 'em know how to do anything *besides* that ....
15:34 asciilifeform shinohai: consider letting'em suck thumb, and running shitcoin pools yerself
15:34 asciilifeform let'em starve.
15:34 asciilifeform if they can't do elementary things.
15:36 shinohai Also fun to watch 'em when release time comes around and "Gitian" builds suddenly don't work. God forbid you cross-compile something and don't make a deterministic build.
15:41 asciilifeform shinohai: the lulzy meta-thread here is that shinohai apparently earns coin for this in heathendom, whereas asciilifeform , who sank months of sweat into making deterministic trb happen, in 'rich republic', made 0, lol
15:42 shinohai Proof that folks will always pay for shit, as long as it's polished.
15:42 shinohai Though hey, mike_c did throw you a nice little bone.
15:43 asciilifeform he did ( was BingoBoingo's idea orig., i found it interesting that he agreed )
15:43 * asciilifeform appreciated the bone.
15:44 asciilifeform shinohai: other than isp, tho, i dun have any btc-denominated saleables atm.
15:44 asciilifeform today just as 10y ago, not trivial to persuade folx to part w/ coinz
15:45 shinohai My shitcoin work is almost non-existent since corona-chan surfaced.
15:45 asciilifeform lol! wai would plague affect shitcoinism
15:46 shinohai Dunno, I used to wake up to overflowing Inbox on Telegram, for last month or so - practically nothing.
15:46 asciilifeform ha. did they all liquidate their shitc and buy kalash rounds , or wat
15:47 shinohai Perhaps are hoarding coin to buy TP with.
15:47 asciilifeform 'white gold'(tm) lel
15:47 shinohai lmao
15:49 asciilifeform shinohai: at least over here -- the most fascinating imho epidemic is of cowardice. the shops in fact have 'white gold', but when you go in , yer the only 1 there but for the clerk..
15:52 shinohai There is high level of retardation the further South you go in USSA. Here no >10 in store at a time, nearly all clerks wearing gloves.
15:53 asciilifeform hm i thought 'epicentre' were in north usa
15:53 asciilifeform nyc & surroundings
15:53 asciilifeform where, supposedly, 'cemeteries filled up' etc
15:54 shinohai Likely is, here it's the same phenomenon as when snow flurries are announced. Instant store runs.
15:54 shinohai Idjuts will -no shit - put chainz on tires.
15:54 asciilifeform lolwhy
15:55 shinohai No one can drive on 1 inch of snow or greater here. Boggles my mind.
15:55 asciilifeform aa i thought you meant ~now~
15:57 * shinohai wouldn't be surprised to see rednecks attaching gun turrets to roof of 4wd in case need to mow down asians .....
~ 37 minutes ~
16:34 feedbot http://blog.mod6.net/2020/04/leaving-the-bitcoin-foundation/ << mod6's Blog -- Leaving The Bitcoin Foundation
16:37 asciilifeform damn.
16:37 * asciilifeform takes off hat.
16:37 thimbronion I am in a relatively rural/mountainous area. Lots of fresh meat, potatoes, veggies, no flour, rice, beans, spam, yeast, etc.
16:42 asciilifeform hey jurov , iirc yer tuned in ? what's the plan there ?
16:49 * asciilifeform ftr will continue to maintain trb, run nodes, etc. with or w/out help from who remains of tbf. but would, ideally, prefer 'with' .
16:49 snsabot Logged on 2020-02-26 16:13:05 asciilifeform: bvt: http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/wedge/wedger.py ; and use with http://nosuchlabs.com/pub/wedge/snap_49999.txt or hash file of same format of your choice.
16:49 snsabot Logged on 2020-04-03 10:35:44 watchglass: : Alive: (0.023s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624226 (Operator: asciilifeform)
16:51 asciilifeform likewise, there are at least 2 known folx w/ a commercial interest in trb ( trinque , jfw ) who i expect aint entirely indifferent .
16:58 asciilifeform imho no one who holds even 1 coin oughta be indifferent to trb. but, naturally, 'один с сошкой -- семеро с ложкой', many folx think that 'oh i'll be able to use coin anyhow, who cares' etc
16:58 snsabot Logged on 2020-03-19 13:06:30 asciilifeform: it is entirely troo that bandwidth and disk have cost, and schemes where 'один с сошкой -- семеро с ложкой'(tm)(r) ( 'one -- with a plow, seven -- holding spoons' ) are doomed .
~ 32 minutes ~
17:30 asciilifeform !w poll
17:30 watchglass Polling 11 nodes...
17:30 watchglass : Could not connect!
17:30 watchglass : Alive: (0.084s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624261 (Operator: asciilifeform)
17:30 watchglass : (172-6.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.082s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624119
17:30 watchglass : (172-4.core.ai.net) Alive: (0.149s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624127
17:30 watchglass : (pool-108-31-170-3.washdc.fios.verizon.net) Alive: (0.158s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624261 (Operator: asciilifeform)
17:30 watchglass : Alive: (0.114s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624261
17:30 watchglass : Alive: (0.149s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=623220
17:30 watchglass : Alive: (0.158s) V=70001 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624261
17:30 watchglass : Alive: (0.282s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624023
17:30 watchglass : (rev-188-121-168-69.radiolan.sk) Alive: (0.384s) V=99999 (/therealbitcoin.org: Jumpers=0x1 (TRB-Compat.) Blocks=624261
17:30 watchglass : Busy? (No answer in 20 sec.)
~ 30 minutes ~
18:01 trinque asciilifeform: honestly given the plague, sovietization, and etc., decruftment of trb is as important as it ever was.
~ 50 minutes ~
18:52 BingoBoingo shinohai: I'm unsure yet what is happening there either, but for the sake of getting a commitment here at the start I'm leaning towards modest sum paid in advance to each you and thimbron for minimum 1 piece weekly for three or six months
18:53 * BingoBoingo acquired spiffy voice recorder without import dance. Price under what folks selling lesser ones requiring import dance asked.
19:00 asciilifeform trinque: defo.
19:00 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: neato. the kind w/ tapes ?
19:04 BingoBoingo asciilifeform: Digital. Ended up with a "field recorder" for general av use instead of a "voice recorder" for taking notes and interviews. A bit bigger than I was shooting for given current year, but interesting piece of kit.
19:05 shinohai http://logs.nosuchlabs.com/log/asciilifeform/2020-04-03#1009804 <<< sounds nice BingoBoingo. I have wanted to submit newsworthy items before today, but have found little of interest that isn't stoopid plague news.
19:05 snsabot Logged on 2020-04-03 18:52:00 BingoBoingo: shinohai: I'm unsure yet what is happening there either, but for the sake of getting a commitment here at the start I'm leaning towards modest sum paid in advance to each you and thimbron for minimum 1 piece weekly for three or six months
19:10 shinohai At any rate, you have my commitment to submit articles, hopefully at rate equal during my Qntra tenure.
19:14 feedbot http://mvdstandard.net/2020/04/new-york-governor-cuomo-sends-troops-to-take-ventilators-from-rural-hospitals/ << The Montevideo Standard -- New York Governor Cuomo Sends Troops To Take Ventilators From Rural Hospitals
~ 3 hours 17 minutes ~
22:32 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: neat. nao you gotta actually corner somebody & use it in anger
~ 16 minutes ~
22:48 asciilifeform in misc. lulz, asciilifeform finally found a 100% ata-compatible ssd for msdos lappies. appeared very solid, too, heavy aluminum thermal shell. but then found that it is 0.5mm too wide! to sit down in the hole. milled it down to fit. wtf do folx w/out mills do...
22:48 asciilifeform and wtf , vendor had a defective ruler or wat. srsly
22:51 asciilifeform in my memory, this is a 1st of its kind.
22:53 asciilifeform (at the risk of restating the obvious -- prior to doing this, take the pcb out..)
← 2020-04-02 | 2020-04-04 →