Show Idle (>14 d.) Chans

← 2020-02-13 | 2020-02-15 →
00:14 Apocalyptic in other news:
00:15 Apocalyptic writing bitcoin mixing software will make gasenwagen come
00:15 asciilifeform lol 'mixers' still exist ?!
00:16 asciilifeform what else still exists?! ... 'faucets' ?!
00:17 Apocalyptic mixers are still popular apparently
00:19 Apocalyptic especially trustless implementations like CoinJoin
00:19 asciilifeform iirc mp actually described one time mpex as 'can also use as 'mixer''. (tho possibly planet's most expensive mixer.)
00:19 asciilifeform nfi whether anyone in fact subscribed simply for this.
00:20 asciilifeform trinque's wallet, by this logic, also equally 'mixer'.
00:21 Apocalyptic yeah trinque better apply for a MSB license at this rate
00:21 asciilifeform ( as is any other machine that will eat your coin and later give most of it back, from not necessarily same coinbase )
00:21 Vexual one wonders how much they paid coindesk to pump the gofundme
00:22 asciilifeform by same 'logic' reich oughta be shooting miners -- what better than miner, to convert 'terrorist' moneys into 'clean' coinz
00:23 asciilifeform ( for bonus lulz, it is unclear, at least to me, that mining has ever been formally +ev, or was ever done at all for any purpose other than the above )
00:35 Vexual i'd hop on alf pool as soon as your new cesna
00:35 asciilifeform lol
00:35 Vexual i'd expect it to work
00:39 Vexual In fact, I be happier in the aircraft; mining without politics is hard to imagine
00:44 * asciilifeform not taken any serious interest in mining , since 2011 . it simply aint +ev.
00:44 snsabot (trilema) 2019-06-05 asciilifeform: ... in 2010-11, i mined just short of single coin , on junkyard-salvaged fpgas ! until then, had none at all
00:45 Vexual ever taken an introductory flight alf?
00:45 asciilifeform Vexual: nope
00:45 Vexual we oughta kickstarter that, what's it like $200?
00:46 asciilifeform Vexual: lost interest in subj when realized that -- while a tub that goes from e.g. dc to newyork can be bought 'for toyota's price', not so for a tub in which can leave continent
00:47 Vexual bloke. take the yoke
00:47 asciilifeform lol
00:47 * asciilifeform has yoke, but the toy variant.
00:48 Vexual hey, if you wanna go straight from ms to irl; i'd sit next to you
00:48 asciilifeform Vexual: what do you fly ?
00:48 Vexual not I
00:48 asciilifeform ah
00:48 Vexual I'd like to
00:49 Vexual Scared of heights
00:49 asciilifeform i, oddly enuff, not. always wished that commercial tubs had 'glass' floor, so could see.
00:49 Vexual build your own
00:50 asciilifeform was in 1 'airbus' where the chair tv thing had what claimed was a 'cockpit view' , but on examination turned out to be lame / '3d rendered'
00:52 Vexual pilot career model is always `airbus'
00:52 asciilifeform iirc davout nao flies just that for a living. hence nomoar on irc.
00:53 Vexual immarsat is cheap
00:53 asciilifeform ( but otoh the man successfully got the fuck outta programming-for-bread. which is sumthing to take hat off for )
00:54 Vexual where does he fly?
00:55 asciilifeform dun recall whether ever said.
00:55 asciilifeform said only 'finally licensed' then vanished.
00:55 Vexual many samll operators in oz for far flung places
00:57 Vexual i suspect dc biz would be joyflights
00:59 Vexual put in a subwoofer and a curtain
01:01 Vexual or go to africa. fly .cn pll where they need to go
01:02 asciilifeform pays afaik only slightly moar than driving wheeled bus
01:03 Vexual possibly, girls don't really hang out at busdriver bars tho
01:04 Vexual bus is also possibly more difficult to maintain
01:09 Vexual I've never tired flightsim
01:11 Vexual can I take a turboprop to Ramingining?
01:16 Vexual That's like 9 juicy govt contracts in one hour
~ 23 minutes ~
01:40 Vexual goin' places
01:43 Vexual
~ 4 hours 59 minutes ~
06:42 Francesca_ hello
~ 6 hours 54 minutes ~
13:37 feedbot << Qntra -- New York Businessman Who Took Down Former NYPD Commisioner Bernard Kerik Faces Charges For Operating Education Venture
~ 47 minutes ~
14:24 feedbot << Qntra -- Redditard Alleges He Sent Bitcoin To Wrong Address And Flaffs Over Coin, No Longer His
~ 28 minutes ~
14:53 curiousd0g lmao
~ 23 minutes ~
15:16 shinohai Friday lulz are best lulz
~ 26 minutes ~
15:42 feedbot << Qntra -- Ohio Man Charged For Running Bitcoin Mixer And Feds Press Asset Forfeiture Claim: Full Indictment
~ 1 hours 30 minutes ~
17:12 asciilifeform !q uptime
17:12 snsabot asciilifeform: time since my last reconnect : 2d 17h 42m
~ 4 hours 49 minutes ~
22:02 mod6 asciilifeform: Nearly done with blog post that has all of the reground vpatches for testing. Should be out later tonight, or tomorrow. (Hopefully later tonight).
22:02 * mod6 bbl
22:10 asciilifeform neato, ty mod6 .
← 2020-02-13 | 2020-02-15 →