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← 2019-09-20 | 2019-09-22 →
00:13 dllud asciilifeform, what's the specific processor on your desktop? Those numbers are tantalizing.
00:14 asciilifeform 2393SE
~ 26 minutes ~
00:41 dllud asciilifeform, do you have two of them?
00:41 dllud I was looking at some synthetic benchmarks and the gap is bigger than 1/2 the speed.
00:41 dllud
00:41 dllud
00:41 dllud They point to 1/3 the speed for single threaded performance.
00:41 dllud But the next SoC from RockChip is much closer:
00:41 dllud If, as it appears, that these benchmarks exacerbate the difference when compared to the real task of compiling stuff, then this RK3399 should be good enough for a laptop.
00:41 dllud It seems to have the same level of support in mainline Linux as the RK3328:
00:41 dllud Hmm… interesting, I was quite outdated about this.
00:44 asciilifeform << aha
00:44 snsabot Logged on 2019-09-21 00:41:33 dllud: asciilifeform, do you have two of them?
00:45 asciilifeform << usually i find actual programs that i work with every day, to be more interesting measures than e.g. 'dhrystone'
00:45 snsabot Logged on 2019-09-21 00:41:34 dllud: I was looking at some synthetic benchmarks and the gap is bigger than 1/2 the speed.
00:46 asciilifeform << >>
00:46 snsabot Logged on 2019-09-21 00:41:40 dllud: It seems to have the same level of support in mainline Linux as the RK3328:
00:49 asciilifeform << rk3399 is slightly faster but considerably more expensive ( and largely on account of the -- few -- boards it is available on, having questionable bells and whistles, e.g. soldered-on wifi )
00:49 snsabot Logged on 2019-09-21 00:41:39 dllud: If, as it appears, that these benchmarks exacerbate the difference when compared to the real task of compiling stuff, then this RK3399 should be good enough for a laptop.
00:49 asciilifeform the c101pa fwiw had the rk3399.
00:51 asciilifeform afaik to this day no one offers a rk (either type) board w/ socketed ram or pcie -- which would make it potentially 'workstationable'
00:56 dllud Bummer, that was gonna be my next question. And it seems they all have at most 4 GB RAM chips.
00:56 asciilifeform afaik no one sells an arm of any description with >4
00:57 asciilifeform with possible exception of one chinese outfit, which offered one-offs at ludicrous golden toilet 4fig prices, that i won't even bother to try and dig up link to again
00:58 dllud yeah, nevermind
00:59 asciilifeform my main gripe re the rk3328 board, wasn't even the 4g ram cap, but lack of sata ( or any means, aside from the cpu-taxing usb3 , to connect same )
01:00 asciilifeform i use'em as servers ( currently building yet another cluster ) and this is main practical limit on performance.
01:01 dllud ahahah exactly! The existence of a SATA port is the reason why I keep using SBCs with the AllWinner A20.
01:01 dllud That's why, a few minutes ago this article got me interested:
01:01 asciilifeform from my pov, those may as well be intels, 100% blob boot
01:01 asciilifeform ( the 'allwinner' that is )
01:02 dllud But it seems that Hardkernel discontinued this product.
01:02 asciilifeform right, they seem to be out of print
01:03 dllud The replacement (ODROID-N2) doesn't have SATA ports.
01:05 dllud asciilifeform, do those RKs boot without any proprietary blob?
01:05 dllud As for the AllWinners, are you referring to this: ?
01:06 asciilifeform dllud: 33xx aha
01:08 asciilifeform what i haven't even tried, is the video output in 3328. last i knew, wasn't fully functional without shitware.
01:08 asciilifeform fortunately my application doesnt use display.
~ 23 minutes ~
01:32 dllud > Hardkernel announced it was shelving the board due to sourcing problems
01:32 dllud
01:32 dllud Hm… All RK3399 getting used on Chromebooks? Does Rockchip still produce them?
01:32 dllud Any idea of Amlogic blobiness? sells a few boards with those SoCs.
01:38 asciilifeform ugh, no usb3 or sata or gb nic
01:38 asciilifeform wtf is the use of these
01:39 asciilifeform re amlogic -- no idea. last i knew rk was the only reasonably hygienic arm64; it is possible that this has changed.
01:40 asciilifeform i find board where impossible to attach fast storage, to be 100% useless tho.
~ 40 minutes ~
02:20 dllud Yup, same for me. The only interesting board with an Amlogic SoC seems to be the ODROID-N2 (Amlogic SOC).
02:20 dllud I am wondering if it can boot without blobs. At least it has plenty of USB3 ports.
02:23 dllud But I do hate USB-SATA converters. On my experience they always underperform and disconnect for no reason and such.
02:23 dllud Nothing like native SATA.
02:30 dllud asciilifeform, it seems that after all you can boot AllWinner without blobs:
02:30 dllud I am trying to track down the code.
02:33 dllud Source of that info was MoeIcenowy.
~ 7 hours 13 minutes ~
09:47 shinohai Did you read about this faux phuctorism yesterday asciilifeform?
09:47 shinohai Pretty lulzy.
~ 1 hours 31 minutes ~
11:18 asciilifeform looks pretty tedious
~ 1 hours 8 minutes ~
12:26 BingoBoingo Breaking undersized keys is not news
12:35 asciilifeform BingoBoingo: apparently there's a 'craig wright' type in that story, complete with selling magick elixirs etc. still pretty snoar.
12:38 BingoBoingo Kinda why the things hasn't been determined news. Herp derp gonna break keys of a size demonstrated breakable more than a decade ago pls to buy my Quantum Copywriting
← 2019-09-20 | 2019-09-22 →