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← 2021-05-26 | 2021-05-28 →
00:00 asciilifeform whaack: what's it take to get the passport ?
00:01 whaack From memory, I think you need to live here for 7 years and pass a Spanish test and culture test
00:08 * whaack is really not sure though
~ 1 hours 16 minutes ~
01:24 thimbronion asciilifeform: passport is obtainable after 10 cummulative years in country
01:25 thimbronion I met one girl who got residency via a fake adoption.
01:25 thimbronion Alternatively, the strategy mp suggested of impregnating a local also worx.
01:28 thimbronion Recently got a hot tip about it being fairly easy to get a passport in Montenegro, but I don't see myself learning the language.
~ 18 hours 7 minutes ~
19:35 thimbronion !ticker xbtusd
19:35 lekythion Kraken XBTUSD: 38729.80000
19:37 thimbronion Download does feel a bit slow from my CR server.
19:45 thimbronion If anyone is interested in mp-wp hosting in CR I may consider setting up a chrooted environment with mp-wp built in.
~ 2 hours 40 minutes ~
22:26 thimbronion One droplet down, two more to go.
← 2021-05-26 | 2021-05-28 →