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← 2021-05-17 | 2021-05-19 →
09:25 thimbronion wow spiked did a lot of the stuff to mp-wp that I want to do. Great stuff.
~ 10 hours 38 minutes ~
20:03 thimbronion !ticker xbtusd
20:03 lekythion Kraken XBTUSD: 42644.30000
20:04 asciilifeform 42.6443 when!11
20:05 thimbronion soon
20:05 asciilifeform it's a ferris wheel, but 100metres off the ground.
20:07 thimbronion It really is. Literally nothing new. The news goes around in a circle, like the price. There's a "make noobs shit pants" button somewhere at Reuters HQ.
20:08 asciilifeform aaha.
20:08 asciilifeform see also.
20:08 snsabot (asciilifeform) 2021-04-23 asciilifeform: a major moving part behind the price swings are the people who run this heat engine -- 1) spread fud re bitcoin 2) 'buy the dip' 3) drum up enthusiasm among morons 4) sell dear 5) goto 1, nao w/ moar coin, extracted from morons on both strokes of the engine piston
← 2021-05-17 | 2021-05-19 →