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← 2020-04-14 | 2020-04-16 →
11:33 shinohai TIL A policeman and news editor in Uruguay were given permission by gov to participate in a duel: https://archive.is/RWQUc
~ 43 minutes ~
12:17 BingoBoingo lol, yeah. Legal duels were a thing here up until the 1990's
~ 24 minutes ~
12:41 PeterL thimbronion: how much of the floorplan would you have to reconfigure to make it "social distancing" acceptable? For example, where I work we are all spread out more than 2m all the time anyway?
12:42 thimbronion PeterL: the details, to everyone's horror, are unspecified.
12:42 PeterL I guess it makes work and therefore stimulates the sagging economy, right?
12:44 thimbronion PeterL: Heh right.
12:46 PeterL speaking of stimulus, in the US the stimulus checks got deposited today, and now all the banks' websites are crashing under the heavy load
~ 34 minutes ~
13:20 * asciilifeform afaik aint getting one, sadly
13:29 PeterL asciilifeform: how did you manage to get excluded? wern't they giving one to "everybody"?
13:42 asciilifeform PeterL: mno, not errybody. read the fineprint.
~ 20 minutes ~
14:03 thimbronion Lower middle class in California and above excluded.
14:06 thimbronion Because they won't burn anything down.
14:06 asciilifeform good % of skilled labour (such as it is in usa) excluded, aha
14:07 asciilifeform thimbronion: the 'burners-down' are afaik ~unaffected by the shitdown, they get their payola no matter what
14:08 thimbronion Also, afaict based on *previous year* income. Lol.
14:09 asciilifeform naturally
~ 3 hours 38 minutes ~
17:47 feedbot http://mvdstandard.net/2020/04/local-malls-negotiating-amongst-themselves-for-a-coordinated-reopening/ << The Montevideo Standard -- Local Malls Negotiating Amongst Themselves For A Coordinated Reopening
← 2020-04-14 | 2020-04-16 →